I The Waynesville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY NO. 40. WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1936 VOL XLV1" jork Underway On Hazelwood's New Presbyterian Ch. Pay As You Build" Plan Adopt (d Bv Building Committee. Site And Brick Donated ic ,k on the Hazelwood Presbyte : ,hurcn got underway a week ui much progress has been mad or the building which is be- t bm!t " n the corner of Main and Bilam streeis. . building is being built on a The site was do T.i'.l .r11 L ,ir r ltd J. Us .,rv:civ on the surveying. ' The brick fol the building is being .'. . Tv, m Rtk mpmnna 'iraSt1 t'V lllf JViiii .... fm ,f Raleigh. The building will be y.iy got hie style. T'i, ati-litoriam will he 50 by 400 , V ,n, will seat 200 peoole. The rvS capacity can be enlarged by v'nj folding doors ' which lead j-v-Ti The auditorium. ' Tnti Sunday school building is 32 by ;, ' Tin- first floor will be de "..,'.! ',- department for beginners, rv;Tiarv junior and intermediate pu- ly. The second floor will be Tor me jjvjr,- ,.0pU and fellowship hall. ' ji,," fellowship hall can accommo ,iaU' H " people at tables. "The work is not being contracted, u. in charge of a building commit. W composed of W. B. Winchester, 3 ? Shields. R. G. Gaddis, and 0. C. Land'uni. A foreman is in charge o' actual construction, and all ma 'riV 'w 'beinir paid for as pur-cha-ed. using the slogan: "Pay as we Quite a hit of free labor is Bf,; on the building. beinsr Florida Visitor Is Impressed With This Area, Coming Back W. T. Rororein, President Of Telephone Company In Tam pa. Sees Great Future For Section '."Ihave been greatly impressed with the prospect for agricultural end tourist development in this section, and have noticed marked improve ment? since my last trip throngh kre many years ago," stated V. T. Erorcin. of Tampa, who has spent the past two months here. Speakintr at length of the richness of the valleys and coves of this sec tion, of the farms he had visited, and of the many products that can be ?wn to such perfection here, ne toiKhH on the tourist development, stating, '-While I would advise that you do everything to entertain your p'Jfsts. and I am greatly impressed with the spirit of cordiality that pie vail? here. I think that the building of jrreat tourist hotels in this section ; would 'destroy much of t'ne charm of your small hotels and their atmos phere of personal hospitality." "I have visited many mountains in this cnuntry and in Europe, but r.ever -'have I seen more attractive or bfau 'tiful hills than here. I think of the development of the park will mean tiore to Waynesville than to any other fwn in the surrounding territory, and 'rat the President's visit here will ve much to do with its completion 'i the r.ear future,'' he continued. Mr, Brorein is a native of the northwestern part of Ohio,: and mov fd to Tampa 36 years ago, where he tffanized the Peninsula Telephone Companc, of which he is president. " is one of the largest independent ephone companies in the country, '-li IS exchanges, serving Tampa wd the surrounding section, withiu a fadtus 0f 75 milee. He is also presi dent of the Florida Fair, which ranks fourth in size of its kind in the wuntry. Mr. Brorein now plans to return to "aynesville next summer. Haywood pastors to meet I The Haywood County Preachers' - -v.airun win resume us Kguw Monthly meetings with its meeting at Wke Jlinsilliclia k,.V. 4 rn A a tt tpt. 'un. V.IIU11.1I, Jliuil'ii.j , . l t 10 a. m. All pastore of all de nominations are cordially invited to a"w,d. . . . . T. G. HIGHFILL, Sec. Harry HYATT QUITE ILL Harry Hyatt was quite ill at the "a5"wood County Hospital late yester ai7 afternoon, but his condition was aid to be satisfactory. He is suffer- ? from an attack of appendicitis. Today's Market . The following cash prices were be f paid Wednesday by the Farmers ration here: it-kens, benw wlrM l.Pn . ..12c Lcken. fryers . 7. ......... -.12t ...25c .$1.10 ..