THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1936 Reception Honors Rev. And Mrs. Baucom And Opens L. M. Welch Building Here Personais THE WAYNKSVILLE MOUNTAINEER Pae 7 ::i'.t , .b'ervance of the silver wed .:rt: anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. H. u Baucom and the formal opening VV hi Lucius M. Welch . Sunday i.-LY. Annex, of the First Baptist V, - nnnof hall sf building-. The entire three vt-re thrown open for inspec. ui-h the color note of green whin- which was used in the r-r appointments of the honor '-'"at their marriage twenty-five auo prevailing. Many friends ; 'luring the evening to congrat- IVv and iurs. caucom ann ine ..ieiMt:on on me cunipiewun in ine building. Ti' banquet hall was lavishly de ,.r...p4 jn the chosen colors. The rear f - j-all was arranged in a massed .'irt'. if tall evergreens with floor v'irV.i-!:ibra holding white tapers on 'r- ride. In front of this was the "vV -able, which was covered in a iiar.'lme lace cloth, centered by a !v,r bowl of white carnations, swan o'mu and silver foliage, with silver iiiii 'Jhrystal hotdeiV W$h Jghted '.,iu-r. placed at intervals. In the wm'lows.were placed sprays of hem lock and baskets of white narcissi, wi-h l.sjhted tapers arranged in each window. The spaces between the windpws tyre re filled with graceful arrar.irements of ferns in tall stand ' arJ.-. Receiving at the iront aoor were ws Mildfi i'd Crawford an'rt Mprs. jack Messer. Mrs. R. N. Barber, in a jr, of blue lace with corsage of pink carnations introduced the guests o the members ot the receiving line, in thU group were Rev. and Mrs. H. W. ijaucom, the latter wearing a be ,.niir!g gown of black velvet, with b:w-ttn- trimmings and corsage of A!-::r nise.- and swansonia, Miss fMitr: Kaueom, in maroon velvet with r-age of yellow roses. Rev. and ,- 1; S. Ti-uesdale, Rev. Albert ;,'... ';.nd I"- R- Walker. Mi-. Henry I'nvis ,'ivcU'il the t the u-gist ry, which con :;ir,,i !!. nanuv of the honor guest; silver . lettering and was after ward presented to them as a souvenir ,.f the happy occasion. 3jrs. Joe Tate was in charge of the registra- M;- -. Margaret. Walker, presided at the taile where the silver offering was made.. Rev. and Mrs. II. W. Bau com having requested that instead of personal gifts to them their friends make a silver offering toward the fund to complete payment on the building. One special gift from the Woman's Missionary Society was a silver box containing fifty 50 cent pieces. Many of the friends wishing to remember the Imnor guests also, sent gifts as well as made a silver offering to the fund. Presiding at the tea table during the 'itrs: hour were Mrs, Lawrence Green and Mrs; Grayden Ferguson, and during the last hour Mrs. Paul Walk er and Mrs. Hurst Burgin poured. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Fred Saundfers.v, Mrs. Ben Walker; Mifcs Mary Pauline Plott, Miss Frances Burgin. Miss Gladys Dicus, Miss Ha Green, Miss Mary Penland McCrack en, Miss Jewel Hipps, and Mis.. May Crawford. Others receiving in the banquet hall were Mrs. Sam Jones and Miss Mary Ruby DavU, the latter . directing the guests to the . stairvay leading to the second floor. A delightful musical program w;as given during the evening, with Mrs. Lawrence Green and Mrs. Kvander Preston in charge. . Miss Mildred Crawford sang, "Because," which was included in the nuptial music ot he wedding twenty- years ago. Piano selections rendered by Mrs. Evander Preston, Miss I la Green, Miss Mary Penland MeCracken and Miss Margaret Walker. Following the musical features the guests were invited to the second floor, which contains the intermediate de partment rooms. Here Mrs. Joe Liner, assisted by a group of young Mr. and Mrs. Alton Kirfcpatrick, of Shelby, who have spent the Christ mas holidays with the latter's mother Mrs. Jamts M. Mock, lef: Mondav for their home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur and daughter. Betty, iciiii., spent tr.e thnstma as the guests of Dr. and M-Walker. Just Among Us WOMEN Hil Withers ?"1K,n--;h . f Memphis. I h!