m THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1936 Page 4 11 a , J f lli J I 1 iff Society PHONE 137 BETTY JANE BRADLEY GIVES BIRTHDAY PARTY On Saturday afternoon little Miss Betty Jane Bradley, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. B adley. en tertained a group of friends in ob servance of he.r tenth birthday anni versary. The living rooms were arranged in the Christmas colors, with all appoint ment being in green and red. After the guests enjoyed games, ices, cakes and candies were served. Among those invited were: Shirley and Geraldine Oolkitt, Betty Slier, Meta Dicus. Jeanette Burgin, Anne English Lioise Martin. Patsv Cwvn, Ruth V angenfeld, Caroline English, Norma Jane Burgin. and Jean Ann Bradley. CARROLL il.Ol'ISE BELL GIVES BIRTHDAY PARTY On Monday afternoon little Miss Carroll Louise Bell assembled a group of her friends for an afternoon of games in observance of her birthday anniversary. She was assisted in re ceiving and entertaining her guests by her mother. Mrs. Carroll Bell.. Among those present were: Bettv Franc w, Patsv Gwyn. Doris Colkitt, Eugenia Martin. Gladys Walker, Ann Edmonds. Betty Jean Alley. Martha Mae v-che. Jane Wyche, Mary Lee Alley. Kloise Martin, Bobbie Colkitt, Phil Medford, Billy Davis. Jack W oithington. and Fred Martin. WEDDING TAKES PLACE IV CLAYTON. OA. Of interest to friends and relatives is the announcement by Mr. Frank Edwards, of the marriage of her daughter. Miss Mary Edwards, to Mr. vSherril! Plenunons, which took place at ( layton. da., on Christinas Dav. The couple were accompanied by a group of friends. The bride is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Frank Edwards. -She wa ed ucated in the Waynesville Township schools, and the Bethel High school. For her marriage she wore a becom ing suit of blue wool with harmoniz ing accessories. The groom is the pon of Mr. and Mrs. (olvin I'lemmons. f Canton and ho'ds a -position with the Champion' Fibre Company. After a wed ling trio in the South ; the young ouple will reside in Canton l i I IILRES ALLEY DANCES T R F ( H AL IN ASHEVII.I.K Little. There,a. Alley, was fi-atureti ' in a recital given last week jy the -I Kheinl! Dancing m !:.,.:. whi h was ! given -txk the ; Battery Park Hotel in ! A-heyille. She gave .several numbers,.', which w.rre iv. eive,! with much an- i plau-e. j . Mrs, -Ei ;ie, L.' Withers. 'Mi-is He. :er Ann, UVI,: ,-, a::i sir. Eriiest L. ' Rubers, jr., .,,,;. Uu, in At.anta, with, tlie .f-.uMiu-Vm.iih-.- i Mis. S. C. Satterthwaite. Mr- !: .!;,'. Dun i!, u Kichni.in.l. Calif., '.was HiVr-ias f hi. A:kVm.. e true- K. 0. 'Mr. A:ki-;. V.VVl whoV ,v K-mlinir Vait-i.-rvlr IV-.r-i: v v V guess dnr.ii.--r -:. eh:-:,',,, s vi,; n ;, ?' a" ' M,. ;.n i-Mr- Mr, and M f with Mr-.. .. K. Whi" va;.. ami smt Day he. inoth- if- M v'rva i; a; h.vr. h. A'sheV'l! We:ir U Looms 1 hr ..pi- iMech in il.riiaml jui II. ,H. ,- I, ,,.;.., Sr;,,V ,,,. "..I s. .nh eater. (! S'len, h.r -Imii-!h," lie- lonely hinir. Aiken (iift Shop 1937 Greetings For The New Year We w ish to thank our cus- tomers for their patronage during the Christmas Sea son. Chandler & Co. CREDIT JEWELERS Phone 19 Church St. y-w, ii mil,, M ' " i mmn f . 1 CHRISTMAS PARTY GIVEN FOR YOUNG COLLEGE SET An outstanding affair among the college girls and bovs was the Christ m party given 0n Saturday night by Miss Dollee Marsh, student of the North Carolina Lniversity for Women, and Mr. Frederick Marsh, student of the University of Florida, who jointly entertained at the home of the latter's aunt. They were assisted tn receiv ing by Miss Lois Harrold. aunt of Mr. Marsh, and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Marsh, parents of Miss Marsh. For the occasion the house was thrown together and decorated in Christmas greens. Dancing and game were enjwyed throughout the evening. Those invited to attend were: Miss Martha Way. Miss Sarah Wei. h Miss Drama Lamnkin. Miss Billy Roiha. Miss Thomasine String-field. Miss Jane Stentz, and guests, Miss Harriett Hardin. Miss Single Hardin, and Mr. James Preston. Miss Haseltine Swift. Miss Emi!y Siler. Miss C r rine Wagenfeld. Misj Josephine Holtz claw. of Richmond. Va.. Miss Margue rite Murphy. Miss Jane White. Miss Ha-.1 MiiS sie. Miss Mary Penland McCracken. