fHE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER I Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park -ITVEAR XO.-3Q WAYNESVILLE. X. (. THURSDAY, Al (il ST 5. Wtf $1.50 IX ADVANCE IX COUNTY lorida Man Buys On Alien sueeK ! Hoi tt. Purchases, 1,063 '.cre Tract. Says W. N. C. On v Of EvP""1s'on Program County Taxes Will Be Advertised In Next Week's Paper Waiting For A Car To Pass f A. H'it. ;p;l.h,-oi J:n( ' I'" Hon:, ai tears The tax collector's office is now making out the delinquent tax. list for tlie printers. The list will be :' Fort Lauderdale, i turned over to the printers on Monday ,-ug:h J. M. Long, morning to he put into type for publi nia"s Price, of New '. cation next week. acre tract of the ; Ihie notice has been given by tiie te on Allen's Creek, collector, and no delay will be made in turning over the list for publica tion. The property advertised, will be sold on Monday, September lilh, it was announced. e camp. his wife have been , sville for the past quests at the Pied- Hotel. Tins year they are stop- , at the Palmer House. ,i, Hi'ilt is a : Si-- l" .iv-'SrVrll-yrais itive of Arizonia, iding for the past in Fort Lauder- 1. . ' . U I I. until1 Funeral For Mrs. Roland Osborne To Be Held At 10:30 Wife Of Former President 01 Commercial National Hank Here, Passes lit!':, i - "O 1 i"ima vcm .w.eu .11- 1. 1 -11 1 j , : I1' b unera services will be con, hide. l;rd:h,rvtuer;ty-scven years ago' ,,.,. ,,. . , , hs to"'' Ur:y ' . H't'-' - He is the largest in his home county s that he considers f North Carolina, is ' ,.;' the .-ante expansive de- j that Florida was when he! become one of the summer resorts in the AITI NDS (Ol'KSE !' Hay -pent Tuesday' after- wfiit hi .-xsnev.ille, attend-. f a .ttf nt ;.i I e. hi i sf sponsored by the .vfisiv. nt .ortn Carolina in co- .with the North Carolina rai !"i!rtv. : ii'iiii'i'ni-nt ol' Agriculture HEATHER BUREAU iRijiirMillc Cooperative Si at Ion H. M. HALL, Observer : High Low Prec ., (ill 0.1)0 8.'! 5f. 1.34 57 0.15 mi 52 '. 0.I.J M 57 s." 55 st; . 58. ' I this week . Kl! 'V: :his week Wl ''uc iiatu :ii tun !....,;. .50 :j' Pir i jut at ion ... j ....'.. ...;.2.41 ratiu' Week Last Year, 1936 ii:i K- . 5-1 prV maximum ,80 ptmC:-!inimum ....... ...5!' ". i.lii atiou :;.n7 .I III' I i ay, mo Plott Osborne, wife of Roland Os borne, who died at 4:20 o'clock on Tuesday afternoon at the Waynesville ?". pivscut he plans to spend . Satiatai iuni, after an illness of several iciiiiiiii at ilaL Price camp from ; weeks. stiff first until October. He is If weather permits the services il! ! niiiih illici t sted in stocking the ! be. held on the lawn of her' 'mother , tiia; 'aii'l. around lt5 acres, in j home, Mrs. Martha Moody Plott, but icii'.'.if. I in case of rain the services will be ; - ! conducted at the First Baptist church here. The Rev. II. W. I.aucom Will -officiate. Burial will be in the fain--ily .burying ground at Plott. Active pallbearers will In Welch, Tom Lee., Jr.. ('has. K. Jr., Joe . Tate, Oliver Shelum Lester i!ui gin. ..Serving as honorary pallbearers will be Dr. .1. F. Abel, V. : T. Denton, Klley .Ue,llor,l, .1. K. Uoyil, .villas ,xu- j land, John M. Queen, V. L. Fssoll, J. i C. Welch, Tom Creen, V. L. Hardin, j Dr, X. F. Lancaster, and Dr. H. L. ; Bacon, of Rryson City. i Mrs. Osborne is the daughter ol the late Robert Plott and Mrs. Matt if Moody Plott, and has a wide family connection, in this section. She nnd her husband "resided here for many years after their marriage. Mr. Os borne having been at one time presi dent of the Commercial Hank before it was merged with the First National. After leaving here they went to Cul pepper, Ya., where they stayed 'several years, later moving to Whiltior, where they have since 'bee.ii living. Surviving : are her husband, four daughters, Mrs. II. K. Fishers, of