TWELVE PAGES TODAY fHE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park FIFTY .THIRD YEAR NO. 34 WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1937 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY I nn faood Fair Association Is Dissolved ,r(ftors Decide To Suspend Organization, And No Fair Will Be Held This FaU At i mfftinjr held here on Saturday i ie board of directors of the Hay ti Fair association, it was decided discontinue the fair, which has 'ht!d annually for the past three U until the county board of com pilers feel they can offer some i.sance in securing permanent fair . ads. T.L'Green, president, said: "Since i sir is a county wide event, and c ft.nfined to any one locality, the Ktcrs of the fair association feel i: it should be backed by the county W commissioners, and that a katent site should be secured for purpose.'1 ' Kfer much discussion the directors d that the cost of securing a :Ai temporary site this year, was Jitivt, and until permanent ar .tmtnt.s could be made it was best aeontimie the fair. ft'. D. Smith, secretary and treas- r: of the fail' association, was in :tteJ to pay up all bills of the as ,stkE, and since the movement was pally sponsored by the American con, to turn over the amount left rail indebtedness was cleared up :tat organization, to be paid on Legion home. ptile Mr. Green regretted the ac- r. taken by the directors on Sat- -y, k felt that under existing eir- was the wiser course to r at this time. He hopes that the "v will eventually see its way to get behind the fair and make permanent event. :e board of directors of the fair nation serving the group for the : rear were: T. L. Green, presi ' -5. D. Smith, secretary and iirer, J. Harden Howell, Tom Lee, k.v Massie, Medford Leathorwood A. Bradley. : Local Stores Are Urged To Close For Labor Day Program Resolutions Adopted Regarding Planning Commission And Advertising Schemes The merchants committee of the Chamber of Commerce, in special ses sion Tuesday night, went on record asking that all merchants close all day, Monday, September 6th, for the observance of Labor Day. The committee is composed of Lester Burgin, chairman, Chas. E. Ray, Jr., W. H. Massie, E. J. Hyatt, E. C. Moody, W. H. Chandler, W. J. Ray, W. A. Bradley, with L. N. Davis and J. Dale Stentz representing the Cham ber of Commerce in official capacities. The group also endorsed the move recently made by the town board in providing for a city planning com mission to study the needs of the town in the streets, building Jines, parks and residential restrictions. The com mittee was unanimous in the opinion that planning for the future must be made immediately. The committee adopted a resolution urging all merchants to co-operate in the matter of advertising solicitors. "Refer all schemes to the 'merchant's committee for a written approval be fore signing or buying any of the many advertising ideas that are be ing constantly presented," the group urged. Other matters discussed dealt with subjects that are being worked out with town officials and attorneys. Senator Bailey Is Being Pushed As 1940 Presidential Nominee l ...lulu 1,11 ,,., m,vvlnim ,.. i, i - Senator Josiah V. Bailey, of North Carolina, was definitely planed in the race for President in 1!40 by Sena tor W. H. King, Democrat, of Utah, last week. Senator King is serving his third term in the Senate. Senator King is a ranking Demo crat on the Senate judiciary commit tee ami opponent of the President's court bill, as is Bailey, which Mr. Roosevelt now says must remain an issue. The Utah Senator took up tht challenge thrown down by the chief executive. I Shortage Of Domestic Help Noted In Town beral Ferguson escribes Work Of fiver Flood Control fadier General Harley B. Fer 1 told Rotarians and visitors last ir. brief, of the work now in "ess to check the Mississippi irom overflowing each spring crops on thousands of North Carolina State Employment service, office 114 N. Main street, across from the court house, is having calls daily for experienced or com petent housekeepers. These places pay from $3.00 to $0.00 per week, including room and board and are in local homes in Haywood county. Both white and colored girls and women available for this type of work are urged to register at the em ployment service. Health certificates are required. The service is render ed free of charge by the district health office in the court house. D. M. Rea Assumes Charge Of Charlotte WPA Office M who live in the highlands are d by the OVerflnui if tho