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stahl. Mr. Ernest L. Withers. Jr.. Mr. Bobbie Sloan. Mr. Frank Massie. Mr. J. T. Russell. Mr. Charles Rallentine. Mr. Howard Hyatt. Mr. Bill Swift. Mr. orge Stentz, Mr. Henry Tuttle. Mr. Bob Wagenfeld. Mr. Fred Davis. Mr. Bill Ray. Mr. Joe Jack Atkins. Mr. Mack Davis. Mr. John West Mr. Robert Lowe, Mr. James Hanlin How ell, Jr.. Mr. Sydney Truesdale. and Mr. Ernest Wilson, of Svlva. MR. AND MRS. L. M. RICHESON (JIVE DINNER PARTY On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Richeson entertained with a din ner party in compliment to the latter' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Evans, of Pittston. Perm., who have been then guest., for the past fortnight. The Christmas motif was noted throughout the house, as well as in the appointments and party acces I series. Following dinner contract was played, after whicn Christmas game j were enjoyed. As a closing feature, gifts foi each guest wc;e distribute ! by Mr. Richeson from a tree in the livirg room. The guest list included. Mr. and Mrs. R. I.. IVvost. Mr", and Mrs. Ernest J. Hyatt, Mr. and Mis. Jerry Colkitt, 1 Mrs. .., P. Dicus. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bradley.; Mr. and Mrs. .. ; Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. JutT, Dr. and Mrs. R. Stuart Robe son. and Mr. and Mrs E. (". Wagefifel-I. Mr. an 1 M s. 1;; -, p. ,..-, , left i.ii Saturday for Griffin, Ga.., where hey vil' visit Shi ia-tc V pan .-.' Mi:. air! Mrs. . V. Vrmari. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson. . of FJaVgh. were the guests during '"hrr'n-a- of the former's mother, 'Mis. M.ur-av Ferguson, at he- home -" :h-,T..:hvoo, i;,,lU, Mr'. I':;; r,,!,i, ;; i "ar.. i-'s Mr.,:- , Mrs. v. ,;,., "i i iB.rmw Dav, ' V.ii;::n had a. hi-y Vn ainl two small 'la sin iK Christmas . -isler and G':. I. a; :.-.:''.'".h'.-i... Mr! aV V. -. ''" -ir binv iif-Aslievil'I '-Hu-ih.-i: (Sloan. Jr., who is with 'he 'ate Hj'tfhway Pa'tr-.l, with head- i-i:n-j-y in Wil-ainu-fon. . sn.mt . the j' !.'h)-istmas halidnvs W'th his fa-t.i.i- j Mr. Itii-h J. Sloan. :.'.' ". Park Theatre Program FOR COMING EEK I THl'RM) M lei i.-e ( lieviillier mill All Star Cnxf 'THE IiELOED GHONI)" PECIVLNEWEVREE iii)M(;iit snow V l one ami 1.. Ijin.li in "THE MAI) HOLIDAY" I RIDXY lojin ISennett anil ( arv (.runt In "THE WEDDING PRESENT' S VTURI) Dirk Koran (Hie SinKini; (:owImv) in "TRAILING WEST" SUNDAY Jack Holt anil Kivelyn ma hie In "NORTH OF 0ME" MONDAY and TUESDAY Jai-k lii-nnv, Hums & All in 'THE BIG BROADCAST OF 1937 WEDNESDAY Itohhv llrwii and Mav Itbson In "RAINBOW ON THE RIVER' ADMISSION 10c and 25c Clubs MRS. T. L. Awarded $1,600,000 Alimony! : -V . juy , ' - IJv W v.- I" ' One of the largest alimony awards on record went to Mrs. Emily Milliken Lambert, daughter of the late multi-millionaire chemist. John T. Milliken, when she received a divorce settlement of $1,600. 000 rrom her husband, J. D. Lambert, wealthy drug manufacturer. Her decree, obtained in a St. Louis court, was awarded on grounds of mental cruelty and was uncontested. She also won custody of their two minor children. i MRS. T. TROY WYCHE .GIVES FATHER HOWARD V. LANE HON I CHRISTM AS TEA OUS COLL KG K GROl P Due of the delightful aitair- of til. Honoring the: girls and boys who week was the Christmas tea given oil .spending the Chiistmas ho'idays I 1 uesdiiy auc.iuion .j ' .iu.-. i. in.,, j with their rarents. Father Howard V. Wyche, The lower il or of the resi- ,;inc cnteitained with a tea on Tues dence was thrown en suite, and lighted , jay afternoon at his home adjoin- by numerous red tapers in silver i j,,,- :. John's Cathoiic chapel-..'. j li'-l'l'', : with ; the ( hnstmas motif I Th 1ivin Voom!i 'W01 col.rfu!!y .il.rti.