The Lake Junaluska News VOL. 1 NO. 5 LAKE JUNALUSKA, NORTH CAROLINA Duke Day Acclaimed As Best In History. Drs. Few And Greene Heard By Large Audience Monday "Lake Must Be Saved For The Causes Of Civilization," Dr. W. P. Few Says Dr. W. P. Few and Dr. W. K. Green, president and dean respectively of Duke University, were headline speak ers Monday night as the Junaluska Methodist Assembly celebrated the biggest and best "Duke Day" in the history. With ideal weather, Duke Day spirit Tan high as Duke clans, including alumni, former students, the student body of the Junaluska summer school, affiliated with Duke, made merry on the auditorium lawn at the tradition al old-fashioned picnic dinner, and gathered for the platform program in Stuart auditorium at 8 p. m. An or chestra concert by F rankle Gerard and his D-Men was a pleasant dinner accompaniment. Dr. Paul N. Gather, principal of the Junaluska Summer school presid ed at the auditorium program. Henry R. Dwire, of the class of '02, director of public relation and alumni affairs, ami Frank Ferguson, Jr., ex '29, rep resenting the Haywood County Alumni Association, spoke briefly concerning Duke, its aims and ideals. "The four year college is Ameri ca': most important contribution to the theory of education," President W. P. Few declared. "The earliest Hotels, Boarding Houses, Private Homes Do You Wnut (Juests This Sum mer? Wi'ilo I'or Iniorinnlloii To SUMMER GUEST PLACE MENT SERVICE H 1(01 SI. I'lMi'i'slHiru, Flu. settler came college-minded from the mother country to these shores. Witness Harvard in Mas sachusetts i and William and Mary in the Virginia colony, both originally planned in English models. And the college is still the best loved institution among us. "The summer tschool is another im portant contribution America has made to educational theory. At many of our institutions, at Duke, the sum mer term is as important as a winter term. We give the same thought for summer students as for the other stu dents and provide the eame care of them! We are just a much concerned that you achieve satisfactory results as if you were among our students in Durham. You are not associated here with our campus and campus life, but you have come to Jove it, tw. We are all anxious about it in this summer of crisis. It munt be saved for the causes of civilization in the part of the country it is located. Strength then to all those who till now Brief Facts Of Lake Activities "Another five thousand dollar sub scription from a distinguished North Carolina family." This message received last week from Dr. W. A. Lambeth, of High Point, director of the "Save Juna luska Campaign" to raise $105,000 by August 15, to release the Juna luska Assembly, now facing foreclos ure proceedings, cheered leaders here. Dr. Lambeth, who was here Tuesday expressed the opinion that the amount would be raised by the date set, and in dicated that the bulk of the sum would come in small amounts from a laree number of persons. No names of do nors of big gifts have been announced. although it is known that at least one other five thousand dollar gift has been received. The member attending the North Carolina Press A sana tion meeting in Wavnesville were honor guests here Saturday nicrht when Ward Wilcox, talented North Carolina baritone concert singer gave a concert in the Stuart auditorium. Superintendent James Atkin- has tendered the newspaper men and wom en the freedom of the Assembly dur ing me present and ensuinir week. Climaxing six days of study, fun come to the heln of .Ton 1W V.,r r " ".' 1 "K. '""no.list x oung what I could and will continue to do what I can for the promotion of Lake Junaluska and the great cause it is set to serve. Dr. W. K. Green, dean of Curri culum, in speaking to the Duke Day assemblage, declared that probably the most significant development in the field of modern college education is the individualization of instruc tion for students and the effort to stimulate the student's participation on his own education. "PraeWicallv every plan setting for the progress that i.s being made in higher institu tions of learning has to do with the matter of breaking mass production and lockstep methods of education." College President Praises This Area A citizen of Western North Caro lina who finds increasing charm and variety in the Junaluska scene, Dr, L. L. Gobbell, president of. Greens boro Woman's College, says place and its program have become firmly in trenched in his