Fee Waynesville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance, of The Great Smokv Mountains National Park N. C, THURSDAY, JUNE 17. 11)37 $1.50 IX ADVANCE IN. COUNTY UTrTyE NO. 23 WAYNESVILLE, Jfflf RATES REDUCED BY tonrty Tax Rate Might Have lo Be Boosted40 to 50 Cents creased Demands On County' Treasury Indicate Higher Kate l or Next Year : e: ' :?.' jations are that the tax ounty for next year will by about forty or fifty i-njr to tentative figures T. J. I'athey, county au- Main Street Park ing To Be Limited To Only 30 Minutes V' tfir. nowevei, toimui uiv ml of the IDS (-38 DUd- fi'r -ul'iiiission to the board of ,B!.i..mfrs until the tax office com es the mv revaluation of prop- 'which is now underway. .ia'ordii'.tr t" John Hipps, in charge Jie new revaluation, the work will completed within tw0 weeks. All htshii's nave ruosiieu hu uic :icn tf Waynesville and Beaver , Tii (iate there is , no way of ling what the assessed valuation total,, Mr. Hipps said, the valu- iin 01 tne county una year wan ed at twenty-two and a half mil- with a rax rate of $106. iMr. Cathey explained that two new ;ools, and the additional burden ot social security '-set-up would re in an increase in the tax rate to point that it might reach $1.60. nre.sent rate is $1.06. The state social security board has imated that this county will have raise $12,500 for social security, local officials believe that it will i S2-i.(100 from the. oountv. ITruler the nlan. th atatp will brO- lie thp samp amount as the pountv. id the federal government provides rice the sum. If Haywood requires (HI.IWl t.lip statp will nrnvide a lurth, the county a fourth, and the Wral government half. Last year the board of commission- Teduced the tax rate 25 cents. 1935 the rate was $1.31. course, as Mr. Cathey explained, Deuel that ' the county tax will hp inprpnsA1 from fortv fiftv cents is Hased nn a ereneral prvey made by the board of commis- nners before the budget is adopted. It WftR lpavnpW rAwi trruw ant.ViOT.ltV- ...... ... wvv. -.-,, at the new revaluation in all Drob- fcility show an increase of about two to half millians. One official said, lldinc fmm V10 rtrnc.Viina .Vtt nrp Upleted, it looks as if we will have ItMlTl CI, fK,., hA nccnccnil uilll. LlSllL Ullllj; LIl Offfrvu Wuation to twenty-five millions for f-xt year. ' Of e lte ames Smith, 66, Buried On Sunday Last rites were conducted on Sun y afternoon at three o'clock at the Rt Baptist church, for . .Tames 66,. whft AieA fin ITriHnv nio-ht ?;15, at the home of his daughter. p. Sam Junes. The Rev. H. W. Bau. K Jr.. Jrchf otiWlated. Burial was in Green cemetery. S6iirir ai nQnhoij.Ai.t.''-iifAi.fl'i t t? lotan, W. JI. Ray, D. V. Phillips, H. Rmvl Yv T ri . . j T fi rjykendall. . "f. Smith was in KiiQi'noco in War Nville f,,r manv vonvc TT..a'(vniint. ill health hp ViaH Tint Wn ofivplv Raged. in his work for several years. Pand Mis c-;,v vj f 'ladison rOlini, fty tVia noil ta-ar tears Sarvivitio. b,.p, u: j in . "'o wis wiuow aiiu IIIC ("UOWlTlcr l,;IJ-. Kr p t"uien; Mrs, sam Jones, I - noDinson, Mrs. James L?' and Mr- Marion Smith, all of --M.!(, Parking on Main street will be limited to thirty minutes, accord ing to a decision reached by the board of aldermen in a special ses sion here Tuesday night. The ordinance will not be en forced until the warning signs are placed on the streets. Workmen were at work Wed nesday morning making the signs, and they are expected to be erect ed this week-end and the ordi nance enforced. 