TfllHSD DAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1936 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Paee It tfAiintaineers To plav Asnevuic u Friday Afternoon (Bv Tom Reeves.) :i ffeathcrby's high school Moun ftlic6 o'ter an unimpressive 14-1 :C ,ver Svlva High last week, r:t Wn going through hard and 511 workouts in preparation for T' r difficult game of the season irm rh sheville High School in ;'v' tomorrow afternoon. ith V'the best prospective teams dur- local school's history, the peers, led by co-captains Ben and Cecil Yount are given a to upset Coach Leeper's jow- 'iltvwo players will be in uni UTor this game. The starting tion of Saunders, hard-running VOL' CAN BE SURE OF THE INSURANCE YOU SECURE FROM THIS AGENCY. IT IS THE DEPENDABLE, SATIS FACTORY KIND. "I Made It' The L. N. Davis Co. TELEPHONE 77 Re;J Estate Insurance Rentals HERE and THERE By Hilda Way Gwyu 5i Mrs. Beryl Markham Despite a bump on her forehead received when she made a forced landing in a Nova Scotia marsh, Mrs. Beryl Markham was an smiles when she arrived In New Yark, above, after flying the At lantic from her native England. line-up will be the same that faced Syilva in the opener. All players are in splendid condition with the back who played for Candler High last year. This player suffered an arm injury and is not expected to play for about two weeks. Since Coach Weatherby began his career here eight years ago the Mountaineers have defeated the Ashe ville team one time, tied them one game, and lost four. The local team, although much" lighter, are ready to give and take, hoping u return with another game on the winning side. i Numerous local fans will be on hand i to watch the Mountaineers in their second game of the current season. The new stadium wa dedicate! on , :ne Waynesville Township High School ground.; 0n Friday afternoon ... a record breaking crowd . they came , from a!! the neighboring tiwns. . . . , for the dedication and the game ful-,' lowing . . . the stadium is another : sign that the v;".age is expanding . . while it was built by WPA tunds . and we have the depression and Uncle Sai- to thank directly . . . for this new attraction . . in realitv we should take iff our hats to Ca.leton K. Weatherby. athletic coach, for the .last seven years . . of the Township High Sh'-il . . fir even if the Aim rrurtity i; "football minded" which it .m.hmbted'.v is . . . had it not been for the clean and honorable principles ir.C'irpo: ated into the training of the t;':ims . . that Coach has been able to nut acro-s . . a stadium would never haw appealed to the community as :i project worthy iif the expenditure of government funds. If 1 have been told correctly, Coach Weatherby's football teams have won ill games, tied 3 and lost 12 . . . which is 0 counse a re curd for any Coach, . . School . . or community to be proud of . . . but when we enjoy the success of such football glory . . . let us remember . , also . . that Coach Weatherby has had a powerful influence' on the youth of this community . . . not only on the field, but off . . . and that he has given us something that is far bigger than a football victory . . that will endure in the characters of the pupils, long after the game have been forgotten. . . . half acre plot, from which will be gathered many more pounds. . . In the strawberry season late one after noon ue watched them load a truck of berries at the farm of Mr. Gid Francis . . . and the 'truckers" told us that the strawberries would be eaten on the breakfast tables in At lanta the following morning. . . Yes, Fair week is the time that farmers and live stock raisers bring in their best to display for the public. We are for bigger and better displays. . . . EVERY DAY, you as an individual, should display your BEST APPEARANCE, by wearing neatly, well pressed clothes. The cost is so small when we do the job bv our modern methods. .. . Our Cleaning Is Good Four Your Clothes SEND YOUR LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING TO Waynesville Laundry, Inc. PHONE 203 I HEAVY BOCtf I PAINT I DE SOTO PAINTS go fartherlhok better! last longer! DESOTO PAINTS ARE GUARANTEED Made in Memphis m Paints MZtrnishes for Southern Climate SOLD BY Junaluska Supply Co Isolated as we have been so long from the markets of the world . . it is still a thing of wonder .' . how the great paved highways are taking us 6uch far distances "over the other side of the ridge" . . and bringing us op portunities for cash crops un dreamed of by our forefathers . . for the fruit and vegetables grown here are now tilling the "in between season" in other sec tion - . well known for trucking facilities , . and supplying mark ets in distant cities. . . It is a fearful thing the way the countries in Europe and elsewhere are snatching their youth into military training and service , , one generation after another must pay some great price to their government . .