The Waynesville Mountaineer V . . I T- 1 . tu rrPnt Smokv Mountains National Park Published In Tire County Scat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Greatly jTi -SECOND YEAR NO. 11. WAYNESMLI E. N. (.. TIU KSDAY, NOVEMBER 5. 1M6 $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Havwnnd hoes mm JL f V" www- er ; ; m .craoc By A! 5.000 w : znr I ast Rites Held For New Equipment Is J ft. Shoolbred, 80, Bein Added To Tuesday Afternoon Power Sub Station Hearing About His Re-election Well Known Engineer Passed way Sunday At His Resi dence Here 1 at rites for John Newman Shoo.- , ,.,, Ml, well known engineer who at hi home at 1:30 VW .,.,j:IV afternoon were conducted Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at ..... lirnre Episcopal church, with the "...tor Rev. Albert New, officiating. , .nmntwa. inG.een Hill u-.muiN V.tive pallbearers were; 1.. U Withers W. L. Lumpkin, Joe Moi I; ,'llar.len Howell, Ha i Koih... inil Dr N M- Medford. The Kotary (..u, of which Mr. Shoolbred a n,..mher, attended the service in a !udv. Honorary pallbearers were: Geoige H Ward, of Asheville Dr J. ( . Mur phy. Dr. O. T. A'examier, vv. i.. ,.,; s H Bushnoll, Kev. R. 1 . Walker, un Waul, J. L St.ingheld, Hi k It stretcher, W. T. fahelton. O. H oH Hon J. W Seavcr, J W hei.1. II Ka, Di J.K.Alul l)r C. N h -k, U N Barber, K. H. Blackvvell, Wal- , Bhukvvtll, J. K Boyu.t M Dun-. W Bradlev, Grady Boyd, L. l. ,,llip, R E Colkitt, (1 Vv. ldk.U. U hi ami,, D. S. I' 1 1 i,.,n, W. r. Lee, Hugh Mas-.t, !' I r McCracken, J. Dieus, luv 1.i-mo. Hany Had, 1). D l'e.n, D Tiaker, and R. L. I'rewst. Mr Shoolbred was a native ol .'Wolverhampton-,-:. Staffordshire, Eng land. He was born July ID, 1S.-.0, the on of John and Anne ShoolbroJ. He named for his godfathi-, Cardinal Newman. His early education he ie mved at Malvern Giamnur School, and his engineering course he twik with the ureal vvenw:" " Shops, of Birmingham, England. . His profession as an engineer took , him to many parts of the world and ( his life was full of interesting ex-.. periencee. He was one of the engvrw cers who built the famous Cape to Cairo Railroad, in Egypt. He was with the Suez Canal construction com- , pany and helped build the Great 1 er- , dan government railroad in 1 B"sia At one time he was an engineer officer , in the Union Castle line, making trip;. Uom England to the Mediteri anean, He was also engaged in cngmcenng, projects in India " 18ft0 Hp came to this country m lhKu with his cousin, Andrew Carnegie, the philanthropist. For several yeais he vva associated with Carnegie mining interests, first at Bellfont, l'a., then in the far West. He was sent to Georgia by a Boston syndicate as a mining engineer. He made the first estimate on possible deposits of coal in Tennessee. In EHzabethton, Tenn., he became the engineer of the Town Co-operative Company, and planned the streets of that place. On March the 13th, 18!0 he was (Continued on bacic page; l?.,!.vt Hmh ( lark. superintendent of lights for the town of Waynesville, announced that the current would be off on Sundav afternoon between two and rive o'clock, while "additional equipment is being installed in town and at the sub station. The ub station will be made to handle twice the present load, with the installation ot larger swehes Mnl t-ansformers. 