The Waynesville Mountaineer ALONG THE POLITICAL Firing Lines iivity along the political lines week" cooled down somewhat after if the nast two weeks. ir ) l.liii" r - - . - rrw;, ,..k only two canuiaates an- nouncd and one a field of exactly kal cilices. withdrew, leaving 24 candidates for The rt st announcement of the . t nr it o:ll ,ef k was maae Dy v. n. om u lan" of White Oak. He is seeking the' nomination as a member of the v , if commissioners irora uiscrici number' four. Mr. Williams is second man to announce from fourth district. the the The second announcement was also fur commissioner that of W. A. Hv;it; who is now "chairman of the viaixl. Mr. Hyatt, of course, is from district number three. As yet there is no race in the third district, a only two have announced, and the third district quota is two members. V. T. Lee, who formerly announ ced that he was a candidate for the leci.slature, withdrew from the race this week, leaving the field, thus far, to two candidates, Mr. Lee explains iu a formal statement in the candi date's column this week his reasons for withdrawing from the race. "Sandy" Graham, candidate for governor, spent the most of ilast Thursday in Waynesville, meeting the voters, and getting a line-up on an organization in this county. While here Mr. Graham conferred with a number of prospective county man agers, but gave no indications as to who he would name. Those feeling that they are in line for the place have looked forward to each mail, with the hope that the appointment would be in it, but as far as could be. learned no appointments have been made. Some believe that Mr. Graham will have two managers in Haywood one here and another in Canton. Mr. Graham stopped in town for a short while on his return trip from Macon county Friday, reporting that "everything looks mighty good." Saturday morning the usual inter est that is always created by the first executive meeting of the board of elections ran true to form. Th ap pointments of registrars and judges, however, were not made public until after the election board had met with the board of commissioners. And it might be well to add here, that the new law this year requires that candidates file with the board of elections not later than Saturday, May !Uh at six o'clock. Any mem ber of the board of elections can re ceive the filing fee, according to chair man F. M. Byors. The May term of civil court which convenes here on Monday, May fourth, will likely be the real beginning o po litical activity in Haywood. From V. Bruce Fisher, of Asheville, and late of Andrews, comefi a letter that he is a candidate for congress Mr. Fisher is state manager of the Townscml Tension movement. His patform will be "a generous pension tor every citizen past sixty.". The amount to be determined by a two Per cent transaction tax. 'Horace Sentelle, a delegate to the Kepuhhcan national convention, re nat deiegateB from Westel n 'Orth Carolina Will srn nn-inst riieted and prepared for two battles adop tion of a platform and the naming of a .candidate to run against President injusi'vei. wnue tne republicans were discussing .two "battles,": word came from the Clyde Hoey camp this week that he is being talked of to make the A-.; . ., .-. .. jnite address before the Demo-e-atic national convention to be held 3 Philadelphia in June. , JVMe ''Sandy" Graham was visit ?e around in the western hills, Dr. "'Pn McDonald was carrying on his wpaign in Eastern Carolina, stress- how hard the sandhill sections had wen hit by the sales tax. JVo Cars Crash Here wly Sunday Night dJ '-s -were damaged early Sun wn, i hen they collided at the w f Haywood and Church ,,,m 't 0l,e was driven by S. A, Carre and the other by Ned thJ Ahml was turned over on ; 1Qe. -No one was hurt. ' Today's Market J f cash Prices were be Federati Wdnesday by the Farmers n.:.! vu nere: r-v . Pund . . . 