- as one forceful writer has expressed it . . . "Over increasing areas, of the world the young are being regimented as they have not been since the ancient days of Sparta . The lost spring can never be recovered for those who remember the fresh freedom of the morning hours . . there is no sadder sight today than the lengthening itg iments who march on with nit knowing that their parade are the funeral march of their youth." r latest matte t 3ute ofi the xepotts with Heui 1937 It is astounding how the trucking industry is growing in this section. . . Mr. Tom Rogers, of Clyde, recently . . in one picking, gathered from a a one acre patch 177 huhels. of to matoes, that were t-aken at once by truck to Miami, Fla. . F. I,. Leop ard lias t;i date sold to the cannery 12.0011 pounds of tomatoes, from a A DM IMS'I' U ATI ICS N ) IT CK Having qualified as administrator of the ustate of Miss .lannie B. Towles, deceased, late of Haywood County, North Carolina, this is to notify all peit-ons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed at Enka, N. ("., oil or before ItiUv day of September, 1937, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate settlement. This the Kith dav of September, 193d. : .1AM KS I!, TOWI.KS. Administrator of the estate "of Jannie B. Towles.' No. I'.i'.i Sept. 17-21-U.t. 1-R-J5-22 NO TICK OF TKl STFK S SAI.K NOTICE OF OIANIJK OF POI I ING I'LACKS IN YOTJNU PHFA INCTS Take notice that the Haywood Coun ty Hoard of Klectioiv have directed and authorized the change of 'pulling places in certain voting precincts in IJaywood County, as follows: In .Jonathan's Creek l'reoinct from the old school building site to the new new school building now being used. In Precinct No. (! of Beaverdanl, from the former Academy building to the Pennsylvania Avenue school build ing. In Precinct No.' '3 of Reaverdam Township, from the former voting place on North Main Street to the North Canton school building. In Precinct No. 1 of Heaverdanl Township, from the former polling place on Highway No. 10, to the Can ton High School building. This September mil. 1 :!(). V. M H YEKS, YIHCE McCI.URE, V. II. NOl.AM), County Hoard of Elections. No. 4'.".'.--Sept. 10 17-24. rnnm nnoio It th corn market steady? Why not let on RCA VICTOR FARM RADIO answer your question? latest marketdevel opments news flashes en tertainment sporting events political campaigns all are yours with a new, 1937 RCA VICTOR. Arrange for a demonstration TODAYI RCA VICTOR FARM RADIO MOOIt e RK-e. 6-vol I op.r ption. 6-tvb vprtfrodyii. Foralgn and doH programii pallc, avlaflon end amatotir colli. (2oH radio In iam cabin! dxlgn ) USKS 1000 HOI R EVERKADY RATTER Y Massie Furniture Co. 11I0NE 33 MAIN STREET On Monday, .-.October "., VXH, at eleven o'clo) k, A. M., at the court house door in the '.'town .of Waynes ville, Haywood County, North Caro lina, the undersigned trustee will sell at public outcry, to the higbset bidder for cash, the following lands ami premises: : HKCrl NNINd on a manle in clilf on' Hig liidge, K. 1. Hyatt corner below North Vii'W of -Eagles Nest, ami runs N, ti.S" V. 2K poles to a locust stake and , locust pointers,; thence N. iJ V. Ml Ml poles to the top to a locust; thence N. l.'i" W. 2-1 ))(des t . a vchestnut; thence North 00 pedes to a chestnut in the gap of the ridge; thence the top E. i;i . poles to a maple; thence nearly on top N. od' E. IS .poles to a chestnut ak on a flat top .r.Hu ion of ridge.; thence clown top of ridir" as follows: , 77 E. 20 poles; N'. X'! ; E- IS pides.J X. 'S2" E.: 17 poles ti.i a lo ust on top; ihciice N. 71 E. leaving the '.top, 0-1 poles to a line at tl)(' road North of bran-h ; thence t2'i " E. V'-i poles to a stake in the road; thence the road, X. OS1: East to. a stake below the forks of the branch; thence. N. HI 0 E. 4 pole's to ;i bunch of -buckeys, cornei' of No. " ami in. the line of No.!; thence S, V - ' East up the meanders of saiil branch over the falls !4 poles to a stake in the branch in Hyatt line just West of three marked spruce pines; thence Hyatt's line N. 71 W. 41 loles to a chestnut on top of ridge, Hvatt corner; thence Hyatt line up Big Ridge, S. 58 WT. 170 poles to the BEGINNING, containing tJO-.'j.VlOO acres, more or less, being lot No. 8 as surveyed and jdatted by John Kelley.' ' EXCEPT 7 acres deeded to VV. B. Ferguson at head of Barn Branch. Being the .ame lands conveyed by V. E. Justice and wife, Polly Justice to C. A- Campbell, by deed dated Jan uary 3, 1922, and recorded in Book 61. page 82, Record of Deeds of Hay wood County. '-".-' Sale made pursuant to power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by C. A, Campbell and wife, Maggie F. Campbell, dated Jan uary 30, 1929, and recorded in Book 22, page 398, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This 4th day of September, 193C. M. r.. STAME7 , i Trustee. No. 497 Sept 10-17-24-O.:t. 1 For Bad Feeling Due to Constipation O rid of ooMtlpUon W Uktaj took- IfUTltT hu lowl up or you bilo fMt ThoundJ pr.! Blk-Dr.olh Km. . Mr.. RT MuUln erf Lfj. Ark. -uy huiUnd nd I both to ThJofortTl Bl.ok-Dr.uht od UnA tt iomiTrroin thu eotdltlotL" With Sui noth (I'M br ohUdrMi. mrm good rwulu." BLACK-DRAUGHT I 38 th- Series of Stock : of the HAYWOOD HOME BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ens Op October 1st 25c PER SHARE TAX FREE DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A HOME? If So, We Arc Ready To Discuss A Loan Willi You. IF YOU WANT to start a saving account there is no better way than the WILDING AND LOAN WAY. DIRECTORS lu M S. H. J. R. R. L. E. J. C. N. W. II J. W O. H. , Richeson Bushnell Boyd PREVOST Hyatt Allen . Burgin Killian Ray Shelton Haywood Home Building and Loan Association OFFICES IN MORGAN, STAMEY AND WARD BUILDING R. L. PREVOST, President. E. J. HYATT, Vice-President S. H. BUSHNELL, Secy-Treas. 7 PHONE 263-J JERRY LINER, Owner LAKE JUNALUSKA, N. C.