1 his work is !- j,)ir done bv the t andtna Power and 1 itrht Company at t.'Hir llaa-lw w. sub statin.. Vew and larger Innv will be mstai.- i'd hv the town it was leaiiu-d. Tin' addition of this new piiuipmeni will eliminate, interrupted senue. Mi t ln:k said. Funeral For J. A. Collins, 93. Held In Clvde Tuesday Widely-Known l arm it, I1umih' Man, And I uriner I.t'fiisl.i t u re Momlii'l- W as it.!. : s, V"",' . -,V , V. Konsrv. l,.- mi his loony ,.. I-Il-. . 1 ' ; ,..,., " " "" u":i, 2 1 slli ELECTION HIGH LIGHTS u.,n-v C.i.tdv is nerhap ,.ie-t man in Western North He has maintained ail the Koosevelt would win with a He also said Landon w Kansas lie ottered to b. one on "nny v.t Jus belief thought he was offering too took hv oilers. loday he eolUvling his bets. In all lie over $400. the liap-tarolma. tune that landslide. ould lose t two to ; I'eople much, but IS HIOlllul w ill make 11,385 Votes Cast, According To Late ! Unofficial Count Ih'mocratic Majority Is I-rKest Ever Tolled In County. Might Reach S.OO0 l:,v,'...l vol. r pa. . l:ll tlu- 'roni.uo.l. r of II..MUHMI .....1 lu,.,,! t I.o IfMH o f.i I,t.' ' ' 1 ' i ..,. l.v a majouty ot , il Uvhi.h is -l.o l..r- O...J.OHV .a.- I . . ...... ...,.v Til is is x.i.;u rl 111 i.i.s .... ..1 1 1 1 MO ,,1-in ih. in I 1 1 1 . i n ilo OS 1 Funeral service were conducted joi .m ,01 A. Collins. M, widely kii-wii farmer and business man ot the eouii-tv- who died at his home near ( do on Sundav afternoon at the t lydt Baptist fhurch, Tuesday afternoon at 2-:i0 o'clock, with Kev. H. 1'. Met rack , ofluiating Bui nl wn,. m th old family cemeterv near the ( ollins home on the Asheville highway. l'allbearers were: Glenn Hi own, ( olman K 1 lamis, t,t.. i t navm-. Dr H B Ot-borne, T. 11, Rogers, and ('. A. Bye vs. h Collins was a native of Swain Icountv, and was born near the t lur oktc Kw nation At the 1 ginning of the Wai B.twun the States he en 1 slid and s.,w ft ui jeats of n;mu' ; Following the war he went to lexas jwheve he taught shool for seveial years. I Returning to this section he went 'into the mercantile business in Web- moved to Clyde, wh. re he had a hat d store ami engaged in farming. He was a public spirited man, ami alwav,. intdist.d in the aff.uis o the (ount. In r.Htl h. so.ved as Hay wood " county's representative in the. Lvu house of th, Nh'tTn lcKislatuie lor mhis he had h on an active member of the Baptist cI,h"k sU vivtd bv three sons Hub. Hob and Fd ollins. and tin. augh t,,. Alis 0 L. Smatmis, and Mis ,,r,v Smathus. of Clyde, and Mrs ! John Holcombe, of Johnson City, Tenmsxe. " ml w hat do voil know landslide?- was the qu.-sti. i:V in. Waynesville yesteid ole seeimd to be in a da.e. noout this ,ui ot the IV. l'eo- t M. President Roosevelt (irries Every State In Union 15ul Maine Ana vei iiimn It Ain't Right TeherTOf County King Goodson Killed To Meet Today At 3 When HrtBy A 1 rain Languarge Arts Will Be Discuss ed By Teachers. Second Meeting Of The Year The second county wide teachers meeting of the 1936-37 school term will be held this afternoon in the Cen tral Elementary school building at 3:00 o'clock. The general theme un der study will be language arts. l he program win inciuue, singing of "Carolina," followed