Missis. t" Realise when crops are ruined, rwa prices soar, you pay for femage by not getting the cot- -avinj. t0 Iiay nlorJ for Cotton ;-. ne said. ' . ' Pan of the Flood Control 1, of, which General Ferguson is is working on the theory ;;g off some of the bends in the I' r'd Ktting more fall over a " stance. In that wav the 'finds its way to the Gulf quicker Ftaut overflowinir the banks. P" 5PProximat.i H Jollars has been set aside for Jlri of floods on the Mississip . date something like fortv K; have een spent, and a total Ie in fall k , v, 6 CUtS throno-K f ,5? bends in the river. ' :h.7,(!s 'f last winter gave a rih -T :tt'ork a"d as the lower - PPi did not overflow, we are e are irfaHnallu ' : ..' tnat has been snrh o oraw L,c,tlzhs along the river for tsmen. . . . EPort Page of The Moun- will interest you. . . up with it every ,ek- .different. . .true taS. ' .Woi D. M. Rea, former district engineer of the WPA in Charlottee, was recently named to assume full charge of the office, as district director. Mr, Rea is the son-in-law of Mr. T. L. Bramlett, and often visits in Waynesville. Post Office Shows Nearly '13? Gain Over Last - Year Street Dance To Be Held Friday The third cf a seiies of 'stive; dances will be held Friday night on Chuirh street, it was announced yes terday. Much pivparation has been nniilo to take care of a large crowd. Plenty of lights, music and fun, is promised to. triose who at! rid by the elitei taininent c ''tnniit ' ee of the t'hum ber (.f ( 'oinnu'ice. Increased Enroll ment Recorded In District Schools Celebration Chairman WW I ( tl MI!t Ks II!.1UUI1 to v. i l mi t ; v. be a. -e: t Photo I nf l.anor W stage.! in ihis ed ves;erd:iv that -..king, and a pro iv:::eiu ored a long in Mi ml i iv Miorrill s Studio ni. n Stores, Schools To Close Monday For First Annual Event Parade, Hall (James, Athletic Events, Dance, and Water melon Feast On Program Official Labor Dav Program According to post oflice officials the receipts for the Waynesville-. post office for a period beginning July 1st through August 31st, there was nearly a thirteen per cent gain over the same time of last year. From August the Ifith to Au gust 21st, which amounted to five and a half working days, they served 4,014 persons at the win dow, an average of 76.1 persons a day. For the same period of last year they w aited on 2,265 persons, School Authorities Finding A! Shortage Of Hooks Asking For Ixmn Of Some Bethel Parent-Teacher Association Holds Meeting The Bethel parent-Teacher Asso ciation held a meeting on Monday night; The following officers were in stalled for the coming year: President, Mrs. John Cathey; first vice president; J. T. Chappel; secretary, Miss Mabel Clark, and treasurer, R. C. Cannon. The committees for the coming year were also appointed at this time by the president. The attendance banner, given to the room having the largest of parents present for the meeting was won by the 3rd and 4th grade room, of which Miss Mabel Clark is teacher, Judge And Mrs. Smathers Have Distinguished Guests Judge and Mrs. Frank Smathers had as their guests over the week-end Chief Justice E. H. Ellis and Judge Armistead Brown, both of Tallahasse, Fla. Today Col. and Mrs. Robert Montgomery, prominent citizens of Miami, will arrive to visit Judge and Mrs, Smathers. Mrs. V. C. Nobeck has had as her guest the past week, Mrs. R. B. Bark er, of Elizabethton, Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. James Crisp and son were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Burgin over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Crisp formerly made their home in Fender, Ga., but have recent ly purchased a home in Brevard where they will reside in the future. Haywood Farmers To Meet On Next Thursday Night Study Of Proper And Pure Seed Will Be Discussed By Specialists Farmers of Haywood county have been invited to meet at the court house in Waynesville to hear representatives of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and the North Carolina Improvement Association explain the benefits of the new State Seed Law. County Agent R. R. Smithwick has announced. The meeting will be held Thursday, September 9th, at 7:30 p. ro. ''The Value of Using Seed of Known Origin" will be the theme of the meeting and plans are to show a mo tion picture illustrating the necessity of using pure seed. "Similar meet ings will be held in 39 Counties be tween now and September 11, and growers interested in better farming practices will find these meetings of vital importance," the county