J wAY?AsyiLLE Mountaineer News Events of World-Wide Interest ..-Briefly Told-. Published In The Cm,r,t c t u , -ILi JL-J jecoun Seat of Haywood Countv At The Eastern Entrance nf Th r s c , rrrrTT ' France of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park VOL. XLVIII NO .MRS. COOLIDGE GOES TO EUROPE h' n the North German Lloyd r liremen left New York. Wetl f last week, for Europe, anient her passengers was Mrs. Grace (li.tl:ui' Coulidee, widow of the 30th prt-jiU'iit of the United States. On liit. pier, at the ticket office, strict stv;tiy was observed, concerning her l.i.ss.ii;e. Ever since her husband a. til January 5, 1933, Mrs. Cool iiltif has avoided the limelight. Last htpK iiihcr, in order to give her more seclusion, a wire fence was put around j),r Northampton home. School Officials urge Jew Plan For AHoting Teachers To Urge State Commission To Base Allotments On First Four Month's Attendance .WAYNESVILLE. X. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20. 1936 i NINETY FIRST BIRTHDAY i;iihu Root, Secretary of War un ci, r ('resident McKinley, winner of tin Xul't'l 1'ence Prize, member of the I'ernianent Court of Arbitration .,: Tlic Hague, planner of the I'er 1'iain II,! I 'ourt of International Jus ! ice. celebrated his ninety first blrth !. i"i Saturday. The Carnegie Cor poration of New York, presented to lie t'uuncil on Foreign Relations, a uiizc bust of Mr. Root, . snlent of the Council. honorary FIGHTS FIRE IN SCRAPER SKY Coiiin up 41 floors in a midtown ckysn iper. in New York City on Sat urday night, firemen fought the blaze in Hit- cilice of Samuel Rosoff, subway vii! rac tor. Three enirine son.Kla u iiisl vent e.t licr ' skyward by elevator to pre the spreading of the flames to .sections of the gigantic build- dn of till AAA SUBSTITUTE Mini-day. administration force ;' nato passage of the $"1(1(1,(111(1, -il I'onservatioii-subsitly branch l control. The bill, now cues .ipmiso. The Senate coio ,.n ?'? 1 1 days f debate during which "lr,sl"es constitutionality was 'nail, iieil and defended, was all to - NH'liorters argued it was con ' "'""'i me Miprome Court s i!iter.n.!.-,tin f Congress' a ppropri- .i.umoriiy in its decision killing :lie AAA which this soil bill is intend- I io replace.-' TWO FIRES IN CHICAGO s'"ni''Iay two fires, with damages s'in.to.l ;u $.;50.000 called out. into zero weather, all available ap-Mraue--. .j Chicago. Twenty persons., iehi.li.g, a ,l,,z,. women were in ,''i!i 'l w hen an explosion' jiiVn:n..ti.. ' 1" inieals. following a fire wrecked Arrow Match Company. In an '-rA' Paper box factory wa el' 11) Hn.'GINs SAFETY CHIEF A M Huggins, of Favetteville, has "en named safety director of the (,'ar" '"a Motor Club and will imme- "''.y enlarge and intensify the u i, a,'ilk'nt prevention program. lr. iluiri'ins hat, Ivun r hi. n-olina Motor Slub for manv i'i various capacities. The Haywood school masters went rl V tl-lr month'y meeting m Canton this week, favoring seek ing action from the state school com mission to base teacher allotment on average daily attendance of student for the first four months of the school year. a Because of bad weather after the first four month .f t, ........ l. v ..0. jrni, uie HI- tendance is cut down, especially among -.-c fiouw, ii was explained Superintendent of the Canton .Schools, A. J. Hutchins, was in charge of the program, and was also named to contact school authorities in west er" counties regarding the plan. H- Bowles, superintendent of the VVaynesville Township schools, said the average attendance here now is ten per cent lower than that of the first four months nf th chi with the greater number being ab- oem irom ine hrst few grades. This will bring the average attend ance down to such a low point for the year, that it will in all probability i mean the loss of several teachers for : ine coming year, he explained. At the meeting in Canton, it was decided to have the annual Haywood County Day on April 16th. Definite plans will be announced later. Sarah Welch To Represent D.A.R; Chapter In Contest