THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAIN EER THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, I937 fpHI IMTY AF&IT ' Condition of Pope Pius Grows More Critical SUBSCRIPTIONS PAGE 8 W. D . SMITH Ben Wright, of White Oak, one of the demonstration farmers, carried on a very interesting experiment last turamer on a field of corn. This ex periment wan carried out on a hill side of having 1U h 12 per cent slope and a clay loam soil. On part of this field of corn 'Mr. Wright had a good cover crop of les pedeza to turn under before he planted the corn, on the rest of the field there was no cover crop. All the land was plowed and put in a state of cultiva tion for planting corn alike. All the corn was planted the same day and cultivated alike all through the grow ing season. Where the lespedeza was bushels of corn per acre at a cost of 34 cents per bushel. Kent says he has Earned a lot about producing corn and plans to grow a "real acre" next year. Joe Palmer was judged the out standing 4-H Club boy in Haywood county for 1936. Jve has been a 4-H Cub member three years, having as his project, Irish potatoes, (first year), baby beeves, (second year) corn, (third year.) Some of his activities while a 4-H Club member includes: 1. He was on the county livestock nlowed under the corn came un sooner I judging team two years, 1935 team and there was a 20 per cent better ! winning first on beef cattle. High stand. All through the growing sea-'man on 1936 team. son the corn where the lespedeza was i 2. Represented the county council turned, under was from 40 to 60 per , at the 4-H short eouie in 1936. cent larger. 3. President of Clyde club in 1936. Mr. Wright harvested the corn and , 4. President of county council for 1937. weighed a representative nw of the corn from each plot. Where the les pedeza w.v turned under the corn (ear and stalk) weighed 21,461,6 pounds per acre and where no lespedeza was turned under the coin (ear and stalk) weighed 5.033.6 pounds. Where the lespedeza was turned under the corn (ear and stalk) weighed more than 4 times mere than where there was no lespedeza " turned under. However, there was a greater ditferetice than thiti in the amount of ear vorn har vested due to the larger size of ears find quality of the ears of corn.. , Mr. Wright states. 'M' think the les pedeza that was turned under held the moisture during the dry season, there fore giving the corn more moisture to vrow n during the dry seat-on when the corn needed rains." This is a very; vivid example that most of our land needs mure humus and f(io nutrients. T'.y turning under cover crops and clover and grasses as green manure . crop is a very good way of adding humus and food nu t r ients tu t he soil. The question arises. Does it pay to turn cover .crops and grasses and clovers' as green manure crops ? The answer wilt be found in the above example. - Ol'N'TY CHAMPION (iKOWER 4 H CORN Kent S.-. Ketner, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ketner, of Dellwood, has been judged the county champion com grower. His project record book was ent to the state club leader, L. B. Han-ill, in Raleigh, to be judged, Kent had one of the three best re cords in the state 5. Entered the rural electrification contest. 6. Made radio talk over WWNC in October, 1936. 7. Won sweepstakes on his coin at the county fair. M. Completed all vot-ord books in cluding the 1936 health record book. 9. Assisted in keeping demonstra tion farm record book for his father. 