THURSDAY; SEPTEMrpd Page 8 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Young State Demo crats To Meet 10 -11 The State convention of Young Democratic clubs of North Carolina will be held in Winston-Salem on the 10th and 11th, with headquarters at the Robert E. Lee Hotel. J. Ed Butler, of Morganton, state president, will preside over the two days session. A large delegation from every coun ty in the state is expected. Elec tion of state and district officers will be held during the meeting. A number of delegates from the Haywood club will go to Winston Salem, according to Dave Cabe, president. Miss Tallulah Blank head Weds Actor John Emery The speaker of the House of Rep resentatives William B. Bankhead, va cationing in Alabama attended a wed ding in his family last week. He gave in marriage his daughter, Tallulah Bankhead, famous actress, to John Emery, actor. Miss Bankhead, 35, who has been on the stage since she was 16, did not at first warm up New Yorkers by her acting, so she went to London, where for 8 years she was the toast of the city. Back to Broad way she drew long lines to the box office. She and her husband will grace Broadway this fall in "Antony and Cleopatra." Miss Bankhead will play the Egyptian Queen, and her husband will take the role of Octavius Casear. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jolly had as the guests during the week Mr. and Charlie Fulford, of Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Fulford is the sister of Mr. Jolly. Are Your Children Ready For School? (Health Bulletin.) September is the time for getting the children ready for school. Their read iness involves more than suitable clothes, a new book-sack and a row of shinny pencils. As essential as these things are to a child's idea of readiness, they are of minor impor-j tance compared to his physical fitness and mental well-being. It is well known that a child's pro gress in school, his mental and sicial development and his ready adjust ment to school and community life are greatly influenced by the state of his bodily health. If he is suffering from such defects as bad teeth, diseased ton. Is, adenoids, poor vision, im paired hearing, or from conditions brought about by improper diet and faulty health habits, he will be placed at a disadvantage with his compan ions. The odds will be against him in any race. It is, therefore, of the greatest im portance that a child be started to school right, free of all physical hand icaps and in a healthful state of mind. Parents are urged to use these days prior to the opening of school in September in which to make sure that their children are in as good health as possible, and thus ready to enter school. To do this most satisfactorily, a trip to the dentist and a check up by the family physician are advised. tp-Behind tfte Seen frUOLLYOJOOD THE BOY'S RIGHT Oshkosh, Neb. Four-year-old Gwyn Hogoboom told his father a silver colored snake that made a noise with its tail was under the kitchen sink. Father investigated and found a creamy-hued rattlesnake. By HARRISON CARROLL Copyright, 1931, King Feature Syndicate. Inc. HOLLYWOOD P aula Stone's mistake in signing her marriage application as Pauline Stone gets funnier as you learn the details. Seems as it was Fiance George Mason's idea, not Paula's. He suggested it might help throw the re porters oft the track. "But 18 it legal ?" asked Paula. Mason as sured her it was. Still puzzled. on the way back from Santa Barbara, she hrougnt the question up again. "Of course, it was legal, Mason, "isn't that your name?" The surprised Paula then learned that her prospective bridegroom actually didn't know her first name. He'd thought all the time that Paula was a diminutive tor Pauline. dios nave to De careful even ot names used on shop windows in a movie set. The ones you'll see on the street in "Madame X" are those of members of the M. G. M. re search department. Natalie Buck nall, head of the department, is represented by the "Bucknall Loan Co." Answering Your Questions: Craig W., Los Angeles: Spencei Tracy didn't give up polo tot yachting, but he is selling the boat and going back to his old favorite. Paula Stone Joan Crawford has been ordered to stop embroidering on the set. It's been discovered that the fine work is a strain on her eyes ant that the camera, using the new sensitive film, picks up the result. said real In Agua Caliente the other day were Gypsy Rose Lee and Bob Mizzy. He's her No. 1 boy friend, and was