Miss Sarah Welch, dauirhter of Mr and Mrs. J. C. Welch, member of the senior class of the high school, has been selected to represent the Dofcas Bell Love Chanter nf llu, li.,..i,i,. of the American Revolution in the state contest for the Ruth Hrvan Owen Citizenship award. The contest was inaugurated last yeir and i awarded to one girl m each state, with the forty-eight winning girls being given a trip to Washington. I). A'.., during the week of. the National Congress of the D. A. R., with expenses paid The selection locallv is made by the student body and faculty. The awaivl is lmsei) on Mm .i.. dent's activities both in ,.,) f . - ,, aWL H scnooi, scholarship and general citi zenship for the th .find :t Imlf J'n-iv.. of high pchooL 'If Miss Wilt h s re rd keeps to her present stamiard, for the remainder of the term, she will be eligible for the citizenshin medal given by the local chanter nt" com. mencement. Last vear Mis Anne IVc-k,, of Lake Junaluska, roci'ived the awaixj. Pilot Reveals Secret Of Why Plane Failed To Fly At Fair 25 Years Ago A twenty-five-year-old "secret , soline .i k... ,.:, $1.00 1EK YEAR IN ADVANCE nits neen revealed. A quetwn that has been asked hundreds of times, and a topic that has been the subject of many conversations for the past yaw, will no longer remain a secret, "Why didn't the plane flv at the Ha.vwood County fair in 1911?" 1 his past week, the pilot of that plane told The Mountaineer the whole story. The pilot, Mr. Hugh 1. Oratz, of Louisville, who was booed and made all manner of fun of in 1911, came back here last week to speak before the Rotary Club, and after the meeting re vealed the secret. Mr Gratzs, and his partner, signed a contract to fly at the fair and at that time flying was quite an added attraction to the fair program. Mr. Gratz' partner wa bitterly sore because he ftdt that flying in this high altitude would be most dangerous, and did not want to keep the contract, but Mr. Grata intended to keep the bargain made with the fair officials, ami shipped the plane on here for the event. He was aware of the fact that at this altitude that the motor would require high-test gasoline. Not knowing whether he could get the required fuel here, he had hve gallons put in a van and wrapped then boarded a train in Louisville for Waynesville. A short distance out of Louis, ville, the conductor smelled the gasoline, and became afraid that the fuel might catch on tire, and ordered Mr. Gratz to depose of the gasoline at the next stop. He came on, thinking that cer tainly some high-test gasoline would be available in Asheville, but he wa mistaken. The only gasoline on sale there was "regu lar" gasoline, which at that time was just about like ordinary ker osene today. 'Mr. Gratz came on to Waynes ville, assembled his plane and poured in the "regu:ar" gasoline, knowing all the time he would experience difficulty in getting off the ground, if he even got that far, but nevertheless he was de termined to give the folks the best show possible. The large crowd assembled to witness the flight, and Mr. Gratz carried the plan,, around the field several times, but to no avail. Several times he lose to about ten feet, but no higher. The crowd roared that he was afraid to fly in the mountains, but the real reason was .the fuel. He also retailed the man wno was almost drunk, who held onto the plane as it rose to the maxi mum of ten feet, thinking he would get a free ride. The plane quickly came to earth, dragging the man along the ground, scratching ami bruising him At the time he made no expla nation, except to say he was sorry that he couldn't get the plane off the ground to fly Just Sentenced For Crime Committed in 1900 i: imiimji's This Is an exclusive phniotiiaiih, and the unly one iiulilisheil. of Alice 'hilliis who was sentenced front ' S inonlliM In iln cc years for u m in .i i-r l' 1 1 M 1 111 j I'd I ., 11 fTlle above picture whm nnnle .1 f,.,e hours liefori- he K ( I'hoto hv Drs. Osborne And Smith Open Offices In Dr. Way Place Two Homes Were Sold This Week The modi' wood, county two member. newill.. W nl profcUnv of Hay hits been increased by , in the location in Way week of Dr. Dudlcv W Gladys except i mal (' I'ATAF.ITIES ON HIGHWAY Our of mi .' - ui wne Kineo. V .. .. "J"I,- MV ctULOIOOOIieS 1 II M.n.n (.arolma last month, the small motor fatalitv 1;t i;i, ;xi( since April, 1934., In January, ' '. Were L-illr.,1 J c ,i . l"- .v one of the 61 fatal accidents ,.'l'u ,! a woman driver. Out of uw cars were involved in four "'"il wrecks.. NAMES N. HIGHWAY C.