'iltj THE W .!, A TMH?U?1P Mount T T ill lYJCiO ALONG THE POLITICAL Firing Lines . di.l.nes from district nuiih I ih.-ir hats into ihe ring .! Lii(4 the total seeking .if member "f the ..uinisfioners from the lir.-t The district is to have u.ii r.l. The new can.ti II c, . Heno, Heavenly m i ,i,., k raiser, and (.trover u ho is in the mercluintile in (,'lyite. n, iiv siaiui. mere are - seeking ettioe in Haywood v,,,i it might be well to re ; , live tainlidates that Sat ,j ;i;h a.t six o'clock is the ,. (or (jetting in on the liKdi K:h:-i nnium-ements from local Wit i.,i,,.,.s slowed down, the section v:-. .i .lurims the week by several i-.iri,l;.l..ies. Monday, Charles V. M".,r ,,f .sheville. candidate fur stl.(. ..ii.h'i.r was out making bis . Ril-a" to Haywood voters. ,Ml:iy 11. K. "Mike" Iiiin newspaperman, who 's I'm- secretary of state, was i- staging his campaign on, llry, and second that the : ,.)' the state ba.s not bad duHiiK the past several . s iitati.m of the higher is from 'he west of course. . mailed out some L'S.niKi aii: where every stale opi nio, and according to his , st had only one. iiil doubtless listen to ." I ; la ha tn make another state .!(;.. talk Friday evening, at .--'.. -ck. Mis talk will "dwell on e!.i!if.n between the Mali's tax Si.' ureal -reduction-: in taxes oh re-nltiug from the removal of u.vs-for the support of public K lie will also attack bulb .n:s -i was sold. lb .V 'I y certainly had the audience .lav.' Just a few more, and ; i-n the main 11. .or would -til at a premium. Scattered e audience were a number of .is ..!' iithei- candidates, and .- ail.lress, they were quite free iss ;hc noticeable lack of ap- .;v,.n flit- Shelby attorney. No! f-.n-j. lie hour and fifteen min :' hi spoke did a single p. r K'ni'l a sratcmciit. This utti- rh.- pari of the audience, has .is f, ,- other candidates won 'h.' en use of it all and has si, uiiiiilei-in' if the same thinv. ip.-ij when they have their can- speak from the same spot, a lot of folks who made up -;'- audience. Everybody . is ml, ring, -and guessing.' . ha e (,v, r xiii'l" ' (vft'T h .li-plau- i-l-rn: . Ill- IN : i- Hi t il.-ial :.!.-! .V:-. . l! si .,.,,"!.. J. li, I - lianpens that there are two in Waynesville by the name of '"yd, Jr. It also hannens that tli-. -t'n is a candidate for the inn of register of deeds, -and -i isn't.' The candidate is the Hi,, banker Air. "Jim" Iloyd. m nf the First National Dunk, ' i'"d who Is a candidate, is nn.i-u.l with his brothir, John d. in the furniture business. I-:-.--Tin 'iV; .Two Jl'iywood candidates are jms i."e . -voters. ' little books -, of i-'e in s lie paper cover --type, with I' -i'i'. s and ofliees they seek r'."K lb. in. That is something -''; ' .'m Haywood oampains. . I-'. of Dr. McDonald have ..a.alidioj.Vf. since the 'apnea ranee of the ;-s.'i!-.'s tax 'condidatp in the I'ied-!i."U.- y.li.M-,. !;i e enthusiastic '-crowds' . .urn. ij to. Ilea r him'. More especially ''j'' niake a' "hit" with the indus-f-'l ;: r with the assault on the , s''l" tav. Dr. McDonald's manager a la.- . majority. District P. T. A. Given Distinction Western District Under Mrs. .ttoyle Alley, Wins Loving Cup At Convention More than sixty delegates from the . t.suern district attended the state 'J: A- convention in Charlotte re- u. - ;-nd:. under the, direction of tit- DJ"le Alley, president, the dis- t, 6ilVe,l l0Vine ?UP f0f in t percentage of increase tmbership. The increase being Per. cent. ''the'Tfal-ther awards were made in S- f"d a We membership lorfPi!::Cnt,ed;to Mrs. Wilbur Deven rV Past district president . . "iit vvrr,C('t(,!ure book fo'r-the-'dis-book a Wue ribbol award. The 'tt of vrompne1: under the direc- Today's