1 The Waynesville Mountaineer News Events of World-Wide Interest ...Briefly Told Dies Of Heat Prostration While sail, California is proudly MoadVasting the (act that a man in state died of heat prostration runiay. Thousands crowded the b, u-hrs. The man was a'WI'A work ,i and ti3-years of age. Weather Records In N. C. Suite this winter lias sent weather ,.!,..-,. .-vers digging in for old records rotnparison with the present , .,;,.,js it has been, found that the -.jl-'uHjr hiKh for North Carolina is lie ,i,.i,.,.s: while a low of -1 degrees he has also been recorded. Ranked Fifth Tin- value of North Carolina's farm ,,,, last - year, $24.34S,0O, placed state til'th in rank, says I. o. S. 1 1 : l ii I . . Texas was first with $37 5, tmt. Hut North Carolina's crops , , -, worth $41 to the acre, w hile :n T, v, the value per acre was only J 1 Another Leave Columbia "niversity announced last y,..k it has granted another leave , .., .,,e to l'rof. llexford (tuy Tug u.ll. of the Department of Keonomics. Ii is his third successive leave and It jriis him from class room duties un til June 30, lit 3 7-. The leaves have hr.n necessary to permit him to de vote his full time to working for sid nt .Roosevelt, first as A is- tii-.t Secretary and then S . i clary of Agriculture. I'ndei:- To Photograph Eclipse The world's heaviest camera. woig.li "HO pounds, is nearly ready in Itochestor. N, V., for the use of Ameri can' scientists who will use it in Si Keria next summer to solve one of ilic major mysteries of science 4 he fi'.tal eclipse of the sun. Chicago Changes. Time -.I'itincns of Chicago have .bid fare-. Am II to Central Standard time, and have adopted Knstern Standard lime. They feel that the difference will save mi hour of daylight time. Employment Increases K' -ports just released in 'Wasliing tvti. show that employment in the t hi t il States during 1 1) 35 made a gain of l'.ii per cent over 11134, lViyrolls rose 11. (J per cent. Less Insurance borrowings latv insurance companies have foil nd that there was a 13 .'per c.-tit 'iiop in borrowing in policies during Billions Paid In Gas Taxes It litis been e.varttly 17 years since tie- iirst gasidine tax wiis imposed on tlo- mn.tiirlKts of this country. To date 'liis ens tax has amounted to $5.31 S;- !li..5-sf,. Railroads Show Increase The first 33 railroads reporting on ' nitiary business of this year, sliow tn increase over January of last year a 4 per cent gain. Suggests Ford For President I lean Gleason L. Archer, of Suffolk 1-W School, in BostcnV suggested to state Democratic, comniiitee th it lb-ni-y Ford be drafted presidential -candidate. .- Held Under $10,000 Bond Harold Fredrieksdn, a younf Char ' - truck driver, is under. a $10,000 bond charged with drunken and reck less driving while driving a large truck which crashed info a school bus and killed lt. i4.yar-ol'd. passenger of the bus, . - .. Democratic Executives To Meet The state democratic executive com mittee' -will meet in Raleigh Friday. Ti'" time for the biennial sta te con -: "ntion .will he fixed. Corn Acreage Reduced The census bureau at Washington r' ports that the corn acreage In the i mted States has been cut 10,000,000 'f f-s since 1929. . Senator Flays WPA .Senator Rush D. Holt, democrat of st Virginia, openlngly said: "The orks Progress Administration in the state of West Virginia Is a political "".chine and a factional political ma "me, and that can't be denied.". Today's Market inlhe .follwing cash prices were be i"? paid Wednesday by the Farmers federation here: Vnickens, heavy breed hens and rv?ers' Pund .'