I 1 The Pest Afive:-tisinB Medium In llavtt.,d Coumu -i ul:iNheii At Ii,e Lastern Ln trance u ihe ;r,l Smoi;-. Mount-iin Vmoinl l'irk f ' ' -Head bv J hmking People I HI KSDAV. J AN 1'AKY I'T;. i; v. .n m:s n.i.i:. nokth capoi.in I . .' Ill Wfammsmmmmmm -t " - ZS CtAT'MM1 ift 1 r.i si i .1 A y OL. XLYlll NO T " ttftf - B w jnroucaviuc oil 311 lire I MM I Deem Building And Loan Officials Are Most Optimistic Fcr '36 1 'resident Prevost- Predicts Pudding Poom Here Thi rpnn,. All Directors j He-elected Speed Passage of Bonus Bill 'I ho .-gvoiiteenth annual meeting :i.e .stockholders of the Haywo.o iluihting and Loan Association. .- iivlti here Tuesday evening, with r:y members present, was termed :!i.-n.;s to ha e been the best an.! , e;:ini:-l:c .'rii pi ev.liMnr, thun -.mi'.ar met ;rnt cf tin- as-wi:;'- .::.c its organ '-.a! on in ll'l:'. , S. li. liushlic!), -: aticn owned ;;. .-id is'ltUa'a' :.. " :: ash Kj,i - v ' : : ilnsSot -Uiiagiista Furniture Co Socially 31inded J mine ol Juvenile Court PoinN Out Need In County e;ard in N ejected Children KM; !;;: v .! th ; n i . ' lvn, idi'i-k of Iho stipiMior and 1 y virtue of his oiliee, judtre ; .ui elide eoui-t, went into de- "'' Un- work :n an address to the !!'!. I;ivt l-'ndav. noiniii',- Leases Idle Plant From County For 5 Years. Repair Crews At Work Unaiusta President led. p, ii :n ! lie eoun: v b, :n. o kronie 'Vo,'iall e era I ui, .an i i;a I o; , n , ,:; on.'.v to ret urn h i lle let:. M,. -I', a'er o 1.. I U-vi Jl i'.L no . Ad- i:. .1. idoiidtiv vru I'l'e d s were . Hvatt, O. . .lit) yd. 1 e: i:. i . 11. ldishn. d (lion. W. H, XI. Ivi'Tmnl t ite warning of U.diiy Mai;i nthau, secretary of th.- tr. a ury, v. h n he ypjx-aivd befui-e t lnv i i tirte finance committee, h ft to 1 !tdit,' natoi's Harrison, Couz. ns and Key, s, that. )as;uiKo of Or- eomj.ro ':n.,e "baby bond" bonus bill' might increase to ?1 1 ,30O.0O0',0Jt th,i v.voissmy Ua.;ury finaucin? in the next 17 months, the- -.oniniitlou .-Pl u the bnl toward passage. 7.. Jo l(l( Men Will Pe (Jiven Work In Plant I hat Cinsed M earv, n I'l. 4t ' J; , :u'-i,n, and .). V. Kay. .;.' ;a!!;s wore made at tin- mo. i- l.v- K. ). Hvatt, 1.. M. ICiehoson, ,1 d.. Miirtran. J. JI. Hoyd, and J. V. liny. i'r.stdenf i'lovost. in eotnmontinii ;i the report, and year's work, said: ;'Hv:s. i? a wonderful statement, and s most complete. In looking over dnvlo al situation, I size it up tint yo are going to have a building boom :1ns spring. .-.There is not . v. t 'rmsc in Waynesville, and not a va- , , ant vooni in- t-rvl,n.l i I...... r At ica.-t ,1 l i,- JOOK. 101 .'. least new homes to: be built n- spnng and summer, and many . e)ie are goinp: to look to this or - .luuat ion for .assistance .. What -J propose is that we sell more shares t erder that we may be in a posi--' m to srrant tho rMimct. -f.,.: i ):.;ns that are sure to accompany' this ! "miliar, U'UlllIl. Tap directors plan to make drive additional ehare.a within a week Ihu inj iepartinuu Lu For Past IlMhin'h ( I'inc 01 Irade ..lulnlee lirhifs y I c-(al Ol 7(i I Hirlhs In Countv Hundreds lo lown. si i i!H INiv.x. and -iTO (iii Is 27 1 Prizes Are (iiven Aw Ben Howell Has Arm Cut Off In A Cutting .Machine : " Howell, former Haywood eoun . an, had the misfortune of los "; ' Ii e.rm a few weeks a !