-VA. J'alX of'the Interior Iekes has raH-,1-'., ! name f "Blue Ridge i-afr y' r the Federal bigh rr"7 cthe,Snandoah Valley to Pari moky Mountains National clina' V,1'nia and XortH Cai'- Funeral Held For Mrs. B. Evans Tucs. Funeral services were held on Tues day -afternoon for .Mrs .J 1',,'iin-t Evans,; 4!i, who died on Sunday at It) IV M; at the Haywood Counts- Hos pitaC, from the Baptist church at Maggie. Rev. Frank IeatherWoofl an.l Rev. P. C. Hicks oflici.i.ted lnt.rm.,n wa.s in. the Lowe cemetery. Mrs. Evans was active in the com munity and will be greatly missed. ! She was the daughter of the late Mr and Arj-s. John ;Coker. : She is sur vived by her husband and five voirs. Haywood Teachers Hear Dr. Hunter Smith and his wife. I, Ihirne, both having ha( training for their work. Dr. Osborne is the daughter of Mr and Mi. H. a. Osborne, of Canton and has just returned from San I rancisco t practice medi in,. ,, surgery in Haywood countv. Follow ing her graduation from the medical school ' of Vahderbili thtiweuif . .1w. i spent three years at the Woman's and i diildrens Hospital in San Fram-sco ie(-iing a broad tramine- in the diagnosis and surgical care peculiar to the diseases of -women ami chil dren. For the oust t,i. c.i lowing her interheship there, she has been resident surgeon, direct ing the large daily outpatient clinic and in iH'ing respnnsilile for the care ami op erative treatment f all rases enter ing the hospital. in ,(, develop ment of a special clinic for the care of those suffering from varicsc veins and ulcers she achived Particular commendation, I Dr. Smith, following graduation in jlO-'il, from the Harvard medical school, j likewise hecii engaged in hos- i pital training, fo. the past four years. I After iseiviiiL'- a siirL'ienl iniorii...k;,. at tnc Has.-ett. llospita.. CooiM'i'town ; N. K Dr. Smith spent three years a ; 'thopaelic surgeon at the L'niversi- I . ty ot ( alilorma Hospital and Chi ilren s Jio.-pua m San Francisco. In I addition to-, receiving a broad ger"i j .-uiKu.u e.pei ,en.e, concentrated in the diagnosis and t rent mnnl ,if n,.,,),. industrial injuries,. : including fra--tures and. the opera-live correction of deformities arising from , lipases ,f the bones. and joints. Two sa!es nf real estate' were .com pleted, this week, and several others are pending, according to E. F. VVith atul ("onipany here yesterday. The sale ot the bouse and lot known a.s the Mcdco home -on Hazel st reef, I was sold to Mr. and Mrs. .lames R I Hovd, ,lr. ; Harry Kotlia liought the bouse j where he now lives, thi week, from I Mis. I honiaseiic Hivmmer I .hi. liners said oiner deals were being worked on and would proUiblv he completed this week C. Of C. Directors Will Be Named At 750 Tonight IVItHtinff Will IJe Held At Court House. No Formal Speaker On Program Benefit Dance To Be (iiveii Fridav the library group ol SENTENCED TO DIE IN MARCH v. . i-Pt ;' Kichard Hauptmahn was re - yesterday to' .'die on Jfarch ' murder: of the Lindbergh . - '"o leaamg lawyers me erinHfiTv,ni - . . .. ,i v..iiiii man to ten ' ur the crime with which he -"'l have thus far failed. Ptain Hannah Is Seriously 111 an!;' ,r,,:"i'ion " ' "Plain k"1" " bei, terni-f Wwlnesdaw '"'He .... "V"" fMiieaJ." and -Utile -I'll 'iff hold for him past four rl-i, o 1... has Yi.h k :i? ' '.v UI, and at five a imr r afternoon he .."lrn ffHie worse- x"x iie;, a.1cala'n in-the Spanish. alin,. "ar- an was an out- tiino "ere unt" a '' -ive , ,a W,M'" he was forced "" -bean I, l'ra,1k'e because. of lf, Dr. H. T. Hunter, nresidnt nf tl. Western Carolina Teaclier ( ( '. lii fret was the principal speaker at the meet ing of the Hayw-ood Count v Teachers' association, which met on Saturday morning at the Waynesville Township High School building The general topic for discussion was, "Character Education," and Dr. Hunter spoke along this line, giving the great char acter builders among the teachers The devotional period was conducted by Rev. Albert New, whose topic was, "Truth." Special musical numbols were given by Mrs. Richard N. Bar ber. Jr.. violinist -accnmnnmrxl h.