THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 5 Dr. William Sloan l akes position In A Wilson Hospital r William Sloan left yesterday - ." W-'sor.. X, C where he has ac- i a position as resident physi- r. the Woodard-Herring Hoepi ' -hat place. "'.:. Sloan who made a very br:! " ,-e.urd a: -college, is a graduate " !..( University, and of the Med- i . licjre of anderbilt Univer Following his graduation from ..: i ; he etrved his internship at ... . F.&.n.-t; Hospital, of Peoria M Dr. few months he was in the " hie uncles. Dr. Thomas and '! Stringfield. As a member of Reserve Corps, he wats :r.:o service ana nas oeen lor : month? in a CCC camp near : City. .,.an -omnanied as far his brother. Mr. Bob-, and Mr. Ernest L. Withers, students at Duke University. Hugh J, Sloan Special Agent NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. WaynesviHe, N. C. Read The Ads ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of :i- (State of Robert H. Snyder, de u'.ied, this is to notify all persons '.living claims against the estate of the .i-ccurtd t file their claims with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Hay wood County on or before the 2nd 'oay of January, 1U37, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery . Any persons indebted to said es tate will please make settlement at ince. This the 2nd day of January, 1936. W. A. BRADLEY, Administrator of the estate of Robert H. Snyder. No. 432 Jan. 2-9-16-23-30-Feb .6. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONERS SALE. .STATE OP NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HAYWOOD. T. W. FERGUSON ". vs. . Dollie Ferguson, Z. V. Ferguson, and wife, Bettie Ferguson, J, C, Fergu son and wife, Maude Ferguson, L. Ferguson, widow of X. C. Fergu son, deceased, Charks Ferguson and wife, Glennie Ferguson, Geneva Grahl and Husband. C. L. Grahl, Blanche M df ord and husband, Fred Boone Medford, M. M. Noland, wid ower, Pauline Davis and Husband Henry Davis, Pearl Kirkpatrkk and husband M. M. Kirkpatrick, Daisy Ferguson and husband Millard Fer guson, Cleareey Ferguson, widow of vV. R. Ferguson, deceased, T. W. Ferguson, Executor C. T. A. of the Estate of N. R. Ferguson, deceased, T. W. Ferguson, Administrator of the Estate of H. C. Ferguson, de ceased, F. W. Branson and Charlie Branson, trading as Branson Motor Company, J. R. Hlpps, R. T. Boyd, The First National Bank of Waynes viHe, Trustee, W. L. Harris, trad ing as Harris Sales and Service, W. T. Shelton and E. J. Hyatt, trading as Hyatt and Company. Notice is hereby given that the un designed Commissioners, W. T. Craw ford and William T. Hannah, will of fer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the hereinafter described lands at the court house door in Waynes viHe, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon on the 3rd day of February, This notice is under the authority et' the Judgment of the Superior Court entitled T, W. Ferguson vs. Dollie Ferguson, et als and the land to be !d is described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING on a chestnut comer ' W. R. Ferguson's, W. B. Morrow and J. S. Harrell land and runs N. 13 W. about 100 poles to a cartway running from the public road to Mor row tract; thence with said cartway to the public road; thence with the said Public road a west course with said public road leading from Pigeon River to Jonathan Creek to a stake Jby the side of Faid Road near trail; thence S. 73 W. 46 poles to a Black Oak Stump, Nelson Ward's corner; thence S. 38 W. 20 poles with the Ward line to a Chestnut on top of the ridge; thence a southwest course along the top f said ridge with Ward's line to a Black Oak corner of Miller and Mor row land; thence ,S. 64 W. 42 poles to a Spanish Oak, (gone) ; thence N. 4 poles to a Pine, conditional cor ner of a 50 acre tract known as the He Hen Nekon land; then a near west course to a Chestnut near the forks a branch and near the public road leading from Pigeon River to Jona than Creek; thence ud said to top of ridge, known as Miller Gap thence a south course with the top of Rdge to a double Chestnut; then a southwest course to a rock cliff in "avid Nelson line, now J. T. Harrell; vnene South 19 N. ahout 45 poles '( a Hickory; thence N. 72 East 50 Ptles to a White Oak in W. R. Fer sruson's, W. B. Morrow tract; thence ith the outside line of a small tract Snown as the Lebo Medford tract to the W. B. Morrow line on a ridge; thence down the ridge to J. M. Dot ;on's line, thence a North Course with J- M. Dotson line to the BEGINNING, Containing 250 acres more or less-" Th:s the 30th day of December. 