trying to get her to elope io Mexico recently. Questioners will want to know whether he finally talked her into it. BEGINS uriXU MILK DAY7 FOR HEALTHY GIRLS and BOYS If the day begins with sunshine milk is refreshing, and adds to its benefits. If the day begins with rain pasteurized milk provides the good value of sunshine anyway! A quart a child, every day is right! Pet Dairy Products Co. Phone 10 Interesting to cold sufferers is an item from Warners' "Sub marine D-l" troupe in San Diego. Symptoms of flu appearing in the company, a sailor suggested a navy remedy putting the victims in a decompression chamber. This is the device used to accustom submarine crews to underwater air pressures. A few minutes, at a 20 pounds pressure, has been found beneficial to colds. George Brent, Pat O'Brien, Doris Weston and the whole troupe tried the remedy, claim it really worked. It may be talk, but Isabel Jewell j says she'll sail her 48-foot boat to I Honolulu, possibly right after she finishes "Love on Toast". Star " plans to carry four other people. To forestall possible suits, stu- Chatter. . Louise Henry is wearing a ring and Hollywood hears it was put there by William John Warburton not the actor but the New Yorker. ... A recon ciliation has quietly been effected by Margot Grahame and Ray HaUer. Hollywood night club pro prietor. ... Virginia Carroll and Ralph Byrd (he plays Dick Tracy in the films) are expecting a baby in December. . . . The Hays office won't let Paramount use stills of Irene Dunne in a tubful ol soap suds in "High, Wide and Hand some". . . , They say that Kathleen Howard, fashion editor of F'ho'io- . play, will return to the stage and that Gwen Walters, formerly de signer for Co lumbia, will suc ceed her on the magazine, . . . Little Judy Gar land has writ ten lyrics and music for two songs, "G o n e" and "Deep in My Heart". ... You should sea the h a n d b 1 1 1 that Harold Lloyd's friends are receiving. Picture of Har old, John Sumner and Roy Brooks in turbans, with caption adver tising their mind-reading act. . . . And, best news of the day, Alice Faye's brother, Bill, is improving from his heart attack. He'll be out of bed in a few days. Harold Lloyd Many Killed In Undeclared War In one of the worst disasters in the three months undeclared war, 300 non eombantant Chinese were killed and 400 injured yesterday by Japanese air bombs. Five railroad cars packed with Chinese refugees, fleeing from the war zone, were blown from their track by the Japanese bombers, 30 miles from Shanghai, Many of the occupants not killed by the explosives were crushed to death in the wreck age. Red Cross officials rushed aid from Shanghai to reinforce crews of doctors and nurses on the scene from a nearby Chinese hospital. BORROWS PENNY FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE Fort Wayne, Ind. A prospective bridegroom gave Miss Thelma Smith, deputy clerk, a bag full of pennies and asked for a $2 marriage license. "You only have 199 pennies here," said Miss Smith after a laborious count. "And this isn't bargain day." The youth, red-faced, fished unsuc cessfully in his pockets. Turning to his wife-to-be, he whispered: "Do you have one?" She did. Earle Thinks He Has Little Chance At Get ling President's Place Governor George H. Earle, of Pennsylvania, has been frequently mentioned as a 1940 Presidential pos sibility. Last week in London, he was asked about it by the English people. The Governor replied: "There are 126,000,000 people in United States. I am one of them and that about rep resents my chance one in 126,000,-000." Miss Edith Long has gone to Greensboro to resume her work at the Greensboro College for Women. Sag WATKINS N E WS VOL. 1 ECONOMICAL TRANSPORTATION NO. 22 Published Every Thursday by Watkins Chevrolet Company, Inc. The big news of the week is the list of used cars we are offering; o ..; One 1935 Plymouth coach. This ear is thor oughly reconditioned, for $450 One 1934 Ford cabriolet radio, new top. This car is packed full of joy and pep for the right owner. Only- One 1933 Chevrolet master coupe. This car has. been reconditioned from bow to stern. New paint and in A-l condi tion. Only $295 One 1931 Chevrolet cwich Good tires. Good paint, and a good automobile for someone. At $215 One 1930 Chevrolet sport, sedan. New paint and checked over thor oughly. A real buy at $185 One 1934 Chevrolet duel long wheel base truck. There is lots of economical pay hau'ing left in this truck and the price is only $250 