Canton-, Miss Thelma Osborne, of. Middles boro, 'Ivy., Miss'. Virginia Osborne, of New York City, and Mrs. Harruard Tankard, of Orange, Ya.,. two sons, Robert Osborne, of Culpepper, Yn.. and Roland Osborne, of I'oi't Angeles, Wash.,' four grandchildren, her moth er, Mi's. MaUie Moody Plott, two sis ters, Miss Minnie 'Rao Plolt. of Ken nedy, Ala., and Mrs, W. M. Rryson, of Decatur, -Ca.,. and' six brothers,' David O. Plott. James R. Plott, (J. C. Plott, H. 11. Plot:, ail of Haywood county, and V. R, Plot I , of Raleigh. ! W' ' ' Tourist Traffic Is Heaviest Of The Season, Many Here Now :enver InHi'in !(ars From -(i s,aUs ( ,,lin,ed Bill in Senate W if ii if This is Roy MiM'iiiiiN iiinl Ills SeeitiK- Kye Dog. "S.-illie" a I h y st.'pi'ial at a ci.iii wail fiti. a car to pas-.. "Sa.l ir" ha ' .iu-;t shown Roy the rurli. lull will not tcp fo, w a r : until eCi y ii'n "f danger in til. stn-.t iia-- iase.'.. In tha a r ;ct- i ielo w onie of t h,- :i i-nniilrli inehls of thr i,.t ;n- ir iiio, I'im.'.i Ralph I-. ii - ! s Roy Moseman, Depends On 'Sallie', His Dog, To Take Him Places Without Trouble Sow That He lias His SeejiiK' Kye Jhiir, Hoy Is Hack Al Work Kverv Hay It is give '.h'li.ii; It !' July : 1):57 l'l.'lfi Month : 8! -.- !S 'Vr- i;',oith . . . 42. .' "52 iiViUin- 82.' . 87 ii'.:.'jnh'i..-.' - (;;., -.:.74 'jii-'a-ion. ' 7.1:5 : 5.87 : . 10 : 11 ai.iy 17 - PI. ' ' '.4- "'.-. .."7 in. or more rain 16; ' ", HI ATT FN I) FCMR M. Kev. and Mrs. H. V, Raticom return ed Monday from I.uniber.ton, where they went last Suivthty t attend the funeral of Mrs, W, R. Tynci, sister-in-law of Mrs. Baucom. 1 - overner Davey, Of Ohio, Enjoying Vacation With Brother At Soco Gap rVei'Kr And Pai tu M,H Trin Iltfoutrh Park YestprHa w -Ha v'ng Great Time," Said u :i Way Gvvyn. xt'iTl James A. G. Davey r "' :'-' 5-vests at their, home at l-0.j.. ' clays, the former s ,; ' .yeiriov Martin: L. Davey, - v ' ,l s- Davey and their Wn L.; Davey,. J' H-rr.-r lHlV(.y is findl:ng this sec .0Very restful .fl-ff:i. 4. io J2ni) in his native state of - tfc . ,' or 'tations, so prev- Lli t vUgnout the , country, have ocial duties. Parv Vacation here-he and nn are tak-in . .-' .... ;'fs uin the major points of in trin , . Gap' but ne made an- iav WPeP.le int0 the Park area. 'm A., lore he and his tiartv pn. e is Vp ".""" nsgah. if enthusiastic feinitilfl!- th,at now he has wiP ne will be anx ious to return. He is optiii.i-'.e over the future of Western North Carolina, where his brother, James A. ;. Davey, has come to establish his .permanent home, and states that many from Ohio are being attracted to this vacation area, and he expects the number to increase in the future. Governor Davey is the son of the late John and Bertha Reeves Davey, the former a native of EnErland, and known as the "father of tree surgery," who established the Davey Tree Ex pert Company, and the Davey Insti tute of Tree Surgery at Kent, Ohio. He was educated at Oberlin Collejre' He has served as genenal nianatrer and treasurer of the Davey Tree Ex pert Company. A strong Democrat, Governor Davey had an ' ; interesting political background before becoming governor of Ohio. He says that while he was always more or less concerned with public affairs, he received his real in spiration for public service, -the' night he listened to the returns when Woodrow Wilson, whom he ad mired 'tremendously, was elected (Continued on back Page) It wi'iuld be. bard to tin. I a more ! contented person in Haywood county today, than Roy.- Moseman, Waynes-;: ville's younn blind man, who has hi 2o-inoiitbs od .-black l.abiailor d"H' . from the Seeing-Kye, Inc., in Morris town, N. .1., and a- iroinv: any place he wants to uo, anl is niakine. regu lar Main street, deliveries every after noon of the Abbeville iaper, and :il" larrio- on his busines on Main street a! Iii--new s and. refreshment stand. . About ; t ai ;ico I;..; , i 1 1 - vi.