... .14c Fs- lilM weight, pound .12c Ys, dozen . ....... ....... 16c jnsh potatoes, No. 1, bushel ... . . . .75c fn, bushel ...70c TMt bushel . 90c Walnuts, pound .. .............. U Published In The County Seat of Haywood County VOL. XLV1I1 NO. 10 lax Collections For February In Excess Of $1(1000 Tax collection,; for the county dur- j ing the month oi February amounted to $lt,0 18.49. according to the state- j men: presented to the board of com missioners in session here Mcmluv, by tax collector and tax supervisor, W, H. MoCracken. The tax collections covei-ed a period of nine years, and the detailed report was as follows: 1127. $8; l;C8, $17.00; 1 !., $4.ri.T:; i;i;!0. $iufi.05; i:i;n. '!; i;i:-j, $'.-' 1.87. For 1 i);!,'!, a lota! of was collected, atul li34 taxes $5ii;!.t';l was paid in. The heaviest collections were for -1H35 taxes. with a total of $12,.V".i1.'. J. R. Boyd Buys Two Tracts Of Business Property From Welch This Week. J. R. Boyd, pur chased from Sam Welch, two jot's in the business district here. One lot, .being fifty feet, on Main street, and running back 125 feet, adjoining the r'lrst Na tional Hank building. The second tract is on Iepot street, inline diately back of the bank building, and run.! the width of the. bank.. i'ne lot on nepot street lias a foot frontage on the street. ; Mr, Boyd stated that bought the property for an vestment, and had no i ruined lO li e plans for building. The Main street tra.-t imluil the Taxi Stand. W. ... L. Lampkin Is Named President Of Wild Life Club The Haywood Wild Life Associa tion was organized last h ndav night, when 2!J interested sportsmen me-t and elected officers, with W. L. Lampkin, president, W. A. Hradlcv, vice presi dent, G. C. Plirtt. treasurer and (mv Massie, secretary. Interest in the mi-eting, and pur pose of the organization Created .much enthusiasm. Already 21 members have paid in their dues, which are fifty "cents - a month, and several have signified their intension of joining, even some from Canton have approached the officials for membership. The organization. 'is not, 'a hunting and fishing club, it was stressed, but an organization to work and co oper ate with the state department of .111 servation anil development and. the fa miens of this section in caring for and protecting game, birds and fish, Mr. Lampkin stated yesterday that plans were to have Mr. (.halk, of the department of conservation and de velopment here for the next meeting. The meetings will be held' monthly. A committee composed of Roy Francis, White Mease, and Pr, N. M. Miilford was appointed-, to", draft by laws for the .'.organization.. Last Rites Held For W. V. Robinson . Funeral services for W. A . Robin?. 1 son, of Clyde, who died Wednesday at his home were held Friday at the Methodist Episcopal church, South, of 1 which he was a memlx r. I .: 'Mr. Robinson' is survived bv his four da Heritors. Mrs. ( . L. 1 Eplcy, of Ashev.ille, Mrs r W rift, of Canton, Mrs. .' Hrvant Jloltzclaw, of Canton. Mrs, C. T. Stevenson, of ( an ton, and five sons, C harles L. and Jerry, of Asheville, Chester, of ( hari eston, S.. C, Roulev, of Akron, O , and Gurley, of Clyde. Mr. Robinson was born in Haywood county on July 20, 18bl. He served for several years as a member of the school committee of C;vde high school. He served the town of Clyoe in the capacity of water supervisor and tax collector until illness forced, him to retire. Improvements Being M a d e At Laundry . ' Finishing touches are being, added