The Wayne M News Events of World-Wide Interest ...Briefly Told .. ,.np M4N PUT TO DEATH in o, , k and painless death came to HJA 1 Kn.-rvno, Pit,. OUNTAINEER edJnTCounty Seat of Hayvood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park VOL. XLVIII NO. 6 WAYNESVILLE, .. C, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1936 ., Friday, in the lethal gas itrber at Raleigh. He lost eon 1 ;,un,i, within 30 seconds after m-r,'inJ- the gas. His heart ceased I'fter seconds. He is the second of the gas chamber. 0 CONVICTS BURNED f.' hen one of 22 convicts lighted a paper to warm by, a barrel of gasoline caught fire and burn Hi -0 to death instantly. They wrc being transferred in a truck i age to work near Scotteboro, a. Guards pulled two to safety. MOTHER AND SON DROWNED The 'bodies of Mrs. Blaylock Jonn , t!0, and her son, 28, drowned, whvii water broke from Midway Lake at Murphy, on Tuesday morning, B-i-re found when the waters of the Hiawassee River receded, yesterday. 40 l NIVKRSITY STUDENTS SUS- rrj. urn climaxing an investigation of an organized cheating racket at the University of North Caroli na. Chapel Hill, came last week with the suspension of six more students, bringing the total to 40. Jack Poole, head of UNC students was one of those dismissed. Haywood Veterans Plan To Put Bonus Into Jteal Estate Several Veterans Interviewed Plan To Make Real Estate Investments And Improvements Texas Girl Mother at Age of 12 $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE If the average veteran does with his bonus money what those inter viewed by this paper said l.1e plan to do with theirs, there will b a de mand for real estate in Haywood coun ty early next July when over $311, loo is paid to Haywood veterans. Scores of veterans the past week have sent oft their applications, and others are making out their now. Anions- thosn in t tin-in, ...! .. - - ...... .u ncu eie j(s ioiiows: G. B. Jolly, Clyde, Voute 1 I plan to buy more land with mine I now have a small farm, but need more, and this money will enable me to buy just what 1 need." MR.S. Fri( press, . .. I. .. iitlUS he-W( wate jttrm i Ht'EY LONG NAMED SEN ATOR n.lo nf Mrs HllPV P l.nncr PX. d a belief that as soon as she her late nusband s place m the i tjiof i.Vig iirill jirixrg tViQ cli'jrf. nit h movement which he ad d. !he will fill the unexpired !' her husband. 1111 MOIORISIS LOSI I ICFNSF Since November 1, a total of 1.141 North Carolina motorists nave lost their driver license, .which, penalizes them for one year. 1 he majority of licenses were lost because of drunken driving, .Arthur Hartsoll, Hazel wood "For the time being.. I will keep mine. Lat er I might invest it in something, but mve no pians lor that yet. V. R. MeGovern, forester in park and resident of New York "I want to buy a summer home near Way nesville. I came here last summer to begin my work in the park, and have definitely decided I want to spend ns much time each summer in this suc tion as possible." Jesse C James, Hazelwood "If -an buy a home nr cnm i,i,,i tu suits me I'll invest in that, otherwise, I'll keep it on interest until 1 can find just what I want." 3 H 01 r v srn I l CLRI UN lite public still, awaits decision of m Supreme Court on TVA. Rumor ;is ii (but two liberal usticcs of the 'art arc preparing the decision to be I'OLI'I ICS WARMING Ul' Much lat has been put in the n.namal political pot during the ms. week. First came Governor Ai sniiih who threw the jnitial ii w:tn- his address in Wash :nir:.o.n. Then Senator Robinson's ')' Senator Borah s speech in Ivvm, ii taken aR his announee- - a presidential candidate, ''"ii Governor Landon feeking ear i.f-the nation. lEugeno. 