J ME WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park NO. 16 WAYNESVILLE. N..C, THURSDAY, A PHIL 22, 1937 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Officials Jo Be onoredrnuaj m f , Of t- Banquet w Of Commerce Honor- Dairy Company um.i. Enected large .v"""" Commencement Speakers , ti . . Put Ilairv Products 1-,,T !Jr - !"" v.., i. honored at a ban P .paf-V. i..., .-t..,.r,.H at. the First ti" . aah .lining room, Fiiday l'3' ' , i. the Wavnesville Vruf Commerce. ' j 1 1 her g made by Ernest L. "I ..', nun t the affair to , r mu oi liic i vu-.i-j - dairymen and busi wives of farmers and . puests of the Cham- 0! k men. ;,f Com r With kmber ft ii'V ...inounced that He had ', 'riitz, secretary o f.he merce, to act as toast v.v evening. u (if the Pet Company of are expected to attend, i . short addresses before W I r J Wm P. Jacobs Rev. II. W. Baucom Shelton Testifies Before Congression al GroupFor Bill Forsees Passage Of Weaver Bill Providing For Exchange Of Park And Indian lands Buys Hardware jrieup. 'here wi he ever , no scheduled speaker There will be repre tlu. Town of Waynes- ami a'o Haywood county at the inp, it was said, p Smith, county agent, will ke a few remarks about dairying h V- W K. vvoociail, manager ui k local plant 01 rei i-wiy "7U"" mpanv, will also be one of the lakers. hv purpose of the meeting, besides hurinft the officials of the company, to create entnu:(iasm in uuiijmhk n lTfootl county, and to acquaint tne lens of the county wnn ine piano the Pet company. Pickets for the banquet are being Irdled by W. D. Smith ana vv. k. iodaH. The price is 7oc per person. 90 Candidates Are Slated To Receive United States Commissioner W. T. Shelton, has returned from Washing ton, where he appeared before the Senate cummittie on Indian Affairs, and the Congressional committee on Public I.ands, uruing the passage of Congressman caver's bill tt, author, ize the exchange of certain lands with in the Clreat Smoky Mountains Na tional Park, for lands within the Cher okee Indian He.sei vat ion and for other purposes. Mr. Shelton believes the bill will be reported out of the Public Lands com mittee favoraoly, with possibly one or ;wo minor umendmenu and that it will pass the House and Senate, and become a law. The Indians can then hold a general election and decide whether or not the exchange of land is to be made and the right of way . for the parkway through .the reserva. i i ion is (framed. Mr. Shelton lias had a wide expt - 1 ..iftll Stolen Car Recover ed By Officers In Short Time This Wk. Man And Wife Make (.'el-Away In Car Of "Ponsy" (Jreen, As He does Into Store M SSll". Waynesville Men Find Florida Busi- v.TJIS. Diplomas ZZ;u S::; nofic 1c 4 ft" "RpftPri j twenty-five years. Most oi Ins time llCSS M.O iu,t 'WvllVl c4 Vn, i in the service was in the capacity oi Commencement Sermon Set V or ( sU1,t,nntwuU.n, o( lh,. Noi.th,.ni Nav- Ray And Stentz Visit 19 Cham bers of Commerce During 2,000 Mile Tour of Sun shine State Sunday. 25th ; Diplomas Will He Awarded On .'50th bmd 0' The Sky uhel Induces Man To Visit In City Cot manv months ago. a resident of L,.Q,m nnr hfd a ran rvf tomatoes tked bv the Land O' The Sky Mu: Ll Assoc iation. He was impresoed feth the label and the contents and itermined then and there that some ly he would visit the "Land of the This past week, he had occasion to Lko a ti'tn 4r,lltVl YlA HlNWP off hlS ptt to come to Wlaynesville to see w this section comtared with the frase jn the label. V!.i t V T orifi CY The 1 faints iiuni, vi w - ly Mutual Association, spent over Ii imui wan nie V'liitno vlnltvl tal reported that the man was im essed with the section, and indicated 1 would make further visits here. to. Davis Given Editorial Honor Mrs Hrdvoi- P. TVawia whn la rhar- m of District Number 1, of the Prth Carolina Federation of Wom- iiuus; comprising ine ciuua --. p Asheville, has been notified that E won the second place in the siair tV.ii , ...... 