The Waynesville Mountaineer ALONG THE POLITICAL firing Lines . j.. ,. dav of much ac- t":u?':'he court house. The greater tlU "V ','Hr morning a crowd frt , " vtxw tnusio, while candi "e::,,J ',',',,'va voters. In the after Al!r!th'! "i',..M.oTatic County Conven tlk' '. irM -i ri 1 then more work i.irt of candidate, until - , '.'ir .McDonald to speak. :he tin'.'1 !' ' 'J ., all four candidates for gov. 'jj'.'ve it one time or another dur ,ia'i three months, made a ' . . V.vnesville. Of the four. n. ild has the hardest hand- sfc-iif- Mr Hoey has me unwurai .P Mr. draiiiiiii un.rea.. and Mr. McRae the long- h.1r.Jl"ke. pue ;,n oversight last week, we .v,, to mention the fact that ' re i v, contest for membership (ht ir.l of education. The pres- nainb. rs were the only ones to Wh lf tin- new registration Is pro pw's up to expectations, there re mm a number of voters who have rtlt rysi.Ti'il -and Saturday, May 23 last day to register. Atal Attorney (ieneral A. A. Seawell Mini UK week that a voter who has rsti-'i-'l .i ml declared his party affi ;i:'oi: may not after the books are ,!,s,.t on the day of voting change ,;. ,.,,ty alliliations, and only bona iini jM-'iibeis of party will be given 'it:h: to Vote. e has been much discussion this law. Some Democrats felt nine Republicans voted in the rat & primary for the Weakest raiie candidate in the hopes of atn'tlt D'-mi l'lirllli'i fMtinu' him nominated In order to hoi! him in the general election wttn v'Mrent.'' Kj'l'iiWiean candidate. Hut sui-h will not be the case this primary. ;c.rf McNeil, of Fayetteville, a jiidalati' for lieutenant governor, was ,. Wiiynesville visitor over the week end. It seems that he knew a lot -l fnlkn here, and enjoyed the visits ,,s much as the "campaigning." There vvill be several '.names miss ,r:p from the county ballots when they air handed to the voters on June 6th. Tu ami possibly more names will bo And the Reoublican contest in I'lydt township for constable has been .( off, There was a lot of difference on the jsirt of . some regarding the crowd heard Dr. McDonald "here Satur day nieht. Some of the most ardent Hilipn'rters estimated that 1,500 heard htm. while some of those opposing hr. Mrliimalii said the crowd was ut Cd.o. The facts are: thisthe .lUtli'airitini i.i f the court room, incluil- rrf haleony, seats Mi4 people. . About 3" cm te: in the two jury boxes, and Ut -' inside the bar. So Just figure 'Ji for yourself how many attended gathering. Win rover county politics are nien iail. something is always said about l! S' lllh u.ii-,1 in VfovnoavlllB C'sm- Hi'.es would rest much easier if tli-y lould only count on that ward, tiiit f. know where they stand there, taitilaftrr iht. List vntp has been Kirch (rover ('. Davis has been named iit,m;iir of: the McDonald camnaiun n ; Haywfind County. Mr. Davis pre-'"l'-ii at the sneaking of:l)r. McDonald "'re last Saturday- evening. With the I'l'l'intinent of Mr. Davis, this gives " active managers for candidates T. the nomination for governor in lllJ'h I.l.Ulli'rvenod - ninnia'pr for Roifiv l'...U " -, ,. . . , .' " .i.Tu.ijn, is ail eninusea oyer 'f.hruspe, ts ,,f tilling the court room lr Mr. c.rahum Monday afternoon at l"'e o'elnck: The reports from fines J Mt n ... .... ..v... . j ....... t-iiueu ivir. . Jjeainerwoou "'t he is walking on air these; days. Roy Briggs Hurt In Auto Accident .Roy Briggs, son of Mr. and Mrs. v-- L. Briggs, 'was painfully, but not wnowly injured about 12:30 Sunday ''ernoon. when v.. o- ; ...vtM, he ... ' ".. Ltjiv, Vdl 11 VV111W1 vf Tan off afl embankment on and . vu-i uiree times, loum Sn. .. j i ft A' i auuerea tt uruKen no, sm V. aW shoulder, Ibesides cuts i rib, ;';e "as brougnt the hospital and yesterday was reported as ffeting well there. . The folln-orin M.I, : , ". v 're - j II. """6 jritcg were ue- TH W ednesday by ehe Tarmers cw i 10n hete- : ".lciens, heavy breed hens and CbierS' und ......'