by a devotional period conducted by Kev. H. W. Baucom. Mise Mary Pauline Sentelle, of the Bethel school, .will lead a discussion 0f "Objectives of the Language Arts for the First 1 nree Grades," and subject matter necessary for the realization of these objectives. Mrs. Samuel Knight, of the Hazel wood school, will lead a discussion ot the "Objectives ot the L,angus for the Fourth and Fifth Grades, and the subject matter for the teaching ot these objectives." , , n Mr. Horace Francis, of the Cruso school, will take up the same subje relatives to the cixth and seventn grades. Misp Martha Mock of tne Waynesville high school, will close tne afternoon program and her subject will be "Is the Language Art as taught in the Elementary School pre paring the pupil for language worts in the High School?" King Coodson, .'.0, of Lake Juna i.uska dd within 2 hours after being b the 1 M passenger ti.nn N i if), here last Saturday near the lexas ! Oil Company plant. It was rpo-ted from the railway ..... nnnAnn vlv walking eat rthecTwhen the train struck him from behind. One Ug was mashed just above the ankle, and he received a blow on the head, evidently when he fell. Funeral services were held Sunday ''.". . v, fcirH nerson killed on the ra.lroad tracks in the pa vear within two miles of the way nesv'ille station. Anothe- er.ouMy injured. The following conversation re cently ' took place between two Wavnesville women; Mr "I bought a pair of lovelv blankets, ami at a bargain yesterday in Asheville." Mrs I! "Weil, I set myself up to a pair, also. 1 got mine Berl in Wavnesville. ' Mrs. A. "I only 1 aol ' a pair, iind the clerk said tln- were cheap at that price. M-s 1? "You don't mean to sav vou naid $r..!ir. for these," as sm picked them up, quickly reeogni intr the label and weight boll gilt the same color blank ts, sMine make, same size, yes the identical blankets. ,n- Waynes ville and only paid : $4.05. Mrs A "You don't mean it. I'm taking mine back to Ashe ville today, and buying from the same place vou bought, and will sa l n i k Din i ki:n k" This is a true story, that a t uallv '.took place right heie in Wavnesville. Both women involv ed a e well known. .r Local Masons To Meet Friday Night Methodist Women Ohservmg veeK Of Prayer Here I Today's Market , The following cash prices were be ing paid Wednesday by the Farmers Federation here: 10 Chickens, heavy weight, hens Chickens, fryers . Eggs, dozen ;, , Wheat, bushel . u '. onriotv of the First lhe wissioim.ji Mcth'd.'t hur h held an all day I at the church on Tuesday, in observance of the annual Week of Praver, which all the society of the Southern Methodist chur.hes hold sr?me t me th,3 month. At the noon hour a p.cnk luncheon was enjoyed. Mrs. James Atkins presided. The i Af ttii urogram was Stalk bV Rev- W A Rolhn, on the a talK fy.lvtv: A. uv others rtirvl work oi mc -""--"- --. Kg part were: Mrs. Bonner Ray, taKlr'5 ',. T olo frs. Rufus Slier, Mr, Grovr C. Davis, Mrs. M H. .BoVlei Mrs. Hugh Ma-s.e. and Mrs. Special musical numbers were ren dered bv Mrs. Charles and M-s Tom Spurlock, accompanied by Mrs. M. H. Eowles. Wavnesville Lodge No. 2o!. A . F. a m ill obsei-ve Past Masters NiKht with a unique and interesting' prop-am at the Ma-onic Temple F n day night, Novembtr 6th. The