iHE WAYNES VILLE M OUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park lFry. THIRD YEAR NO. 11 WW'NESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1937 $1.00 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY lommissioners Order Revalua tion Of Property In County sters And Assessors Will Begin Work April First Under John Hipps eWy appointed tax listers and iesurs were given final instructions the board of commissioners here kiefday to begin a revaluation of all Lperty in the county on the first of pril. the i-omiiiissioners a week ago de led to have a revaluation, and named ejr listers and assessors for the job. hn Hipps was named assistant tax j :n l l r hnervisur anu win nave cnurge r' . i ti: -11 i ie field worn, nr. rupps win oe un- rV. H. Mel rat-ken, tax supervisor. The last revaluation was held in avwood in 1U27. It was in 19&5, however, that the aril ol' commissioners acted as an ualization board, and made a h ori ental cut of ten per cent. The present valuation of Haywood unty is set . at- approximately $22,- w.ooo, The new valuation will be made in ii effort to tret every piece of land in he county on the tax books. It is estimated that it will require bout t)U days to complete the work 1 the town and about 30 days in the Minty, One lister and two assessors ave been assigned to each township. The commissioners felt that a re iluation was necessary, because there ave been many improvements of j'me property that have at times es iped proper taxation. The list of people named to do th ork of making the revaluation are i follows: Iron Huff township, T. C. Davis, lis-r,- Manson Medford and W. T. Bry- n. - Ivy Hill, Cordell Evans, lister, A. owell and J. F. Shelton. Jonathan Creek, Charlie Moody, lis- r. Nathan Carver and John Howell. Waynesville, R. C. Francis, lister, C. Welch and Whiter Ferguson. Pipeon, Gay .Burnette, lister, John insland andDillard Caldwell. Crabtree, Lee Rogers, lister, Rufus cCracken and Bob Rogers. East Forke, Ken Burnett, lister, ill Burnett and Joe Michael. Clyde, Carey Byers, lister, Jim edford and R. L. Penland. White Oak. Ben Wright, lister, Bill illiams and Dibe Duckett. Fines Creek, Roy Rogers, lister, W. Green and Charlie McCrary. Cecil, Perry Allen, lister, Charlie oodyand Horace Moody. Cataloochee, Flora Palmer, lister; 111 Palmer and Mack Caldwell. The listers named for Beaverdam wnship were unable to serve, and hers have not been named to date. Indians Vote 6 To 5 Against Exchang ing Land With Park Action Of Council Temporarily Blocks Parkway From Soco Gap To Cherokee Heavy Snow Of '36 Was Year Ago I; was exactly a year ugu yes terii.i that Haywood County Was dirtfin;; nut uf the heaviest snow fincf 1 sf6. Tli.- di ptli uf the snow in Way-ne-ville measured 16 inches, while it was 22 on Crabtree and similar depths elsewhere in the. county. The highway to Asheville was Mocked below Canton, and peo ple from Crabtree were isolated lor two days. The snow storm was accompanied by a Kale, and snow in Clyde was nib d five feet det- in places. everal Of Cabe's Bills Passed Upon Anion? the recent bills introduced Representative Cabe, includes: Increasing the salary of the tax lector and tax supervisor from ?P0 to $2,000 a year. Another bill provides for a prose 'ii? attorney for the notice court Canton. The salary not to be less " ln .r more than 875 a month. attorney would be elected at the r town election in May. bill which validated the rein "".sr words of the register of deeds - has been ratified, fte Senate killed the bill which m provide for the establishment hquor store in Canton and iynesville in the event Beaverdam Waynesville townships voted for stores and the remainder of the 7 aKainst them in the election itn has been caled on the issue. ow To Read our Label .... The tribal council of the Cherokee Indians voted 5 to 6 Monday against the proposal of giving a 1,000-foot right-of-way for the Blue Ridge Parkway from Soco Gap to the Reser vation. Up until last week, those in close contact with the council felt that they j would favor the granting of the right"- ; of-way for the Parkway in exchange ' for better farming land now within the park area. j There is a possibility that the i council will meet again and avon- j sider the matter. In Wednesday's issue of The Ashe- ! ville Citizen, in an editorial, suggist-j ed that: "The inability cf the government to put forward any proposal that will satisfy the Indians would' seem to point clearly to the necessity for going ahead how with the