Page 4 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, SEPTEMrfd 9,1 r Soo2(ty COifllbs PeirsoimaDs "1 L. Ptionc 137 MRS. T. L. GWYN, Editor Phone 137 I tmmmmiwmmw mm mm WEDDING OF WAYNESVILLE MAN TAKES PLACE IN ASHE VILLE (Written for last week.) The marriage of Miss Dorothy Wat son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred eric B. Watson, of Washington Road, Asheville, to Mr. Hugh Johnson Sloan, Jr., son of Mr. Hugh J. Sloan, took place on Sunday afternoon at two o'clock at the home of the bride's par ents. The Rev. Walter B. West, presid ing elder of the Asheville district of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, pronounced the marriage vows. Miss Elizabeth Webb, pianist, ren dered Schubert's "Serenade" and the wedding march from Wagner's "Lo hengrin" and accompanied Mrs. Paul Benton who sang "At Dawning." The nuptial vows were spoken in the living room where there was a floral arrangement of pine boughs, coral gladioli and standards bearing seven tapers. The bride was given in marriage by her father. She wore a white gaber dine suit, with all white accessories, and her shoulder bouquet was of white rosebuds. Miss Louise Watson, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and only at tendant. She wore a tan gaberdine suit with aqua marine blouse and matching accessories. Mr. Hugh J. Sloan was his son's best man. Following the ceremony an infor mal reception was held. Mrs. Edith Chambers assisted in receiving, and those serving were: Miss Mary Chris tian Vaughn, Miss Thelma Grisby, Miss Monter Taylor, Miss Dorthy Cole, and .Miss Caroline Sandlin, of Old Fort. The bride attended Westmont Upper Yoder high school in Johnstown, Pa., and was graduated from the Laurin burg high school, of I.aurinburg. She has been a student nurse in the James Walker Memorial Hospital in Wil mington. Mr. Sloan is the son of Mr. Hugh J. Sloan and the late Mrs. Linda Stringfield Sloan. He is a member of the State Highway Patrol, and the young couple will reside in Wilming ton, where the groom is stationed. About seventy guests including the following from out of town attended the welding: Mrs. Emma Dronsfield, ittnd Mr. and Mrs. Edward de Frohan, .if Johnstown, Pa., Miss Isabelle Mich ael, of Qunicy, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan, of Sylva, from Waynesville Mr. Hugh J. Sloan, Mr. and Mrs. James Atkins, Miss Margaret String- field, .Mr. and Mrs.. Jack Way, Miss Alice Stringfield, .Miss Mary String field, Miss Thoniasine Stringfield, Dr. Thomas 'Stringfield, Mr. James King Stringfield, Mrs. Jennie MacFayden, Miss Louise Edwards, Miss Ethel Craig, Mr. Robert L. Sloan, Mr. Wil liam Stringfield, Mr. Sam Stringfield, Jr., Mr. Ben Atkins, and Mr. Joe Jack Atkins. ' No More Mothers I I Helen Greene Following protests of other en tries at selection of Helen Greene as "Miss Washington, D. C," for the national beauty pageant at Atlantic City because she was a divorced mother, judges ruled that mothers will be barred from the contest in the future. A N Nl'AL PICNIC TO K E II EL D Ii Y METHODIST WOMEN Mrs. Lilie Raymond, of New York i'ity, who has spent . soniy i.imo here at the 'Gordon. Hotel and -ho v-: sits Waynesville two or three tun ?s etch year, returned on Saturday to her home. The annual all day picnic, which is held by the Woman's Missionary So ciety of the First Methodist church. will be with Mrs. James Atkins this year at her home at Lake Junaluska, on Tuesday, September the 14ih. Mrs. II. G. West will be in charge of the program for the day. All wom en of the church are invited to at tend and bring lunch with them. .'. Mrs. Humes Harte and young daughter, Allen, have returned from a visit with Mr. Harte in Cincinnati. They were 'accompanied home by young Humes Harte, Jr., who has been spending sometime', in Cincinnati with his fatherand grandparents. WOMAN'S CLUB TO HOLD FIRST MEETING OF YEAR The Woman's Club will hold the first meeting of the current club year on Thursday afternoon, September the 16th, in the assembly rooms of the American Legion home. Mrs. Dan Watkins, president, will preside. The subject of the afternoon, "Or igin and Source of Mountain Songs," will be presented by Mrs. W. H. Davis, of Asheville. Hostesses of the meet ing will be, Mrs. N. M, Medford, Mrs T. L, Bramlett, Mrs. Homer Henry, Mrs. R. N. Barber, and Mrs. Hugh Abel. COUPLE HONORED WITH SHOW ER (Written for last week.) Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wells honored the latter's niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Kirkpatrick, formerly of Woodstown, N. J., but now of Clyde, with a miscellaneous shower on Sat urday evening. The bride was before her marriage Miss Edith Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Williams, of Woods- town. The first pa.t of the evening was featured by various games after which the bride opened the many ovely gifts, with which she was showered. The guest list included, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Campbell, Miss Louise Campbell, Mrs. Colbert Crawford, Miss Geraldine Few, of Greer, S. C, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Bryson, Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Ferguson, Mrs. T. L. Green, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kinsland, Mr. Tom Kirk patrick, Mr. and Mrs. 0. P, Kinsland, Miss Lucile Davis, Miss Hilda Davis, Miss Lily Whitehouse. Miss Letha Jolly, Mrs. Kate Noland, Miss Ann Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Ferguson, Mrs. Herman Kinsland, Mrs, Carrie Burrus, Miss Helen Bur- rus, Mrs. Laura Duckett, Miss Mil dred Duckett, Miss Marjorie Duckett, of Florence, Ala., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lee Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Chambers, Mr. Kerniit Walls, and Mr. Lenoir Burrus. Mrs. R. D. Jordan and daughter, Miss Elizabeth Jordan, of Norfolk, are the guests of the former's motner. Mrs. G. C. Briggs. 2.98 Sketched from stock. Ask to see style 256. , ' ll tJltaci Anything but sedate! In fact a madcap version of a monk's shoe, with a merry turned-down cuff! Delightfully young, this little shoe is just the thing for your suit or your tailored ensemble. And perfect with the shorter skirts! In black or brown suede witji smooth calf trim, and an in-between heel that you'll love. Only $2.98. And other smart styles at the same low price. Harold's Dept Store "HAYWOOD'S BARGAIN CENTER" VTNES-M ASSEY MARRIAGE (Written for last week.) , Of interest to friends here is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Clara Vines to Z. L. Massey, which took place on Thursday, August the Jl'th, at the home of the bride's fath er, Mr. J. L. Vines, in Thorsby, Ala. The Rev. M. I. McLeod, pastor of the Thorsby 'Baptist church officiated. The living room where the vows were taken was arranged in quan tities of flowers. An improvised altar was made of ferns and plants, with an arch of English ivy, entertwined with white althcas. Prior to the ceremony Miss Mary Louise Rinehardt, pianist, and Miss Cora Conatser, soloist, rendered a musical program. Serving as bridesmaids were Miss Jessie Minis and Mary Car Minis, the latter a niece of the bride. Miss Jessie Minis was gowned in navey crepe, with corsage of sweetpeas, while Mary Car Minis wore blue lace, with ac cessories to match and a corsage of orchids sweetpeas. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. David Vines. She was lovely in a gown of navy blue embroidered ehjffon over blue taffeta, with harmonizing accessories. Her flowers were sweetpeas and lilies of the valley. Mr. Massey had as his best man, his brother, Mr. George Massey, of Hendersonville. Groomsmen were Mr.. Luther Vines, of Montgomery, brother of the bride and Mr. Alton Connatser, of Thorsby. The bride is an accomplished musi cian and a popular teacher in the schools of her native county. A number of out of town relatives and friends attended the marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Massey are now at then home on the Dellwood road. RETURN TO FLORIDA FOR WIN- , TER The Rev. and Mrs. F. C. Fountain, of Avon Park, owners