-h time-If. ma, holiday wh R. P. Miss Catherine Mar: in is .pending the Christmas holiday.- as the guest of Miss Frances Hubbs at her home in t'hatlotte. Mr. and Mis. I). V.'. Sipe, of Ral eigh, spent the Christmas holidays as the gues's of the latter's mother 'Mrs M. F. Albright. V Mr. Earl Moffit, of Asheville. spent the Yuletide season with Mis Jessie Hen en and Mrs. Lucile Foy, while his daughter. Miss Eleanor Moffit, went :.o New York for the holidays. i: !, Miss Gussie Martin, who teaches at Waterville, vas the guest during t'hristmas of her brother and si.ster. Mr. and .Mrs. O.R. Martin. Dr. and Mrs. 0. T. Alexander have returned this week after spending the Christmas vacations with relatives in Charlotte. Mrs. (I. X. llenson and daughter, Miss Ruth Hensi n. of Gastonia. s!Hnt Christmas with the former's paients. Have you planned your New Year's resolution? the calendar savs its you are a bit hazy and h line to take in re solving for the coming year about those many things you have k'ft un in the past and would honestly like to make a ges ture toward . turning over a "new leaf "Read -"These I .will Keep" an article by Mrs. George B. Simmons in the January number of the Good Housekeeping Magazine Mi-s. Sim mons, who is known as America's close to the earth philosopher," takes stock of life at the end of the eld year and give- many timely sug gestions as we approa.h the new She contends that we are over burdened now that rather than add new resolutions to our livc We take a general inspection of the influences of the past year how far they have affected our actions in which direction we are drifting hu; surely on our way headed somewhere we spun a lot f t'nu' and thought on non-essentials tharc is so much to clutter up our lives iisele.-s luggage yet we must be a re fill as we . discard; to hold fas: O those things which time can not change the joy of a real Mr. and Mrs. 1' Turly;i: 1 ! lelld- usual it a passing quaintance : 1 I :h't am Annie week Ma:-U Ji. ( o w ivng-t'r.a: friendly princ:- -loval- judgir.g by the past we ex,ect a mixture of shadows and sun-.-hine bui as we pass over the threshold of l'.'Mli we are the richer or the poorer by one year's experience and there lies ahead of us the thrill of twelve brand new, ant raveled months and ivt-n though some of us may pose from Time to time a.s being sophisticated after all we ate merely human beings vrealed so -hat whether we admit it or not as we tun; the leaves of the calendar from year to year we cherish ill our hearts that great saving grace of Hope. Mrs. Jessie Massie .MeCracken and FIRST three children, Miss W ilma MoCrack en. Mr. Paul MeCracken. and Mr. William MeCracken, of Rock Hill, S C, soent Christmas as the guest of Mrs. T. X. Massie. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Siler had as their guests on Christmas Dav the latter's aunts. Misses Ann and Cor rie Kerr, of Asheville. Mrs. Carol Bel! and young daugh ter. Carol Louise Bell, have returned from a viis: to the former's mother i:: Live Oak, Fla. . Miss Margaret Boone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Boone, of An drews, who makes her home in Wash ington. 1). ( .. was the guest during the eek ef her grandmother. Mrs. .(. !. Boon.'. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Stovall and rhildien. and Mr. and Mrs. Felix Stov aU and young daughter nn:ored to Cleveland. Ga., on Sunday where they attended a family dinner party. Robert Peter Walker, Ministr We cordially invite everybody to attend church New Year Sunday. The pastor will speak on a Xew Year chal lenge, "Choose Ye the Dav When Ye Will Serve." The Bible sclipol meets promotiy at 9:4.3. Preaching at 11. and Christian En deavor at 0:l!i). Midweek -ervi.e Wednesehv 7:00. CARD OF THANKS The children of Mr. Eugene Corzit wish to extend their thanks to all these who befriended them at the time of the sudden death of Mr. Corzine. also to express their appreciation for tlie beautiful flora! tributes. THF. CORZ1NE CHILDREX. The three wise men attracted great attention in Bethlehem l'.Kio years ago, but we've got so used to wise men nowaday that we set little value on them. glle - Ml tv 0 mas .lame -; .1; n- r. II. W ho s.Orlil with" Mr. iir.a-. Have ' v:::i! :;e onS near 1 axewv.l. Umi . and M children, R. ti ll t.'in i.