1. 1 J .1. XT V,.l ' wir cuiuc'sl neiu uy lug new ivm jfrald-Tnhune. in fo-operationi with Wnersl Kprlcrnt.uin nf Women's nbo, for editorial excellency. The li'v.t 1 ctata itrnn t-m antuil 111 1,11c ovwv- .. y " by Mrs. T. F. Lassiter, of Smith- ' 1U. . Mrs. Iiavis has been serving the in this capacity for the past fte chairman all club activities of iecierated clubs in her district.. "r Davis ic a nipmher of the Wo- ran's C lciV. She has been active in ub ork for several years, having er(d the t!ub at one time as presi nt. . ; "Seeing Florida during the tounst season, has been a revelation," is the remark made by Chas. E. Ray, Ji upon his return from a tour of that state. "1 wish that every citizen in this ctvmmunity could make the trip , Af;..,-,-,i .tun r.ituvtMl l'Ollt And LL .fiiaiiii u.v v - I back the other. You are impressed 'with what Florida has done, and you I are made to see only too clearly some I of the things which we must du in order to develop as we should." uT.,t,,w. v....n UinH in Florida. but its admirable features are mostly man-made, and I am more convinced v,., Kcfiro of otir need for an extensive beautificatidn pixigram. It is made obvious too tJiai we muse oe. the tourist greater opportunities for recreation and entertainment, a so, you, cannot escape the conclusion, tnai we must expand accommodations to include hotels apartments, cottages, and cabins." The Dartv making the tour was composed ot J. Dale Stentz, secretary of the Chamber oi commerce. ' Ray, and Bill Brogden, oi tnapei nm. The group visited 19 chambers of commerce, and attended four Rotaiy meetings. Mr. Ray had occasion to talk before the Fort Lauderdale club, and Mr. Stentz before the Daytona Beach club. Other clubs visited were in Miami and St. Petersburg. A num ber of individuals were called upon. In Miami the group was entertain ed by Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Ray and Katio llunnam. "The general report in Florida is v.t- iViio vouv'k hnsiness shows an i increase of' about forty per cent ove that of peak years. The Florida chambers of commerce urged that local organization send literature of this section to them tor distribution. J. L. Chambers, 76, Died Wednesday M. H. Bowies, supeiintendent of the Waynesvi Ic Township schools, an nounced this week the commencement schedule for this year, which will be gin Sunday, April 25th, with the commencement sermon by the Rev. H. Y. Uaucom at 8:1" o'clock. Kev.Mr. Haucom is pastor of the Fust Bautist church here. All the churches in town will give tVii-ir vee-ular services for this part of the commencement exei c ises. On Wednesday morning, April 28, at eleven o'clock, the senior class, which is composed of 90 candidates for graduation, will stage the annual class day exercises. The theme of the ...ill Ku "TYptiKiire Island." r . ... , ..J.. .J U., Diplomas will oe awaioeu graduates on Friday evening, April 30, after the commencement address by Wm. P. Jacobs, president of Presbyterian College, Clinton, S. C. Besides being president of the col- v.ftisino- eomDanv. owner of tni Carolina Pharmaceutical, vice presi dent of the Institute of Medicine Man ufact;uiers. New York, secretary-t reasurer of the Clinton Building and Loan Association, is secretary-treasurer of the Cotton Manufacturers As sociation, and also secretary-treasurer of the Print Cloth Group of Cotton Manufacturers, of New York. He is author of several books, and numei our articles. j The list of candidates for gradua tion of this year's class, is as follows: Beaty, Mary Morrow; Boineau, Ai chie Glenn; Boyd, David