The Waynesville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park FIFTY-SECOND YEAR NO. 50. WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17, 19.56 $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY 0 f Fines Creek, Wins Trade At Home Prize Large Number Of Essays Enter ed In Contest Staged By Chamber Of Commerce Miss Louise Messer, a student of Fine Creek high school, won the first prize of ?8 in cash, offered by the merchant's division of the Chamber of Commerce, for the best essay from :i high school student on the subject, Why it is good business to try at Home first." Richard Turpin, student of the Waynesville Township hijrh school, had the best essay from the school, while Christine Rogers, of Clyde, sub mitted the best 'from the Clyde school. Jessie Edwards, of Bethel, won first prize from there. F.ach of these win r.ers will receive a check for three .h'dlars. The first prize of 5 offered to the lust essay from an elementary school , ; tuicrit went to Bill Toy, of Lake .lunalufka. The second prize of .rv0 a!-o went to a Junaluska student, lhanche Massey. Jack Bramlett had the second best from Fines Creek; Jack Modf'ord, the second best from Clyde, Mildred Har grove, second from Bethel,, and Cath erine Martin was second in the Way luvville school. J. Dale Stentz, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, said yesterday Miat the three judges went over the letters carefully, and had quite a task, as a large number were submitted. "It took considerable time and effort to select the best," he said. "They were all good letters, and the Cham ber of Commerce congratulates the winners, and thanks all those who participated." The essay contest was part of the "Try at Home First Campaign," which was staged by the'. merchant's' division of the Chamber of Commerce here for the past few weekf!. The winning essays will be publish ed next week. Dr.T.StringfieId Is Commander Of Spanish War Vets . At the regular meeting of the Hugh A. Love Camp, No. 12, department of Notth Carolina United Spanish Amer ica n War veterans, last Friday, the following officers were elected to serve for the coming year: Commander, Thos. Stringlield, Sen ior Vice Commander, C. A. Mooney, Junior Vice Commander,, R. Claude Jones. Adjutant, John Shook, Quar termaster, J. B. Hoyle, Trustee, J. E. Boyd, Jr., Patriotic Instrueton, J. M. Curtis, Historian, J. B. Hoyle, Sur geon, Thos. Stringfield, Chaplain, J. D. Justice, Officer of the Dav, Mack White, Officer of the Guard, John l'lott, Sergeant Major, C. F. Shook, Quartermaster Sergeant, J. R. Boyd, Jr., Senior Color Sergeant, John D. Wright, Junior Color Sergeant, O. J. Jenkins Chief Musician, Joe Schenck. N. C. Legislature Passes Insurance Bill And Adjourns The special session of the North Carolina legislature adjourned pine me Wednesday at noon, after having passed in record time, and without any controversy, the unemployment insurance bill which brings North Carolina under the list of states to participate in the federal government social security program. Copies of the bill will be certified and sent to Washington at once. Not a single vote was fast against the measure in either the house or the senate..'. ( While things went along without iiitch" in this special session, mem herp of both houses have made it plain that such will not be the case when the regular session convenes early in January. IN NORTH WILKESBORO M. D. Watkins, of Watkins Chev rolet Company, spent yesterday in North Wilkesboro on business. Today's Market The following cash prices were be ing paid Wednesday by the Farmers Federation here: Chickens, heavy weight hens .10e Chickens, fryers .. . . . . ...10c Eggs, dozen . . . . . . .32c Corn, bushel .''". ......... .''. . . . .75: Wheat, bushel .'. J1.00 Louise Messer, Mountaineer Will Be Published Early In order that the subscribers may pet their paper before Christ mas, The Mountaineer will be pub lished next Tuesday afternoon instead of on Wednesday. All readers will then get their paper by noon Wednesday. Those having news items, and advertisers, are asked to get their material to this office not latter than ten o'clock Tuesday morning. Community Singing Set For 7 O'clock Sunday Evening 1 The first Christmas 'community I sing" ever held in Waynesville is i -rlu'dulcd for Sunday night. Dccem j her 20th. at 7 o'clock at the 1'aik 1 Theatre. 1 Mr. Massif is providing th ! 