ll fHE Wayne sville OUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat of Hayvood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park rKl) YEAR NO. 26. WAYNESVILLE, X. C. THURSDAY, .U'LY 8. 1937 $1.30 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY M ii ' -i - - . .. aw mil Here This Week-EndTurbyf ill Corner I.R. McCracken Fatally Injured At Lake For Duke Day Program . . . homiwnt mock uaiser aim, fiU-mtT. Killed At Cove t reek i hen Car Turns Over h) Hutu mi racken, wno nas xvitn I pari) " n iiuur. , ....... j()a afl nnn around 5:30 o'clock ..,b a livhini; Irll on lataloochee, re tired !';it;il injuries, wncn ine car, .jjjd, h, a driving, turned over itra! unit- and rolled down a steep Ihi' accident occurred on beyond Cove (.'reek UIH'. '.t-onul curve hp. Mr. Mct'racken attempted to pass car pat kcil on the side of the road Ihrn life accident occurred. Kooert jlnur ami Lower' Caldwell are said j haw been the occupants oi ine car, y oe witnesses to the accident. I i ii II. .. L I fhfv, ii n naiau urpt'ii, who passeo Iwrtlj after, brought .Mr. McCrack- aml lite party into the, Haywood jimt; lio-pital. )!:. Mi ( i arken sullcred head ami ii:,;.! injuries "and was conscious ,y ,1 .-.'.'lit . while . after- lie was ;&;' t. the hospital, lie lived ;:u . .(w 1 1 1 1 -four hours, death oc- roit:-.at.-J:50 o'clock on Tuesday ::trr.i'uii.r' "Others . i it thu party who received :!y -slight injuries were: C, T. No :;J, lien Xoland, and Vincent Davis, Iho kft the hospital following med- ul attention, and b red Ferguson, who ufftitil a broken color bone, and was :schargcd yesterday from the hos- ''l' .. Mr. McCracken was in his fifty-sixth Itar. He was the son of the late E. I Mi s. Margaret McCracken. He Ms a prominent farmer and stock falser in the county and had for sev- tral years in addition to his farming ftivities served as a construction lurtmair for the State Highway and Pupblic Works commission. Last rites were conducted for Mr. llcCracken on Wednesday afternoon Parker's Chapel on Crabtree, at (Continued on Page 3) r'nujiuwiiiiiijjwi mjmmm i i I ? J ft? mmmKmmM ifMMiil 111 mlniW ll M m UK. I". X. wtgwMiftiiil Criminal Court i Will Convene On i Monday, Julv 12 Four Homicide Cases On Docket1 Cor Trial, l.arue Number 01 ! Smaller Cases I On Main Street Bought By City .Indue 11. will preside C mi i t . whic Momlav, ,Iul tintisuallv In h Isink, ol Lexington, .1 t be ti nit ol Superior i ull eonvetu' lu re on NUII tl.e 1 iv v. i h. 1 he docket is !' .bile lb libel' i ll . Altlti K i 'it ii i ii vi' w . r. i i:v flayunoil county made a net gain of r'e tea, hers for the coming school nn. according. 'to Jack Messei-' pwmten,.e,u of education, this week. . Iht state school commission granted n ti'a teacher for the hioTn 'eohnnt frt't' and at Uethpl anA -vivo ''Hentary teacher at I?.tlw.l An x.a rvich School and nlmtov.,. t will be added at Crabtree. '.' I'lir Bflld school vVii.h noc An. a.,;,l s .., ' ' v... ;yn in.- d closed -'. ounty Makes Net Gain Of 3 Teachers For Coming Term PM (iets 1 Kfr:i Ti.:wh.r Crab! i-ee 2. Big Bend School Will Be Closed j 1 ' 1 i i ii nkfel. .L'ili.iMnrlioiiiiiiJ iwnii!iwniip.siilu.wywww IIKXHY DWIIU: h i i 'i ... in in lii. mi lor trail at- t or live aiitonu I in . I. .iiel a mi iloniuiiil will ci 1 be caleiulai eases ol driving 11 ol nit o ic: i lit s . and pel IV eillellses. 1 be lollowing N 11 lor t be n eek : I.. M. heeler. 1'ig tine. a. nesville; lieavei ila in : . 1!. 1 U . .-v I'lun, lii llv.le, l.eaverilam; ' . scheduled nut. l-oiii ses will be i's ol alia li- l.-s -eviial e illlllletKO iitmiber ol in the rur i. . fl.YIHO It. IIOKV eon: H. I!al James Swan: 'ostoii. l-.asl I', avenlam; W. A. I,. .Moon. I I ..ik MAXt iii:sti:k ary sche, than- ; -A total Mteil .ti fid th.