Market ts7a-7 cash Prices were be eratl? by the Farmers -.ivu MJicKer.s, " ii ere; tmn-nA "fa nens ana -15c 13c 20c ffW, dozen V' "'' ..15c ..75c ..70c ..90c "v"i iu. I hiichA at. bnoi" ' Published In The County S.at of Haywood County VOL. XLVIII NO. 19. Alvin Ward Named Republican Chair- j man In This Countvi - - " i County Ticket Ni'med At Annual Convention Meetiiif; In Can ton Last Saturday The Hayvvnoil County Republican Convention which was held in the hisrh school building in Canum, on Saturday afternoon, named the ticket for the party in the county. The meeting was vipeiied by Glenn A. Boyd, county chairman, and Alvin T. Ward, was chosen temporary chairman, later being named eounty chairman, for a two-year term to succeed Mr. Boyd, who has held the position for eight years. Ha r ley K. Wright, of Canton, was named secre tary of the county executive com mittee. The. county ticket selected was as follows: Representative, the Kev. I'. 0, Hick. Baptist mint-uV, nl" Canton; sheriff, Seth Grogail, Can ton; register nf deeds, Mrs. Mary IVel, Canton; county commissioner., by districts, Beaverdam-Clvde dis trict, Tom Rogers; V. 1'. Harris and J. R. Moflitt, Pigeon-Kast Fork-Cecil, I.on Evans, ,1. R. Sentelle, and Worth M. Wells; Waynesville and Ivv Hill district, lirady Hemy ;md ".hi.v:. ("ampbell; Jtmathan' Creek district, Cataloochee and Big Creek district, Rankin Ferguson and W. p. Boyc.1 Iron Duff, Crabtree and Fines Creek district, Millard Ferguson. Since the convention named nunc candidates than there arc otlices to fill on the county board of vomniis sioners, a primary will be held by the Republican in June. Funeral For Mrs. John Williams, SO, Held Last Friday Funeral services were held Friday afternoon for Mrs.,,),.,n Williams, at the Fines Creek .Methodist -.church'. Mrs. Williams, would have been SO years of age within a month. She passed away Thursday. She had been a member of the Fines Creek Methodst. church for fifty years. Interment vas made at the Xoland cemetery. She is survived by the fol lowing: Mrs. R. T. Byd ami Mrs. W. 11, Nelson, of Jonathan Creek and Mrs. W. R. Freeman, of Asheville; I). L. Williams, of Akron, Ohio; Frank Williams, of Crabtree; W. H. (Bill) Williams, of White Oak, and R. W'. Teague, of Florida. Also 2'1 grand children, and 11 great grand children. : She also had three broth ers, M. C. and John Noland, of Ashe ville, and Ed Xoland of Canton. Rev. G. "F, Hauch, of Jonathan Creek, and Rev. A. h. Rayle, of Fines C-Ct'k Methodist church, and Rev. O. C. Land rum, of Ha.clwood. conducted the services. Hikers Will Go To Richland Balsams The Balsam Mountains Hiking Club will join the hikers from' Asheville Sunday in a trip to Richland .Balsam. Charles Ray is leader of the local group, which will meet for the hike at, 9:00 o'clock in. front of the post office. It will be a good idea for the hikers to take something to drink along With their lunch, as -there -.is no water on the mountain. Richland": Balsam is C.,500 feet, al most as high as Mt. Mitchell. , Afte driving to Allen's Creek, a good trail leads entirely around the Waynes ville watershed and for several mile" lies along open ridges above the 600 foot level. The views cannot be sur passed as the way leads through open country. Haywood Boy Is Honored At WCTC Carl RatclifT ha recently . bo -n elected president of the student body of Western Carolina Teachers Col lege for the year lMtf-S". Mr.., Rat cliff is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. h L. RaUliff, of Waynesville. , He is at present a junior at Cu. lowhee. He has been a member of the present football team and the varsity basketball squad for the past three years. In the freshman year