obw-r-vance of special ceremonies honor ing its Pa-t Masters was established years ago by Waynesville lodge and since then has been an annual custom 0n the regular communication in No vember. The program begins with a supper at 7 00 P. M, in the dining room ol a :-:r ,,i followed by the aiwiiK .!....,,,. - the lodge ceremonies on the thira floo- with Dr, J. r . ADCI, ooeL ,nK Past Master of Waynesville Lodge in the point of service, presiding with other Bast Masters occupying all the official stations. The occasion v expected to draw a large attendance of both local and visiting Masons. Piles Vp Total Of .")2:j Electoral Votes. While (!ov. Landon (Jets Only Seven nt Fi anUllii I). Koosevelt w -i s , , -, l.-1 ! nt Ilo- t ulle.l oites TueMil.iv IVy lto- l.iKeest .lan.l sli.t.. in liisluvv. lie. eairio'l s ; slMle In llie fill. Ol ei-epl Maine ei loom. Me j.iM m '..Oil of - 1 ; dip. (Ii.v All ... uiii ,v'll I.'... I even i I ,.s,u i li-.i .no I vi.les (Pan .11(1 ll.'ll.eil 1 1 1 .(.v.'!' iii m:-: w iiu.- Mr i S"V,M jplle.l op -I72- I '"ln .illii ia.l . i . lni io ii " 'M ' " "' , n. I'm ol' 'it l ".Il i hi" II in i.oil v ill 'he Male of- Kansas; ,V I.amloll.- Mr: U iiosevel; 1 alsi. le-1 to i;e! ! nia lorltv "I o el tin ,,,iHi,,s in the popular Mo,.e- hinrMke 1 r,.0(lll,.OHI V.H.-s. ere e.lsl ' I ii r i Ii Hi. i m i I' ninl ' m H ilates el -..tlfv ilhl Mr Iloosevelt t" ' a . ! in I,, i lie . Mi.'e U il II a reeonl hi oak til. vole bill I )' ineei al H . ..II l..,..(,,e "., ii Hi aliuosi -.every- mi !(. The I JetiKi'-i a Is will he, in in to sl i oliK' i ,i ( ' 1 his v ear Jhan .nil inn no past tnili: vea i s. liepilhliean . leail.-i s ,e.,li( . ei. l 111' elerlioil l-alher early in llie evellllik p.l.s.las a n. I seril lies,, ,,t ltonse veH messages of eon M III t 11 la I i o lis Wecl nev.lav i le pll 1.1 lea ll lieu spa pel s plt'U e,l their suppoli Hi Mr..loiiseve!t. a.Il.l the press all over Hi. u.,.1.1 .010 ni. nled on the IrenieiHloils inajol I'v with which. Mr. KnoSevcl.t wus eleeltd, Per.n-'vlvani.i vv e p ( 1 errio-i a t ir fuesdav for lhe Inst time sinee. the n Hetw. n th st ,1. s 1, Hi 1 . nrn showed that .soiii h Carolina .a nu (icirsla w.iulil In nl.out .7ri to 1 roi Hooseveit. t Ha.elwood 1'uesday altemooii, three boys, .line and ten years old. were parading the streets with large pho-ards. One placard read: : Hoove promised you a job. Koosevelt gav. i it to vou Don't let Landon take it , away tnmi you." ! The second placard read: e wa t Koosevelt, Not Landon. ' While the thud pl.uaid with big 1 tU s ua.l J " He griitcl lit to tm- our count ry." i When the boys w.'iv questioned . as ! to the whereabouts .of the boys who ! were carrving the Landon signs, tin I reolHMl- "We done knovked em out, ,Si Democratic voters vveie lost at ! (he No.