The Waynesville Mountaineer ' , at of Havwood County At The Eastern Entrance oj me w a Published In The County Seat of Hayvooa , OT $1.00 IN oTlN ADVANCE IN COUNTY TTyScONDYEAR NO. 45. , Pad Prnss Drive To Begin On Wednesday, Mo v. la n,,ve Will Be Inaugurated With Supper Meeting ---Baptist Church H W Baucom, announced TfJr'the annual 'Red Cross , ' ft Membership Drive this week. , that the drive would be m- f::cd iith a supper meeting on .vUv evening, November the lh ttelch Memorial Sunday school - line at 7:30 o'clock. Four dya V'Sslve work lasting from the : . ' nrough the 21st will be under- ' , " bv the various committee... j V Vn lin the supper meeting will , ' Xers of the Haywood county 'h' "he community chairmen, . X 'leas one of their worker,, and .'.'.'j-ois of the town, making a : .V.'.f fifty persons expected p Haywood county ehapt.' ...u.. the following committee.-, , ;u lmainilcr of the county having . 1,-ship in the Canton yhapui., -V, cesville, Deilwood.. MagiTie lu, l.,ke .lunaluka, Ilar.elwood, 'U'n's" ("reck, Saumwk, and Fint ' iier- are: II. VV. ehair rii 1 N Davis, roll all chairman: c E. Quinlan, vice chairman; j ,'lia m Medford, secretary and treas- Mrs. T. L. C.wyn. chairman of ; lUy; Mrs. LeRoy Davis, hair ;,lHn of junior work; Mis Louise K va-ds, first aid; Homer Henry d , re ief; Bob Gibson, pellagra r .ntrol Mr . Grover C. Davis home lunches for tuberculosis infected ' i,il,l"en Mis. Jack Messer. lH Suarter. for the mil call will be located in the office of the cha.r- t X Davis. nmwif "" " Xito get their supplies and turn in their reports here tVloRp,i The local work done by the Red Cro, through the assistance of he lubru. health nurses in this section Ling the past year ha. beout- standing, Many " , ther which there seemed to be no other available funds have been g.ven relief. In speaking of the state work Mr. in spcan. k i,ltv,i twisting Baucom sa.a: - . - winds, wnicn swh" aimnKi Carolina last spring, killing almost a" score of persons, injuring hundreds, destroying and damaging hundreds of l u ldings, boosted the state's disas ter activity higher than it has been in years. ... .,, . it.. ,orrnru nf veteran Not wunin uie Red Cross workers have there been iaxi u"s Hosvastating tornadoes so cuihh-"j - -;,s those which swept Greensboro and other cities in the south during the a :i ,.rt mil Pel Ml. first weeK in . Apm. ' ,la.,i Baucom .yesterday in his usual summation of Red Cross accomplish ment in the state. Oregon's First Nan Wood Honeyman woman vv.-r ... I,,- sm , con-A-d H.'n. yinan, al.ovo, I -' ' A, :; ;,,f.,,d ...... iM.u.i-n iM-llt. Museum thief Here fnfAn(.n Wi n ' II I 1111 . 1 A A 111 . II. C.Wilburn bat. Oilices For CoiW-cUnS -xMuseum Aiticfes Moved -from Court House To Citizens Bunk Catholic Church Repaired, uecoiai-j ed And Painted Father Lane announces that the ex tensive repairs of painting and dec orating the Catholic chitfch property has been completed. The chapel has been entirely redecorated. A ntw liturgical altar of Ya'"U and against a gold background ana wrought iron crucifix furnishes the sanctuary, " v0 rug design covers the floor New lighting fixtures have Been and the walls throughout decorated m silver gray. New painted stations of the Crosg complex J-"-'" . ." Memoers ot ot.6'-b-.