TANNING THE INDUSTRIAL CENTER OF HAYWOOD FURNITURE TAPESTRY INLAID WOODS HAZEL WOOD NEWS r Prospective Baseball Talent Have Chance To Preform Before Big League Scouts Soon Managers From Big Leagues To Be On Hand To See Prospec tive Players In Action Aoeordin.fr to a recent letter receiv ed from Oliver French, President of the Asheville Baseball dub, interested players will be given an opportunity to attend a baseball camp which will beg-in in Asheville on March 30. President French announces that no charges will he made for tuition or any equipment used during the try outs, and that all the candidates will be furnished uniforms. The announcement may be of par ticular interest to some Hazelwood boys having a splendid opportunity to break into organized basebaU. Managers aad scouts from the St. Louis Cardinals, the Tourists, the Huntington,' W. Vai Club, and the Martinsville, Va. Club will be pres ent to select any prospect for one of the many Cardinal farms. AW young (players desiring to at tend thi baseball camp are asked bo be present Monday morning, March 30th, fully -prepared to take part in daily practices. Read The Ads 666 SALVE for COLDS lrl! Snlve-Nono Drops "- C. N. ALLEN & CO. General Merchandise HAZELWOOD, N. C It is easier to shop where you A Complete DRY W)OI)S GROCERIES MEATS PRODUCE Our Prices Are Right Our Quality The Best. New Spring Patterns in Dress Prints, per yd. . . .... ..... . 15c Ladies' White Shoes . . $1.49 to $3.95 Men's White Shoes Men's Dress Shirts, TAN BARK WANTED We are in the Market for both Chestnut Oakland Hemlock Tan Bark. If you have any to Sell, Come to Our Office at once and Secure Contract. Turn Your Tan Bark Into Cash. Junaluslta Tannery Hazelwood, N. C. Richard Queen Wins Honor At Brevard C. Word has been received here that Richard Queen, former student at Waynesville High School, won third position in the state-wide oratorial contest which was recently held in Charlotte and sponsored by the junior colleges of North Carolina. i Mr. Queen obtained the privilege of representing his school by winning the college medal at commencement last ye-r, by attending the meeting of the southern group of the Interna tional Relationship Club held WhM year at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S. C., and by winning the contest in hia school on the oration "Must War Go On," the same speech which won state honors for the former orator of the local high school. With the exception of two, all junior colleges of the state were represented, and for young Queen to win third posi tion besides winning first places in contests of Brevard College, is con sidered an honor. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Swanger an nounce the birth of a daughter, Tues day, March 17. Mrs. C. S. Davis i on the sick list this week. Earl Massey is in the Haywood County Hospital where he underwent an operation on Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Mor gan, a daughter. Mrs. Morgan is the former Miss Edna Birchfield. Ernest; Truitt is very sick at his home on McClure street. can set it all at one place. Line Of FEEDS HARDWARE ALUMINUM WARE CHINA WARE FURNITURE $1.95 to $3.95 $1.00 value . .59c Furniture Plant Whistle Likely To Blow Any Minute The whistle of the Waynesville Furniture Plant is likely to blow at any time now, it was learned by this paper from a reliable source yesterday. The new roof has been placed on the plant. The motors have been dried out and replaced. The boilers have been inspected, and final aproval for "firing up" is expected to reach officials any minute. Unless something unforeseen happens, there will be some lum ber placed on the yard this week-end. In the mean-time, work will go right ahead in getting the remainder of the plant in shape for "full ateam" ahead. Some 40,000 feet of steam pipes will be tested in the dry biln, probably today or tomorrow. -and from the most reliable sources, the whistle cord will, likely be pulled any time the (tune of which will remind citizens of the good old days, and that "better times are here again." It Happened When Shakespeare's "herald of the morning" .... or what I would call game rooster . . announces the com ing dawn I want to ride the paper route with Joe Liner . ; interesting to see the towns at that hour . . and I'm told that a few people move about then on their way homeward . . the calmness then cause3 a strange feel ing . . and a cup of coffee . . or some thing . , helps one to stay awake. . . and another sensation .... not so strange as it is wonderful ... is to be in the saddle carried by a powerful horse ... feel the pull as he takes the rider from the saddle in his inher ent desire to rush onward. . , Bill Harris can move from the height of happiness . . and he has a splendid sense of humor-.'