-d tn ait lh...afrttiigV.eni,, , . . I u,:,u;( : in iiUant :t.ies of holly and j The tea table was covered with a poinsettas, with the Christmas colors liandsoine la e cloth, centered with a , j),.in:r . u -ed in all th.e appointments "of i sliver bowl of red berrieg and sii- .servin". veied foiiaue with . silver ' li.d.Us '. ' pj.v,..,,,, r rM Slr.a- num M-a.n,g reu . .ai.e s on .either si a, h ., M,n,il.,.,,, by Mr. and Mrs. . Miss Hester Anne Withers poured, .;v; n,i..,. .'rest-ni. witli several vocal ami .Miss Li. is Harrold and -Miss Ml V iilaid LindU'V .. a.-sisted--'in serving Around forty t.ier.-L-.ji and C::i0." 'calk-a. oelWeci Mi-;s Kat'i.t i ine Hill-, who iss attend- ' . iilfT 'no Salem Aiai a-aiy, of i insjon- .J - -, r ; !" !i' Ai'ey, Mr. !'. K. Saii-m. in i pai atoi y io..Sal.m (.'ula j'V, ,(,-,, Mr. Ha ( - A ! h-y. ' a i:;i i i..-s--ti!j';i!f.ChilstrtUi..."nc-.id-.i;. . W; ,, , A 'a y. - s;a-nl t lie vi-k-en i jr.. her maa'taa. .u i . -5i r i ;a' ,v- i; i;alla. S. ('.. .-where .the fai-na- I'iH.'ni;.-'. aa :..dii-. na S-iiidav. ': .' and -Mrs. Clari-:-- M,-:-.,-;- r,;:..:. M .-, A. Wilfaid Rav a:ai a pa e.i iai Mni-iav ' i i a : ,.:;:f.'i. wi;e. i- , J' -iere. won.- among t Si.ve -"iH they v..:.;,d the iattr-r's iiioth.-r. Mrs-, j Tuesihry i Ashevilh-. Ma.::!. a !:' ( ni-os, aiai hi-i- '-..-u ;-. -o;-.! .1. M. Caidtteli. ' j M ... . '. Davi-- !;a i a- he: . ' '" -'ion ( 'hnstiivas hi f- -: :. , Mr-. ' .M r. .1 a i ne,- A. ti. -Davey i--i't ..in Tu..-i-.i Mau t;.-'.;. -:0!' . 'a-hiaKt an. ! . 'C !ay for F.-i.t I'io' ai-. Flu... Whore hi: her '. ly other-, Ml:; -J, I., Kliio't will join M if;.. D-a ey'. wha- is -seeiiainir MKun. Italy. 11 r, Klliolt is lt son;el,aii- wilii her. moth-:;1, ,.ii:i;ia'ier .for- the Pahit-live t theii- hi-a-io aut'M'rs ::; Milan. : Mr. and Mrs. Ma !; Mesi. k ;i!t -t eiaiiitq: oaiietime in . (Vreenvil little' ilaiurhtei. '..'f Wtn-t ..Sa .-m. ''- 'l! ' Mi.inf, F'.a. o'.ar.s visitv.,. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. I'avi- dar- Haly the first of Februa ihtf t'hn.-tituis week. I I Mr. and Mis. Dewey Nolan, " M r: ilul'l. ; Ti-ifrine rn-tsy -tel,-: -Mv.-I.iiwsini Muinmerrow. who are now lo cated in Newport News, Va., spent the Chrit!iKU holidays with their par ents Mr. and. Mrs. (r. C. Mimmerrow. ..'..: Mi, H U P.aucnm Mi- 1 lith Tvner Haueom. Miss.- Mildred -Craw-lord, and Mi.-s Lillian Odum returned on Tuesilav from a two weeks; motor trip through h Ionda. They went down the F.ast coast and. .returned rby wav of the Ve.st coast. On Christ mas Dav they atten.led the proirram ?iven at the Rok Tower, near Ijake Walt. Permanent s Mode Paree $5.00 Value . $3.50 We Wish AU Our Patrons A Happy and Prosperous New Year. The Personality Beauty Shop Ruth Craig, Mgr. Phone 306 GWYN, Editor - i el :oik :-y Christinas tormer. !vits, eand-ied fn ml rlvvivat' we'-e a. f ro;-;T a t : v attr d the guests of the former's .-mother,' at her Home near Lake Junaluska. Mr. and Mi. William Chambers have as their (ruests at their home on the Balsam Koad. the latter's sis ters. Miss Mary r ranees Sturkey. Miss Marron Sturkev. and Mrc. Wessie Hut and youny; dauirhter. Caroline. Hitt, all of McCormk'k, S. C. w 9 n I Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Haynes - have-returned- from a motor trip through Honda. Miss Mary Stringfield left on Sun day for New ork City, where she will spend thi week with friends. Mr. and Mi's. Ben Sloan and young i daughter, Linda String-field, spent the nuii uAi;,in.,. u .:.u n ! . in istuia iiuiiuaa iitr.e Willi vir- and; Mrs.. S. H. Bushncll. Miss Mary Wood, of Elizabethton, Tenn., was the guest the . ifirst of the week of her grandmother Mrs. John N. Shoolbred. She left yester day for Asheville, where she will visit Miss Caroline Ward. .