this week to the general enlargement of the office of the Waynesville Laun-Ii-t- The new addition will Erive over six feot more space for the length of ( the office. . , J. W. Killian, manager, explained that the new addition would enable more space for the office force and more space for filing cabinets. RAIFFS OUTLET STORE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS George Raiff, owner of. Raiff's Out let Store renorted good business for the "Going Out Of Business Sale" which has been m progress at his store for a week. , The large advertisement four full pages-4n last week's paper said "the entire sWk would be sold to the bare walls." World's Smallest Babv Cains . . : f ' a- - - - . fx x- I 'lLr Niiix' ( liiirch niul ltnliv out 'When Nancy l.ee- ogi.-tlie v I'KI's . smaMesi h;i,l ;il hti :li. ult.Kii. .1 sutlicii nt si:c s,, hc eoiilil le weigheit. Xiii I aioilh- i 'Vim i ll lifted her li eni h'er no -ul'.u.M- .it an. ( in U l.t ii il . t';ii:. Iiusihi.iI iiii.I I'nuiut l.lic intani tjin.-l Mo M-.ilt- ,il. Inn pounds am! live ,'unees, e.oicailei a ll aln,. J i t 1 - tiliL-inal WC.lbl u!" la elli'eis. Safety League To Meet Friday 13th Solicitor John M.'Quwn Will Principal Speaker of 5-Ieetmii 1 At Masonic Temple The .Community Safety League is not t he least bit stiperst it.iotis, as th'V are having their fourth meeting of j the organization on the night of ;tlu' j l.'lth, at. the Masonic Temple; at 7:.'10. o ciock, at'corning to an announccmetit niaile by Oscar L. Urigg.s, general chairman. The principal speaker of tlie even ing will In1 John M. Queen. He will speak oil "Iiiw Aliiding Citizens." I'-ank Davis will -be- toast mntder. Another topic that will lie discuss ed will be: " Parking on Main St root ." The members of the police force will be there to lead in the discussion. Dr. Chapman Is -Manager Of Store Dr. : H. O. Chapniiin, of (Jastonia, tiHik over the managenK'iit .of Smith's Cut Rite Drug Store here last-Thursday, morning, succeeding Dr. F. O. Ciarren, who came here, when the st ore was opened several .years ago. Dr. ( hapman ha,-- .Ih-cii connected with a Smith Drug Store in Gaston ia for the past year. Eagle Stores Are 1 Sold To Corporation .The. local Eagle , 5-10 and 2."ic Kioi-e figured in the sale of the entire chain this week, when a newlv formed cor poration, -with headquarters in Char lotte took over the ten stores. The former headquarters were at Morgant.on. No changes in the per sonnel of the Waynesville store will be mad'-, it was learned. 7Ae MELTING POT Wlial do von Hunk of .Imlye Alley x Whipping 1'osl fur (uve nlle offenders .' Tins Has tlie liiesiiiirl asked the ni n iiioted Im'Iow 1 liis wiH'k, .1. ft. HOYI). Hiinkei "I think he Is i'XH-lly forifct in liis views. As it is there is no iinlshiiieii( that the SiiM'i'ior ( ourt ( lerk can give that has nnv effei-t. nnd ! sides liiaiiv of the juvenile defeii da (its mv over IB yenrs old. 'f don I think we ran improve on I h tlx- Hllile injunction. 'Spare rod and spoil the '1nld.' " IAS. K IIKVDKHSON, Dairy man and ( 'on nl. r oiiimissloiier "As to Jtidre Alley's Idea, my own i-viM-rierifv has Ixvn this: ."Mv father used to punish me liT whipping fMiasioimlly ; hut I know that it nevi'r did do me any food only instilled Tear in me not chnraetor.' And tlii.s I think is (reiM-rnllv true lis regards this iiicIIkhI of pmiLsImient. What we want lo do is to develop I'hariU'ter in the youth of our land." t'HIKF A. G. KISSKI.L, Can ton "I favor Judge Plows's plan, that of providing a place for At The Eastern Entrance WAYNESVILLE.' X. C TMl'KSDAY. MARCH 5. 