- ' :(1n a fgc'd cutting machine t ; iarher's farm: : near Stuart 'V Va:- Mr. ilowellV fathe- is Hewell. sports received lu're; were , . was getting along nieelv, aC ' ;ng treated at the hospital in va. l)u, arm vva. ampu. ".';: .i-ist below the; elbow, ' -v: formerly lived on Jonathan . and moved to Virginia aljout ' a.:o. Hen Jives with his (10 i.e., nli. .in,. V., U ,. nesville last Wet dc-end believing 'that their luck was good enough to win for them one of the six pri'es that were '"iK, offered in track campaigns by two .storey. , Today rj.l!).! ,-,..- ,,( t)u, n, ;; that they do not have much luck when it comes to holding the hi kv number at a public drawing, and some feel as the man who said: "If it were raining sugar my plate would i up- iot' oown. ' liut eveiyom- seemed to en j.Vv the I nlei ting of th,. I tVO" events line Mrilftiv i, t't',. ,',,,. srinieni ' I I,... . an. I t lie. othi-r .Saturday, dui hard di.wnoour (,f vain. On Friday, some . 1,50(1 eat ! the vacant lot adjoining ('. J ,ons a.ni anxiously awaited th", ing ,,r the I'ou.. luckv niiinlwij woiild vlaim prizes 0f ff:,o, and $.11). iii cash. In each .vi ii poison,- hoJ.l.iii;;' tin lin kv i.ani'.e: prtscnt. ;. ' . . Ti:e.-p-, y.(-i :t:rom ( . :,. Iia'' w'ief. won as follows: y,u ' 1, 1-:!;,;. by II ugh Jianb : 1 : .-. ia, i .Vledi'ord and ! lie' ' '. n Snvilcr, ': People Died Hv Dr. r. . i: vi ar ',,r . boait-t,' ile. pnitm. m conforms with mat ef the county and stale, therefore the ac tiviti. f .'.-he .health dopatrment are l epoi led by annual pel i,i,lK b(. ginning Klly. Isl. 'be health deir.nt .ii.it! ea r running fioin .Inly, b ( to dune ':!lib i a i..-"cs 'some diltleiii'ty ' ;:i : making aii ' ''pi'.1' a! . he .end of t he ealell i.ar year. How, , i . : hi- beginning- of I lie . alen,iar- yea;- seem- to be the most app!,:)iriate im. fut an annual : of heal! h, coii- 'll-.-lniV.I.. ., -., ,,,., . 1 he i for t he . ah ndar yw 1 !:;:. which ! : itv'i-1 j.orate - . n.i I. a !; , ,i , ,, i u ,; ;.';, ! ri c:r,; yen ;. i I IY.( I l. ST M ,,m t irst Aational Hank Reports A Successful Year. Officers Named I he '! lib annual meeting of the shareholders of : he K,rsl at ional t.anh, o! ayneM ide, was bel, ,,n km-day, Jauuaiy the I 1th. In at teiKiance was the largest number of sharelii.l,!, ,v ,-ver present for (his annual .oeenspili iiiee its organizal ion, .""'V "I' Hie :.(lil share, bimig leioesoived at the llieetine. I he .annual i-eno,- r:ven bv .1 II "'.v.. .I.r:, , -aslner, of (he earning a.", ''-""(.'tl con.lii-ion of , lustilu: ?;uhme.L"!K)p()f!, . eir Lru; is Heim Kn! riu iy.it; ', III II, lla w i:h M, -I; 1: !a! yeav wa- mo-l - !V'ii,'r ' -dlsfaeto.