$1.10 ilr bushel . Young Boy Tells Breaking Window And Is Rewarded With Ice Cream There is at least one honet boy in Waynesville one that would rival even George Washing ton himself. Monday afternoon a little tiglr.-year-old school boy attempted to throw an apple over The Moun taineer building, His throw was a little ,:hoi't, and his apple cra-h-ed through a window on the ;ec ond story into the offices uf Mor gan, Stamey and Ward. S. H. Bushnell, secretary-treasurer of the Haywood Building and Loan Association, who also has an office on the second floor of the building, looked nut and in quired as to what was the matter, the little boy answered: "I'm the one who broke your window. 1 tried to throw an apple over Un building, - and it went into the Window instead." The little fellow made no at tempt to get away, but instead, -duntoerod to meet Mr. Morgan at live to see about the class. True to hi word, the little fel low was at Mr. Morgan's ollice- TO OPEN JEWELRY STORE . k. ni.Mi.i:K Jewelry Store Will Be Opened Here Next Ten Days Chandler and Company, credit jewel- i ers, a new mm, win oe ui""' v- ' ' during the rcxt ten days, i uey ... be located in the store on ( hurcn street, formerly occupied by 'Join Davis. W. K. Chandler, of Asheboro, the owner and manager, has had exten sive experience in repair work. A high class of mercnandise willUe carried, with diamonds and watchee as their main line. Mr Qhandler has recently been connected with a firm of credit jew eler in Asheboro, and when asked whv he selected Waynesville, he said: "I 'have traveled all over this part ot the state from Spruce Pine to Mur for a trood locution to open a business and tm, town look ed to me to be the most progressive one I visited." Work On Armory To With- in Next Ten Days W E Brecse. district WPA admin istrator, told The Mountaineer ye S?.y that work on he two armo ries in Haywood county-at Paynes ville and Canton wouiu . gw wav within the next ten da;s Mr Breese did not snow jn-v Snskilled rtrorier-il! cost .bout $32,000 . each, and are oemg nossible bv the co-operation of Hay wood ounty. the two towns, and WPA The county and towns are putting up half of the funds, and W PA trie re mtrdeBreese told The : Mountaineer that he waV just as happy W see the ?CI tffit not in default "Waynesville; armory, will pany. COTTON PICKERS SCARCE, . , -. j rotton n ckers ry me .'"y r-r j a lower Mississippi. fte-sK-high as 3,000 pickers in a day. Truth About not at five o clock, Dut at iour- thirty. Hi was making sure he wouldn't be late. While waiting for Mr. Morgan, in walked (ieorge H. Ward, owner of the building, and when he learned of the incident, and the way the little fellow acted, he admired him for his courage in admitting that he broke the glass, and sent the little heart-broken fellow on his way with enough nionev to buy ice cream- provid-. ed In- wash the teaiv from his eyes. The little fellow hesitated at length before taking the money but after having it thrust upon him went his way. just as happy as an eight-year-old boy could bo and thanking Mr. Ward from the bottom uf 'his. heart. When the little boy left.' Mr. Ward instructed Miss Sylln l'avis and Mr. Bushnell to buy a new window glass and pay for it-as the paper went to press, the glas had not been rcpla i d rhas. A. Jonas To Speak In C anton Saturday Night Republicans Plan To Have Large Crowd To Hear ISalionai Committeeman Cnir;v- - Jonas, national .omioit iiS of the Republic- .m-na eonimittee. will address i r Mr. Jonas is y" ' ".'; ...... . . .. . i.i , i.n:. in this sv.iit and ..,i,l,..s in ( anton Saturday imim. of the highlichtf to be om 'f th,. ore-ent campaign for the ive- is expected to public u .Mr. .loiiat of the M'W give in i..ti. Ins versiiM. Deal. A. T. Warn o. y- (,,untv chairman, of "KnK Kepuldi-i- vP.utive committee c.f tnt r u-..,.iivi e. " i . iritr.i. lli-l' .Ml. .hm... CaSt' oiher speaker, ready addressed audiences have al io Canton, ..r CotnrilaV S and those in n-. aU meeting lee I x.. ,ily. ii,,,rium night is h- The meeting Sau .. yn g (,( un Jng siionsored b tin M SUlij.n Club of j ;,a-nil Ceier, of Ca".lon' ' o,P'ul)liean ( lob Tbe Umlon Young vc Mrs. James Messor, 1 76, Buried unaay held at 3:30 at the White Oak Last rites were ctnndiiv afternoon church for Mrt the 2'.th. -ervi.