The Waynesville Mountaineer News Events of World-Wide Interest ...Brk'fly Told TvnoWI. DEBT REACHES 1 ' . - AAA AAil T,t , vernment deficit for the year '.' Junf. 30. according to a recent K .if the Treasury Department, 'tP':'r.,d $ The .ent' spent $8,500,000 and reve f ! .nuunied to $4,116,000,000, leav ' 'h above deficit. More than half '7-l' it was caused by the pas ' ". "of t!.- fl. 700. 000. 000 Bonus Hill t'i '' invalidation of the AAA, hh' u.used a loss in revenue of IUiO uuC'.OOO. The rational debt now approximate. J33 7 r, , p . 1 1 0 fl . 0 0 0 , $S, 750,000, 000 of ch is recoverable. Government In ,J.,e ;s now J3 16.000 above last year. MIVKU II ESt 'l' ED FROM MINE ITER 24 HOCKS i-,(lh Kuklinski, 35-year-old miner shamokin, . l'a.. who was buried r,i,r she handler of a wheelbarrow the i'" f of a coal mine caved ,.s rescued on July 2nd after 15 ,.' ,,rs had labored for 24-hours in . .'.m.Aiiit; the materials which held t, . as reported to be In a condition. m: kn vi vi es drop sai.kk tax df ;he states which adopted the . !m1 (ax ns a means of revenue dur nc the depression, seven, I'ennsyl vmi.c New York, Maryland, New Jer sey, Ki-muvky. Oregon and Minnesota, have eliminated : it from their tax vtejn In. 11 other states the tax will expire in 1937. They are: Ar k.insas. Colorado,- Idaho,' Iowa, Mis souri, North Carolina, North Dakota, ohiu. Oklahoma, West Virginia and W'yumirif;. ST TK. KE LIVES $2,015,000 CIIKCK The North Carolina revenue depart ment received a check lat week .armxintinn to $2,015,000. The check. md! by unregistered mail, was the :nhi i iiatiec tax from the estate erf Z Reynolds. i,r. to. kkmovk itai.i.w SANCTIONS ' The I.. !-!: of Nations, in one of .its' List meeting, agreed to discontinue :lie trade sanctions that have been in i-ffei-l anaiiwt Italy since Italy began the cumiiiest of Ethiopia, and also mt to , recognize Italy's conquest of Kthinpia. TKA AS EI.OODS TAKE 2.-) MVES Twenty-live people-. ' were drowned arjil more than $3,000,000 damage was d'-rii- lo property when the fia udalope rv.r; hear Kyle. Texan," 'overflowed ihrinc the recent rains. The flood waters ravaged a territory two miles Male mid caused more than 200 fami lies to evacuate their homes, l'lanes ww scim-liing for several niissing persons. H-vi:i:-oi,i man .mriM) Mrs. Kiln lt; Manning, 5R; .a widow ( walked nut oil Charles J'ln.fe, the liii-year-old veteran she Wis eim.ied to he married to last i'k x.. expl; (nation was yiven by Mrs. M.i nt in. THOMPSON ONVICTElr y)l' SKI. IIVi NAVY'S SECRETS II. my Thompson, a ..former I". S. N ivv v.,. mail was convicted last Fri--!l a l.os Anuelos court of sup--ire Japanese navy with I'. S. ",1-t plans.'-. Thompson is the first '' wi ever 1,, be convicted In the I. S. ' in (-uonaire charge in peace times. ."''" Si.ven ' a prison sentence of ,f"';err HI I II I WORKERS NOT EEIftlHM: Hilt MARTUACK A M,ssMiin court has rulled that VHi can clKiose either relief or mar-f-" hut not both." According to the -Men .,f the court, relief clients Ini -1, table for matrimony and con ' r" '. Persons financially able. to " 'My ol,,oUSy do not need relief. -MUSKY HAS $11,800,000 SIRI'MS .! sey not only balanced her for the year IS35-3S btlt re ,wetly that she has a bal " f'oia year of $14,800,000. ',mo about as the result of New "rs s inheritance tax hich brought r- ri unue amounting- to $15,600,000. Mil I I) 0rU WEEK-END - A'n l.-n,s over the week-end of July 1,;"suU'i "i 444 deaths In the United Thfi majority of these deaths Th -P. f 'U""'' hy automobile accidents, "'(n of these 444 deaths were In r h Carolina. . f'MA SITOIFr TO ji.WG MAN Dav"" J'lorenre Thompson, sheriff of hanr' p r""n!y- K"y-' wl Personally 6 Kainey Bethea, 23, sentenced to Tf..Vt ''u15" 31 for the murder of a . ar-oifi womalL jirs Thompson mother of four children. Today's Market foil "itaij w Msa pnees were be fhJ tdneday fcy te Farmers weieht hens ...13o ....20c 18c ....20c .