-.b Wavnesville, vvhin Ilim.uMh. tai was detained bv i three red . lights on Mam street, and Ljol the voters "to. the polls just as the doors were being closed. . ..r .1 lew one and two-blow t MIlMur 'i list scraps, everything went nil ve.y ouutly in the county 1 uesday Sevti , the n.ial d.stntts came into town Tuesday night , and spent the nigra vm uie .ou.. of the jail. It wiu reportetl that one-Republican .andidale spent ?.0 m one sma . pMtinct Iht oth.ial tabulal . j,om that pretin.t showed that his ! money did not g I withm m x.iijI hundrel as many votes as his Hem I o,-alie candidatf. .. mliiihlo source, il was learn ed that approximate U 0 was sp,nt bv both pa. tits ... Haywood eountv- The bulk of lhe Republican money being spot in ( anion, ant. u e Democratic money wi"n pi et ty t-v t nly distributed. . Voting at most, precincts was moie or less steatly all day. The usual large crowd that comes to town on elect.ioi. night t urne.l m for the night about ten o clock, when it was learned that the county had Kone Democratic by a -large ma.;o-,,,v. t i :,s l.llll.Tl.l .l.V h..w 11.1s' pi . si,P m i ' 1 v I 1 ti w i io to ,Po. Th t 1 7 I. i . t m in ,1. tne :to Hi hew "i'1' n.!v K t he I. '.Ol 1 1 S' w el ' 1 ,. , Is I I V. II Hi P ill's I. lit ..... e. e e.,s f..r h , - .ii.Il.l.ll s. ft Ho It. .iB.1 r.,v. IIi'i.'s'i el' ,i ma I" The nnelta i i ,,nl 'He 1" 1 !' , - U Weill I!', lllllll The ii in.iindr mi I.e. n lie w ; I . wo pi ' sah-m:--'! eao'l'da n ,i. 'line .n i-.uia Mii'lll. .1 v.. I-- in. . .-si hie . , . on the ..111 ; , .,, - .he :':' pre. :et had I I,,,,,, will! lhe follow ll.m. I'slllis, ,T,,. foll'iwilo; al. ,, , th.s, , l's I . .v-ldm, OH-p,..,ve', TUne. I'lahtiee, ll-'l. - i iiff. im- U,U' m,a ; . ,. .. ,,., South WaVMI'SVUle.) I).,oo.a. K.,.ul.Uea. ;ninor Hoev r..l.!.7 (Miss,.,... I' . s Senate it, pel. cim i(i"""'b -'"'" oiiiiit ssiiiaii Weaver. .5. 02.4 .larrelt, Slnle seiuilf Mrs MeKee. f..07!t Hampton, 2.77 H'ii'es'ii"l'l' 4A-1.1 lla.vnes. J HI'- Sheriff I Welch. .4.724 c,.o.m. .i.ii IK clsier or IHi IrraiKds. 4.S.10 1'," k' 1 1 '' ' BROTHER OF MRS. HUN (i PASSES IN PENNSYLVANIA Seen about the court house a girl wearing a sunflower button, with a winning smile, olltnng n ' , the ) it pait.v f .Som.body s,d she ,.1,11 wort t'u button even alter, sne nan A pation of the ( enlial Lit mtnta-v school all woiktd up ovti the gtrms heing spitad in tin fu-t guitle room Wh. h was used for the voting-lhe flooi did look as if it had betn spr.r.k- lod generously with tobacco juice. a-i..i. . in fast entiuirh at tine of the precincts-woid was sent to rush a tar the ( Llemen tarv to the court house the sun was sinking fast. Smathers Elected Senator In N. .1. I Coniiiilsloiiei's. Dlsliitl I 'M.dfoid 4 71. II Hm.s 4 7J Kort.s - 1 I IllMlriil !2 1 71 J Wfll- i I"' I ll.rli "3 AllNon. 1:745 : 1-owe. 4.7r,fi District 4 ! T , T, '.:;.; W. !'. H'.; d 2.1!1 Ills! rift Palmer 4.S14 f.'ern uson, 2.1H I The lemaindei- of lhe liek.-t w ' - ralher iiieonude: -', as it was imp.. ss. hie to eontacl some of the I lei l.on ,'IH. ials hee'Hise Ho y were 1.1' t 'I"' t,, make their reports unlit 'lhuisda moin.nt to llo I oud . I I h'tmns After handlnn i" be. presidential results learning that lhe majonl.v was well over 4-.r.