The Waynesville M OUNT T AT 171 71 T! Published In The County Stat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrane ALONG THE POLITICAL Firing Lines ee of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY pSLliji WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THllnAPRlLjO lit.'Hi 1 :r; Mr X saw the addition of tw ., entering the race for eom i.t ; -M. M. -Nolaiul. of Waynt- mhii District number three, an.l , i i .Medford. of Canton, from j t number one. I :u announcements linn i ,1 for county offices to j land is well known through- I , ,.. imty, having nerved ;i ;!u before, and is at present chair ! : !n Haywood i'cinociatic i o , nominee. Med ford is a Jlazelwood hoy,! the past 2 1 years has lived :n j . He is the third man to enter - from i he 'first district. Mr. is the fourth man to enter lie third district. erator C.of G. Directors Lease New Office. Bowles Is Secretary lay will lie a big day in lln- ii my with politicians of both "While Saturday will he the hour will he two o'clock, and is sill he Canton and Wav- Hilliard Atkins' Huildin Leased. Will He Completely Reno vated In A Week C OF C. SECKETAKV Woodmen To Hold to speak here sati kdav Mrs. L. E. Phillips District 3Ieetin? Here In October two o'clock at the court gc crowd is expected to I K, lloey. eandiilato for one of his campaign ail- 1 Mi- i si, I in: I he h ! ill. he s.ine time that Mr. Jloey is ;,:iodueed here. IJIenn A. Koyd. :,n of the executive committee Haywood Republicans, will he 4 oer the County Convention .nh school in Canton, at which i. o. I'. County ticket will d. Ii In Tin M r Nor II big day. in .every ro se who are for and against will he on hand to hear Carolina's silver-tounged ora- Mr. lloey Is the iirst candidate suite .-olliee. to speak in the this voar. 'i m S;i nirdav Ma v !M h i lock will mark the closiic ir county candidates to file. a t si -; hour Dr. il. of If; ttallie i oouril V Iph .Mcl)(inald takes the ywood .supporters he will campaign manager lor They, have advised t. And those most insterest is campaign will act "as an hoard." . to the "Haywood advisory Dr. McDonald will probably nldress here and at Canton rst. in- second of .lime, that present plans are changed. t'-d in this.. column several i that ("Sandy" ( ' 'wo managers in Hay-' io puss. The ollicial n -hf.jugli during the wi-ek-r. .ira-l.iani appointed liuir!'i d. of Waynesville and ( '. of Canton, us managers, i ma riaei-s had a, eonfer eek regarding the plan of Thus far, they plan ers.mal work" during the v. weeks. Whether he'll ywootl .voters is iindel i r- At a recent meeting of the board of directors of the Chamber of Com merce, a decision was made to ac quire office space in the Hiljiard At kins building on Main street, which is now occupied by William Medi'ord, lawyer. A contract. was let yesterday and work .started in renovating the build ing, hr.t h inside and out. A new hard wood floor will be laid, and the entire building repainted. The front will be painted white. It is expected that workmen, will be through in a week. itie director also named M. . Howies to act as fulltime secretary beginning May lath, and to serve until school opens again next fall. Mr. Howies will take over the work , as secretary of the organization on the date set, Charles E. Ray, president, has been working on the committees of the or ganization, and expects to announce them within the next week. The date for the annual Chamber of ('omrticiyi banquet litis not been definitely set. I.. Wjthcns. secretary fin-many- years, will remain in that ca pacity until the new 'headquarters arc ready lor occupancy. Mr. Medford will move to quarters on the -second floor. These quarters are now being, re-plastered and Con siderable work is being; done on them. The new office quarters for the Chamber of Commerce 'have- been leas ed for 12 months or longer. - The new olliee of the organization will be exclusively for the Chamber of Commerce, and will in no way be connected with any other business.' fete'' i " vtH al M. II. ill IIS Between 200 And 2. 