J.; Brendle, Mildred Edith; Bridges, Benjamin F.; Buchanan. Pearl; Uyr.d, Frank C; Caldwell, Clarence Gilmer; Campbell, Joseph Taylor; Cathey. josepn iurn er; Cope, Willie Mae; Coward, Katn nine Elizabeth; Davis, Edward; Davis, C. Jack; Davis. Mary Pauline; Davis, Thomas H.; Davis, VV mston B, Dotaon, Herbert Lansing; Ewmg, Fleming Bnstow; Ferguson, John B.; Franklin, Marjorie; Frady, Portei ; Gaddis, Molly; Gaddy, Cecil Thomas; Galloway, Davis; Grasty, Charles W,! bur; Greene, Dorothy Evelyn; Har ,.,il P.inieii Helen: Harrell. Mildred ajo Indian Reservation located in New Mexico, Arizona, and Utan. He was also once located at the Chero kee Reservation. J. E. Massie And Son Ottis Buy Denton Hardware i Will Remain In Same Location, ! And Operate I nder Firm i Name Of Massie Hard ware Co. Mr and Mrs. Frank Burnett seemed determined to get a car here Sunday afternoon. First they got in the car of C. C. White and started off, when Mr. White saw them and got to his ear in time to chase thetn out. Within a few minutes the same counle saw M. C. "Ponsy" Green enter a drug store, and they got in his car and drove off. Officers were notified, and about lillO Monday morninc the car unci the couple were touricl on Highway 2S1 at Pigeon dan. I he man j.mipod out, leaving Ins wife to he arrested. Ill the meantime the couple had taVen on two cases of liUor, and had driven the car about 200 miles. Lloyd Phil lips ami Elmer Downs found the clr. Tuesday night a group of officers, composed of Sheriff R. V. VYVMl. John Kerley. Elmer Downs, Poliee nian Robinson, of Canton, ami Pat rolman .lores, found Burnett in the attic of bis sister's nonie. He was 1 wrapped m a quilt. He was lodged in jail. Homer Connor was also put in jail charged with aiding and abetting i Burnett. The car was u new I!lH7 Ford, and : was damaged abou $!. Saturday Is Last Day To File For The City Election Mayor ,1. H. Way, Jr.. announce.) today that midnight Saturday, would be the final hour for candidates to rile for the town election, which will be held on Tuesday, May fourth. Two additional candidates annountv ed this week for membership on the board of aldermen. M. M. Noland, present member, is a candidate for re-election. He has ujiviroil u Till hiImt of terms on the board, as well as on the board of eoun1 y Commissioners in formei vi-ais. M. E. Davis, known as "lony, " also announced this week. Mr. Davis, in an advertisement on page 4. sets forth his platform on which he is running. He says he is for: "Better enforce ment of the law; more efficient police deDartment: sale ana sounu economic government; a proi :. ivt-, jvi ...... seivative city pi-ograiu. Number From Here Expected To Attend P. T. A. Meeting .1. E. pur- Shoe Shop Has In New Machinery The City Shoe Shop, located oppo se thp M T ft j i,A V J(n Raby and Roy Gibson, both pnnerly of Sylva. have installed new ana announced tnis week they are doing expert shoe re- Mr. Raby is aiso tne owner of the rn Shoe Shop at Hazelwood. Jle City Shoe Shon was established r SDout six weeks ago. V. T. Lee, Jr., Takes Position In Athens T. Lee, jr ieft on Tuesday of lu, Aniens, ija., wneic accepted a position with the Unit- I U V AJiiuimic, illt. bnZ Wl11 am in Athens until If rv ii? . and assume management Wffii! CVarlott office. The Charlotte t is in charirp oil t vrtv, rr. TO .wt of Charlotte. ILm ti " ,u remain nere until air. Ives up his duties in Charlotte. Ix ATLANTA ON BUSINESS H.ifery Liner, of Ow Carolina AtUn', made a business trip t .1 I. r.hamhers. 