-i. tailtnts ' nc , , Mi M, liree years has been nvdpr. whI the Vaynesville elemen ' S will have one less tcach t. year. "t 157 teachers have been '' county, Mr. Messer said, approximately 5,500 a'e iu.una n ili ci "tolled. These figures do he Canton schools. '! 'SaKi that he looked for x leplacements in school ear, and at least one new ,lU'. Nothing definite has ll ,n tk: 1 tl ..: v" mis, However. b -i.iotue school building, which j a h.gh and elementary school r.iui.n, v,ii be ready for the ar,, '1 Khnl- Jerry Liner, con--, 'Mulshing the work forward "'rr' r fai(1 that aU the tcach- v 'A n,amed by next week and . f .niplete list would be given puoucation. Fi"o Variety Iris Roots i Duke Day Will Be Held On 12th; Dr. Few Is Speaker The annual Duke Dav, held in con nection with the Duke Summer School, at Lake Junaluska, will be held on Monday, July 12, according to Dr. Paul N. Garber, who is in charge of the Duke Summer School. Dr. W, P. Few, president of Duke University, and Dean A. K. Manches ter, will be the principal speakers on the formal program which will follow an old-fashioned dinner at six o'clock on the grounds at the auditorium. The program will be given in the au ditorium of the lake, with Dr. Tom Stringfield, of Waynesville, giving the address of welcome. The program Will be in charge of Henry Dwire, in charge of alumni relations of Duke. The .music-will be under the direction ol Mrs. II. K. Myers. Dr. Garber reported that this veal's summer school was the largest, in the four years that the school has been established at the lake. 1 his year 205 pupils are enrolled. Of this number 73 are from Haywood countv, and the others represent 25 states. : The school started l!).'.:! with 127, and has steadily grown since that time. New County Agent Expected Here To day Or Tomorrow Robert K. Smithwick, newlv ap pointed countv agent for this county, said last week-end that he would prob ably arrive here bv this morning to as sume his dut les. Mr. Smithwick was here making ar rangements about a house lor he and his wife, and said that he expected to have all arrangements made bv I hurs dav of this week, and move here and take charge of the olbce. 1 he new county agent, is leaving Mocks ville, after spending 1H months as countv agent of Davie county. He lore going to Davie countv, be was assistant atrent in Iredell county. Prior to that he was a member ol the faculty of the Franklin High school for two years. Mr. Smithwick graduated from high school at-Apex, 'and four years later conipleted his .studies at State College, Raleigh. 1 a- Vertlain; .1. h. ( hilders. Hoax enlani : ! h. V. Oweiibv, Waviiesville; W II l'i e osi . U a nesville ; loin tiiiv. lii'a erilain; . L. 1'hai r, I'lgooii : Uol.ei I Sutton, 1-i lies (reek: (. liav. Jr.. Waviiesville: W. 11. I loll iiH'-su on b. Waynesville; .1. W. Ifovd. a ynesv ille : Ilel.iuari l!tll gess. .loiial ball : 1 V Jus tice. I rabtree: (iradv Walker. Fines ( reek; K. K. I,; Katelitl, W aynesville; I . W . talbev, Pigeon: . I.awson Messer, W hite Oak; Marshall Messer: Jonathan; John Palmer, Clyde. l'or the second week the lollowing will make up the jury list: Andv I l azier, t ecil ; John Campbell, Ivy Hill; J. II. Sinatbers, W avnesvllle; V . L. Humgarner, lieaverdani; C. S. l'reel Heaverdam; Homer V est, Clyde; J. Iv'. Hardin, Pigeon; Ira Massey, Cecil; II, A. Fie, Ivv Hill; H. D. Gools by, lieaverdani; D. P. Shook, lieaver dani; C. 1). ( reasman, Waviiesville; Ihomas A ai borough, V Into Oak; L. 11. Featlieiw I, Jonathan, Howard I.eatberwood. ( Ivde: Waldo Green. I ines ( reek : W. . Davis, -('rabtree; Charlie.- Medforil, lion Dull'. (YD. Welch Slijihtlv I Hotter After Heart I Attack Over Week-Endl Ill-Ill! Illl i Commissioners Held Quite -.Session Mon. Now On TaxMatters SillniH As A Hoard Ol K(iiali zalion. Ilea lino ( omplainls Ol Taxpavers General routine matters, and elear ing the slate lor the commissioners to J Architect Now At Work On j Plans l or New ( itv Hall. I Purchase Price 1 0.