- l Evander Preston, Othor speakers and their subjects were: Fred L. Safford, "f undamental Factors in Cha.racter Education;" itiee Valuable for Character BuildinL1-;'' ana i nomas jrwin, "i naracter r du cation Through the Regular School Subjects." ... Mr. (.eorge Kunze and Mr lien Sloan, of Sylva, left on Monday morn ing for Raieigh where they are spend ing this'- week , attending a sanitary conference, ot the State Hoard -of Health, Tudor the auspices of ooard and an interes'te, nimls a benefit square dance will l Mi ii ;( th. M, ...in l,m,,( lt " ,'l"l'k '" I' i idav evening ceivmg the guest.s will be William Medtord, cliairnian of t.b I,om,'.,I l h- ""' M,s s ' i Mi Hid Mi Ii,. h aid liarbcr, .),,, M rs T. I.enoi, i dwj ii, Mr. and lr l. I i. Misv Muihi Mo,k M, ( huh - IM and M.r. and Mrs. M. Howies Music will. be furnished by Itob Kn-h and his Soco Hand, and the. ligures will be called by Sam (locii and Rank fin I-erguson, well known leaders of , 1 he s.uar,. dan, -e. I The funds will.be used for purcha- inir I lio no,,. I I. . I' . , I , I .--, ... ,,oii.v ,or uie iniraiy an. oilier current f.vi.iki..- ri '... ! c i , , . , "'"" - I IIOSI w ( .a teeJ that they cannot attend an urgeii to purcha.se ,t i, kets, regardless II lid; help this WO' t h wh.io ,au-e VVInle the town pays the lib.ariari 'h'-ie ar,. many Mln r ' ex-ih-ns- r Ia tive to the ut, keep, of the .-library, with no source . of income, but tlic uppoit. OT (f,e -public on such benetit occasions. - lomght at 7 ::!( oVhvk. at the court house, will mark th,. lirst meeting of the (hamber of ommcrce for I'l'li! at which time ten directoiv for the year will be elected, and reports uf last year's activities given I A ballot of fifteen names will be I piesented to the group attending to nights meeting, and ten of the fif Iteen will In- elected. From those elected, will come the president Lvery ellort is being made to have a large crowd intend, Ix'cause I It : is alwavu considered one of the most important meetings of the y,,r ('resident Charles Ray has aimoiin- j ced that there will not be a formal ' speaker for tonight's . meeting, but i a general discussion made of t he i problems that are facing the com m unify at this time. J' The ballot that will ho pie-ented : tonight, has the followine names:' Court Order Enjoins Confirmation Of The W 1 LaKe Junaluska Sale Hearing Date Is Set For March I'nd Hefore Judge Oglesby In Urjson City A cmrt order, which temporarily lestrains confirmation of the fore closure sale of the Methodist Assem bly property at Uke Junaluska, was f'lby ,Jud-'1' F',ix K -J'V here i nursoay. A hearing ha been srt for March j.. In.fore Judge John. M. Oglesbv. in ! M" whether oi not the restraining order will be made, permanent. The temporary restraining order j "..s s Koei utori the application of F. I lames a b " a,Uornpy b.-half of J James Atkins, Jr., n'ceiver, and the 1-ake Junaluska Methodist Assemb'v 1 Inc nn is directed agai.vst the Mer cantile Commerce Hunk and Trust company successor a trust, of the Mercantile Trus,t comparw, of St Louts; y a. Hv,,r.s cU,Tk of fho Su perior ( ourt of Haywo.wl eminty, anl k I r' ;rf. who submitted ine high bid for the properties In the application for the restrain ing order, it is set forth that the prop erties, including im prove ments, are worth at least $41)0,000 and that the bid m ice of STiO onn :u .... : i . was sentenced hist ' jluate and inequitable and, if the sak' Homer Mavis) its 'confirmed at this price, the iiake JuiuiiusKft