Waynesville Mountain s tu rrnt Smoky Mountains National FaTK In Th ft, of Hay "JZfZ NO. 43. ECOND YEAR 'Try At Home First" Campaign In Com- munity tfemg auigeu remittees Named, And VrRed To (iet Campaign Underway U Earliest Possible Date ,. a meeting of merchants of thi-, A Tuesday n ght, it was etc- 'Tno fo-tdth plans -llr' VJTvear n the staging of a V it Home Fast" campaign, from lr' li the Chnstmas holidays unt'' .1-- named to ca i out iMinmiiH-" ,.,. m. and in- sVventottob, nn- m,diately.onu-Tr:r of ti- .renewal cono""""' v . u-1 11 L.i Mrt.in. Mrs; Jack M?b- - 1 ,t 1 W Kay , Sri- Ray, P-ident , rAmmnw last v .he ChaniDer m ri I This committee met an, ma; ''' -.mm.ndat on, which we vrmai :-"" , . . nweXm 01 a .iirl" " ,,n"nf merchant, ml r.iu-esenta.i.nc fc.-r -V.-Vsonal men. !" ... nave a series of speak l tere all of the clubs orations in the ..immunity i..w w th lromg be- ucationai " e ,.,. .u.,1- a series of conte --'VTT1 viSland K 1" J 1 1 n,. 11.111 II. c MpRride was '"" w . .vertising copy wn.cn n X'nant's committee commr-ed . .. , m,..,.;,, Mrs. Lawrence (,ici-n, paiiiwiiv" fMr the committees ,lT.!t,Bto:U?.n.. that ;na;r0dennagrgmerchaynd,se by mail that there s notning K'"v"- , . lin(,th The merchants discussed at 1 ength the fact that presort stocks m Wa .esMlle weie laiger nd or X. Plt-t than at any time b n nt vphts and also, that tne pi cities. WAYNKSVll.l.K, N. C. TM KSUVY, IHTOHKK Both ConMerorVicJxtJu $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY sts will i - v - Sw..k --f . t ; -Sir k u SL 4m, - ' 14tl x.w -w ivssr a , g I . . ii I III l M I MHN - - I lElection Officials Expect i n nnn Vntps To Be Cast ivvvv v In Haywood Next Tuesday It Ain't Right " Democrats Confident W t.eums Majority Will Over Three Thousand In C ounty a short time ago, a mer- of this eiiiiimuiiuy 1 citizen . coming out ot tht otl-yc with a parcel P't under .his a'lii. iri their imiUial 1 nennsii.',. both -toni-ied ' inoniem n- l nHHlinp of the day. Thc c.t.i, had a package . - ..... 1'ivnt limltT l'1 , whi,h lie had just i). 1 llns tacK.ine wiuHuiiH- wind. . i,vn';;;ihi: ... i ..i.,.,!iF had on hi.- V(. at the same pi u ' . ;1S1" a shxrf time .hefon vhant had he"" kind el ,xll,nl to his friend , l. was in due need. I,,.' citizen was shewm nVl.,ati..ii .y huymn- the U at the same pi town I'l' 1,"J"1- ai'ges. It a . n t -right-- Haywood nthused t as they llemiurats weri' getting a high pitch hero yet-tor- fma n alls tor a nV,b", of .lil.-ov,, the iounty for i ; -i.. i ho k jiMiinii t it tin week-eml, whim- h ntmued their cainpaigMing (Iding most ot men La-4 1 o k and li.av.i.Um nwnships. TIk- Democrats plan to have the . i ,f ir vear ouc i""" th spi I I feci ' larg at the nvh edit his same ml of O. 1'. al sp. ernoon at two ii- Robert : R. 7::!0 aliothei- vde choo'; loop Styles, ot aker.- r 1. ltlllllle mocratic exe. 1 that a l o'ehn k to hear Sen--Kovnolds. Tonight .ally will be staged at' winch time .1. Ashevillo, will he the noun Kino on ! of Friday Slvii. ek 111 t, .hairiiuin of the H iv' committee., nn ellv would bo held on IV, aNo al llazelwonii ,hl Mr-.. K. L. McKee natonal nominee, wnl M IN Bethel Boy Wins First Place In Leaders Of Both Parties Conlident District Meeting nr Wnnrlmen Yes- . , i.