0 Expected To Attend Golden Anni versary Celebration Waynesville 'was vxded as the place to hold the fall nieetinj; of the west ern dicdrict of the Wwdmen of the World, at which time some are expected to attend, according to Kev. Frank 11. 1eat herwond, newly elected president of the organization. The fall meeting will convene on Wednesday. October -S, and continue tbrouirh the next. day. Thi.s meeting is known as tin- disl net "l.oe; Hollinn," and will alsii nu hide the fall jrather inir of the "Supreme Forest Woods men Circle," which is (he woman's auxiliary of the organization.- The program has not been delinite 'y decided upon, but a k-inquet will be tendered on the opening niht, anil will probably be followed by a dance. A picnic on Thursday will be an en tertainment feature. This meet in ur w ill lie the celebra tion of the nvMch anniversary of the national oi'iranizalion. At present there are between live and six hun dred thousand members in the organ ization. Hur ne: (he last month North Carolina ranked third in new moru la rs received. r.iw : .is Of Black Mountain Is Owner Of Hotel New Owner Wiil IVobiihly Install Heatinv; System And Make Year "Round Motel ( i.vm; it. iiocv Mic II. xv ill s p 11I1 Ik to. k. Fund Balances Of County Amount To More Than mm DR. TRUESDALE TO GIVE COMMENCEMENT SERMON S.l I U III. col .I l lit' n iollH lay i! u mil ..n llns p.o Class Nijihl Set 1-or Wednesday . .Eveninjr, and (iraduation Niht On 'Ihursdav CO.VIMENCEIMENT SPEAKER first exercise of the commeni program of the U aviicsvHle hip IIij;h School will be on Hun at s hi n rues chu rch, 'sermon. clock, at wnich lale, pastor of will proa h the at (lie h oo I Expenditures For I'irst Months Of ( urrent ear Total S2!) 1.025) Jen Mi i I l oin heaihtliarlers of Donald is that the anti- ' nididale.. Who is wamn a ijt;lit on ."machine" Kovern n . considerable r.ew support i nl i-adin in ist rat ion senti- . lieeaniH pronounced when ; lowers were denied their ntinued on back page) ... A fund balance of $S(!,S01. hand April 21, in the .count acordini; to a financial 1 1 was on y budget tatenienl d bv t he nv liev idinj; icne- J. Cat hey, county auditor j Last Kites Held i For Mrs. Crocke issued by T this week. The .statement also shows that ex penditui-ctj : since June .'!(( to April 2-1 have amounted to $2fll,02;i.(il. The largest single item of this - hoiny foi schools. represent .ihjr $1 l2.M2.!l.i, While ?:0)r.52.J2 was paid on county debts. ' The total npproprimt ion f ihe tax col- ? 'Oh , in far current year was S;J i luring the same lections have amounted to ?"(), This also includes (axes back period. . t.a- rues were ViulI r c.,t.,4.. M pMl 25th' at 4 30 for at l n RldKk Crtker, who died Frih, HiTvood County Hospital on f , M-'n o clock, following w i (,f several weeks. Kev. H. t t ""I- Past?r of.the Fir Bap. w . ' ''-"ued..the service;. frntcnt who in n: tt:o . , -o i.i uiccii xiiu t-emeiery. paiinearer? were momta.. t hnol erlee club, of wbicb hr-r I 'nor ' 's ir"ace Crocker, is the P ff, r,,and wtre as follows: Edwin 1 In ! Mucin - .eortre btentz, Harry Lee f M- r ",w.v", ana isenuryson. 'rrt J had been Irving here ir.g ; C two and a alf years, hav 1 he7 w'th her daughters. She irm,.i.. '." ' me fate Jordan v--ii. . fir :i, . - ca V. V I nri uA - v., flitu nit: C'Kor, aurtter ow of Cary, ia To' If v ou"' KODert Kiddick. of -a,lj;;;un'Ti',C0.tla'!i She sit John's Collee-e. and L -r'w' of st. I" t LmK extenslveIy- having .Vr" i o m b ,en,a ncert piannt. "a; a Kv-pitt 6 pipe orf!ran an(I tWc l rf aiT two daughters. Mis i-'-Ul.- ,c ,'.. '"K'uer, J1JSS 'of. Atlanta. Today's Market a.s 1 027.;. which a Miomit ed to ? 1 !.'!,!I2 for that year. In his statement. Mr Cathey has also -included an. audit of the clerk of court's oflt.-e. 1 hi' re port. shoVvs that total cash nceipfs of all records, amounted to $:i8,107o, and a cash balance on hand --f -fl 711.80 brought the total up to ?.V), 81ft.i;ti. The larpest balan e in . the- funds of the county; on April 21 was for schools, with over $:2.