route which would lead from near Soco Gap to Black Camp Gap and thence along a high ridge to Heintooga Bald at the head of Flat Creek; proceeding' thence' to New Found Gap. Those who know the terrain intimately seem to be vntu- ally unanimous in the opinion that ' this would provide A magnificent en i trance to the park. It would be, it is urged, a fitting climax in all respects 1 to even the most superb of the other stretches of the Parkway. "While the adoption of this alter ! nate route will involve a further un welcome delay that would seem to be something that will have to be ac cepted with the best grace possible. We would have been much farther along if this route had been decided upon in the beginning, as some urged should be done. We have gotten ex actly nowhere after the long discus sions of the Cherokee Reservation route and it is not apparent here that there is anything further which Sec retary Ickes might do to eliminate opposition on the part of the Cher okee. The suggestion that the state now go forward with its original plans for building a highway from Soco Gap to Smokemont is probably no longer practicable. The money with which the state was going to do this is gone and it would almost cer tainly be difficult to persuade the Federal government to provide a new appropriation for this purpose, in view of the general situation as it new exists.'' Several WiavnesvilJe people ex- expressed themselves as being keenly disappointed over the action taken by the Indians. The people here thus far have not altogether favored the idea of dropping of the Soco Gap Cherokee road. While it might be im possible to get a 1,000-foot right-of way to the Reservation from Soco Gap it is felt that an extension of Highway No. 293 could be made on through to Cherokee. From reports reaching here, a road such as is now completed to Soco Gap would be .-welcomed, by the Indians. Clinics Started For Children Who Will Begin School In Fall Schedule For Clinics Announced For 19 Schools In Hay wood County Benefit Seal Sale Will Begin Monday; Will Ilelp Cripples Tin. Seal Sale for the benefit of crippli,! children will get underway .Monday. .March 22, and continue for one week, according1 to Dave 11. Har ris, of Cant in. who is chairman and county director, ,'hu-k Messer is dis trict chairman. A committee has been named to serve in selling the seals which will go to the benefit of 75 crippled chil. dren in Haywood county. The commit tee will meet Friday night at the court house lie re at 7:15 to formulate plans for the drive. Mr, Harris pointed out that 00 per cent of the funds raised in the county would be kept here for local work among crippled children. A state wide campaign is being staged, and the seals sell for one cent each. The committee named yesterday by Mr. Harris is as follows: Rov H. Patton, Canton, Or. V. II. Duckett, Canton, Mr. L. .1. Klaekwell, Canton, Mr. J. Harmon Moore, Can ton. C. M- lieall. Canton. For Waynesville, Hugh Massie, Wil liam Medford, Mrs. Parker Gay, M. II. Bowles, LeRoy Davis, Dr. R. P. Walk er, Dr. Dudley W. Smith, Dr. Sam Stringfield, Dr. C. N. Sisk. Mrs. N. C. James, Fines Creek, Miss Nell Campbell, Maggie Miss Edna Boyd, Rock Hill, Prof. C. F. Owen, Dellwood,, Mr. Tyson Cathey, Bethel, Miss Linda Haynes, Clyde, Thomas Erwin, Cecil, Horace Francis. Cruso, Carroll Morrow, Crabtre, Hermon Duckett, Rock Spring, Miss Christine Hoglen, Iron Duff, C. E. Brown, Clyde. Dr. C. N. Sisk, head of the dis trict health department, of which Haywood county is a part, has an nounced that the annual series of pre school clinics for children who will enter school next fall will start Thurs day, the 18th, and continue through April the 8th. Nineteen schools in the county will be visited by health officials during the clinics, and any physical defects found among the children will be ?- ported to the parents, and an attempt will be made to correct them during the summer months. Parents are urged to co-operate jn this matter and either bring or send their children to these clinics. The county schedule for the clinics is as follows: March 1 St h. Spring liilj school, !t;.'i0 a. m.; Cruso school. 10:30 a. in.; March l'.Uh, Fines ( reek school, !l:00 a. m.; March L'.'ild, Mag gie school. l;0() a. m.; Dellwood school, 10 :.'!(( a. m.; Rock Hill school. 1 :.'() n. in.; March 24th, Saunook school,' 9:00 a. m.; Allen's Creek school, lO-Ill) a. m.; .lunaluska school. l:.'lt) p. m.; March 25th, Cecil school. 