J. :!. The ' Wayne sville I News Events of World-Wide Interest Briefly Told Operates On Self V::h a jack-knife. Hall I'raw'.iy, , f Williams Lake. Canada, cut away the frozen parts of both feet when taiiiiVfiie set in after his partner luui left the cabin to g 4,r miles tu sum mons medical aid. He is netting aloiifi r.ici 1'- Roosevelt Wins In Ga. The fire whistle shrilled long ;,,ud and noisy honking autos Hid pa- noted the streets of DunaUlsonville. il.i., last week. Loyal Roosevelt sup-in.i-trrs ef Seminole county were o-Ie-in-ating. They had signalized the third birthday of the New Peal by, going to ihe polls in a county preferential piiiaary and casting (itil votes for .Mr. K.vusevelt's renomination, while Gov ernor TalmadKe supporters mustered nly U'O. Douglas Fairbanks Married I'oupla.s Fairbanks and his bride, the former Lady Ashley, were honey mooning this week after a civi) wed ding ceremony in Paris. The couple planned to leave on a motor trip to r.clgiuin and Holland and then to sail to China. Ford Silent On New Taxes The 'Fori! Motor Company, which according' to the last financial state ment made public, had an undivided Ku'r-plus of $580,276,391, withheld com ment on the Administration's plan to tax corporation surpluses. Sensational Events In Trial While a 19-year-old hoy was on trial for his life in Dorchester, Canada, the star witness fainted while on the (land, and at , a crucial moment, a member of the jury was told that .his hoiise was on fire, and left immed iately for his home. Time was taken tor the burned-out juror to find a Place for. his family to live. Honest Election Measure Fails A measure to insure honest .elec tions' in Illinois cities, by requiring voters to sign a register at the polls instead of merely announcing name, was beaten by the machine last week. Shares Worth Billion : The value of shares listed on cw York Stock exchange rose "(Mi. (Mill. 000 in February. , the Norris Dam Completed The- Noi-ris Dam, near Knoxville: e- lirst . major construction ' job . of '. T'A was formally put into ope lion when President Roosevelt pres d a gold telegraph key on his desk Washington which, autoinalically T't ited the flood gatts of the dam. Prosecution Unjustified The .Department.' of Justice, after two-year investigation of the .Ad 'intiistrHtion's cancellation of air mail '"iitiaets. reports tha t ei-imina 1 or 'ivii Prosecution .against lines were tilied. Retail Sales Up lKr survey just conducted by the gov fMient shows' that retail sales are I t per cent over 1 934. VA Payments Total $580,000, 000 l!'"iiettt paynienta, totaled by the M'.M'l.O' AAA for -t: v.er 4. Roosevelt Urges New Tax . j'lsident Roosevelt urges; .1. lump !X on ah corporations to 33 per cent 'f iindistribtited profits. It is esti mate,! that thio rnti.t n Ida .. .1)00 new revenue yearly, and would suiimient td t'M'ni sai.sidy. pay the bonus and Need For Special Session "ernor htiritiRhaus in a statement .ii,l. that "manifestly" nothing can be 'omplished.by calling a .speciaTses ,if the North Carolina legislature . , ' i er 'obaceo. crop oontro1 ,eS'- - gallon until and unless "we know reasonable certainty how far the states will go." Fire Causes Big Loss '''.ire : In a COtton rttora iro 'nrm rphniiso 'L'';'trI",t,? resulted in about $10.- B;- "lmaKe- A two-alarrrP was nec.es' "" to get the blaze under control. Run Over By Train Bruised , n'v ' V0 and 11 hn'f years old. was af. f "frhtly bruised and scratch'ed. ar leinP run over by a locomotive iri ''eight cars in the railroad ;'.'n at Washington, He was un- t .... -V " ana lay still, as the cars ' ' over him. 