. . to the depth of despair at a moment's notice. . . The ladies say ; . . and I guess the men agree -.'.. . that Fannie Pearle Felmet had the niftiest dress at the Seven Club dance . . and Neil Henderson wondered if the seven club means boys have seven club feet. . . No! . . some of them are the best dancers in town there's .Steely, Wagenfeld and "Billy" Prevost . . and there were several dresses of the type which are large enough on the ground to cover a tobacco bed . . . while the top would HAZELWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH There will be a congregational meet ing following the .morning service Sunday. It is hoped that every mem ber and other interested persons will be present. Attendance continues to be most en couraging, both at Sunday school and church services, The adult Bible class gives a special invitation for others to come. Dr. John J. Fix, director of Relig ious; Education, in" the Synod of Ap palachia, will be with us on Friday night, April IS, for a conference on leadership' training. Dr. Fix who re sides in Bristol, Tenn., has been with us on several previous occasions and we look forward with interest to his coming again. Rev. and Mrs, Orie C. Landrum, Miss Catherine Walls and Mr. Rufus A. Gaddis attended the memorial service for Dr. R. F. Smith, at the First Presbyterian church, Asheville, on Tuesday night. The church year ends next Sunday, March 29. The annual every member canvass- has about been completed and we expect to have the budget for the new church ysar fully subscribed. We have been able to pay the entire benevolent budget this vear. for the first time in several years and will probably exceed last year in payment on current expenses and pastors sal ary. A furnace has been installed and other improvements made in ad dition. Next Sunday's program will be: Sunday school, morning and evening preaching services, and young people's meeting. There will be special music at both services. We welcome all to worship here who do not go else where. . Bethel Future Farmers To Meet The Bethel chapter of the Future Farmers of America will hold its an nual Father and Son banquet Satur day night, March 28, at 7:30 o'clock Mr. 3. A. Glazener, County Aeent of Transylvania county, will be the principal speaker, Burton Cathey, of Bethel, will act as toast master. The F. F. A. boys will be hosts to their fathers. With the aid of the Home Economics department, un der the puiHirvision of Mis Mary Emma Ferguson, the boys will try to prepare the banquet, a much as possible, from home grown pro ducts. About sixty persons are ex pected to attend. ERNEST MESSER. Eeraral Ore f Nickel There are ereral ores of nickel, wMci are found In different parts of the world, Including Germany, Aus tria, Cornwall, and Scotland. For many years the greatest source of sup ply wag In New Caledonia, a French Island in the South seas. But more re cently the greatest producing district has been Sudbury. Ontario, Canada. Here By Tom Reeves only make a windshield wiper for a horsefly. . . The great white way here does not appear to be on the main drap . . but rather at "Bun" Milner's place on Number 10 . . where he sells ga, and oil and has some of the neat est tourist camps in the country. . . . Golf is a great game . . but wouldn't that course look good with some sheep . . some pureblood whitefaces . . ves. and a horse or two. . . Vaudney Mas sey had to use engineers to locate his spring during the enow drifs . . and another good one from Frank Davis . there were snow drifts to fifty feet in the Fines Creek section. . . And just a moment of honest talk . . Cap tain fara vveicn dominated play in the Cullowhee tournament . . . she must be considered as one of the Highs greats, . , Joe Davis and that larjre group of Hazelwood at the Teachers College will tell you the same. . . I understand that my old friend of football fame left us. . Dewey Patton got married. . . . And here's a fatst one from the political frontier. . . "My candidate will shave if yours will get a haircut" ... and the governor's race goes on and on while I'll be seeing you tonight at the junior play. . . . Looking In On The Brighter Side Of The Great Floods While the flood in Eastern Amer ica was doing a billion dollars worth of damage, there were also some in teresting bits of humor that went along