SIXTEEN PAGES THIS WEEK me Waynesville Mountaineer Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park iTHUW YEAR NO. 35 WAYNESVILLE. N. C. 'THURSDAY, .SEPTEMBER H. 11K57 $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ; .1 fJ L! Celebration On P UU1UU1I Labor Day Termed n.: Onnn! "Howling Success" J This Winter Haywood Man Is Noted Inventor itizens Warm In Praise Of Committee's Work; Want Another Celebration Next Year Hoafino- Plant Mem - Will lie Keady nnm A Week, Said , are scheduled to com- toy U "", t hcat:r.g system m wr .jhcrt within the next week. w thutv room, the lobby and tlwm will be heated by the new .'.jstttn. and the hotel will re own all winter, under the man fflt of Q. M. Kipp, a brother-in-4 W; V. Phillips, owner, and Mrs. Phillips plan to re tc Black Mountain just as soon ;e neaiuii; , 'ave the operation of the hotel r. Kipp- ijwe briik boiler room has been lit the ar of the hotel, and will the boiler that generates the 5 for the system. s is the first winter that the Gordon has ever remained open, us said. The business done this ei winter will determine to a degree the plans for the future. rida Man Sold n This Community of the most enthusiastic visitors. If season, is H. A. Rowley, adver- t manager of the Daytona Sun- i, who is spending two weeks uid is accompanied by Mrs. !tj and son.. Rowley predicts this immediate u the center of tourist activi- athe mountains, saying: "You everything to attract summer n, and once they find out what hive there won't be any trouble :f numbers." Is was the first visit to this pin country by Mr. Rowley, but uni to come again. lone Service Hit Jy Electrical Storm i' electrical storm late Sunday f Mi, put a number of telephones commission, and blew fuses on bformers. , storm came suddenly about 5 'chimney at the home of R. Q. wken was struck. phones in the East Waynes Won suffered the greatest Ml Recital Set For Friday " Grace Crocker will present in "itriday afternoon at 5 o'clock Fim Baptist church the follow. Stacy Wilburn, Richard Ruby Frances Brown, Betty V Ruth Burgin, Phil Medford, 1 Morgan, and Josephine Holtz- wephine Holtzclaw. the bril- pianist, of Richmond, will 'I'm two nnmhfrs ' 3 Bobbie Jean Truesdale will jroup of songs. ;s cordially invited. The first Labor Day celebration staged by this community was a ".howling success.' Citizens were warm in their praise of the work of the celebration com- i mittees, headed by Bill Chambers, ul Hazelwood, and are asking for a rep etition of the celebration next year, i Led by the prize-winning band of Spruce Pine, the parade from the Ho j tel Gordon to the Hazelwood ball park began the day's festivities. The band was followed in the parade by three uniformed troops of Boy Scouts, and one troop of Girl Scouts. Clowns, bicycle brigade, horses, buggies, marchers and automobiles made up the remainder (if the parade. Arriving at the ball park the band entertained the huge crowd with sev eral selections. After the band concert, the Hazel wood Manufacturers defeated the Bre vard Tanners in a semi-professional baseball game, C-0, before 2,500 per sons. Robert Putnam and Andy Wyatt were stars of the game; both were Hazelwood players. In the afternoon a series of short athletic events kept the huge crowd interested until time for the Softball game between the professional men of Hazelwood and Waynesville. Joe Way, a Boy Scout, won the first con test, a shoe race, and Jack Smith won the second event, a hundred yard dash. Mrs. Dorothy Hill won the rolling pin throwing contest for married wom en and Evelyn Davis won the girls' cracker and whistle race. The Unagusta Manufacturing Com pany's tug-o-war team "out-tugged" both the Royle-Pilkington Tapestry Mill and the J unaluska Tannery to win the prize. Betty Jo Noland won. the show race for girls, and John Hill caught the greased pig. In the softball game, the professional men of Hazelwood defeat ed the "busy" men of Waynesville 18-15. After the athletic contests, the, crowd which numbered nearly three . , . , . , i ' v thousand enjoyed one inousana iree watermelons, and at 8:30, nearly two thousand gathered on the street in Hazelwood and enjoyed an old time square dance. Isjp?' " ji&K' AW JVS a-4 My JSftL ;kvW Work Started On New Laundry. To Be Readv Nov. 15 New Huildiny: Will He Const ruct ed Of Concrete and Hrick. Liner Has Contract ' l'tioto by Homer Davis. Calvin F. Christopher, of P.ethel, inventor of computing scales and numerous other items which are now in use in eVeiy part ol the giobe. is simwn with Mrs. Christopher ami a few of many inventions. At the extreme right is a picture of the ditch-digging machine he sv!d the French govern nnnt the. war. Scores Of Useful Items Invented By Haywood Man Officers Chase CCC Boy For Breaking Thermometor Glass Calvin F. Christopher Has (iiven I'p Work, Although Shop Is Filled With Unfinished Inventions W(rkmen started Tuesday morning-( digging for the 'foundation of the ; new Waynesville Laundry on the site where the old building was destroyed by fire early in August. i Jerry Liner, contractor, plans to have the brick and concrete building completed, and turned over to J. W. Kilhan, owner by November 1 5th. i. Mr. Killian said yesterday that con- ' tracts have been made for all new equipment for the laundry. The new building will be 50 by 110 feet, while an "L" from the main building will be Ml by ,'!