THE WAYNES VTLLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, JUNE, 18, NeIePE The new program of the Works i Progress Administration will be ex plainofi by administrator' Harry Hopkins over the radio Saturday at- ternoon from 4 to 4:30 o'clock. j Local WPA officials here have made arrangements for a radio to be in-1 stalled in the court room at that hour to get his message. The public is invited to attend the radio re ception at the court house or to tune in on the address. W. D.SMITH PICNIC ENJOYED AT SOCO GAP A e : j x i . c ' This is the last week of filling out work sheets in the New Farm pro A cmnn nf friA mntnA t ,. Sran)- vv e realize that many of our r, " , r. A , . . , t i people do not understand its value. Gap on last Sunday for a picnic lunch. " " . ' . " At.,,, ik u e have done our best to contact Fal," h u'ponuSlrom E ' ta " falls a mellon cutting was enjoyed. I fnxplal" val"e- ,The committeemen Those making up the party were:1 l"."th. t0:"hlp ha,ve anks and Mis Avie Noland, Miss Frangie No-' X""1 land, Mies Margaret Burgin, Miss1 worK sheets' iiilizabeth r rancis, Miss bugema Bos , 'busy assisting and filling out (the Mr- i u i ton Mis. Marian Allpn MiKa cta..v more pouivry ana eggs in Wilburn, Miss Frances Burgin, Miss Haywood c"y- How about making Our farm day program on the 12th j ouiiimcr jjwuui.t was a success, e uau u large iium- a little extra feed for chickens, build ber of people out. Some of us got r Eugene1 Uluvucl huusc uy an aypruveu pian a gooa rain ana every Doay seemed Wilder of and Ret nadv to Erow chkkens next t0 have a good time. Do you think I year? If you have broilers to sell and1 it wise to plan for a bigger and bet- can not find a market let us know. Mrs. Jack Ramsey, who has been . , , visiting in town for the past fort- . " have, J5 he" ?r re Pure night, will return on Saturday to her red a" d a T interested n 6elhng eggs home in West Asheville. for hatching purposes you should let , 1 us know at once. We contemnlate j that one of the largest hatcheries in Is your place washing away? Have you thought of a winter cover crop and the use of winter legumes? How about changing your crop rotation and strip crop around the hill instead of up and down the hill. Let ug get ready this summer and fall and get in a winter cover crop. Get your place strip cropped and where needed get in some terraces and use lime and phosphate this fall. Lillian Burgin, Mr. Walter Francis, Mr. Kichard Jones, Mr. Arthur Fran cis, Mr. Athel f rancis, Mr, rancis, and Mr. James Raleigh. held at the close of the 11 o'clock service to pass on the program of re pairing the church and paying out standing obligations. Let every mem ber be present. The visiting minister in the Baptist chureh is preaching strong sermons. Let us attend. Waynesville neods a revival. ROBERT PETER WALKER, Presbyterian Pastor. "Grace Church in the Mountains." EPISCOPAL Rev. Albert New, Rector. Sunday, June 21st, 1936. 8 A. M. The Holy Communion. 10 A. M. Church school. 11 A. M. Morning prayer. The rec tor will preach. 3. P. M. Service at Micadale, Allen's Creek, and sermon by Rev. Albert New, Rector. Everybody cordially invited to all our services. WANT ADS FOR SALEA mare, 7 years old. the South will operate in this area next season. They want to get our m , i 1 i t I. i i and cold and a horse 6 years old. ? . 1Slan PH,.. -rposnnphiv s r r a i.i and Leghorn flock. If you are m- trjcaicu 111 11113 it us ft"vw at once in order that we may get your flock blood tested. Priced reasonably, len, Crabtree. MAN WANTED for Rawleigh Route of 800 familes. Write today. Raw leigh, Dept. NCF-245-SA, Rich mond, Va. FOR SALE One 8-room house with large lot in Dellwood. Has water in house, fruit trees, grapes, etc., and large garden. Will sell at a reasonable price. An ideal place to live. Also two lott? on main paved road leading into park and near Dellwood, adjoining J. W. Russell. Both places near school and churches. If interested, write Waynesville Mountaineer, Waynesville, N. C, or box 38(, Canton, N. C, or phone 2ti2, Canton. It. ter day next year. All of this is a part of the movement to get a better Haywood county. Are you pushing for better things that make for prog ress or are you with the icrowd that is fussing and trying to