-- -:d Mi 'That id i ir. e: in Miss Ethil Craig, wh.. spei'i Christ-ma.- with relatives in Charlotte and Gastonia, leturned to W'aviie-viile on Mondav. ! '.Mrs. Rutli Deaton has returned to town after pending the Yuletide sea son with her mother, Mrs. Zeb Deaton, at her home in Kernersville, X, C. I v I Mr. Carl Underwood, who is a sen ior at State College, lias returned to Raleigh after spending the holidays with his mother, Mrs. R. L. Under wood. Mrs. John H. Smathers left on Tuesday for St. Petersburg, Fla., where she will visit her siMer, Mrs. Waller Sherman. :' Mr, and : Mrs. Mrk .Killian. of A-sheville, s-pem A couple of days during Christmas week as the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. I). M. Killian. ivCe'p ivi a IHlgllt did to for l, that girls in the department received ami served green and white mints. Quantities of greenery and Poinsett tas in shades of pink and rose adorn ed the rooms. .1 On the third fioor Mis,; Evelyn Underwood, superintendent of tha junior department, presided, and salt ed nuts were served the guests by a group of the small girls in the depart ment. As a distinctive feature of en- were tertainment here the guests enjoyed a miniature wedding scene with little Miss Janet to Burgi, daugbfu jr of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Burgin,, as the bride and Charles Leatherwood, son of Rev. and Mrs, Frank Leatherwood OUR AGENCY ONE COMPLETE SERVICE ;;;;;.;;;;.;;.';: .-;v Let this agency handle all your insurance needs with ne complete service. Give yourself the peace of mind that gees with dependable insurance thoughtfully applied,-. Bradley-Davis Co. INStTRANCE ''KAL ESTATE RENTAXjS Telephone 77 t :.c in- to hour- t ha without them" ve alway.- fa::h buiiii. wr.eiv doul; ofter u -arilv ieais livwn and destroy in the battle of life -for d certainly is a tumultuous affair faith serves any man or woman as an .indestruct ible, shield She also recommends tol erance understanding and : forgive ness to othe rs. But With all the philosophy we try . to develop we know not what the v new vear will bring Mr. Robert L. Ferguson left on Sunday for Fort Totten, New York, after a visit of two months with his mother here. This was his first visit home since joining the army in 1935. Until recently he was stationed in Honolulu. :'. Miss May Crawford, who is director of physical education in the girls high school of Sumter, S. C., returned to her duties on Tuesday after spending the holiday season with her family here. . . iMr. and Mrs. Jimmy Goulden, of Knoxville, Tenn., the latter the former Miss Anna Gordon McDowell, were Waynesville visitors, during Christ mas. They were accompanied home by their sister, Miss Edwina Mc Dowell, who spent part of the holi days with them in Knoxville. Mr. Macon Hipps, of Charlotte, was the guest during the past week of Mr, Joe . lack Atkins. and Mr. James Har den Howell, Jr. Captain and Mrs. W. F. Swift and children, MLs Hazeltine Swift. Mr. Bill Swift and Jimmy Swift, and Mrs. H. B. Atkins were the guests on he as the groom. Here white, green, andchristmas Day of the formers zbiter suver were e.ieeiive ll"u r " , -.and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Henry T, decorations, with silver wedding bells placed advantageously among the greenery. Much of the credit of the success of the occasion was due to Mrs. R. N. Barber, the general chairman and her committee, composed of Mrs. Joe Tate, Mrs. Jack Messer, Mrs. Paul Walker, and Mrs. Harst Burgin. Rev. and Mrs. Baucom came to Waynesville in 1930 from Wilmington, the former becoming