he was president of the clas. During his sophomore year he was vice-president of the sonhomore class, presi dent cf the Erosophian Literary so ciety, and secretary-treasurer of the Robertson House government associa tion. At present, Mr. RatclifT is pres ident of the Haywood County club, and president of the Robertson House government association. . Legion To Meet In New Home Tuesday The Haywood Post of the American Legion will meet in their new hnme on Tuesday night. May 13th, at 7:30 o'clock. This will be the first meet ing in the new home, and a large at tendance is requested, as a number of important matters will be brought up at the aieeting. A special invitation is also ex tended to all ex-service men. V ,N WiWomi,. f I v Vt 1 c i 1 i III!. C. V s'slt Dr.C,N.&k .aiued President Of Rotary For ';V7 Newlv Elected President To Take Ollici' July Firvt. William .Medftird Is Secretary lr. C. X. Sik was naiiii-d presi dent of the Vayucillc Rotary Club hv the newly ehctdl board of di-ec, tors. The board also re-eUsted Wil liam Medford as secretary. Pi Sik will assume the duties Vf cfl'u-e mi the first 1'riday in July. At a meeting of the club Friday, it was Voted to set up a fund not exceeding .1(H) for the purchase of a pure bred Guernsey bull, which will lie placed in a Community -interested ill raising pure bred stock. W. 1. Smith wao instructed to make the purchase, and have the animal in the community at the earliest pos sible date. Countv Agent's Of fice To Fill Out New Farm Blanks County Agent, W. 1. Smith, an liounccd'ycstcr.iay that the blanks for the new farm program had arrived and were in his oHico ready for the signatures of 'fanners, who will par ticipate in the new program. Mr.- Smith and his staff silent Tuesday in a district, meeting at! Franklin getting the later-t informa tion regarding the program. Beside.; the blanks, ample tiling cab inet space has -been acquired.' -Three stenographers will be in the office to assist 'in tilling out the blank-'. (iarrett Kinsland Buried At Crabtree Giriett - Kinsland a well, known farmer -'of Crabtree. age f.K, passed away at the Haywoi-d County Hospital at 7 o': lock Stinday. . A m il He was btllieil at Crabtree. April LIS. with the Rev. Foiom Fergusnn ami Mr. R. S, Trucsiiale in .hargi' of the funeral services. ; He is survived by oik; brother. Htl getic,. of Balfour, X. .('.: his widow and eleven child) oil. Kuih, . Louise, .Matft'ie, Beatrice', Fannie, and 0. (i-i Jr., Mr---. Harry I.ee Ferguson and fiordoti Kinsland, of Crabtree; Mrs, R. W.; Giffard and Mrs. J. T. Mc Cracken, of Waynesville. and Maude Kinsl:iTifl, of Menioliis Tenn. The pallbearers were: J.,lui Hipps. lorn KirkpatncK, Vincent navi, ami Larry .Ferguson.. The Rev. forest Ferguson officiated, , . MRS. CLYDE KAY IN A CRITICAL CONDITION The condition of Mrs. Clyde H. Ray, who was taken ill on last Thursday, and whose condition became critical on Sunday morning, remains about the same, according to reports receiv ed as the paper went to press. G. 15. IIOGAV. rarnier. Iron ),ilT-"I (lori i iv it Im huso it s liiy liiiijo-tla-c-. hut I iKlieve llie IM-ople r Iron Huff ToutMiii trot iiloiiir loi.'1-llier l-ter. have, fewer law nils , and l' I'leir clehl-i Ix-tter llian any other loun .hi in the fount jr." The ab'ivii ja the sum nti'l suh stance of what Mr. llotraii h.i'l to sii y here this we-k anoi he r liouster for his home community. S.Wf II. JON'KS. Waynesyilh' "I'm trj-iiit l An my lart to ward the ev I Km I t'sJinpaisn to build, improve etc. find to five more rinplo) nient and put mom money inlo eirenlatioit. Good times are already ln're why try to bold back." ,J. H. m:CII. Deputy F're Warden. Wayn.nille tiwnIilp "We've