$1.00 .$1.00 '-nick. ; fryers torn k . ftat. boshel ' . ...2c Published In The County Seat of Haywood County VOL. XLV1I NO. 28 Two Homicide Cases Schedule For July Term OfCourt Here Rathbone And Harris Cases Slatd To Come Up Before Judge W. F. Harding TVie Tut., tom t .in,;..i I .... vu',1 vvtitt vi Willllliai vein L will convene he:-e Monday morninjr, wun juape . r. Hardinp, presulinp. Two homicide cases are schcniuled for this term of court, howewr, there is a possibility that one of the cases will be postponed until a later term. Harley Rathbone is charped with the death of a man by the name of Cagle, in the Hurricane section, about six months apo. For four months after the fatal shooting-, Rathbone was at large. He has been in jail about two months awaiting trial. The case that is likely to create the most interest, is that of "Bill" Harris, who is charged with the fatal shooting of Wiley Conner,, a WPA worker. The killing took place near the Haywood-Jackson line, in the Balsam section. A dispute over a WPA cheok is said to have started the trouble which led to the death of Conner. Mr. Harris has employed the law firm of Morgan, Stamev and Ward, and George H. Ward, of Asheville. Sheriff J. C. Welch said yesterday that there were about 20 county prisoners in iail waiting fnw ti-iQi The majority of thee are charged with minor unenses, ne said. If the two homicide are called, it is expected that two full weeks will be required for this term of court. The last term of criminal court only lasted ten days. The jurors for this term of ourt are as follows: First Vel .1. !.. .Miionc.y. Fines Creek: 1,. .V Owen, .lonathan Creek; M. c. Creen. Fines Creek : Allen T. l:la k. Waynes ville; Fred Ferguson. ..Fines ('reek: H. W. Warren, Heavcrda in : H, I. r'aldwell, Cecir; Ceo, A . Wilson, Boa veniam: Ceo. A. llisholT. Waynesville: Coble McCraCken. Kea veiala in : ,l ,. Hall, ('ataloocliee; Hay ('. liest, Cial. free. A. M. Fergtisiin. Ciabli-ee: F. A' Crawford, Waynesyille; V. T, I'.ol den. Waynesville: - .l. S. Vance, Hea vcrda in ; oy Phillips. Way iicsville ; K. O. Cars-well. Hoavordani; H. C. Stroup. Heavcrda in ; ; . V, Howell. Jonathan Creek: j. V, Ci-.-.iwfuvil. Waynesvilje: (!. C. Farmer. Waynes ville: U: T. !'..., v. I. Jonathan Cj a ek ; W. II. Duckctt. While Oak. So'oikI Week J. (i. HurKCSs. Heaverdaiii: C. K. Williains, Crabtree: (". F,. Hrown. Clyde; ('. VI. HcroKS, Ileaverdam: W. II. Williams. White Oak: ,1. C. Camp. WayneMville: Hobt. T. Jones. Waynes ville; Jim .Wood, H'oaverdam: I.; I.. 'Sari ford, (.'rabtree. ''.. -U Leatliei-wood. .lonathan Creek; Hardy Med ford. Waynesville; -.- J. M. ( 'ava na in; h. Ilea verdaio : I (inner Owen. Waynesville; S. II. Iim-k et i . , While Oak: C. A. .Moonev. Civile: Khnor Creen. Fines ('reek: W. ('. '..irfletl. I'.eavei-ilam ; John W. Sliook. Civile. 300 Teachers Will Gather At Lake For 1937 Conferences J. C. Irown. vocational teacher in the local high school, is back from Raleigh, where he successfully, pre sented an invitation from Wavnes villp anil T.ake .Tunahiska. to the an jiual. conference of ; vricat ioiial work ers, t0. hold their 19:J7 session at the Lake.- . Mr. Brown said that about 300 wiM attend the conference which will be VipM fhe latter nart of June or early July, and will be in session for a week. Half of each day will be devoted to conference work, and the other half to recreation. One nf thosp nlanmnL' to attend will be Mr. Clements, federal agent for agricultural education, home oi the country s outstanding educators nn1 nrnfessional men attend the con- ferenceSj Mr. Brown stated. Byers And Rogers Head Young Demo crats In County More than tw0 hundred people at tended the rally of the Young Demo cats of Haywood County held m the court house Tuesday night. W. G. Byers and John M. Queen were the outstanding