(100 I be I own ol W a ium die b.is pur chased (he I in In lill pi oji. i lN en Vi.iiu slu et, just across I rom I lie post olliee, ami plan to conxcrl tin- building in( a modern n hall ami lire department, "lib ample space lor ma or - court tut tile second Moor, ll w a- leal lied bv Ille Mountaineer Ne-leid.iv Work is going ahead mi ibe lagal papers, and Ille propiit is expected lo be signed over lo (lie town shortly. Ille cilv olbcials have ion I railed lit pay slO.000 lor the properlv, winch lii.nls 72 feet on Main slreel. anil Kill deep. Mayor I. II. Wax slated cslcidiiv that an architect has been here and consulted with the (own olbcials rc gardiii; rcniodebng the building, and is expected (o submit plans and sug gestions witbin the new week. In todav-s paper. I he town ol Wav IH : i!e is adverl ising lor . ille sale ol bends. amounting lo su.;iimi with w Inch to pay lur t lie pi up- i t : Max or . a v . ropo-rtcil Ih.-it large niiioli'-i- ol sub, tanl la l 1 .1 pavei s liave been .eeiisulleil about I be put i-base, and eveivoiii il lo 1 1 buv' ret- th begin their work as board was all that Mondav. 1 lie conmiissioner equalization board d Weeks until Julv 2n ers of I be count v on I Any complaint must. boa id before Julv 261 b xvill lake it for grand assessed valuation is the taxpavers. tile was eipiali.at ion lllldel'takell xull sit as an ' the next three to bear laxpav e new valuation, be made to t be , or t be olbcia Is d t bat t be new sal islaetorv lo C I). Welch, vice president and general manager ol the ( raniei ton Mills, Inc.,-and. a prominent' figure- in the. textile -industry, sullered a heart attack over the week-end. at. Ins home i in ( ramerti.n. His condition was re-I ported critical for. several days, hul l is now slightly improved. j Mr, Welch is a nat ive of W avnes ville, and is t be son of the late Mr: and Mrs. Lucius M. Welch. I I r. illiam Sloan, who is a .member of the stair of-the W o. .bud II. i . nu ll'. spital, of i-lsoiij-. arrived (lin ing the week to s)end several weeks bol e with his family.. 1 be sebei follows: I- i lies ( i ci dav, Julv K. ( rabtree Julv I'. I..r Hearings are a: and W bite ( )ak. 'l b Iron : Duir, Fri.lav, lad termed and advised the ollieril propel t y a t once. Present plans are lo have the build ing house all ol the' (own olbces, in cluding a city lull. 1 he fire depart ment will be in the building, and the sheet and water departments and shops xvill also be properly housed. Another addition, will be a mayors.' olbce anil a tax collectors ollue. At present neither have ofhco space. Ibe town clerk will have a larger olbce space, and will mil be m the same room with the lire trucks its. at present . Ibe building ol a city jail will savo I he town considerable in jail fees, it was said. Mayor Way reported that m May the town paid the countv lor pn lees alone. Ibe .greatest material saving will ( ( on) iiiued on I .aek Page ) k, ( eeil and Pigeon. Moti ve. Mil 111. d JuIa W ; II Ivev aver; Hill and Jon; were heard than li i ( r. lav. JuK ( I t l Quiet Fourth Is Officers Report 17 i rested In Waynesville, 1 ." Were ( harmed Willi .Be inn Drunk, 2 Cor I hel l Smi(l) Writes Lonj i Letter To The Kditor Healthiest Boy Chairman of Advisory Group Urges That Parkway Be Built Along Original Adopted Route i : Snnlli, county agent, ol Ilav- Nviiod until .July first; brought a let h i- to the -.editor ol 1 be Mountaineer, just at. press tune, In which he is set ling.iiiit a statement--regarding his being replaced ui ; the county agent, xvo rk. I be letter was too lengthy to pub lish this week, but. w ill appear next week. Sheriff R. V. Welch day that the Fourth were the tpuelest he eported -i::,te.