bad a lot of flrcf In're f 'The MELTING POT - At The Eastern Entrance WAYNESVILLE. N. I.. THURSDAY, MAY 20 Seniors From Fines Creek Will Get Diplomas Fri. (J rover C. Davis Will Deliver Commencement Address At Eight O'clock Friday Twenty scniort; of the Fines Creek high school will graduate on Friday evening, May S, at which time Grover C. l)avis, of Waynesville, will make the commencement address. Diplo mas will be presented by Superinten dent Fred L. Salford. The baccalaureate sermon was preached on Sunday, May It, by Dr. R. S. Truesdale, pastor of the Waynes ville Methodist church. The senior class play "Under The The Western Skies," was presented Wednesday evening. The elementary grades of the school gave their entertainment Saturday at noon. Last night (Wednesday) the piano pupils of Miss Ruby McCuUhins gave a recital. On last Friday evening, the pri mary grades entertained a large au dience with an operetta, "Fairyland." The following are the llll seniors that will .cecive their diplomas: Annie Mae tifecne, Fannie Clark, Franccs ,1, lines, I .ula Kirkpat rick, Fdith Rogers, Marguerite. Mosser, Jim lei- gusoii, I' . ank Lrcone, .lack Sparks, .larvis Teague, K.ld Kirk pat rick, Joe Rat hlioiii'. Joe Mauncy, Roll McKlrov, Willar.i McFlroy, Reuben Justieie, Itol.et M. 1i'dford, Jcsm' Jenkins, and Reeve.- Rogers. Clyde Finals To Be;in Touihl. 19 To (iet Diplomas I. ;. Stamey To I5e Coinmence nunl Speaker, And Rev. V. A. Rollins Will I'rearh I'reft-'.siii' S. 1-1. Cotinafser, princi pal of tin- Clyde district high school announces a series of cimineliceineut activities beginning this week and lasting through May l.r. Thursday evening. May 7, an ath letic banquet will, he held ill the school .cafeteria, ioii.orcd by t lie basketball clllb. ' .' Invitation's have been issued fr tile Junior-Senior banquet ,on Fri day night, .May S, in the school cafe leiia, after wliicli a irograin will be given in the auilitiniuni. (In Sunday morning, .May'-10, at I 1 o'clock, the Rev. W. A. Rollins, pre; idinjr elder of the Wcstei'ii con t'ei ( lice, and a most aide speaker, will deliver the bai ciilaiireale sermon, Monday night, .May 1 I, a high school i i . ilat ion (leclainal ion conte.-f -will be held. 'Tin' winning i-peaki .- will re ceive a medal. ('he- night will lie lieiii 'Tue.'-day n, ght. .May 12, at' K;0( o'clock. Miss lieinice McKIhannoii will lie in charge of I his program. The senior play, "llobgnhlin House" in three acts, will be given Thursday night, May 1 1, at K:du o'clock. Miss .Margai ei . Ter. ell is direct in'g the jro ductioii. On "Friday, morning at P):tl(l o c!o,.k. the seventh gi.'ule graduation exer cises will take place. Mr. Jack Mos ser, superintendent of Haywood coun ty public schools, W'.ili be the speaker and will present the -certificates' of high schmol .promotion, Frank Cat hey is valedictorian (,f the class and Hilda Biown, salutatoiian. Mr. C M. Iieall, of the Cant(n American Legion l'ost, will award . mediils to two1 outstand ing members. of the grade at the time .of the high school graduation exor cise:. - '.-.-. Friday night, : May lo. at, R:00 o'cbrk, the high school graduation exercises will be held. . Mr, M. G. Stamey, a prominent Waynesville attorney,: will 'deliver the- literary address. Diplomas will be presented to nineteen seniors. The salutatory address will; be delievered by Wilma Hughes, and the valedictory address by Adeline Rogers. All medals will be awarded at this time. : lately, but I think they are all nit now. And 1 hope there von;t he any more fores.1 lirw soon, Ik eaiise there's no money to Miy-tlie. hands with- all such work will have U be Voluntary." .1. R. PIOTT, Fanner, JH-ll-(hh -"Many farmers