2,133 Fish Caught In Sherwood Forest Many sportsmen took advantage, both locally and those visiting in the section, during the first week in June, of the three days the streams uf Sherwood Forest, government lands, were opened to the public. A total of 406 persons fished in the forest and 2,133 fish were caught during the three day period. On the Big East Fork of Pigeon 94 persons tried their Juck and had to their credit 533 fish. While other streams were fished by 312 persons with a catch of 1,600. One interesting catch of the week was made by Boss Burress, who planted fish in the Big East Fork on May 10, U)34, where there were prac tically no fish left. He went back dur ing the recent open season and caught his allotld fifteen, and they were beauties, measuring from ten to six teen inches, evidencing how well he did his work in 1934, The streams in Sherwood will again be opened to the public for three days in July, namely 2nd, 3rd and the 4th, which will close the fishing season for the government lands for this year. Law Against Pick ing Flowers Along Highway Explained G. C. I'h'tt, county game and forest warden, has recently been instructed by J. R. Ppratt, district forester, to bring before the people of Haywood county the law to protect trees, shrubs and flowers along the state highways, as passed by the North Carolina leg islature. The State Conservation department is making every effort this season to enforce the law, for the protection uf highway beautification, and they are urging each person connected with the work in the state to use every facility to gain the co-opera- tion of the public. The law passed in 1934 is entitled, "An act to protect owners of prop erty along the state highways o .North Carolina," and leads as follows; "Any person, not being on his own land, or without the consent vf the owner thereof, who shall, with one hundred yards of any State highway, of North Carolina, or within a like distance of any public road or high way, willfully commit any damage, injury, or spoliation to or upon any tree, wood, underwood, timber, garden, crops, vegetables, plants, lands. springs, t)r any matter or growing or being thereon, or who cuts, breaks, or removes any tree, plant, or bower within such limits, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction fined not exceeding fifty dollars, ($50) or imprisonment not exceeding thirty days; Provided, however, that this act shall not apply to the officers, agents and employees of the State Highway Commission or county road authorities while in the discharge of their duties." Program Manager Max Bryant Estate Contributes 12,000 Books To University Aldermen Working On Plans To Give Rates Like Carolina llt. .1. M. OKMM Schedule Of Lake Program Is Given Dr. Orniand Promises' "Some thing Doinjr All The Time" For Coming Season Summer Visitor Is Honored At G.W.U. attle Sales Begin Today At Clyde The firs . 77, 7" 1 .. f 'l y V "'-ue aie ot the season V h. d at the Clyde stockyards clock ." 8 naiW ... at one ar aleS each Thurs and at the samo i.,. WdW V Sales are held re" fiord r -i. 'eather conditions. Med- ffician ,r18 auctioneer. lav ttt i e stocltyards said yes. iri- :"at ly were looking for t.r.5,! :,?,od season. The sales con- about December first. . marks ti,- . .. flivpa, : opening or tne Clvde t .the live stockyard sales . ' r- Last VOoy. 41.- 1 ... i . PProYin,ni , v wie eaies xotaiea Ornately $100,000. Smathers To Head Student Body Next Year At U. of Fla. George A'mistead Smathers, 22-year-old son of Judge and Mrs. Frank Smathers, of Waynesville and Miami, and grandson of Dr. and Mrs. B, F. Smathers and Mrs. S. A. Jones,' has been elected to serve as president of the student body of the University of Fiord ia for the coming year. Voted the greatest all-round ath lete in Dade county -when he graduated from Miami senior high school in 1932 young Smathers was elected to the office without one name from the 3,038 students of the university offered in opposition. It was the first time such an honor had been accorded a student. Smathers has been a student at the univesrity: for five years. During which time he has completed his arts and science course and is now taking law. He has won virtually every de bating and public speaking honor that can be achieved by one person. His laurels have extended into collegiate competition throughout the South. Miss Agnes Fitzhugh Shapter, daughter of Mrs. E. Fitzhugh Shapter, of Washington, D. C., who has had a summer home in Grimball Park for the past twelve years, wrus among the graduates last week from.: George Washington University. Miss Shapter, who made a very unusual record, was a member of the Pi Beta Phj sorority, manager of the senior tennis class