- i -ill turn -tini- i ii irs Ware in - (o,.d A SufCCS8 National Contest. v,u , ,w uu. ,., Steve Cathey, Of Hethel, Declar vd Wet JudKe Of Heef t'.ittle At National Show Mrs. C. A. Black Ruriori In Char lotte On Friday Funeral service, vere held in (haT lotte f,om the home of Mr and Mr Jake F. Newell at tfdock or rn ,,av afternoon for Mis. C haiUs ; Black, 77, who oca ( nt Sunnv Cove (he ha d on tm I'.gcon Road at 1 30 a m Thurs lx Rev R P. Walke-, pastor of he" vllt lr,rT church . Uaynebv.lle, assisted by Di AU m. Sidney Johnson, pastoi ui the -Presbyter-urn chu.ch, of conducted the services. Inte m as in the Elm wood cemetery ot Charlotte. Walker, (i. Pallbearers were J. O hl ' s Doug Moody, W Fied Moody E. J DeLancy, W. S. Cunningham, C ol i Hall Morrison, and Thomas C Hay e Mrs. Black was the former Mis I elia M. Bell, oi v " p, k and after her an.aKe to M. . B j St.e Cath, sun of Mi and Mrs. J M Cathey, of Re the 1, won fn st place in judging beef eat I le at the Natioial 1 K live stoik judging, contest, held: in Kansas e ny ; l,er H) He won second piace lor points MOHd in the entnc conte-t U.ch meluded the judging of bet f , attic, dany tattle, sheep, hor.es hogs and poultry-: bov from Iowa won first place. in the contest, and icceived a $!0U bchol arsh.p and social cah pim- fo- h.s achievement ( athey .e.med mora I th-.m f.ftv dollars in pnz-es for win- . r . .. i I.....1... ... lull a ma ioi .ai lonai ieuo : - ,,o!itieal parties wire hot ii eoinioi m , 1,1 sUr. M.toiN n.M lutsday, he i. something like 4".tum.tMiO x.tns go c , ,h, polls and cast iher votes foi the next picsio.nt ot th. I'mUd Mat. large number ot predictions have been made as to the outcome', of next Tuesday's voting Most ol I the pi edit turn,, being based on nation Iwul, straw sous. Although W .a. -I ers of bth parties do not feel that I such means of fore-telling the ie sultt this year will hold Hue as u.s U'en the vase in past p.es.lential l elections. ... I The I.iteiaiy Digest -t P" , last night, gave as the t.n.U tou. ... . 1 iildi.ol foi Cov t men 1-andoii, ami I)7'H1I7 foi President Koos.-y w. ... . .1 V.....V. I'mlimn crave Itoosl'- i tnis mini, .i l,oK Kollinn. State Lea-den Heard In Addresses Few Changos Made In Vavnesviue hi. ; E. Church District 'Hex W. . Kollins Ketuins ! riesidinK Elder; - Dr.- K. S. I Tiiiesdale As Pastor Copies of Hie ImiIIoIs Ihal ,vlll Im' us. il 1" n.M --ii-mIi s .1,-,-Hoii will ' found " -I1""" lin .-e of I hi' -mimi-. 'I !'' '-Ioi- an- r. pi.Mln. ,w.r 1"-' "s ""'v ,MM.r on vour I"'"""- 't" ev.'.'lloo of lnsiiei.Ho" an. I Hi"' siiiiialiiie f ' , liaii niaii of ll' Immii'I ., el.-. lloiis on .'u I iMtllol. The MHh semi-annual Western Dis-I lIltt Rolling of the " the Wo. Id and th, Supreme orest Woodmen t.ule, which hi ought II.. . . e .11 i. ml of the wet- i eg ices '" " i miction of the states was te mod Nl.s.e,day afternoon by P'Wnt Rev Frank Leullierwood 4is b.jng innut Kiiccess ful. - ..!.... I lht. morning s. ss.on wa, 1 vij e ... to iretiera routine woik, io.u - , J L r ' h showed a ma.ked ,.....". I b,s hop 1M " ' ,. .L .v,...,( .V... ,t st rict. I elders. White the mirganization of the u Noith (a.olma t.mf.i.n f,:::;v!