1:00 a. m. ; Hazelwood school 1 :,10 p. m.; March 20th, Clyde school, 11:00 a. in.; North Canton school, 1 :,'H) p. nr.; April (ith, Morning Star school, !):00 a. m.; Pennsylvania Avenue school, 1:1)0 n. m.; April 7th, Beaver dam -school,. '.MOO a. m.; Patton school, 1:,'!0 p. m.; April 8th, Fast Waynes ville school, i:00 Central Elementary school, 1 :;-!() p. m. Bitter Campaign Expected On Proposed Liquor Store Measure In This County; Both Factions Increasing Their Activities Campaign Against Liquor Stores Will be Staged in County Ministerial Association Complete Organization For An Active Campaign American Fruit Stand To Close For Church Services County Teachers To Meet Saturday Felix C. Stovall, manager of The American Fruit Stand, is announcing in today's paper, that effective Eas ter Sunday. March 27th, that his place of business will be closed each Sunday from eleven o'clock until one o'clock. "These hours will enable all my sales force to attend church services, and have an hour off every Sunday," he said. "I will close for the two hours in respect to the church services of the city," he concluded. 22 Women Given Hygiene Course Certificates in first aid, home nursing and personal hygiene, were awarded to 22 women of the WPA sewing room of Canton on Wednes day, with appropriate txercises. The invocation was given by the Rev. Taylor, rector of St. Andrew's Episcopal church, who also addressed the group on "Co-operation in Relig ion. ' Mrs. Jean Dillon spoke of the facil ities offered by the county health de partment and also the State Board of Health. Mrs. W. A. Hyatt, county supervisor of the sewing rooms, ex pressed in behalf -of 'the. women, their appreciation of the free instructions given. The class had been taught by Miss Harte Olivw, county public health nurse. The Haywood County Ministerial Association completed their plans on Monday, at their regular monthly meeting at Clyde to stage an active campaign against the establishment of liquor stores jn Haywood county. President, W. A. Rollins, presided at the meeting, and much enthusiasm was created by the address of Cale K. Burgess, united dry leader. J. C. 'James, principal of the Ha zel wood school, was named chairman of the campaign, and G. C. Suttles, of the Canton Y.MCA was named vice chairman. Mrs. J. Dale Stent, is in charge of the women's work, and Mrs. Clyde Hoey, Jr., 'of ('anion, is treasurer, and L. ('. Davis, of lia.elwood,. mt-i-etnry. Plans were made to start the cam paign, at once and 'continue until al ter the election oil the. question. Negro Can't Keep Out Of Hardware Itoth Factions Secure Hundreds Of Signers To Petitions On The Measure 'Phone Lines Are Burned By Farmer A farmer near Candler piled trash under the lines of the Southern Jiell Telephone Company lines Saturday, and as a result, all lines from here to Asheville were burned in two. Linemen had the lines repaired by nine o'clock Saturday night, but dur ing the meantime, all toll calls fo Asheville, were routed via Atlanta. What's Going On our Capitals Ixniis Carnish, wpm, just can't resist breaking into the Waynesville Hardware Company. A little over two years ago Carnish broke in and stole several guns and was sent to the roads for two years. Two weeks ago he finished his time, and today he js in jail, charged with breaking into the same store, and stealing guns, knives and razors lust week-end. Carnish, together with -"Jabo" Os borne, were bound over to Superior ( ourt by Mayor .1. H. Wjiy last week. City policemen Phillips and Patton arrested the negroes after two guns had been pawned for a dollar each, and several knives sold. Several knives have been recovered, and also a razor. Entrance was gained by breaking a glass in the back door. Carnish tried to absolve "Jabo" of any connection with the crime, but failed. Powell Hale, Of Carson-Newman College, Will Stage Entertainment Some subscribers seem to be unable to tell when their subscription expires by the 'abel on their paper. month your paper -expires is printed just after or below your name. The fcsure immediately follow-- the month is the year. 0r stance, if the date on our label reads : "May 37", J'ou may know that your f Ascription expires the t!rt of May. One week's notice is giv en on all subscriptions. Jack Messer. county superintendent of education, announces that the county-wide teachers meeting, which was to have been held on March the 6th, and was postponed, -will be held on Saturday the 20th, in the auditorium of the Township High School building.