76. of Iron passed away early Wednesday mom ing following an mueaa-. y.' . week. ; He was a farmer in Iron Duff town ship. Surviving are; Mrs. (J. 1 ford, Tom Chambers, ot ..Iron Duit,, Mrs. L. L. Williamson, T. L. ( ham beis, of Patton, Maine F. W Cham bers of Detroit, Mrs. F. B. BrcncUir, Mrs. T, J. Edwards, of Candler, Bid i Chambers, Ellen Chambers and Coia Chambers, all of this county. Funeral arrangements will be made pending the aiival of out-of-state rel-tives. Sylva Theatre Is BoughtBy Massie Two weeks ago. J. E. Massie pur- chaaed the:-Lyric- Theatre, in by va. He assumed charge 0f the theater last Monday morning. Mr. Massie announced tnat nis sou, Frank, would have charge oi tne theater there, ana was -i Tk theater will tne Business ' . I i v,..r have no connection with the rark ntre, it was said. BAPTIST LAYMEN WILL MEET AT CLYDE MAI M.; Hendricks, Gordon Elbert ; iioyie, James Earle; Howell, Ethel Beatrice; 'Hyatt, Bcunice Chariene; iuyKena.i, TlnfT. ! F.iln Mae: King. Virginia Lee (,ei- ?nd A meeting will be held on Svniis, Mav the 2nd, at the Clyde Baptist church of the laymen of the Hay wood Baptist Association ai n a. and again in the afternoon. J C Pipes, representing the State Baptist Mission Board, will speak on both occasions. In the afternoon the program will include also other speak ers, according to J. R, Morgan, who is aerving as chairman for the meet Itificate;) Laney, Berti Lo. ! Leatliei wood, James Robert; Ivong, IIo; Martin, Catherine Mae; Massie ! Eileen; Mathews, Iva Lee; Mehaffey, Willie, (Certificate;) Miller, Lenoir; I Moody, Fred Henry; Moody, Hilda I Marcella; Moody, James Robert; ! Moody, Martha Anne; Morns, Hugh les; Murphy, Marguerite Merie; Moore, Charles Winston ; McClure. Robert I Leon; McClure, Ruth Margaret; Mc I Crocken, Wayne Battlej Nichols, Mary I Rubye; Palmer, Mary Louise;; Phil 1 lips, Miriam Anne; Psillips. William i Clarence, Jr. I Plott, Lois Louise; Poteate, Mary I Q ; Putnam, Elizabeth; Raines, Nancy i t .... io Huuvok. W. Garrett: Rhine- hart, Willie Anna D.; Robinson, Julia Mable; Rogers, Stella Faye; Russell, t-: t.,,ao. Snwvpr Fatrir Freder- Kk; Setzer, Joseph t isher; Sj.k J .ye; Smith, ueorge ohiukuciu, .... Ham W.; Summerrow, Edna Lou; Swift, Haseltme Killian; Stentz, Da vid Suliins; Toy, James Henry. Trull, Ruth Kline; Turpin, Richard p . Tutt'e, William Henry; Under wood -Srirah Ruth; Walker, Sarah t Hilda: Whisenhunt. Earl i.,...r,,i..r. Whitner. Virzima: Win chester Mildred Jane; Wyatt, Clara; Wvatt, Mabel Nancy; Williams, Rubye Nell; Y cunt, Cecil B. CU v Pnwpr Will Be Ult Sunday r.ii. Robert Hugh Clark, superintendent i. iit, - Hennitmpnt.. nnnoun- OI ins I'.J i'fi" i ;, 7 .T cpH veterdav afternoon that the pow- er in tne cuv wm uc .ui un 1 -in until 4:30. This a 1 L t I II LA M I - T is nocc-siUted because Carolina Power c t :uf .m mal-incr Rome repairs and installing new equipment on their lires. M,r,. Doyle D. Alley, president ot the Western District, reports that a large delegation will attend the con vention of the North Carolina con gress of Parents and Teachers, which will be held in conjunction with the National convention, in Richmond on May thud through the seventh. Delegates from the county who un interested in going on the Southern Parent-Teachers' special pullnian out of Asheville, may .secure information from Mrs. Alley. Hotel reservations in the Jefferson Hotel, the North Car olina headquarters should be made in advance. Both conventions will . convene on M.,n,lao mnimnif. Mav at 1(1 o'clock, at the afternoon conferences the state group will enjoy contact with na tional leaders. '1 he various pilgrim ages to the historical places ctl .iniei est in Virginia, will be taken tnj.otML MISS COLTON WILL TEACH CITIZENS CLASS Sl .NDA'i Uiu.ThoTinn f'nltdil: A 1 1 1 H ll Point, girl evangelist, of the .SalvHt ion At my, who is holdng a 'series ot meetings m the county for Captain y ecu urown, .i.iii .uftlvi. -.th. Citizen's Bible class at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning. The