-::.''i:,,": lett uninii.'K .,,. charges reus' in tne i.". i- . '..' the mountain distiut f.o.n t ' M!The change xas given at the time 'of the sess.on of th, annual If.. Iw.ll I Ml III It. nad the l.M pnpaied bv the liml lis eal.in.t ot pies...... forty-seven ning second piace. lirti novs. re oe.v. -. . ... .. 1 . ..... J .-..eeral nossessions ol Hie suiit. ... i U S. took part in the contest. The North Carolina team consisted ' of three regulais and Of thv flelegauoo, v " only m.mhe. Ln n Vh" r t Kntcita.nment for all the 1 t . !tp escntativcs and content ants v as finished bv the kaiws . ,ty ( am he of Commerce, Armour and L om- ,,,, Sears ive euuvn " ;, aT the American R.al L.- rY0Al'McLa.n, tea, In r .f gn ul-Jlat"bethe1.-m....ia,.cJ ftup to Kansas City. District Legion Will Meet Here Toda i ve.lt and Landon (,!!.. i On the other lianu, a """" ' , ,,,, illlK cndu.ted bv t"'' ".!'. of ublK Opinion gives "1n' Koos.vclt 1"0 ehet.oal votes am (,!., n.i Landon 111. or ascNp.ess. 1 ,n p," entag.s of th. .pulai vot- It, os. ye It 1 and I alid,.iM OiriceOfTiUidO' The Sky .Moved : . e The land () The Sky offi es, which, , been lo.at.d in the H.guson The renorcs , ,. . , ... .v,.Mirhoiit. the district in nionioci Mi f - - . , Add , of w.l ome we., made by '( ha, lis L Kav. p.. side, it of t he Chamber of Commerce, and Kev- H. W Uaucoin, representing the Ko- l,.h ' U noon, th, d.l.g.it.vv... s,,v,d I . . ... u,.. lit.. .list church, iindi i 1 M . M.s rani ?U11K tlH .ouis, of th. nun ' visitors thanked the yvomen f"t th. hountiful and delightful meal. The afu.noon scss,,,., was d. voted ...thit, addi.ss.s Iht tnst being l.y Mr. I lb. K..KM- t-"' -"Wir i1' , ,h, sup ,.0. i 4 u"1 ;, Newton, of hmsu.li. who .s stat !. ..e ,h Wmidmen ol toe managei 1 orhl- . . . . .. ,,i, i-i. .... i u, i ress was ny .ou-.t,- l.l.'rs. .:.. ,i. ihrvt I Twenty-six iastors ( ' maun.ain d,st nts w.M' give" d'' , ,t chinih appointments, wth l '".nK made in the Waynesville dis- l1'', ..,,n,-.'s wer- made in the pre- ?.L ; the three, mountain 1 ",,mK u .11.1 West go .. .. .. i in mi ri. riuurn:. i .. rc ii:it ..r v 'iihntini. ii'- i... . iv.r ii linos 1 1. 1' i ii-- v . - v.. - . 1M TT . -V . h.c. he,n i.iovi.i th.s week to th" , . raU , nalis.n 1 f,.,..,it (iiTunii'.l by the city i , s ' .u M....n., building Thi with fr,r-f will lie i iiiciiii -"- -i four to the right the other room i tree and nine. located in number in entering, while WIU be numliel.s :. j.t.-i.-t (if the an aftVr her'mamage to Mr. B . The eucntn u. . hoM a rv,orlot.te. where she reside. . American . ... ftl.nooh in ,ng her residence here she has en deared herself to a large .nee '""solving are her husband, Chrales A. Black, fnd the following chiklrcn .urs. jaKe i . t""- - . r Rnurke V I F. CBK HK "1 LI " , I F Cabe, Democratic nominee ir .'es.ntat.ve.is.onf.n.elto his home with what w thought to b. an attack "Vic?"" expected be out again within " . . r thn i o fivi' VN. . . -,.