L Waynesville Mountaineer ISWs Events of . . -r- t 1 World-Wide Interest ...Briefly Told v FOB SOCIAL JUSTICE TO Tu rmon for Social Justice, at a The "" 1 Cieveiand last week, invention 1" ' f Det,.oit, ,t laident anf endorsed William 'lp, f,f President of the United 1 mkf l',r : TnumspnH and 1 . ,.. n 77ie Great Smoky Mountains National Park . c Unload Counrv .4r re Eastern Entrance of The Ureat y PtoWiJkef in me -v- - aiiyance IN COUNTY VOL. XL 111 NO. 34. WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, AVGUSTJO 125 Make Tour Of Haywood v arms. Farm Day Success 125 Make Tour To Ten Haywood Farms, Whil 500 Join In On Program At rines Creek City Tax Rate To iiemaui iv 01. DIED LAST NIGHT R. V Gerald Smith : spoil t ftK party abates. AIRPORTS TO BE BUILT THRLfs NORTH CAROUNA T- U P ha been allotted money Wi A." oimorts in North The first annual farm tour, stated last Friday in connection with the an nual farmer's picnic which wa spon sored by. the Farmers Ration n co-operation wun vne " ' v .,.. from every WP. ha been aiionvu um, wa new airports in North Standpoint. Vl n. One will be located at , Approximately 125 farmers made u ' ronville and win cost the tour wnicn inciu.ieu '"V" " H"n.f , t Rocky Mount to cost of t farnlh in the t.0Unty, and about and the third at Wilmington 1 5UQ attended the program an pi. -nu- at I c-wt $53,140. Fines Creek school during the middle iMFRlCAN WOMAN KISSES HIT- 1 ; b ftl the t0Urt house, AMtKH- a LER ! and Went to the farm of F. L. Leopard, a, unidentified American woman, j RaUliff Cove. 1 nere iv. . v.. . ;A deeded in securing an auto- , foreiiter pointed out a hillside which KSU' .: rhancellor Hitler last I u,,,! heen nlanted in pine. Prior to the p.apB i . - dictator as he ,.; two vears ago. the hill had While the board of aldermen have not formally adopted the budget for the coming year, it was learned this week that the tax rate for Waynesville will remain I he same as last year $1. t0 on each $100 valuation. This rate is the same a li4 and 1935. , , , , The budget will be presented to the public within a few days, it was said. Funeral Services FnrMrs 1 T) Hvatt. i JA XI - ,1 ' 73, Held Wednesday i ..... ;... k..l.l nn Wednesday l.HM mm v. ...... --- - ... at -i nYln.-k from the First . .1 i;.. Anwli for Ml'S J. I'. ii...... ) ...v,.. Hi..,! nn Tuesdiiv morn inK at 2 o'clock. lr. R. b. Truosdale, . f i Vi.j ,.Vl 11 siM-viccs. Interment wu m vn n O Li City Signs 10-Year Contract With Garobna Power & Light XI Ilk? vvii"--- Contributes i.uuu To Lane l ampain thamber of Commerce Commit tee Secure $501. About 000 Yet Needed No Reductions In Rates Expect ed Here. Daytime Uinsum ers Might '.(let lxmer Rate I Kr, niunteM in nine. Prior vo vne ,,.,, . y Will h. """WV 11.,.,. t V V:,p4v kissed the aictaior as planting two years apo, i pallbearers were: . n. ' a.,U i.Mn the Olympic swimming ' hed in a number of places. Mi.' T . Sr 1)r, Thomas Strintfhold, f ' ushered from his pres- , G.,abt,r in pointing cut the a.lvaniagi -p. Denton. H. . Stone, and v.. J bv Ni Vards. of planting pine on such , h. su WINS M. A. DEGREE AT 17 1 COWs Kraae in the wood. By a . . , Cain of Houston, Texas, j mt,ans "keep the cows out ot hi , hn d B A and M. A. degrees at wood. They do more harm than an T. Jv ot seventeen, wants to become thing else." he said. , ' , ' nepaper " (reporter. He learned From thc Leopard farm the tour reafat two! graduated from hgh I went to the farm of C. C. train hool at twelve, from college at six- wht.re a trop 0f senca lespedeza