-es nT1 saturoa.v iucted by Rev. Mnei -'V- were cum ser. Pallbearers were .las per Brock. Hannah, Way in '!nrm a- cd ' bv her . m.... nd four son nusbana jaoies .... . , , IaW Ceasar link iif .wn it 1 ew.;.hM s fioohia Parker, tj ffi'wrker; of South Caro.imi 1 Tnve ( reek, and 38 grandchildren, 10 great gra-kh.l-dren. -.: . . vtc u i- FIRST GAME The New York Giants took the first game of the world series by a score of 8 to 1 from the New - York Yankees. The Giants traded behmd until the 7th inning when they rallied to make four runs. Each team got a home run in the opening g ame. All game, will be played in New York, and the Yankees are favored to win the series. C MP A IGN I NTKREST G AINED The presidential campaign gained momentum as both major .Poiiticah parties entered a week of intensive activity. President Rooseve t is ex pected to make a major politicial ad dress tonight at Pittsburg. , ; KILLED WHEN CAR TURNS 0 EK Charles Boggs, 1. 35. - of Henderson ville, was instantly killed when his car turned over. Four other occu pants of the car were seriously hurt. NEW DEAL TO PACE TEST New Deal labor legislation heads for a final test next week when the United States Supreme Court 'opens a new term during which it will be caPed upon to outline the scope of government authority in enacting laws for the benefit of wage earners. I Brief News Items j Speaks In Canton M- .V A TO 1 1 Senator Bailey Will Open Campaign www i v k r j i i l i rn 1a In Hay wood I'ai-kcd House Al ( anion llih School Kxpi'Ctcd To Hear Senator Praise New Deal Preser.l indii-alions are thai every seat in the Canton 'High School audi torium will be taken tonight at eight o'clock when Senator Josiah . Hailey formally ripens tne . llenio. ra( in cam paign in this county w ith one of his famous .pee. lies on the New Deal. llave II. Harris, who is. in charge. of arrangements, .said that the ( anion German band would provide music for the occasion, and that all Uem- ocralic "candidates would lie seated on the platform with the speaker. Besides the', candidates will bo T. I,. Hramlctt, 'chairman of the Hay woo. I County... Kxecutive -ommttee, and Jerry Rogers, president of trie Hay wood Young Democratic club. Marshalls named for the meeting are as follows :. C. .1. McCracken, Canton, M. K Swearingen, Waynesville, Captains. Hugh I.t-atherwood, Jack Messor, Have Calw, Caroline Allison, Mrs. Doyle Alley, all. of Waynesville, Lv C. Hall, Kltner (Isloiine, I'aul Murray, ('. 1-1. Cole, . Kdwin Haynes. Way kinsland, Mrs. .'.-. A. Goglmrn, Miss A'irginia Hryum, all of ('anton. II. W, Xoland. C. K. Hnnvn, Sidney Haynes, Mrs. Hill Harris, Miss Vivian Haynes. all of Clyde. Hugh Hogers, Cralitroe, ('has. M (jury, Fines ( reek, Hiram Green, Fines ( reek, K. H. Hickman, I'igeon, Ceo. Stamey, Pigeon, Hen Wright, White Oak. Senator I'.aik-y will be an honored gin-t-t at tin- Lake Logan Lodge late Thursday aft'-rnoon for supper. From there he will go to. .Cantm. There is a possibility that he: will spend the night in Canton Thursday nitrht, as he is scheduled to make an addvi-ss in Murphy Friday night, and in lirevard Saturday night. . GORKI) BY BI LL Perry Hankinson, 51, df Aiken, S. ("., was gorc-d to death by a bull last Sunday.. BOYS AND GIRLS GIVE $150 Six boys and girls, farmers of Conodrdia, Mo., have contributed $150 of their earnings to a campaign for the re-election of President Roosevelt. They said: "We are send ing this $25 each as a token of ap preciation of President Roosevelt's interest in our welfare." STORK DERBY N EARING CLOSE The Toronto stork derby is fast coming to an end, and on two unborn babies depend the fate of the unique fortune 0f $500,000 left by the eccen tric