teacher, J. K. .Morgan, .exienua a dial invitation to the puonc to aiu-u-i. GROUP OF STUDENTS ENJOY OUTING A'vrouri of 'students from the home rooms of Mrs. .1. M.. ivenen au Dudlev Moore, of the VVaynesvn e Township High school, held a picnic on the golf course at Lake Junaluskn, on Saturday alternoon. carries anu boating were enjoyed. Among those present wen-; Margaret Ashton, Ivena WyaM, Mar garet Swavngim. Maneia .mu'.h), Met rary, Aivin rainier, jo. Helen Maren. Molly Gaddis, Cnarlotte Chastin, .r ranees Burress,. and Steda Wyatt.. : ATI EN I)7nG TRAINING ( OURSE IN ASHEVILLE . Mrs. Rufas -Slier, -supeivT-or of Havwort COUntV. IS attending the training course whic h ,s tfeing heifl in Asnevine .'"- .' the county .---upervisor.s in the various WPA projects in the district. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Colkitt had as their guest during the week, Mrs. Phillips Iron, Jr., and daughter, Miss LouLe Iron, and Mrs. William Cook, all 0f Mt. Holly, N. J. I A partnership, composed id th.,.,..;., .in, l It iv Ktin. Dltis MassH iti a.i.Tiv ..." . --. . - chased and iissunie.i charge ol ui i Denton Hardware Company, on -Main stroot, on last Monday morning. 1 he negotiations for the deal were com- pleted last week. The business was, bought from W. T. Denton. The first several days of this week were spent in taking inventory of the , stock, which is displayed on two floms. Nil ,,1111-Viuu,. m ice was made oublic. Mr. Massie said yesieruay lM"1 firm would carry a comilete line ol I hardware and a general line ot I arm implements. No Announcements were made regarding personnel of the new firm, which will be operated under the name of Massie Hardware Company. I. ... :. ....tii-lm. fi'iii,-. iii'Hve .vir. ueiii..'" is '.""."s business after b'ing in business for I himself for 48 years. Mr. Denton said yesterday that t lyde 11. Kay was the only Waynesville mevchunt vho had been in business longer than he. Mr. Denton opened a general mer chandise store at Titonow Deilwood on April 10, 1HHD. He remained tt, until 1KU nnil also served as yet coil- I postmaster of the Del. wood post ollue. it Was while he was postmaster tiiei. . i , . i. . r .1 cli..,i ii nu i.luinif- I inai irie name u v " j ed, by 'his reciuest. Ironi lit0 to Dell ! wood. On January first. HlOIi. lie opened the Waynesville Hardware Coiiipni.y. He owned the building ami operated a successful business there and sold in i t:tn t,v.i. tlw. fnlliiwitii.i- la niotiths he ile- voted his tune to settling his business affairs, and on November 1, lii.Jl, opened Denlon I la rdwai e, Mr. llenton estiiriaieo mis. ween rri.n during his 48 years m b-.i- n.e--. he had. sedd $1.2.'0,0(ril worth ot merchandise, j He would hot mane an t sl imate as to the tmoi'K'r of cust "inei-s he had scrv- j ed duiing that lini"-. Mi-. Denton has the distinction of having never worked lor anyone but himself. He has never been employed except for one term that he taught S'-hooi oil Jonathan ( reek in 1XKK. .The follow ih-g year he opened his general merchandise. store. , He was born in diles County, Ten iiev'.e. His parciils then., moved to 'Ieia. and a year after. he was born lii father died. When he was only one year old, his mother moved to I count v. from Texas. He attended the public schools in the county, and Sient two years atCrant i University, in Tennessee. ! Me is a former Cnanceior Command- er of the K. P., a charter member of : the local camp of the Woodmen of the , World, and a charter member of the : Junior Order United American Me chanics. Mr and Mrs. Denton have one daughter, Mrs. Charles Badgett, Ji., if Knoxville. . When asked what he expected to do now, Mr. Denton said he ratner ex pected he would catch up on his fish ing, and then ueviae. Peacock Home Is Destroyed By Fire The J N. Peacock residence on Richland street was destroyed by fire on Tuesdav night. The entire ni si,),, of the building was burned with only the outside walls left standing. 