'Snak-" lll.n' . Waynesville "I is goin' to' put own- cent of dis bonus in hum,, T u. that worse than anything else." A. F. Aibl'lP-ht. Ha7llwniu?"T r,.,n 10 rrpair my -home and also "do some property repairs. What is left I plan io save.. Moore Brothers ' To Face Trial Today for Murder Over 300 Different Kinds Of Trees Found In Park Forester Points Out That Park Is Most Complete Hotanical Ijuborntorv In East One of he . I ii '.- mniesi nioihers is Mrs. Daniel ConzalcM, 12, "f l'orl An Inn-. Tex. h., K:(ve lririh io a se en -p"lind Her liiishan.l is a 20-j',.)ir-cil.l .Mexican y,.i. I'. C. Turpin. of Wavnesvillo "1 expect to keep my bonds or put them inio Diiiming and loan stock." Henry Tucker, colored. Waynesville "'I iptend to pay my debts with my bonus.'-' Mrs. D. M. KiJlian Buried On Friday A INVKSTIGATION "Hon was passed in on- la -t week calling for an ''"." ;,'e Townsend movement- ' Vi lal -groups of ft-audulent ""lOI ari. caid to ho mnL-lnir f h w, n-king the so eaUed penswvn WI'A STRIKE ... nrgetting: the hand that was "Vina them. 2,000 WPA work ' Lots Angeles, Cal., last ' ,iay staged,, a brief strike, .imed to be paid off on nstcad ot Friday, so H might buy their auto- ''; -H-enses. ,. ... U EI IRES i'k. 1 "mining, head of the U. S rn,.. : since re- Yl 'j ,7' 'turdu In a letter to m t. ,. " ""iaiu; i am nap- 'Uu,tl1 nit your laborb in pro it a, , ' init dg'nsr dibtae and amancm health standards overy ot".,!i'Ut: 'riuffht you deserved rec Jnd honor not only in your ,,,''J''"-.v, but throughout the j '-,(a()R RECEIPTS . receipts from liquor i . i 5 923,285 more than ,r i J 1 'iff up to ?4.)8,4y4,721 .; cn --'Uffh to finance a year's Miction program for agri- , E I RIEM) OF GREAT BRI- tin 'a k ; '"'tr s now seeking to ), itnntnt fntmi hip with 'ar 4a mir r.., r ... I vciinan irienasnip. '"'))mus, cniet ot WfA 'ic.ltons to nil n-oictts The warning has through the state --- xii lumjAiijp . win an, the -n nohev king Edward, of . H -:n ,' ". , , , . . ' sam t0 oe in lavor '1 t i i 1 t ( ator? N7I SLAIN ?' 4r'""'natIn of Wilhelm Gus. : ;ti .ar.old leader of German vVtrland, bv a Yugoslav is'-'l 'WJ"tnt 'eterdav, . has ,T,- of international compli- Funel-al services for Mw,. .llas'sie Brown Kilhan, Ki, who died at her home on Kiiliati street on WiMlncsilav alleriioon, January the 2!ltli, at lill) o'clock, after an iilnos of 10 mouths, were held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Presbyterian church, with the pastor. Dr. R. '. Walker, of ficiating, assisted by Rev. O, C. drum, .pastor of the Ha.ehvbod 1'ies tjyterian church. Interment was in Green Hill cemetery. The active palloearers were W. T Shelton, L. M: Rivheson, C. L". Wa Keiifeld, J)r. J. K. AlcOaeken, W'. A ilyatt, and George F. Plott. The honorarv Dallbearet-s inH I 1 1 i(.o t II ( 1 ind li Dr J 1'. Abel, W. J.. Lampkin. Albert Abel. U. I. Alexander, Dr. ,. I. Lancaster. Louis Liack, H. R. IIarl k. Joe -VJor-mino, . E. J. : Jiobeson, E. I'. .Martin, George Coble, W. X. Lee, Dr. K: F . .Smathers, Dr. Thomas. S: ringlii J. R. Morgan, J. L. Stringfield, Ralph Frcvost. V. G. . livers. J. R. I'.ovd. ' C. Moody, J, M: Long. L. J. Hvatt. 1. L. (ireen. F. W. Miller. R. N, liar ber. W. W. Hlackwell. V. I. With..r J. (;. Rose. II. J. Sloan. J. H. Wav. Alfred (.reasman. W. (;. Allen, and C. A. Black. Mrs, Rilnan was born m avnes- vule. Adi-iI o. lH;rj. She wn- the daughter of Walter and ancv Shook Brown. Un December the 2:i- H7.r) shv was married to the bit.