1 e for this oeeasion and it ,lieveM that the entire seating Thea is be ta pa. - . r.y w.ll be ill led. The evening will be given to community singing, in other word.- every person there will be expected to do his or her part to make the evening one long (o be rcmemberel. No admission will he charged, all seats will be free. Till' words of the songs t bo used are ' being printed through the cour tesy of The Mountaineer and you will be supplied with these at the door as you pass in, J. I tale Stentz will he in charge and will lead (lie singing. Mrs. J. Hale Stentz will be at the piano. This evening of Christ mas songs is being sponsored jointly by the Waynesville .Chamber of Commerce and the Woman's Club. It is suggest ed that you come early. Ledbetter Is Not Seeking State Job The correspondent from Raleigh, of (he Asheville ('if izen-Tiines, was a bit mixed on information regarding certain ones seeking office .under the new state . administration from this section of the state. It stated that Mr. Arthur Ledbetter. business manager of the Haywood County Hospital, had -applied for the position now held by Oral Vales,. of Haywood county in the weights and measures section of the department of agriculture; Mr. Ledbetter in a statement to this paper says he has not ".applied for the office and does not intend to do so. Police Make l(i Arrests For Dec. A check-up yesterday of the police records showed that up to Wednesday noon, -Id people had been arrested by j city policemen since , the first of De-1 comber. The majority of these .were for being drunk,- or transporting I liquor. About four gallon were captured at two sources during the week by Policemen Button arid Cochrane. One car was stopped, and a house on Smathors street raided. Singing Croup To Meet In Canton The Fast Haywood Singing conven tion will meet Sunday afternoon, De cember 20th, at two o'clock, according t0 II. A. ''Williams, chairman. The meeting .will be held at the Weslyn Methodist church, on Newfound street in Canton. AIL singers and lovers of music are invited to attend. ROTARIANS MEET WITH OTHER W. N, C. CLUBS The Sylva Rotary Club was hosts Tuesday night to all Rotary Clubs west . vf Asheville, at - an inter-city meeting. '.. Several from the Waynesville club attended the Sylva meeting.' This, however, will not take the place of the regular meeting Friday, at 12:30. CAPT. A. HOWELL HEARD FROM Capt. Ahien How-ell, Sr., who has been making his home in Los Angeles, Calif., for the past several years, wag heard from this week. W, G. Byers, clerk of the court, re ceived a letter from him this week, stating that he was "in good health and enjoying life." Capt.. Howell is 96 years old, and is the oldest pen sioner on the local list, Mr, Byens stated. ":" ;'."', . '.' IT ALWAYS PAYS TO Will Seek $743,000 From President For Completing Park A an outgrowth of a meeting of representatives from Tennessee and Western North Carolina in Knoxville last Friday, pians are underway to contact President Roosevelt at an early date in an effort to get an ap proval of an appropriation for $743, 000. IS with which to buy about 34,000 acres in the park. The acquisition of the 31.000 acre is necessary before the full required amount will he met and the park taken yver by the Federal Government and fully developed. The Chamber of Commerce was rep-re.-enled at the meeting by the sec retary. .1. Hale Stent.. L. N. Davis, and W. L. Lampkin. Several from Asheville attended the meeting, but no other North Carolina towns were represented. Formal organization was made at the meeting, and Kawley (Yumbli-, of Chattanooga, was named chairman, and Chas. A. .Webb;, of Asheville, ice chairman. The executive committee is compos ed of seven members, two fiom Chat tanooga. twv from Knoxville, two ! from Asheville, and J. Dale S.ent.. of Waynesville. Mr. Stentz reported that two mem bers were named to make plans 'for eontactng the president as soon as he. retains from his South American trip, I and if for any reason the two states failed to get the neceessary money from the president, a bill will be intro duced in the coming session of con gress to appropriate the amount. it was the opinion of Mr. Steiitv., that the new orgaiiizat ion. would not stop until tlio money was in. and, the .'il.Ol.MI a res bought. And the park turned oer to the Federal Govern ment. "The dot crminaf ion with which t he group from both statiy went to work, convinced me 'that- the objective of finding $7 13. 