1 'I The Wayne sville Mountaineer News Events of World-Wide Interest Briefly Told- Elevator Strike Ended H compromise between realtors ami jm'ti imion ends elevator strike in New York fity- Slum Project Upheld The New York Court of Appeals upholds slum clearance for feder.il h.'UMiiK projects. Red Ink Sales Drop nut in Portland. Oregon, the report is made that there has been a drop i' red ink sales, which would indi cate further recovery. Income: Tax Collections Doubl Income tax collections show a pain of nearly fifty per cent over last year, us treasury officials check over the current returns. To Build Huge Liner A senate bill has been introduced which provides for the spending of federal funds to construct an -American superliner. No More Racing News (??) officials of the American Telephone ami Telegraph Company declared they would welcome legislation 'making H-Ict-'.'il the dissemination of racing news I y telephone. Wage Increase Reported The American Federation of lbor advised a 13 per cent increase in t;ipcs.as a means of building up pur chasing . power to support a capacity produotion. The labor report also declared the need is for new legis lation to bring reforms like those under NKA, "Frame Of Mind" Causes Accidents Safety experts in Boston have just made the statement that '.HI. per rent of the .-highway accidents are due to the "frame of mind" of the drivers of cars. Floods Do Billion Dollar Damage Conservative estimates are that a billion dollar damage was caused by Hoods in the eastern part of the Unit ed Stat e during the past week-end. Twice, president Roosevelt postponed his fishing- trip in southern waters in order to be on hand to direct the re lief of thousands of sufferers. YVl'A, i'V and other agencies of the federal mv'ernment have been rushed to the Hooded areas. The lied Cross was on duty immediately rendering 'aid.' Roosevelt Asks For Relief Funds President Roosevelt in budget mes saee to Congress asked for $1,500, '". mill for relief work in 1137. He ..Iso urged private business to em ploy -more workers to cut need of relief vpending. Three Quarters Million Con tracted In Carolina ' 'oiitr.iots were awarded in the Car 'lin.rs during the past week for con 'rtietiijn totaling more than $750, 000. ' '"i ding to tabulations made at the ' -i.i "Una branch of the Associated '-!"'!'' 1 Contractors of America. Million Dollar Fire Damage .Damage' estimated at: $1,000,000 to Junber ;ind stands, was caused by a .'i'"iig wind which swept the '-upper - '.tier, of ;f eenvillc County, hi South ''"'.oiina last week.. Baptist Enlarge ment Campaign On .'.. 'Waynesvine Baptist church is 'hav ing an enlargement campaign this wk. Mr. L. L. Morgan, Sunday Nhool field worker, of North Caro lina Baptist State Convention, is di recting the work. He is ablv assisted iy Mrs. Laine, of Hickory, N, C, and Mw. Baine, of Dunn, N. C, both ap- - -Proved workers of the Sunday School . .ward of Nashville, Tenn. . 'e meet each evening thig week at C'5. Each of the speakers directing t.-e work in his field. the attendance is good and if you are a Sunday School worker you are the looser if you are not attending, tome tonight. II. W. BAUCOM. aSvocxcixg next week Tiip first formal announcement for ""I'-e in the 1936 campaign -will ap ocar in next week's! paper, it was .trnprt. yesterday, as Edwin Da ynes, ci-ter of Deeds, stated his annonnce would appear next week. Today's Market qe .following' casn prices were be rf.paid wdnesday by the Fanners Federation here: thickens, heavy breed hens and r,f.rJ"ers, pound ... ......... 15c v;mckens, light -weight, pound ..-13c dozen -- 15c c! No. 1, buehel 75c bushel ............ ......70c neat, bushel Q0o "ataute, pound U Published In The County Seat of Haywood County VOL. XLV1II NO. 13 Taken By Death s. ii. iMivHvoon 8. L. Underwood Buried Sunday Last rites were held on Sunday af ternoon from the residence on Brown avenue, for Samuel Leonidas Under wood, 80, who died at eight o'clock on Saturday morning- at his home, following- an illness of several months. Rev. H. W. Baueom, pastor of the First Baptist church, conducted the services. Interment was in Green Hill cemetery. The pallbearers were grandsons and were as follows: H. C. Robinson, Leon Underwood, Spalding Under wood, W. F. Brackett, Smiley Carver, and Sam H. Kelley. The flower girls were great granddaughter of Mr. Underwood and were: Miss RJuuh Gonce, Miss Clara Carver, Miss