- i well pleased with the renovation, ana Wr Lane is hyte the the pumic is nv'- Thp to inspect this devotional chapel. The publics .always welcome toaUend any of the . services. r , wishes to puDiiciy -"-"." . merchants for their efficient serves in obtaining the necessary supplies lor this general On Saturday Ned J. Buriv, acUim ," bA Yt . .. .:.t,., Museum mvisioii f the Natonal 1'ark beiviu, 01 a:h,,ngton,lKO.,sp,ntt1,caay:, KS o7 Electing u.e nia.nal and planning the unuw.. . posed museun v . lhe- Mountains iitjy rOo-th Carolina side. , , Mi Burns, made a general check J, the work so far accomplished, 0t AinciKau mountain nort raved in me , ; , cStuJto be -semi-led from now be ng collected " -v" - - ... ...U inmri'HSed with Mr burns was iiiuih-; . . the possibilities of the museum, which s intended to tell the stery of the park area in geology, ethnology and Archaeology, and of the -ork and plans so jar uiHieiwivw.. buv , ,,,, of the mu- seum! which have been maintained .m he basement floor of the Haywood county court h,use since January 1, !"" .until the .tot of October, have be n moved to the second floor . -ot on n . ' , . ,...,! n..f.nierbv the the; bm aing . rmnany. SZXesTt rcc house 'have Sfn trnished,. .don, withheand lights, free ot cnai-ge lu, committee oui b . f On account of certain county n In t Hctivities it seemed necessary for activities,, " j the use of fr." d'th"e St,f Novem- the new , uai.e s Sationa1 ' i,r0OIv.,lft.::r ;; v;.. of heatmg Park service, Mr Wil- will have to be arranged by Mr. wn burn. j tv,o members Both Mr. vviulu p k nf tv,P Western North ta.onnd of the rommpnted Museum eomni ontheco-operationoj th 'Jon. missioners in the , 8Ct. tinued efforts in uVpj-r, - Naming Chairman Of County Board Is SourceOfComment Three Members Are Mentioned Around Court House As I. kely To He Named The smoke of battle had .h.ued away from the general elec lioii. before talk began about the nan -(,f a cha-.rman vi the board o c-cunty commissivmei. on Uuh y December 7, when the new boa. d taUs oIIkc and names their chairman. Kor the past four yeuivthe vha i nmn as been elected by t he vote, . l,ut Representative J- T. bailey, m the n;';. session of the legislature , changed this along with the other ma j,,.. ,hai.Se of dividing il.e county in o d, struts fr" "hl-h xw eoW-mic-si(.iuT would ,ome. , vspeculation as lohWh ol th,. seve; IU.W1V eleted wou.d :H. made chairman - a matt., ol ,muh con.n.eiit around the coa.. : lunise this week. . fhus far. only three of the .even , ; have been mentioned, and each ol tin j j mentioned would have the Joi. , ! !, understood from good author.ty I Thcx-e taking part in the .hscussums, i alwavs point out why each shouu , anu-d to lead the board for the i iu.vt two vears- and get $100 mo.e a 1 year than the other six K T Hovd, of .lonathan ( reek, is being n.entionel, as i.e o..- erienceas chairman of the board He se,ved as chairnian when, he cou.t tunie was built. , Jrvi. Allison is aW me"; He is the only niembw of -tn. present board that was .v-.- w. ... ha served ...any limes on the hoa.d. "'The third member is J..A. 1-owe, former sheriff. While this is M. 1 owe's first experience no i of commissioners, he has had . , on l .siderabte experience with com. y af fairs as sheriff. His chances of be ing named chairman have been honed hv the fact that he lives here in' town and enn devote his en tire time tn the work. . . Anvwav, this matter of naming a 'chairman" of -the new board is cons iderahle talk. Crowds rlocK to Jcc yuu s Dafoe nursery 4i p B i -i H U b t:: ifeijr 1 TlfWlst crolL .. -SJ Willi i ' . n,h to the door Ar,v,,nent idea of lhe crowds which have orn , a b o oV the Dionne qulniuplcta . ., m-& parking lot aoove vew. . ( -n sp shown Cash Prizes Being Uliereu rui Essays In Schools Chamber Of Commerce Offering $2.'0 In Cash For Essays From Students ! (. -n.ut le