and received his M. A degree shown. six years ago the seed of this !l t Spring. He says he finds it laTlt soid for $3(S per pound Today the hard to convince employers that he is ioe is 25 cents a pound. It Is , a o mature in achievement. reat seed producer, and once stai ed ' will always grow in a held. It sab jr.OflOO WORTH OF OPIUM SEIZED i said that this particularjespedvza i $, SeU officers at Boston, Moss-, as good as .1 . fa , 1 hu jU h J Vla-tnT: havine a pontlal value of ! during the drought, Mr. Francis said, fird . Black Diamond hue ; in exKp,aining the advantages of the io-Wr i serica variety. No arrests have Lesn made. ! The next stop on the tour was the 0 8 . - dairy farm of Karl lergusons, ncai 1 1NDBERGH MAY RETLUN TO j ycllwood. The new and modern l,u T E UNITED STATES pe- wai of much interest to thoc on fol Charles A. Lindbergh, who vas tour. It was hero, a so, that the tl'- u..L VJUf wPek d.mon- hull exerciser was shown. ,r M1P.TU . . tw,lsnn farm, thi strating to me inveiuau-uii' "f. -,, . ijeavuiK v. -- - About two months ago Mrs. Hyatt jT .....1 iiiim-ijiL' f rill U full, and had been confined to her bed since that time. During the past two weeks her condition became more serious if""- ing from complications nrougm on i the fall. , ri ) lw, C,, h,r mari'iaire Mi. n". ,, , , :.. m..ii; v,inir if Hellcle-son was .miss .'umih - - - t:.,,,.,,-,! vi-ars airo she alio (AIUIIIJ. ...... ----- . , i i i i..,;n tl.. Pii'dmont llott l Kv thi'ir son. Paul now milling" 'J i f Hvatt. She was ail active member ot the Methodist church, of Waynesville. Surviving are her. nusimiw am' . ..i.;i.l,.... . Williiim 1). Hvatt. of Santa Monica, Calif.. Paul R. Hyatt, of Waynesville, anl Mrs. Charleiie r. Turner, of Dayton, Ohio. Red Cross Chapter T 1 Ollicers Are IN amen firaimRui"":'" - T- - . ..t v.o 'rnvmiunieal ncart which he developed with Dr. Alexis Carroll, announced that he hoped to return to the United Svates within six months. Lindbergh l?ft the Un.led States 'last December to escape un due publicity, . leaving me ii.- -- tour went to the test pasture ol Ko' t Howell, on jonavna.i.-v v...""- Mr. Howell expiaineo now had been divided into 34 equal plot,, and each plot was being treated with T r :u r,,. cnmhmation a ainereni .iciv.iiii, y - of fertilizers, and an accurate ctittK made on the amount of hay narvest,, r oi, nlnt The expenment has Ulll cavil , J v ..-A.ax, fnr three - yeai, and J 4PANESE PREP ARE TO ATTACK ,rtvpji? v fnr rnree veui, Recent reports from Shanghai, China ; iU continue for two tj:-. v.. TiniiM troons are fore anv definite aecision s i indiraf that-Japanese troops are fore any denni e oecun - - . i . koui nHM uic preparing for a .fresn aetermn.e . .... , preparing lor -- , Inner Mongolia, adding tension to tne already etrainea reiano." i.v- China ' and Japan. Foreign observ ers believe that serious action might result unless means are found t" non out differences betyeen these two nations. . MANY WOMEN HOLD WPA JOBS IN NORTH CAIWM.a On Monday evening Mrs. Mary r uv...!nH.. r,f Hiyh Point, Dis- trict Supervisor ol tne aeu r..s, held a conference with tne io ai gruuu in the Welch Memorial building ol the Baptist church. Rev. H..W. Bau eom chapter chairman, presided. ... A . '.i.i.. .j:.... .,.,..,1,1 flu, nlnns for the coming year's work after which otneers weie r' 60, Passed Away Wednesday Night Former Superintendent of Water And Lights Here, mes While At Cherokee ,.....!. i ....,, fiiriuiT Wavncs- ville .evident, but for the past few vears stationed