Paxe t AY, OCTOBER 8, 1936 . . A li foes Chapel School TJhinehart began a revival vanning comet-is ponoreu o in tt. lhc , .. tVi James Cnapei extrusion sfnice wun iinzrs ueinj; jv this l'e.K . e crabtree section ' offered by a large canning company, noufe' in Rev jr. Rhine- has come to a close in Haywovd coun-i'1- rouni- vv ... i ,u.,- u.., Hs pvival at the t-rauvree ly. ni Mit coiucm, incuiurio in in'iinr "n clo-ta , three weeks ago, with Demonstration clubs txniDi!ei 0nc J'.jft thur h.nverts and fifty-three quart jar 0f string beans and a quart Z-S-'-1' . ri.h bv baptism. During of soup mixture, thechurcn u, Rhine ,,-:.,.. : ,, ' . two weens, w ----- winner been holding revival f.erv" follows: teas tet"j i ripllwood. . : Chapei, iic" ,;,,, rir.i: mjss .naie C.'" i nnvtnne Will lvnuw - " L revival - " c , .nidation : '; veral days Canning Contest : Winners Given ntest were James. Fines follow -.,." ..,r .:, ,-,a of a Sunday c..m(. Mrs. Mark Fenrus. n. Fine Creek club, $2.00. Third: Mrs. C. L. Alien, Allen' Creek club. Fourth: Mi Creek club. Fifth: Mrs. R Creek c ub. Sixth: M dam club. Seventh: Miss .We.-sie Wrisrh. F.ea vei'dam club. otn at James , .v,;,.Vi is tnree nines . ..-hot", - '!!f'v: neareet church. w was elected superin- T. F. irZ Hannah assistant dfst, U-nt of tne Sunday school. Read The Ads Beware tougns rom common .uiurt That Hang On .. . munv medicines you , dam c 9 TO tar your cough, chest coia .. Sec ..,- tried i-.,-- vnu can Eet re- ,,., Swnchlai ileomlusion. Seriou9 lief n be brewing ana you can- iut"i Tin take a chance wiui :., afford to ias.e ",,,. which ftro trouble toes ne," - tn cnothe ana neai ure C. S. Green 0. Allen. Fines Alien's Paul Ki'l'inson. F.taver- J MQT11IC W PdmembranMWS- m fS Xr remeSes have failed. nKfs?ouraged;your druggist is jut be discourag sion wthon?!?,, S money if you are not W 10 i "rith rVsults from the very nra, satisfied ?imu slonrightnow. CAdv.) fcitue.-"v"v" In the other ontest the entries consisted of 1 quart jar each i f meat, vesrt'tables. and fruit. i Winners in this contest were: First: Mrs. Paul Robinson, Beaver- I lu:. cond: Mrs. V. V. Ketm r, l'e.l- wood club. ' Third: Mrs. Lloyd Kovis, Bertvenjam club. Fiurtn: Mrs. Hailey Reno, bea verdain club. Fifth: Mis. Tom Hipps, Beaverdam dub. ,. , Sixth: Mrs. Frank Henry, pel-. wood club. Seventh: Mrs C. S. C.ieen, bines Creek club. Th ".e til's' three wir.neiv in the Kerr -n..,. w,vrPville Firemen Look After Your Interest l ni-oc V .... . IT 4 L,w. Wnen iou nae -v i nc. 0. h BKlGGschief H H. CLARK, Asst. ( h I KKKI.EY. Driver. Paul Young Walter " Mehaff.j, Paul Walker Bradford Mthaftey John West ( !em. Fiteruld John Boyd Francs Mass.e Hub Burnett (- V- HlU Will Strange Bill Cole Sam Cane J H. WAY, Treasurer Belief Funds. THIS COMMUNITY SHOULD BE PROUD OF THESE 11 ... .... L.PI)V ("K This Insurance Agency Looks After r T a 4- T) iwn orrl AiTPl l our lnieresi dciuc auu 'u HAPPEN BE SAFE Kb iahli i ' . IMTI T?C! PROBLEMS The L. N. Davis Company INSURANCE RE AL ESTATE' RENTALS BON I)S ... . it t rr t TT 4 .