of the honorary varsity tennis of 1937, 'member of the university glee club of th' junior staff of the college paper, was awarded a letter in intramural badminton 1937, awarded class numerals . in ftennis, ! member of l'hi Sigma Rho, philoso i phical society, holder of highest scholastic average in sorority, chap ter," and holder of 1 he Columbian Women's scholarship. Miss Shapter and her mother will arrive tomorrow for the summer season. . . j' (Special to The Mountaineer.) "There will be something doing all the time." That is the word which has gone out from the Methodist Assembly con cerning activities at the Methodist Summer Assembly here. The prospectus just issued by Dr. J. M. Ormoiul, of Durham, N. C, pro gram manager, indicates that the promise of something doing all the time will be made good. For with the Junaluska Summer School, offil iated with Duke University, off to a good start, June 10-July 20, the out look is bright for a successful, busy season. Dr. Ormond's program schedule of schools and conferences opens; with a peak event, namely, Bible Week, June 27-July 3, when Dr. James Moffatt, the famous Bible translator, will con duct courses in the Gospel of John each morning and an inspirational pro gram in the auditorium in the even- l ing designed to stimulate interest m the Bible, Straight through the season the Junaluska calendar sweeps offering a continuous program featuring events of popular interest in the field of religion, education, recreation, art, entertainment and various cultural ac tivities. The student and tho vaca tionist, the transient visitor and the summer re.-ident, youth and age, alike, Aimeuiuenienl ot local interest was the recent presentation to the library j f' Washington University, of St. 1 ouis, of the 12,000. volume library j of the late Max Bryant., scholar and musician, of Waynesville and St. ! I.ouis. The library was given" the college bv bis widow according to his wishes. ; It consists largely of classics ami philosophic works and contains many rare editions, ami is considered by the university one of the most valuable acudemv collections ever received by the institution. Noteworthy groups in the library are the 2,000 volume collection of French works, an equally large German col oction and about 0.00 volumes in Italian. There is also a large collection of the works of Horace. The oldest book in the library is a vellum bound Latin folio lated 154S. A seven-volume set of Beaumont and Fletcher contains book plates of "the most notable Duke of Bedford," dated 1730, Wobi un Ablx'y; Mr. Bryant, who was well known in this section," his parents .having main tained summer home here for more than forty years, had spent much time in this section. His death occurred in 1935, and Mrs. Bryant, his widow, who also often visited here, has not been to Waynesville since that date. Residential Kates Will He Con siderably Reduced. New Rates Kffective July First 27 Local Scouts Given Promotion Twenty-seven Boy Scouts were pro moted on Tuesday night at a session of the court of honor of the Haywood district of the Daniel Boone council, which was held in the court house, with William Medford presiding. Those promoted were; Tenderfoot, Joe Swayngim Waynesville Troop 2. Second class: Jimmie Deas, Canton, Troop 1. First class: Tommy Davis,' Waynes-, ville, Troop 2, and Billy llaliburton, Canton, Troop 1. Among those receiving merit badges from Waynesville Troop 2 were: Byron Marsh, Edward McBorie, Bob by Colkitt, joe V. Davis. Capers Green, Joe Tate, Jr., Bobbie le, ,bie Way, Henry Hoy, lien Colkitt, Kenneth ..Palmer, Jack Kicheson. From -Canton ' Troon 1. those- - re- ' reiving pie lit badges were: Martin j Cavanaugh. Brvsmi l.i .ll'erd, Hilly Alexander, William Part. .n. Jack May. have been provided for in the Reason's, i Jaines Canipliell, and Brainard- Bur- Rev. H. W. Baucom Recuperating The Rev. H. W. Baucom, pastor of the First Baptist church, who has been ill for the past fortnight, is im proving. He is now recuperating at his old home hear Lumberton. While he has been confined to his home his son, the Rev. H, W. Baucom, Jr., has