THE WAYNE SVILLE MOUNTAINEER: Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park EHmDVEAR NO. 13 WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1937 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Jes Events of World-Wide Interest ...Briefly Told "7. ' v hitting F D. K. " t.-:u w Railpv in an ad- aperHillcontinuedhisop. pfSS a' - , .. j PvneovPlt's SlJ- ffit P- He voiced that governing" K tadT.g to inflation. r.DofRt; in NEW LAWS tWair-e of the last minute rush to fiouni, several riivi- j'-j-i -j Z,t rde and local bills, it was re M this week by Thad Eure, sec . . ,.t To date no errors Cnfound that will likely hangeany laws enaei. rrcr found relates 10 me Bouiir r,?pectron law. COTTON AT 15 CENTS .bed 15 cents a pound. Ls is the highest level since 1930. he demand for cotton is saia to uo irisk. . SIX CCC CAMPS TO CLOSE n.Acr have been completed for the Deration of 54 CCC camps in the L.t fnr the npxt three months. fhere are now 0 such camps in op- iratkm. " ' . ' OIL PEOPLE GET RAISE f the Standard Oil 'ompany of this state received an in- rease ol Sla I,er morun in saiuiy, V.;v April first. Indications Are That Haywood Will Be Paid Claims By State Bereaved by Blast TO WORK FOR COURT Raymond B. Stevens, of the Traffic ip-ned in order to ac ute his time in behalf of President Roosevelt's program to reorganize the Supreme Court. FORT) GIVEN WARNING Henry Ford has neen warned to pre- fcire to do business with automobile bnkms, ' L State Highway Commission Au thorized To Make Settle ments With Counties County officials expressed them selves this week as feeling confident that Haywood county would receive some adjustment from the state for the claims entered last September for money advanced and spent on state highways after the state had taken over the highway system. The general assembly passed an act which authorized the State Highway Commission to adjust claims with the counties. There are approximately 70 counties which entered claims for a little .more than sixty million dol lars. Haywood had one of the largest claims in the group a little move than h million dollars. Those who have been in close contact with the plan, and the bill which was passed by '!'. legislature, estimate that the prelciTcd claims Of the 70 counties will be fettled for five, to t n dollars! Hie claims of Haywood county were prepared by T. Troy Wyclu', aiul sub mitted to the investigating committee last September, The Haywood claims set out that this county was due $.')H,N,'!."7 in 'preferred claims; a CCC Camp At Sun burst To Observe Open House Sun. Will Mark Fourth Anniversary Of Establishment Of Civilian Conservation Corps The CCC camp F 25, Company 8455, located at Sunburst four miles above Lake Logan, will hold open house to visitors on Sunday, April the 4th. Lt. Jjewis D. Magid, commanding of ficer, will be in charge of the pro gram of the day. Visitors will be shown over the camp and taken to the various projects nearby for inspection. The open house on Sunday is part of a celebration in observance of the fourth anniversary of the founding of the Civilian Conservation Corps, which will be held in tamps over the nation. The celebration will begin at 10:00 on Saturday morning, when there will be a tree planting ceremony. Ap proximately two hundred while pines, one for each member of the camp will be planted in a grove. The camp at Sunburst was estab lished about twenty months ago and since that time many projects have been completed, while others are un der construction, I. ,). Smith, is act ing superintendent of projects. Fifteen thousand acres of t imber land have been improved with all tin- Seeks Re-election ; " !Kl3&i 2 x 1 1 Annual C. Of C. Banquet Will Be HeldOnMay 7th President Davis Names Com mittees For Organization For Coming Year M WOK .1. II. W V . .111. general claim of . 