of the county in presenting the 1 At Home F.rsf plan of the trade L home of the organ.zatn.n. l'tans are underway this week to have speaker, go every elenien- I la y school ill the county outside ot i lieaverdam township, and to alsw pre- Kent details of the essay contest i which is being taged in the schools , The committer met this week and i worked out detaile. of the essay vn- . i te-1 and annojneed m a page a.hei- ! lisemelit elsewhere in Oils paper, that ! $2l.,-,0 ... ca-h would he awatdrd to ! the vi hool chi'dren ax n. - I ' prie of li. ee dollars each i .......g otle.ed in each ol tae Inc.. s Iwh.U in the y, and a gran. , ,,e of $" for the best high scnoo I , s.nv. A P-M.e ol $S and a second ,.;. f ifJ.MI is being olfered the j , U ineiitary student writing the best i ",Mi wo'i essav m the county. ... ... ,,n I'hui-sdav. 1 ne coiuesi win ' ' lleeember 10, and (be winners will be announced the following Thursday. Speakers this week will explain the details of the contest a they make ,1... .i;iT..i-inT their appearance ai. me schools. ... complete list of all speakers will appear in the next issue of tills paper. Will ise iviarKea i 1 it aiht mcirrl ' u .,;r,'i .iirht to buv mer- chandise out f town and then expect local merchants to ex change it for you when the wrong size was bought or sent in by a mail order house. Hut, here is a t:ue story of hat happened in this community re cently. , ., .. A woman brought a child s coat to a local merchant to have it exchanged, because the mail or der hou.e had sent the wrong size. The woman couldn t wait to send the coat back, because the child needed the wrap the next, night, . ,( The coat was- of lower quality than what the merchant had at the same price. He could not : 'afford to mix his stock. The woman saw the difference in qualitv, and offered to pay 1.50 in order to get the exchange. The merchant rightfully 're fused Had she purchased the ouat there in the first place she would have saved money, saved time, gotten a properly fitting coat, and been better pleased. "The moral to this is: ., ou can't lose when you try your local merchants hrst. East Waynesville ! I i mt l -.1 til 1.1. A. XU ixvcv v"" E. L.McRee lonigni Three From Here On Cruise Around World Mrs. Mary Saumen.g, of "J who has spent sometime tn ville as a guest at Hillcrest, and who . ,6 . :,) Tiovmanently, has come here io rewu accompanied by Miss Katherine Ray and Mr. Uiyae n. j- -here Thursday for New York C ty. wheie they have spent tne PB- day they sail on tne o. - V" " 1(i Van Buren, for a five months world ' Thei- Itinerary takes them from New York tothg Panama una., f . . then by way oi nun. - , e and China, the Phillrpine . Islands the Straits ti o ha' France. Bombay, L,airo, their In France they win p-" , stay and from there go England for a Couple 0f vceeks and sail from Liverpool. ' KinU i ai i.y Set ror liie itt Believe Roosevelt U :il li nvuh Sill - 111 1 hhimv licent rarR ruuuai . - . i ii i believed bv those nearest the j 1 m hut one of the primary sup in. o;i(,nt .money to SjrZVireSm-ky.Mvunt, ;i,,Sr,:!ini,ne;.ded , I. ,),5;o the park and bring .1 undo the National 1'ark Service fo, mam tenance and development. All. the lands have been acquired on the N rth ;;;;;!no'b;: purchased on the ZZZ '"ofWnt Uoo-veirs visi ii to the park last Sept em mm- and h 'private and public stalemens si- then 1K:(' !Ln Smok Sains National Park f the National l'aru rserv.c ' Oh ' : ween .now and early trl !i could he nui in shape for the off. ial opening next summer. Ill . 