19.16 122 Subscriptions Received In Feb. . (hie bundreil and twenty two subscriptions during the month of . February That s the record just established by The 'Mount annicer, in view : of t he fac't that it was a 'Vlturt month" and had plenty 0 Imd veait her. That i,s an average.'' of more than four a dav. The publislH'is are proud o" record, because it is con :m :ng proof that, the citizens of tliH c.iim.inunity ARK reading this pa. per, or they would not pay for l .-.and when they read -the' :i ,:. per, M r. Advertiser, thai means, they also read your -message, . Hearing On Lake Matter Postponed The scheduled hearing on a .court order which was -signed here by Judge Alley last, .month, whjeh temporarily restrained confirmation of ilhe fore closure frale of the'.', Southern Metho disl Assemblv at Lake .Immluska. was The post iioiiemetit w.'ls madi' fo rt he week by Judge John M. Oglesliy.'"- The post pon men:. Was niade for the coriveniennce, of lawyers appearing on both sides.: Income TaxMan To Re Here On Fridav Due to illness, the (leputy collector scheduled to be . here last "Fridav to assist individuals in making but their income reports; was unable to Ik1 here, An announcement from the Greens J biiro office this week said that they will have a man hereon Friday, March iitli, to assist those who must, file in come' tax report'--. T here is no chargi for. the services- rendered. .loiiils; offenders where they eim he worked, schooled and properly disciplined, similar to the Stone wall Jackson Sehoot Haywood utility could .provide- sni'ii a de. K-iil inn ctiinp at the (oiinly farm where hoys could !' M'Kirat'd at once from the hardened criminals in our coiinij jail." ijhsf-ll Siiol thut he once liroupht fifteen. Iioys to AVaynes ville in one week: oniv to learn'. I.it.-r that the majority of th'-m had made up to do something in n-(ler to et a ride to Wavnes vill". kndwintr the the Clerk could not do -anything with thern. ,So far We Ve had one opinion .'iHrei-inc with ..Judge; Alley and two opjiosed. Two other opinions, late In reaching us. will be run in The Melting I'ot next week.. I e are pleased with the favor able .reception that has So far been Riven this new feature of I fie .Mountaineer. Kelow is what Mr. Ilarrv M. Hall volunteered: "I had thought the Mountain-.i-r was nhodt. tops as a nii'Ur IxtlM-r, but now you (old 'The Mel ling I'ot,' which makes it still tielter." of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Pilot Paid For ! "Ground Show" At i Fair 25-Years Ago i Horace SeiiU'lle. who back in 1911 i was an othcial of the Haywood ( ountv hair Association, has given another insight in the storv which this paper carried si'Veva, wicks ago. in which i Hugh Gratz. ol Louisville, was quot ied when lve explained that the failure ! to 11 v his plane at the lair -Jo-vears-I ago was duo to lack of high test ga- , oline. '.The plane rose several feet off the ground, but never Hew. i Mr Sentcllo goes farther, ano tells how the directors of the fair met Mr. jGiatz at the bank the same day to ! make settlement. .Some ol the dircc : tors, if not nil. favored withholding ; evcrv cent, as the plane bad not flown. The pilot of the plane, however, ' quickly pointed out that the contract calico lor either living or a '-ground ; show"- and he had given a ground. I show. Although ailvei t isenients had ! stated that, the plane would tly. I Mr. Grat. was pan) in lull, and ac- i cording to the contract, i : . Four People Named Frank Smith Once Lived On Same Rt. Net until this week did we know flutii ir min' n,illli i,iilllt,l "' ' ' " ' ' ' .