(l(l0. The sec ond .lai-gwf - being about $28.f00 fo- debt service. The smallest from which the heaviest demands w ill be made, according to Mr. Cathev. is the poor fund, with abnut $2,000 balance, and two months to run in this year. The original $1,100 set out in the budget for roads has not been touch ed, according to the statement. It is the onlv fund from which no expen ditures have been made. This $1,100 is an accumulation of funds received in taxes which have been collected for years prior to 1932. at which time the state took over all roads. Mr. Cathev stated that the money in this fund would li-kelv be used to apply on debt service. As col lections are being pushed on delin quent taxes as far back as 1027. this fund is steadily, growing. TIk mellt 1 own flay evening time Dr. . the .Mel hod i ba.Talaui'oat auditorium.- Music will lie f urn ncsvillo t Moral ( lull. The invocation wili'be-'givcn by II. V. Haucom; the s ripture j-e. by Kev. O. ( . I.nndriim. and the diction hv Ur. K. !'. Walker. (In Wednesday evoninn". May li at right, o'clock, the seniors will give a series of short Id-minute acts, which will acouaint the public with some of the ma jor activities of the depart nieiils of the school. The .scholarship certificate and pre sentation of the recitation and le. claination contests, medals will also be awarded. The .attendance certifi cates: wilj he given, also. The gradual ion program' will take place Thursday, night, 'May 7. with the literary address .by Prof,' Phillip U IMIiOlt, head of the Knglish depart merit of Western ('arolina Teachers College. Tin- sa'utatorv address will lie bv Misfi Margaret ifall and the valedic tory by Miss Mary Ann Turner. be vjiphiiiias will Im' awarded to '.:', graduates by Jsuperinfendrnt M. If. Howies, after the presentation of the class by Principal, ('. K. Weatherhv 1 hree awards wil be made- the Ro tary, I). A. P., and American Legion. :-c.i . v. - ..,.. :.-:-i v N. - Aa ' I - Ml 1 nrw i , L v I DIE. It. S. 'I It I I Expensive Plant Of Hand .Mill Has Been Sold For Junk 2.000 .Tuns Heim. ('( To ItiU or Junk. I'lunt ;is Oiuv iiliit'd At S7.")0.0(I0 The fust load of iron and steel from (he band mill was placed on cars. Tues day, afternoon. The cnliro equipment of Ihe null, has been sold to The. Mid West Sterf Corporal ion. of Churles- lon, W. 'a , for junk, if was iearnel r. t i ... - .ii, . "on u. .. imvi,. an,i . ,. ii;adley, local aocnls for (lie Sun re-t Lumber ( 'oinpan v. There i.s. apprdximat-eiy 2, (KM) tons of mm and steel al Ihe old plant, and iisinir lorches in cultinir to pieces for loading. worumeri the niaihiiierv I It will probably r I lilimfhs to get tin with ten or (w Since ; hoi e (oinotnos of il is c n occleil cut 'UP when 1 1 or I v. iUire two inachinei y nu n w .; k ii 'i no i it-n in 1 1 1 lhe size al if hal tin v to,, llirei Hided, Is for mi pulling nig lb. expell ing eiil l! is 1 W ill lu ll. At- ,r CsCII .led f It the the Will he ic machinery engines are yaid load i . n I he mo,. ( in I V are he al :l, in SDMI Raintf In County According to (J. C. Plott, county game and fire warden, forest fires this spring have been the worst, in this county than in many years. Several big fires have raged through good stands of timber, and scores f men have been put on the job of lighting the blazes. He has not made an estimate, or assembled his data together for the number of acres burned, he said, but it will run into a high figure. fi.O.IV Convention Wiil He Held In Canton Saturday 'I'.he Haywood County convent ion w ;Jl be held in Canton on Saturday afternm.n at tw0 o'clock at the high school for the purpose of nominating candidates for all county Offices, according to (Ile'nn A. Hovd. chairman of the executive committee Mr. Ifoyd said he did not know (if any candidates that would Ik- named on the county ticket .Saturday, but ex peeled a good attendance at the con vent ion. I" Mr I II lorn. i:ci, u In n moved a.wav. . made of t he i-oir i "II t lie propert y . T he dis.iiiaiii lim down flu- curia in al lie which ii pe rated hen- unt il I :ie t ipg about -KMI.OIIII 'ee( of hi day, and giving some-,'i('i()' inci who drew salar ies amount ing t bOO :o $10.