1935 W. T. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM T. HANNAH, Commissioners. N-- 431 Jan. 2-9-16-25. Garners Back Home From Japan f . - -- Mr. and Mrs. Garner Vice President John Garner and Mrs, Garner were enthusiasts about their trip to Japan but confessed they were glad to be bad io .United States when they arrived back in Washington. FORMER WAYNESVILLE PASTOR MARRIES IN (iREENi'KORO A wedding of much interest through out Western North rarolin.-i ami other sections of the state was- that of Mis Morenc.e Kern, ol ' Urevaul, and the Rjv .1 11 Vf ' f fK -M,.tl,.i;vt church uf Randleman. . The .'cerenumy took place on Wednesday at'teinnun, December the 1Mb, in liivensuoro at thf home of Bishon Paul li. Kern. cousin of the biide, with the bishop officiating'. Attending the cercimmv were onlv the immediate family of Mr. West. Rpv. C Wi'.'ivrr. nre.viilini' elder of the Greensboro district ami mem Iters of Bishop Kern's family. Following the ceremony tne Kev. and -Mrs. West left immediatelv for Randleman where they will make their home in the Methodist parsonage there. .Mrs. West, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. .losenh Mason Kern, is a native, of '.Mississippi,, but has lived in . Brevard the past -to years. Mi e formerly taught in llrevard Institute in thi pavlv davs of its establishment and later was in business in Brevard. She has been active in community and church circles during the years of her residence in Brevard. ! Th Rev. Mr. : West was for four years presiding elder of this district and made his home in WaynesviHe during that time. He has been a tta conference of the Methodist C"hrcn, South, lor many years, ne is me f.tVior nf tin. Rpv. Walter West. Pre siding elder of the Asheville district. who was a lormer pastor oi me a nesville Methodist church. Charter -.Members Of Rotary Meet Twi-Ive charter niembeis of the Rotary Club, which w;is organ ized 11 years ago, and the present, 25 members were 'guests of the Metho dist women at. luncheon last Friday. The women gave- this luncheon in recognition of their appreciation of the club meeting with them for several years. IU ginning this week t he club will meet in the new I'antist Sunday .school annex. Each of the charter- members spoke briefly, and this constituted the program. TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate (As Krrimleil in Miiiuta Noon ill' lllis Wtt'L). ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator C. T. A. of the estate of Max M Bryant, deceased, this is to notify al! persons having claims against the es tate of Max M. Bryant, to file same with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, or me, on or hr fore the 23rd day of November, 1M6, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of such claim. All persons indebted to said estate will please make settlement at once to the undersigned. This the 23rd day of November, 1935. WILLIAM MLUFOtUJ, Administrator, C. T. A., of the Es tate of Max iM. Bryant, Deceased. No. 417 Dec. 5-12-19-26-Jan. 2-9. : --' NOTICE Under and by virtue of the power r,f aia in a dpd of trust exe cuted to the undersigned, as Trustee, by R. K. Seward, and A. P. Hatch to io ure a balance of purchase money tor the land hereinafter described, dated AuguM 3, 1925, and i-ecorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Haywood County, North Carolina, in Book of Mortgages arid Deeds i Trust No. 15, at page 216, default having been made in the payment of the principal and interest secured by said deed of trust whereby the towcr of sale became operative, and the un dersigned having been requested to exercise the power of sale contained in said deed of trust, the undersigned will .sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash on Monday, Jan uary 6, 1936, at noon, at the county court house door in the