171 nwr T'lin inronj; "An enthusiastic throng :all day ,ong," was the way;M . W a ms summed up his open,, k 'V" riZ o n CheyroW Company, "Hun reus viiw "ui , Mr Watkins said, -and the mark al.ut the new 1937 cates that it was everything that tne public expected L" . , . farf Mr. vvaiKin -for the opening, and sold two the.nrFt Hay. He expects another shipment this week-end. A certain local citizen walked i,o a Waynesville store recent y with eight radio tubes in a shoe box under his arm. Unwrapping them, he said: . , "1 have eight tubes here, 1 kiiow some of them are na.i. i want them tested, please, to see which are good and which need replacing." . , . The radio dealer courteously touted each tube on a modern test ing machine (which cost over $100). When he had finished, he handed the man back his tubes, telling him which three were de fective and needed replacing. The radio .dealer then said he had just the tula's the man needed in stock - new tubes, made by a nationally known radio linn. 1 this the man replied: "Oh, 1 was g.iing to order the the tuhes 1 needed from a mail order house tm.ight. I just want ed you lo tell me how many 1 should order." There are many people who have read the above, incident wn will probably remark: "1 don t believe such a yrn." The names of the parties involved can be giv en on request, if neeessa.y t prove that it really happened. . i v w.nffit. of the A bingo party io. iven at KSe,., the ,Por Sip of theotaryb Huff, William Medford, and I Pr, S V- The prizes a. ev-- j to as much aP:$ fO ;each th ; value of the pr. g. Specia! eme . ,th the play. ing ol moie ,n nrp RKS TO COLLECT LABOR PRitine no time tstcrmic posni;, in the nation. Mrs E Li McKee, of Sylva will address tne pauun nesville ; school on Jhw.d.y evening. at the regular ineo..6 "V, , ,,i , ent-Teacher Association of the school The topic of the program is An Adequate School Program. All the Parent-Teacher's Associa tion of the Waynesville Township schools are minted to near . Kee and to enjoy the prvsram es pecially planned by the East Waynes, ville group in observance of Ameri can Education Week. New Fords Will Be The new 1937 Ford V-8 will be nn dismay at Abel's Garage on Saturday -S week, according to an an- tinuncement-in ioa i'i"1v . l ocal Ford men attehdMt , meet- inir of rora (it'cl-' ,,. ing oi 1 .,, models. week, and xneie . , Several marked .improvements haye gen made on the new models, it was id and a large attendance is being prepaid for at Saturday's showing. n CU- fltan TTprP Armistice Day was observed in Waynesville in a quiet manner. All of L stores were cloaedP tdrK stores Tne oanK " ,m rT'house remained closed for the day- . ... kiMTi Lecion Last nignt, ine -.'' : " . gave a barbecue and a dance at the f . w nonnt street. This Legion norm- - . the only celebration of the day. bible Services will nvmTTF.l) FOH 2 WEEKS AT IIAZELWOOI) .... . nastor of Rev. wriston iioi'.,. i . --- 'v " -. . . x r..v,.or an -huroh, the Oak toresi rit... . Seville, will induct a series of Rible serv ces at me naiv"' -Bml.'w , ...l. t..;inn. nn Sunday bytermn enure v,,"""" nni the loth, a? announci m--. r . Rev O. C. Landrum, this week. The services will be held each night dur ing lhe next two week,, beginning at 7:30. . ;.;, '.' ,t:,t. a n S!i v mA m TlVilutuu "v"0" V inner i;i iv uruui Vivadeau Swayngim. of Waynes ville hiv been awarded a gold meda of honor for making the best rep.)rt of anv 4-H club member in the county ?' . .: I A U Knral Khvtrifica- in a iaiMiimi - ..t..t ,.i.ti ui'tri bv exw-nsiw" llOII C"ll.",' - agents. ;; , ..., ;. ,.d bv TV,u dinner wno .... a ..r,. VV I). Smith, is au- you.. y ; : " fhe Rtatc con tomaticany cu.v. .