000 for-, buying the re maining land will be a success," Mr. Stentz said. '..'.. Tin' group was also encouraged by the the statement' 'made by M ', Roose velt after his trip through the park last September. Civil War Veterans And Widows' Receive Semi-Annual Checks Only four veterans of the War Be tween the States, and eleven of their widow- vVi'.od the ollice of W. (1. Hyers on Tuesday and received their semi-annual checks, Others sent members of their families or friends. As t heir usual custom the Haywood Chapter of the Daughter,, of the Con federacy served a lunch for them and nave a Christmas package to each, and packages to those not attending. Mrs. John M., Queen, Mrs. L. M. Killiah, and .Mrs. James It. Boyd, Jr., had charge' of the arrangements of the day. there are only eight names left, now on the county -pension roll: of veterans, W'. L. Massic. Daniel Levi Ma this, James K. Swavngim, H. M. Wood, J. B. Wyat.t, John Hoyle.. It. T. Under wood, and Alden Howell, who now lives in Los Angeles, Calif. They re ceive .semi-annually; $182.50, with the exception of John Hoyle, 'of Canton, who is blind and receives a special monthly jiaymcnt. There are thirteen widows in what is known as the second clasx. They re.cidve $150 .semi-annually, and are as follow's:' Mrs. Susan Trull, Mrs. Merritt Tratttham. Mrs. Mattie l'lott, Mrs. Ella Mull, Mrs. Addie Massey, Mrs. Mary MacFayden, Mrs. Matti Littlefiold, Mrs. Fallen Fowler, Mrs. Amanda Cook, Mrs. Susan liurgin, Mrs. 10. E. Boyd, and M rs. J. W. Blan ton, '. - In the first class, are grouped the younger widows, who received $50 semi-annually. Receiving pensions in Haywood are: Mrs. M. L. Birohfield, Mrs. Barthaney Cabe, Mrs. Cordelia Clark, Mrs. Laura Curtis, Mrs; W. R. Ferguson, Mrs. M. C, Hoglen, Mrs. Martha Hoyle, Mrs. L. Y." Jolly, Mrs. Rachel M. Lewis, Mrs. Jane Robin son, Mrs. Jessie T, Roger, Mrs. M. A. Ferguson, Mrs. $allie Trull, Mrs. Martha Wrhite, Mrs. Artie Arrington,, Mrs. S. C. Chambers, Mrs. Martha M. Jones, Mrs. C. E. Mann, and Mre, N. V. Mills. Caldwell Child Is Injured By Auto Junior Caldwell, age four, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caldwell, who live on the Dellwood Road, was knock ed down on the highway near his home around 2:30 o'clock on Sunday after noon. He was taken to the Haywood Coun ty Hospital where he is now a pa tient. One leg was injured and he suffered several cuts on the face. J. J. Ferguson To Succeed Noland In County Tax Office On last Friday the county board of commissioners had a call meeting for the purpose of accepting the resigna tion of Andy Grady Noland, assis tant tax oollee-cor, and electing his successor. J. J. Ferguson was elected to succeed Mr. Noland. Mr. Ferguson will take over his new duties as assistant to W. H. Mc Cracken, tax collector ami tax super visor, sometime during the next week. Mr. Noland' has served the county in this capacity for the past ten yuars. It was not learned what work Mr. No' ami would take up, following his. resignation. The board ordered that two index Inioks for the office of the icgister of deeds, one for the marriage licenses and one for the vital statistics be bought, to complete the indexing system' started in this office: The purchase was f-o be made pivyided the Wl'A continued the present project, asking nothing of the county but the books and the cards. .1. R. Boyd and Jamo- At kin, ap peared bet ore' the board in behalf of the Duke Summer School, of Lake Junaluska. and asked for an appro piiation of $200 for a louche" I raining support of the school, wln.h was granted. Christmas Music Will Be Heard On Streets Here Daily .Beginning Friday noon of this week, 'here will be inaugurated another new Christmas feature for this community-Christmas music will till the air each dav at twelve ami live. The Christina Vongs will be braid through extra large loud speakers being erected at the Lurk Theatre by .1. K. Massic. The music will be heard for several bio .-ks from ,e theater. J, Dah- Stentz, of the" Chamber -of Commerce, will be in charge of tuis new Christmas feature. Listen for the 'music each day from Friday until Cliri.