been supplying for him. Young Mr. Baucom has served as pastor of the Murphy Baptist church. He is a graduate of Wake Forest College, and is a third year student at; the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville, Ky. GIVING FLOWER PLANTS AWAY Donald Dunham, one of the town's best gardeners, is giving away as long as they last calendula, candy tuft, and aster plants. Observance Of Traffic Laws Is Satisfactory Norman Caldwell, newly appointed traffic officer, for Main street here, reported yesterday that t he people of Waynesville were co-operating in every way to carry out the new traffic ordinances recently adopted by the board of aldermen. "Signs are now being made which will designate the parking limit on Main street, and until then we are not enforcing the over-parking law," Patrolman Caldwell said. "The people realize it in to their interest to observe the law, and seem satisfied with obeying them," He continued. Girl Scouts Plan Summer Activities The Waynesville troop of the Girl Scouts held the regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon in the Welch Me morial Sunday school building of the First Baptist church. Lt Hattie Sile'r Freeman had charge of the program of the afternoon during which time plans were discussed for the summer activities of the group. Those present were: Patrol leaders, Betty Jene Alley, Jane Stentz and Charline Rotha, and scouts, Patsy Gwyn, Gladys Walker, Ruth Wagen feW, Mary Lee Alley, Ruby Francis, Helen McCracken, Catherine Davis, Edna Catherine McGee, Virginia Kel lett, and Nora Mae Walker, program. ! The 'following- schools and confer- I ences sponsored by the Methodist; Episcopal Church, South, and allied intert'sts have been scheduled:.' j June 10-July 29,. Junaluska Sum- : in or school. . j June 27-July 3. Bible Week. j July 4-10, Christian Citizenship week. ' July 5-10, "Western North, Carolina ' Conference." Young People's Assembly. Ju'y 5-Aug. 4,. Camp Chenmla. July 13-1H, : Church tciiie Pastor's Confs-rence. i July 13-24, Young Pcriple's Leader- ; ship Conference. """ "! July 20-29 Coun-il on Christian I Social Order. ' July 20-31, Western North Caro- j lina Conference School for Christian Workers. Aug. 3-10, Missionary Conference. Aug.; 8-15,. Preaching week. Aug. 10-12, Annual meeting board of lay activities, Aug. 12-20, Leadership school. The Methodist Assembly adminis ( Continued on back page.) I'ess." Henry. .Foy- and Ji;t 1 j sir . Seae, '1" iiiemlwrs of the, Wayliesvil.le-' ti"oop, were promoted to Star Sinits. i Following' the court,' members uf the distnrl coiniiiittee .e!:t "o t he 1 Arii.erii-ari Legion home, where, they , installed the newly organized, troop sponsored by the Haywood .post. Kobert II. (iibson. , is Scout muster, with . Mark Davis assistant, .arid the following boys compose the troop: Frank leopard, Frank. Worthington, Jr., Hugh' Francis,': Harry Dyer, Billy j l'iazier. Jr., Iioliert I... Burgh:, Jr., and 'a u Curtis. i A decision was made 'Tuesday night at a special meeting of the town hoard, of aldermen and the "mayor, to reduco the light rates in Waynesv i:l. This action came after the board had gone over the situation with a rate expert of the Carolina Power fc Light Com pany. The biggest reduction will be made in tin' residential rates, Mayor J. H. Way stated. The officials are working on plans which will put into effect in Waynesville' . the same rates as now charged by'. Carolina Power A: Light Company in this area. "We hope to adopt the Carolina schedule of rates from start to fin ish," Mr. Way said. "The-minimum charged by Carolina is $.1, while the town has a minimum of $1.20. The town also has several different schedules, hut under the pro posed ' plans, there will only be one rate, and that on a sliding scale. The more a resident uses the cheaper the kiilowatt hour rate. "Under this new plan we believe (hat. many homes will install electric ranges, and other appliances because ot the reduced rate. Under the new rates it will be to the advantage of the consumers to unc more electricity, and get advantage of the low rates offered