THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1936 THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNTAINEER Future Farmers Elect Officers T"-e Smoky Mountains National Parii Chapter Future Farmers of America at their bi-monthly meet- :m recently elected the following ortuers: president, Davis Galloway; vije nresident, Joe Calhoun ; secretary, ' H a rold Francis; treasurer, i Willie Harrold Francis; treasurer, Willie Mehatfey, (second- term) executive mini it tee. Lenard Leatherwood, Rob- . rt Underwood, anl Billie Boyd ; ;e- i ;irter. Jack Rabb. A program of work is partly set up, but the paramount undertaking just now is the fathers and sons banquet to be held Thursday evening, October i::h, A prominent state official will be the main speaker and other prom inent state official have accepted invitations. Announcement of the speaker will be made later. This vear's banquet bids fair to surpass the one last year. Over sixty boys are enrolled in the course this year, including thirty freshmen. Initiation of the new members to the degree of Greenland will take place in the near future. An inovation for the " department this year is a news sheet, to be gotten out every two weeks. The "paper" is designed to give timely, interesting and worthwhile information and will be distributed through the pupils in high school. No Trespassing notice for sale at the .Mountaineer office. 4-H Club Member Reviews Course Taken In Camp During the first week of September there was a camp held at Greystone near High Point, for the purooe of pr.Miiotinsr the idea of Wild Life and Soil Conservation. In this camp we learned that there i aie many things that are frien.ij to' man. that I did not know ve:e friends to man. The first of these friend we may consider are the birds. They are a hep to the farmer . in many way; ; They eat many insects during the ear. n it were not for the birds the fanner's crops would bo completely destroyed. Many hawks have to suf fer for what the others do. There ie only one specie of hawks which is harmful to the farmer. This specie is the Darter. There are two of these Darters, the Sharp Shank and Cooper hawks. They do almost as much good as they do harm. Other hawks pick up rat and mice whkh are very destructive to the farmer. The second helpers are the snakes. There are more snakes that are help ful to the farmer than are harmful. The snakes catch insects, frogs, and rats. A person can easily recognize the poisonous snakes by the round pupa in his eye. A non poisonous snake should never be killed. There are some useful insects such as the honey bee. There are insects which feed upon insects which do harm to the farmer's crops. All in- COMMITTEE SAYS N. C. SUPREME COURT IS OVERWORKED A committee of eight members re ported last week that work of the five members of the North Carolina Supreme Court has increased 100 per cent since and that each mem ber now writes an average of 100 opinions a year, which according to the report, more than should be expected of rive men. The commit tee favors the proposed amendment to the constitution to add two new members to the ourt. sects are classed into two groups. thAse that suck for food, and those that secure food by chewing. We rind that another very important friend of man is the tree. It gives us shelter, food, paper, and clothing. If it were not fcir the trees we. could not live. If all of these things that I have just mentioned are so much help to man we must care and protect them. The best ways that I learned at camp to care and protect our farmers are as follows: First, terracing, by means of terracing you can bold the water and keep it from washing the soil away. Second, strip cropping, this is planting different crops in one field, some close growing crops. Third, by rotation of crops. Another way we can hold our land is by means of re foresting. We can keep young tim ber growing in place of the old; this helps to hold the water back. I found out at camp by protecting our lands and forests we also protect our wild life. By I.INWOOD McELROY, Clyde 4-H Club Member. Society Beauty to Wed Actor m j4 -frV-' vitV '. -. "JiV JK? X vy.:- Wir- t Henry Fonda Mr. George T. Brokaw Names of a prominent New York society leader and a young Holly wood nctor, are linked romantically In news from Paris following the announcement of an engagement between Mrs, George T. Bro kaw and Henry Fonda. Mrs. Brokaw. the former Frances Seymour, and the romantic screen actor are shown above. For Printing That Satisfies Phone 137 Night Footbal Be Played (Special to The Mountaineer. The Canton Black Bears will open their li3t football schedule with Black Mountain Friday night in the first game of night football ever played in this section. The Canton field has been equipped with flood lights and a record crowd is expected to witness this game. The game will get under way at 7:M0. ThU will be the first appearance of a Canton team coached by C. C. IVindexter. He coached at Way nesville high three years and a large turnout of Waynesville fans are ex- ........ v.. .. ...... r first edition of the Black Bears. Coach I'oindexter faces a difficult task rebuilding the Canton line as practically ali last year's linemen graduated. Most of the fifty can didate,; working out daily under the watchful eye of Coach IVindexter are light and inexperienced. The Canton schedule follows: September 25 (night) Black Moun tain, at Canton. October 2 (night) Bryson City, at Canton. October 9 (uight) Swannanoa, at Canton. October D Mars Hill, there. October 2;?, (night) Biltmore, at Canton. Octuber .'U, Christ School, there. November ti, Hendcrsonville, at Canton. Novembei 13, Marshall, there. November 20, Waynesville, there. I nanKsgivmg ( penning ; neie. aywood County o air Sept, 29-Oct 3- Agricultural' Educational Industrial With Many Features of Entertainment S Big Days Mfy Q) J and Nights Qy J feyston A ....' bXDOS ita hows on LATEST SHOWS THRILLING RIDES MINSTRELS MANY NEW AND ADDED ATTRACTIONS ACTS Twice Daily Every Member Of The Family Will Enjoy Every Minute Of The Five Big Days and The Five Big Nights of Haywood's Greatest Show The 3rd Annual County Fair. This lFFBiig est Event of the Yar 1. . i EXHIBITS OF EVERY NATURE OVER $450.00 IN PREMIUMS