-ion- Tda-y he di pe'iid- on Ins doe-. "Sallie." to lead him i o place-, a 111 1 : to watch for aoiitei-. Ro- ami his doy- have been back fl'0111 -.New Jersey about 10 day. Iloth are now aecustoini'd to; Waynosville's. streets, and curbs. Two days after they trot hoiiie, tins iiews.p;iier aked an interview. Roy -jfladly . granted' the i ( ijue.-l, but . instead of us -Uioking up Roy, or go- 1 ing to his home, he came by the ollice. 1 Not only that, liiit. "Sallie" brought; him right through- a ..-swinging door, 011 to another door right into the edi- tor's office; ' j The editor asked Roy to have a t chair, and then it was that "Sallie" turned Roy into a .position for him" to j sit in -the- chair just as correct as i anyone. As soon as Roy had seated himself, he thanked "Sallie" and she lay down, never moving until Roy was -ready to go. " "Sallie ' works on affection. She is rewarded for every thing she does. The rewards being kind remarks from Rov, such as "That's a good girl, now then, that's a good girl." j When she directed Roy to the chair j she was patted on the neck, and thank ed. She obeys every "command, and is directed to go either to the left or right or f u waid. If a command is given, and she sees danger, she waits and will. not move' until all danger has. passed. Roy never steps in front of "Sallie. ' - In crossing ;i street, "Sallie" gets to the curb and .stops. ;; Roy puts out his right foot, and feels (as shown in the picture). When he is satisfied as to the step, "Sallie" moves on, but not until she has satisfied herself that ( there is not a car coming. If she j finds a car is coming around the cor- , ner, she Waits until it passes, or ; hurries across the street and leads j Rok.' out of danger, '. -;; . j "Sail:" ha? a harness and a leash, j llii'ut:h the harness that she her -signals.- S 1 1 i m I inn's ii signal is a shrug of the shoulders deiioles a roiicb place in tin' side walk or .' 1 1 eel . , -dap on Roy's fell leg Ineans that "Sallie" must be ;il ra-e, and lo sit. down and w a Rov mid ' lilte.l. I ,,, it nul l I com ma nded t o go. 'Sallie" are hei-r sepa- rellialll t"C: tial- Sh p: itil I a 1 I t lllle. !r.t .- In fa "S; I 1 w . 11 : in ;i lioriiiai 1 for ten or llile ef ! 1 ;i : 11 1 ng. j, thai Ii. prelect iheir :.:.lkel up to R.i hi III, I' is - ilest .blow Would ever lie.' . Would be on ba t ting 1 if alley e. "Sallie" knows t Ween friend and and lone of Voie Weighs 50 pounds. tectilig RoV, she . a "lady", and start sharp teeth which ai when she 'opens her 111 his mi on 1 1 am . I ie 1 , bis " wa II. iiie, was I 1 nioiii h l in 1 1 aiiiiue, S ut It- old. and ,f ife.'she Will I"- .;. ; eh-vi-n. yeai . I he jieeiat t'. a' 11 tlie d..;.; . 1 1 a n 1 1 -. atal liirie 01, able laiat. Ir til. ; ; ll tin' d. She - 01 car. 'e." old when -die is now !' he ii. ; d guide !' ' of the ai e ? aught. If anyoiii. :l III si 1 ike hethi-r the ii use ."Sa I -lit ii t in 1 h e W. 1.. Hardin, Sr., secret. in lo ('oi!grisman Weaver, received a wire yesterday that -the Senate t'emmiltee had reported favorably on the Weaver Indian Hill, and that the bill was expected to pas the Senate either late Wednesday or Thursday. Tile 1 act Ilia; tiie aid was sent to the tloor of I he Senate x.r.llolit being contested ill the com 111 1 1 1 ee. almost assures its passage. Moth of tin Senators from North Car lilia are for 'the measure, and' are Using then influence 111 'getting it passed. The bill g i es 1 he Indian.-, a 1 . , 1 1 1 I., l-m.l a..., Creek for funning lands within the park aiea. The laud down Soco l 'reek is w anted l or t be building of the western Icniiiis of the Dine Rub:,- Parkway. Over $1 1,000 Paid On 'Count v Taxes In Jiify, Report Shows lla Wo..,l:iapa.vers paid -' 1 I. I.'i I "I l.'i'.i - duiaiii'. . I ills . aei online to. a -I. il. 111. nt pies, in,., I t,, th,-: ,ai, ,,' i-oiiiiiir-.Moii, 1 a by . II. M.