on volume. The explanation was made that the new rates would not go out on this month's bills which are now being pre pared. The' board plans, however, to figure these bills under the Carolinu Power rates and make a comparison. After this comparison is made, then the final rate will lie adopted, and it is believed the residential Carolina rate will be used. The industrial and commercial rates now being "charged by the town arc lower in many. "instances than the Car olina rates for the same classes. The town .officials- are taking eviy precaution against reducing the rates to a point when1 it would cause a uelicit in the light department Enough profit has to In- made to pay for the up keep of the system, which is rated as a $250,000 system. It was also -pointed out, that the street, lights are provided without cost to the taxpayers of the town. In towns the same size of Waynesville 'the taxpayers have to provide as much as $10,0(10 a year for street lighting. "We have every reason to believe that the ''Carolina rates will be adopted as of July first," Mr. Way said, "and if that be .true, the taxpavei s will be getting ine same rates, as other towns, and in addition, ..will : savc I lie. rt-ra their property for' the stieet tax on lights." The hew an early- i the -official Carol i n a a Ks throughout., fates will hi' .announced at ate, but in the. iilesmtijiie,. - are working to-.car :, the Joe Riley Passed Away Tues. Night Last rites -will be conducted this mourning in Miami, Fla., for Joe Riley, who died on Tuesday night at 6:30. He had not been well, but his condi tion was not considered serious, . Mr. Riley was wel' known in this section, where with his family he had spent the past five years. They have occupied the Norwood house on the Balsam Road. Mr, Riley was the son of the lite Mr, and Mrs. John Riley, of Miami, who were among the first residents of that city, the father having served as the first mayor of Miami. Surviving are one sister, Mrs. J. H. Pero, three nephews, and one niece, of Miami. Gulf Service Station Opened This A M. The new Gulf Service Station at the corner of Main and Pigeon streets opened for business this morning, -witi-; White Mease and Charles Ballentine as operators. Although -completed last December, the station was not opened until this morning. The equipment, as well as the build ing, is new and of the most rnodern type. An enclosed washing and greasing rack is one of the features of the station. In an advertisement elsewhere in to day's paper, the operators are adver tising complete service, and a full line of Gulf products. Many Honors Given To Carl Ratcliff Bowles Named Assistant Secretary Of ('. Of C. M. H. Bowles has been named as as sistant secretary of the Waynesville Chamber of Commerce for the sum mer months. Mr. Bowles served as secretary last summer. He assumed his duties Tues day of this week, and will remain on the job until August 15th. .fail Ratcliff, of . WaynosviHe, as 'announced at. the recent commence ment exercises of Western Carolina Teachers College,, was chosen as the Best Boy Citizen on the .'college cam j pus. This is the highest, honor which i can be conferred upon a member of the student body and under present ! plans his name will be placed in a col. lege hall of fame. ! , Other than the above mentioned j honor' .he '.has'-served--as president of his i reshman and junior classes; vice president of , his sophomore class; president of R ix r.-on House govern ment; president of Erosophian Liter ary Society; president .of Monogram club, and president of the Haywood County club. During the past year Mr. Ratcliff has served as president of the student body and was voted the most popular boy in the senior class." He received the distinctive honor of football captain during the past season and received a medal for intra mural athletics. He was also select ed as an all conference end on the North State team. Mr! Ratcliff received his B. S. degree and will be connected with the Way nesville high during the coming year. Contributed. ""-;.'' V . "

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