Ophe lia Carver, Miss Naomi Carver, and Miss Patsy Brackett. Sui"viving are one son, David Un derwood, of WaynesviHe; two daugh ters, Mrs. H. ('. Robinson, of Way nesville, and Mis, William Bramlett, of Greer, S, C; four brothers, Robert T. Underwood, of Ashoville, and M. H., J. P., and Jake Underwood, of Wayneevi.lle; twenty-eight grand children, and twenty-six great grand children. Fashion Show To Be Given April 2nd Woman's Club To Sponsor Show. With Local Models Showing Styles Of Merchants Final details are being worked out for Waynesville's first fashion show, which will be held at the Park Theatre on Thursday, April second, under the auspices of the Woman's Club, with the merchants of the en tile community participating. Just the number of models that will take part in the show has not been determined. All models, however, will be' 'local people. The models will in clude both women and children. Mrs. S. P. Gay, president of the Wo man's Club, announced yesterday that beginning at 7:15 a number of short news reels and comedies would be shown on the screen, with the fash ion show beginning at eight o'clock. After the fashion show the picture, "King of Burlesque," would .1)0 shown. The regular admission of twenty-five cents would be charged this would include both the movie and. fashion show. Seal Fund Will Provide .Money For Cripples Organization of the North Carolina League for Cripple Children with Frank A, Barber, of Asheyille, as president, Charles Warren, of Char lotte, as executive secretary, has re cently been perfected. Jack Messer, superintendent of county schools, has been appointed district chairman, with Dave H, Har ris, of Canton, as director of Haywood county. From the Rotary Club the following have been appointed to work on the project for this community: Rev. H. W. Baueom, George A. Brown, Jr., Dr. S. P. Gay, and Jack Messer. The purposes of the league as out lined this week by local executives are as follows: Provide a continu ous program for the care, cure, and education, and placement of crippled children in the state; to stimulate and encourage public clinics; to con stantly combat accident and disease responsible for crippled conditions; to promote the establishment of orthope dic centers when advisable. It is also the purpose of the North Carolina league to affiliate with the Via irftai-nntinnnl crvietv -for rrirtnle children, and thus be able to use seal sale plan of raising funds to finance certain work of the league. Plans are now being completed for the annual Seal Sale in the state from April 6th through the 12th, with approximately 90 per cent of the proceeds to be kept in the county for the crippled chil dren. Seals may now be obtained from Jack Messer, Wa'yneeville, or Dave H. Harris, Canton. 1 "j 1 lC' Has Been A Subscriber To The Paper For The Past Fifty Years H.R. Mauney, 7(3, of Canton, Route Two, has been a regular reader of a WaynesviHe newspa per for the past fifty years. For the past forty-eight years he has been reading The Mountaineer. During the entire fifty years, he has only been without the paper about three months at one time and four another. "I started taking the paper when Mr. Pink Herren was editor, and have been a regular subscrib er ever since," he said here Sat urday. Mr. Mauney was born on Jon athan Creek at the mouth of Hemphill, and has lived in the county all his life except for 15 months when he went with mem bers of his family to Gastonia. He is a farmer, and the only crop he h&s. ever missed was the year he was in Gastonia. He has lived at his present place for the past 23 years. He is quite a booster of the paper, and seldom comes to Waynesville without stopping in the office to say "howdy." Building And Loan To Pay $17,600 On Matured Stock Wed. Slock Hought In October, 192!) lias Earned Six Per Cent During Past Six And A Half Years Next Wednesday' S. H. Hushnell, secretary-treasurer of the Haywood Home Ruflding and Loan 'Association, will pass out checks totaling $17,(00 to persons in Wayne.sville township having stock matured April first. The stock, bought at twenty-five cent a share, matures in about six and a half years, bearing six per cent intercut. The series which matures next "Wednesday was opened in Oc tober, 1S)2! thei date known as the "crash of the stock market." The directors of the organization recently had published a four-page folder describing the work and in for. mation of