10. M-aking 'good grade in schoo.. Averaging a good "1!." 11. lakes part in school activities declamation contest, president of high .school society, athletics. . 12. A quite,- well behaved boy, w ho is a leader among his classmates. 13. An all-round good boy who is liked and rec-pected by old and young alike. Joe comes from a family who was among the -first settlers of the county, and has played his part in bringing modern farming pract ices on. his fath er's farm. He is interested in all phases of agriculture that wiil rait--.' the standard of living for rural people.- ' ; He.'-is a '"real farmer" in the fa.-t .that he owns livestock besides, the 4-H Club piojcct, He expects to have corn, lepedi-y.ii and a dairy calf in 1937 as 4-H project. He ha, rendered his-home, camnui nity, school, and county a valuable service, and we believe there i6 a great future for him. He is a senior in the Clyde high school and will graduate in the spring, after which he expevts to enter col lege. Joe will be awarded a scholarship to the state short course to. be held in J -1 ' " ' ' ' ' xw. J Cardinal Pulla Cohta ; I Cardinal Boosll Cardinal Gasparrl cjjjj The following subscriptions have ? been received during the past week: Ben White, Cove Creek. I Miss Louise Stringfield, Richmond Virginia. ' n Mrs. W. A. Palmer, Nellie. W. Riley Palmer, Raleigh. Dr. I. B. Funke, City. j Mary S. Ector, Asheville. O. L. Briggs, City. Mrs. A. S. Leslie, Lake Junaluska. J. S. Rathbone, Maggie. " D. V. Francis, Route 1. ; Miss Jeannette Phillips, Spring- ' field, S. C. , Mrs. T. W. Stevenson, San Diego, California. Miss M. G. Walker, Wilmington. " J. H. Beach, Route 1. Mrs. L. C. Waddell, Hazelwood. Mrs. J. Frank Tate. Lakeland, Fla. Fred Ferguson, Raleigh. Dr. C. N. Sisk, City. Grover C. Rogers, Clyde. Jerry Snyder, Clyde. Mrs. W. L. Medford, Route 2. i' W. M. Evans, Route 2. p C. C. Francis, Route 1. i Roy Medford, Route 2. I T. B. Medford, Route 2. As fears grew concerning the health of Pope Pius XL three names prominently mentioned aa among the leading candidates to succeed the aged pontiff In case of his death were Cardinal Dalla Costa, left, archbishop of Florence; Cardinal Rossi, cen ter, and Cardinal Gasparrl, right. V cuts-7 EASY TERMS Tarn Your Timber Into Cash! Be your Own boss. Start a wood sawing business . . : make big: money. Witto log saws afford the most dependa ble, economical method of cutting down trees and sawing them up. Powered by direct geared "WITTE engine. Absolute control can be started Blowly--stopped instantly. Easy to operate. Cuts level with ground. Tree and log saw interchange able. A dependable unit. FREE Catalog. WITTE EIVGI.XE WOBKS 7fc77 Oakland Ave. 29S-S So. 2nd St. Kansas City, Mo. Harritburg, Pa. Producing 117.8 Raleigh next summer. W n (Elutrdf dmtitau ST. JOH.VS CATHOLIC CIU RCH Rev. Howard V. Lane, Pastor. Sunday morning mass at. 11 . Bene tliction of the. Biesst) Sacrament after the mass. Sermon, "The Christian i-'amil.y,": by the pastor. Congrega tional singing. , Instructions for ' the children on' Saturday morning at 10:30. .Morning, .mas" in the' American Le gion Hall at Franklin at 8. 'WAYNESVILLE BAITIST CHI Kt H H. W. Baucpm, Pastor'.. We will dis-cu.v next Sunday . morn ing a subject that was given much consideration by Jesus when 'He .