-- I). f Killinn " . - a Confederate 'veteran, who held the commission of Rriiradier-crpunial in command of the fourth brigade of united Confederate veterans of Nortn Carolina. F rom her vountr womanhood Aire klllian had taken an actiVf nnrt in " the social and religious life of the community. She had served as pres ident, of the oman s Anvilmrv of t.hp Presbyterian church, and had receiv ed every honor the group could be stow upon her. As a charter member and organize! of the Woman's Club she had served as its president and in many other offices and at the time of her death was the honorary president. As a member of the Haywood Chapter of the Lnited Daughters of the Confed- pmpv ch had wni-k.vl fnr vpr.- m the interest of the veterans, and had held practically every office in tne or ganization and was an honorary member. She was well read and kppnlv intprestpd at all. timps in the nffntiv nf hp fnmTnilfllTU nnrl nn inn was a recognized leader and one of the most beloved woman of the town. .Surviving are five children: James .. and Leon M. Kuban. Miss Nancv Killian; and ' Mrs. W. F. Swift, of Wavnesville. and D. M. Rilhan, Jr., (Continued on back page.) Leap Year Helping Marriage License Business In County 1 be young women of Haywood county, seem to be just catching on that this is lean vear. ;i.- ' cording to the reeord in the reg-istei- el deels ollice. hi lait, during tho last few days bu.sims in ihe marriage license dopurt ineJit has pic kci up considerable, with six being granted in two '.day's. Hie hrsf (lav of 1-ehruarv brought in four, and on Monday .2 others. The total for the .war now stands at 22. In January the "sales " moved mi an average ol .! a w, ek Business Men Of -South Optimistic, Says K. N. Barber every wheie aie niori: year t ban in sonie lo R. . Harbor, who 1 from a trip through -outhern states. 1 his trip thajt feci) stuir.s on at tiny time in Husiness. men opt iniistic this time-, according has just retui in -ev( ral of the Mr. liarbei- noted he fanners had nior land and planted thai r least live years. . "What I hope to see take place is hat the farmers, of this country adopt he plan of balan ed favnijiig. When they Nhi this country will prosper a ii has never (lone before,", lie said. In got ting back to Haywood county, Mr. Harbor said, that the cold weather was a distinct asset to farmers and or. hard growers. . The snow puts hit-ogen- in the . ground, while th hard .freeze like these we have had puts moisture in the soil in a way that rains don't do. As a run, better crops are in ovi l(-ri( e after hard winters such as thi i.-ie has lieon. Mr. liarlier sail Over $20,000 Paid In County Taxes During January In his regular monthly statement to the commissioners Monday. U . H. Mc Crarken, tax collet tor and siipervi- -or, showed that since January sixtli, a total of $2,.i,,i;(i.4ll had . been col lected by his ollice in county taxes'. The Jarlaary coi'ect ions brought the total from th(. 2!l(li nf last ').--Inlor fo U;f.71S.(l:!. This repnents payment as far back as 1H27, as' the olliciuls are- pushing back fix pay ments. :' Last month, the collections for the J liferent years we it as follows: l'27 Yl "(i 1 s i U2'( 1 17 12 1 i 0 2l 7 1 i 1 T2 7r M S il i ll) , s , l'Ml l.Kfl.;s;. i!i:ia. ,2:i.