speaker? for the occasion. The main items of business were the election of officers for the ensuing ond hf jseWtion of delegates to the state : convention of Young Democrats to be held m oreensooro on July 17-19, and. the adoption of resolutions. -'. , The following officers were elected: Permanent chairman, W. G. Byers; president, Jerry Rogers; first vice president, Mrs, Paul Robinson; second vice president, Mrs. Chester Cogbum ; third vice president, Mrs. John Ca th ey; secretary. Mrs. Johnny Ferguson; treasurer. Mason Swearingen. A committee to select delegates to the Young Democratic convention in Greensboro decided that any Dem ocrat who wanted to attend the con vention would be given the rank of delegate. Approximately thirty Dem ocrats agreed to attend the conven Here For Press Convention SECRETARY MISS lit: A I KK 1 : ( (Hill SPEAKER lV n ii. SPEAKER ( a.Mi;i(ill.lll ebiilon Weaver - " i I $$( If, ,. XrZ Mtn, Haywood Gave Clyde Hoey Majority of Over 4,700 Votes Board Undecided On Time Element In Power Contract No -new contract has been sign- ed by the citj board of aldermen with the ( arolma Power and Light Company, for furnishing power to the town at wholesale to be resold by the city. The old contract expired on July first. The board decided to continue under the terms of the old con tract for the time being, but it was learned that they intend renewing the o'd contract, but as yet are undecided as to wheth er 'to sign up for five or ten ' yea . - .-. '- - Mayor J. H. Way stated that, he expected the new contract would be signed at an early date. Crowds Attend Sunday Movies People from every walk of life at tended Waynesville s first Sunday movies last Sunday. The theater was well filled for both performances, according to J. E. Mas sie, owner and manager. The audi ences seemingly enjoyed the picture, and to date there has been but little adverse criticism to opening the thea ter on Sunday, Mr. Massie stated. At The Eastern Entrance WAYNESVILLE. N. C, THURSDAY. JULY PRESIDENT V. (iltOVl'.H HKITT viMi:iti:it SPEAKER 2. m: xum itoiti.KT iii;voi,i)s South Waynesville Ward Ciave Hoey 1,262 and McDonald Only .la. Riff Creek Voted Solid For Hoey The d,T4'.) Havwood voters who took part in last Saturday's primary gave Clvde Hoey a majority of 4.717 votes over his opponent, Dr. Ralph McDon ald, in the governor's race. Accord ing to official returns released Tuesday bv the Haywood County Board of Elections, Hoev received 5.033 votes as compared to McDonald's 916. Mr. Hoey received a total vote m the state of 2Gfi.fil3 while Dr. Mc Donald received 212,879, giving Hoey a majority of 53,454 votes. In the face for Lieutenant Govern or, Haywood county gave Horton a majority of 1,775 over Grady, while the state aP a whole gave Horton a majority of 10,849. Thad Eure defeated Stacy Wade in the race for Secretary of State by a verv large maioritv. Haywood coun ty, however, gave Wade a majority of 578 votes. Catalbochee was the only precinct in Haywood county that gave McDon ald a majority in the governor's race, while Big Creek and South Waynes villa gave Hoey a larger percentage of votes than any other precincts in the county; The vote in Cataloochec stood, McDonald 13 and Hoey 9; South Waynesville, Hoey 1,262 and McDon ald 35. Big Creek cast its entire strength of 22 votes for Hoey. A comparison of the vote, precinct ; (Continued on back page) ( w- Ms-r LA 4 - ? rfftttiiffliMn - 4' of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park 9. 1936 $1.00 Members of North Carolina Press Arriving For Meeting N. C. Press Prosxam TIU HSDAY, .11 l.Y th Nimii leiistmlion. 8 : (id - Leave tor Canton for trip throne h Champion Kihre Coiiipuny Highway patrol eseorl enroiite. 