Town of WaynesviHe, County of Haywood. State of North Carolina, the property descrrbed in said aeed oi trust, Demg the following described real estate .!n6n iti WviMRvillp Townshh). County of Haywood and State of North Carolina, to-wit: Beginning on a stake in the old Howell Mill Road, Calhoun's corner, and runs with his line N. 38 45" West 697 feet to a stake, Calhoun's corner; thence with his line South 50" 15' West 105 feet to a stake. Smart's corner in Calhoun's line; thence with Smart's line North 38 45' West 462 feet to a stake. Smart's corner; thence N. 69' E. 765 feet to a stake, a stone corner; thence East 349 feet to a stone corner ; thence South 23 East 834 feet to the Howell Mill Road: thence with said road South 34 West 193 feet; thence North 85 30' West 176 feet; thence South 53" West 226 feet to the beginning, con taining twenty and two-tenths (20.2) acres.; .' This property will be offered for sale subject to unpaid taxes, if any, and such title will be conveyed as is vested in said Trustee, The the 3rd day of December. 1935. J. R.MORGAN, Trustee. . No. 418 .Dec. 12-19-26-Jan. 2. Bedverdam Township E. V. Lance, et ux, to-M. 11. Lancci (I. ('. Hardin to F. O. Brooks. Geo. W. Sutter. Tr. for T. H, l)e- j Bold to Jackson County Bank. Last rork Township .Mrs. J.'.H. Henson, Admix., to -M. L. Shipman. ' East Fork Township. C. L. l'les and M. N. Heatherly to E. J. Gnrris. Iron Duff Sallie 'McElroy to Clinton Crawford. I'igeon Township Mi s, J. H. ; Henso'n, Admix, to M. L. Shipman. WaynesviHe Township C. W. Cooper, e- ux, to John H. Sriiathers. A. T. Ward; Tins., to V. 11. Burgin. J. C. Welch, Sheriff, to J. Webster Derrick. State of North Carolina to Com. of World War Veterans Loan Fund. W, O, Davis, et hx, to K. A. Davis. rightHotBeds Assure Good Plants A good grade of canvas having 26 strands to the . inch' used on tobacco seed beds will help protect young plants from flea beetles and cold weather. To keep the beetles out however, the seed bed must be iade tight. It is sug gested that six-inch boards, stood on their' sides, be placed s round the. bed, with soil banked around their bases. The canvas is stretched over the boards. As an additional protection, a strip of ground about two feet wide en circling the bed may be planted to tobacco. If the tobacco in the strip is kept poisoned regularly, it will serve as a trap for the beetles. Polef- may be placed around the margin of the trap,-' Since flea beetles often wreak se rious damage to tobacco beds, Bran non is urging the growers to take ev ery precaution possible. Napthalene flakes have been found good in the control of small works in the tobacco beds. Tight beds will hold the gas much longer than a loosely constructed bed. and in them a more effective worm control is possible. Even if a srower does not plan to seed his. tobacco bed for a few weeks yet he should start preparing the beds right away so as to have them in good condition at seeding time. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. Having quaNfied as administrator of the estate of Mattie R. Toy, de ceased, late 'of the county of Hay wood, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims) against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the un dersigned at WaynesviHe. N. C, Route No. 2, on or before the 9th day of December, 1986, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 10th day of December, 1935. , - VAN TOY. Administrator of the Estate of Mat tie R. Toy. No. 424 Dec. 12-19-26-Jan. 2-9-15 Basketball Season For High School To Begin January 10 For nn.'ie than a weci before the Christmas holidays Coaches Wcatherby and Steely sent their bask etball candidates through, practices in preparation for their first game of t!U'n January 10. A double header will oe i laved here with Clyde hiv.i'i isch.uii on ;his date. The only regular returning from last year's qa.r.tet is Garrett Reeves, guard. However a host of new material s expivttil to give the boys one of the besi teams in rceiit years. Joe Cathey fbrnur Bethel high star, is expected to bo a leading can didate. G. W. Smith, a newcomer, Dick Whisenhunt and Wade F'rank !in were showing good form in early practice. These beys, with Yount. Sum