(,t The menim-.i- - local un.t, of which M.r K " , m ILDINC KOAD C -P IV T. llnwm g the o,k was started Tuay n t,ses ot tneo.ca . , .r,a,iinga roan worn .. - - - . . .. ..-.-.n a lea win " .- - - . businefrs . . . compliment to the v,;.to The convention voted l i.. i Hicvard in April. OIlK.rs lc.i the da-tiKt an h v Hank Ieathe.wood. of W aym syille, , " dent, 11 B Holland, of ( a.e.leen ue p.esid.nt, and Roy J LH.s of Marion, s, c reta. V-tr asUr r New of, e-s will be .h.ted in April ,o 'l'ni.U.r lei.-U to As heville. I"'v- " s K ( i ii ... v Uo ins re- to Marion, and R.-v. .W. A. . tin ns to Waynesv , -Truesdide, pastor of the I' V buri-h of Waynesville ..turns Others appointed in the. Waynes vil ' district' are asf.dh-s- A;id-,'W.. W S. Smith; Bethel, T .. hghlill. Hrevar.l Station, .1. n. P''"" . . V M Hohb.ns, (anton 1 U mak,(Kd.,i: ( IM,,, (uuowhii, , (, llilln.r, lr , i .bt..., A I h,' .. H.llwood, II I) I' -up. ;. : a c Ravle; Franklin t'l'tmn ( ' H- hot I' I'hn Station, ( e . , , to ( ncuil, .) ' '"" , . n ,, of Charlotte; Mrs. 11T1' Black, 1 of Sarasota, Fla., and Louis M. B , Alan T. Black, and , an i the Black, all of Waynesville, anJhe following granc.mi.i-", Snvder, Snyder, of Uxing ton Ja ck S nvd . Temple Snyder, Jr., Mi well Snyder, off of Salisbury Mis Jean Rourke, Miss Annie Be ill Rourke and Miss Frances Rourke, all of barar Travelers Rest, S. C, anu c d grandchildren, Thomas Miller Snyder of Lexington, and Elizabeth Snyder, oi sansuuiy. Mr. TfZ ville, spent several days Aar n M5t wPPV at their summer home on the Soco Gap Road. Today's Market Manof hteUThd.-trct,.n woman of the W preside. The prop And, rson, 0f .ffite N'orth Carolina depart (haiiotit, ,v Mlss mental P"'0? w lm,ngton. de Auieha Adams, oi t,(afUrer, M J B Pa J Canton, fifth ai woman will' also bung a mcs- WCfec. -ond vice rrwinbem charge of following un.ts Mhe . Mountain Frank " Ca Burni!t gP-eJlS. . expected to at i 4nd f ?om all units. JINE APPLES IN OCTOBER ri-j.,1 nir a road l.oni .-. . "'Z American Ug.on Home, which a.es onl.epotarett. The new road .s iaiisoi.i i H..U..,. service tost hacK oi toe ' j station. H I RTS FIM.LK K.noits .ea.hing Wavnesvile Mountameei, had the- m.sfo.l .une to pt a finger huit while 'rkinB n k n.ess last l'.idav afternoon While Pamful, it was not te.m.d as bung serious. sp,ak at Haelwood Sp.akeis foi Fines ('reek were not announced, l' .i ;iav nltthl at Hethel, M C Stamey . L.,..w..l uoeilUer. will DC tne 1" ' . ... A general vount.y-wi.it' i.o.y be held at the court noiu-e . .. ... I, l..tt uiurl IhlS Will nnrni. tvir. i,o wind up the nuttings m th, ocunty fo. the campaign. . las, night W C Byeis spoke- at White Oak Du.ing the past week he poke at Ciuso and ..Im, at the .ounU . , i.,o. sti.tin.av night. ral V at t.. .win "v ' r. . c . At the Canton ...eet.ng, the high sc-hool auditorium was packed attt r a harlH-eue supper was e.