-, f Julv holidays. tciiiot.ered- ev Healthiest Girl - c.;,., Mua,u"y of iris roots oi tnem are very HarA- u.," &y this week bv Mrs. erontc none wishing to as she r,Ta " ea t0 cal1 this week. k. if t . ,s5ard them after this . "yv caiied for. - Z t ' ' v J w Chairir !x ( II S an W. X. RAY, Jr. Advisory Group. John Ropers, Jr., 'ton of Mr. and Mrs. John Ropers, Crafitree winner of 4-H health contest for boys. W hat is the P.lue Ridge Parkway ? Where is it? What is its significance to Western North Carolina? hy is ahandoment of the Balsam section being considered'? These are questions frequently be ing asked, and it is the purpose of tins article briefly to answer (hem. (jcograpinc-allv, the Blue Bidge Parkway is to be a motor road con necting the Great Smoky Mountains National Park with the Shenandoah National Park of southern irginia, the southern end of which is just to the west of C harlottesville. Leaving the southern end of the Shenandoah Park, it passes successively via Way nesboro, Kuena Vista and Roanoke to the irginia-North Carolina state line. The distance .within Virginia approx imately 207 miles as compared with 270 within North Carolina. Leaving the state lins, trie parkway passes ibout midway between Sparta and Koarirg Gap and thence via Blow-.- j- . i ing Pock,. Linville, Ml. Mitchell, Crag- , gy Mountains, Pisgah, I ennesseu P.ald,. Balsam Gap and thereafter to, Soco J Gap and into the park. With respect to the country through which it passes, it- follows generally the highest mountain ridge, reaching in North Carolina, elevations exceed ing f:0(J0 feet. The average elevation in North Carolina exceeds that of A n gima, our mountains being consider. ablv. the higher, . Historically, the parkway , was first proposed about September, and as a W PA project designed to provide needed work, which at the same time would provide an enuuiing useful monument. In November, iy.-14.ap-. proval was given by Secretary Ickes to the route now under construction. In June, 19.lt), the parkway was placed under the supervision of the National Park Service; construction being un der the supervision of the U. S. Bu reau of Public Roads. oi k is now going forward and the writer esti mates that not less than five years will be required for completion of the (Continued on Back Page) CTW(iWyijmVIWI IWWMWMIHCgWBBM.TWNkii I X" -a it i f A ' I I No disturbances of aiiv kind were re , ported. I 'Ibe cilv poliee department wero ! kept, rather busy, however, in pulling 17 111 p-nl fiuiii haturdaV- imnir until 1 Mondav niehl . .All but wt-t-o charged wnh being drunk. Policeman- l al.lon an. I Downs, .'tr- resled a 111.M1 late Sauirdav alter- , lioon: which thev but h 1 eporl ed to be ; the "W ilile-l 'll link man ever eolilrOtlt . ed. '. All three came out ol the allrav bruised .-ni-1 -bleeding.---but the police won. anil the man placed in jail- I In- only oilier ca.-e to come up tn llie courts Irotu over the week-end involved (wo young W.avpesville boys; . .who xvaiv.-d a bearing. Wednesday niorniim- belore .Magistrate (.'.-P.. Atkinson,- before whom tta-y appeared charged with taking xvm els and tires'. , from school busses stored .-.in the build ing lornu-rlv occupied bv W atkin-s i ( bevrolel Companv. 1 he tires were I said to have Li-en sold,, and the two I boys, Karl and Marvin Ihomason, bi-others, xven- iirre.- I and chiiri'-eil x ith man .whom thev fied as-- to, where sted 111 Asheville. n the thelt. alter the solil the tires testi- bought them. he . The each. boys are out under Sitoo bond Citizens Uible Class Has Record Attendance Miss Martha Wright: daughter . Ct Mr. arul .Mrs. Harley Writnt. Canton winner of 4-11 health eeir.ist for tirl. At the regular meeting of tne Citw zeiis Bible class which was held on last Sunday morning tnere was a re cord attendance of oa, including the wives of many of the members. Captain Cecil Brown and Lt. Colton, of the Salvation Army had charge of the service, with the latter making a talk.

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