..'...... 14c Ee ' weight, pound ....13c ror: "ats, No. 1, bushel .,$1.00 bushel ... 7r v. DUshel ..90c Today's Market "luis, pound lc Published In The County Seat of Haywood County VOL. XLVIII NO. 21 Teachers Named For This District j For Next Session j i Few Changes Are Made From List Of Past Year. Junior High Will Be Open The school committee for the Waynesville distrkt in session here this week, named teachers for the district for next year, with but one or two changes. Because of ill health, Mr. E. J. Rob eson resigned, after having served for over fifty years as a teacher. A group of teachers for the junior high were named, but theee were from other schools in the district. The teachers named were as fol lows: WAYNESVILLE HIGH Superintendent, M. H. Bowles; Prin cipal, C. E. WVatherby; Hist., W. C l Allen; F. E., Evelyn Underwood; E. Martha Mock; C. S., Ethel Craig; G. S. and U. rJ., Mrs. J. C. 1'atrick; E., Bessie Boyd; E., Margaret Ashton; A. L., Mrs. Johnnie Lynch Kellett; M., Mrs. Lucy Tate Jone; B. G., Grace Albright ,Stamey; L. St H. Hester Anne yy imeis; 11. A., yv. l nomas Reeves; Home E., Louise Edwards; Agr., J. C. Brown. CENTRAL ELE.M EN TAR Y 6th, Ernest McCracken; 2nd, Mrs. Sam L. Queen;'. fith, Mrs. DeBravda Liner; 5th, Mrs. Ova V. Ferguson; 4th, Fannie Pearl Felniet; 3rd, .Frances Robeson; 2nd, Ioise Harrold; lsjt, Annie Dee Kirkpatrick. LAKE JLNALISKA 4th, Stephanie Moare; 1st, Mrs. Eva, Lee Fulbright; Mary Ratli bone; 4th, Mrs. Karl Messer. MAGGIE lith, Norvall Rogers; 4), Nell Campbell; 1st, Ruth Moody. ROCK HILL 6-7, J. J. Boyd; 4th, Mary Lou Leatherwood ; 5lh, Lawrence B. Leath erwood; 2nd, Louisa Modfurd Boyd; 1st, Claudia Boyd; ,'i:'d, Avis Mcdford; 1st, Edna Boyd. -. . DELLWOOI) 5-6, Charles F. Owen; 3-4, Freda Garrett; 1-2, Mrs. Setzer. JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL White Mease, Frank Ferguson, Jr., J. Harley Francis, Maye Burr Mor row, Annie Roe Ferguson. EAST WAYN EV1LLE Cth, Claude Rogers; 4th, Mrs. Frank Fergiison; 5th, Elizabeth Henry; 3rd, Mildred Crawford; 2nd, Eula Patter son; 1st, Mrs. Anlie Plott lA'dbetter. HAZKI.WOOI) Cth, J. C. James; 5th, Mary String field; 5th, Mrs. Sam Knight; 4th, Mrs. Wilda Crawford Prevost; 4th Miss Daisy Boyd; 3rd, Eva Pinkney Lejatherwood ; 1st, May me Leather wood; 2nd, Sarah Margaret Burgin; 1st, Eva Trice Cole; 2nd, Mildred Medford. ALLEN'S CREEK 3-4, W. L. McCracken; 2nd, Mary Emma Massie; 1st, Margaret Walker. SAUNOOK 4-5, Elene Fisher; 2-3, Luch Fisher; 1st, Hugh Allen. Walter T. Crawford Says Nation Must Re-Elect Roosevelt Local Attorney Tells Young Democrats Of Eleventh Dis trict "They Must Go Forward." Speaking to the young Democrats of : the Eleventh district last Friday night in Asheville. Walter T. Craw ford made a bitter attack on the Re publican administrations, and mo -e especi ally the one from 1928 to 19-52. He compared things accomplished under President Roosevelt with the things broken down by Mr. Hoover. - He went into detail of what had been done by Mr. Roosevelt during his three and a half years in office,, and said: "What do the Republicans offer the people of this nation m substitu tion for this great work we have been carrvine on for the oast three and a half year? They have not said by their convention assembled that they -will hot offer Herbert Hoover to us for another term in office." "They have not told you that it tney succeed in November that they will not return to the old order of things and that they will not nominate a reactionary at their convention. "They ridicule