-y , . ' Aft..f the .alarie, and "'di;.;,!. n ,;J ..,;;l) ,n,.; -;, Mi!k;ii1i li' l-a-l !.een made. !l' ' '"e i'c i li:,- e.vin:ii- vear ,-le -; follows : .1. If. i:,,v,l ,.1,.,-v. Miop Will Kv Mile I'o Handle Work Unit Heretofore Could ol lie Dime In W.N C deny I . i 1 1 i - j.;. comii'le'iug ih.e I a - k ot j.l.iciii.., M-nii,, ni iii,, heaviest ma c'litie slion e,uipi)i,,ii: I,, Veslern North -f niVlina- m Iik - ma -hi,.,. j, at Lake .lunala-K;,. I hiring' i he past week or so,' he ha, pill .-liased ft ii 'in I lie Suiicre-.l Luinber t oiniKniy. Ihi-,,ugli YV, .A. Itradley, .'.lie of he In avi, s: machines of. the K'av. nfoi, ..hop. Tills ,.,Uipnielii: will m n , within a ;,h,,rt time. ' yir- -'-'i--' ".' making several, ehang ' '' .. dim. v in; It w ill enable hiii! I - nii e foe woik even laryer. Mian ran 1 1 ' 'lo'le ill Abbeville e ': la -f ;o- (i J,... ' ' 1 em :'i.;.l i: ,-ir r i-l'- a j-" '"'l -,' . hop- lie Pla-u, nr i I" .... li a;' n- ill th. in ni: n ii i lavv. S. I' -d fund, i'.'-.il.ilil J V i.PI .Ti'o.on I . l!ll.li.) ! it, n i:, -. ' 'I n. n. w a-,. .1, x'"."!'i, .m. M. Aiiimul, a,.,! 'd;ni I. ' All 1 1,.; ..m .; ... ' '' d-.iue. T.'.,.iamV -,.'-,- o. d V -i-lai, : ,i, ,-. Vinson Iknrnu Qaia "erage Of 30 Cents! ; About 3.C00Lbs.!. .;,,' .::::ay te-riiooi'i. ie;ig ;, hc,i :' i... -ii inv ;he; pri.e.-'! '".: ii:e-an -.gijthering'- a-''--iMas.-ic':: -lent '' ae. 1 no iiahie- ii; . , iVe-c-,;ill-ni d .; k, ami (ilea;!' jihiiUKd :L,. i; 4-' enrk. whi:,-- ; nW -i I ovkI coni.-i!ei,.n- nil, ,, -', the sidewafk, and ilrpite: , ! i doWniiour, nJockia! half rhv rinvei vativc- estimates wa-ie' Ivasi a ihilUsaiiil a : I en,;, - I ,1. .1 f'l.r; .Method;., Uvh tide Here Mir" h "si rhv r:, lies 0" ain Va1. Ihro 1 'i'-i..!- .1 it i. p:r ' b, ,:: , oiitii! ion. Idle in, ii-iiYiicry -u i'l have' : o ne' g, ever, and a new i oof pnl 0n t he in d the plan!. The ;ilaiit has- bcai i loi the ,aM y,,;.;';, i,,,,.) ,1,,,,,, 'asl 12 iiu.nl h- ,h,. .... -.ii,,.,. i. jdayed han wii n iiv lO 'lVand ,1m mg tin., reroii' heavy iains almas! entire plain has In -n trem bed. Mr. I'revost wa,. twit.; cetd Hii a now many men w nihl , ,,,n ,,, U-C1, , "'Pairing ilie plaai; Im( s;y (ha when. Ihe nlant wa , ',, oocrat i '''.a'- " -'7." and !(.( r.iea Would he given employment..' b will take .o nays I,,,, eouil" inning, and at oil inoie days to gel raw maleriab hand and in a workable , ..,,lilion la aid. ''die bimii. r w;d l.ave yo thioueli kilim,, an. tl,,,,.;, ; . , m;i '''ial- on hand ',i,- making I'uniit tin H the plain, .nutviia-r; wvl have ',, b.' nim-v, and in,- material, 1 h!i',-- .iii, i'-'' ii! plans "f : he ia -v , -pe; al 1" liaM- th,- :,lae: ;.. - f . ' '.,-.,. a,, I"'11 l'11'" !''.' la -:MaV marli-n. ' f 1 i "oni 1 ii i a i i iir,. '' 1 -Pi ;-.'ii;!. ami vail ;:l I "I :: hi - .;.:e-i lif pi-t yi-aaa i''oa-, ;,-!;ile;' . . A j : """l n.ir .