-( 'io-L.-n. 'av .a. lie, lor .111 . 1 siipoi j..,it- . iv j;,..t Monday. The. total repi eseuls Miiall aniount. as far back as the repoil vlw.it,- witlt soinei I, mi. hv(. S,:;;ii; being- col li-i-i.'d on :i.",:'j t.aAcs. Tavi-.s for l:i:ia i.ui over S,,.riti, w bile t he bulk of the colled n.iis wei e for l'.i:u; lav.-s, which amounted to 1 ss.iih:;..! 1 . 1' is interesting to no!,. tlat dur ing July. $1, I.HI was collected on ,en alfies. Th,. acfual t;i bring jiist a lit t li over ! .'.000. District Eastern Star To Meet Mere 'I lie dlsl 1 let meeting of the I). I'.'. S. w ill in, , ) in ayiie ville, w ilii lb, local K;.i-.tei-'n Si ii r ;', ha pi e r, ,,n: n,Ai : 1 diies'day, .August the I lib. 'n,i-. 'Iistrir't coiiiprises . ,, chaplei ,, rovei ing ih,. i, n iv,, ;, M My to II, lai, 1 .a t ,. I ,., ,,. : di be two sessions., a I I er.tiu. ,n and e,-n ing. b:-i,i:il!liiiig lit .';i' ..'clock dor t he fii si and eiltllt o'clock l'.,j- the ai trr. large iiiiinbei i,f-.,in,-c,-, nil Indue.; pa- I win I iV gj and- ami ,,, ,. nn Woi l h.t' r 1 .iti.l , t ill ia and t,,;,. jiai.'l :oii I In: ,i og 1 .1: n.i . w li ii-li: has been planned -a iih special .all .'-nl ion..' Ila.vwootl Sininy Co.n- vention .Mct'Ls Sundav Via .iiffej-etiee be-. ''.' Their nciii.r: guides rt.-r. She ..in! m time' of p.n"-'. oald forget' sin- is ijs mg her long ipiite 140I c, abb 1 , , nth to yawn, t. to New Jersey, male dog, but bail become so veil t he train-e-h Rov. Then Ha- II i wood .County Singing emy- 1 iri 1.' -1 1 will hold- the regular monthly 0 v :.'.g al the court house ..n Sunday, Aiigii-t the Kth. The hours will be from I o'clock to four o'clock; The public is invited to .'alleild and take part.. . j (onimciie Hoports Increase I This week has marked a decided! ! gam both iii travel through the town ! and in (he number of tourists stop ping over. According to J. Dale Stent., secretary of I la Chamber of Commerce, there was a lull in iiuniir les both by mail and 111 pi-tson ill Che." olhe last week, but since August the first, both have nu t eased at u rapid rale. Norman Caldwell, traffic otli, , r on Mam .street, status that be has never seen as many .cars traveling on Mam street as he has seen since last Sat urday and Sunday, and that since that dale 1 ravel has been steadily on the increase. from -l:.'HI to a o'clock on Sunday afternoon, Mr. Caldwell counted cars from lV slates as follows: Arkansas, Kentucky, Ohio, Klorida, .South Ca.ro--' lina. Virginia, (leorgia, New York, M lib 1 gall, Tennessee, 'Pennsylvania, M iss, mi i, 1 11 in, us, I .nil is iana, Indiana, North Carolina, Minnesota, Oklahoma,. Idaho, California, Kansas. Mississippi, Alabama. TcVas, New Mexico, and W est iiginia. Accoiding I,, Mr. t'aldw, II the iun ,i"i;li, ,. iinpiiries being made are aboul how to get into the vir -at SnioU Mountains National Pin I.. I'e s:i 1 hai the inol orista, 1 1 , ,iM (leorgia -eelll lii.i hi nk t hat I bet illls i;,. into A "hex die to gel into', the park, and pass b ihe enhance lo Cherokee on then wa lo "V-hexill,- and- the park." ; lie s.,s I ha! Vet lew cal illixc traiclil Ihrough the Jown, that most of (belli either stop f',, ',ni, or s.un,. purchase. Hotel Operators Form 0rL;inization .1.15. I hnmpsoii Meads (.1 imp. ( ominiller I k I m mulatc I'laiis lien- Tnniuhl A leiiipoi-ny ocgiiiiizat ioij of llie "I" ralors- ,,f hotels and boardiiig boiises id t he oeiiiiuiinit wirs -rfi't t -d on Tuesday ii ft ,-i 110011 al the ortice of Ihe U,-,m -)e, I hainber ,,' I',,,,, 1 1 1 i.i-. . J Ik Tliciiip.,,111, -manager of f he Paikwiiy '-Hotel, ;"was. -named' tempo rary chaiiioan, with .1. Oale Stent., temp.. 1 aiy se, 1, tai y. The groups wjll be ;in affiliated or-g-aiiiation Willi the Chanibei- of (',,, m-eii-e. .Various problems and phases of the foiiris! business were discussed. 