-lived among men. Sunday school will convene at 0:45. W have. a place for all who will' come. ., The evening service will be held at five o'clock and the B. T. U. at 6. Come and worship with us. The program for the coming week j will be, Sunday school, morning and ivviiing worsnip services anil young people's mwting'at the regular hour on Sunday, mid-week prayer Service Wednesday night at 7:30. , Attendance last Sunday showed a good gain over the past several Sun days and over the corresponding Sunday last year. Rev. R. D. iiedinger, I). D,, was with us for the evening service on the. last Sutidav in December. Grace Church in the Mountains" EPISCOPAL Rev. Albert New, Rector. Sunday, January 10th. 10 A. M. Church school. 11 A. M. Sermon by the Rector. 12 Noon Congregational meeting, and election of vestry for 1937. WAYNESVILLE PRESBYTERI VN CHURCH There will be two special features at our next Sunday morning ser vice. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at this ser vice and following there will be a brief congregational meeting to transact a matter 0f business. , On Wednesday evening of next week there will be a church social begin ning with an hour of prayer and fol lowed by a social hour with refresh ments served. , Every member of the congregation, men and women, chil- dren and adults, should attend this midwinter church social rally you are cordially invited. Sunday Program: Bible school at 9:45, L. M. Richeson, superintendent. ' Sermon at 11 a. ni. Christian Endeavor at 7. ' Good Posture Good posture is an aset Which very few possess; Sad to relate, the favored ones Seem to 'be -growing less. We see the folks around us All slumped down in a heap, And the way that people navigate Is enough to make you weep. Some elevate thei; shoulders, Some hollow in their backs, Some stilTen up their muscles, And some just plain relax. Tne one who walks with grace and poise, Is a spectacle so rare. That even down on gay Broadway 1 he people turn and stare. If you would cut a figure In business, f port, or school, Just mind the posture precepts, Obey the posture rule. Don't thrust your head out tui tlewise; Don't bunch your shoulders so; Don't sag, and drag yourself around; No style to that, you know. Get uplift in your bearing. And strength and spring and vim; No matter what your worries, To slouch won't alter them. Just square your shoulders to the . world, You're not the fcort to quit; "It isn't tne load that breaks you down, It's the way we carry it!" SAVE ON PRESCRIPTIONS AT SMITH'S" Thursday Friday Saturday AtoZ SALE (Cut-Rate Drug Store FREE 1937 Weather Chart A Three Days' Cough Is Your Danger Sign Ma No matter how manr medicines you have tried for : yo4;r cot:;'.h, chest cold or bronchial irritation, yen can uci re lief now with Creemulsiou. Sonou.-. trouble nay be brc-.,'ig and yon can not afford to tnke a chance with rnv thing jess than Crcomuision, which goes right to the seat el the trouble J to aif. nr. t tire tc soothe' and heal tlr: T40.flaiicd membranes as the germ-lade:. phKam ;-. loosened nnd expelled. Even ii other remedies have fhilce don't b 2 discouraged, your drutrist i. Authorized to guarantee Crconiulsior. and to refund your money if you are iw satisfied with results from the very firs bcttle.Get Greomulsionrightnow. (Adv.) -4- sizK A (T DINE . ...... SI.2F .SIZK ABSORBINE, JR. 5e wn.M AMS AQUA VELVA . . noTTI.K 100 ALOPHEN PILLS $1.10 IJPSTH'K ANGELUS . . ... pixT ui-bbim; ALCOHOL . . . 49c . .89c . 