3:8il Kilter plant Xt30 -l,eive plant for V. M C A for n-ri'eshnientH served In ('anion Chamber of Commerce anil Canton Knterprlse. ti dd -U'iive for Waynesville. i; 3d- Arrive Wa ynesville. and com plete rreixt rations. X:0li- First session of convent ion at Haywood County Court House, l'uldlc Invited. Speeial section for press mem hers. Address of welcome. Iiy Charles Iv Hay, Jr..- purulent of Chanilier of Coniinerre. I 'resentai oti of special token lo l'l-e.seiitat Ion of speeial token to Assoeiation liy .1. Calie. represeii la -live-elect of Haywood County. HeHpouse. Mis. Iv K. MoCulloi'h, of lOll.iln'lhlou n. I'l eNident's addl ess. !' (ii over Itl ltt. Announeenients. and naming cum' iniltei-.s. Introilin lii n of Ai nu I;: ('am merer, liy Charles A Wehli I'ltinAY. .11 I. V I Olli ii dd Leave Hotel Cordon for trip into (liiat Smoky Mountains National I'.uk . . kscurted liy hiehway patiol. Moion aile will en illi ci t to i 'linj; ma il's I tome, and kick to Cherokee Reserva tion. ,' : I. (Id laillcllci'll at . Cherokee, by coui icsy tos lis of Slva iiiiii i;i:soii i ' i 1 y . . ' I t'i I'lot.iln by In. I. .ins. It (Id Leave ('bciokec loi V.( 1 Mil.. 4 .Hi. Ai l ive in W.aynesvlll4, Keinaitidct- of a f I ciiiooii devoted to Kolf, hiking, or additional hIkMi seeing 7 . .'til Ila mniel. .it Hoiel ( ini iloii. This baiiiiiel tendered I'ress by clli zi'iiH of Wayiiosville and :eoiiiiiiunil. . J I. Hlilen liiuiiMcy. of '.Asheville-; Hill be loast masii'i-. a ml specia I e ucsi s w in will have a lew remarks will include Senator Kobcrl . Itevnolds Coiu-ii'ss-iiiiin ebuion Weaver Senator Adams of ( oloi.-ido. a ml Dr. Wilh.ini A Lun belli. I in inc. I l.i 1 1 I allei' li.i mi u t .iihI re marks. (,:i oui will ad lolii n limn ban lliel ball to da lice b.i II lo w II nesK Scci (lap italicc team s(,it:c a sen ile ibincc Tills W ill be loll.iu ei bv a i hum ,a lii-i Willi music bv I' la li U I I .l.i ril .mil 111' Jl I in. 1 1 id Duke 1 lliveisilv iLilh. lor I 'i i -:s ami i n it c.l j' u si s SMI It 1 1 . .11 l. Mill li ;)ii I : ii --i ri Coll I 1 I i ioiii .1 1 1 ' . I ; n i n ii i.i i ii ml bi-aise. 'I'ln- incclilu-. - ill I" I.. i- mi inl... - .if Hi. I I CSS Oil ' N II 1 "IIM-II1 ."II .1.1 . Ml ' lis. Ibl'oUll COIJIIiSV . .1.1111' A-kitC: Ki'lier;.il ln;ill;lL;er i.l ;!' S"lllli M ct liodisl Ass. inlib al I j.i Is . .luna lll.'ika. cnlii plllnciil a l. I udvets will be K-iven lo.ilie press-io a I lend :! be -.hi cerl bv Want Wile, A. Inn ,;,,i.:,- V !r. U lli'"V Is COIIM.I'ered one .(I III. I. a.i-ini:- b.H II ones -IM . 1m- i -on hi i n.ia Commissioners To Complete Work On Budget Next Tues. The board of county connniiisioners adjourned luesdtiv at noon after hearing a report of the year's work by county board of education regard ing the appointment of a welfare officer. . No decision was reached in the ap pointment, as all members of the ed ucation board, were not present. On Monday the commissioners spent most of the day with routine matters, and working on the budget. The board will meet again Tuesday, July 14, to complete work on the budget, and pass on the county agent's office and name a welfare officer. One member of the board paid this week that indications were that a re duction of about ten eejits would be made on the tax lew for the coming year. This, however, has not been approved bv the board, and some things might arise which would nol warrant such a reduction. The: board has already agreed to retain the district health department, the home demonstration agent and the fire warden. 