'Ihe. following eoiiimitlee ttas ap. Iiointed to formulate t he -aims 'and'' objects, of. Ihe g,,a..p: .1. u illiain Irion, of the U'aysj.l,. Lodge, (.'. ; . Reddiligfield, of the Pal,,,,', ,,.,.... I-esler PI. ss. ,.!' Pit - J,,,jM. ..; Phillips, of the f.,.j,. t,!. Mrs. ('has., K, (Jniidaii, of Pros,,,., ) Hill. The eoiiiiiiii lee; plans to meet tonight ii,! s:.;ii , ', l,,, k ih the , of the haiiib, r of ( 'oiniii.-rce. When Roy fii. st x. he was given a -xx -h within a week tiie .1 attached to him. tha el s . could not aiuu il was that he xa gix.-n VSallie;" For her faithful, and competent work, "Sallie" is fed a pound of shredded wheat .and a half pound of ground beef a day. The cost of her food is about t':n or 'twelve cents a day..,; There arc: now only .'loo such dogs in the country. "Sallie" is the third to come into North Carolina. There is one in .Ysre ville and another in Greensboro. ;; At present only. 100 dogs a year are being released. It is the desire of the -.Seeing-Eye, Inc., to increase this number to L'bO each year. ." The cost ..f training a dog for four months, and teaching a student for four weeks is over $1,000. The cost of the dogs to the students are only $150. The organization is: support ed by memberships of $2 and up. Only about ten per cent of the ap plicants who apply for dogs are cap able of handling them, it was learned. Before a dog is released to anyone, a thorough investigation is niade of the case, as well as of the person. ; The first of these trained dogs were brought to this county in Htlitt from (Continued on page Five)- Young Haywood Democrats Will Elect Officers At Banquet Here Tuesday President .Jerry Rogers and Com mittees .Making Mans For 1 00 At Masonic Temple '- . ! Fleet ion of officers for the ensuing year coupled with the appointment of J delegates, and alternates to t he state conventionale) be held in W inston -Salem on September 10-1 1, x ill fe.-.lui e the county convention of Young I 'etii ocratic clubs scheduled for t he ay ville .Masonic Temple, Tuesday; Au gust 10. organization : ollicials i,n nouhced here yesterday. According to Jerry Pi gris, presi dent of the Hayxyood county political organization,, prominent speakers will also feature the social arid business departments of the day's . program which will be climaxed Tuesday night with a -square and round dance pro gram beginning in the Masonic Tem ple at JO o'clock. An outstanding or chestra will furnish music for this occasion. The annual banquet, always an out standing feature of these events, will take place in the Masonic Temple at 8 o'clock Tuesday night when a spe'L -a;il piogram will, be presented for the entertainment, of ihe approximately U'U persons -expected to attend from all points. of Hayxxood "county. In addition to ' -Patrolman lingers, of the Canton -piilie-e department who heads the -organization ; in Hayxvood county as pi esident , other present offi cers are: Mrs. Paul Robinson, 1st vice president; Mrs. Chester A. Cogburn, 2nd vice president; Mrs; John M. Cathey, :;rd vice president; Mrs. J.ihn nie. Fergu --on, secretary, and .M. E. Swearingen, of Waynesville, treas urer; (iflicei s for' the ensuing year will be elected during the special bus iness session, scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, officials, announced. Various committees have recently been appointed to attend to every de partment of the annual program which promises to pack a lot of inter est from beginning to end. The tick et sales committee is headed by M. E. Swearingen, of Waynesville, as chair man, with Billie Provost.' Hazelxvood, Elmer J, ' -Osborne, Dave H. Harris, of - (Continued cn back Page)

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