34c .39c .....79c 2 for 25c -B- HAZELWOOD PRESBYTERIAN The men of the church meet tonight (Thursday) for their monthly meet ing. Supper will be served at 6:30. The subject for discussion -will be, "Outstanding Events of the Past Year." Andy Wyatt will be the leader. Individual PRINT! ng. We offer the facilities of our modern printing plant for small jobs and large. The Mountaineer 'Printing That Sat isfies" Read the ads-It pays 1 You can't be too Careful this time of the year. . . The ground is moist most of the time, and unless your shoes are in good condition your feet get damp which might cause serious illness. PLAY SAFE BRING US YOUR SHOES FOR REPAIRING Champion Shoe Shop E. T. DUCKETT Next To Western Union $1.00 I..K.F. BISODOL ..... TOOTH PASTi; HOST . . . . . . . .. ;. .Vic M7.K IJARBASOL . .... 25c ( OUN PUIS BLUE JAY . . . . S17.K ' BURETS ... .;. . . . si.k . BLACK-DRAUGHT .64c 33c .19c 15c .13c -G- 2. V SlZK GOLDEN GLINT 50c 'SIZE.'- GLASTORIA . . .. 83c MAXGE ME1. GLOVER'S ; ..... 3. V- BliADES GEM . . . . . . . . All. POKISII GLAZO . 50- CHILE TONIC GROVES ...... -H-I- -C- 25e I,IVKlt PIIXS CARTERS ... . lOe FT.ETCHEIVS C ASTORIA .... 25o SIZE CALOTABS 75e SIZE CYSTEX ... , $1.00 SIZE cardui . '...:-.. PACKAGE 20 CIGARETTES . . . . i . ; 15C . . ... .27c 15c 54c .59c 2 for 25c -D- 0c SnAMP(H) DRENE 39c 35e SIZE DANDERINE . . . . . . . .24c 2.V EYE WASH DICKEY'S . . . . . . . . . . .13c : AM, 15o 1) i ES 10c S2..VI 3-IHH NB DRYCO . . . ....... . .$1.S9 T5e KIDNEY PILI.S DOANS ...49c -E-F- 25o MI IK EAGLE BRAND 18c ' 25o SIZE EX-LAX 15C r-!.!. PI KE EPSOM SALT .... . . . .29c SnAMPOO FITCH ,9c 6k- SIZE FASTEETH . . . . . . . 39c VH- tooth i.sri: FORHANS . . : . . . 32c SI Oil PINT HALEYS MO . . . . 25i- SIZE HEXIN ..... .. .... .SI CIO M A I jT EI) -M I I.K HORLICKS 50- AI.MOM) I HEAM HINDS 50c SIZE INNER-CLEAN . , 50c TOOTH PASTE IPANA ...... .... -J-K- 50C IXITION JERGENS . ...... 25c BABY POWDEK JOHNSONS ..... 50- CREAM junis . EOI U DOZEN KOTEX ......... SI..V) SIZE KOLOR-BAK ..v. 50c TOOTH PASTE KOLYNOS . . . . . . -L-M- LARGEST SIZE LISTERINE $1.25 PINT LYSOL $1.10 FACE VOWDER LADY ESTHER . . . BOTTLE 100 LAPACTIC PILLS . 60c -. L. o. TABLETS McCOYS 25c NOSE I)KOPS MISTOL -N"-()- m- SIZE . , NOXZEMA $1.00 HAIR REMO EK NEET CREAM . . . 50c SIZE NADINOLA . ..... $100 LARGE nujol . . . . . . . . . I.AKGE SIZE OVALTINE ..:;'.: !0c SIZE OMEGA OIL .... . . .17c ...34c . ... 49c . . .22c . . .17c . . .34c , . .59c . . 17c . . .79c ...34c . . 34c ...31c . .29c . .19c . . 39c 7.67c . . 97c ..31c . .59c ..79c v.79c ..24c ..39c ' . 15c . .47c ..69c .34c ,59c .49c 39c -P-Q- 65c ( REAMS PONDS ....... $1.25 SIZE PERUNA 15c TOBACCO PRINCE ALBERT 5?lc MEADS PA BLUM TOOTH POWDER PEPSODENT .... 35c DEODORANT QUEST POWDER -R-S- BOTTLE 100 RHINITIS . . . . .. . $1.00 SIZE RINEX ......... 25c SIZE STANBACK .... . 200 ASPIRIN SQUIBB ....... . . 60c SIZE SAL-HEPATICA . SI .25 SIZE SARKA . ........ -T-U- 60c SIZE TETTERINE SI. 10 LIPSTICK TANGEE ........ 30c SIZE TEETHINA $1.00 FAMILY PKG TUM'S $1.25 SIZE TANLAC . 50c FOR m-Rxs UNGUENTTNE . . . -V-W- HAIR TOXIC VASEIJNE $1.00 LARGE VITALIS VAPO Rt'B VICKS $1.00 EXT. C. Li. O. WAMPOLES 60c PLATE POWDElt WERNETS 50c FACE POWDER WOODBURY'S . . . -X-Y-Z- 50c SIZE X-BAZIN BATH POWDER YARDLEY .. . 50c TABLETS YEAST FOAM 35c LINIMENT YAGERS . . . . 50c SIZE ZIP SI. 00 LARGE ZONITE ... ... ....37c 89c .. ..10c ....35c . . . .19c .. . .29c 37c . . . .69c . . . . 15c . :. . 59c ...,37c . . . .89c ... .39c ... .74c ...19c .. .79c .. .89c ...34c . . .37c . . .64c ..:22c . . . 59c .. . 14c ...34c . . . 37c .$1.35 ...34c ...21c ...37c ..69c I YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT SMITH'S '

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