- I In:-. :x:iu ".a-1 liiive i lia nr.. . .1 .; A; I i:, "I he-., a" . a I --"I la. in i i..r,. r.ai,- !.,,. , -'".'' ,'..p,a a-,' ..,':',.' rn, r. nag , 'i"h a ,a e -oidjy, .e- heavy ,-Vi c.-ei: thin js: .,,1'!!" 1'i'i-eil :h' . -ollnt; elv "Tie ;" MUreb -,- o,C. itunt'ie' Ve.J, j roll! from th. i",y:u. (i:. sl p'r-i'ze i,ar' t.i'riad.- , , ii'awn. hi-!:o:'t- one; wa- lainiej; 1 (: u.'.ta nam. was claimed iiv '! t!ob .Uessvt ,.i JoiiHthiin (;,,. Th, I'l.liSIIWI-'l l.ersonnel !' .hi ! a'.iiist .0' d was . awai tted .-the : living room he,. Itn ,-.-,' ,e , ,.,,i- iU-L- ,.. :f " cue,, -v .. e . -. ...iii nis average for his Vn V r x. .""'" -a1-1- Vaughn 'a last year Vinson Morrow. lucky ,,urabcp- . ' ' '''(k. The.. -crowds w.o,. r,,.,i i,-,.,,r,..i laughing and talking, all the while about, what they would do with, the prizes. On,, young man ?aid if he won . the furniture from .Massie's ne would get married that night, w !,.v- .. i .' cr, '.; ,,; -. "v xnrea. acres, and !"'untls.. All of his crop was ..: ,'" .'""'"CLstowii, Tenn., and he av- -''.i .".,. per hundred. - ,?;2 Pounds that .sold for ,7, Punfls that brought 3(3 '' ';. pounds that, sold for 34 . ' tilS.l0WPS nrnr, Ot i .. . - -i.il row s average lart-vear for ..s cents; . SchooTmTs ut In Use Here ''PfrintMident of Eduea- w nturntd In t wctK lv ''yTu 'ingins back ; a new ,, 'his one .will take the ' a. vorn out bus that has been tounty for several vears. t .' T3 the f0Unn : ".'' I wo were received dur. ,:a, I, rh buses are made bv the bodies made at Wilson, t ibou ?12) cuh and are " uie state. id he would apply ii on. his another beard :bill with the Jand lariv The speculation, as, to what would be done, with the money rom Kay's Was. tyeV;ihing imaginable from getting (irunk to paying taxes. ' It was most interesting .to mingia with the crowd and hear the differ ent expressions f rem .-pc-onle - of every walk of life;- each drawing,:, tickets were thrown ;o the. four winds; and the sidewalk-' and streets looked ;ike the center of a' great; carnival ground. -''And- as. the -. thronts -tnrrioa --thta.- facts h.omeWai 'thisir-fxpreseirn. -r. dicated that- they ; were : saying . to themselves;.. "cheer . up, old:' fellow, you'll have better luck nexr rara- t'' , V" ( I.l I! HE ARS MESSFFJ 'U.-n:. i Mr R T.k have ,e p.... '. ;.' several weeks visit to Point, ,;,'?'. . Orlando-, and other 'hat : tJnda,- Mr Erk reported 3c- a:i Ptersburg i3 havins the "son of any re!,ort v1Sited Jack Messer. county surxr.n-t-no-en: of education and welfare offieei', addressed the V. s Men's Glub at Can ton on Tuesuay night, at a dinner meeting held in the Y. M. C. A. dining room. Mr. Messer spoke on welfare work in Haywood county. lepart ni.-n.! neaith otleaa. I aii .a-sisiaii'. .i:tr:, ; da al: 1 (idl er, a ! .stipei vising nurse, a ::el, i,urse. and j a .sanitary , inspector, for ,.ach of the three ouiiri,-s, . a la-iOratorv tech nician, and a .cleri :.: a -i-tan!. In addition to this personnel, the Indian Service, furnishes a nurse under-, the direction of the health department for work on the Cherokee Indian Reser vation.. VITAL STATISTICS A state law requires the local reg istrar in each . registration '." a ..'