with the tragedy of it all. REMEMBERS PENNIES ORANGE, Mass. A, woman - resi dent of Erving remembered her pen nies at the height of the Connecticut valley flood. She asked telephone headquarters here to disconnect her telephone, saying she did not be live she would need it any more. "You'd better hurry," she told the operator, "the house has started down the river." By the time linemen arrived, they reported, the house was far down stream. SAVED. NAMED MOSES BRUNSWICK, Me. They named him Moses because he was; saved from the flood. Moses is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Emilien Racine, born prematurely yesterday, Dr. Maurice Dionne said, in a house surrounded by raging flood waters of the Androscoggin river. ChHd and mother were taken from the house by boat and moved in an am bulance to safety. CALLIOPE IS USED HOL YOKE, Mass; When the pow, waters of the Androscoggin river, er plant of the American Tissue mills wa, short circuited by the flood, the company pressed into service a calli ope, ordinarily used for advertising purposes, to operate lights and tele phones. -,''' . The calliope was equipped with a gasoline driven electrical generator. JUMPS THROUGH BOAT PITTSBURGH. Two nolicemen laboriously rowed their boat along side a house partly covered by the floods to rescue a man hanging from a second floor widow. They cautioned him not to be ner vous and he replied: Don't worry." : Then he leaped and went through the bottom of the boat, carrying the officers with him. NATURAL COP The police worked lone hours durine the flood with little time out for food. One was found, in full ukform, 'lean ing against the city-canty building in the rain. He was sound asleep. ,, French India ' The five provinces In India belong ing to the French are : Mane, Karikal, Pondlchery, Tanaon and Chanderna gor. They are under a governor, whose seat la at Pondlchery. In Farls they ?.-e represented by one senator and an dejjUtT. - Teachers Are Entertained By The Booster Club The Hazelwood Booster Club enter tained the, Hazelwood faculty at the their regular monthly meeting Thurs day evening of last week. The meet ing was held at the Town Hall. The president, L. N. Davis, was in charge of the meeting. After a boun tiful dinner served by the ladies of the Baptist church, the chairman of the program committee, Sam Knight, took charge. The members of the faculty were introduced and each gave a response. The speakers of the evening were introduced in turn. They were R. L. Prevost and L. M. Richeson. Mr. Prevost spoke on "The Thrift Campaign," and what it would mean to Hazelwood as a community for it professional and business people to practice thrift. Short talks were given by other Boosters, including Superintendent H. Bowles, Superintendent Jack Mes ser, Major J. H. Howell, C, N. Allen, and E. L. Withers. TIME L Y Farm Questions and Answers Question: How can I make a profit from my hens when egg prices are low? Answer: l'eak production usually means low prices on eggs and this condition is natural at this time of the year. The logical method of cor recting this trouble is to cull the flock' and remove all low producers. This will materially cut the feed bill and .brink, up the average production per bird. Another way is lay down a supply of eggs in water glass. Direc tions for this work may be secured by writing the Poultry Department at State College. Read The Ads NOTICE OF RECEIVER'S SALE On Monday, April 6, 19I?6 at eleven o'clock, A.M., at the court house door in the town of Waynesville, Haywood County, North Carolina, the under signed Receiver Will offer for sale at public outcry, to the highest bidder for the terms of one-third cash, and the remainder in two equal annual installments bearing interest and secured by deed of trust, the follow ing described lands and premises in the town of, Waynesville, adjoining the corporate limits of the town of Waynesville, and known as the Haywood Furniture Manufacturing Corporation property, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a stake in the cen ter of the Southern Railway track, and Southwest corner of the H. W, West cott lot and run,s thence S. 34 E. ,251 feet with Wescott's line to a stake in a ditch; tihenee S. 22" 30' W. 100 feet with the ditch to a stake; thence S. 51 30' W. 204 feet to a stake in line of Factory Street; thence S. 41" 30' E. 258 feet to a stake in Northen line of street; thence S. 49 30' W. 176 feet, passing Mrs. De Neergard'S corner at 20 feet in South side of said street, and with the line of her line to a stake