lymld bave. their own lwer and lichtw by in.stallins a hinall plant, like mine . . .and H doesn't require a jaw stream if you've irot sudieient fall. My dynamo turns Ihoi prist mill, libts the Iioiim- anil runs lh' radio- nd tbe oppertttirij; cost is very small." MISS M AUTIIA MOCK, High SoIkkiI Teaeber "The) first tiling I mm to in the ter is "Tho Mi-llinR l'ot." This feature seems to have an apMal to bnman in terest that some otlier things just don't have." The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 7, 19.W southern Bell Iw. $30,000 On Improvements In Waynesville and County Telephone -Maiuigcr 5 as "'v ivNJL 1 v it! V. VMCKIN Provost Savs That I hriTt Habit Should Ie Practiced Here I'l t'sidenl Of' Homo llnildiu An! I, o;mi Association Says That Timos Aro Now Norm;il K. IA l'ieV(.:-t, presii'elit of the Unairiista: iMaiuil'acltirine; Co., and also president of the Haywood Home Building and Loan- Association, was the speaker, at. the Kotary Club last Friday, and pointed out "that if this cmnmiiliit V is to lli'COlll lllisll ailVtllillir, it must be done from within, and not by those whom we. iniKbt interest in eominiT in to dvi it." Mi-, rrevol pointed out that if thi;ilt bad been practiced in tins olil iniinity foe the past 25 years, as it vlui'iit.l loive been. Ibiil, niunv of till' things- I'liat the community today is lotiKin lor would liecome a reality, "With a pay roll df $:ir.,t)O0 tn $1(1,00(1 a -month in Hazelwood alone, there should lie id least, live per cent saved for a :;ainv days,", t lie speaker said. He also' pointed oiil I lint presenl economic conditions wore above nor mal t i lire's. . " Must people, however, lolijr for t he .iliii.-i in.'il times," -lie -said, "such :i We ex in i'i' ii.'e.l some t en or eleven v'ears iii'n. We don't Meed times like thiif ae'.-iin. The "economic condilions that. Vc need 'are just what we have." : Hymn To Smokies ,Vork Of Miss Slrinslii'ld And Mrs. Hoyd Is Dodicalcd To I riends Of Sir.,: k cs. Mi-. Miiriraret SI rinirlw-Id has iiisi received several hundre.l copies of "A Hymn to The Great Smokies,'' whi h has just coine lrom the ores-. Just under the title appear these words: "Dedicated, to the, friends of the Groat Smoky .Mountains . 'Na tional Park." The front cover has a larire picture of the Smokies and iV printed in two colors. . The words of the sonir were written by Mrs. Eva I'lamondon Hoyd, of West Ashevillle, and the music by Miss S:rinj;lield. The entire, back cover of the. 4-patre sheet, is devoted to ."The Great Smokies," and out li ne.s some of the hiKh liKhts about the park. Copies of the hymn will be placed on sale: throughout this section. For the present, copies may be secured direct from Miss Strinfrficld. 200 Attend Annual Allen Reunion Sun. Nearly two hundred relatives and friends attended thd annual Allen family reunion, which was held on last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cay Allen, on Allen's Creek. The affair is held on the. Sunday near est the birthday of the late Jerry Allen, ancestor, of the Allen family. . Principal speakers of the occasion were the Rev. George Truitt, form er pastor of the Allen's Creek I'aptist church. They both con tributed stories concerning the history of the Allen family. At noon a bounteous dinner was spread on a large table under the trees on . the lawn. Relatives, who were unable . to attend, wre sent baskets of dinner. : ' f 1 $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN ('OI NTY Is Spending N c w Linos, Hiht-or- a s, Cables And Kquipmonl In cluded In rr(Kriini An expenditure of between $J."i.O(i0 and $,'0.0(1(1 will be made in this county within the next !'0 days by the Southern Hell