501, 7i(" and an in- i desirable species of trees eliminated TO FORTIFY COAST The Dominion of Canada plans to spend seven million dollars fortify- the Pacific Coast. NAV Y TO TRAIN MEN The Navy plans to train 5,000 offi- rers and 45.000 men of merchant ma rine for war-time duty on naval aux- l ary vessels. Scenes of sorrow and tragedy such as this were common In New London, Tex., as victims of the school explosion which took mora than 450 lives were buried. This mother, sister and small brother of on of the dead are shown at the cemetery. terest charge of $200,000. The tight in the legislature was led by the Eastern Carolina Chamber rif Commerce, of which N. G. liartlett is secretary. ' Mr. liartlett said: "It has been a : long hard fight, but now that the ma i chinery has been set up for settlement ! of the claims, there is no need for much more delay." lt is expected that adjustments will be made just as soon as the new high way commission is named b Rovern or Clyde Hoey. Classes resumed at texas SCHOOL Oasses have been resumed bv the Texas school at New London which was hit by explosion. Only 64 of the "final high school enrollment of 309 present In the grade school ertion there were onlv 128 checked fern the original list of 398. No gas ftcves were lighted, as an inquiry ad established that accumulated gas pas responsible for the blast, that puiied m such a tragedy. FEW C0VXTIES HAVE CALLED ELECTIONS 'While the Nm Assembly which adjourned last week """'J"i eacn county to speaK lor 'self, oh tViA nnocii.. i,.ni;.;r. 11(lor. few county boards of commis- ers nave called for special elec- l0r-S to end rmDhihitirm Sn tar- tVino "Whl(h fcllCtinns Ktiva Knnn m11u K Haywod. Mecklenburg, Columbus, 1 I'urbam. County Might Vote On Liquor Stores Sometime In May CJetiera! speculation here this week was that the county would vote on the establishment of liquor stores in Haywood some time around the middle of May. No official action has been taken by the board of elections, how ever, towards setting a (latfi. It was learned from Kood au thority, but not officially, that a new order fivm the board of com missioners asking the board of elections In call ail election on the question would be drafted at the Commission-!:' meeting here Monday. Steely And Preston Form Partnership In Wood Industry Smok v Mountain Industries Move From Hazelwood To Stone Garage Near Depot The Smoky Mountain Industries, inlaid wood manufacturers, formerly of Hazelwood, have moved their place of business to the stone garag near the depot, and have re-organizc-d the firm. Kenneth Steely and Evander Preston are now sole owners. The new partnership was completed last week, and the move made. Under the present arrangements, Mr. Preston will act as sale-smanager, and office manager, while Mr. Steely will be in charge of production. The plant began operation iri their new quarters this week, with about ten men employed. Others will be added as soon as additional eiuipnefit can be placed, it was said. No statement Was made as to what line of the inlaid wood products the firm will specialize in. from that area. Radiating in all di rections from the camp are eight miles of truck trails, and twenty miles of foot trails. The boys have built a lookout tow er on the top of High Top mountain, which during the fire season is main tained by tw0 nien on twenty-four-hour duty. The elevation of the moun tain is 5,200 feet. Fifteen mi'o.s of telephone linen