on the North side line of said highway, (Mrs. De Neergard's South west corner; thence S. 88 30' W. 100 feet with said line of said hisrhwav to a stake; thence S. 72 W. 100 feet with side line of said hiirhwav to a stake; thence S. 78 W. 200 feet with side line of State highway to a stake ; thence N. 88" W. 300 feet with said side line of said highway to a stake; thence West 160 feet with side line Of said highway to a stake; thence iNortn bu leet to a stake in the cen ter of Southern Railway track ; .thence N. 52 E. 1230 feet up the center of track to the BEGINNING BRAEEEY'S Watch Our Town We Carry Everything W. A. Bradley's Store On No. 10 Phone 326 containing 10.71 acres, more or W subject to the rights and easemer of the Southern Railway. "s Said land will be subdivided ir.a parcel and & map exhibited at sa i sale, and1 the property will be ofiVed for sale in parcels and then as a who'e to the highest bidder. Sale made pursuant to an order o the Judge of the Superior Court m&i, at February Term, 1936, of the su perior Court of Haywood County in an action entitled, "Citizens Bank 4 Trust Company, et al. vs. Haywood Furniture Manufacturing Corporation et al." and the sale will be subject t the approval of the Court. This 6th day of Marohj 1936 J. H. HOWELL, Receiver of Haywood Furniturs Mfg. Corpe. No. 451 Mar. 12-19-26-Apr. 2. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER S SAI.E IN THE SUPERIOR COURT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HAYWOOD, THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF COLUMBIA, vs. R. E. L. Ratcliff and wife, Calie Rat. cliff, G. H. Palmer, Ermie Crym Reeves, Admrx. of M. H. Reoves dee'd., S. R. Felmet, and w. r" Francis Administrators; W. a Burgln and O. O. Burgln, Trading' as Burgin Bros. Mrs. J. T. Jones C. P. Clark, O. L. Briggs, Chair! man, P. H. Walker, J. v. Hoyi, F, E. Messer, and J. H. Way, Sec-retaty-Trefin,, Trustees Waynes vllle Firemeii' ftpllef Fund. On Monday, April 20, 1936, at elev en o'clock, A. M., at the eourt home door in the town of Wayneavllle, Hay. wood County, North Carolina, thn un. dersined Commissioner of the C'nurt will sell at public outcry, to the high, est bidder for cash, the folhiwir.ij described lands and premises, lying and being in Waynesville 'Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, ful ly described as follows: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of - land containing 211) acres, more or less, situate, lying aini beiiii: in what; is known as the 'Ratclift' Cow, on the Ratclift' Road about three iml,-s Northeast from the town of Waynes-', ville, in Waynesville Township, 'liar-! wood County, North Carolina, having such shapes, metes, courses and tances as will more fully appear l y. reference to a plat "thereof m:n!e l,y J. R. Terrell, Surveyor, April, lsl.i, which plat is now on file with the Federal Land liaiik of Olurnliia, s C, and being bounded as follows:' North by the lands of Dora Ratelnt and Hardy Liner; on the East Ly the lands of Hardy Liner, Albert Francis, and LeRoy Francis; on the; South ! the lands of Dock RatclilT, and on Ihe West by the lands of J. R. Meiif"fl and Dora Ratolitf. Above plat wis copied by W. R. Francis. Altortn'v, 1925. This being the same tract 'of lab! heretofore conveyed to R. K. I.: lit--: cliff by J. R. M eilford' and wife Lola Medford, .and Pearl Ratclil'f by dated December 1, 191 (. and recnr.i ed in Book 48, page 204. U.T..r.l f:. Deeds for Haywood County, too'trer with the lands heretofore conveye.l to the said R. K. L, Ratclil'f by .1. X. Ratclift and wife, Mary Koicliff ly deed dated September 9, i:T. ;;! -recorded in Book 21, page li.'.i;. I'ie'eoj : l of Deeds of Haywood County. EXCEPTING front the i.!'"ve ..cc: Veyanees a tract Of 20 li acre-;, mcmv or lesH, conveyed to H. 11. Liner In deed dated January 19, 1!1, ah'! re corded in Book 57. page ltn, to which deed reference is hereby made This sale is made pursuant to, un der and by virtue of the power ef sale conferred upon me my order an -1 judgment of the Superior Court of Haywood County, dated March If'.' 193G, and entered in above entilh-.i , action, and wherein the undersign' t was duly appointed Commissioner- of the Court to sell said lands to satisfy the judgment rendered in this cms on a first note secured by deed "f trust, taxes and insurance advanced by the above named plaintiff. This the 16th' day of March, l'J.3-. . M. O. STAMEY, Commissioner of (he - Court. - Xo,. 433 March 26 Apr.2-9-lti. HAZELWOOD, N. C.

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