- Beginning at 10 o'clock W. Powell Halo, teacher of public speaking f Carson-Neman College, will give an hour of entertainment. The public is cordially invited to attend the meeting. Bucket Of Paint Explodes On Stove A bucket of paint exploded at the Pure Oil Service station next to The Mountaineer last week. The paint had become hard in the bucket, and was placed on the stove to soften. No damage was done other than the ceiling and walls of the station were blackened. The attendants of the sation extinguished the small blaze with their own equipment. i , Mrs. W. W. Goforth and small daughter, of Asheville, were the guests of Mrs. L. II. Bramlett at her heme on Boyd Avenue, on Friday. IN WASHINGTON (By Senator Robert R. Reynold!".) The President's program with ref erence to the Supreme Court of the United States continues to overshad ow al other national issues. His ap peal to the country in the form of one of his radio "fireside chats" is being widely discussed. Hearings on his proposal are drawing large crowds to the rooms of the Senate committee on judiciary. Proponents and opponents of the measure ar drawing their lines for battle. In ether words, another important chapter in American his tory is being written, whatever that chapter may finally record. In this connection it is interesting to read the oath of members of the Supreme Court. It follows: "I do solemnly swear that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and the rich: and that I will faithfully discharge the duties incumbent on me J as judge, according to tne pest ot my abilities and understanding, agrees ably to the Constitution and laws of the United States." . Whatever may be the viewpoint of n-nv individual with regard to the nresent Supreme Court issue, consid- able stress must be laid on the last sentence of the above oath reading "agreeab'.y to the Constitution and law of the United States." From IN RALEIGH (Iiy Dan Tompkins.) The adjournment date of the 1937 General Assembly, tentatively placed at Thursday of this week, has defi nitely been postponed, by reason of circumstances. There is a possibility that the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker will order the doors of Senate and House chambers opened, So that they will look directly across the Cap itol at each other, and simultaneously striking their desks with their gavels. declare the assembly aapourneu sine die, sometime Saturday night. Many old observers of legislative proced ure believe, however, that the ad journment can not take place until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. - j -.'-' The -assembly has been working fast as it was possible, so fast, in fact that it has kept the enrolling and engrossing offices jammed with bills, necessitating the employees working day, night and Sundays to keep pace with the two chambers down stairs, and have bills ready for ratification. Any bill that should fail of ratification would not become a law on the statute books, for the reason that each one must be read three time in each house and ratified. Roll call bills that take three days in each chamber will prove the stum bling blocks in the way of adjourn ment Thursday as planned, and may this it would seem that the laws of continue the session over into next the United States and the laws are j week. One of these is the permanent the acts passed by the Congress and i improvement bill for the state insti signed by the President have equal tutions. It passed the House last standing with the Constitution. The . week and was sent over to the Senate, President contends that they have not but that body raised the figures in ( Continued on Page Two) (Continued on page eight) Fines Creek Com mencement Program To Begin Friday Fred L. Satl'onl, principal has an nounced the following features -'of the commencement exercises of the Fines Creek high school will begin on Friday night, the Hit h, when the senior class will present their annual play, "The Ghost Bird," in the school auditorium at 8 o'clock. : On Sunday the 21st, at I! o'clock in the afternoon, .the' Rev. (). C. Lufidrum pastor of the Presbyterian church, of Hazel wood, will deliver the baccalaur eate sermon. On Wednesday evening the 24th, at 7:-'50 o'clock the annual recitation and declamation contest will be held. At 1 1 o'clock on Thursday morning the 20th, the class day exercises will be held, and that night the final fea ture of the commencement exercises will be take place. At this time C. N, Walker, trust office of the Wachovia Bank, of Asheville, will make