Charles . Vance Miller to the mother bearing the most children in ten years after his death. Three mothers have registered ten babies each. and the two 1 expectant mothers nine each. One of the ex pectant mothers claims he will have twins. N EW H EADS OF LEGION Harry W. Colmery, of Tnpeka. Kans., an attorney, and Mrs. O. W. Hahn, of Wayne, Neb., were elected national commanders of the American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary, respectively, at Cleveland. Tonight At Eight - i t - " Vi: i .lost ll W. II All I V Willi Address ionium Possibility That The Senior Sen ator Will Visit Plat Creek Sect ion This A ft ernoon A large inimber of friends, hand Monday morning" to g ator Josiah W. HaiU-y as hi we'e on eet Sen stopped route to here for a few minutes en. Newfound Can, ("lingnnm's Dome and other points in the paik. Tne senior senator of North Caro lina went into the court room where Judge. Felix K, Alley was holding the September, term of civil court. Within a few -'minutes Judge Alley adjourned court in order that those engaged in court matters could talk with Mr. Bailey, Mr, Bailey toured the park Monday afternoon, and spent the night, at (iiillinburg He was accompanied here from Asheville l.y A. Hall .John son,. Pat Hunlette. and K. C. Greene. .Joining the party ne 'e fur. the trip into the park were Charles K. Ita.v ;md Mr. N'ee.lham (if the National Park Service. Senator- Bailey rev 'quested. that" Mr. Needham point out different points of interest oil the trip into the park. At. Newfound 'Gap J. Ros F.akin. siiperinlenilent if the park, met the party and ac companied Senator' Bailey to Cling- man s Dome and then to (.atlinlnirg. j Present plans are to get Senator Hailev to come here today, and take a trip , into the F'at Creek area, and t 'i. t: over to the camp at Lake LoL'an where he will have supper wilh a small group of friends before going to Canton t0 make the address at eight o'clock. The Senator has an . important ad dress to -'deliver in New York on the eighth, and it . might be that he will spend Tnursday afternoon in Ashe ville working on his address instead of making the dip into the "most Ixautiful section of the park." While here Monday morning, he expressed himself as wanting to get all first hand information possible about the park in 'order that he rould do all that he could towards getting the park completed. He was delighted with the trip info the park, and told those in the party that he would do all he could to get what was needed in this area. Senator Bailey will be used in prac tically every state during the next thirty days by the National Demo cratic committee in campaigning for the re-election of President Roose velt. He is considered one of the most loyal supporters of the New Deal, and according to political ob servers, is one of "President Roose velt's favorite Senators." Mr. Bailey said he was coming back to the park area and spend considerable time in traveling to the many points "nt. interest. This was his first trip into the park, although' he has been in this section many times before. JUNIfRS TO MEET IN BREVARD BrevatirJ will be host to a district meeting of tr.e members of the Junior Order United American Mecanics on Friday afternoon and night, and it is expected that a number from the local lodge will attend. s-TEAl-S GRANDMOTHER'S COW A young Statesville negro is in jail charged with stealing a valuable cow from hip grandmother. He not only 1" tole the ammai, dut. soio ner ior -. Heavy Rains Play Havoc With Open ins Days Of Fair Organized (iroups Have Splendid Exhihits. Few Individuals Entered Farm Exhibits The continued dry weather of last summer, and the continued downpour of rain here Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, played havoc on tbe opening davs ot the third annual Haywood County Fair, which is leing, held on the old Band Mill lot. on the Dcllwood road. The summer drought caused agn- ctiltural exhibits to he cut to a scarce few. wnile