-7 -!!'.; KsrJS.'iil .tor b i Vitd.. FrSev. NBC Blue Nemork ALL-WEATHER Topstna THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Behind Scenes at World Series fc X ,w RETURN HERE AFTER SEVENTEEN YEARS Mr. nd Mrs. Oscar N'ornis and ,i i,t Mildred Norris, who r i.. ;jj tiw -iinntv. who iormri iv i"' "" : now make their home in Harrington. Wash., are spending several week IK in the county "voting friends and rel atives. This i6 the first trip Mr. and Mrs. Norris have made to Haywood in seventeen years. Work ot Meteor Society The American Meteor iocletj col lects reports of tlif appearances of Inr-e nifieiTS In the Bill Terry " This ptu.-t.' "'"s .in.! -I" Mll:'' ,.,k;, ,.f..:! . . h ., .,. Kli Joe Met :uthy " iv.i TM pilot of llie N-w .YoiU s, Ties. Terry Ji. retir.l as a 1 in- WARNING! Don't wait until the snow flies before you have your overcoat cleaned and pressed. Phone 205 Today and our driver will call for it. t y t Funeral For Young j Davis 15oy is neiu Funeral service w;re ludd f Master Howard Rave I'.'y.s r i i ,1,1V afternoon t . l leon Hapttt clnircli o n. S,.Wices were conducted by Kex J V. Duvis. ,f ,,. , railbearcrs were: ".lie r.. Hunter. V.ncen Jenkins, aim r. M-'"''- . ' ,.,,( v He died in tne. ua - - Hospital. He was taken ta in. -pital Monday nibt, and d.ed W edju s day nfternoon. . M ,. He l- survived y ni '" . ... , ii two lltt U and Mrs. VMKie ... ''";" ". sisters. Eva Maye ana viu.u- : ...4. ...ii hi irivin i j"-- 'HI 1 1 .'11 lill Will LI. i .iu 1. i ne nix p.'"" . , ... in the .tate contest to -e. j in Ualeiirh Octooer m ', i" are as. follows.:.. . First: $20 ;. second: i""" "' fourth: $:i; fifth': $2. . State prizes in tne seio,.,, ....... . are $2.0, $12, $10, and $8. ., . . i c....;,.nirirh win fiivt Vindaoean - . nlace in the contest for 4-H C ub g .s and will receive ii.uu as urp , . , . this contest, and first place in the Canning Kecon. e. ... ... lect DOOK , J, , i.r i. Uo M,.nnt to Me, has 1 ' i . 'V. ...... ...i in ,he been sent to Kawrgn io ; State and .National . .... teel . ... f,.,.,ns lor Its steel In India won the days of Alexander u:r ...... Mrs. t'lifford Wriirnt, operative case, is uiipmvinir. Mr Howard Wvatt. who -has undiM-- troiie an operation, is very ill. Mr. Connie Fowler, of Clyde, who ..,.ir.....ii.r from ininries received ill an acciiient, is some hitter. Mr alive . Ed Mauney," of Canton, oper case, is rot-line; fairly well. Lady', Painful Trouble Helped By Cardui rchy ao BO many , 7 nui for the relief of fuiicUoniJ pains at monuuy uuim - - that they want results such as Mrs. thai uiey n.vrin. Taa. Herbert w.nunw , -t , describes. She writes: My heaiin Stgood. I suffered from crainp Intlj wW woul d M inunw It would . I would Just Srg nound, naust me. I ,u'a J, My mothtr do- the peine dlneppee-r'd 1 cn t I pre J d Miss Kobbie Fowler, of HllilT, is fairly cvmfortahle. followinj; an operation. Mrs. .1. C. I'aikett. of l.uck, oper ative rase, is improving. 