the organization. The folder is titled: "Facts you should know about the Haywood Home Build ing and Loan Association." The fold er contains just facts, and is written in such a way that it if; easy to un derstand. The directors are business men of the community, giving of their time to the organization. Officers are: K. L. Provost, president, K. J. Hyatt, vice president, and S. H. Hushnell, secretary-treasurer. Direcors are: .1. R. Bovd, W. H. BurgVn, S. H. Bush nell. L Ml Killian, L. M. . Riehe-son. O. II. Shelton, K. J. Hvatt, J. W. liny, U. L. Prevost and (". N. Allen. An advertisement in tixtay s carries the announcement that (cries op'ns April first. paper a new Merchants To Meet On Friday Important -Matters To Come lie fore Local Retailers No Money To I'e liaised Every merchant of the , community WaynesviHe, Hazelwood, and Lake Junahi.ka. are expected to meet at the Chamber of Commerce office Fri day, night at eight :6 'clock to decide on several pressing matters of im portance, according to a committee w ho are working up the proirram. . The committee is composed of Hugh Massie, Lester Burgin, and W. A. Bradley. Mr. Massie 'said: "There will not be any pledges taken, or any money whatever raised. The mectir.ir i. called for entirely another purpose; and for a purpose that will necessi tate every merchant in the commu nity being present," , The MELTING POT Olt AI, I,. VATFS "If Iho elec tion for (rovornir was held to morrow. Ir. ISalph V. McIXinald would roI oiKhly-flvo ikt cent nf tho volf-s rast in Xash. Kdjieoinih and Wilson oounllos. I liavo just pj'turnotl from there, Kverylhlnff from Kali-ieli to the coast is for lr. McDonald." T. Ij. GRKKN "This was the hiceost snow siii'x; the hie mw f IK-conibor, 18HB, over 49 years ago.'?. : .1. M. McKI.UOV. Farmer and Cattle man, Oraltreo "I think this winter has boon the hardest on cattle I've ever seen." T. IT. GADDV, Koal Kstale and Rentals Agent "I've been in this business twelve years, and It looks better right now for a good busi ness this summer than I've ever seen. .1 have an average of at At The Eastern Entrance WAYNES VILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 26. 1936 II. R. MAUNEY Do You Want Another Serial? liMst no't Ihe coiirliiilhiK luip ler of I ho ferl:l slory "faunlil In The lid' u hi. h lias Ik i ii I'liiinliiK In Ihis pupi l- for a niiitili er nf moiillis was linlsheil. The imlilishci's of this ihi' lire iiiivIiiiis In know n hoi her Iho reiwl ers uoultl like niiolhei' such slory lo . Iick'Ii'i nl an oiirly ilalo; If so lluy should lot il lie known ihl- HlS'k. $50 Raised Here For Flood Belief Urgent calls are being made to all Red Cross chapters over the country for contributions to relieve flood suf ferers. To date according to Rt v. 11. W. Baueom, chairman of the Hay wood County Chapter, $50.00 has been donated locally. Funds are being left with Mrs. 0."R. Martin, at the Red Cross rooms, over Alexander's, .1. C. Patrick, at the WaynesviHe Hard ware Company, and with William Medford. The original ijuota for the Hay wood chapter was $250.00, hut owing to the increase in number of sufferers, the amount has been raided, as will Ik-noted in the following appeal made throuu'h a wire to Rev. Baueom, from Red Cross headquarters in Washing-, to, I). C: "Rev. II. W. Baueom; Chairman Haywood County Chap ter American Red Cross, Waynes ville. Since original flood relief fund iUo tas assigned number victims has been doubled. Latest reports, our relief directors now in -field ' place total number men, women and children looking to the Red Cros.s for imme diate emergency relief at three hun dred eighty-seven thousand, with every likelihood this figure will- increase--a, flood creKt..s. continue.. To meet clear and essential Rod Cross obligations to these .suffering follow citizens now imperative- we ask you 'to make every possible effort, to secure relief con tribu Holts exceeding y.tur' ort-ina! chapter quota by at leait fifty per cent, as-flood waters recede jjome areas we must contiiiue to feed, shelter, clothe homeless refugees, also! extend medicid and nursing care in order to. -prevent --epidemic's, . This will con tinue for an indefinite periixl, until Red 'Cross 'can :a.id in repairing dam aged homes and victims can return to normal living. Feel confident your community will wish to increase con tributions promptly and generously in order thi emeiKent human need be met. Keep us