's Market in Jhe .follW'ng cash prices -were be Pai Wednesday by the Farmers iteration here- J thickens, heavy breed hens and r ' ft- l ' : FUI1 .............. ; Em Kght weight- Imh' ,12c .. 16c ...75c ,..70c ..90c .. Ii ,V.a al- bRhel . ... "ajnuts, pound .. ...l Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park VOL. XLVIII NO. 11. Prospects Of Get ting Armory Here lermed As Slim" Community Would Have To icaise Mini Of $$.000 To Erect ?2.",000 Building And Donate Site laivsi woru coming Jrom ticials rejrarding the buUdinjr of armory hete, which was recently ,,, ,-...1 AIM, 4 . t. 1 el an ap- r'"1"1 o .t i .a, is unit tne communi ty will have to contribute a .sum of ap proximately 8,000 towards the con struction of the $25,000 building, as well as provide a satisfactory build in t site. ' The terms first offered hy the WTA was that all that would he necessary i would be the provision of a satisfac tory building site. The officials of Company "H" here together with in terested citizens made provisions for the lot. Captain George Plutt, 0f Company "H," of the 120th Infantry, told this paper this week that a far h.. know, no efforts would be made to raise the necessary ?8,uli0 for building the armory. It is generally discussed among those most familiar with the original plans that the money ''ear-marked'" for the armory was pcnt. on other projects that were not nearly as im portant to the community as tho nr mory would have been. Funeral For Mrs. Mollie Jaynes Davis Held Here Tuesday Mrs. Mollie Jaynes Davis, ae &2, passed away at lur home on Killian street Suaday afternoon at' 5:30. Fun eral .services were conducted from the Waynesville Methinlifit church Tues day afternoon at 2:M) o'clock, and burial was male in dreen Iliil cem etery. Mrs. Davis was the daughter of the late M. K. N. Javnes. of Dellwood She is (survived bv five sons: hov. Charlie, Newton, duilg'er. and Huiiert. and one daughter. Hester, all of Waynesville. I here are nine grand children. She has. the following brothers and sisters: Dock .lavnes. Mills River, N. C, Charlie Javnes, D. P. Jaynes, and . J. Jaynes. Waynes ville, Mns. Laura Davis. Asheville N C, and Slw. R. Murray Ferguson. Dellwood.. Ilier husband. L lurru'i' Davis, died in 1:104. Pallbearers were Owen .lavnes. Ray Ferguson, -Norman Davis. Julius Davis, Hugh Javncs. Newman Jaynes. Blwin Jaynes, ami Robert Jaynes, all nephews of Mrs. Davis. W. Tom Rainer Is Now Sales Manager For Chevrolet Here W. Tom Rainer, well known automo bile 'salesman' of this , county, was named sales manager of the Watkins Chevrolet . Company here Monday morning, according to an annoum-e-ment made yesterday by M. D. Wat kins, president of the firm. Mr. Rainer has been in the automo bile business in this community incc coming here about ten years ago. He has had much experience in the au tomobile business as salesman and manager of motor companies. Mr. Watkins and Mr.. Rainer left Wednesday morning for Charlotte, where they will attend a Chevrolet sa'le? meeting, which will be conducted by officials of the Chevrolet C ompany. Mrs. White, 77, Dies In Washington State .Mrs. Sara Hopkins White. 7". died last week at Ueonngton. Washington.. after a short illness. Mrs, White was the mother of J. M White and Ben White, of this count v. Several other children survive, most of them living in the f-tate of Wash ington. . J. 