being, and in his opin ion it would be a major tragedy if by untoward circumstance the Metho dist training center here should be lost to the church. Dr. Gobbell spent Tuesday and Wed nesday at the lake visiting the Young People's Assembly and enjoying a brief vacation. I have been coming to Lake Juna luska for seventeen years," he said, "and the inspiration itg beautiful mountains and lake, with their gor geous colorings by night and by day, and matched by that of the programs put on by the various boards of the Methodist church, and the fellowship with the people who come here, make each trip a mountain-top experience indeed." Program At Lake For Coming Week AMERICAN BEAUTIES Glorious beauty of America's wom en is revealed in a serifs of pictures IN CO I. OK in the American Weekly, neginmng July I'J: The Amp Weekly comes"' every' Sunday the BALTIMORE AMERICAN. Your newsdealer has your Copy. North Carolina conference. HneeH Fri day night with an impressive conse cration service and Holy Communion, nroceded by a consecration meditation by the Rev. W. A. Rollins, of Way nesville. Gathering up into a single arrest ing message the gist of the platform talks which the young people have heard during the week of the assembly there. "Building a Christian World " the Rev. Mr. Rollins selected a his theme the arresting imperative, "In His Name, Obey." For obedience, the Waynesville pastor pointed out, is the chief cornerstone in the building of a Christian life and a Christian world order. Massie Furniture Company Main St. Waynesville Complete Home Furnishers (ji. E. Refrigerators and Kelvinators PHONE 3 J Massie Funeral Home AMIHJLANCE. SERVICE Day or Night PHONE "32 Miller Street Waynesville, N. C. G TESTS ENTERTAINED AT TEA Dr. F. S. Aldridge, of Durham, and Misses Nellie and Fannie McClees of Raleigh, entertained Saturday a(u.r. rican'j m'on with a beautifully appointed tea with i flt thl' Colonial Hotel, complimenting ..... uoward Winlield, of Washing ton, N, C, Mrs, Vi!Iis Aldridge, Dur ham, Mrs. Julian M. Aldridge, Rocky iMount, N C Mrs. Willis H. Aldridge, ; Durham, Mrs. Paul H. Kern, of Greens- "oro, and Mls. I.eRoy Davis, of Lake Junaluska. Assisting the hostesses in receiv ing we iv: Mrs. Olive Stubbs, Sumter, Mrs. Irby Hudson, Nashville. lenr" V'.K",a Clj"le- Greenwood, t, l ., and Miss Laura Jnn P.,l,.;..u Mrs. H. K. Adams nf ToU,.,., v.. ' " ! " "( U. J. id,. When Visiting Western North Carolina Dont Fail to Visit Lake Junaluska and THE TERRACE HOTEL The Largest Hotel West of Asheville F. S. ALDRIDGE, Manager hm , " r aim vi ru i .n,,,. i c- Presided at the tea table, which .tnru wnn an imported Irish y . ' ' . '""sses Man Jesfiie, fttargaiet and V. mono, all of Durham . ie, oi Kaieigh, assisted in serving the guests. Approximately 200 guests called durmg the reception hours from " l. " P- m. ror the occasion -,',.., us reception rooms orated with baskets spring flowers. ;i Aldndtre. izabeth Or am! Miss Vir- the were dec vases of and WE SAVE YOU MONEY SERVICE OUR MOTTO We Guarantee To Please You on All Coals We Sell COAL! PHONE 272 WAYNESVILLE COAL CO. COMMERCE STREET HAYNES ANM AL REUNION . The Haynes reunion will meet at George C. Haynes' Saturday before the: 3rd Sunday in August, which is August the KUh. Only about eighty were present last year, because of an all day rain. Let all the kin folks remember date and make plans to be on hand. The speaker and program will be announced later. J. H. HAYNES, Chairman, JOHN W. SHOOK, ... Secretary. Books Loaned To Local Library By State Library Com. Of interest to the vouthful readers in the community will be the follow ing list of books which have been loaned the Waynesville Public Li brary by the' North. Carolina Library Commission. The books may be kept here until September the first: "Fairy Tales," by Anderson; "Animal's Own Story Book," Bab bit; "Baby's First Book;" "Songs Every Child Should Know," by Bacon; "Seven Peas in the Pod," by Bailey; "Cat's Cradle for His Majesty," by Baker; "Noddy Coes a-Plowing," by Baker; "Little Black Sambo," by Bannerman; "Stories 0f Pioneer Life," by Bass; "Lupe Goes to School," by Brann; "Yam and His Island," by Brann; "Caddie Woodlawn," by Brink; "Animal Fair," by Bum: Luck of the Roll and Go," by Carroll; "Bobby and Betty With the Workers," by Dopp; "Tree Dwellers," : y uopp; "rind Cut Out Book v. 1 ;" "Up in the Air." by Jlack. "Junior Cup,' by - French; "Agri cultural Nature Study, Book 1," by Goehrs; "Hiawatha Reader," by George; "Jamaica Johnny," by Hader "Wan- and Puff,:' by ' Hardy; "The World' Moods," by Heile; "Twins and Tabitfa," by Howard; "Skaga, the Milk Horde," bv Huber; "Stories of the World's Holidays," bv Humph rey; "Texas Blue Bonnet,", bv Jaclbii "Wonderful Adventures of. Vile" bv Lage.