(Hi. 1 he matter of n'ltin, ex'K't results on (tie county ticket was of lit l ie eotii ei n. Mrs. J. M. Rramlett Buried In Greer, h.t. held Wed- nesday morning at eleven o'clock in Greer S. C, for Mrs. J. M. Bramlet, 81, who passed away at her home on Eovd Avenue here late Monday af ternoon, following an illness of sev eral months. . t, Mrs Bramlett is survived by her husband, J. M. Bramlett, one eon, Lee Owens, two brothers and one sister, and several step children. Mr and Mrs. Harry H. Rung re turned Tuesday afternoon from a trip of ten days in Pennsylvania, whtit they were called on account of the death of Mrs. Rung's brother in Irvona, Pa. The remainder of their time was P pent in Huntington, l'a. STUI)Y FIRST HANI) To do research in criminology, Dis T,t liamt 1) . I.andis. of Se Ll HI. M"fts. j . , ' - ward, Neb., a former president "of the University ol JScorasKa ijoaru i i-nwi served three weeks recently in an Iowa penitentiary, to which he was dmitted as a second T.lTender unde an assumed name. Hie J observations were: His fellow-prisoners talked mostly 0f future "jobs," and next to crime, were more lnieresieu in hul- ball. CIIEAPER ELECT RICITY Reductions in electricity and gas rates that will effect a saving of ei nnn nnn a vear to the customers of the Duke Power Company in Char lotte, and by the North Carolina Util ities commission and the South Car olina Public Service commission. i,,,i,ro "William Kmathers. -former . if., ,..,eSvllli m;in. now of A I la lit i' !,, v I wjik elected t'mted .states Senator from New Jersey Tuesday by iin overwhelming- majoi H.V. Tuesday niKht. during a. hroadeast ,.f nation-wide returns, the Columbia Hroadeastint System featured '!. R;" Smathers, U-year-old son of Juds,-t Smathers. It. seems, thai ..:'" paiuned for his (illio in Ml.nt.c Cilv makinK is mini is i tilks i ni-hi Jasper N. Brock, 63, Passed Away Sat. I ' -Jasper N- Krock, fs'i, l.ed at his home m Hat lwood, on Satunlay, fol lowing a- long illness. , tuneial ser vuts wuo htltl at the Ha.t lwt.oii riiapt ist. chun. h at 3 o'clock on Sun- tlav afternoon, with Rev. J. M. Wood laid, jiastor, assisted by lit v. K. Allen, officiating. Interment was m I (Jreen Hill cemetery. . TioiiWirero were Heeler Robinson, Verlin Robinson. Robert Cope, Em-, est Robinson, Jesse. Messer, and Homer .Moore. m Ttrnrir lias horn in S nartanbure I Countv, S. C, and came to Waynes- 1 .. ... , ... . A- TT.....n,l County, -tS- C, and came io imjf wuw . countv early in life. He was form erly employed, by the Unagusta Man ufactu"ing Company, until ill health caused him to retire, He has been a membeJ- of the Missionary Baptist church tor twenty-six years. Surviving are his widow, two sons, Paul and Jasper, Jr., and one daugh ter, Mrs. ( has. C- Palmer, all of Ha zel wood; a step daughter, Mrs. W. T. Brock, of Greer, S. C; one sistert M-s. Noah Ketzer. of Maggie; seven grandchildren, and one great grandchild. Waynesville Stores To Close Un 11th The stores: in Wavnesville will, he closed on Armistice. 1 lay Vv edr.sdav. Vovember 1 1 th-aceordinp to an an-. nouneei,;ent made yesterday by the merchants' division of . the C hamher. f commerce. . .' :rin,ir stores nud fruit stands , w ill observe Sunday hours, , it. vyas said, . the committee in charge. deiu.eti to close and observe , the .day, No formal program has been planm-d for the town. Tentative plans are that, a f.6Mege football game will be .pla.ved htie .n the afetnoon This h.wevti is not definite. TO RETURN FROM BOSTON Paul Martin is expected to return today from Boston, where he has been for the past week. . The Weather Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Max. 71 f.4 (18 7s 63 72 Mm 44 : 5sS 4! 4j

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