at Cherokee, where he was in charge of the water and lign system, pas-sed away sulien,y u..uv ten o'clock Wednesday night at Ka vensfoid, it was learned here early Tl ,... ,1,..t in J il-n 1 II if . inuiM..v. . ........... . ,,, Coninmimation wun o"".'"",,", Cherokee t his morning revealed t hat he was apparently in gooi m-n.i . up until the time of his death. The body was taken to Hrysou City to an undei--taking 'establishment " two o.locU this'- morning. Funeral arrangements had not been complete,! thia nioriiing, hut it is understood that Inl.ial w.ll be made here. ,, , .,,. Mr Logan came to Haywood coun ty about forty years ago. He was a native ol uui oniuv ". some .ii) yruii . . i ..f v..nvj le was in ror k nu""" i v" j - , the undertaking business here, apU . .......r niatuoii nf the wa- , i: .u. .!.... , t m..nt nf the Clt V. Iter ana .g..K uv,..... ..... . - - Me nas mn-n vv,,.,,. j- n.... uiinn t f herokee in tne man iv-vt ,v...,. -j - uci iiii'it ... . . . .u... ,a,U thp trin over ine tour men -, - the winding road to the farm of Ben Wright, at White Oak, Ther a fiell of corn was tne principal Mr Wright had plowed under lespe deza on part of the field and the other part did not have any lespedeza. and the contrast was most unusual, Whe.e the lepedeza had been planted, the tin ivt ntViiT corn nv-n mature". i "1 : - . .. " -. .:V: nA nn ..ver 'since Chapter chairman. Rev. H. W. Bay- j- . ov,.rnment established the place, kaivman. Mrs. ( has. fc. i ":.?. of. ... t'oni, viv- v . , i some o,i ,'nir- . . . , Quinlan, secretary and 'treasuier, , an vi ,,1,.,-trician, and- a i?r:ii: MAfnrA rnll .all chairman, 'I ,kuni,. a we 8 an wiiiiw in .Tit".".", --. ., compi'tfiit " ........ , - L N. Davis, publicity chairman, Mis. , outstamiing . superintendent of water t' ' t '.iHi.i rcurvti srhool lunch chair- , . t man, Mrs. JacK mefsci, v .............. . M). Miran had me uimhu in.,. pellagra control, itonen i.n.s..,,, v..n man first aid, Miss Louise Edwards, chairman Junior Red Cross, Mrs. Le Rov Davis, chairman disaster commit tee, Homer Henry, and .chairman of home hvgiene, Mr. Oover C. Davis. Women hold 40.7 per cent of the was just ;a little over knee high. . AR. WPA jobs in North Carolina a higher was planted tne s , uu. - percentage than that attained by any the same seed. , other state in the Union.-accordiPK that the P"5; held mstu. t in a rennrt made Dublic last week. Of i ground to the extent mat toe . v the 32.4 WPA workers in the state, lanted in the 19,198 are men and 13,186 are women. up three weeks eat he. than th.t . The average monthly earnings of the From the Wright farm the tour women are $26.27, while that of the movcd to Fines Creek for the pip. men is $22.60. . t , .u. gram of the day , .f()rc Only sixteen per ceni ni ui .- . a snort prunmm -. -- fml-ai. in no TTnited states are ; .... hour in workers women. FRANCE HAS 21,000.000 BUSHELS OF WHEAL KESuavYn . The French army has a stoCK ot 21,000,000 bushels of wheat, the larg est in the nation's history, for use in case of war. Special scientmc T'o cesses are used to preserve the wheat. 25 KILLED. 