and criticize Presi dent Roosevelt for what he has done, but offer no substitute for hi works, The only tangible thing they offer is a return to the party whose re cord has been one of reaction and 'rugged individualism.' The party who favors the few as against the many. Having progressed thus far, it be hooves us not to turn back. "There can be no turning back. The nation and the party must go tv ouf preat leader Our to continue the New ni Ko-ar Deal for every citizen a New Deal granting equal rights to all and special privileges to none; he concluded. Speaks Here Monday I 1 I 11 i 1 "SAMIV" A. II. iK All AM Sandy Graham To Speak Here Monday Afternoon At Three (Jraham Forces In Havwood Ex- pett Candidate To "Hear Down" On Issues One of the high spots in political affairs in the county for next week will be the public appearance here of "Sandy" A. II. Graham, a candidate for the nomination for governor. Mr. Graham will speak here.- at j three o'clock on . Monday afternoon1 at the court house., j Hugh Leatherwood, campaign man-j a get- of this section for Mr. Graham, announced that 'the '-"Graham forces" arc working night, and day in getting a good attendance out for t 'heir candi date. They have organized and are doing a lot of personal work, it was learned. j During the past week or so Mr.' Graham has received much rcvg nitioii for his speeches that he has been making over the state. I In view of the fact that two other candidate's have already spoken here, it is expected that Mr. Graham "will! bear down" ''hard on the principal is sues of the campaign. County Tax Rate Will Not Be Re duced This Year T .1. Cat hey. Auditor, Tells Ilo tarians That $60,000 More In Donds Due Next Year "Recause of an increase in bond t maturites, there will bo little chance, for a reduction in the county's taxi rate for next year," T. J. Cathey,' county auditor told Rotarians at1 their meeting last Friday. I "About $(10,000 more will have t0 1k' paid on bonds that will mature ne.vt year than was due this year," he : explained. Mr. Cathey went into detail of the duties. of his otlice, and explained how the county's budget was prepared, and the money, spent. He also stated that the debt service fund received first consideration, and later it wa explained that Haywood wa one of two counties, in VWstern North Carolina that had not defaulted on payment of bonds. ALLEN HOUSE DAMAGED $100 TO .$500 BY FIRE Estimated damage between: $400 and $500 was done to the residence of Jesse Allen on Killian Street Mon day night, when the house caught on fi.-e from the stove in the kitchen. The blaze had made fairly good headway before the fire department reached the scene. W. A. ;U1II-. l armer. Ilallon. (;a.. ItlD "I think that oiir prevent farm proeram Is belter ror llip c-otton fiiriiH-rs of the. South Uian the original t'otton Control Act, shut) It t,nds Ut eon serve and 'build up I ho soil." W. I-. HAKKI.V. Jr.. "The ChanilK-r of Coninieree headquart ers a ro a credit to any town, but KonicthiiiR will liavo to Im' dono about the undoslriilih-s siltlns In thei window, Maj Im a row of Hpikes or even a flower box would bo the tiling to keop Uiem off." sriis. j. x; pkacock; w j - nesville "We ought to lie more coiicerne! about elootiiig the rigid kind of men to nil our county and town ollices, and not the . offices higher up. I hope that bfOTt-leirglng Iiere in town can be put down more than It has been." 7Ae MELTING POT ! At The Eastern Entrance WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY Last Rites Held Sunday For "Uncle" Jake Underwood, 77 Respected Citizen Of ltatcliff Cove Passed Saturday After 2-Week's Illness Iast rites were held Sunday after imon at. 2:30 for "Uncle" Jake Un derwood, 