'M. WTiite, local terrn-r. left for her bedside when he learned she wa.s sick. She died the day after he left. He will return m a week or two. He made the trip by rail. Large Highway Signs Are Ordered An order left here last night for six large enameled highway sign! which will be placed on highways: leading into Waynesville. The signs have in large letters a welcome to Waynesville. and also a slogan about drive carefully. The cen ters ioi the signs have an emblem ol the American Legion ensigna. LeRov Davis made a one-man drive Wednesday morning and secured enough to; buy the signs and have them erected. He is anxious to get enough to place two sma.ler such signs On the highway at each school in the county. He will welcome any con tribution made towards this. CRITICALLY ILL Mrs. George W. Turpm is in a cnt- cal condition since developing pneu- monia. Sells Canton Shows X s ! - , N " s - Us .1 i:s i.. m ssii: Massie Sells His Canton Theatres To Corporation James E. Massie old hi.s ecpiity and equipment in the two Canton theatres yesterday to the Cardinial Amusement Company, newly formed corporation of that plaee. Although negotiations have been in progress off and on for a perio of two years, the sale was not completed until yesterday. The deal includes the Colonial and Strand Theatres, together with the leases, and all equipment' and' rights. Mr. Massie declined to give the ale price for publication, but (lid tatc that he was well pleno.t witb (be ,,f. fer, and would now devote his entire time to The Park Theatre here after taking a needed rest He took over the (.anion theatres three years ago last month, and "for a time operated three theatres, but in December of last vour closed the Im perial. The newly formed corporation is a sub i diai'y of the Ramford-I ublix ( or poration, operators of the Asheville theatres. Lee Briggs Hurl In Richmond, -Va. I.ee In-iggs. who has been residing in Washington, I). ('., was enroiito home, and while in Richmond. Va . wa.- hit by a car while crct-sing the street on last Sunday night... The -ar bo re la South f'arolina license -tag.. As a result 'pf the -accident Mr. lingers is in ." fra. cr itical condition. His skull wa.s oil, and his light arm a ml lee tun irokeri. Accoriling to the (nt tho Memorial II ii patient, by his tst report l i I -pit.-i! whom .brother, () unconscious, jieful : of liis I.. Ilriggs. he is still but the (ioi (('iverv. irs t-ceni In V. I . A. TO MKKT Miss dred Crawford will have r ,s) ':meet large the program of lh. I U nniMi 1, I' 1 whiMi I this aftemoon, Thursday, cock. 7Ae MELTING POT W; m i;its. i.-rk snpi rioi- 01111 -I inn lieaiillv In U4tfiiil uilli ilic IiIi-h of M'ltTemillii-r Ihe jii vrmlf (Icfi-mlanis rum tliosn ulio arc older In vi'iirs anil have alreadv hecome ha rdeneil front lliclr i-oiiu-loiiii;v. Of c-onr4'. Iliivninid ( oulll v v.oiild proliahlv not be nhle to iniilritafn an insli I lit Ion for juvenile Imys anil girls. I (liiilk. llu-i-cfiiiv. it Is a matter lliat should Ik- stato- hie. ulili the opportunll of more Ihan one f-oiiiity ix-nitlnir together nriiler the suH-r islon of the stale. I mil also in accord with the idea if the whlppinz jiost. hut ft Is my opinion that llic uliipping M-t should l- ill the home or the ti.K k yard and the nliippiiig ad niinist'rel lj- a (.iMl-feanng futh--r or iinth-r. " jack ir:ssi:n. supt. ii.-mawmnI iiuniv SchiKils " do not advo cate tin- liiiintr post us siiili: hut I do helieve in sonii- kind of iiinisliini-iit inH,ral if mils wiry, hclng nilniinlsterril I)t the loi-al authorities, for our juvenile defendants. I tJiink this uoulil lie more beneficial than to eon timie scndintr them off to eorni--tne irisl it nt ions Inch often do not inrriit. ' .So iitnfludes pvpres.H!ons roe "IV. ed on the I'hippine Jost'. . . . threi' opposed to the idea, one in favor1 of it and one committed to it in part. The question for this week was: Do vou approve of the present North Carolina Sales Tax? If not. what would you surest to take its place ? WAYNESVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 12. 