15 INJURED WHEN TRAIN HITS TRUCK Twentv-five hersons wer kiPe'l and fifteen were in 4.he hospital SaUrday at Louieeville, Quebec, when a rapidly moving freight train struck a laige truck, carrying 43 people hone from a political meeting. The true was making between forty and fifty m,.S per hour. SPANISH REBELS THREATEN TO FIRE ON NEUTRAL SHIPS . a :.i.nt;nnol incident was avoided late last week, when a n . . .. .. . L iLxAQtfitl. .panish rebel 8hid nea aiter u ing to fire on the U. S. Coast Guard cutter Cayuga and the British de stroyer Comet, engaged at rescuing neutral refugees from the war torn San Sebastian, if they took members of the Popular Front government on board. , ... rignnng late iasi ween ir,i -Loyalist troops in the outekirts ol reDei-neia uvieao in woaneiw ...t tjred the town of Badajoz. killing 5.000 Loyalists in the battle that pre . i i . , . venea tne capture. . . to date, neither side has gained any decisive victories. 'K'""' "- ;- the noon hour in the a-, lignum. v J. G. K. -McClure. -president of the Tr...i.ot; ,n ni esiding. lie Farmerp rwie - -v;',. mM.,;M explained the purpose of themf.ting, Zd in turn introduced County Agent W D. Smith for a brief taiK. 'Mr.Graberwasther,3 W,fore the uncn noui '"" r , on"be0feoreLofthecounty,point.ng rk Wollror TnkuiiT Vacation In b. I. . t o i ' Walker, pastor :i."s-u.:vi,a,ch.k.(tTf.- Carolina, ui., . , ,.t.tlon.(t;o.k.,f h? H for two Sunaays. w. native of Charleston, unty and will visit relative. tner,.. The w aynei'r - - w Gouver Sunaay '"...-- Crockett sunoay qqv- HovwnnH Rnnlists In Annual Meeting Offu ers for next year will be elect -e,V this morning by the Haywood Bapti-t Association, which is holding .. .,1 L-ofcuinn with the their- reguiai -n..i ..;--.. , Antioch ;.; Baptist church. I inlays sevion closes the. meeting. -". Yesterday the annual sernum s delivered bv H. W. Baucom, pa-tor of i)tLt rhiirrh here, anil addresses by M A. Huggms, of Ral eigh, state secretary; R. !; lemll. alt, of Raleigh, and R..B. Covington representative of the Thomasville Orphanag., , - . - terdavV session, and the reports g.vn were encouragmis, i-v...... . - - , : i,.. i oiilMnnni e to way nesville. It was in l!0h that he i . .i .,i;n,l,r n r into town tirougnt a '-ij' .,, and caused much curiosity with thf l I HV is survived by his widow, .who lives here, and who wiomviici " m;.. Miti-v l.iner. anil one Light Onera Will Be Repeated Here Bv Request, Wed. Four Thousand Veople Highly Pleased With Performance At Lake last Week RJn-VRpnH School Is Ulfii m. ' - Upen ror ui i v-ai , , .i t; PnnI whih was ine scmioi at wk. ' . . established three SS tL; now an approveo statv, "V"'' the fall term on Monday, with 22 pu- p.ls presen,. . F-irmont. MISS Lillian wviu..., ..v'r -- who was the first teacher of the Sol, and whodidsuch splendid work in the Big en .-7C. .u... ku v;u,. .lunalucka M'eing mm v,' . - - - , Campaign was going to fall- short of r j. , nr. it, 111 kv, ulmlll SZIl.- the necessary iiw, (100. on last Saturday, the nuvrtgagv holders voluntarily gave an exten sion for payment U the first of S. p tcmber, thus allowing U. days in which to raise about $21,000. ., tnir. iwul ;u nut 11111,1 tlV Ol P- lt tne io.i.i'i'" 'T ii n tcmber first, the mortgage holders will ... Hi.. I nr'.vlos- have tne court v,,... - . ....lin,r wheh were Raited UK' f' ' ,4 '"rP " several months ago. i - . ......,L- ...mtirlll ll'CS "1 i"v IjBM. v-v " . . , Chamber of Com me r re canvassed , In town and as a result sent ,n a check for $r01, which is in mmiu.M. ... was donafd through the Methodist hurch here, and iy imm .", butiolis. ,. , . Yesterday the e.iiuir oi i "..' ,' taineer receivl the io'.iow. . ter, and list, from t min.v r' ' president of the Chamber of ( .mi merce: Mr W. Curtis Uuss, Fditoi. The Waynesville Moutitaiiuer, Wavncsvilte, N. (.'