have been constructed. Recently a 149 foot concrete bridge has been conn-, pleted. At present work Is progressing on a large public rock arch, located about four milep from the ramp on the West Fork of Pigeon. A road is under construction from the camp to Ten nessee Bald, which will meet a similar road at the Park to Park highway being.. built from the Tennessee side. This will make a short route to Way nesville from Rosman, and will serve as an outlet for tourists from the South. In connection with the camp is a nursery. In the reforestation pro jects 15,000 black locust .seeds and 10,000. white pines have been planted. Mayor J. II. Way, Jr. Seeks Re-election Mayiu .1. II. Way, Jr., loimnlly an nounced this week that he was a can didate for re-election at the May town election. Mayor Way's announcement is the first formal announcement t() lie made for the town election which will be held tin Tuesday, May fourth. Mr, Way served as a member of the board of aldermen in 1!2'.I-H,tl . and again from li.'J3 to l!'.'t5. He has been mayor for the past two years. He is cashier of the Iirst National Rank. The board of directors ot the I hani-bel- ol Commerce have set the tven UK of l-Yid.ix. M.n 7th. tor the sta iiiK ot the annual banquet ol ;be or ganization. A committee, nannd by 1.. .V Iav!i, president. m ;tniioiiii the place at i which the banquet will be held withm a tew days. In connection with the annual ban quet. laus are lcin; made tor th" xuiqier which will be j;.vn in honor of old. i. lis ol the l i t liairv Product Company. The dUc tins lias been set tor Fridav. April :';lid hurther details will be uiukiil out lanr. lie.snhs seeing il.Ui's Iw the two meetings named above. Iiesldent Hum announced the i niiiinlltoi'K for tile comiiiK vi'.ir. He and members ot ilie board have worked ever the llt and ! I lollowim; int. .1: r. n . . .1 riUIMnTKi: an. c. lius: M.issle. I '( 1.V1 l I'i in. in. v. !'( se'eral (lavs' in e I'Kii a ppoi I lie I ' esidi tit The Secretary i: l-:M 'Tl 1". Kay. dr., Chain! .1; icln'son. Ilnh I'I lU.K lT V I . ( I w n. ( ' ha i 1 lavif Stent ,. Chas . U. M Hall, Toinmie A!(ande I '.i ill .Mart in. W I : . ies Mi II Wei M I :ii( 'I I A N TS C( i.M M llurciii ( ' iia irnia n. K. .1 Hi ol lev I'l'll I' M. .1 w i x ( ; Cbaii . W ii i:. i. Mrs. Geo. McEIroy Buried Last Monday Heside'nt Of Iike Died Sunday MorninR At Haywood Coun ty Hospital rKK Airs T ". ItusK. llariA . l'aul llvall. 'billips. Unci' ,1.1 Ml t it:k h i. llvall. V. A Ha . K I ' Moodv. i ( M M ITTI'tH - Ha man S. II lln-lwiell. .1 C M.dfoid .las. i; Withers, .Colli Stovall. sea r Hrii.-e.s 1 1 1 iua dml . ' icui'r K uril'., A.Mi HOlNINCi I.. Wllhers. Chi :. .1 llvatt. II .1 It llnb Clark. liui'nin. .1, VV. COM i ii'inii n . Sloan .lames Sea ver. Krank Miller, W. T. liiniiKin. .1. V. liav. r C R rHDIVCUifO TIIDVCi w, X GOV ERXM EXT JOK former GdvciriAT. t n r a"s turned ,tAtt-n o 4.u: i. ipa i on Ulltri HI1S WCTft rom tho a . ... Unifaj & ll-orney general of the count CSl 10 become chief trial tkin t 'i the Soveriiment's proscu- or oil cases in Wisconsin. These ,e.i . '""-"luie one oi tne cniei t, sks before the department. toiL5 'corr officials of major com- :X '.ave tken indicted at Madison, B'i M (hr. i .' rapine ! '" conspiring to nx . v,ule nnm n.: 1 a,,.