-lof; "Grindstone Farm by Lester; "Donkey John of the Toy Valley," by Morley; "Our Pets," by Nnla; "Story Telling Poems." hv Olcott; "Holiday Shore," by Patch "Floating Island," by Parrish; "Dutch Twiiu, by Perkins; "Norwegian Twins,' by Perkins. "In Egypt With Azi- dirges." hv , l eri v: "Storv Rnt nf Tfc :.." tir- I Use,' by Petersham; "Nancy Rut ledge, by Pyle; "Mr, Brown's Gro cerv f;tore,' by Read; "Story About r, , ' "Z ma": . Blue Mittens," by "eeij , iranspoitation, ' bv Roche- '11U.:. v 'ihuthl' Imiians in Rock ies. VSchultz; "Black Beautv." bv k J .;L fAy Funny An'nial Tales," by Smith; "One IVay With Tuktu," by Sperry; "Harbor Pirates," bv Strat- ton; Gu!liver'.s Travels," by Swift r,,, . y 'op pins, by 1 ravers; "About t,wie at ano:erre," by Verdery; "King -1 A.nignts," - by . War ren ; W hen We We: e VVb " K The week's' events at Lake Juna luska: Tuesday, opening of Young People's. Leadership Conference (July 14-i"5.) SnacKiord Duuamg. . Thursday: To be announced. Friday: 8 p. m., auditorium. Ama teur Night. Saturday: 8 p. m., auditorium, Wal lace the Magician. High lights of the program for the ensuing week are the sermon Sun day morning, July 19, by Dr. W. E. J. Gratz, of Chicago, editor of the rr SHImmm, Imt StaaMcb, I PlatalMaa Nmmi mm4 Sick I Methodist YnUn People .Met The regular month v the EDWnrth I oo,. t: wood county met on M oi H the Harmonv Grov vf . .. B;:a .!. Sm tC" Mia'Wiix, t Ch; :t of Reports were presen.j fr county group, was in aevoiionai service. rates, who ttor,j .1 ' ro ferences held at Latu ? 1 the ability contest, Wavnv uie urei Diace, tanton ti e Clark's Chapel the third. ronowinir the n.. hour was enjoyed. The ner 3 me wil he hi,i r- M v. t r r-w tn 6uc OI tnt. tar. uisi cnurcn. 'i!.e J.J secjjnj i Get Rid of Poisons Prodactd by Constipation A cleanring laxative purely vege table Blaok -Draught Is the first thought of thousands of men arid women who have found that by re torlng the downward movement o lh bow ell aungi dltrMbla irmptoma at (ooaUpstUn prampUf ca b nllarad. . . to. J. P. MbU7, of CUDkm. . C, vrlUa: "I hara found that Blaak-DraufM la rarf affaoUra tn tba alaanalnt oi tha aratam. Whan kffaetad by tha dull haa4 acha, tha drowalnaaa and laaaltuda aauaad hr aoautlpatlon, I taJu Blaak-Dnufht.'' A natural, purely vatatabla laxatlv. B LAC K-DRAUGHT "Holv Pitv" trV""" Orat, cast of 150 under the auS0M FERA, assisted by the N0Shc'J ohna Symphony Orchestra r There will be noharKetfH You Can Get Absolutely dJ pendable Life Insurance Service with HUGH J. SLOAN Special Agent NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. ENTERTAIN YOUR FRIENDS AT ADGER HOUSE Hridse Luncheon Dinner Partus Arranged for by Experienced Caterer Call Phone 62 Waynesville. N. ('. GRENELL'S Kodak F inishing GREETING CARDS Assembly Bldg. LAKE JUNALUSKA Youn. Jl'LBS VERNE'S STORY ine my Castaway," hitherto un- puunsnea story of high adventure, bv . I, line .. . . - . J .cfi.c, inasier writer of adven ture stories, starts July 26 in the pre. ntIS? r?i ,the BALTIMORE SUN. 1 ""f-KHAA. Uon't miss thU Southern Assembly Service Station On The Grounds W. L. Poteat, Manager Esso Products Exclusively, Quick and Courteous Service. Operated on Profit Sharing basis with Southern Assembly, Thereby necessitating Posted Price on Gasoline. The New PURE OIL STATION Yale Tres and Tubes Pure Oil Products LET US MAKE YOUR CAR LOOK NEW WITH A COAT OF PUROFANE Hugh and Jack Leatherwood, Mgrs. Opp. Court House JUNALUSKA SUPPLY CO. MEATS VEGETABLES Groceries Of All Kinds JERRY LINER, Owner "I sent them soiled from top to toe They came back white as the driven SNOW' Let Us Clean your FLANNELS Grass stains or greese spots out they come in a hurry with our popular cleaning process. And when we say prompt deliv- SEND YOUR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING TO Lake Junaluska mm MASSIE'S Carry A Very Large Stock of Ready-To-Wear For Your Selection Ml ery we mean it i I I I PHONE 205 --lMM..M1JLMlj DEPT. STORE Waynes ville Laundry, Inc. Phone 263-J Silk Dresses Priced From $1.98 to $9.95 Including Beautiful Sheers and Chiffons Wash Dresses Priced From 49c to $2.95 Come In And See For Yourself