-rved to ov r 1 Kid In the afternoon Mrs. McKee add.essed an audience ot about 300. . .. Mr Clv.L' Jarrett, Republican non in,e fo, ( ongressman, spoke to tw ,ull,enees in this eou.ity during the ('.,. ,.f t ht U'fif'k. Th. hoa.d of .l.etions was pre UM ,o t.,k. .are ol a moid vote ibis v,ar, as both parties have been , .mpaignmg hard fo, the P-- ; w,,ks It is ,xpet'd that the total vote will be above th,' 10,000 mark. In lH2 a total f 10,000 votes were cast with tht Democats taking a ma . ollU of about fX0 I" the 10 U election the majority was cut down !to about 1.J00 It was said v.steidav howeT.i bv It'-no ...tu l.ade.s, tin this vi ii 's had would bi wtll ovu the .'t',000 mark. The following schools in the county, I vhic-h also serve as voting precincts, : will be closed c.n election day : ( enti al 1 hmnttta.v, Wayne ville, Lellwood Magu.e. Rek Hill, Bethel, Low. i ("rant jet. Fines Cue k, anil lion Duff i Some-time later in the year the day Will be made up by the schools. Mr and Mr- rel.x Stovall were' among those motor.ng to Knoxv 11 for the football game on Saturday hotween Duke and the Un.ve.sity of WZZ. iS? !W. Roy Francis On (l L (.ov; Mu.phy S at on W A P'.rher' Murphv Circuit, R- ' Jll" , Tni .. Webster, tj. dawfo.d, and missionary to Braul, C W. Clay.. MKN AT V(RK- ON ARMORY A s.o.e T.r more of men are at woik on the a-mo.y site near the de po The lot has heen lev el. d and the wall sites measured ti"- '1 ennessee. - PicoTStThat Paid Junaluska Debt kin o- Tnnr In IJV U1I1IIH) - Piedmont Section W Roy Francis, assistant distiut a'torney, spoke last night in Lincoln ton, to "the Young Democratic club of 1 incoln county, and is scheduled fo Kpeak tonight in Ratherfordton to a ii similar organization, Mr Francis is in Statesville all this w.-e k attending the fall term of fed eral court, anl is expected back heie the last of this week. The following cash pr.ces were be- nJ! ing paid Wednesday by the arro i brought to. 1 he .viou which so Federation here: 12c!a bunch. f be the cond gn.wth for beaw wcignv, , i happeneu c " ,-- 0r There Chickens, fryers Xi'Sc the "on the' group, and Eggs, dozen . $110 were five appie- y Corn, bushel '.Tic I almost ripe. Wheat, bushel . f SAVE JUNALUSKA CAMPAIGN r-Mi ncn. south MrniODlsr W A LAMBETH, D.CTO -..MO.. PAUL B - K.BKMAN. TA PAY TO THI ORUF.R ONE --, .onoM . No. 127 lGHroiNT.N.l-Ot-'"" nK-K TRUST CX. & E. M- DLTUIAM, M r mibcantiijx DOLLARS (8100,000.00) HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAlts WXCHOVl n NK & TRUST CO. in.. ii iHnvr. r.. c- SAVK JUNALUSKA CAMPAIGN I'icturfd above is the det.t was paid in full s. n tv nel V -rl Th. e ih- ehe-c-k wtneh The. transartion !. d and ir.h'-r ..tl M a. vvhen l Morgan, KXPECT NO TROUBLE SATURDO tT'hief of Police Stnngrfield said vesterdav that he-. did not anticipate any trouble here Maturuuy u. Hallowe'en, as he had four men on duty. S() FELL IV CRBTRSE Reports readhing Waynesvilje W'ednesdav morning were that s-no.v fell in lower Crabtree earlier in ti,': morning. It was also reported thai d few flakes fell early Tuesday mo" ing. . : The Weather vas passed ftver to ih- mortfr:. ,s e. rnpl.t.d lir I s H-.l.i rs were put -.n rwad.. and th .j,l,l.-rs apalnst I.a K J u.....u afu-i niion in the lavv c.tli.ee -of . debt marked paid in -full. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Max. tsy 72 74 73 70 t5 55 Jt. aBrMTT gin I Narrow Outside Mar