(' feet, A Concrete mill race will also be i constructed and water-power used to operate the laundry, The present wa ter wheel will be used as jt was not ) damaged beyond being thrown out of , line by the (ire. Mr. Killian said that the new build ing and modern machinery will rep resent an investment of approximately , ! $:ri,000t Records Broken When 152,519 Visit ed Park Past Mo. 10,000 People Visited At Lake During Season Kusiness Was .W, Above That Of Last Year. 1:5 Con ferences Held By W. C. Medford ft Useless Spittoons' Vis The Subject Of "ere and There' Hilda Way Gwyn TODAY'S PAPER f-en usually write about 4Sri'ons, the love-lorn, and 'Old problems, but is different-nd most testing. Sl of second section V. M. Grasty, 71, Taken By Death Funeral services were held on Mon day at the Poe Mills Baptist church in Greenville, for V. M. Grasty, 71, of Piedmont, S. C, former citizen of Haywobd county. Burial was in the Pleasant Mt. cemetery of Greenville. Mr. Grasty 's death was due to in juries he received in an automobile ac cident, on August the 15th in Green ville.. v-'' . Mr. Grasty had resided for the past five years in Piedmont, and prior to that time had lived in Greenville for several years. He was a native of this county, and was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William F. Grasty, of Waynesville. He is survived by his wife one daughter, of Piedmont, and two daughters living in Greenville, and one son, also of Greenville. Two sis ters and three brothers also survive as follows: Mrs. Nettie McElroy and Mrs. Pink Edwards,' of Waynesville, Oscar Grasty, of Maggie, Robert and John Grasty, both of Waynesville. William Anderson, of Alabama, a member of the CCC camp sta tioned at Cataloochee, led local officers a merry chase last Sat urday, after he is alleged to have broken the thermometer on the First National bank building on Main street. Anderson, it was said, broke the glass on the thermometer, and then ran up Main street followed by officer Norman Caldwell and several men and boys who saw the incident. The CCC member ran past Bur gin's Department Store, on Main street, and turned down the hill on the opposite side of the street.. Seeing that he would be caught if he continued his course, he crossed the street, and ran back toward Main street directly by the store. Hoyle Handcock, a candi date for Waynesville's football team, forced Anderson into the building, where he was quickly captured by the pursuers. , Bus Driver Rams Into Oil Truck To Save 23 Passengers O. A. Yount, Oil Truck Driver, Has Narrow Escape In Col lision Near Lake O. A. Yount truck driver of The Texas Company, narrowly escaped injury early Friday night, when a bus belonging to the Smoky Mountain Stages, Inc., rammed his truck from the rear, turning the truck over on Highway No. 19 about a mile east of Lake Junaluska. Mr, Yount was bruised and suffered from shock. He remained in bed until Tuesday, and was able to be at the plant again. The bus driver reported that his brakes failed as he started down the hill w hich 'ends in a sharp curve, and failing to get his bus into second gear, he decided it was better to ram the back of the oil truck rather than Judge A. M. Stack, a distinguished attempt to make the sharp curve with jurist, of the superior Court of this ' 23 passengers aboard, state, passed away at his home in ; The truck was turned on its side, Monroe last Thursday. He was buried and was badly damaged. The gasoline there the following day. -:'; compartments were empty, but about He served on the bench on Monday, ! two cases of :1 was lost, it was re- and was taken to the hospital Tuesday ported from the orlice ol ihe Jexas Judge Stack Passes i After Short Illness for an operation Judge Stack has suffered from stomach trouble for many years. The well known jurist held court in Haywood many times, and is re membered by a large number of friends. Mrs. J. J. Burney and two children, of Wilmington, who have spent sev eral weeks with the former's