'The lir e depa il irrent was called at 10-ir. on Tuesday night, and when the firemen reached the h use it wi s cov ered in flames. The building was unoccunied and unfurnished so the losses were con fined t( the house. i The property was owned bv J. W r... brotUer ot Mrs. J. N. Peacock, who formerly owned the place, urn) ran it for several years as a lioaicling house. Officials on Wednesday afternoon would not make any statement re garding the source of the fire pend ing an investigation. Horace McCracken Buried On Monday Last' rites vee conmicted on Mon- I day afternoon at. 2 o'clock from tne Mt. ion Methodist church at Crab itiee. lor Horace W. McCracken, 61. I who died at four r clock on Sunday morning at the Haywood County Hosr ipital The Rev. .1. H. Carper, pastor of Long's Chapel, at Lake Junaluska, land the Rev. R. P. McCracken offi jciatefl Burial was in the cemetery nearby. Pallbearers were: Harry Ie .Liner, Charles Underwood. W. R. Rhinehart, Glenn Hipps. 'Grady Yarborough, and 'Theodore Raby. Mr. McCracken was a native of the county, but resided in Hil! more for several vears. For the past few years he had lived at Lake JunalusKa. where he was' connected w th the Junaluska Supply Company: 5,vvivin' Are !; blolher, HermU. McCra.ken. on n li si-let, Mrs. Samantba Huskv, and two hall broth ers G. A. 'Baldwin and 1 1. A. Baldwin.. Last Kites Held For MissMattieMassey Junior Order To Have Big fleeting In the lodge room Tuesday, April 27, 8 p, m. the Junior Older United American Mechanics will hold what promises to be one of the best meet ings possible. Visiting delegations will attend from Asheville and Clyde. A degree team will come from Ashe ville and at least four men will be initiated. , Twenty-five visitor? are expected, and at least one 'hundred men of the Waynesville lodge should be present. After the business, a social season will be enjoved during which time refresh ments will be -served. I Funeral services were conducted at 'two 'O'clock from the residence on Smath' i s .tree! on Wednesday after noon, foi Mi-s Matti, Masscy, 2'J, who 1 died at four 'o'clock at her home on ! Tuesday mor ning. Her death was due to a heart attack. Rev. H. W. Baucom I officiated and burial was in Green Hill I cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were: John ; Boyd, Herman Martin, Bradford Me haffey, Sam kelley, Scott liceves. and John Ray. 1 Miss Massev was the daughter of ! Mrs Ruth Oweni.v Masscy and the late James R. Masscy, and had re sided in the county all her life. She is survived by her mother; two sisters, Mrs. H. H. Collins and Miss Kate Massey; five brothers, Z. L. Masey, Philmore Massey and Walter Mafsev, of Waynesville. Vernon Mas sey. of Wilmington, Calif., and Wade Massey, of Murphy. TRAFFIC LIGHT FALLS DIKING HEAVY WIND 'LARGE SIGN ERECTED A hard rain and wind storm hit Wavnesville and vicinitv last Thurs dav'afternocm. The traffic light under the Park sign on Main street wa.s blown down, and several trees up i noted.'" No damage was done by .the falling light. The largest neon sign on Main street, besides the Park Theatre, was r.r.rAr.A t tl Q Hwll fill' t Vl f AmPrirall ir I ci. ten vii... " ....... . Fruit Stand by Martin Electric Corn- Mr. and Mr?. Rov Campbell left on Tuesday for Murphy, where they will visit the latter's sister, Mrs. J. Frank uJ,n PntVii-,. neiirninff- to town riiii r.iecLiic cw- ns""- . ". . . , Danv. This is also one ot tne neav- i vney wm i,i eo m v ayiiesvu.e. uicoi. oivm... iest signs ever erecte ing. I ,1

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