advised. CARY T. GRAYSON." A PACE OK FLOOD PHOTOS WILL BE FOUND IN THE SECOND SFXN TION OF TODAY'S PAl'ER. least one inquiry a day for a house to rent houses that I can not furnish. "What Wayiiosvillo and Haz ojvvood no"ds Is more houses. If wo liad thirty now cottages' tKlay I lielievo. they could all be rent ed in thirty days at a fair price. Xmv, this Is no 'bull' talk." J. I. FltA.yri.S, Iliiildlnc Coli-tractor-"Ves' most oorytliing is getting -better, The prosjiects for frk in my linex building and ro IKiiring, are gofnl this year. I liavo niapiwd out right now work enough to keep me busy several months and I've boon busy near ly all winter." The Melting Pot contains a mix ture this week five quotations, touching upon as many different subjects. We trust that our read ers will enjoy it- "just for a change." of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Western Carolina Creamery To Install $5,000 Worth of New Equipment By April 15 92 Are To Receive Diplomas From The Township II, School (laduution Dale Is Set For May Fifth. Others Mitfht IW Added To List A recent list prepared in the othVe of the WaynesviHe Township High School gives the names of ninety-two pupils to finitsh their high school ca reer on May 5 of this year. Another name or two may be added before that date: Mildred Arrington, Ada Arrington, Lucile Aired, Mariam Allen, Lucius Allen, Thomas Blalock, Ruby Rurrcss, Edna Mae Rurress, Kathleen Boyd, iMaggio Rlanton, Frank Curtis, John Chambers, Anna C. Coin, Mary Ellen Chambers, Fred Davis, Robert Davis, Joe Davis, Ruth Dyer, Florence Fla kier, Wade Franklin, Ray Ferguson, Ned Ferguson, Maggie tiibson, Rob ert Cillett, Ruth Caddy, Virginia Hen ry, Katherine Dimes, Clifford Ilarrell, Alma Hunter, .Clarence llyatt, Hunter Henry. Orpha Hobrook, Margaret Hall, Freda Jones, John Kennedy, Drama Lampkin, Margaret Uine. Hert-ha Ix'opard, Nell Lyle, Edwin Leather woord, Eli McCee, Rubye Mu'Elroy, Miriam MlcClure, Elsie McOaeken, Thomas 'Murray, Dollee March, Kate Mensor, Louise Meats, Lucile Mel ford, Josephine Nelson, Virginia Nelson, Frederick Nickols, Wilma Noland, J. C, Noland, Fred I'lotK, Victor Nobeik, Iielle Putnam, Mary Alice Palmer,. Katherine Palmer, Joan Phillips, M'uy Elizalieth Palmer. Lester Poteate, Rufus Queen, Wilsie Rabb, Almarie Robinson, Marcus Rose, Wilma Rogers, (ierahl Rathlione, .1. T. Russell, John Ruff, Hilliard1 Stamey, Sidney Swanger, lawson Sunimerrow, Jack Sense, William Swift, Thomasino Stiinglield, Emily Siler, (jeorge Stent., Mary Ann Turner, James Timmons, Edna Woodard, 'r'ola Wil liams, Jane White, John West, .Dick Whificnhunt, Arthur Wilson, Sarah Welch, Corinno Wagenfeld, OlK'iia Wyntt, Nina Wright, Hazel Winkler. Local Men Given Honors At Recent Masonic Meeting At he- ;ui n 11 1 Council of Roy: of Nort h ('anil last. weel.. T. Tr ville, wax nun n Master for thi also elect o as (Jeneral Ciand ni. cl n;tr of t he I rand !' n n 1 Select Masters :ti.-r. held, in iastoiiia v v he. of Waynes iiMui' h I'lccted (Ir.'ilKl A!-', mi v year, ami was ! ere i'lilal ive: to the 'oiiiii-K of t h'- Foiled States, which meet- St I Ills 111 October. Dr. .1. R. M Cia. I . p 1 1 ra nd li' I i- of i ; -jlitia to the I'.nited nils at r ; ri High- Priest. of th.: Ci. n:I t'';' Royal-Arch Mat-ons, of North- ' was elected a relii'ii'iitat iye (Jeneral (Irand Chapter. of the States, which )neet in SI. I the -same time. These llli r,, , held (in, -e -every three yeai--.. a.n i l, s is tin- 'third time Dr. MeC.rae! n been jriven this honor. Others attending froni Hayuood county were: ('. I!. Ilosafloe-, --, ,-r, . tary of ! he local Masonic liod ies, rep resenting the Wavriesvillo Royal Arc'-h Chapter,' 1 . K. 'M'dford, of flyde. District Deputy (Jrand Ilih Priest for this district; Klmer Osborne .and Joe Powell, of f'antori,. representing the Canton Royal Arch Chapter. Turpin Back From Capitol Says Town send Plan Is Gone D. C. "Dick". Turpin is back in town after having spent 22 days in Washington, where he visited the offi ces of Congressman Weaver and oth ers. -' Mr. Turpin said that W. L. Hardin, Sr., secretary to Mr. Weaver, inti mated that , this session of congress would soon be over, unless held up on the tax measure. Quite a bit of interst has been aroused in Washington river the Town send Old Asre Pension Plan, Mr. Tur pin said. "The majority of the con gressmen, though, look Tin the plan as an impractical piece of legislation, and