(i!ti).i;i. Veterans To Meet- Tuesday At 7:30 F. R. Mctiovern. one of the diht foresters now engaged in makinc a "timber type map" of the jiark, stat- oil tiero tins week that alreadycsome oOO ditferent tyH's of trees and flow ering shrulis had been found in tho park, and tile work is not lieiulv com pleted. Mr. iMcGovern noinled out t hi survey they were making was for tin' government and not from a com nicrcial (ituiidnoint . The iimii uhen completed, will show in colors the (linercni types ol trees and Where they nr.. found in the park area, Tht map is being drawn on a scale of one inch to the mile. "The nark seems to be a cross roads of forest growth between thi Mississippi and the costal . reirimiK. while species found in the northern woods are unite abundant in the park, ' ho said. "I'oi- those caring to study trees mill sliiulis, tho park is the most com pb'te laboratory in the oast," ho con t i I ) ll d. Mr. McGovern worked in forests on the west and for a number of years ill New York .state. The project wil' take about two years to complete. Th work ltegan last summer. U e.vsi ; df tlu invited :in I'Viii men, A ineriean Hint urged t meeting wile! her niom l.egion or mil, ii lie present at Hi t i in -dav ht at 7 :::') o I' ire Slat ion. lie main subject 1 the right, way lock in I he hall, over will to at ions. Adjutant . '.iVe blanks ai;,'l wi very one that has laitn. lie the "HoUUs" file ytiui' appli 1 Roy Davis, will be glad t(i help not filed' their jllome Club Meetings ."a ies Announcea ,uiss -wary . Smith, homp demontra t.on agent here, announced yesterday t-ie following club meetings;-. Hni places: " Iebruary 7. Jonathan CJub with Mrs. Grady Howell, at two o'clock- ; rtbiuir 8 ( ceil Ciub it thi hod at two o clock. Iebruary 10, Clyde 4-H Club at school. February :11,- Rock Hill 4-H' Club, at school,' at two o'clock. j rebruary 12, Tieavcrdam 4-H Club. at 11 o cock, at school February 2.1. F'ine. Demonstration Club Mis. Sam Fei-cusnn. Feoruary lo, 4-H Countv Council at two o clock at court house Miss Ruth Current, state wirl' er, will be here on the 14t.h and loth Pastors Of County Met Last Monday The. Haywood Ministerial Associa tio.n h"id thi-ir regi.iiar monthly niei.-t. mg at Longs lhapei. Lake Junaluska .Monday morning. The topic for dis cussion was, -The pastor and his of fi ial board." This Was led by the Rev. Mr. 'Clark, of Canton. I en members -were nresent: and joined in the informal discussion George li. Hammond, pastor ' of the resbyterian church. Canton- i nres- ident of tho association f reek Home at l;;j(, With OFFICF.RS OF .MDRRO CASTLE riMSHEH Federal Judge Murray .Hulbert, said, as he imnosed sentences last Tuesday on two ship'i of ficer, of the Morro Castle disas ter, People who fcuv passage on a steamship are entitled to everv protection, including that competent officers and crew. nam 1. Warms, snips mar- must serve two years. ( arr Aobott. chief engineer. year's imprisonment, - Henry Caband. vice president, L;ne. one vear term. of Wi' -er Eben four F Ward Heavy Rains Fall During Week. Near Record Is Broken Following a two below zero reading on last Friday, tin.. ,.r.mmi,oi pcneni-ed one of the hardest rains in many years. 1 he oflicia: records kept bv W- D cmiUi show, J: hat 11. (W inches- of rain fell during January, and for the first five days of February .T20 inches have fallen. The official thermometer reading" i'ii iiiu jiasi week are as loi'owf '"-e Max. Min " 2!) 21 ii 2.'