- Mr. F. A. Burgin, Mis Margaret Bsrgin, Miss Ruth Burgin, and Mr Ray Burgin, left last Saturday for Bender, Ga., where they are visiting 1 the tormers daughter, Mrs. James Crisp. i Mr. Sam Quantz left on Monday for his home in Burlington, after spend ing the Christmas holidays as the guest of Miss Mary Ashworth Barber, :, Mrs. George Semmes and young nephews, Jean and Sonny Howell, of Jacksonville, Fla., are spending the Christmas holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. Ray Personals THE BARRS HONORED WITH DIN NER PARTY On Saturday evening Mrs. Ernest J. Hyatt, Mrs. S. T. Neal, and Mrs. Sydia Ray entertained at the home of the latter, with a beautifully ap pointed dinner party as a .courtesy to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barr and their daughter. Miss Genevieve Barr, of .Winnebago. Minn., wh0 spent Christ mas with them. The house wa3 elaborately decorat ed in Christmas greens, and lighted with red candles. The guests were seated at two long tables, which were centered with crystal bowls filled with red roses. At intervals were placed holders with red tapers. Miniature Christmas tree,; were attached to each place card. following dinner the guests enjoyed several progressions of contract. Af ter the cards were put away, Mr. Jimmy Neal distributed from a gaily iighted Christmas tree, gifts to euvh guest. Each gift represented some hobby or weakness of the recipient, and to each one was attached a clever rhyme. Those present were: Mr. E. J. Hyatt, Miss Margaret Hyatt, Miss Elizabeth Ray. Miss Mary Ray, Miss Margaret Rav, Mr. Jimmy Neal, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barr, Miss Genevieve Barr. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Trotter, of Reidsville. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McCracken have as their guests Miss Grace Pfeiffer, Miss - Mildred Brinson. and Mr. Carl Hagan. ot lylvania. Ga. Mr. Wade kirkpatrick. who i lo cated here, spent the Christmas holi days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kirkpatrick. at their home at Kents Store. V a. Miss Genevieve Barr. who is teach ing in W innebago. Minn., has been vis iting her parent!. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barr, during the Christmas holidays. Rev. H. W , Bauinm upent several davs in the ea.stern part of the state during last Week. - Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie had as their guests on ( hnstmas Day the latter's aunt, Miss Anne Kerr and Miss ( orne Kerr, of Ashevule. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirkpatrick and two small children, of Greenville, were '.he guests during the week of the formers father. Dr. W. L. KirKpat rick. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus H. .Blackwell and M'-s. F. H, Marlev have returned from Lenoir, where they spoilt the Christmas holidays with relatives. 'Dr. aril Mrs, S. P. Gay left vn Friday for a visit to relatives in New- : port, Tenn. :'! , n-l A FTFR r IT I? T STM A S I tr -'SAL Coats - Dresses - Hats vf'tl ' ; imiesses- i a AC 1 I f sl DRESSES, indudinff Peter Jj r&sZtil 'V IMn. Reduced nr 8 llVEl EN Ein 1 HING PRICED TO MOVE vJhV A T O.N.C E V " : " ; 'X Six Coats : -: ; wMk- 4 At SID IM 2 r-."0!;, $12.95 lf All jW' V Hats Half Price "s Our New Spring Lines are Arriving Daily Including Prints and Suits. Drop in and See Them. The Fashion Shoppe MRS. JACK MESSER, Owner. MAIN STREET WAYNESVILLE PHONE 137 BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, of Maggie, announce the birth of a son, on December the 21st. MR. AND MRS. JAMES M. LONG LEAVES ON TRIP FOR FLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. James M. Long left on Wednesday morning for a trip of several weeks to various points in Florida. MOUNTAIN JOE GR EETINGS ! Sore (there is a Santa Claus - - - but better than any gift he brings are the friend ships I enjoy. As I ponder them at this season of Hap piness, I am refreshed with Memory's Album presents you to view. So, I pause to wish you at Christmas and all during the New Year HEALTH WEALTH HAPPINESS M O V N T A I N J OE BurginV Dept Store .MA IV ST It I-.F.T 1MIOVE -,i

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