15c ...13c ...15c ... .75c ...70c ....90c W bushel . ts, pound U Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance VOL. XLVIII NO. 17. Work On City's $4,500! Incinerator Willi lie Started Monday t . . - Modern Incinerator For Hii WiU Be Built Back Of Hyatt And Company's Lumber Yard Work is expevted to begin next Monday morning on the $4.5(10 incinerator, according to town city offi- ciais. The plant will be built back of the Hyatt and Company's lumber yard. The incinerator will be of the most modern type, and will be. erected of such size as to care for the city's needs for several years to vome. The incinerator is a W PA project, in which the citv is nuttimr nbont $2,100 and WPA 'about $2,300. ' Two unloading places will be built one for dry and one for According to officials, incinerator gives off no no fumes, but burns everv wet. this smoki thing t.VI' and com- pletely. The city has employed T. C. .Morris, contractor, to represent them in the construction of the plant. In the meantime, while the incin erator is being built, work i moving ahead on the clean-up campaign start ed by street chairman, T. L. Hramlett several weeks ago. On Monday 2.'! large loads of were hauled away from public plaves. More men have been added and the work will con tinue indefinitely. Searchers Fail To Find Body Of Baby After River Drained 22-Months-OId Son Of Mr. And Mrs. James Heatherly Was Drowned April 10. Not Found (By Ernest Messer.) The last organized effort to find the body of little Bruce Heatherly, 22-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Heatherly, drowned April 10 in the muddy waters of the East Fork of Pigeon River, was made by the Can ton fire department Saturday, when the water was pumped from a deep pond a short distance below where the child fell in the river. Many people expected the body to be found there, but after the water had been pumped out only mud and trash were revealed. If the body was there, it was buried in the soft mud of the river bottom. This futile effort was the last hope of the searchers. Unless the body of the child is brought to the surface by the waters of the river, the lost body will probably never be found." The people of Springdale communi ty, the members of the CCC camp at Sunburst, the fire department and police department of Canton and many others are to be commended for their efforts to find the body of little Bruce. Without remuneration they worked diligently to -reveal" the whereabouts of the drowned boy. Hundreds of people from other communities showed, by their fre quent visits, to the scene of the trag edy, and by their offers to aid in the search their interest in the efforts to rescue the body of the boy, and their sympathy for the Heatherly family. " The fate of the body is now in the embrace of the powerful waters of Pigeon River. '.'which: holds .secrets of many other similar tragedies. Time alone will now accomplish what men have failed to do. Sanitation Survey Now Being Made Of Canton's Watershed Canton Will Get Water From ' Pigeon River When New System Is Installed Representatives of the District Health Department are now at work making a survey of the Canton wa tershed, which is along the east and west fork of Pigeon river all tne way to the Transylvania county line, it was learned from Dr. C. N. Sisk, who is in charge of the department. Bonds have been soid for the new water system for Canton, and the wa ter will be taken from Pigeon river, about three-fourths of a mile from tne city limits, and then filtered and chlo rinated before stored in the new reser voir. .'.:.' Approximately 800 homes are on the watershed that will in the future sup ply Canton, and each of these homes will have to have sanitation facilities that Will meet the requirements of the North Carolina Board of Health. At present sewerage from the county home. Bethel school, New Col lege and other places is put into the river without treatment, and since Canton will get water from the river, all this will have to be treated first, it was pointed out. . Four men will be placed on the job of making the surveys, and it is ex pected that it will take about a week or ten days to complete the survey. Blaze At Creamerv Does $1.500 Dainaare i " n Defective Flue Caused Stock K(Mm To Catch On Fire About Noon Sundav A fire stalling from a defective flue, caused a damage estimated at $1,500 to the stock-room and stock of the Western Carolina Creamery about noon Sunday, according to W. H. Woodall, manager. M Woodall discovered the fin' just as the plant was being closed for the morning. The interior of the stock-room was in a blaze when dis covered. Under the stock-room is the Creamery giarage where ordinarily live trucks are stored. At the time of the blaze only two were in the garage and they were driven to safety- The