! -2 1 20 2 2 : 14 41 ' , ;so 4 wi no "' 07 20 Hubert Liner Is Improving After Serious Accident Hubert Liner, ol (anion, ami well known in this i oinniiinitv. is iiiiiirovini' at the Haywood ( ountv Hospital af ter undergoing a serious oiieration in which a piece of metal was removed , from the interlining of the brain tissue. I ho metal being a piece of it windshield post and the injury re-; suited from being stunk bv a car (in -North -Main stieel, early Wednes day morning while Mr. i.iiii r was en route to work. The alleged driver of the car wais Howard, Pickens,-'also .of Canton. Mr. I'ickens Was released on a .fl,(ll)(l bond,, pending lb,, outcome of Mr. Liner's condition. The ground was covered with show al Hie time, and at C::i( in the morning jt Was still daik. ( ounty Agent (Jets 'Phone In Office ; i. lie ia til ol o'liuniissmiiers'-orderco' ! hat. the' t- io.-ie 1. re.,lis ; a , 1, ,1 ii, Uie (unity agent's ol!i. c dm nig theii regular seVioM. here Mondav. the ma jo rit y of the day wa . spent in a I tending to generai rout ill" 'of iiii-iiiess and hearing petitions. io Hold Memorial Service Vo: Alley The IlaywoiHl t'our.ty liar Association-Will hidd a ii;eiii I-..-,; .-('i vice in honor d' the late Doyle D, Alloy , on Friday at 2 o'i-hick in the .niirt li",,ns. following the noon rei-css df court. The order was made mi ".Vtmwhiv nml Sam M. . Robinson. W. T. Crawford a M d W . R, F r a 1 1 c i s w ( i :e" a p p i . i n t d a s a :-onimitteP to draft resolutions to-be arc.-in too to the bar association. Aiue Phillips Likely Not To (Jo On Trial Until First Of Coming YVe-k CHORAL ( LUIJ WORKINC; O.N MUSK' I OK EASTKR ALL MINI M FETE. SFH THIS MONTH The Carolina Aluminum Company will ceitbrate the oOth anniversary of the discovery of the lectrolvtic pro cuss of 'reducing aluminum from Us ore, Sunday afternoon. Feb. 2-'i, at Hadin, N.. C. Fifty years ago the world punp v of this metal was nrar. tically nothing and was usrI for jew eirv and for trinkets in honsphi-dd of royalty. Tho Waynesville Chora! Club start ed to work on the music fir Fn-te last Mondav niL-ht. All nfi-soi,,. '.ih-if are interested in joining the club for this jirogran- are cordially invited to be present at the next rehearsal. Monday night, February 10th. at 7:.'i0 o'clock in the .Sunday; school building of . (he First Hantist church. This, elub . a ' non-donominatinna club and is made up of menilM'is of ail choirs and those interested. Plans of Solicitor John M. Queen last night wore to cali the case in which Clarence and Clifford Moore are charged with the fatal stabbing of Hulwrt Stanl, y on Drcembor 21st, the first thing this morning. If a compromise is not reached be. tween tht rdafo and tho deiendants, the case will likely take the greater part of two days, it was loarne-l, oth erwise it will lie disposed of by noon. A special venire has been culled for t he case. If the Moore ease goes beyond to morrow noon, thorv i,s likelihood of he Ain-e Phillips case being called .arly next week. . Soliif-or Quovn staled that if tim,, poTmittid, the '!T year-old nurrdor !( iiise might be called this week, othcrwVo the first of next. The case in which Hubert Ruff was harirod w ith killinir- Sum Kiiv.1..i. Oitober with an autotnobil.' was 'dis posed of Velnes(av moi-ninir. when the defendant entered a plea of guilty 'i -invoiuntary manslaughter. Ho was riven a susoonded sentenco f .1 in li years, upon payment of cusli nml payment ol .fiOO to widow of the 'de ceased. The February term opened with ludge Felix F,. Alley presiding. He mil Judge' John M. Ouleshv liavini- exchanged for the. first, week and possibly t li,. second. Moiuh.v moi-nintr the emu, l in.