-t.iuas, at noon and at five. Iwo Mountaineers On All-Western Sports eilifoi's of the Asheville Citizen-Times placed two Waynesville players on the all-western prep higi eleven. Carrett, Reeves was named at qua: teiback and: Lagg Sawyer was placed at guard. . Den Dryson landed, a da e on the M'cond team al tackle,' and Vount. was named fullback on the third team. ('athey was given honoi-ilile men tion at end, and Hyrd at 'center, Asheville high placed live men on the team, with I! I in- Kidgo ng one, AshcviHi ..'School - .'.one,, and Christ School one. Fown Being ('leaned Up For Hollidays T. L. Rramlett, member of the hoard of aldermen, and chairman of the street department, has a crew of men at work t.hi week cleaning up lots and streets before the Christmas hol idays, Mr. Rramlett,. said, the work would continue until. Christmas, an it was his purpose to have the town "spic and span" for the holidays. Schools Close For Two-Week Holiday The schools of the ounty will cloce Friday for a two-weeks holiday. The second half of the year's work will begin on January fourth, it was learn ed from school officials. MISS TURNER HONORKI) AT HREVARI) COLLEGE Miss Mary Anne Turner, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. P. D. Turner, of Waynesville, wajj chrasen chief mar shall for the fall form nmmoneimonf Which was held at Brevard College on uecemner tne 7tn. i he selection of mafshalls was based on scholarship. Miss Turner, who made a plendid record in the local high school, was awarded the scholarship to Brevard College offered by the District Wo man's Missionary Societies of the Methodist churches. GONE TO BOSTON Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ru-iell left Tues day for several' weeks' visit with rela tives at Boston, Mass., and various points North. TRY AT Local Stores Will Remain Open Nights A group of merchants decided this week that they would remain open next week, beginning with Tuesday night. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights the stores will remain open until nine o'clock. Thursday night they will re main open until ten o'clock, it was announced. History-Breaking Prices Being Paid For Bur le Crop There has been a rush of tobacco from tins county sin., e the market I opened on lVicmhei 'Jth. Most Hay wood fa: merit. are filing at Asheville; but some are trucking their tobacco to Mo i rit-tow n an, I other Tennessee markets. The wood, however, is bring inc. record prices rega idles- of uheic sold. h'olKiwing are a few sales leportcd to The Mountaineer' there are doubt les many others ju-t as cood: 1'itik Host, C:yde, Kiute I, 7 grades, J! t(, ,MI cents icr pound. lloha:t lloelan. Cove ('reek, (il-1 pounds, (who, e crop) an avrage of ol) cent s per pound. K. D. Medford, .Waynesville, Route 1 acre, $o.i() (approximately.) Albeit .1. McCrackcn, Waynesville, Route 1, one half aero, nearly $100. Ben Wright, of White Oak who is working with the Carolina Warehouse in Asheville, called The Mountaineer, to report that, oil Tuesday, a total of 75.N5U pounds sold fur an average of $.'IS.IO. This amount wa sold In two hours time. Youth Program Helping Boys And (iirls In County fifty boys and girls are employed in Haywood eounly ,y the llayvood unit of the .National You'll ndmini t rat ion, m the various activities thioughout the county, according to .Mrs. Janies R. Boyd, Jr., who is su- i iervisoi'. lie project is sponsoreU by the county board of education. Tlie projects, include community de velopment, sc hool beaut it'ication and olliro assistants. A lai go 'number of g 1 1, are employ. I'd in the tin it-h rooms ,f the county schools, and are gaining useful ex an i in the preparation and si'iv ing of meals. Another group L work ing in Wl'A oflices, both in' Waynes ville and Canton.. Ol hoi's are employ, ed as typists and olli.e a-si-lants. A number are working in nuist ry schools and t he public' libra ; y. The boys ale eniph yi d at the differ ent schools over the enmity, ill beaut i fying and improving the school grounds. They have repaired 'old wa ter mains, built new one-; placed sand an, grave) in the school roads, built fences around jilay grounds, helped with building -cement walk-, and planted native shrubbery. The purpose of the oi ga nizat Inn is ifi give 'employment to boy- and gills who would' otherwise lie idle. The work also goes to those who need the wages which arc paid, but the prin cipal purpose, said Mis. Uoyd, is that "we are trying to gel them to real ize that there is a definite -place for them in the life of the