-;.: :eared his acceptance of the "Err1 .would interfere with arm. ll,v""'g oi nis new law 0 SIT-DOU-VC iv- vr o ,vernor Clvde V Vt .; IWbbJ s':fnactel ;by, the General 'trikM . dec!ared that "sit-down oleraL urlawful and cannot be wvernr,, Aorth Carolina." The C' "1!? bope that "-any li;o-," ' , state will be peace- ' v sfl; V i"ue'ii De peace- pSofia-d that any serious hi t4 r"i 5 bus,lness conditions or of l.n '5 " ationshin v T''oiS-people-"wi11' be averted." ml for industrial organi- ore-an;, i anhounced it planned state. "'. texti:e workers in the t'r. T n- . c!!ep0 a-.? the faculty of Davidson istt in Ck ?den'y from a heart was - - uusin r bis clas of Davids. - wn m lne college f'fKien on k V - "1lay e was S after v bunss visit to Char- inns of n -Iasses- He was an l3' and i. v 7v n' 'the class of k .b-Jotier' Dr. Walter Lee County-Wide Clinic Will Be Held On 8th w. F. Cooper Points Out For Objects In Life To Rotarians Mrs. GiHnge McEhoy, who has made her home for many years at Like Junaluska, died early Easier Sunday morning. She had been a patient foi the last few days of her illness, at th Haywood County Hospital. Mrs. Margaret Nell Ratcliff Mc Elroy was born in Haywood county August 12, 18i)0 and lived an active life until the last few few years when declining health forced her to take strict care of her strength. Since early childhood she has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. She was a member ot Elizabeth Chapel until the last 10 'years of her life, at which time sht I moved her membership to Ixmg's : Chapel at Ijike Junaluska. She has been an active member ot The county commissioners met : the W ayncsville ( haptor of the hast Wednesday morning for a final meet- j tun Star, chapter number lia. tor the intr with tax officials regarding the I past several years, evaluation and listing of property j The funeral service was I, eld Mon for taxes which begins today. j day afternoon by her pi-toi Ri v .1 The commissioners named .1. D. i II. Carper, assisted by the Rev. H. I). Mackey as Jister, Roy Patton and liar- : Jessup. The mu: ic was in charge or ley Reno for Iieaverriam township. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. Ilalo Stent., of Way Tax Listers Begin Task Of Revaluing Property Today As part of the county -wide sched ule of clinics being held for pre-school children in each community, a clinic for those who will enter the Central Elementary for the first time next fall will be held ori April the 8, at 1:30 o'clock. The examinations will Other changes were made in Way- nesville township, and Bob Francis was named lister, J. h. Walker and George Plott. The commissioners disposed of last minute details regarding the work. John Hipps will be in charge of the revaluation and listing in the field, under the supervision of W. H. Mc Cracken, tax collector and supervisor. W. F. Cooper, superintendent of the Southern Railway, of Asheviile, was be made under the health department . the speaker at the Rotary Club here nurses r "Ji- ." ., -,v- ,,i Mr. Cooper delighted his audience All mothers are urged to th!r nd with sev,r'al hun,Uus stories, and or bring their children -on the above r vein, gave some in- named date, so that Pslal Ueresting facts about railroads, handicaps now discovered, may be cor. ed thatone out of every rected by the opening of school The . k - railroads clinic will be held at tne central r.-, gpent fop "In some coun- ementary. ! ties, the taxes paid by the railroads uiptu vvi,i'vt'PiFT j pay for the entire school expenses,' BIRTH ANNOLNCEMENT the speaker said. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Forbes, 'tf ; The speaker concluded his remarks Lewisburg, Penn., announce the birth of a son, Elliott Jackson, on March 25th. Mrs. Forbes was the former Miss Frances Garner, and before her marriage taught in the local schools. PARTY MOTORS TO GREENVILLE The following made up a party mo toring to Greenville. S. C. over the week-end: Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Bell, Miss DeBrayda Fisher, Mr. Frank Ferguson, Mr. Lockwood Shai pe and Carroll Louise Bell. ATTENDING STATE D A. R. MEET ING IN CHARLOTTE Mrs. J. F. Abet regent, 'Mrs. -T, Harden Howell, and Mrs. James W. Killian, from the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter are attending the state meet ing of the North Carolina Society of the Daughters of the American Rev olution, which is being held this week in Charlotte. MRS. CLAUDE HAYNES IMPROV- ' ' ' . LNG ; . Mrs. Claude Haynes, who has been ill at her home on Love Lane, is im proving, but is still confined to her bed. by pointing out four major points that a person should follow: contribu tion of time and money to community and church; co-operation with all worthy causes, consecration of life's work and to be dedicated to one's work. Drivers License inspector Coming WV II. Stanley, of Asheviile, who Is a license inspector for the State High way Patrol, will be at the sheriff' office in Wayr.esville Saturday, April third, for the purpose of issuing drivers license. All persons who'have not applied for opera tern license are urged to do so through the license inspector Saturday! All penons em ployed for the principal purpose of operating a motor vehicle are required by law to Tiave chauffeurs license. These nray be obtained through the inspector. Anyone having misplaced either chauffeurs license or operaters license may obtain duplicate license. , All Dersons who have no license are requested by the State Highway Pat- i nesville. The Eastern Star a. so had ; a lieautiful service at the church im j mediately following the pastor's ti I vice. Interment was in the Ratchfl. ! Cove " burial ground. . Mrs. McEIroy is survived by hei hu-band. (rt'orge McKlrov, ot Lake Juhalu-ka, one daughter, Mrs. Mary Miller, of Ratcliff Cove, two sisters, Mrs, Ruf us Underwood anil Mrs. Ben Smith, both of Ratcliff Gove. Pallbearers were: Clauue Unvler wwxi, Hugh Underwood, Hugh Rat clifT, Wowly Jones, Carl Jones, Mark Smith. Mrs. It. C. Iong had charge of th.t flowers. The flower girls were: Mrs. u..i:r tt.; c x.. niKit'n , -VJ-.1- C ac'cord,ng James Noland Louise Swayng.m, Mi. Ada risher, Gaynell Rhinehart. Mar Mar- Medforo, w Alas. "I'oni Ita ,ner, ( i il:. So m .1 oio s I'I. A X X 1 N i ; M ITTKi : K It I.. I'rovost. 1' led .Marlln. Atkins. Iliust Oscar HriKK's- Shelton. W . I.. II. nrv ( laddv. ' HUHIAVAVS AMI Til K CltlOAT SMOKY l ilt.N'TA INK NATIONAL I'AKK -Chan. Itav. Jr.. -haiiman. K. W. Miller. Jl. C Wllburn, W. T. Hhol ton. . J. Campbell. Cleve Ku kpiit rlrk, Will llvatt. K.ui Walk Ins. AtJltK l LTCIt l; Kriink Kuvix. ( ban nian. Iialton Smith, lb nrv Fran cis. W. T. Shelter). J. K. Il.u r. Itiehai d harber. Lvninr l.nvn. .1 C. llniwn. A i It. Woodall. I,. i rl hrc,iihon. I 1NDCSTKIA1- COStVITTKH -- Hen , Colk ltt. C hairma u. h. M ItieheHon. AVhltner rrevost. VV. '. Huns. R. V. !Krk. .1; Hyatt. .1. M. Umg. i;.. N Allen. THAHK AT HOMi: COMMITTKH -V . ( . Husf. Chairman, ffiifch Mamiie .1. V. Hav. Claude Allen. Mrw. Juch i.Messir. laul .Martin. Hoiner Ileurv Y. A. I'.railb v, l-'l I.I.I X; STATION COIIRTKSIKS: I ..' i u i ' 1st 1 1 1 llardin. baarrnan, Mat: , U.itldns. ( lavton Walkir. Albert Abel It i: o I'arrell. ItKCKKATlOX AN'b KNTKIiTAlN-MKNT- Dr. S I'. (lav, Chairman. Mrs ,'Orad.v Hoyd, .Mrs. Haul Hyatt. C. .M iDleus. Dr. It II. Stretcher Win Pre-' I vost . J. M . I .one;. jus. hi. Massie. .iti . I'l eslun, Coach W'eatbei by: I C iNVKN'TtOX COMMITTKi: W t . Uuss. ( hairma n. I I. Withers. Dr ( N sik Miv s, I ( w M"- T I liwvn. Win. Midtoid Morner llenrv. TOWN I'AIIK AMI HKAHTIFMCA 1Io. M . S: H Oi.-v. chair rna n. Sain .lones. ,l,is. I'. M.'