the rain Tuesday night Hooded the exhibition tents under twelve inches of water above the temporary (louring. The tun late Wednesday afternoon was welcomed with stniUv from the semes of show people who were drenched through and through. Some ,,f the show people explained that Tuesday mgnt's lain wis t:i wvit tl.ey had ever cxpci e-noed, hi poiiited to their matt ress.y alio biles of clothes drying in the sun. With fair ' weather the remain ler ,.f the week, fair officials aie lu.peful of c(ualhiig last vein's cat - receipts. Two liee a ts are being staged daily, which is a high jump by Cap ..,;' ll-.rr.s iilio iunms from a ('.0-foot ladder into a net. Tomorrow will be one of the big days of tne fair. It will be livestock day, with exhibits 'of dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep and swine. It will also be school children day, and all pupils, when identified bv teachers will In admitted free. Saturday will be horse and mule day. While there w a conspicuous ab sence of individual exhibits, the .organized groups and agencies HI the county made a creditable show ing. At the center ot the entrance in tne exhibit building is the exhibition of ill., licllli department, which would be a credit to a state fair, in its de tailed anil complete illustration of the work under its administration. The projects f the four 4-11 t tuns in the count V, representing a memlM-t- ship of .'00 hovs and girls ot the coun ty was an outstanding exhibit. In t'nis connection the calf projects will be exhibited on Friday. I here ap peared to be much interest in the, awarding of the prizes in this group. The exhibit of the WPA sewing room, representing !H women from the sewing rooms of Waynesville, Cruso. Cecil, Clyde, Canton, and Ha zelwood, came in for much attention, both as to the variety of article and the excellent manner in which they were made. One garment singled out was a small boy's suit, made out of a fertilizer sack, at tne cost of 20 cents. The Future Farmers of Amen ar had a display, t hat showed practically everything that can b-- grown in t . county, with very good sp-cii'iens of each variety.' This ha been -in unu sual year for tbe growing of pump kin.., if those shown in this exhibit are an mdicat ion. Two excellent exhibits in t(.- Live At Home contest were ytaed by .Mrs, Fred Henry and Mrs. I'rar-k Leopard, ..bowing vegetables, meats, fruits, and dairy products. In the County Home Dcnionst ration booth was a model farm, and a large display of canned vegetables, fruits, and meats, which are entered in the canning contest. The Havwoixl (ounty Soil ( onser vation and Land Use Association had a splendid exhibit . illustrating erosion control and better farm methods, with their slogan. "As the Soil, So the People." above the bootn. C. N. Allen & ( ompanv had a dis play of the furniture made bv the Unagusta Manufacturing Company, which would have been a credit to anv show. Martin "Electric - Company had a display that had strong appeal to the farm women, with the washing ma chine, korosonil refrigerator, .De.lcp lighting system for farms, and the electric pump, to supply the water from the springs. Bovd Furniture Company also has a creditab'e exhibit. Among the women's work, was also interesting exhibits by the adult edu cation group in the county and the N. Y. L. Club, a group of the girle of the community. Of special attraction was tne dis play of the Land O' The Sky Co-operatives. Thev had on their shelves cans of everything canned in this sec tion, with Mr. L. B. Staples in charge to explain. Last year the products from the cannery here, went into 11 states, with as many as 8 return or ders, without a single turned down shipment. There were charts show ing the production per acreage on some of the areas planted m this .ounty. The Weather Max Min. Wednesday SO 60 Thursday 74 45 Friday - 71 40 Saturday 76 43 Sunday 80 1 4S Monday 83 55 Tuesday 80 CO :at, bmshel

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