Telephone ami 1 ol ograph ("omnany, in the" way ol an improvement program. Work if. already undei-way. with several crews ol woihnirn ami en gineers on the job, ueoordmjr 'o ' ainiikin. manager of tin nysteni in Waynesville and Canton, and also the Murphy exchange. A In i tit $10,00(1 will lie spent in this vtoniniunht v alone, ti ViiVel out. New noles will In- olaci. and ouile a bit of new cable oil Main i t reel w i.l he put up. Several major ctianKi"" will also he made in the plant here, -in the way of new equipment, which will he mod ern in cvevv rcsoect. One ot the changes will he installation of eleven large istorae.e batteries. The line from I tie hosiiital to l.ake .hiiialusktl will be removed, and a new circuit built via the Dellwood road to tin- head of Ihe lake, he Kind. Some major change ill (lie county will be re-rout ing of the t runk lines between Clyde and Canton. I'll is project will leave Clyde and take n now route olf ihe highway to ( an ion. Tiiis one nroject wrU I'OHl I'i'din $15,(100 to ''$20.0(10, it was said. A new right-of-way has been se cured for the lines. Although .final coiiti . mat i.in of tins is eyp.-cted liny Way, ihi head olbi e ba.s not returned' the' plans, but did .go so far as to M i llie in w right-of-ways. ( It her -equipment , in the plant has just been overhauled during the past, few weeks, Mr. Iltmpkill said. The Waynesville ilistriet i.s compos ed of the exchanges in W a nesv 1 1 le, ('anion and Mir'phy. 'Ihe Wuvnes ville exihange lin about b()0 telc-plcini"--, and the Canlo'n exchange, aboil! doll. Nine vperatois a t e. employed at the 'o. al exchange. Last Rites field For C. A. Davis, M Last rites were held on Wednesday morning at 10 o'-loek at the Uatclilf Cove Ilaplist church for C. A. Davis, (i(i. well known farmer of the coun ty, Who died on Monday morning at 8::ill at, bis home, with RoV. Thomas Krwin, (la.stor, assisted by Kev. A. V. .loyner, pastor of the I'aptist church, of Canton, officiating. Iiiler inent was in the cemetery nearbv. ; Pallbearers : were lis follows: ,)oe Li'Mtherwood, Harry Kvans, hlmer liryson, .lini 'liatelifT, (ieoij.e Fine', .in.! Hid) Williams. .Surviving lire his wife and live children, 'Frank Davis, Henry - Davis, and' Mrs:- Frank' Medford, all of Way nesville, John Davis ami F:ed Davis, of Canton, and one brother, M. H. I i.'ivis. of . Waynesville. . Commissioners In : - . Busy SesFi-tm ! I ere The County Hoard of Commissioners bi'ld .the. regular meeting - on Monday, May the 1th. with a buny dav sent in - hearing various delegations, and the routine luyinc,-.s ,t rans,-i,-ted :: at ea b ineeit ing.. ... A . ri'soluf ion was passed 'tii. co-operate with the Steering,. Commitfi e Tor -.(.ho .recovery of the Sljite High way funds. W. A. Hyatt was ap pointed to represent Hay wood -count v on the committee. - . An expenliture of $10 a month , was also annrovod to ward the expense of the committee. J'.etween seventy-five and a hun dred women of the eoiint.y, asked for the. coslinuam-o of the home demon stration work, which has been car ried on by Mies Mary Margaret Smith. Miss Ruth Current, district home demonstration agent, presented the cause, and heading the group of women Was Mrs H ft w.." dent of the county club's. No' action was taken by the board. BACK IX W-AYNKSVILLE Dennis Massey, of Robbin.sville, X. C, hafi accepted a position in Jones' Harber Shop here for the summer. Mr. Massey was proprietor of the City Harber Shop here before going to Robbinsville last spring. The Weather Max. . Min. Thursday 75 4," Friday 76 45 Saturday 81 47 Sunday 84 4? Monday 80 45 Tuesday 71 42 Wednesday 73 41 ; ; ; I f ' i r . V

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