. . . ,.. n,,o l v iieai iwi , ,i -. .... ..... f . invt week can-hi! r ti... ..:.,., i.inir . , 1 1 . , 1 lie l ed by news oil in- ,ii.v. "-f -. u the Chamber of ('omnieice in b-'hal of the ".save junaiusiva "."'V ' Thank vou for the space. given ... i. ii,..i T ie niiblicity was vei.y k..i.,f..l nn.l the committee member ' . f 1.....;.,..- Ik. ir KIT- are (l.iserving oi . nnv...n - vices recognized. , Under dale oi ftujiuv in milted to Mr. .lames Atkins, the sum of $501.00 collected by out commit tees. While not as much a.s we would like to have contributed, it is my .--inir that the contribution represents a roal sarnncf on un imu individual. Had we, bvvn able, T am iuni 4V .mmuhitv would have Mirr i ii ti v in In my H'tUT vu t nuti nru - v ... i ,1 Mr. Atkins, I made trie siaic.icnt "- lowing: ... .... , . "This sum, $!"l,w, nas i.ivu v... lected bv local .-onimittees represent ..... 'i... ...k.. nf I 'niYimcrce. Ine ing tnf v no...."- - contributions have been made by our . . !i! .. tU.. li ". citizens in recognition oi n.v- nf I.We Junaluska. It is our desire to see the property n-inn... v- the hanvls of the Church, ami n. ..l .......i,i in In. Mo strength- 1 i... fr....,l,,m from (lebt, that it . .'n,l...- the full service of which It is fni.ii,'.' , ,,,.".,. that the c.in- tribtitors shoul.l he named a matter ..t ki;. infiic-nitioti. and I suiimii . : - .-..ti . i..n niil imhlica lor voui .nn. m.... . - .1... c.li wi 11 those contrinut- ;., 1.. h.. chamber of Commerce i:.... I., ...1,1, linn iitterition I 11 1 1 vi-. 11 - 1 ... .u.. r.., i t li.it . iint riliiiti, ins were cu in t,. .... v ,. ... V. 1 il.; 1. ik Mot-tun isi ( hurch imaii.' iiin.uKii by Church membeiv,-. many 01 wn..... i.:i....,w. in t h lu .1 rlUI' I L'H . 1 ' ('(Mill inmni m w...- - u.,.. rri.mrlv: i4nd individuals who cont rihutrd i'ithiV iircct ly. or t'h-utrh ,..vLinr fwim I,ilk'- Jlltta- an 1,4 1 i 111 .ntc i it (i 1 Waynesville and Haelwom togc t her cmitrihuted nol less man ' ('HAS. E. RAY, JR...." President. The board of aldernven and the mayor of Waynesvi'le, signed a en year contract with Carolina Power and Light Company last wek, thu renewing the 7 ree? contra, t wnicn expired the first cf July. . ...-inniilered j nve-yi mil.. ' v by the board, but final decision was made to sign the len-yeui since it meant a saving of $7"0 a year over the !-year gn- m i i. Before signing the new corir.it.. with Carolina Power and Light Com pany, the town officials had confer ences with officers of TVA. The Smoky Mountains Power Company, and Nan tahala Power Company. It was at one time thought that one of these .iU uiinnlv Wavnesville C(.IIIJUllliv-c ivulu tiffj .-- , with cheaper power, nut i 1 .... ........ , .... In found unwise ami wu ca ..-.. w bring new lines to Waynesville. Mavor J. H. Way slated that there is little possibilty at the present or reducing, exce.pt perhaps a snni iv duction might "be made to firms who use a consideratile amount n in the day time. More day time con- sumi.tiini is '."'ing solicit, and a low er rate might be made to induce this it was explanvd. vvnen hskcu awu. a reduction of rcsid-nl ial latcs the mayor repliel: I loui)t wncuui tliat will 1M' done, v ei .a.....y ..... the present." The state utilities cumnii.ssion dur ing the past year or so has ordered two reductions' in rattis, and each time the town has benefitted by the rate, it was pointed out, but inasmuch as the profits from the light depar'mt r.t . .. ' i...i...,.i j .,, .,11 liimds for the arc iii-.im-i - . . . water department 110 reduction could he made. Another item that comes into the light department rates, is that the property 'owners are not paying any tax tor street iigms. 