Methodist Assembly and unsecured creditors will 1h irrepar ably injured and damaged.. Hiiln-rt ('. Jin-vis, Asheville attor ney, rcprcesnts the St. Ixiuis jiarties K. M. Durham, .'ird, af St, I.uis, submitted the high bid of $,rf0,00() for uie iKe Junaaiska properties' at a foreclosure sale held the week of Feb ' luary'.'l. The sale wan .subject to con 1 firniatioi.. of the court after a lapse of 10 days provided during this pe lt lod no higher hid was submitted. It was to restrain thu cmiiirmat ion of i this sale that the court order was ! signed heie on application U Judge Allen and' the matter will he held in abeyance until hc hearing is held oil: March before .ludV'-e Ogle-by in Brv- son it - Mr. Durham, in submitting the bid of $00,000, represented the bondhold eis who own first mortgage bonds in the amount of $!l.(MI0 pUs accrued inteiest. Haywood county also has a tax claim of approximately $1,K,000. , The mortg.'ige covered a'M the prop erties of the Junaluska Methodist Assembly. In.-., and the Southern As sembly, Ine I.. M. Kiclie.Min I-: l.avi, K. L. Wilhei Charles K. Ha v. Jr. W . ( url is Russ. I r Hyatt, C. . Al",-i. b. Hardin, Jr., and Clyde I I. Ilvail. I. - I . Mi , Ralnb 1'i-cv S. I'. (iav. I' lack MesM-r. !;iv, Ji I Supreme -.('ourt. Upholds TVA Rv-' 8 To 1 Decision l-n;-aili'rl Decision Slirv Kn- lire Nation. .New Deal i ers Jubilant Over Opinion Mrs, Frank Trull, Passed Away 12th Mrs, I' rank I roll '.M r n..ii,..i N. died suddenly Ve.-iiesdy'nt her home sii , in t his community. t. Mrs. I roll wa.s the daughter of Mr a u I an, Mrs. K. J. (Jtilloway She at A . (elided Rethcd high'--school in l'.)2!l- iO-.'i, being" prominent in kcIkki-I af lauv and especially as a member of .. Ih' Iiaskeliai s.jiiad during her stu. , dent d.,y.-. She .was married in ltr,!l and i the niother of two children, Hobby Sue. .'!. and n i I. .. ..1.1 haby. ........... If speaking of Mrs. Trill!, Mr. C. C. HallSOII, w ho was- her nnn-,i,.il .,!.,, I llcthe hie r si III she at lend She was the spirit. wa-, heie, She u'as and appreciated go w IK. Iliad . entered d life w'hile peivon of id, ! Illlli'S " . :iid: nto she 'ills .. . Mr. Hugh Shelton, who hoid sition with the Home Security ran.-e ( omnany, of Ashe.vile, the week-end in town, with his ents, .Mr. and Mrs. O. H Shell'. a p., Insu spen par 'ii. U AviMNf.lON h( MLlll , J'orieial Uorerninent, to transmi market-"surplus .power f r nn its 7A inoil'it Was iilil,..',! :, ll. with Official Says There Is Possibility Kxmm l otatqgtorage House Here pteme ( ourt Monday. K lo 1 jusucc .McKeynolds the ,,n'y di's HOW. (Ol KT RIT : court decided three maj f the and huge Su- Mr. r. Federation (lun Name LiivA Jhnwd wai tiav- Mr. Cook Writes That Resettle ment Administration - Will Loan .Money For Construction MOUNTAINEERS TO PLAY" FINES CREEK HERE FRI. Friday night the Mountaineers wid meet the Fine,; Creek teams in a double-header on the local court. In their first games the Wavnesvde boys lost by a few points while the girls won in the same manner. Coach Weatherby's quintet has improved much since this eame and hones to make a much better showing against the fast-stepping Fines Creek. Sum merrow. Jloore. Cathev. Franklin. and Chafin will start the boys' game Welch, Burress, Rogers, Jones, Phil lips, and Milner will be in the open ing game (Ry T. Newton Cook'.) It is now possible for Haywood county to secure a potato storage house through the Resettlement .'Ad ministrations program. This Rural Resettlement program jf now making good progress m the county, and its """'" "re anxious to co-operate in f nuiiiimg tne much needed and discussed notato storage The development of such an enfer Prize Would benefit not ,nl,r ii.-., farmers, but the smaller ones as well .any oi our agncultura nroe-rams can benefit onlv a landowner Vio In order to .secure fx'iiefit of thv aid a to-opirativc a-so.iation is proiuik .organized the Resettlement Adminis jtration can then loan money to the I in,."vidual members or to the co.oper- ative as a unit. I -Membership in such a co-operative association, or the services of such a storage, would not be limited to Rural Kosettlement .dion. ..).. i ... .... . w'.i uj(, nut would "- avaname lo all other farmers with in any piacticai distance jt nas long been a recognized fact wiat naywood county especially much L V p c'''J to ,lre P,ow,"t? 