! tn furnish the health department with a mon hly stattnn nt - of births and deaths; o.'i in i in;.' in the : -wri.-hi,., far compilation and u-e In j, :,..- ing the health of the community. These , re ports have, been; received regularly during the year 'from the following regi-.ia;;oa d.stric--: i an; ti. Hea ve i dam. Ir. n. lluf", Fin.-,. Ci(.-k. East i-uiK,, . lynr', ivev ti.i.h . avnesv ... and Pigeon. : !. :i.,::ri.- has been in differently, made from Jonathan, Crab r f cil ird Hi lli in i r rfnrit id I a b( n re eeive-j durihtr 'ba year f.oin Cataloo f hr-e and. White Oak e.'.-:.-ir;s. , A 1 1 al f ' 1 i l h i w 1 ( n i po.-ted, o:)4- ol whi..h were male, and -.70 fema.e; !.., of the births' were wnite. ami li coiorod: 741 wee at tended, by physician-., and 2H bv mid wi.es; 742 were leirrimate. and 27 were lliegttimate. A total of 271 .deaths nave beea re ported during the vear : loO male and 121: female; 200 white, and 9 colored. There were 19 deaths un der one month of age: 16 under one (Continued on back page ) ..If hod. :: I.V '1 i lie i' i ' 1 e, :V:t! i;. ,. V, . ... . ' ;de: '.-.'of .'the di.-!r In- I 1 - loll. - , ielega':,' lav idi '-Tb, v--:: .-' a:-en';i,-d nry-live' pa to-rs, and !.!, -I it ' 1. i'i - j i e.s -I'll- the vera! I , our a-. i i.. a u ; . o;nawi--wa-, w.r:l ari ang', :. iniitl snt-ak.-r-. - I.' .' . V. I I'.-aa, ",..' - V.. 1.,-;,-.' '!' n.',;. lieiai: - i tetary ) ;.. s-oh lioaid,: niaile tiie- iHinci'nal ad '"' ' 1,1 '.the occasion. ' Ida C,-,o, h, ! ;i m turned (itissianary fim everaki years' experience in Africa, t,V.I ol "his - , -""J remarHal.le u- non th,. eJfoi ts of tile church : were I'eceiv mg tn At in a at cx'eiil has 'beet ill i i- iiaiaae a , ilonti! haii ( . i' away iir-1ini p; a , - a'; !.'!e"l;o, -lloyd'lpaice, dun .Single!.,, n';, i ; l ; , , . .. ii : vi! i he fariii'.of (.raiiv II ;-j': v . k ::ii:,,,- ,,...,-: .....I,,..'' . U,::.''.eek a' ach,,! . i,;' liiglie,:'l '.buu-V' on j wn-ilay thai . H - dia- ' s,i'nce: ' JflH. .''.' ! A.ya, i,;;.ag; . " ( , .-, .' ,,, ':; I: ha- j;,,; ; ,,-aai ,t, l,,gh j.,,- ts n.-ii": ih, ,!. .' -Ira ,'1:1:0:1,-101,, who waml to .tiaiila C!i Suialav r,a,.-: ,, ui li on .Vioiidav ' li,, 1, was; i -t Very .dangerous e'inditi())i. I eia , . ..in j e wi re: a number of tumi and -that- there . m.f .. , l,,sv f 'lis- las, ..xnerienees l,..i-., .;.m fi"1' : ' :,,ui , "'. old woman, who a,ke,i m. -.1,. ' . !w !),y 'i ''.'of convicts, -clearing .... " . " JUL' stfK- a' i : r...;,,a ,,1.,...: : .a- . 'tie to America, Legging that ,-,,.; . ' . .'"-- n"s an.iiic nf to. prrath the , r , : ,.. , u-' ,'. e ;.-'-,. 'V. ' , ' ' " .oiwyii,. u no as in chai ge. ol. the .ofbidal w-ea'thi',-, report aero, f iat ;,;;.