pastor of the First Baptist church here. They have made countless friends during their residence here not only among the member of their own congregation, but in the community at large. Rev. Baucom is a native of Wake countv. and a graduate of Wake for est College, with two years resident work at the Southern Baptist Iheo logical Seminary, of Louisville, Since leaving the Seminary he has served the church at Carthage, four vears. was one year with the Amen can army in t rance during tne worm War; four years as pastor of the Salem church in Winston-Salem; five years as pastor of the Temple church in Wilmington. Mr. Baucom was married twenty five year ago to Miss Addle Tyner, of Lumberton. '.. She is a graduate of Meredith College. They have vn sort, the Rev. H. W. Baucom, Jr., of Muxohy. and two daugrrtera, MTe Franklin Spencer, of Raleigh, and Miss Edith Baucom, a sophomore at Meredith College. How Galotabs Help Nature , To Throw Off a Bad Cold Millions have found in Calotabs a roost valuable aid In the treatment M colds. They take one or two tab iw.016 and repeat the urd or fifth night If needed. How do Calotabs help Nature wow off a cold? First, Calotabs is r?e.f the most thorough and de pendable of all Intestinal ellmlnants, us cleansing the Intestinal tract of uia germ-laden mucus and toxines. Second, Calotabs are diuretic to the kidneys, promoting the elimination of cold poisons from the system. Thus Calotabs serve the double purpose of a purgative and diuretic, both of which are needed in the treatment of colds. . , Calotabs are quite economical; only twenty-five cents for the family pad age, ten cents for the trial package, (Adv.) Sharpe at their home in Asheville. '."- Mr. Frederick". Love was the guest during the Christmas holiday? of his mother. Mrs. Hettie Love. He re turned to Charlotte on Sunday. .''.. Dr. Wilbur: SL---k, who was the guest of his parents, during the Christmas vacations, left on Sunday for Cin cinnati, where he is serving his in. terneship in the General Hospital of that city. Air. Cola Allen, who spent the Yule tide season as the guest of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allen, left on Sunday for hi home in Kaieign. Among those from out of town at tending the funeral of Mr.i. Nora Welch Ashton on Thursday was Mr. John W. Welch, of Athens, C.a. . (Miss Henrietta Bain, of Asheville, was the guest over the week-end of Miss Margaret Ashton. ,. Dr. Charles Padgett, who formerly resided in Waynesville, but who is now practicing hie profession in Shel by, was the guest of friends m town during the week. ''':.-.'. ... ' ;'.'''- ' Miss Henrietta Love, who was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Hettie Love, has returned to Raleigh. .; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan and young daughter, Linda, spent the Christmas season as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, S. H. Bushnell. ;. Mrs. Joe Howell was called to Can dor, N. C, during the week on account of the death of her father. Some weeks agb she was called home on account of his illness,, but he was much improved and she had recently returned to town. - ' - " ' ' , '-, Dr. and Mrs. S. P. Gay have return ed from Fountain where they were called on- account of the illness and death of the former's mother, which occurred on Christmas Eve. Wear eady-lo- Every Garment Sharply Reduced Hats Reduced $2.95 Hats 1.49 $1.95 Hats 95c& 1.49 See Us For SWEATERS Hats-Coats-Dresses-Ladies Jackets-Knit Suits Children's Coats and Snow Suits Also Reduced Fur Trimmed Coats Half Price Ladies' Will Fnd Many Attractive Coats in this Group. These Smart, New Coats Will be Good Next Fall Nelly Dons REDUCED $5.95 Values .... $7.95 Values . . . . 3.95 595 Sport Coats Reduced . . . Knit Suits Reduced . ... Suede &W00I Jackets Reduced t With every purchase of 50c or more we give you a ticket on $100.00 Cash prizes being given away January 17. G R ay's Sops 7C

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