-"'. I " ' I Frank Smith in this section of the county. It was while talking to one (if t lie in Frank .F. Smith that we learned that at one time there were four people by the same name Udweeii WaynesViUe and I lie II wood a distarue of live . miles. Several yeai's ago two moved from the route, and now 1wo .Frank Smiths are si ill untagling : tbeir mail, etc. - ' John T. Jones Buried Tuesday 1" unci al services were conducted on Tuesday afternoon at Longs Impel. Lake Jiinaluska, fur John T, Jones, (Hi, -of .Join's Farm, whd died suddenly nl hU hum,, at t welve o clock oti Sun ' l:iv night. Rev. J, II. Carier. pastor, "Micinteil. Inleiiuenl was ill I -lie I'b'as, 1 am. Hill ceinei'y,.iil Clyde. Air. .limes was born .on Fob. 2i,IK70. ; For years he had liefn a successful j I'ai nier, and with his wife had run th,, i .hmi1.-. -Farm, a popular tuutisl place. Surviving are Ins umw. Mis, Ro- In' rt a Francis Joiw cs, three daugblei s, M i s. T. ( '. Not ns. or ( Ivdo. Mss ! Lu v Junes, "and. Miss Fdna Jones; !hio .Mile Lnki ms, (ie(ir:re II., of ('anion; of ("yitc. and' Robert F.. "f uiui'ii'ka ; ! eleven gririideh il- di en ; I wo sit tei ; d'erw'oo i. i'C 'a-vi M villi Mi I M Guild v. . '' I ii brot in ', VV -; H. Kepu I IihalUska f I , and one ilsam. Meet Glenn A. I'...' :. i litiv-vrm oi i 'ie Re publican execut ive (,(i;"Mi ' ; i i t' .this count y, . aiiilounciMl . t.luii ii" !i -i; di' i'ected the pi ccilict c-.a . 'ii i- i i a I their voters .together .for 1 1 i ; 1 ( (in vent ions on .Saturday, .March 7, for the piifpose of organi.ing :inl i-lec.!.-ing. delegates to the count-, vv.' !e . ,i;--vention which will be hf-'d '" "" nesvi.lle; tjt the court house,, on Siit urday M, at t wo o clock. At the .county convent'!' 'i, I'l-'e.ites wiil be na.med to th' (..vat, i -.nvention which will convene in tireeiisboro on March 2Uh, Funeral Services For Mrs Mann, 77, Held runeral -M-rvives for Mrs. Susan Mann, 77, wife of William Mann, of near Clyde, were held I-ndav after noon at 2 o'clock at the Clyde- Baptist church. Mrs. Mann died Thursday morning at 0:45 o'clock at her horn'. Mrs. Mann is survived by her hus band; one daughter, Mrs. J. G. Koh inson; three sons, I'rentei-s and (harlev, of Clyde, and Ilevvev Mann, of Detroit, Miih., and six grandchil dren. W. P. Shook Buried At Bryson Gity Funeral servK-es were held on last Sunday at Arlington Baptist church, at Bryson Citv, for W. P. Shook, who died on Iriday at 3 o'clock p. m., at the Haywood County Hospital, with the pastor, Rev. Barker, ofliciatine. Interment was in the Arlington cem etery. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Alice Wloodv Shook, of - Brvson- C ity, and four children, K. J. Shook and C. K. Shook, both of Bryson City, and Mrs. Rurdell Marr and C. L. Shook, of W'aynesville; twentv-five grand chil dren; two sisters, Mrs. K. P. Buch anan, of Okanogan, W ash., and Mrs. Hester Bowent of Hazelwood. Mr. W. A. Coble was the puest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cob.e, over the week-end. $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Last Rites Held For Capt. W. J. Hannali Tuesday Afternoon Well Known Attorney Here Pa.sssed Awjiv Siindav After noon After l.injrerinjr II!nes.s Last rues were conducted on Tuo.--ibiy atternoon at L'.