community a:; useful citizens." Decoration Con test Being Staged .Mrs. S. I'. ' Cay,, president' of the . woman s I lul, announces that the or ganization will hold a" outside Christ mas Home Decoration contest. First and fecond prizes' will be awarded the two entries scoring according to the judges, the most points. Mrs. Cay also calls attention to the Community Christmas tree which is sponsored each year by the club for the underprivilwlged children of the town. As usual the distribution of gifts from the tree, . will be held on Christmas Day at 4 r'clo: k with a brief program of Christmas carols. Third Series Of Ieclures Will lie Given Tonight The third in a series of lectures on the Ten Commandments, will be given tonight at 7:30 o'clock at St. John's Catholic Chapel. The Rev. Father S. ott, O. F. M.. of St. Authon's church of Asheville, will be the speaker- H13 subject will be "Religion as an Obli gation." : A special uiusical program will be presented by the WTaynesville Choral Club under the direction of Evander Preston. The public is cordially in vited to attend. v HO ME F I Canton Boy Kills Self When Turned Down By Girl Houston W right, 21, Fired Shot Into Hrain When (Jirl Re fused To Marry Him When his sweetheart of two years refused to marry him, Houston Wright, 21, Canton youth, walked out of the girl's home early Sunday morn ing, bid her parents good-bye, and placed a pistol to his temple, fired a tdiol into his brain, which caused his death about 4 o'clock Sunday after noon at the Haywood County Hospital. Young Wrijfht had spent the night at the home of the girl whom he had asked to be his bride. When she re fused, according to ollicors, J. W. Rat ion and lien Cochrane, the boy got a pint" of liquor, and after drinking that, went about fifty feel from the house and shot himself. Another boy was with him at the time that Wright tired the fatal shot. Just before leaving the bouse, Wiight v said to have told the par ents of the girl: "I am going to be gone a long time before 1 come hark." W illi these parting words be f;red the only a"t ridge from bis cheap, old fashioned gun into his head, just a hove, t be right car. The gun is ()f such an old make that it had to be adjusted after each tiring. The local policemen wen' on the scene within live minutes after the shot was tired, ami a . rompuniod the boy to live hospital after placing him in an ambulance. Last Rites Held For Mrs. I). P. Pressley, Monday Afternoon l''un.e:'al services were held M.onduy afternoon for Mrs. D. 1'. I'ro.ssloy, 5l), who passed away Sunday, December Kith, at the HiltmOre Hospital, in Asheville, from heart troublo.- The service,) were held at the .Ieth-odi-t ehiirch here, with Dr. K. S. Truesdale and the lev. (ieorge W lleiiuan, in charge. Burial wa.s made at (Ireeil Hill cemetery. Mrs, I'rcssley was born in Asheville, and was the oldest daughter of the late T. F. Hall, of Liverpool, Hngland. She moved to Waynesville 17 years ago. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs, Clara Ivey, of Jacksonville; two nisters, .Mi's. Lstelle Jacksvon and Mrs. M. M. Jack son, of Asheville, and one brother, V. W. Hail, also of Asheville. I'allbi aieiV; were; Hugh Massie, K. I W Ol...... r II fi,,,,.. l.', L ine) Aid lure, and O. II. Slielton. Briggs Has Toys For Poor Children Oscar L. Briggs announced yester day that he had toys on halid for every under pi iviledged child within the city limits. If, will he necessary for the. parent-- of the children to .see Mr. Briggs at the lire station between tiow- and (.'bristnias in order to get the toys. Fireworks Not To Be Shot On Main Street Police yesterday issued a warning against shooting fireworks On Main street. They stated that till caught shooting fireworks would be arrested. To date, several have been arrested, and a number warned. From now on. it was paid, all will be arrested, and no further warnings isused. Wreath Given By Father IL V. Lane Father Howerd r. Ijine has given a beautiful evergreen wreath to the town, which has been placed on Main street near the post office. This wreath is given in the memory of the first Christmas asking that the Christ Child bless the homes and individ uals of this community. The Weather Max. Min. Wednesday 53 21 Thursday fiO 3t Friday 57 32 Saturday 43 . j 11; Sunday 52 22 Monday , 45 . 15 Tuesday 41 R ST !

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