77, passed away at the Haywood County Hospital Saturday afternoon after an illness of about two weeks. Funeral service were conducted at the home in Ratcliff Cove, with inter ment at Green Hill cemetery. The services were evmducted bv Rev. A. V. Joyner, of Canton, the Rev. Jeesup,; of Hell wood. Grandchildren of the deceased acted as pallbearers. I Mr. Underwood was a farmer, and belonged to one of the oldest and most respected families in the cvunty. Those who knew "Uncle" Jake, as he whs better known, tiways spoke most highly of him, a8 being a good neigh bor and possessing a kind disposi tion. He is survived by his widow, who has been an invalitl for many years, and the following children: Miss Maggie. W. P., G. R J. P., Jr., and E. C. all of Waynesville, and G C of Johnson Citv, Tenn., ami three brothers inertville, Ashevill children , J. Pink and Jim, of Way-i and R. T, .Underwood, of There arc also 24 grand and Hi great grand children.1 Spring Flower Show Will Be Held Here Tuesday, May 26th Number Of Prizes Heintf Oll'ered For Annual Event My Women's Organization The spring flower .-how which lias been for many years a project of the Community Club, will also le in cluded on the list of activities for the garden .-department' of the newly formed Woman's Club, following the merging of the two groups. The .show will be held on May the 2(ilh in the building formerly occupied by the Waynewood Theatre. This show always attract many gardeners, as exhibits are made of the numerous perennials that may be grown in this section, which are becoming annually more popular.' with gardeners. For any information regarding the rules and regulations as to entering exhibits, call Mrs. Carroll .Hell, .chair-, man, Miss Caroline Alat cutter, or Mrs. Grayden Ferguson. The following is a list of the p-i.e to be offered: -1 Best display of peonies- First prize .... . ......... Second prize 2 Best display of Iris. First prize Second prize 2 Best - delphiniums 4 Oriental poppie . . .... r. Annual poppies ; (i- Columbine ... .. :1 ....... , 7 Sweet Williams . ...... 8- -l'yrelhurn . ........... 0 Lilies . ......... ..,;,:'... : 10 Ragged Robins .:' . . .... 11. Pinks - ............. 12 Lupins .. . .. . . . , I'.i Hybrid roses ....... M .('limbing ro.-i-s . ... . , 15 I'ansies . .. ........ . , . pl.oo .50 1 1.00 .75' 1.00 1.00' .50 1.00 .50 ' .50 : .50 .50; .50 .50 1.00 .50 .50! (! Best display of yellow (lowers .75 1H Combination of 2 colors hiiio predominating . .. ; . . . . .7") l!t Combination of 3 varieties .75 1 iJO-Best -display of wild fiowerf:. First prize . ........... 2. 00 Second prize . .. . . ......... 1.00 21 Most attractive breakfast j table . :-.V...... 1.00 22 Mo.-t attractive Breakfast tray .75, Mr. alid Mrs. Homer Plott and fam ily have moved from their home in town and are occupying their -furti-mer home at Plott. ,. H. THOMPSON', nianxKor The Parkway lloil " knw of hundreds of nrnilleti In f'loridn who plan to mnM' U the moiiii (iiins this slimmer. II Is K"'ng lo take niort- than an eplileinic to stop them, iH--a use last year they found later that all the pro poanda alxiut an i-vidiinlc in North C'arolliui was a mistake. So this year they are ready to eome." Jl IlfiK A, .1. ROM: "I am al ways glad to get '.baek to Way nesville, afur beJng away .several montles." Jilt. MdOKK, Kol vina tor Dis trihutor "This seeUon of the state CT-rtainly looks good. There seems to be a lot of business ac tivity In all linen." of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 21, 1936 Annual Chamber Banquet Set Committees For C. Of C. Named By The President, M r. Ray Several Committees Have Al ready Met To Discuss Plans For Coming Year's Ac tivities Charles E. Ray. president of the Chamber