-,, ,:,,..: ... , a splendi.l talk nn. I : " ,-...,..,... on - aiuruay Sill I '. an . get the mi more workers be gospel to' her neonle I'r. Ii. S, Ti uesdale. oas.o,- ,if the nurcn. made a nl,.n,!;,i I : '"-v;-"t.:i-u. ,-. ::-, " a,, ''' to ',., i... uii ; . ---.a , ' AllV. I'i , vo.ir j found- ba- h, i "' -li-- i-'JinaTa; hscts ol t; ;, . having t I to-lai-nie in ia-i ioUllil li -p, I" - op,-rat, T'liagu-na; a bit' lis. to iiiiinula-din ple'c lin,, ,,f bed a'a on i yWhile the' plarn . ju .-! .-e Hil'.liae ..s .v,.f,-, ; .a--,,,, .' j"ie gave, work to. jaii' w ),. 'radically a, n: Av -ref . will nave No"' .Tut -on the .tlvy. k-lns at. the m-.i' budihiiL... an,l a.il '.-. Ti, ' ';.'"" 'nei-y leparr, , N '!"! :";, K r !'.' ;n"te,i.:--and.- Th aiway: ; . '.'...n. .iHcpii --.Ion ;.b,. .' .- ; " wi-llivLil .'';' "Utsider? '" plain., we ::.i."a! epougii :,!i v.-it'll -mi'y .will : ei; a- 'more com "-n'i' u-re.'' ' s- d kavhec; :ie i , . , -. ..ico.iiiecteo --; !.'ia'i:,.,',: !- '!'!' kilns ,f ,;.:.u o i.'ioi.aign drying out. ami m-mv Mi-ionatv ah,l Kvan.rel, ;,. iCJu 'I "'"'"'""'"'iiing about twenty- Cr""W-iji be made-, in the transJVr ing." Alls. F. K. Hramon' of Canton V T " l'",'e' e , hr aviest l''"- a , u' vid. The nlant i, aIsd dis-triet : secretarv 0f ho U ' ! " f , . f:. ! riod -in years, "" ah automatic :.spr" k- Missi'cnary iSoCiMie, of , the t. spoke otr !h.. ' rh,. -v.,,u '...-tf .. hou:.-. .. .. . . t ...Xl. ,,,.;.,. ( , Outlook'' and ,1,-irol lha. ,,11 ' ih,. "Z I 1 "'"" : s- ' : j : - 1 ':.!:!. .n;...:;.. .. , . . - . . - . ' ----- ,, n- t , (JU, ,,,, .. n,. . . . . .- e.'.- ".: enurch firbsci'ibe to 4 he t II r fi r--i , - i.r,,,'.,,,.. . "- : - were una mttgazine. .. . , Dr. Walker To 4d- : : e-len : ,- ::) m t- 'i'n. k. Ik Abernathy, of Klkih. Ton--i V 1 V "' : j t a7!t,'tiMo: deal. feren-e: ay! etary, : reporte,! in addi-'J- ui'eSS A if TIlCC Pl-r- wm'd iT"' ,h,gh': t,on to the work of missions, that- of . ' C' V ' lA "S j ti 'l ! :''d !: v " . .. i a- .move "lent' an tho i ' -. . ' . --s . . .- vt . ; n, ' ' '-' "i: pack png.. ) the cnaren, CiAatiij iw k; tis,,,.v.i., m:,, i a " a..,.., voouetiL, .jjss , i, . ,. .... 1 J i U i ( I n l j V i i .ii reta.y of the Golden Cross:' n,.r,.,i ..il 1 't'abyterian church, will address the the church, s to' nil- nirs rortma.W f,.- ' ' i:ii!er.S. Jiib.le Clasu .'on next. Sunrlnv this work. i- ". ''-: morning;: A large attendance is, ev- At noon the 'lieieiratei- ar0 ,i,il Pte.I Ilia -AValker has shown much guests of the women of fhB ,.ho. 'f !nl('r?st ' ln. the clafs since its organ- i ne ciass, wmcn is taught bv J P id : h The Weather Mrs. V P., Lanca? iter nn,l a -i,irtt' of frienus were among those mo toring to Asheville on Friday Morgan meets each Sunday morning in the Town Hall, over the Fire Sta tion opposite the po.st office at 10 o clock. Ut i. 1 1, 17 IS 19 20 21 Max 0 58 ( 5o 41 33 30 Mi Hi 21 IS 13 16 I' ' t l 1 I ' ft;- i,J i ,; 4 . It, ? . I;t- -MIS ..! --'ii; i ' ' t ;

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