."--: . .I k k Messer. : Mrs. John out en. U . (' lts . Scout Court Of Honor Set For 13th The Roy Scout court of honor will be held at the court house Tuesday to B. E. Colkitt. district chairman. i ne puo ic s mvuen ... av arot Jones Mrs. Lucius Liner getner wnn an parents oUV, a garef" - Underwood, Mai prvspeciive ocuiiia. One feature of the meeting will be awarding life Scout certificates to Ben Colkitt, Jr.. and Joe Davis. Henry Foy will .receive eleven merit badges. This is unusual, as the average boy gets about four merit badges at one time. About 12 other Scouts will receive merit badges at the meeting. Oral Yates Leaves State Department Oral L. Yates, a state inspector of weights and measures, sent in hi.i resignation t0 the agricultural depart ment, effective April first. In making his resignation, Mr. Yates said he had other plans, and would take up new duties about May 15th. For the next tre weeks he plans to take a vacation. He went with the state department, in July, 1935. ATTEND EASTER SERVICES AT MORAVIAN CHURCH The following made up a party at tending the Easter services at the Mo ravian church in Winston-Salem: Miss Lucy Jones. Miss Josephine Plott, rol to obtain them at once to avoid' Miss Elizabeth Francis, Miss Avie prosecution. .Noland, anu Air. waiter rrancis. Virginia and Betty Lou McElmy. Thurman Shelton, 19, Buried On Tuesday T H A I'd'' CO M M ITT 10 Dan Wat kins. ' ii.i 1 1 iii:, n . I. i in ' ii If:: rilin. le . R.'.v.Davi'' l-Vank ,ti!'"r. K I With ers, lien. oik It '. I I .inner Owens. i:i: i:.t i: and Mf:.ii;i:Hsiui- (ri!-: Abissii:, ,', iKral 'ha irnia ri, llUf;h M is--1 r ii. ' I imi i I 1 W lth el s: A d visorv. !. It'.i '...1 ..-.!- '!'.: ii luan. Helix ! Win Hvers. It. O. ( 'a ll. ' i! is C'll-e i n. "4 , ':( --ional ( liai I'lo.i n. W . 1! Kiiitiiett Hallentin, 1 11. fleios I loan MeHfide. A. I'.. Mo Noble Oarrett. Dr. S. V. (lav. Iraneis. Dr. R. in. i i: ord: M r.s on. t hair-l.uiipkir., Last rites were conducted on Tues day afternoon at three o clock at the Hyder Mountain church, for Thomas Shelton, 19, who died on Monday morning at 9:30 o'clock at the Hay wood County Hospital. The Rev. P. C. Hicks, Baptist minister, officiated. Burial was in the cemetery adjoining the church. Pallbearers were: Roy Shelton, Vin son Smith, Spurgeon Shelton, Mitchell Shelton, Sam Brown, and Talmadge Shelton. Young Shelton, whose family are natives of Haywood county, was liv ing with his father at Argura, m Jackson county and was on a visit to his uncle, Mr. Roy Shelton, in Clyde, when he was taken ill a few days ago. Surviving are his father, Will N. Sbelton, one sister, Bonnie Shelton, and two brothers, George and Marcus Shelton, all of Jackson county. Smart. Hebei I). D. Alley. X Industrial -I.. M. Klein.! in. in. Kalph I n vost. U rn. W. K. Woodall. 4. Comrnercia 1 I-rKnv Davis. Chair man. C. N. Alien, lim, liiown, J. V. Hay. M. II. Kabhun. l'aul Martin. 5. . Hotels and Hoarding Houses bun AAatkins. Chan man, Ixinald Dun ham, J. W.1 Hav. Mrs J. M. IxiiIK. AV. w. Phillips.' II.-' W. Woodward: 0 like Junaluska Mrs. LeRnv Davis. ( ha ( rleton Weatherbv. James Atkins, la v. Mr.- Carper: Harrv Lee Liner. VTIMTIi:S ("O.MM1TTF1I1 K. J. H.vatt-.- Chairman. C. N. Sisk AV. K Woodall. ('has. Hav, Jr., 11: V. Krk. Trov V veh: : llenrv Fr;irn i.s. Claude Alien, -Curtis Huts. Frank Miller. The Weather JOINS NAVY Zeb Clark, of Clyde, has enlisted in the Navy and has been sent to the training station at Boston. Max. Mm. Wednesday '..; 53 Thursday 62 33 Friday 49 2. Saturday 42 22 Sunday 49 21 Monday 54 59 Tuesday 50 36

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