of Camp Foun tain for Girls, left during the week for their home in Florida. They were accompanied by Mrs. R. H. Perrv, of Jacksonville, Fla. Rev. and Mrs. Fountain will return in the early spring and get the camp completed. It is located on the Mat- tie Leatherwood property about one mile from Lake Junaluska, and will be opened next year for the first sea son. Final Construction of the camp will be undertaken in the early spring. MISS ADORA HOLTZCLAW IS TO MARRY AARON PREVOST Of wide interest both in North Carolina and Virginia society is the announcement by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holtzclaw, of Richmond and aynes- ville, of the engagement and approach ing marriage of their daughter. Miss Adora Holtzclaw to Aaron Prevost, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Prevost. The marriage is scheduled to take place in Waynesville with the plans to be announced in the near future. The bride-to-be is widely connect ed both in this state and others and is prominent in Richmond society, where she made her debut. She is the grand daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Sniathers, her mother before her mar riage being Miss Lyda Smathers. Miss Holtzclaw was educated at Pine Manor, Wellsley, at Parson's New York School of Applied and Fine Arts, and continued her study in the Paris branch of the School of Applied and Fine Arts. She has traveled ex tensively both in this country and abroad. She has spent much time with her mother at the Holtzclaw sum mer home at Balsam and with her aunt, Mrs. Adora Smathers Kayne here. Mr, Prevost is a graduate of the University of North Carolina in the class of 19.'U and is a member of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. Since his graduation he has been connected with the Unagusta Manufacturing Company of Hazelwood, of which his father is president. He now holds the position of office manager of the com pany. The marriage will be an. outstanding social event of the fall season. , MRS. THAI) HOWELL HOSTESS TO I. I). C. MEMBERS The initial meeting of the 1937-38 year of the Haywood chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy was held on Friday afternoon with Mrs. Thad Howell at her home on Jonathan Creek. The rooms were ar ranged in late summer flowers. Mrs. W. L. McCracken, president, presided, During the business session dele gates t the state convention, which will 'meet in Wilson in October, were elected, as follows: Mrs. L. M. Kil lian and Mrs. James R. Boyd, Jr., and as alternates, Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. James Harden Howell. Announcement was made of the win ners in the scrap book contest made up of Confederacy material, which was sponsored among the girls of the ele mentary schools of the township dur ing the past year. The winners were, first prize, Betty Jean Alley, second prize, Ruth Turner, and third prize, Ruby Frances Brown. Owing to the keen interest in the contest it was decided to have this made an annual feature of the histor ical committee, of which Mrs. Frank Ferguson is chairman. Mrs. Nobel Garrett, who could not be present, was scheduled to have the paper of the afternoon on "The Found er of the United Daughters of the Confederacy." In her place Miss Ro bena Miller made an informal tajk on the founding and early history of the organization. j MR.' AND MRS. McCRACKEN HAD NUMBER OK GUESTS SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Hiram McCracken had as their guests on Sunday, the follow ing: Miss Collie Garner, of Asheville, Mrs. Ellie Garner, Mr. and Mrs. Moody Farmer and sons, of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. V. P. McCracken, of Clyde, Mr. Jack McCracken, of New port News, Va., and Mr. Eugene Mc Cracken of Smokemont. The occa sion marked the birthday anniversary of Mr. McCracken. MR. AND MRS. LESTER BLISS AN NOUNCE MARRIAGE OF DAUGHTER (Written for last week.) . Mr. .and Mrs. Lester L. Bliss an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Miss Dorothy Mae Bliss, to Dan J. Casey, Jr., which was sol emnized on Saturday afternoon at 4 o clock, August thte 28th, at Bliss House, the home of the bride's par ents. The ceremony was performed by Dr. R. S. Truesdale, pastor of the f irst Methodist church. Mrs., Austin E. Hayes, of Chicago, attended her sister as matron of honor. ' .'