'f Irish po ! tatfK's suitable for seed ttw-l, i'..t ern orth Pardlina ,.h-.,,....i ., t i -ready comparatively larmer who is a well established .. Potato on either a large scale or a pmall s ain, by both landowners and renters Many of the farmers on the Rural Resettle ment program are renters, and it is composed almost entirely of fair'y small farmers. Therefore, the Re settlement Administration is especial ly interested in helmno- rltrA'-.n . . - J .. . V,.ry any program that will tend to bring a casu income to a Jl people. market outlet, for this r..: . .... piuviui. yn ui t-a it. nas been properly stored for seed purposes. It has become common knowledge that the "missing link" -.owl TOiinecis our supply of good seed w ith a ready market is proper seed t-storage. Good storage facilities can oecome a Dridge leading our farmers to t he production of a valuable crop Already much interest in this ub je t has been shown by the people of the county. The Resettlement Admin istration is likewise very much intcr esu.l. l otato growers who are inter ested m securing such aid in hniM; q nnlitf. i t r classes of farm 1 e' Should con- c.asses of fai m j tact the county commissioner,, or the Th suef : 1. The Government, had the t- bui Id Muscle Shoals under it: powers ami its authority to aid igauon. urplus power produced af, Wil son Dam may be sold by the Covern mrnt. 3. The f.oveiniuent. may purchase and operate transmission lines r.rv. ing its power to a fair market A fourth question, whether the Gov rrnment may .sell its power in retad lines, was not n,i-,.r,i ),.. .i... , ensfy lecided, and the court specifi cal.y noted that it withheld its opin ion on the matter The court's decision lirought jubila tion to new deal supporters and an immediate. iamper on proposals to curb the court's powr, which aroc after the adverse n.m-t a....: .;.. throwing out AAA Ry .inference, the opinion gave con- Mit-utionat indorsement to all the other "yardsticks," now built or build ing bv the New T);.il ry. ihe opiniTi. of almost nnnrpro. HTlfJ l..lU ... 1 t- - ., niet Justice. Thoucrh ind orseil . hv seven other member of the court the majority divided into two groups Four of tbe lllilirne ,,..t; .. t i- ,, . j--'" pui'i"iiuii; mr. Justice .Hughes were of the opinion -"Manama rower ompanv bringing the suit, had no standing in the court, and that the whole matter should hav,. been dismissed by the tribunal without opinion. Mr Justice Brande.s wrote the concurring opin ion lor this p-ronn .il-,;,.v, :i...i.. , , i , ... " - """ "niuiii'ii also Justices Stone. Rolierts j f;..,i. THREE WAY DIVISION thus there was actually a thrce (Continued on back page) At ;i meetine- of j of t he Fa i mors fVi r is- i ni slay. Arthur (I ' cliaii mati and 1! T right I man. of the .Havw: ' dfi W I . it nei- mi'.miM'i I I' l an. is, J, I!. M, t'. (Iiaiiibc.r.s, N. 1 .Hen. . II. I . Hovd was n; to the 'nomination' board t f directors.: two directors, on -t h thur O-lxit ne is i hi James f. K. Mi of the organizati meeting, :: ' the, S'tock..!,, "rat, n du re Wed liorne wa-. nanied . IJoyl. vi e ciiair od group, lined were: Henry ' ' R r Ii,s i; ( ai ver, and ('. S. lined as candidate to the regular Tlii; tountv . has e biKi.d. H Ar- iher ' lure, J.:., president "V, wa,. here' for the , ,vi ..-,'ri,n,-'ls Massie and s-mall son and Miss Mary Pauline I lot!, spent itutdav m Rrv n C ty a, the quests of Mis Wavne Rattle Today's Market The following cab prices wo-V . nj-paid VWoms,a by the Fai mei , i-eleration here Hens ...... ir Fl'L's Vc I10""'1 Ua.nut, . 7 1 bush-' lc pound The Weathei Hate l.'i 15 h; 17 IN 11) Max. 45 IS 58 55 5 20 iMin. 40 :?4 34 ;;o 81 1(5 14 '-n.ivint-rii, uilitiajs.

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