an ad dress, and the members of the grad uating class will receive their diplomas. leaders of the faction which favor the establishment of liquor stores in Haywood county, were of the opinion yesterday that the longer the elec tion can be postponed, the better their chances will be of getting the meas ure passed. There has been a split in the ranks of the faction favoring liquor stores, and at the same time, the opposing faction has been hard at work increas ing their strength. The differences of opinion were based on a bill introduced in the leg islature by Representative Calx1, which would allow the establishment of one or more liquor stores in Waynesville j and Canton, in the event either Way nesville or Reaverdam townships should give u majority vote for liquor i stores, even though the majority of ! voters in the county voted against 1 ARC stores in the election to be called. ' Mr. Cabe's bill passed the house under suspension of rules, but was killed in the senate. The bill was bit - i y -opposed by Senator McKee. I .iust when the.-board of elections ! will meet to set a date for the olec i tinii which the commissioners request ed -.several woks ago, is not known. The eyes of the state arc on Hay wood und the election, and both fac I lions are renewing their strength for I one of the bitterest elections ever held in the county. The faction opposing liquor stores in a county-wide rally held here Sunuay night, at which time Cale K. Hurgess, united dry -leader of the state spoke, plans were made and completed for the circulation of thirty petitions in every section of the county getting signatures- of citizens to oppose the Cabe bill. The petitions were sent to Senator McKee, and Mr. Hurgess carried about 200 names back with him. The faction urging Mrs. McKee to favor the bill were also busy over the week-end with petitions, both by mail and wire. One petition contained about 100 names and another from .Canton had forty and another about ten. Scores of individuals expressed themselves by wire to Mrs. McKee. The rural districts were nvuch dis turlK'd over the bill. Sentiment in outlying districts was bitter against its passage. A group met in Clyde Saturday night and expressed them selves as opposing the measure. Five Hurt Sunday In Auto Wreck Five persons were injured late Sun day afternoon when two cart crashed in a head-on collision at Saunook. One car was from Sylva, and the other front .Georgia.'. The names of the occupants were not learned. Two women and three men were in the cars. One man suffered a broken nose, another had a -.even- cut on his nose and sevi rat ribs broken. All were treated at" the. Haywod County Hospital- for" their -.injuries, none of which are scrums. City policemen investigated the ac cident.' One ollicer said an eye wit ness reported the car from Georgia was "taking the road." 60 Gallons White Ga. Liquor Caught A 1936 Ford and 60 gallons of white Georgia liquor were confiscated by Policemen Phillips and Downs last week near Balsam, after a chase from the center of Waynesville. The driver of the car escaped as he jumped from his car and fled in the woods. The car bore a North Carolina license tag. County Collects $18,232 In Taxes County tax collections for the mon'h of February totaled , $18,222.45, ac cording to a report made by W. H. McCracken, tax supervisor to the commissioners. : Of this amount, ?13.5x7.n was f r taxes. The remainder was f f back taxes and penalties. The penalties for the month amount ed to $506.54. Police Arrest 8 Over Week-End THREE-INCH SNOW FELL IN COUNTY ON MONDAY Haywood county -was blanketed in a three-inch snow Monday, Which was followed on Tuesday by the the urom eter dropping to 12 degrees. By Wednesday afternoon, all traces of the snow had disappeared, except in protected shady places. City policemen w're ke nt ' hucy wit. the week-end making arrests. Kcj'i white people were arrested ard charged with drunkenness or fi'j , n. No colored people were arrested. Among the eight was a woman -from Canton. She paid her fine Monday and was order to stay out of Waynes ville. A man from Asheville wa given the same sentence, by Mavor J. H. Way. BALLENTIXE ILL Emmett Ballentine, manager of The Food Store, is confined at his home on account of illness. Clyde Girl On College Varsity Basketball Team Among the students who made the basketball varsity at the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina were Miss Ruth Rogers, of Clyde.

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