nurrow, Moore, Byrd, Jack Smith, Stent:'., Hoyle and Chaffin, will make plenty of fight for first string poli tic ns. The girls are expected to again be a strong contender for the annual honors which are passed out in West ern Carolina. Sarah Welch, Hazel Winkler and Evelyn Jones, regulars of the past campaign, are the players around which Coach Weatherby hopes to build another strong team. Joan 1'hillips and Mollie Gaddis, out last season, have returned a bolster the squad, Hurress, Rogers, Wyatt, and Messer ar( other outstanding candi dates reporting for early practice. Garrett Reeves Placed On All Western N. C. Team Garrett Reeves, the Mountain trV ace back, received the honor of being, placed on ;he Citizen-Times All-Western football team. This is an annual award given to football playtrs r.m-r-iikred outstanding by sport writers and coa.lus of Western North Caro lina. I'au! Jones, sport editor of the Citi zen, had the following to .-ay in regard to Coach We-itherby's fullback : "Reeves, said to be the mo-t valuable player to the Mountaineers, played a star role throughout the season. He kiiked off for the Mountaineers . . . ami a'.ioVe ail was a great blocker. Outside of doing all these jobs wel , he found time to core 56 jioitits and K ad his team scoring." Garrett Reeves is in the junior class; thus he will return to the Mountaineer squad next season. Big Bell liryson, WaynesviHe out standing lineman, won a place on the third team. This tackle is in the sc. -ond year ehis and no doubt will be an outstanding candidate for lop hon ors next year. Cathey, Rathbone. Summerrow, and Hyrd were given honorable mention, Joe Cathey and Frank Byrd will re turn next season to fight for fir-t team berths. FREE CALENDAR Local storee selling Black-Draught and Cardui have a limited number of copie? of the new 1936 ladies Birth day Almanac. Demand for these popular almanacs is reported to be heavier this year than ever before. They are free to tho-e who ak for one. as iong a? the --upi)y lasts. Only 1- men understand Mr. Einstein's, theory of relativity. Which is 11 more than can compre hend this ''planned economy" busi ness. Haille Selassie fears that ho will lose his throne if lie concede any torritorv In Italy, and, on the other hand, if the Italians, win, lie may loso it anyway. The cost of feeding the hungry is a dreadful burden almost equal to our national expenditure for liquor. SMOl l.I CRIMINALS HE COD DLED? Read what a distinguished educator says about the dangers of pampering criminals and preserving the feeble minded and weaklings. One of many interesting illustrated stories in the January i" issue of the American Weekly, the big magazine which comes regularly with the. 'BALTI MORE SUNDAY AMERICAN. (images (As Kivui'ilctl lo Monthly Ntwm of tills WtH'k) Get Rid of Poisons Produced by Constipation A cleansing laxatlvfr purely veg tobie Blaok-Draugnt U the flnrt Uiought of UxHiaMMte of man and women who hare found tht by re torlng tha downward idotcrmxiI of Vm koU Buy dlMcneabl ymptonw ft oasUMtloo prampUy can b rltrra4. . . Mr. P. lUhtty. o( CUBfcm. . C. vrttM: "I ban found that Blaek-OnoKh la vary affaetiT in tba olaanalna of tba ayatam. Wban aflactad by Cm auU baad aab. tha drowalnaaa and laaaltada aasaad by aaoaupatloa, I taka laai-Dvaaalit.'' A nataraJ, puraly nfatabla laaaUwa. LAC K-DRAUGHT Civil Mason to Lucille Clarke, both of Canton. Rob White io Josephine lnman, both of Canton, Ko. James F. Trembly to Kate McMahon Trembly, both of Hazelwtxitl. Horace Woods to Martha Wyatt, both of Route 1, WaynesviHe. Forest G.. Hardin to Grace Davis, both of Canton. Tom Case, of Canton, to Ruth Suttles, of llalfour. Edgar Rhinehart to Dora 1-ec Am nions, both of Route I, WaynesviHe. Shoe epairing It Matters Not How Badly Worn Your Shoes May Be ... We Can Fix 'em as good as New HRIXfJ THEM TO THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP Next lo Western I'nion 666 flierks COLDS mitl FEVER first tlay ,. , , ,. , HEADACHES !kulv'-ts,. Iinis in 30 iniiinte Women's Coats Reduced Fur Trimmed 50 Sport Types . . . . .. .25 Children's (8 to 14) 25 BARGAINS FOR YOU C.E. Ray's Sons PRINTING That SATISFIES Letter Heads Statements Envelopes Special Forms The Mountaineer 31