193G Tomorrow Watch Out! Friday 13th ! Only twice during' l!)3(i will those who are superstitious have it o worry about being- on their P's and Q's on Frid.iy the thirteenth and tomorrow is one of them. The other Friday the thirteenth doe riot come until November. While many people do not take any stock in the so-called bad hi . k day, ethers are ever aware of the fact, and rejoice When .tho day is over. , ' ' Bowles Tells How School Teachers In State Are Allotted M. II. Howies, superintendent of the Waynesville Township Schools, told the Rotary Club last Friday of the importance of school attendance, and made a comparison of tin' elemen tary and high school grades in reg ular attendance percentages. Mr. liowky went into detail of how the state school cotii'inissi,n allots teachers on average daily attendance, giving one teacher for every ele mentary pupils, and one teacher to every ;U) hitfli school pupils. With the bad weather, the daily attendance has dropped ten per cent lielow normal, which would moan a loss of the same per entago in teachers if Ihe coinniis. sion fail to make allowances for the extreme cold weather Ix'forc they al lot next year's teachers. Several school niaftt'iv were brought befolv the club, one of which was the suggestion thai a high school band 1k sponsored. Joe I.emiiur, 01; Killed Bv Train Joe I.enimg, bt. a well known car penter, was instantly killed Monday afternoon about live oclo.-k. when he was hit by an eastbound freight tram Leming was said to have been fit ting on the end of a croiss-tie when struck. Members nl tlu tram enew reported that they did not see him until about 10(1 yards away. Several bkusts of the whistle faile him. tihey reported to rouse .ir! tho s h ngfii 1 he brakes were applied train stopped within six-ca.s atter he was hit. 'The freieh was a uouoic-riciKMir- I wo engines iu( a My hiis a long string of cars.. Ihe accident took place just site the water lank. .tt- ipo . Ihe funeral was held Wednes. ii: v afternoon, Surviving are his widow and the following children: Ruf'us, of Waynes M.le; Mrs. I -earl Hopkins. or Alex andria, a.; Hai ! v. of Kmgs Moun tain: Joe, Jr., who is a "patient, in the Walter Reid govei nment hospital m Washingfi.ti. D. ('.: Mrs Frank Wilson, of (.a.stonia : (;,, w of Vir- jginia; Kdna. of (',as(onia: James, of fiastonia, -and Mabel, of Was.hingtori, I). C. ' DM i: SILM Is Willi I' . L. WITH KKS AM) ( () J. Dale Stent z, former nianag of .Nouthern Methodist Asuemhlv.'at' Lake Junaluska, this week, became assoriat - (i with K. I.. ithers and Company in the real. estate. and insurance business. .vienihers of the firm reported that. a,le,l,iy several IlKlllines have hocll rereivod tale and this ye rentals ir regarding real; " I H VU mifli, Mi,ni, v I' v I lie 'Mill- tax is the fair '"I mill most -iia1lv nppoiii,,ii,., hne. ,ii-res,,.,v nMir Isls mill lliill-laiiiloMiiers u In, hoiiIiI otheiis. i-Miix- n,m slum- h pi-o,ril..ii.i(. ,,,,,-t of tin i M iisi-N of i, ur state siippni-ti-d si hools ! reason nl" tile sjiles fix I kiiiiu of no siihsllliiti, for the siilisUix anil as to Hluih,,. (i sl.iuilil ho niailo iMiinaiieiit re inalos to In- Mill. Ihe emi'i-gi-n- Hhlcli ihiiii Iwy has not IMismmI. In (he illleriv-ls ,,r the t llii ii-ni j- of our si hiiiil syi-in the sales tax must Im- retained for the iircM-nt.'' W. II. OU I.N. Manager A P I think the sales tax is sound in principle: anil it firings in the money, niiich of it from a source heretiifore not toiii-heil. Ilowcvi-r I (Ion t think llu v shonlil tax the nine Irnsi,- fiHMls . . . Clyde Ilocy Is right there." Jtr. O-.viri went on to sav that if his eusionip r. 1,'ot thi old leiier.