stock consisted mostly of ice cream cartons, milk Untie caps, but ter boxes, ice cream spoon., and but ter pa pen. Firemen had the blaze under con trol shortly after arriving. A new stock-room has already liven built, Funeral Services For Edward Wells Held Wednesday Prominent Farmer And Stock Haiser Of The Bethel Section Died Of Heart Attack Ed Wells, sixty-five, prominent farmer and stock raiser of Bethel community, died at bis home early Monday night of it heart attack For many years Mr. Wells had been prominent in the affairs of his community and was regarded as one of its most loyal citizens. He owned a large farm at Bethel and was one of Bethel's most industrious and pros perous farmers. The Wells family is very widely related in this county, be ing related to the Abels 'and Hyatts of this section. .. . Surviving Mr. Wells are lib and live children, Mrs. Paul Mrs, Welch Singleton, Andy widow Hvatt, Wells, John Wells, and Guy Wells. The funeral service,; were held Wednesday, April 22, at the Bethel Methodist church. , Commencement Ex ercises Are Set For Mav3rd,6thand7th The tentative program for the com mencement exercises of the Waynes ville Township High School was an nounced this week by Superintendent M. 11. Bowles, with the baccalau reate sermon at eight o'clock, Sunday, May 3rcL- Music bv the Wavne'svillc Choral Club. Dr. K. S." Truosdalc, of the Methodist church here, will deliver the message: . On Wednesday night, May fith, the senior class will : present class night, w ith a series of stunts, interpreting ac tivities of the different- departments. The commencement address will be delivered Thursday night. May 7th, by Prof. Phillip ' L. Elliott,: profes sor of English at Western Carolina Teachers College. Besides the award ing of diplomas, .'the Rotary- award. 1. A. R. medals and -the American Legion' Good Citizenship medals will he given.. All other awards .will lie Wednesday night. A detaifc gram will be given next week made pro- Ray Iloxit Buried Wednesday At Two Ray Hoxit, 26, was buried at the Green Hill cemetery Wednesday after noon. He passed away at the home of his parents at eight o'clock Tuesday morning. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoxit, and the follow ing brothers and sisters: Mrs. Laura Rogers, Waynesville, Elden Lee, of Balsam, Glenn, of Concord, Mass., Jack, of Carey, N. C-, and Josephine, of this city. .. r i.i: li 1 1, i. M.-dtMiv. rarim-r. CntlrtrcK "I '.don't ,'M what use we liave tor seven (nun-Ij-: Ouniiiissioners. We had l--ii Ke(liii( uloni; very !ii'l- wiyi Jhrej-- and that was wlien lli".v hail all I Uci county road work to IKk after; noy we have Ut have a Ixiard of M"ven, to-run tlie .coun ty iMinie, look after tho terraeiiiK. : Ihe Indi'nt-s. and make. llo levy.". MHS IDA UOTSON'. C'rahtrePi "I haven't any fault to find with our cannery I lie. najlliej (trade beans tomatoes, etc. I think tlicy have been fair to all alike, and I would hate to see our little can nery go down." .?. F. SHKLTOX, rartlior, lell iviMMl "I don't see that we nifd sev'ii commissioners at allinil that is- the opinion of all the citl icns I've heard express themselv es In my community." Me MELTING POT - WAYNESVILLE. N. C. THl'KSDAY, APRIL Shirley Marks rv --sn vPv-- ft) Celebration of her seventh birthday on April 23 marks another milestone for Shirley Temple, one of the few young ladies in the world to achieve international fame at such an early age on her . own nhilitv American Legion Buys Gilmer Place On Depot Street Improvement Of Property Will (iet I'nderway Immediately. Will He 'ivic Center As the result of a conference tvveen officials of Haywood Post 17 of the American Legion, and be No. the Hoine Building and Loan Associa tion Wednesday morning,' the prop erty on Depot street known as the Gilmer home, was sold to the local post of the American Legion for their meeting place. The building is a three story dwell- ing, and according chairman of the work will begin at to W. A. Bradley, Legion committee, once in improving the property. 