agent said..." In addition to explaining the new law and brief talks on the prevention of seed dumping in North Carolina, the Services offered the farmers by the department of agriculture's seed lab oratory free of charge will be out lined,. Under the present law, any farmer may send seed to the department at Raleigh and obtain correct information as to purity and germination without COSt. v- "The program for the department of agriculture calls for the elimina tion of impure seed in North Carolina, insofar as possible, and the individual complaints of the seed purchasers and seed growers will be aired at the meet ing and the co-operation of all farm ers will be asked, looking toward the betterment of agriculture in North Carolina," D. S. Coltrane, assistant to Commissioner of Agriculture W. Kerr Scott, said. The Waynesville district schools opened (in Monday .morning, August the. 30th 'for the lt.:7-.'!H school year, with an increase in enrollment both in the high . schools and t ho. elementary grades, according to a statement 'made : by M. H. Bowles, supei inteiidt nt. j The' enrollment for the high school I was 550 and for the junior high liOO, which to date represents an increase of 25 students over the total enroll ment of both schools last year. How ever, it is expected that, more-than '35 .pupils', who for various reasons have not enrolled during the first few days, will enter the school at -periods during the coming year. This is based on a record made for the past; several years. Definite figures have rmt been given out regarding the enrollment of the students in the elementary schools of the diVtrict which include the following: Central Elementary, East Waynesville, Hazel Wood, Allen's Creek, Maggie, Dellwood, Lake Juna luska, Rock Hill and Saunook, It has been estimated, however, that an approximate enrollment of 2,100 had been made in these schools, in the grades from the first through the sixth. On the opening day there were 17 enrolled in the colored elementary school. Due to poor attendance of last year the high school teacher was dropped and the high school discon tinued. However an effort is being made to have the school re-established.-With reference to some of the books to be used in the first and through the seventh grades, Mr. Bowles stated that the state school commission is plan ning to adopt a new language and a new health book for another year, and because of this fact the state com mission is not furnishing these books this year. Mr. Bowles is asking that any per son in the community owning copies of these books, which have been used in these first, seven grades, donate them to the district schools. As it will no doubt be impossible to secure sufficient Copies to supply each child, the books will of necessity have to be used as reference books, with a work book taking the place of the book in the language course. At present there are not enough of the regular text books on hand to supply the students, but these are being sent into the county superin tendent's office by the state school commission, and are at once being disr tributed by the class room teachers, as they receive them. Children who have not been supplied with the regu lar text books, as prescribed by the authorities for the classes, they will be as soon as the schools get therft. For several years the class room teachers have needed instructional -(Continued On Back Page) The following is tlie ollicial program for the Labor Day cvlebration, here next Monday: ,!:1S Parade, led by Spruce Pine high school bund, -starting at the Ho tel Cordon. . 10:00 Seini-pi'ofessiolial baseball game. Manufacturers vs. Brevard Tanners. ."1:30--Hundred yard dash iiges 15-21.) 1:35 -100 yard dash, ( boys, age- 2:00 - 50 yard t hi ee-legged raci for boys. Hid whistle race f.oi ( lioys, ;lu Cracl ;er girls. -Shoe -race for boys. Shoe race for girls. -Tug o war -A. ('. Lawrence Co. vs. Unagusta, Hill Billies 2:30 2:40 -Lea the I vs. Koyle Pilkmgton Co., Krkratt In dustries VS. ('lit -Sole. 3:0(1- I'as.eball tlirown for distance (boys.) 3:15 Ufdling pin contest,) mar ried women (inly.) 3:30 Watermelon steal. 3:45 (Jreased pig race. 3:50 -'-Soft ball game professional men of .Waynesville and Lake Juna luska vs. professional men of Hazel wood; ' 5:00 - Exhibition by six colored boys. 5:30 Watermelon cutting (free watermelons.) 