-il processing, tax state sales tax mixed. and th' hut that not ni.inv i,f ihciii ohieeti-d to pa Vine the sales tax. iilAUUil. imoWV. M.inacer I armers I iileratiori "I'roni the way the farmers of this county are huyinj; tolmii o seeds anil fer tihziTs. there u ill he more toliai' eo grown this year than there uas grown last year.-' OU.NTAINEER Re-elected President ( II Mil l s hay Haywood Medical Croup Hear Smith Dr. Rcrnard Smith, proniiiK'tit intern ist of Asheville, aililrcissed the Hay wood County medical Society last Thursday night, at the hospital "hero. He spoke on his travels in Kurojie, illustrating his Uilk with moving pic tures he made on his trip. After the meeting, which was the regular monthly , meeting of the uo ciety, ref reshnienls were. ' soi vel by the Wives of the niemheivs ami the hos pital stair. Dr. J, Rate is president "of the llaywiied County LMedical Society, SUBSCKIPTIONS 1 i In- , f 1 hiring t he past eeU , lol.i l I'ly-one suhser ipl ions u CI e l ee i V 'Pile Mo ii ll in Intel . ..iTwenly oil,. lose u ei e i:e to s ; ) r Sam sii i i n;.. lieM, i 'ity, Mrs l,loy, I 'lnll iiH, i 'ity. Hoy ; it,,. 1 1 i . ehvooii. I''. A: I ! urg in, (.'ity. 'I'ii.nl Mi.hi'U. ,i. i:cs llle, . .M. I. sn ib r, .iMieMvllb' Ht 1 ' '. !'. K ii Kpa I rii k . ( 'iiy. T. U 'iioit. , i 'a lilnn ' I .I' ll .iolles.' I la.. oimI. S.i.o. I Hail; la zelu noil. Mis M i: I'oii ii, i-, I . : a ! A I I -fa: Ks .., nesv ,lle, Kl . I . D. .1 M ehiill -., I ! k ,,..,( Selma .lohllNell. I lazi 1 v oo, (II ie Mel 'lure, I lazelwooel. Mi s. I. 1 1 ItiaiMleii. i ,n . l ailoe Mi ,11,, i d. I lazelw o,.,. A lion Ha neo el, I 'll Mis. A! i n ii ie Willis, l,aUe .1 imal'ii; k .1. .A.- Mel.inn. ( 'a 1 1 1 ii . ::. '' ''. )'.,!,, , II.,.-, lu I Kile Son-ells; Mazeliv . Cm :, n M,,..,, . I lazelu ,,,,,1. II. i... .,. :, .-,',, H;izelu.,,,,, .1 ): I'nli, .1 .1 , , I in i ; ii. Mis. s: n t;,i i: il';:ll Dr. .1 V III,', lit. I l;i . Vv ' I '. I in Uev tan ii .1 . i . A. T: A. K. llll'.M'i j r '. A1. Til OS. i 1", Oil I 'ra lie M, 'i. .Mes;S I .1,1 V 1 11 , I la ' i I . jveli. s f i. ii . sv..i. . . 1 1., ei ., , :, I -a i.-. 'it y'. , 'iT'lill, U a.vio I: ; I . 1 II. Al, -!l,-i -I. i 1.- J..., l,ot ,1. .Ii-..' SarVisie:,. l-'la. ( I : Mi; .i. H I.'io.i n ii, I W'jaii... v' ,ynesviHe, Itt. 1 W. II.. .oi,t;iii, WaynesviHe. Ul. 1 .). A. i 'in i tii in- hum.' ( 1 1. , , ; t. , 1 ., Kay .Mill, i . C:!.v. I '.. II. i e, i.-h.i w . i il y i'ilizahefli VN'illoii'n. Saiiilorium; 1 ' iMethodist Training School To Start 22 A standard training school for the teachers and workers of the Meth odist, churches of the county' wnl be held at the ( anton .Methodist chuiv h from March the 212nd to the 27th. The .board of dirn'tors i.s composed of Car H King, educational director. with I), h. ( amak. pastor of the C an ton church, as chairman, with other members as follows: W. A. Knllms. J II (arpcr I' S Tiuisdik T O Highfill. and M. K. Leftwich. The first clasp session will Ix- held at the Canton church on Sunday. March the tl. at 7:30 p. m., with the other classes meeting ea.h evening at jU. Hooks may Ik.' iiurchasial from Dr. I). E Camak. CITIZKNS IilBI.E C LASS PASSKS GOAL OF FIFTY IX ATTENDANCE The Citizens Bible class, taught by K. Morgan, now meeting in the town hall over the fire station., started about two years ago with an attend ance of seven. The attendance grad ually grew and the class set an aim to reach an attendance of fifty. Sev eral times the attenilance has neared that mark, but failed to reach it until last Sunday when the number present was fifty-two. The class was much elated at reaching the goal, and feel that they ought to have fifty or more every Sunday. $1.