1 he painted, and eoiisi outside will lie ruble work done on 1 he interior. Plans are t( ri-move some of th liartitioiv inside the house and con-! vert the entire lower floor into a ban-l iUet hall or meeting room. Mr. Bradley also stated that the ', Legion' would soon be in a position to work out plans with civic-organizations and Other Patriot ie groups to use the Legion building as . a meeting place. "The whole idea," Ire said, "In-hind our buying the the property was not only to provide a meeting place for the Legion, but to provide a civic center for the conimu-rt-ity, add one controlled by a definite group of citizens."; Besides the building, a little more than half an acre (if land Was in cluded in the purchase. . The property was turned over to the Legion af the conference hi re 'eln tday morning.. Mr. lirarlley had no statement to make regarding the amount that would be spent on repairing the build ing, and ieautifying the grounds, no. did he make the purchase price public. Pre-School Clinic Will Be Held Friday Parents who will have children to enter school next year are requested to have them at the Central Elemen tary School on Friday afternoon at one o'clock for the pre-schoot clinic which will be held at that time for children who will enter school for the first time next year. : School authorities are most anxious that all parent comply with this re quest...: j. K. 1 i:lfa.SO. Kairyman mid I'urnier, I'JIvvcmmI --"I am f ilw opinion ihat thrw Counly I'oiiiiiiissionePH could do the work as well or better than sevn therefore I think our pn-M-ii( plan otifilit to Ik. alMlishcl." I'INK Iii:ST, Farmer, t rabtree "It is strange how much snmllcr iho streams are than tlK-y uhcI to be. I can remember when I was a iKiy of catching troot ten or twelve inches long in Uie branch that runs by my lious and now the stream In mi small and sluirirish that a trout couldn't live in it." Ac-ordinK to W. Ilyers, who claims for certain reasons Iio re calls most vividly that 32 years a srci on Iho nicht if April the 20th this section was covered with a s-now from two to three inches de-p. .- ', of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 2:5, 19o6 Seventh Birthday Louis 31. Howe, An Uncle Of IL Hall, Passed Away Sun. rersonal Secretary Of President Roosevelt Was Interested In Development Of Park The man who is credited with hav ing' done more than any one else to wards, seeing that Mr. -Roosevelt wa.s elected President, in lll.'tli, was buried at Fall River, Mas- saehusetts, Wedin:u!ay nioining at 10:,'HI he was Louis M. Howe, sec retary to Mr. Roosevelt, and an uncle of Harry M. Hall, of this city. Mr. Hall is the omy relative of Mr. Howe, except Mrs. Howe and children. Mr. Hall received official notice from the White House get! ing the necessary - credentials to attend' the funeral services that were held in the White House Tuesday afternoon. 'President and Airs. Roo.sovolt ac companied the body and family of Mr. Howe by special train to Fall River. The Hags in Washington and Fall liiver wen- at half inast Tues day and Wedli"sday. Mr. Howe about a year ago. and w-as lakett to the Naval Hos pital when repair work ' was started on the White lloii-e. He passed away aliiiiit midnight Saturday night in t he li. i. nit a I. Pro-ident lioo iovelt had visiH'd li i ju ,-t ay or so before. The dee-eased had been persona secretary to Mr. ItOowevel'l for . tin past 2 years, and served , hi as sistant when Mr. 1! io, evelt- was as sistant secretary of tlie-nax-y! Mr. Howe had prolialjlv mo: f to do with tin' formula! ing of the plans and policies of M r.- ; Roo.s veil 's ad- ( Con! inued on back: pace ) Retail Department Bein Built At The Carolina Creamery A. large retail room is being built at the front :entrancc of the Western Carolina Creamery here, and accord ing to W'. H. Woodall, manager, all flavors of ice cream will be kept in the new retail department. The space now occupied by the re tail department will be converted into office space, giving the office staff about three times the present room. The new retail room is of brick, and will have a large plate glass front and side. Present plans are to have the room completed by May first. Park Official Is Heard Here Tues. About one hundred people heard a descriptive talk and saw slides of natural features of the park, given by Arthur Stupka, i park naturalist, here at the court house Tuesday even ing. .