ui- THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 7. al News Briefs r,-, iii-is. who has! 1 J- - - , ,f illness, has V-V..- F .ivst to resume .nt. sum int'i" sehl ' " Withers and daughter, E' A-.v Withers, spent the " mother, Mrs. S. C. Ha:-. . - t ,Vd K.'heson, of Greens y'V the week- ;;;sr::.., Mr. and Mrs. E. J. r . Tv H.-.la'e. of the faculty fjvvt;ty and Mr. Sydney K ... i-..r "arrived during the L'S. ' tV,: .ic'.J .sometime wjiii uitti '.;,; ana Mrs. R. S. Iruesdale. M... K. G. Lee and two I r ., .Aiht'Vil.e, were me gutus :av of Miss Lois iiarroiu. l" ' . Kuril K 'bt'son. daughter of i Mrs. K. J- Robeson, Jr., of I r ,-w. Va., arrived on Mon- 9 vj;t hi-r grandparents Mr. y- K. J- Robeson. . 5l.::ia:n Norwood, formerly of .iv'v now of Seattle, Wash., is i,; ;,.. H R in n - n''i - -- While i this section Mr. :;i a'.-o visit other relatives. L V;::i.- .Smith-and young daugh- '. Ra'.t'iirh. were the guests tor - Javs during the week of the 'f parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. .i : Ijttr.eii iimne on tne ran view Virginia Rotha Kimberly was 'f-xsi during the week of Mr. and l Arthur Junes. Mrs. Jones prior recent marriage was Miss Helen krlr.: sister-in-law of Mrs. Vir- , Kimberly, and has often visited l jr.. Mr. James Harden Howell, Jr., had as his guests during the week his cousins. Mr. Herbert Dickie and Mr. James Dickie, of Roseland, Va. They have been attending Maryville Col lege and were en route home. Mr. and Mrs. James String-field have as their guests. Miss Carolina Willis, of Memphis, Tenn., and Mrs. F. M. Rowe, of Daytona Beach, Fla. Mr. Lachlan Hyatt, of Newport News, Va.; spent the week-end in town with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. V. A. Hyatt. Mr. and Mis. Lester Foteat and young baby are visiting the former's parents. Mr. and Mr. M. A. Poteat, at their home on the Fairview Road. a . Miss May Crawford, director of physical education in the Girls' High school of Sumter, S. C, arrived in town for a visit with her family be fore going north to camp. Miss Crawford had as her guest over the week-end Mr. Howard Jennings, of Sumter. S. C. Dr. and Mrs. R. I Walker have as their guest the former's niece, Miss Dorothy Taylor, of Tampa, Fla. Mrs. Mary Sauemnig has as her guest Mrs. Ada Pickering, of SummiU, New Jersey. Miss Nancy Hyatt and young Don Hyatt have arrived from Newport News, Va., where they have been with the hitter's father, Mr. Don Hyatt. Mr. Thad Chaf'in, who is now locat ed in Atlanta, joined his family here for the week-end. Mrs. P. L. Turbyfill left on Sunday for Spindale, where she will be with her . daughter, Mrs. Garnet Henson, who is quite ill. Eyes lxmiiicl Was-- Fitted 127 'i Main St. Consult DR. R. KING HARPE OPTOMETRIST Wells Bldg. For Appointment Telephone 201 Cunton, N. C. JUNE JUBILEE KNEE LENGTH At Same Price EVENT (Regular 89c Value) Tor Limited Time Only Specially priced . . . because they were specially purchased to sell to you at a worthwhile saving. These are first quality stockings, full fashioned, sheer and absolutely ringless, with run-proof garter welt. All new summer shades for every costume color of the season. BUY SEVERAL PAIRS AT THIS PRICE HAROLD'S Mrs. Adora Smathers Rayne has re turned from Richmond. Va. She was i accompanied home by her nieces, Miss Adora and Mis.s Josephine Holtzclaw, who will spend sometime here, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Stovall had as their guests during the week Mrs. Charles Galer, of Washington. P. C, and Mrs. W. B. Young, of Ashevil'.e. Miss Martha Bobbin, of Raleigh, who will be one of the attendants in the Killian-Queen wedding, which will be solemnized next week arrived on Monday to visit Miss Ellen Louise Killian until after the wedding. Mrs. Nancy Keener has as her guests this week, her mother, Mrs. O. T. Tindell, of Kingstown, Tenn., and Mrs. I. B. Sptaker and small son, of Johnson City, Tenn. Mr. Sparker joined the party for the week-end. Miss Alice Stringtield has as her iruest Miss Elizabeth Burke, of Tay Iorsville. M s Elizabeth Whitesides and Mis.s Charlotte Cathey, of Asheville, were the guests over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Felix Stoval'.. Miss White sides is a sister of Mrs. Stovall. Judge F. E. Alloy,, who is holding court at Nowhmds, spent the week-end in town with his family. Mrs. Allen MeU'an. of Fort Myers, Fla., will arrive today for a visit with her family here. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hodges and children, of Murphy, were the guests over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell. Mr. .Albert New, Jr., arrived this week to make a .brief visit to his par ents, Rev. and Mrs. Albert New. Mr. New lias been doing graduate work at the University ef Michigan, in engin eering, lie is a, graduate ol Mate College, where he graduated with hon ors. ."'