.''' The bride was attired in a blue and grey tail ensemble and her flowers were a corsage of lilies and gypso- pnna. bhe formerly resided in Chi cago, but has made her home in Way nesville with her family for the past year, and is a popular member of the younger set. iur.-.tasey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Casey, of Stoney Brook, L,ong island. He had Austin E. Hayes, of Chicago, brother-in-law of the bride, as best man. The ceremony was attended by members of the bride's' family, in cluding her parents, and Mr. and Mr Austin Hayes and son, Fred, of Chi cago, and the following friends: Miss Drama Lampkin, Miss Dollee Marsh. W y1 ' miss lorinne W agenfeld and Mrs. Kenneth Stahl. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Bliss entertained with a dinner party, afterj which the young couple left by motor for a wedding trip. From their trip they will go to Stoney Brook, Long Island, New York, where they will reside. MRS. J. F. ABEL WILL ENTER TAIN I). A. R. Mrs. J. F. Abel, regent of the Dorcaa Bell Love chapter of the Daughters I ot tne American Revolution, will be hostess to the chapter members r.n the occasion of the first neetinr of the year, which will be y. ecY.iscuy the 15th. Mrs. R. P. Walker will have MISS FEW BECOMES BRIDE OF MR. KIRKPATRICK In a ceremony of dignity and im pressiveness Miss Geraldine Few, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Few, of Greer, S. C. was united in mar riage with Mr. Marshall H. Kirk patrick, of Clyde, on Saturday at the home of her uncle, Mr. M. H. Fergu son, near Clyde. The wedding took place in the same room in which her mother and father had been married. The Rev. A. F. Phibbs, pastor of the Methodist church, of Crabtree, officiat ed. The vows were taken before an improvised altar of ferns and other greenery. The nuptial music was rend ered bv Mrs. L. 0. Ferguson, with the march from Lohengrin as a proces sional. The bride was given in marriage J by her uncle, Mr, M. H. rerguson. Th oroom had as his best man his brother, Mr. Francis Kirkpatrick, of Sylva. The bride wore a royal blue crepe dress with high fitted collar, and har monizinsr accessories. Her flowers were a corsage of deep pink roses. She wore a large cameo pin encir cled with peat-Is which had been in hur fnmilv for manv vears. Following the wedding a reception ! was held. In the dining room a motii of pink and white marked all tne ap pointments. The cent-a- . room was covpru.i . Assisting in servi 'tt.8 4 1 aunt. Mm . Wer tr Kl H. Ferguson, an,. v n'-p!:' Mr. The bride is a trr.,,i, .""" Fc-"2 tain iew c , :c utV -.,6u OLT,..,.' View, S. C. She i. a of the late Mr. ani ,. '-r'-J guson, of this r,v ' -ir" I ular member r,f ,J" of Greer. The groom is tv Mrs. W C. Kirkpatrick.';;;, Institute and is , ,"'rhi: J farmers in the count', The couple left af"rt for a motor ti'in . ,. elude a visit with iCh-WZ upon their return thrv w n the Kirkpatrick farm ',. ;,;? MR. AND MRS. T. L. GIVE FAMILY H.UUv On Tuesday Mr. ar.j yr Bramlett entertaine.i A -b ' ' party. The guests lRl-;uV; Mrs. Bill Brown and tw,,Jr and Neal, of Detruit, jr. Lush Bramlett, and Mr. anj jj' ' Reece and small tiuuhtr. of ville. Here Are These Famous Styles in.., PERFECT A nice selection of styles and colors. Shoes that com bine comfort, wear and high styling to a most un usual degree. IMack, Brown, Multi-colors 1 vf;V 'a-m mm REG. U. S. PAT. C ',j Nationally adia tised ... Guaranteed as admtwi in Good Housekeeping You Have Demanded Better Shoes. We Give You the BEST In IT 1 take yjooTjpana Jeei N PARIS FASHION SHOES $2.95 and $3.95 i . i I H They are the best, we are Confident, m the $6 class. Let us show you. Other Shoes for Women . $1.49 up Featuring School Oxfords $1-98 "P C. C RAY'S SONS charge of the program.