tister, Mrs. J. P. Dicus, returned this week to their home. Mrs. P. L. Turbyfill had as her guests over the week-end, Mrs. G. N. Henson and Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Hen son, Jr., and baby of Spindale. Company. As far as could be learned, none of the 23 passengers were injured. The bus came to a stop after hitting the truck, although it was damaged. The driver of the bus explained that his brakes wre working just a few minutes before he started down the hill, as he had stopped for a pas senger. ' Mrs. Maud Rinaldi left on Tues day for Orlando, Fla., where she will make her home with her sister. Miss Rinaldi has made many friends dur. ing her residence here, who will re gret to learn of her leaving town. No man in Haywood county, perhaps in all Western North Carolina, With the record of accomplishments of Calvin Christopher has had such little recognition,' This is a broad state-' ment, to be sure, but if you will fol low me in this sketch of a most pro lific inventor I think you will agree. Calvin F. Christopher who is he? Whwe do8 he live? And what is bin outstanding invention ? 1 dare say that not more than one adult person out of twenty-five in Haywood coun ty know even this much about the man. Our elderly inventor ne is now 79, having suffered a light stroke two or three years ago, has had to give up his work. He was able, however, to show us through his shop and through all the accummulation of maps, blue prints, patents, photographs and com pleted models of his inventions, rang ing all the way from the cow-tether to improved computing scales. His First Patent Mr, Christopher is of Dutch de scent, having come to this county at the age of three, with his parents, from Pittsburgh, Pa. At the age of eighteen he entered the service of the Southern Railway on the Murphy branch, as brakeman. When he was only twenty years old, he invented the Automatic Railway Switch. This was used at Asheville for a while in the nineties, and also on street car lines in one or two Other cities The use of this device, however, was not al together successful and was abandon ed. Mr. Christopher m !d this, his first patent, for $3,500. Then followed the Cow -tot her, a de vice for grazing cows. It could be moved from place to place- and'; per mitted .the cow to graz out the dis tance of the rope, autojn;," ically wind ing itself up as the K neared the tether post. Traction Engine, Rotary Engine, Automatic Railway itch, '..Patent -Churn. Gear, '' be attached to the ordinary wood churn. This churn was manufa ' d at Knox ville, tried out and found to be a success, but the s; of them was never pushed, Mr. -Christopher stated .Monkey Wrench. Thi on the principle of the Stilson, - but was never patented. Compressed Brick Machine. Collapsible Automobile Rim, manu factured at Louisville in 1894. A few of these were sold, but the idea was found not to be very practicable. . Ditch-digging or Excavating Ma chine. This was one of Mr. Chris topher's early Inventions. The pat ent, for which he received several thousands dollars, was bought out right by a company of French con tractors and was controlled by them. The machine was used extensively by France in the World War for digging ditches and trenches. The Computing Scale Xow we come to Calvin F. Chris topher's outstanding invention, that of the Computing Scale. : This is a nationally recognized major inven tion. Yet, how many people living in this county, when they see their groceries and other things they buy Almost 10,0(10 Persons Entered Park In One Day. Tennessee And Ohio Lead (Special to The Mountaineer.) The popularity of Great Smoky Mountains National Park is ever in-, creating! Monthly travel records again tumb led in the park when the unprecedent ed total of 152,619 persons visited the park in 43,596 vehicles during the month of August, the greatest number of people to ever visit the park in any one month. July, 1937, represented the previous high monthly figure, but August ex ceeded it by an increase of 15 per cent. Actual travel for August, 1937, represents a 21 per cent increase over estimated travel for August, 1930. Greatest travel for any one day in the month was on August 15, when i 9,779 persons visited the park in 2,525 vehicles. For the current travel year (October 1, in.'ifi, to September 3(1, 1937), 041, 337 persons have already visited the park as of August 31, against 508,239 for the period last year, or an increase of 24 per cent. Travel for the cur rent travel year is estimated to ex ceed 725,000 as compared with 002,222 for the past travel year. Visitors from 47 states, the District of Columbia, the Canal Zone, two pro vinces of Canada, Ontario and Quebec, Cuba, Panama, Japan, and Germany were counted, with 50 per cent of the visitors being from other than the States of North Carolina and Ten nessee. .