(lim pe,- liioiiib. .:' II huildirig mai liinery on will be in J s;reet,. bring: 'li mill !'. rut 1 1 be-r : ;i work ii S:io The largest real estate sale of the year took place here tbi week uh,.n Mrs. 1, K. Phillips, ,f Black Moun tain, purchiised the (irdon Hotel, on Mam street; from The Jefferson Stand ard Life Insurance Company, of (I roclisboro. Mrs. Phillips and her son, W. W. Phillips, who i.s u.s.socialed with her in operating the Monte Vista Hotel m Black Mountain, will arrive hero about May lath, to make plans for the opening of the Cordon aUiut June tins!, she told The Mountaineer over long distance yesterday. The Cordon will bo operated by Mr. Phillips and lii.s wife, "We are seriously thinking of in stalling a .steam heating .system in, the hotel and a sprinkling syntem, and opera! ing t he year 'round," Mrs. Phillips told' this paper. "That, how ever, will be determined later in the season." Some improvement will be made? bo the building, if. was learned, but these were rmt made public, pending their arrival here in almut two weeks Mrs. PhilI1ps said: "The hotel will be operated on a high .'dandard. and nothing-will be spared to make if an asset to ( he conimiinit v. Ilnr ' plans are to operate if verv much like the Monte Vista in Hlack ' Mountain."' Ihe Monte Visla has been owned and operated by Mrs. Phillips for the past tsixloon years. At. first it was Jiisl, a summer hotel, but is now open the year 'round. .She said yesterday Hie hotel had averaged Umly guests all winter. The -decision to buy the Cordon eame alter they hail spent much lime investigating dilfeierif, sites for hotels. ... in all of this .section, ."Until recently wis. I In I lips isaid she had colitem plaleit building a. M) room fireproof hotel in lilak Mountain, but later decided In. purchase the Cordon, here. The Cordon .ha sjxly bed. rooms, and the entire building- was reno vated last year. Main- thousands of Oollai-s- wei'e Mienf on side Was paiiiled and inside gone oyer. The p.'ipi red, and a new kitchen im; t. Hi-s.iiles the larger and Tighter kitchen, a li(l. cubic- foot, electric re frigerator was installed, an electric steam table, and an electric: dish i ashing, machine. l!oy-.spring.s were mil: in ,12 -of the bed rooms,' New window" 'shades were placed at all the windows over t he en-fire' h'iiilli'.r- llesiiles the impriivemenls name(l above, tlie nluinbing and electrical sy-tenis were overhauled, and a in-w boil system installed. Mis. Phillips did not. make public the Price', paid for t he properl y. mid the transaction was made dire t With the insuraine. company, it was stated. During the telephone conversation, ' Mrs. Phillips said: "We are looking forward to a. s'ucces'sful .irason this year for this section, and we wi'l liave l lie In niiinds it. 'Ihe oul- all woodwork iblrv wa.s re am! modern Prepared to meet Mr. And 3!rs. AsiiUk II o w e 1 1 ( e Pirate ,I?olarv Dirorlors Fiftieth Anniversary Named At ESedim MISS SAWYKIt hack Miss Addie Sawyer, well known in waynesville, has returned here and i.s now connected with W. V N C Cafe. .She was former manager of another cafe in avnesvule. j - The MELTING POT j c if. e TV. I J f;-, v.-v': n tne farmers .T'Hlon here. ""'round .b:Ped hPn C. nf ight wplrri" am., pouna ... pound j'.en Potatoes v ' a.r.j b'Js-hel bushel '. Pound I, bushel .15: 13c , .20c ..15c .75c .70c ..90c Alexander's Change Front Of Their Store Finishing touches were being added yesterday to tne improvements made at Alexander's Drug Store. 