464 Took Ride In Planes Last Week The air shows staged here week will be repeated again this week end, according to Joe Muslch, owner. A total of 464 paesengcrs were flown during the past week-end, and the first of this week the two planes kept fairly busy, . Sunday afternoon, a long line of customers stood for some time, wait ing their turn for a flight. IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY At Least 200 Members Expected Here For Three-Day Conven tion. Cammerer Speaks Tonight Members of the North Carolina I'ress Association will begin arriving here at 10:1)0 this morning for the three-day convention, which will be the (4th annual summer meeting of the association. Registrations Inst night totaled more that 100, and all indi..'iitions are that more than the expected 200 will be here for the three day. The high spot of today's prograni, will be the address tonight at eight o'clock at the .court house by Arno H. ( .am merer, director of all national parks. Mr. Cammerer is coming down from Washington for an inspection of the (I rent Smoky Mountains National Park and the add res hrre tonight, 'lis address before the press associa tion will be his only speech of his trip. He will make Crntlinburg his headquarters while in this area, and Waynesville is the only North Caro lina town where he will stop. Friday morning the presg will take a tour into the park, leaving here promptly at nine o'clo.-k, with a high way patrol escort, The trip will be made to Clingman'.s Pome and then doubling buck to Cherokee for lunch eon, which will be served by Sylva and Hryson City. The officials at Cheiokee will also give a program of about an hour. The group will ar rive back in Waynesville about 1.16. The ImiKiuef on Friday evening looms to be one of the' outstanding: events of the convention. The ban quet committee has everything .ready, and K. I;.. Withers, chairman, reported that two hundred' -members of the press .would 'be taken cure nf. . Admission will be by ticket only. The session Saturday mortung' begin at nine thirty in the court room. This meet ing will U- for only member of the press. The convention will ad journ about noon. A special police ha.s been assigned to watch the cars, of the prss wnile here. The street -cleaning department vol untarily said they would .see t0 it that the streets wore, thoroughly wash ed every niormng. The county board of commissioners are giving every consideration to the local committees and the press. I he court room will be thrown open tor their use while here. The meeting .fought' will be for the public, while Saturday morning, only ' tnenibe-s -of I he press wiIL.Im' admitted :o the main court room, and al! oilier wi'-h" in).' to attend will l.e .j; ;vrn. -cat,, :n I lie lial i.ny Special flood lights a ranT'-d Kobort Hugh C lark wl b - tunnd t he court hoiiM' each -rugnt.-- on to- I lie Rotary tub here will me day at . li!:.((l. itisu ad of ) gular tiH'clmc ale t oV tlte with the members will picsn into the on I lie ;.nj park I' i Ida v. Tfugh. .Sloan, chairman of tne triiHi portal.ion, urges that all cars - mak.-ng i lie trip into the park have enough gasoline .to make the onti -e trrp. in oluct to avxnd stoiis. The (jbui-tosv carkls arranged by Harry M. Hall will le given to a!l membeiv of the press w'hen they reir ister. The courtesy cards will be lionored upon .presenUit ion ami tin1 showing of the press badge. The special souvenirs, also arrang ed for liy Mr. Hall, will be given out al the banquet. 1 hose were made and donated by Krkraft, of Waynes ville, and the C arolina Hillbillies, at Lake Junaluska. Special scenes of this area have been made and will be iriven members of the press for publication in all papers. Displays of local photograph will be shown in the lobby of the Hotel Gordon . Two large banners will be iis plaved on Main street. One in iront of the C hamber of Commerce, and one at the Hotel Gordon. . ,' .-I.' '. - At the Gordon, a special writing room ha? been fitted up by the pub licity committee for members of the press. Typewriters and paper hav ing been provided. Frank Gerard and hi "D" men of Duke University, will furnish music (Continued on back page) The Weather Max. Min. 81 65 87 62 78 . 66 84 60 86 : 68 82 59 87 60 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

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