-,. tor f'.UO was se Ccled and Judo,. Alley in his charge went into del.-iih: of t li'.. at ies ul : he jury, lie said: "I'm glad i be here for at least tins week- be iiis,. I feel thai this ountv has tho est cit i'oivdiili of anv i-ountv In N'oi-th Carolina. I know it is bolh 'vour lesiro and mine that the cilizeiisbip improve, and by co-operation with each other and our aiblo solicitor xyo can do a real service to our oonnty." The grand, turv is comoose,! .1 . I. DlCIIS. foiTlliall. I. (; Unrnott J. (,. korloy. F.d Hiiehiinaii. T 1 Messcr, J. R. Love, L. H. Liner A. II Dotson. U. h. I ra.ier. ('.. H Kv.-hk tiidver Rat hlioiii , W. II. Sollars J. I! ition, Averv Peek.- F' W. Keener- 7 Massey, I'r.'.an Medl'ord. and ':in Burnett.; . Five defendants, had their' driyoT.s insc taken from them for a li.'i !od ! 'le year, given-. a six. mimllis sus peiide.l sentence and lim d $50 and cuM. Then' were: S. L. Johnson, ')'. T. Ci-.n, C. ,V. Polls, F.arl Warren, and "Iced" Mease. Among the-ether casi s disposed of w'c re : John Pauls, -.violation .of, iirohibi i i'M- law,--f'ui'-d . ifoO-and coj-t. Heiiiy l-'ai-mer, larceny of ( hi, kens, -,: a. ! cost . Hard, hi I'ressley, larceny, lined' $" : lid cost; : Howard V. Conrad, cariying con .caled weapon, l months suspendoif eiiti ikv Mtid iiayinenl of co-t. I'obi-it Sitig;. I,r;, disttirliing pub- . lie worship; 4 montlK 'oK;endo(.l sen-, ti nee, and tine-i Jarvi.-. Ilen;-"ii, found guilty of. breaking: ati, oir.'eiing, appealed to fo tile supreme court. Posted $50 appeal bond am,': $:!!)() apfiialMiico . bond, ; Sam Ah n, disposing df inortitae.-d ': property, given months 'suspended- : seiuence and in?l--.i and.' eo.-ft. I-w-o divorces were grantxil: : Hess, Howell vs. Allien Howell, Jn Anna Mae ( oon w Isimi r Co"k ;.. The jurors for flic second week are. af.- f nlluws: , II. Harg.r-ove.--pitroon: Hriiwri' Messer,. a.vncsvil.'e.; Ham' Kniflit Waynesville; Arthui-. H.irtsell, Way- . nesville; Lester , i!-, Pigeon; John .Smat.hers. a v ncs vi 1 lo : VV A Hrad Icy, Waynesville. , -J. -. Sutton, ( atalooi bee: I'hurnian f. Robinson. Leaverdam: Wav Rat clifT, Clyde; R. V. Coffey, Poavordam ; Sam Sutton, Iieaverdam; John Rkh, Ivy Hni; R. ( mimbors: Pijr,.,),,. t Xot ris. Kit Kiirlf - AV W f-i'.,-i, : Waynosvibo; I .s. (ireen. Fines (i((k I I II b P ivudim Drs. Stretcher And Gay Give Program Two members nf thn T!ntnn, Plnn last Friday disens-srd in detail tho need of a modern hotel here, and en tertainment for the summer vistors. The subjects were discussed by Dr S. P. Gav and Dr. Tf H Strotetmr respectively. - Both urged members to piyo the matterij serious rontsuler-itmn nn,i n back the Chamber of Commerce in ihe Vt.ih program, which will bke'y inciude both of these projects Safety League To Meet Next Thurs. 1 he third monthly mooting of the Community .Vtety league will ibe held on Thursday; February 13 at wi- .viasontc lempto. at 7::',0 o clock Ai,h . (,. L.vers acting a toastmas. t(-i, according to an announcement by Osc.u- Lriggti. , Mr. Lnggs stated that light and water meters bo 0n display and a general explanation given Also "to of the wiUrvhtd ami th0 town will 1,,. on display and full descrip t.on of .water supply and svstem will tie eivon. . Tho tickets for tho supnor nioetinc will be 3d- cents and can be had fio;n members of tht. fire department r Mr I nj-g-. th0 Hs. meeting I i were present 1 1 1 .- 5 1 ! i .1 : i t j ' i i M ; i i

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