there is no question but what it will be 'iefeated badly," he said. Summer Visitor Hurt In A Crash Friends here Will regret to learn of the accident of Mr. Charles II. Burn of 915 Laurence street, Columbia, who has spent sometime in WaynesviHe each summer for the past ten years, i Mr. Burn was struck by a speeding automobile on a Columbia street and carried 100 feet. His head and chest were crushed, and lee broken. He ig in. a Columbia hospital. $1.0'J IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Additional Equipment Will More Than l)oulle Plant ('apjM-ity In I'asleuri.t'd Milk New equipment recently lKught is expected to arrive here daily for the Western Carolina Creamery, which, when installed, will represent an out lay o f over $.r,(HH), according to W. R. Woodall, manager of the firm. The new equipment, includes two, 2.ri0-gallon vats for the pasteurizing department, and a high-speed refrig erating plant, which will supplement the three machines now in use. Tho two modern vats will be used instead of the 2tl0-gallon vat now in use. When the new equipment is in stalled, the capacity of the plant will be more than doubled. The new equipment is expected to Ve in opera tion by the fifteenth of April, accord ing to Mr. Woodall, A new boiler has just been placed in the building. The new boiler is of the marine type, and is 2S-horsepow-er, and takes the place of a 15-horse-power boiler. The plant now has three crtld stor age rooms. The temperature in one of the rooms is maintained at IM de grees, and in the hardening rooms the temperature remains about twenty degrecfi Is'low zero. Although the plant was opened less than twenty months ago, a number of changes have been made. Over $(!, 0(10 was sHnt on the plant when all- WaynesviHe milk was taken over by them, and must of the new equip ment now being installed is for the purpose of handling more milk. Hesides milk, the plant has a ca pacity of ten gallons of ice cream every ten minutes, and an uivliniited capacity for making butter, cottage cheese and fancy ice cream molds. Several weeks ago, the manage ment of the firm, started a new phase of the business that of gath ering eggs along the cream routes. This has worked up to tlx' point where about 1,000 dozen of eggs per week are being brought in. The eggs are not placed on storage, but immediate ly put on the market. The farmers are paid weekly for the cream and eggs, instead of month ly as is the case with many cream eries. In addition to the egg Imsiness, Mr. Woodall slated that an "experiment station" was being built on the lot adjoining the plant, in which a flock of 150 White lCghorn hens would be kept for laying. These hens will be carefully checked and accurate rec ords made with two different groups. One will be fed milk products anil butter milk to see the effect -on laying. Another phase of the "experiment, station" will he milk foil chickens fop market, he stated. Hi cause of the had 'weather, work on the chicken house and yard has been held up, but workmen were busy this week v-ompleting the job. The. results from feeding the lay- inir hcn.s milk will be given to the farmers, iti order that they may use skiiu milk for poultry feeding, and increase the. size of their laying (locks at ho additional-cost lor food. First Nathma! Bank Shows No Overdrafts In Financial Report ; For the f'nst time in the history of hanking in Waylic-ville, the financial statement, of the First National Rank as published o'sowhcr in this paper today, shows no overdrafts. Another outstanding fact alxiut tho statement is that only $77,90 in cash items not, in (he process of collection. The total deposits of the bank is SCiri.OilSI.-)... The total .assets of the hank is .;"'1.::2-S. Hi. J. H.Way, cashier, stated that the and overdrafts column was "dean, would -be .-kept that way. W. D.Smith Attend ing Farm "Meeting: County Agent W. I). Smith loft earlv Monday morning for Raleigh where he will attend a conference of county agents from all over the state, at which time the new farm program for the state will be outlined. Mr. Smith said just before leaving that he was expecting the) program to be most satisfactory, but had no comment to make until after his re turn with jjie final information. ' Max. 66 : 49 53 65 67 69 Min. IS 30 ' 30 25 34 . 43 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday The Weather

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