1 he two side entrances have been closed, and only one entrance made from the front. Two display windows will be built where the two side doorp were. The new front is of the folding door type, and when thrown open gives an opening the full width of the store. No screen doors will be hung, and in stead, a large electric fan will be used. C.-.V Al.r.KV. Mcrelinnl Ila i lwiMid .'- - flon't Lnon of a vm-lih- aeanl liou-e nor jilace of business in Hazel wood. . .1 Monk iiejirly eerj btxly lias work that wants to work and Ix-sJdes, folks in to lw liaiipy and -on(-n(el." Wi Ut iTr. Allen, we don't know of a betf r 1h.-it could lie L-iven a. town than Hi" aliove. Ve like the spirit. T. I! Al l l(.I K. Tnnker. Iike .1 unalii-k.-i I his i- rnv llrst )ir liere al Iruck (lurilciiini; iiihI naluiall. I col -oniou Mat ,,f a liile sliirt. . .however, with i'xmI M-Hsfiiifi. I li.i- l linui ve-elahlo e.-irly enough." n.Mtitv m:i; r,i.r:it. .Maim- faeturer ixmI Novellies. Ijike .liiiialu-ka "Tim outlook in our line Miami craft) Is the liesl sin--191!!l. WlKiiever the larcer hnv ers lH-irm laing orders sit months ahead, like Ihey Iiavp re-ii-iitly lM--n doing, the m -a son's husiiiesjs I-, assuretl." It. I.. rill.AOST. Jiuniture M.uiiifrtoiiirer. IIii-IiomI "No I don t think I hate it ml lung to say jn-l now: . ,'m-miIi-s we don t nei'd so nitir-h talk and more act ion." IIOMIJt V. ( (,I.K. Ac, chant, (anion ' Itli-ines, is very grod I hail to cuUii-jio my slort- to make more itxini. With lonjr hours and hard work. I iret mighty tired of It Miioet lines. . .m when a man once Kt.s into this business lis hard t get out." April the ; U.'ii'd n;ai krd tin- lift ieth 1 wedding anniversary' of. Mr. and .Mrs.. Asbury Howell, and is of wide spread1 interest throughout, Haywood county ' r ii -ii I .o rs. uoweii no i ore tier marriage in HH(), was Miss Louise ( iarret t . voun g-1 est daughter of Mr. and Mr- W.C R 1 (larrett, .Mr, Howell was the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Howell Hoth families were among the earlv settlers of this section, and have lonp been prominent .in county affairs Mr. Howell ha.heen for years one of the leading farmers and stork raisers in Haywood. He has since early manhood been a live in politic.'!1 circles, and lias held various county offices..- Twenty-five years ae-o Mr. and Mrs . Howell moved from the ancestral Howell place on Jonathan t'reek which they have retained, to Waynesville.-.. Since coming here the family has made many friends.. Of the thirteen children nine are living, and are as follows: hive daugh ters, Mrs. Hrvan Medford. of Jona than Creek, Mrs. John West, of Wav- nesville, Mrs. J. Ii. Dillongor. of Wash ington, I). (.;., Mrs. VV. If. ( orzme, of Pigeon, and Mrs. J. I'. I)t I ravro, of Charlotte; four sons, Mark, darrott and David, ail of Jonathan C reek, and Joe Howell, of Wavnesviile- I'iilks On Soil Conservation. And Forestry Heard At Regular Uetkly Meeting com- name re- The Rotary f lub elected seven dire-tors at their weekly meeting Fri '. Ihe new- directors will take ofli- i-e ine nrst ol duly. During the mg weeK lney will meet and a president Those elected were: I,. N. Davis I'r S P (i, Ii iJr.h Provost, Dr (' N- -sk, W. I). Smith. Dr R H Stretcher, and Krnest Withers The ines.-in ..president W. Curtis Tins mams a director. Htard on Inday's program was Davis (.alloway, a. member of the public speaking team of the vocation ngnculture class at the high school. Ids -address being on soil erosion. Following young Callowas ad di. ss H, , rt stone, -who us in charge 'I I isgah National Forest, gave a few facts recirdi the effect of forests, nr. .i :,:.. country., He was followed bv Mr ' I isher, also of the forestry service who made a few brief remarks. ' SAM JONES m iLDINC; AN I ADDITION TO ttCSINESsj The Workmen this week were building an addition to the place of business of Sam Jones, on Main street- The added room will provide s-orage facil ities for merchandise, and, give more space in the retaining side. Thursday friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday W ednesday Max C2 CO 72 71 74 7!) 78 Min. 1? 42 47 4J 4." 55