1 l M 1 .... nf Cll tlliHl I! ,.), l . I . .'1 . II. . ,11 . .. resting well, following an operation. The eoridition of Mrs. VV. M. Hill of Clyde,, is better. DIM IIAKliM' Mr, Koy Di'.V. Miss Ruby Towers. Mr. Andy Hannah. Mrs. tirant rressneii. Mr. Noah 'Francis.-. Miss Bessie Brown, Mr. Andv Warren. Mr. Jack Medford. Mr. Spurpeon SheKon. Miss Billy Wise. minus i.Mr. and Mrs, I.loyd Moser, of Cove Creek, announce the biith if a daughter, on (ht. 1st. Mr. and Mrs. .lames .Moore, an nounce the birth of a son, on Oct. C.t H. Mr. and Mrs. I.owry .lames, of ("lvde, announce, the birth if a son, on Oct., lit h. COME SEE THE REAL ' we sell at Ask to see Speedway PHONE 52 ABEL'S GARAGE SAI.KS'AI MODERN SHOE REPAIRING The most modern equipment, and expert workmen assure the better repairing of your shoes thriftily. No Matter How Difficult The Job May Seem, It Will Be Simple For Us. THE CHAMPION SHOE SHOP Next to Western Union FINES CUKKK 1 EM)S IN Jl IXJINti ..... ........... . 'Mil.. I.' 1 ll iii.m i-.n i , i in i. i .mi . '"The vocational. aL'TiiiHu.c hoys of Fines C, . i k. inade a clean sweep in the livi.s'ock iudritiL' contesl at m llnvwoml County Fair. The .-, team .iiii'mosdd of I.v!e Nidand, Frank Katiilione, and .lack Bramlctt, madi 1(10 per .I'll! in the judjr.injr of a clas f l,i..,..lini' lieef eatt'e and a class o l.i,.,., liner wirie.' 1'hev took first uvnml and third prizes in both I rl :t hit S.ei- d inde-ine- contest Boyd Hannah won first on wheat. Frank l?at . .(inc won fcconi tuace on so l,..:.ns and fifth place in the tola score of alt 'seeds. Malaria in 3 ilnyH Colds lirst day lleailuche, 30 ml IJqulil. Talilelw. Salve, Nose IrM.- Tr "Jiib-M.v-Ti'"" Hrla s ie liniment (566 ;I.U '- Mre Keep a Good Laxative always in your homo Among the necessities of hotna to gooTrellable laxaUve Don't b. witoout onel Do your best to pre- JiTcon.tlp.tlon. Don't gl, H wt-n SDrTugM f7Jlar. ana .ound ought to h.T. in their home." WU Draught tor blUouo. lr ,uw ; Draught glTM good reUU- BLACK-DRAUGHT SEND VOl K LAUNDKY AM) 1KY CLEANINCI TO Waynesville Laundry, Inc. 1MIONE 205 Mv nim is to throw BETTER LIGHT on how to have a lot more HAP PIN Ebb in your homes----by the way, djcxx LIGHT always makes nome a brighter HAPP1KK piac I nil' iiiT Etec THRIFT is Ri ' . v:v, HAPPIER Dlace when and other tasks and pastimes easier. Tb. -ellef from eyestrain which BETTER UGirTpro- ., .., every member of the family io u " impaired vision and often to. wvere physical d.s comforts. Take ELEC THRIFT'S advice and enjoy BETTER LIGHT in your home! (380) 18 Cash Prizes-Get Full Dtailsoday ! ... ui rtotnir.g io Nothing to buy l NKInir to lubmit in conipstltion! iniormauun ----- Carolina Power and Light Co. t. IN. Alien aim v,u. IIAZELWOOD, N. C, Ma ies Dept LtV-U nwww ' ; - - -.-. qtu AIMNIVFRSARY SAL Continues on through next weelWitlr outstanding valu throughout The Entire Store.