-.'U) n'clo k from l he l;'ir.st Haptist clmivh. for (Viptain Wil liam Johnson Hannah, m, well known II a. wood , ountv attorney who died at hi home on .Sunday, March the lM, alter an illness ol more than a vear 10 v. 11. . haucom. pjistor, .assisted hy Hr. li. 1'. Waik.'f, paMor of the I'irst IVesbyterian church, ofliciatid. Interment was m Green II ill cemetery Active pallbearers wciv: liobert Wcicli. . ). Snnlli, Walter Crawford Sam Queen, K. Alley. Jr V K I' lancis, ,1. nford Kav. and J K .Morgan. Honorary pal i ers were Spanish Amerulin War Veterant;, members of I he Haywood County Har Association-'- '. Allen, L. J. lve.be.son, .1 K ILpps, Hi . Sum St rmgtjeld. W T l.i'c John I.. av is, Miliis Nolaml. .1. IL Way, J. I;. . liovd, W G. Hv.-rs l.dwin llavnes. Jack Mcsscr V II Mil rackeii, A. G. Noland. Wade o hind, 1. J. (,'iil hi v, J. C. Web b, James L. Henderson, Lee l'erguson- J t Allison, Harry Hot ha, Jen" LVcvos Ira Iha.kston, . I. Messer, Dr J II Muaiheiis, ,,e Hranvlelt. () II Sbel lon, J, II. Howell, C. H. Atkinson T L 1 1 1 ecu, t Ii res Ginrge. anl V. W Mil ier. Uepre.sen.1al.ives fi-o-m the local National (jti.ird under 'aptun George' I'loU, attciKled (he service in a brxly. .ipf.'iin Hannah, native of Haywood county, son ol John Jackson and Mar-' tiia Simmon Hannah, Was born on August ;l,-l.xt,7. He receiwd his edu cation in the county schools, . Wake I-ores I College, and the University of North ( aiolina. He was married on Sept; otii )s,n)i A) Miss .losepbine Tucker, of tireeiieville, Tii tin. who died on (let L's. I'.IIM . lor four yc:ilrs Captain Hunnah taught in (he county schoolis. In Sep tember, 1SH7. be was admitted to the bar. In be was elected countv 1 1 ciiMiii'i-, and with re-elect ion -.served until IWH, when he resigneil to Vid uilteer jn tlje'Spanish'-Anieriean Wat. He ei veil a - lajdain ol ( omnanv C , which .later - lic.-nmc .Company' H. jn the Kir-t Neginient ,,f h,,. North Car onna Volunieeis.. . When the army of ocilipatioii took posses-sH-n ,f Hn'. vana, in Ilecomber. I H!)H iiis ompany had the distinction of bemring the reg. i mental colors. After being inusteioi! out of service at Savannab. Ga,, on April 212, IS'.l'.i, he relurned to WaynesviHi', anl foi-in-i'd a law pal t licit-hip wilh the late W. I. ( lawloul, and piacticed his pro fession with him in this relation until Mr, ( rawford was elecled to f'on gress in I!I(I8. I' roin thri until I!l2o wheii he fo l ined a pil 1 1 liership wit h his. son, William T. llaniuib, he prac (Conlinucd on back page ) All-Day Sinin Will Be Held Sun. An all-day singing will b'. held at the (ourl house mi Sunday, March Ktli, according to Paul Smith,' president; of the llayvvoid ( ouiiiy Singing conven tion. I'latis aic iindenvav for the associa tion to purchase an organ, and Mr. Smith urges .that all who . can and vill to (ime; prenaii'il to help dutia: .-owaml.- this can -e. NO DAMAGK I IIOM AZK 'The fire department was called out. -n 'v Tuesday irgi.t to extinguish a blaze .'it the home of Mi-s. J I'ea- cock on filch ami street M, rat damage was reported. The Weather Hate Max. Mm. Thursday L'7 70 44 Lridav 28 o.'i 21 Saturday 2'.) - .18 . 25 Sunday 1 .V.I 27 Monday 2 f,0 32 Tuesday :J f.l 28 Wixlnesday 4 57 30 Cameo Returned In Just A Few Hours. . ist no li thv follounij; want ail mis e.-irriiil: LOST Over week-end cameo pin, with carved scene. Reward offered Call Mrs. C. E. Ray, phone 151-J. Mlliin a few hours aTUT the iipor wasi delivered. lrs. Hay had the ( nmeo hack. I Yank Davis had found it. There's No Substitute For News paper Advertising f ' i t id-. i i : J ' t ' 1 r . t ' 4.

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