- Tennessee led all states in number of visitors, with 53,002 recorded, Ohio, second, with 22,104, North Carolina, third, with 14,144, Indiana, fourth, with 8,001, and then in order, Illinois Kentucky, Georgia, and Florida. Included in these totals are 327 cars carrying 2,275 passengers from nearly every state in the Union and the Dis trict of Columbia, as well as the Canal Zone, two provinces of Canada,' On tario ' and Quebec, Cuba, Panama, Japan and Germany. The season that closed on August the 29th of the Southern Methodist Assembly, at Lake Junaluska, was marked by an increase of 50 per cent in attendance over last year. It has been estimated by those in authority that approximately It), (Kit) persons were on the grounds during the sum mer. There was a total of 13 different organized groups, including the Duke Summer School, which met on the grounds this year. These various conferences brought thousands of per sons to Lake Junaluska and this sec tion of the state. The program was featured by out standing speakers from the Metho dist Episcopal Church, South, other denominations over the country, and prominent speakers of national recog nit ion. The season was -officially opened by Josephus Daniels, ambassador to Mex ico. It was officially closed by Bishop Paul 15. Kern, when he preached both morning and evening in the auditorium on August the 29th. The outlook according to thoso in charge for the coming year gives promise of a still greater increase both in interest in this church owned property, and in general attendance. Trustees of the assembly are: Bish op Paul B. Kern, Dr. W. F. Few, and Dr. W. A. Lambeth. Mr. James At kins, Jr., is property manager, and J. M. Ormond, of Duke University, in program manager. Grades Of County Dairies Announced Summer Visitor For 40 Years Re views The Past -'Yes, when we first came here forty years ago, the Main street of your town: was a valley of mud when it rained, and there was not a foot of paved street in Waynesville," said Mr. Joseph J. Glcason, of Savannah, who with Mrs. Glcason has spent the past two months here as iruests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Withers. "In those days," continued Mr. Gleason, "No one arrived by way of your Main street in' a motor car, but they all came by the Southern Rail way and were met at the station y a carriage or a surrey, and driven to their destination." On their initial visit here the Glea sons stayed with Mrs. Emma Willis, who for many years ran a popular guest house here, famous for its good food, which Mrs. Glcason claims her husband never' failed to appre ciate. ...-.While the Gleasons have not been as constant in their visits here, year in and year out, as their tow risw-onian, Mrs. Adelaide Chesnut, with a record of around thirfy-five. years, to her credit, they have spent many summers herey and hope to return again. Mr. Gleason is a hanker being an official of the Citizens Southern Na tional Bank of Savannah. A semi-annual report on dairies wrench was .supplying milk in Haywood county was announced this week in accordance with grade specifications of the l S. Public Health Service Code. 'Requirement in general deal with equipment, the construction of build ings and method of handling ar.d dis tribution.; Samples are collected monthly by the milk inspector and analysis made at the health department laboratory as a lurther check on the sanitary quality in determining grades. Retail milk grades which became effective September 1st 1937, were reported as follows: Grade A raw dis tributors J. E. Henderson, J. F. Mann, H. A. Osborne, M. H. Silvers, W. J. Smathers, all of Canton, and W. F. Swift, Waynesville. Grade A, pas teurized, Pet Dairy Products Co., Waynesville. I". S. Ilepa II mem -of -rii dk are WEATHER HUKKAU Wa ncville 'mim 'mi ie sialion H. M, HALL, Observer Sept. o ' 3 - 4 .". 5-. o .;.:; 7 K ."'.- Max. 83 k: 8-5 ; . .84 , 8-1 so 58 59 01 -(Continued On Back Page)- Miss Mary Medford has returned to her work at Cecil's Business College, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.-C. Medford, at their home on I East street. Mean maximum Mean minimum Mean for week..: Highest for week .. Lowest for week .. Total precipitation .. . 0.00 Prec. 0.15 0.00 o..4;9 .. 83 . 59 . 71 . 85 ... 53 Same Period Last Year No maximum temperature available for last year. Mean minimum .. 57 Lowest for week, 1936 50 Total precipitation . ........1.48 Total precipitation to date 1930 43.25 Total precipitation to date, 1937 39.25 Deficiency for 1937 ......4.00