We proudly boast of our repossession rate for this year. Only one car for the year, to date. The above record can only mean one thing our purchasers realize that they are getting their money's worth and are pleased with their purchases. We are equally confi dent that you will be as well satisfied with any used car that you might select from our lot. .We are in need of a few late model used cars, and will pay you the full market value when trad ed in on any new model that we have. ' . Watkins Chevrolet Company, Inc. SALES SERVICE Phone 75 Main Street Just Received Ladies' Coats A complete stock of what you want at prices you can pay. , $4.95 ... $19.75 Children's and Girl's COATS All sizes just the kind that the little women prefer. $1.49, $9.95 SEE OCR STOCK BEFORE BUYING BURGIN'S Dept. Store Main St. Phone 74 Cafe Robbers Shot Way Through Officers Five were shot and three died as ... . .i r. : ,u cops Dattlea mugs in opringnem, Ohio, as the hold-up abductors match ed pistol fire with police machine guns. After being, hunted for a $1,290 cafe robbery, the guilty quartet was trapped in a lake resort cottage fif teen miles south of the city, and tried to shoot their way through city, coun ty and state officers. The loot was recovered. Government ut:h About 10 Bilions In Jury Says Father Ws Justified In Killing Jacob Duds shot his wayward son in Chicago last week and a coroner's jury called it justifiable homicide. Sadly the father 63, told how he was awakened at his tavern in the early morning by two men shattering a window and he fired a shot at them and then found out that he had fatally wounded his son Alexander, 29. Po lice records showed the son had been arrested fourteen times on minor charges since 1933. Max Baer Hailed In Court For Wearing Shorts Max Bear, former world's heavy weight champion, was summoned to appear last week in a Long Branch, N. J. court. He had walked through the Long Branch business section in shorts. GOLD RUSH Thompson, Vermont. Gold-crazed poultryrmn are sifting chicken feed by the barrel here. Sam Lee found several nuggets of gold in the gizzard of a chicken, but he can't remember where he bought the fowl. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howell, of Prov dtnee, R. I., are the guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Howell. Representative Tab,r ReDublican .V -"""idles tfiat of the government fu, w .- 9ivoz,wz,bb6. On th senator tarter G'ass a st gave out an 000. estimate BACH TO COLLEGE Conservative estimate 1,250,000 boys and glrl; in American colleges this h SAY IT WITH MVsic. Denver.-Thi- nu : r. .,. , Elitch's gardens ran ' srrj years. The management added "Tn. rv-Go-Round P.r.,1- n . .. calliopes repertoireand th e-o-round riiri ne fflfl NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA HAYWOOD COUNTY. . uil ol rtKiOR car vs. Howard Keith Thompson ,m unriiudiii, Howard Ki Thompson, will take m!iv(. .j, commenced in the Superior Courl naywoou county lor the purposd securing ior me plaintiff an abSi divorce from the defendant; and said defendant will further' take tice that he is required to appeal uie omce hi me LlerK ot the Supd i,ourt oi naywoou bounty or. 27 tober, 19.57 and answer or deir. the complaint m this cause file the plamtin will apply tu the ( lor tne reliel demanded ;n said d plaint. This the Sth day of September . KATE WILLlAMSO Asst. Clerk Superior C No. 645 Sept. 9-10-23-30, Save On Prescriptions At SMITH'S LDJ , WU U W AX Cut-Bate Drug Store QlJ THIS WEEK-END'S BEST BUYS $1.00 LAVORIS 64c 50c TOOTH PASTE IPANA 29c The Perfect Saf W SHORTENING W 4( CRISCO I 31.09 1 S5c , MUM 21c 60c SHAMPOG DREXE 39c 50c FRECKLE CREAM 50c LARGE SIZK J Stillmans . . . 34c Barbasol jj $1.10 LIPSTICK 25c TALC I'M Tangee . . . .69c Mennens ljj 8. To MANGE REMEDY TOOTH .POWDER Glovers 54c Pepsodent jj 83c CREAM LARGEST BOTTLE- w Lady Esther ,54c Listerine j VITAMIN PRODUCTS Begin now to build up your system to fight off Winter Cold. At Smith's you find a complete stock of the best vitamn products at- SMITH'S REASONABLE PRICKS 100 SQUIBB $1.25 TONIC ,fl Aspirin 39c Peruna $1.50-150 TABLETS $2.0(1 BLOOD TM ,. Cod Liver Oil 98c S.S.S M r.Oc TABLETS $1.00 EXT. C- I- , Yeast Foam . .32c Wampoles $1.00 COD LIVER OIL $1.00 WINE Ol ' n Squibb 79c Cardui . .. -Ji 35c GROVES BROMO QUININE 23c BLACK DRAUGHT 23c Size 2 for 25C 60c CaldwelLvZL y syrup ?1 9?r 31 pepsin K J 37c wol TRADEatSMITH'S and SAW YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME ATJ I