of Commerce, made knowni his appointments for the organiza tion for the coming year. The committee chairmen and mostj of the members of each committee have been notified of their appoint-1 cuts, and several committees have! already held meetings ami discussed! pressing matters that must le dis-i posed of by them at an early date. I The appointments: were as follows;! Exofticio members of all commit-1 tees The President, the Secretary, j Executive Committee 1.. N. On vis, Chairman; W. C. Russ, 1.. M. Rich eson. ; Finance Committee Hugh Massie, Chairman ami Treasurer; I.. M. Ricb eson, E. J. llvatt, Trv Wvcltc. Publicit y Committee Gwyn, (,'hairman; W. ( Mrs. R ucs. L. rry Hall, L. N. Davis. Paul llvatt, Paul Martin. W. W. Phillips. Merchants Committee - Hugh Mas- sic, Chaiiman; K. J. Hyatt, Win Brad-' ' I W.l Icy, Lester Burgin, J. W, Ray. Building Committee Ralph vost, Chairman; S. H. Husbnell, Ray, Win. C. Medford, .las. E. sie, E. L. Withers, Felix Stovall Mas-; , Tom Raincr, Oscar llriggs, Henry Caddy, Sam Jones, George Kunlz. j Community Planning Coin in i toe Charles E. liny. Chairman ; R. L, I're vost, E. J. Hyatt, L. N. Davis, E. E, Withers, Fred Martin, R. Hugh Clark. Janny Atkins. .1. W. Seaver, Oscar Briggs, Frank' Miller, W. T. Sheltos, Win. Ijimpkin, J. W. Ray. j Highway and the Smoky Mountains National Park J'. Harden -'Howell,! Chairman; F. W. Miller, H. C. Wil-i burn, W. T. Sheltoil, W. J. I'ampbell, Cleve KirkMitrick, Vill Hyatt. j Agriculture Henry Francis, Chair-' man; Dalton Smith, W. T. .Shellon,; J. E. Barr, Richard It.irlie:', l'Hoir: Gwvn, J. C. Brown, Frank Davis, W'.J R. Woodall. Industrial- Committee I.. M. Rich-' 'son, Chairman; Ben Colkitt, VVhit-j ner Prevost, W. (-. Russ, R. V. Erk.l W. A. Bradley. I Trade at Home ('ommitfee W. (T.I Russ, t'hairman; Hugh Massie, J. W.j (Continued on back-page) Countv Dmocrats Name Delegates To State Convention Election Of Countv ( hairniaii Of Organization Deferred til .June Slh Cn- (By Krnest Messer.) , The. Haywood Countv Democrat's, a meeting held last .Saturday, in the cotiit house, for the pur)ose of re-i organization.'; and making pliilis for the fall campaign, oloi ted M. Stamey, of Waynesville, as t( iiii(iraryt chtiirman, and ..Mrs.-.-Carolyn. Hyatt, i also if Waynesville, as secretary.. It had been previously, platini'd to elect the county chairman at this meeting, but, in order to give the Democrat nominees a voice in the se li'ction of the man who will manage the November campaign, the executive committee decided to defer the elec tion until after the June primary. The executive committee will meet at the court on June K, at two o'clock to select the county chairman. A committee, composed of W. T., .1. R. Hipps, and M. Byers, selected the following people to rep resent the Haywood Democrats in the state convention, which will be held in Raleigh on Friday, June 12: WaynoKville K. B. Medford, I. II. McCracken. T. L. Cwyn, R. L. Pre vost, J R. Boyd, Sr., R. V. Welch Geo. .Plott, Rov Francis, Grover Davis, C. C. Francis, J. F. Cabe, J. L. Walker, Vaughn Rhinehart, Mrs. Joe Liner, M. G. Stamey, W. T. CrawfoTd, W. G. Bvers, Mrs, D. I) Alley, Mrs. Carolyn Hyatt, Mrs. W. T. Hannah, and Mrs Bess Lee Page. Iron Duff Manson Medford, Harley Bryson, and Thurman Davis. Cecil Chas. Moody, Perry Allen, and Andy Frazier. Beaverdam Arch Russell, Gudger Bryfion, C. E. Cole, R. D. Coleman, C. C. Medford, J. C Allen, S C. Wood, W. W. Pless, C. L. Westmoreland, Mrs Paul Robinson, Mrs. C. C. WillLs, Mrs. Lush Cabe, F. M. Davis, and H. A. Osborne. Clyde H. C. M"edford, J. M. Roger5, Sidney Ilaynes. Jack West, C. E. Brown, Mrs. N. T. Car.", and Ruell Noland. - - ' . Pigeon E. B. Rickman, W. A. (Continued on back