- : Mr. Stupka gave a description of the park museum plans, and went into de tail of the nature guide organiza- tiqn which will be set up in the park. This feature is composed of college men with rank as ranger-naturalists, who will conduct tours through the park and point out places of in terest. - . - Mr. Stupka was the guest of H. G. Wilburn and the local hiking club, which re-organized last Saturday evening for the coming year. Officers for the coming year were elected a follows: Charles E. Ray, president, L. N. Davis, vice-president, and Miss Margaret Hyatt, secretary. The meeting was held at the country club. $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY New Registration Ordered For Coming Election By Board Registrars And Judges Named Saturday By County Hoard Of Elections The county board of divtionri in session here Saturday morning, named registrars and judges for the coming election, and also ordered a new reg istration of all voters, a was set out ill a local law passed by the P.IU5 general assembly. The new' registration will begin oh Sat unlay, May !)th, and cent nine each Saturday until May 2;iii, and including that date or any other day that the voters may want to register. The registration books will be open from nine o'clock in the morning until sunset, aeco riling to the officials. "Kvery person must register, re gardle.stt of previous- registration," it. was jxiinted out by the hoard. The registration books will lx' m the hands of the registrars at the voting places of each precinct on the days above named. The following judges anl registrars were named by the. hoard: Beaverdain, No. 1 -Carlton Pless, registrar, Dewey Green, S. R. Pel met and G. C. Moore, judges. Beaverdain, No. 2 Will ('lark, reg istrar, .lake Smathers, Will Cogdill, and Gladstone Haney, judges. Beaverdam, No. ,'l K. P. Ball, reg istrar, Newman Jaynes, Harrold Mof fitt, and Clinton Holland, judges, Beaverdam, No. 4 -fc). K. Morgan, .registrar, Mitch MeKinnish, Jess Willis, and Franklin Robinson, Judges. Beaverdam, No. ft W. K. Sorrells, registrar, Mrs. .1. R. Stephens, W. S. MeCruckon, ami A. it. Smathers, judges. Beaverdam, No. (y-Kd Wilson, reg istrar, S. ('. Wood, Wade Knloc, and George H. .lohriKon, judgiv;. Pigeondohn M. ('jithey, registrar, Weaver Hyatt, Walker Brown, and Walter Singleton, judges. Cecil Charlie Moody, registrar, Perry Allen, Andy l'Vav.ier, and Ben Inmnn, judges. Crabtree W511. (radshaw, regis trar, John 'Rogers, Vinson Davis, and L. ). Ferguson, judges. Cataloochee George Palmer, regis trar, Steve Woody, Will Palmer, and James Hannah, judges. Clyde Jerry Rogers, registrar, George Robinson, Troy draw ford, and Howard Shook, judges. Fines Creek Charles Fulbrlght, registrar, Norman Jamc, Andy Brown, and C. 'A. Nofand, judges. Iron Duff T. C, Davis, registrar, Will Bryson, Jarvis OhamlK-rs, anl R. L. Stephenson, judges. Ivy Hill Mark .Howell, registrar, Dave Plott, Asbury Bradley, and Dave Jaynes, judges. Jonathan Crook Marshall Mexser, registrar, John Howell, Charley Leatherwood, and Vinson Morrow, judges. (Continued on back page ) More Money Given For Forest Fire Control In County The county commissioners in ses sion here last Monday supplemented the fund for forest fire control by $.l.ri(). The state will put up $l,riO to match this and also the -federal gov ernment, making an additional eum of for fire control for this i-ounty. , At. the -time the additional sum was appropriated, there were five for est fires in, the county. ; " .. Several matters were heard bv the board, '.'.besides the general routine of business and an executive session With the board of elections. ."' A.C.Osborne, 81, Will Be Buried At Clyde Today At 2 -' Funeral 'services -will be held at the Clyde Baptist church Thurwlay af ternoon at two oVIock for Archibald Graves Osborne, 81, a- retired fanner and cattle raiser of this county. Mr. Osborne passed away at two o'clock Tuesday afternoon., after a short illness which developed into pneumonia. He was livinjr at the Clydo Inn, where he died. He was a prominent citizen of the county, and was a member of one of the pioneer families of Haywood. He was a member of the Clyde Baptist church. . Surviving are three ons and one daughter: Robert, of Tampa, Fla., Thomas, of Knoxville, and C. Osborne, of West Palm Beach, and Mrs. A. J. Templeton, of Raleigh antt eeveral grandchildren. i The Weather -. Max Min. Thursday 8a 50 Friday 71 35 Saturday V 56 2!l Sunday f.'j 27 Monday 65 30 Tuesday 75 37 Wednesday ; 75 37 I

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