1 h1"... from the light department provides , , . 1V.... ..JV,:il.. nt,illtf'f street iignis. iuwh mm c-- out that a 25-cent increase in the tax rate would have to be made if the cost of maintaining street. lighU was .1 . 1 Trvlllll taken from tne gencrui iui..i. "" aliiermen also expluined that ( anton was paying iu,oui y.n. lights: Haaelwood $1,200 a year, and Asheville iuu.ihiu. jm. " l.. towns have to plac a -tax -.on prop erty to get in is. money. ,l. i..u,m kn- t nnv for the .tllll. inr .uu ' r I J - nowc- used within the eity limit based 1 . , . 1 1 it. k.,f-.l nlnns on tne pean ioau, iin: 1 to work out rau's win. use more power at hours other than the peak loaas. u ..." ""I't that Saturday nights reach the peak .1 ' iL during tnt' monui. i.i J n.nl( frowdpil. til niir inoaim .. .. .. - : 1:1 . 1 u u & .fnna uska lasi audit"' i"1" SaturIay night to see the liRht opera, ..,, a i;r,... . A larire- num- ber were turned away, and because Junaluska Tannery and employes, $110 25; Smoky Mountain Industries, $5.00; C. N. Allen and "o Tf W; ' N. Davis Company, $2.00; R. L. I re- r f.n. Mnrnmi StflmPV and of that, the performance hich proved vosi v '2 .Jo8'ephin. to be such a uccf8s at the. Uke, will - $5.00: J. R. Morgan, $5.00; Today's Market inr paid Wednesday by the Farmers . T1 J .1.; 1 Chickens, heavy weight, hens '.-Jfc Chickens, fryers . Lf- - M moo TTTVnrooViajl n1 rkAlinJ ........ r ;AAnca TnQnprtor Here This YeeK-r,nu . .J... i:,.en innector, of W H. btamey, . : Waynesvme. V'-isup Hvers Fridav ana aatu. '. a hcense, n. ? one dollar is -nlmen, A charge 01 ' .., ro'm:. ArKr's license, and two dol- ?ior 'chaurVUc rLYDEiHiOLWILL" OPEN IvA l -w.' The .' Clvde Township schools will ine v.i, Anst the olst. Saturday Aug. 29th at 10 a. m., !SitSS t attend this meeting. he presented on Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock at .the, Waynesville high school auditorium. The entertainment was sponsu.v-u bv the Waynesville Choral Club, and was airecteo oy r.v....... . . . - - .. Icompanied by the North Carolina Symphony urcnestm. In the leading female roles Mrs. Virginia Martin and Mrs. Tom Spur lock of Waynesville, showed them e vs fully capable . -T Reading parts for tenor and baritone were ui..-.,i.io w Ceoree Allen and K wiiu." '. -, . au.y i. .'v- . - :,".,i.r. Mr on the job. When she arrived me Walter Herbert, notn oi : on me J u . .. , j-f n wol.l . ., 11 nnr.igiiHpH for his ren- entire community , .- y .7. ',Q" Alien Packtraw. come her, expresmg tnir ----- d.t.on 01 me .v,.. u. - . of kot GhP wouia ftK" t wr. neruvi l n nuu vm. . rn's nart was en- ciiniiiv v . . . .. t- PAGEANT WILL BE GIVEN AT METHOD 1ST UiiKtu An impressive pageant-depicting ' . ii, Missions, will beUsentedbytheWon'sssion- ary society 01 --- chTrch, on Sunday evening -at gockxk during the regular - service hour, , t,..j v. n,. MUS C Will De iurriiaiiBu,, -j. choir of the church. All member, of the neighboring cnarcnt-s as v the public in general are invited to attend. . - ; v . - -. JESSE OWENS GIVEN STAGE OF FER a j r rrf t n 'fan vtrPPKS An offer 01 tio.ooti if, engagement on the stage was cabled eto7e,se 0 Olympic rtarm Eer m. last: ween. 1 " , j. i in.a rantor. stage and maue uy ' screen director. P'l.;' .ritv lent bv sev nancea uy i , - p eral former appearances m the same 1 ... Equally excellent and convincing wer? other members of the casf,!