8:30 Street dance. Music: Soco (Jap band and Hazelwood band. Call ers: Sam Queen, Pug Kuykendall, Rankin Ferguson and Frank Hattle. "Loud speaker system by courtesy of Andy Moody. Cash prizes will be awarded for all races. Cold drinks, sandwiches, hot dogs, etc., may be bought on grounds. Farm Property Is Sold For A Good Price At Auction One hundred and twenty-five acres on the Soco Cap road, owned by Jarvis Palnier, brought $fi,C92 at auction last Friday, when sold by Penny Brothers, famous twin auctioneers. -The Kenmore Hotel property was bid in at about $10,000 by a Mr. Pace, summer resident. Later ,it was learn ed, that an offer of $11,000 had been made by out-of-town real estate men to Mr. Shuford, owner, of Ashevillc. The auction sale was held pending confirmation of any bids. It was not i learned whether Mr. Shuford took the $11,000 offer or not. A 25-acre tract on the Balsam road, opposite Lyle's Service Station, be longing to W. T. Lee, was sold for $1,000. Mr. Lyle bought this tract. The other property advertised to. be sold at Balsam was not offered be cause if a down pour of rain at the sale hour. A full day of celebrating. That is the order of the day for Monday, Septmber sixth, when all of Waynesville, Hazelwood and Lake Junaluska, together with citizens from all over the county, join in for the first annual Labor Day event in this, end of the county, Chairman Bill Chambers and his committees have been putting in long hours to get every point worked out .ind the details have all been cared for and "with an even break in tho weather, we'll have a full day of full,' Mr. Chambers said. The big day will start with a pa rade, led by the crack, prize-winning; 5(i piece band from Spruce Pine. The. band will remain here throughout tho day. The parade is scheduled to move at '.1:15 Irom the Hotel Cordon, and going up Main street to the 'Baptist church,' then across ..Academy 'street to llavwood, then mi haywood to Boyd Avenue and dow ti B.iyd Avenue and over liroun to the 1 l.i::elw ood ball park, which will be the .-cone of the." remainder' of the daylight .events. A baseball game at ten-o'clock will, be played between Brevard and tho Hazelwood .Manul actio ci s, both teams being members- of the Industrial League. After the game, a series of athletic events will be staged until 3:50, when a soft ball game between professional men of Waynesville and Lake .lunaluska meet a similar group from Hazelwood. The big outing event of tlie day will begin at 5:30 w hen i!,50O pounds of ice cold watermelon, or 1,000 to he exact, will be cut and served to everyone present at the ball park. According to the formal program,;, there will be three hours allowed to do away with the 0,5(10 pounds of mel on belore I he street dance gets un derway on Church street. Two string bands, the Soco (Jap band and - the Hazelwood band will play. Callers will be Sam (jueen, "Bug" Kuykendall, Kaiikin Ferguson and Frank Hattle. Through the courtesy of Andy, a loudspeaker will be installed an-l there will be ample of light on the street. In the athletic events, cash prizes will be awarded to all winners. Mr. Chambers stated that WPA haf cleared the lot of all grass, and water- lines had been laid for drinking water. Comfort rooms have also been pro vided at the scene of the day's t-ctiv-ities. Boy Scouts and .'Girl Scouts will take an active part in the parade, and all will be in uniform. The troops from Waynesville and Hazelwood will participate. Workmen from all indus trial plants in the community are be ing Airged to take pari; also. All stores have been urged to close for the day. Public offices will ob serve the holiday. , The Waynesville district schools will, close for the day, in order that fami lies in the district can enjoy the dav. thoroughly. Those working- with Mr. Chambers in various capacities, are as follows: M. H. Bowles, marshal! of the pa rade. Italph Prevost, financial chairmun. Publicity committee, Claude Allen, chairman, C. E. English and J. Dale Stentz. . Baseball game, Elmer Shields. Soft ball game, LeKoy Davis and Lawrence Davis. Athletic events, C. E. Weatherby and Chas. Underwood. Street dance, Chas. E. Ray, Jr., and R. L. Prevost. Cutting and serving watermelons,. L. N. Davis and selected committee. Forma! program will be found on page one under the picture of Mr. Chambers. . Property For Count v Taxes Will lie Sold W. II. McCracken, tax collector and tax supervisor of Haywood county, will sell at the court house door on Monday morning, the list of delin quent taxes as have been advertised for the past three weeks. Today's, paper is carrying the list, and the property will be sold on Monday, 1

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