page) $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY of Commerce For Friday Night Officials Expect At Ixast 200 To Attend First 19.16 Meeting Of Organization The ansual Chamber of Commeroe ban)uet will be held at the Masonic Temple on Friday evening, May 22, at 7:.'U) o'clock, it announced yester day after a meeting of the board of directors Tuesday night. Plans are underway to take care of 200 at the banquet, it was learned and the tentative program calls for a number of short talks or Temarks, and no one designated as "the speaker of the evening." The program as arranged by the committee is a folows: Music, Mis.s Margaret Walker. Invocation, Rev. H. W. Baucom. Dinner. Recognition of official guests. Greetings from the Woman's Club, Mrs. S. Parker Gay. President's talk, Chaw. E. Ray, Solo, Evander Preston Solo accompanist, Mr.. Evander Preston. J( It's Good to be Alive ami Here, Win. G. Byers. Young Neighbor, lla.rlwood, I.. M. Richeson. Your Neighbor, I-ake Junaluka, Rev. W, A. Rollins. Your Neighlior, the Farmer, Glenn Palmer. Singing, led bv J. Dale Stentz. Your Guest, the Withers. Tnurist, K. L I'.ntertamment lor the Tourist. Dr. S. Parker Gay. Tin' North Carolina 1'res.s (Vuiven tion, M. II. Howies, More Homes "ami.. How," R. L. Prevost. ."The price per plate is 75 rents'." The ollices of the Chamber of Commerce were moved this week into the 'building formerly occupied by William Medford. The building has been redecorated, both inside and out, and a new hardwood, floor put in. Mr. Bowlon, temporary secretary, is now devoting his full time to the or ganization. The revenue committee met at the 'headquarters' Wednesday ...morning and received their allotment of tick ets for the banquet. The ame m mittees will make the annual revenue drive, and will begin next Tuesday morning, after a breakfast meeting. Details of the year's plans will be made at the tiariquet by Mr. Ray, and others, Mr. Bowles iinnouncpd that office (hours will be from eight 4 five, and the telephone number is 43.1, City Streets Are Cettinff Needed Re pairs Made To Them Sidewalk Deinp Layed On Hoyd Avenue, Near Brown. Car hage Heing Hauled Street work, under the direction of T. ,. Biamlett, and superviwir R. -L. Ray, is going forward rapidly in town. A number, of streets have -'been work ed, being cleared of looe . rock, and liole.s fillel up and gtitt-ers cleaned. This week - scores of men are lay ing a sidewalk oh. Boyd avenue t'iir the sharp curve" which t'urim. up Brown avenue by t he high school. This side walk will eliminate the necessity of ))edet rians having to ros.s Boyd av enue at the (Utve. The street from Brown avenue to Highway No. 10 was worked recently. Wtd h street was also given a thor ough working. All streets in town will be win keil as soon as possible, it was said. Several days ago a crew of men, under Mr. '-Ray, cleared tlhe lots back of the;.-; business houses on Main street. In this connection, it was announced that any person, or firm haying garbage which they wished the town force to haul away could call 15.'i and the truck would eall. Between six and ten men are be ing kept busy on the proji-ets. JUNIORS TO MEET TUESDAY All members of Council Number .173, the Junior Order United Ameri can Mechanics are urged to attend the meeting to be held on Tuesday night. During the business session the election of officers will take place. W. G. Byers is scheduled to address the group. The Weather -.. Max. ' . Mln. Thui-slay 61' Friday 71 41 Saturday", . ... .... .... i . . 7 45 .Sunday . 83 45 Monday . . , . . . . . . . ...... 4 , 57 Tuesday j., ............. .SO '; 57 Wednesday 75 42 Is The Last Day On Which You Can Register Saturday

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