tear down? Why not everybody work for the same purpose of building a better place to live. The Good Lord expects you to be for something that is positive and not against something. We appreciate it very much of all those who co operated in making this a success. , Mrs. J. C. Patrick had as her guests during the week, Mrs. T. L. Neu and small son, of Cincinnati. MR. E. T. DUCKETT GIVEN DIN NER ON BIRTHDAY On last Sunday Mr. E. T. Duckett was given a surprise birthday dinner by the children, the occasion marking the 60th anniversary of his birthday. All the immediate family were pres ent except Mrs. G. W. DeHart, of Bryson City, who was unable to at tend on account of illness. The dinner was served on the lawn. Those enjoying the affair were: Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Lefatsherwood and children, of Candler, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Rogers, of Candler, Mr. G. A. nnnlfptt nf Newnort News. Va.. Mr. nrl Mrs Horace Duckett. and chil-. dren, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Duckett and daughter, of Cullowhee, Miss Ruth Duckett, Mr. Oscar Duckett, of Ashe-! ville, a brother of the honor guest,1 Dr.O.. H. Duckett, of Canton, Mr.1 James Duckett, of Asheville, Mr. Bob Duckett, of West Asheville, Miss' Katherine and Miss Lura Osborne, Clyde, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Osborne,1 of Clyde, Miss Helen Powell, of La-; vinia, Ga., and Mies Jincie Hyatt. j THANKS VOTERS I wish to thank the voters county for the support given r the recent primary. I als0 C0I mate the high man in the -t race. I assure the voters vou-r I will do all within my power put over the Democratic viet on fall and for all years to come Still a faithful Democrat. VAUGHN' RHIXEHAI Land For Sale 22 acres on Hyder Mom tain Road. Well watere Some timber. Good hous and barn J. HERMAN KINSLAM Administrator. Clyde, N. C, Route 1. MR. BONUS MAN! If you want to buy an Ideal Tract of Land on which to build, it will pay you to see me. A 16-acre tract, 3 miles from Waynes ville, rich, well watered, with plenty of wood land, 4 acres in grass. W. C. Medford, Waynesville, N. C. Are you planning your farm and home operations for months and yearB ahead? Have you studied what fol lowing the new farm program can do for you and your home life? Are you practicing condemning things that you do not understand before you know what it is? We have just re reived a report of a case of the good housewife enjoying her club meeting with the home agent and last week getting orders from her husband not to attend another meeting because she would be asked to pay out some money some time soon. Either this husband wag ignorant or had listened to some ignorant, selfish politician. Home agents and county agents are not taking collections from people. PLANTS FOR SALE Burpee's Giant Zinnias, Marigolds, Cornflowers, Calendula and Cut and Come Again, 50c per hundred, strong, vigorous plants. Call Dunham House. Every day we are requested by one or more farmers to get to their placeK as soon as possible and help work out crop rotation that will make their farms better ami fit into the biggest and best way of the new farm program A number of bur farmers have al ready told us that the new farm pro gram is by far ahead of the old AAA. Have you filled out your work sheet? FIRST M. E, CHURCH, SOUTH R. S. Truesdale, Pastor. Sunday school at 9:45, A. M., Mr. Hugh Sloan, general superintendent. Pleaching at 11 A. M. and at 8 P. M. by the pastor. Young people's meeting at 7 P. M. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Howard V. Lane, Pastor. Morning Mass at 11 A. M. Sermon by the pastor. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament after the Mass. Morning Mass during the week at 7:30. Morning Mass in the library at the Cherokee Reservation at 8 A. M. WAYNESVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH We are glad to see new faces in our congregation and we heartily wel come tnem. Come to Sunday school 9:45. preach ing at 11a. m. and Christian Endeav or at 7 p. m. A congregational meeting will be rr y V ad 7 rm Owners'' experiences show that the Fort I V-tt is tlie best investment yon can make in an automobile 1 A great many people do not buy an automobile every year juid the true test of car economy comes after the first year ... And owner of Ford V-8s agree that "The mechanical depreciation on a Ford it leu than mott can, etpecially after the first year." The reason that this U true of Ford cars goea way back to the rar materials of which they are built . . . Men who make steel know that "Ford bnys the best steel"... And this rigid insistence on extra value goes right through the whole manufacture of a Ford V-8... low-priced Ford re placement parts are built to the mim high standard as those in the new carv Because the car itself lasts longer, costs less to keep up yet costs no more in the first place, Ford owners agree that the 1936 Ford V-8 it the bett automobile incest. ment you can make today. YOUR FORD DEALER AND VP F.O.B. Detroit $25 a Month After Unul Down-Payment throagch Av ikarlnd ord Finance Plan of UCC. sis y x- Tlie most Vnderpriced Car in America In No Other Car Under $1645 Except Ford V-H Ffi.Ti Proved on the raJ orr 2,500,000 Ford V-8. Ford Braking Surface per pound of . tar weight, greater than any other car under 3195. . . In No Other Car Under $1275 Except Ford Hie Centerpolve Ride Passenger cradled between ttprlnut on. spring bane almost foot longer than wheel base. Free Action On All 4 Wheels Trangrerse apringB cut down tilt and side-sway Ford Low Center of Crarity Passengers ride lower than In any other car under ?127S. $4 Floating Rear Axle Car weight on JiotuiRg, not on axle shaft, Only In Cars Costing $250 More Than Ford Torque-Tab Drive -glres yon greater aafety and readability. CentHforce Clutch giving easy pedal action and long life. Dual Uown-lraf t Carburetor for gaso line economy. SAVE ON PRESCRIPTIONS AT SMITH'S 25c WHITE SHOE CLEANER 2 For 25c fbjfCut Hale dug S tore fvj All 5c CHEWING GUM, CANDY BARS 3 For IOC Third Anniversary Sale-Friday & Saturday if . y LISTERINE Tootjh Paste Tooth Brush and Traveling Kit All for only 49c PHILLIPS Tooth Paste and Silver Ladle Both For . . Largest Size SQUIBB Tooth Paste Largest Bottle LISTERINE ....... 25c PEPSODENT Tooth Paste . , . 50c IPANA Tooth Paste ... 50c DR. WEST Tooth Brush 50c PROPHYLACTIC Tooth Brush . 60c FASTEETH Plate Powder ... 25c DR. LYON'S Tooth Powder . . . 25c PEPSODENT Tooth Powder . . 19c f ...33c A ...59c Y) . . .19c V 32 ...33c . . 33c ...33c ks2 . ..39c . . .18c ...19c You Can Save With Safety At Smith's Everyday $1.00 VITALIS 61c S1.00 CALONITE . . . . .69c $1.00 LUCKY TIGER 67c $1.00 MAHDEEN . . . . .67c 50c HINDS CI. Cr. . . .37o 83c GLOVER'S Mange 54c 35c FROSTILLA .....21c 50c WOODBURYS Pow. 37c 60c DANDERINE ... 44c KOT E X 18c Doz. 2 for 35c KLEENEX 200 ... .15c 500 . . . .31c . . .39c . . .3!)c . . .17c . . .27c 60c MUM ..... , 60c NEET 75c NOXZEMA 35c AMOLIN . . . AT SMITH'S YOU WILL FIND WAYNESVILLE'S LARGEST STOCK OF FINE . TOILET GOODS Cara Nome Coty Max Eactor Ayers Vita Ray Woodbury's Yardley and Many ; : - Others. . - : Razor and 5 Blades . ; 49c ALCOHOL Rubbing Pint , . .. U For 2 For 25c STANBACK Or B-C POWDERS 25c Size . . . 2 For 25c BLACK DRAUGHT 25c Size . . . 2 For 25c WILLIAMS SHAVING CREAM JT with 1 1 h Aqua lfc, Velva fwHilams ( . FREE MARTHA WASHINGTON Fine Candies Fresh By Express At Smith's Bahy Needs 40c FI,i:Tl HKHS CASTORIA 25o KIZK WORM CANDY . . . . . . . SOc MOFI-TSTTS TEETHINA . . .. .. . ... 25c- JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER 15e tXAPPS BABY FOODS . ........ Baby Foods 25c M1I.K EAGLE BRAND . . BOc MEADS PABLUM ....... $2.50 S-Pound DRYCO . . . . . . . . . . $1.20 POUND $1.00 VAM E LARGE OVALTINE ..... ., , .lSe . . , . 37c . $1.89 ...8!)c . . ,49c Scott TOILET TISSUE Rons 23c Rons 79c Scott KITCHEN TOWELS 2 Rolls Towels and Holder All For 39c t"W"jfe nrj FAMILY REMEDIES t5c CHOCOLATE $1.00 WINE OF EX-LAX ..... . . . ...15c CARDUI 67c 11.00 LARGE 25c SIZE NUJOL . . . .. . .... . ...64c FEEN-A-MINT ... ....IV 25- MAGNESIA 60c SIZE PHILLIPS ....... ..17c SAL-HEPATICA . ... .39c 100 ASPIRIN 60c DR. CALDWELL SQUIBB 39c SYRUP PEPSIN . . t . 3Sc $1.50 LYDIA E. $1.00 EXT. C. L. O. PINKHAM'S . ... ..... 97c WAMPOLES . . . .j. . Save With Safety At SMITH'S ABEL'S GARAGE PHONE 196 CANTON, N. C. PHONE 52 WAYNESVILLE, N. C.) SAVE ON PRESCRIPTIONS AT SMITH'S CHAMPION MOTOR CO.

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