..' Miss Alice Russell and Mr. Ed Russell, of Spartanburg, S. . C, who have been visiting. Miss Anna Cather ine Coin, left'for their home on Fri day. Miss Coin and her guests were classmates at Berea College. Mr. and Mrs. C. U. Russell accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Manly and Mr, and Mrs. Ed Cauble, of Ashe ville, spent the week-end fishing in the government forests. Mrs. Frederick Bowles, of Jackson ville, is the guest of Miss Grace and Miss Julia Bowles. Mr. Lowe Allen, of Allen's Creek, spent a couple of days during the week with friends in Savannah, Ga, Mrs. Will Smathers and her daugh ter, Miss Jane Smathers, of Asheville, were the guests 0f Mrs. B. F. Smath ers the first of the week. Miss Minnie Burgrin left on Sunday for Columbia, S. C, where she joined a summer college tour. The first stop will be made in Washington, D. C, where the party will spend several days. Stops will also be made in New York City, Boston, and a tour made of the New England States and Southern Canada will be included in the month's trip. Mrs. Frank Davis has returned from a visit with relatives and friends in Gastonia. She was accompanied home by her cousins, Mrs. Russell Frye, Miss Pauline Pressley, and Mr. and Mrs, Way Cabe. Mr. R. D. Lewis spent the past week-end near Otlanta, S, C, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lewis. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Lewis and small son, Jimmie, who had spent several weeks in Lamar, S. C, with the former's father, Mr. L. M. Huggins. .'. ' Mrs. Will Millersham and Mrs. E. C. Green, of Durham, are the euests of their mother. Mrs. A. M. Maxwell, at her home in Hazelwood. . : Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Tweed, of West Asheville, were the guests during the week of the la titer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Boyd, Jr. Mrs. W. F. Brewer, of Chaburn, is with the Personality Beauty Shop. Mrs. Brewer had as her guest over the week-end her sister, Miss Millie Lennon, of Mars Hill. . ., ; Mrs. Jimmy Trotter, of Reidsville, arrived during the week to spend a fortnight with her mother, Mrs. S: T. Neal. . Mrs. .Trotter, prior to her marr riage, was Miss Martha Neal. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Marsh attended a dinner party in Sylva on Saturday evening. ' ':. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Davis had as their guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Keener and Mrs. Pearl ramcii vi jvuva, n.v. MRS. E. B. McCLURE WILL EN TERTAIN CIRCLE Mrs. E. B. McClure will be hostess of Circle Number 3 of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church, on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. . Dr. W. S. Fitzgerald, a member of the faculty of the Duke Summer School of Lake Junaluska. will con- Mrs. Joe Rose and daughter. Miss Mr. James Coman, who is located Carolyn Rose, and Mr. George Becker, in Winston-Salem, in his work with of Chicago, arrived yesterday and are the State Highway patrol, has joined iuct the devotional period on Sunday the guests of the former's parents,! Irs coman at tne home of his par- morning for the opening of the Sun- Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Smathers. Mrs. ! tnts aluj vs j t. Coman, at day school of the First Methodist Rose will later open the Rose summer I their home at Lake Junaluska, for a church. 1 home at Balsam. I fortnight. Ponle ouzht to be encouraged to FUtSH ICE CRtM Ice ut join tk StalltU SmmJmm Nitht Ksdm Party. 9 M 10 (T-VT), NHC Red Sttuitri Here Are (I I F T S He Will Welcome t we) w -. ...nii-'""'" ' iss (JJ l.K w ' m I' 1 " ' V V m9 V; SIIIRl ..... 98c to $1.95 Colored, fancy, r white, in the new colar styles. Finely tailored. Vanheasen and Phillips Jones. NECKTIES .... 25c to 97c Handsome patterns ranging from conser vative to the vividly youthful. Handkerchiefs . . 5c to 35c All hand rolled hems, smart colored bord ers on fine white batiste. HOSE ... 10c to 50c Domestic and imported lisles, in fancy patterns or with hand made clocks. Cooper and Gordon. PAJAMAS .... 98c to $2.95 Cut for sleeping comfort, styles for good looks, in rugged fabrics. Friendly Five Shoes . . $5.00 Black, Brown, White and Grey. Other shoes $1.98 to $1.50 STETSON HATS STRAWS OR FELTS Dad Would Appreciate A Curlee Suit Buy It From MASSIE'S DEPT. STORE And It Will Be Good I DEPARTMENTS T OR E make profits; they cannot employ1 peo ple if they don t make profits. Harry1 L. Hopkins. .