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Directors Of C. Of G. Name Chas. Rav President For m Other Oflicers Klected In First Meeting Of Directors. Plans Heini; -Made For Year Charles K. Ray wa.s re elected pres ident of the Chamber of Commerce Tuesday night, at the first meeting of the newly elected 'beard of directors. Ralph l'revost wa.s le-elected first vice president, and D. M. Richeson wa.s named second vice preedder.t. Hugh Massie was re-elected treasurer of the organiza! ion. The matter of naming .secretary waK lefeired to the executive committee for recommendation, together with de tails of the expense of the 'office.' 1'resident Ray named D. N. Davis chairman nf the executive committee, and 1.. M. Richeson and W. Curtis Russ as members.- A two-hour discussion was devoted t plans for the work of t.he organi ziition for the coming year, and. .sev eral m'atters were disciuwd at length. Several dill'crcnt plaiin were tsuhmii. ted, but no formal adoption made, as this will lie done at another meeting in the near future. The directors name, for It).'!!! at a recent meeting held at the court house were as follows: ('. N. Allen, W. L. Hardin, Jr., I,. N. Davis, K. J. Hyatt, Charles K. Ray, Ralph I'revost, W. Curtis Russ, Cuy Masnic, and K. 1.. Withers. The directors Tuesday night decided to have published in The Mountaineer, March 'lit, a complete itemized lisL of nil cont rihutoi s and dislmnsements of the organization for l'.KIii. One Dead And Six Injured In Wreck Harvey Shepherd. Id. former mem ber of the ( anion police torce. died on .Sunday night in the Havwood ( ounty Hospital from injuries receiv ed in an autoiniobile collision near ( anton. .Sunday, I'tineral .services wi re held on I uesday afternoon at the I'irst Hunt ltd church in H'ranklin. Ihe ai'cident occur nil altout two miles west of ( .anion on a curve in the highway near the I'atton farm, liolh cars were dejaulixhisl. . Dt.liers inpired were: Herlx'rt Warren, o! ( 'anion. H. 1 1. Hiddi.x. of Marion. Mix H. I. I.idil x and her sister. Miss cum Bidilix. also of Marion. All the in jured were taken t'o the. Havwood (.ounty Hospital, following the ac cident..-'.'.'.. Mrs. Luther Shook Buried At Hryson Funeral services were held at the Arlington Baptist church, at. Jiryson Cn.v 1 ne.sday al II ocldk for Mrs. Luther Shook, of Clyde, who died at I o'.'lm'k on Sunday morning at the Haywood. County Hospital, after an illness of live months. Interment whs in the Arlington cemetery. Surviving are her 'husband, four children, (.no daughter, Phyllis, throe sons., Carter, Clifton, arid Irwirlg, and hei; parents, ,1 r. ami Mrs. ( '. S, Jenk-. ins,, of .laekMiii county. , W.G. IUersT7Si)eak Saturday A t Clyde , V, . 1 1. Liver r. i k of the superior t ne state and gov t on ,th.i: social se com t, will His. us eminent : agrceiiii curity act at tr.e Clyde high school on Saturday, March 1 I, at three, o'elfick. I bins have ' been made to have a large, attendance to hear Mr, Ilycrs discuss this . su.'ip'ct. which is of vital ini)or!ance at this time. M. G. Green Now In Charge Of Ford M. ( . f.ieen, better known to his friends as lonzi. nas l'en named sale.s manager of horils and Used cars i f the ! onl agenev-Abel v (iarage , for Waynesville and cOmmunitv. -Mr. Green became associated with the .rord dealer here in Novemher. lil.I-l. .and has been most su cessful in pl.u-ing many new ears, as well as used cars Dr. Pate Attends Medical Meeting Ir, J. F; late, physician of Clyde and (anton. returned Sunday from ( harlotte, where he spent several days attending the meeftmus of the orh Carolina Academy of Surgeoy The Weather Max. 64 0 f.l fi () 57 Min. 32 27 2.i 27 32 2 Jo Thursday r ndav Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday i ! I1. ' t ' i : :i I -i ' .