- ter Poteat, ol waynesyu.c, ... - ( Continued on back page) Noted Dairyman To SpeaK nere j ues. v. t...... ..it,aQctrm cecretarv H. L. Bates, buui.ic-o".. . --- ... of the American Guernsey Club, will address Haywooa mnr. the court house here Tuesday evening at 7:30 o clock, 11 was by W. D. Smith. At the meeting, the 200 milk pro duce of the county will be organ ized, Mr. Smith said. Aeneral invitation has been extended to the public as well as milk producers. reruusiiii, ."v., . . . ... v, N. F. Lancaster. M. D., $10.00; W. .. y .l ...... . nn mi 'Jack Messer, $10.00; A bid's Garage CVinn SF. 00 W, W. i;.00, VMIV " VJ.-t ui.v. j rt - . N C Cafe, $5.00; Filler's Repair t.i. j 11 fx. . i v. anfr 0 p i v .u..iii"i ,in.n, )i.v., i.,u".v - r, - . i no- I.eatherwood-.James Hinng tmn.iVi Motor Inn. $2.00: suaii,,", i., -WT ,: ' ionft. Dill Howell ruling taiu", v-, Ml T- nr,,r till fill - waynesvnie ice v,uihh"j trnn. Waynesville uoai t.uii'f"j. r. i I -o Cmnanv S10.00: West Dial Company, $5.00; Walker's Ser-ci-x: c on. Woflf ms f hcvrolet vice otamiii, ni.i.vfu, ---- - Company, $10.00; Cherokee AutoConri. pany, ifo.ou; vjraay n.oKeiB, F Btton, $1.00; Jo Ann peauty Shop,$5.00; Lady Fair Beauty anop, $2.00. .'.j-.; ,n(m. V r Sanitary Barner nnop. v-v Seav, $1.00; Shell . Filling ..Station, rtnn. rrf Rnrhpr ShOD. v-;,. 11 sthoti $1.00: J. P. Dicus, SI 00; John Davis, $2.00; Alexander's Drug Store, $25.00; Burgin Brothers, i.nn. nr ;il Onnlc Store. S5.00: vic:C; p,im ture Company, $10."U, C E. Ray's Sons,'$25.00; Food Store, Mc-nn..O TnnM .0n! DcW- ev Stovall. $5.00; Waynesville Moun-j . ' . ,pnn. virn.Tnaoiltii Phnrma-1 taineer, io.uvi, . iiaj".- - cv $10.00; Waynesville Hardware Company. $15.00; Dixie Stores, $-x00. r..,fiira fnTTinanv an.UU: Joe Mormino, $10.00; W. L. Hardin, Sr. S2.0U; .virs. w, n. Farmer'., Federation, $5.00; Frank Miller, $5.00; Edwin Haynes, $5.00; Eagle Five and Ten Store. $3.00; Waynesville Laundry. $10.00 , Cham ber of Commerce, $25.00; Morgan, Stamey and Ward. (A. T. Ward. $5.00; Mrs. J. H. Way, $15.00; Total, $526.25. ; I - '-. .'-- "'.,-': - Dahlia And Flower Show Will 15e Held On Friday. Aug. 20 A decisiim was made by directors of the Waynesville Woman's Club, to have the ahnual summer flower and dahlia show together this year, in etcad'of .at two separate dates as has been' the custom for neveral years. Definite plans have . been 'made to . , . , .1 A .,u 98tk noid me sjiow oh i- i i.iy, f-i," ..-... The place and the priie list will he annoum-en in nexv w-'- n iur v.. ...s paper. , .nrs. o. i ,,nji " " namel the following committees to make arrangenicnt.1 mi mc . Mns. C. V. Bell, Mrs. C.rayden Fergu- son, Mrs. KUIUS .-i.:r, an.-.. i c... Stovall, and Mrs, S. P. Gav. Ar,y member of the committee can give in formation regarding the display f the flowers at the show. Stentz Now At C. Of C. Headquarters T T ... 1 .. Cnl. lu . nfiB atino nA o. liaiK ,oic,,. i- ,i," secretary of the Chamber of Com merce. .. M. H. Bowles, superintendent of the Waynesville township schools, took over vne place as leniioriii y svi.t."') last May, and worked in that ca pacity until the 15th of August. He i i i .... m;n. IS now ennKeu in uiumiik i ate preparations for the opening of the Waynenville District Schools on the tirst ox sepxemijer. Mr. Stentz acted as assistant sec retary in the office during the season of 1935. Definite plans for the winter month? have not. been acted upon by the di rectors. ' The Weather Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ' Sunday Monday Max. 83 86 85 84 86 84 93

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