- - test, in which the prize m a . JoO.OO merchandise ccn.i c. expense educational trips to the loth . . . , ha held in National 4-ri lohi5', fc Chicago November 27-Deccmber 5, will be awaraea iu i.nt highwt scoring state champions . . ... l:LV tli eio-ht will T he tnree nigncni, ui V f be awarded cash college scholarships ..nY f?nn and $200, and other Contestants. -were: required to sub mit a diagram showing the location of their farm with relation to the nearest "high line,'; and another plan Showing how to:w,re xm . r MrrSuW&r thing; to indicate what appliances they cou use to advantage, am. "''"v . - - .1 . horn oUmt Tli'll V. add where tneymivv" V. R. FRANCIS IIKAKU AT RlITHERFfJKUlu W R Francis, assistant U. S. Pis-, trict" attorney, was one of the speak ers last night at the Armist.cePay program which was observed in Ruth- erfordton, oy iov r.r ,f the county and the Legion Auxd.a Other speaners we.c uu..- Sink and past district Commander D. C. Whitaker. ', . A survev of histori.'al spots in the mountain a-ea of North Carolina fur the purpose f erecting highway markers, will be undertaken iiuiing lhe next week by Miss Mai yuonr vi amar acting collector for the North Carolina Hall of History, who will leave Raleigh for the west tooay. miss .. , : I...: 1.., Ih.. Stsittt lieiamar is un"K o .- 'y ..v - Historical Commission, C. C. Critten den., secretary, which is carrying on the historical marker program in iu- v, llitnin't merit, of operation wiui - Conservation and Development and the Highway Public Works Commis sion. The legislature at its last session appropriated $!,nni a year ior the prwsent bienriium for this pur pwe. Miss Delamar on fhis trip expects to cover the following counties: Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Swam, Ma con, JaeKSOn, liaywuoii, na"j"' nia, Madison, Huncombe, Henderson, Yancey, Mitchell, Avery, McDowell, Rutherford, Cleveland, Ilurke, and Caldwell. In each county she will confer with authorities on local history. The markers, oounie laeeu an., made of aluminum, are of the size as those Of Virginia, but the lettering is larger and the design distinct. Al most one hundred legends have now been approved, and several dozen markers lire actually in place. Official Count 01 Votes Miows No Bij; Changes The election return. for this county ; ,i,.t-iii tnr n ! lTU'T.s. nil are ffiven in vivuiH, rjr , --- another page of this paper. The Dem L: .. mtHtiirm near the . ocranc iiij. ..j , 5,000 mark. j p. Cabe, Demo. ratic Represen tative, led the ticket in the county. n.. .i ,,t!il nf .1 818 jtr. i,ane num-u a iww. - - . " . .. L. I Wifl.. naf The taouiaiion as puunoire,. show the way Haywwd voted on the five amendments. The totals showed that everv amendment carried. The hrst amenoon-Mi., i t-.h. i.-- supreme court carried by a vote of 5,094 to 1,910. The second amendment, to limit -mn,.rn. tax exemDtion for homes occupied by owners carried by a vote of 6,3fi4 to 1,677. The third amendment, to permit classification of property for taxa tion, was 5.0R.1 to 1,568. lhe iourin amciiuinriik, to raise the maximum income tax rate, i l . .... A 190 tA 9 074 carrieu ov a -, y , . -. The fifth amendment, to place re striction on nublic debt, was carried by a vote of 4,940 to 1,706. Miss Belle Bright had as her guests over the week-end Miss Able Robinson. Fleetwood, all of Mars Hill, N. C. The Weather Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday , Monday Tuesday Max. 72 64 ; 55 r,r 71 71 60 Min. 72 40 5;? . . , . IU CO 30 1 V-