AY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1937 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 7 Newspaper Advertising Is An Investment, Not Speculation TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate . Rrded to Monday Noon of this Week). jjverdam Township et al, u J- iveeu, Green, taker, et ux, to J. C. York, et ux, to R. F. s. Khodarmer, Williams, et al, to A. J. Wil- j. Williams, et ux, et al, to C. C. ux, to Andy :air.. B. Khodarmer, et , N. Cabe. et ux. J. R. Morgan, et ux, to W. L. Hor din. G. V. Fulbright, et ux, to Myrtle Crawford. State of North Carolina to Graham K. Hobbs, (Com.) Jiauae semmes O. Perry and hus- band to James A. Hudson. I B. F. Smathers, et ux, to . Holtzclaw. Mollie T. Shoolbred, to Henrietta Liner. J. P. Snyder, et Carty, et ux. ' Central Investment Corp., to Harry , L. Merryday, et ux. 1 Ernie Crymes Reeves to D. Reeves Noland. J. K. Morgan, et ux, & F. W. Milk to A. P. Ledbetter. Lyda ux, to D. L. Mc- r, flvde lownsnip . a., n -ei f M. Cagle. et ux, io duuto r . dert Katue, ei ua, i,u vgucn - ... . . nr.. l j . X. aru, (Lorn.1 jiassty lanus, bn of Hyde. Irabtree lownsnip 5H R. Kinsland to John H. Kins East Fork Township A. P!es to R. 0. Kelley and J. H. ,ar,d. Ivy Hill lownship lihur Lewis, et ux, to Ernest B. Card?, et ux. Jonathan Creek Township S. Harrell, et ux, to Herman bone. Pigeon Township W. Rogers, et ux, to J. F. Jus- et ux. j Waynesville Township fcm A. vampDeii, er, ux, 10 w . c. Li. .'.'. Sumasene H. and Kenneth Brim- 18 R. L. Prevost. dene Howell (by Com.) to R. L, i White, et ux, to Virgil Size M. White, et ux, to James White. Lie) K. and W. F. Swift, to David thin You Feel Sluffgiefe (Constlpatod) i dose or two of Black atht. Feel fresh for a rood fl wort .Work teemi easier, life pleasant; wt jou ire really well free from bid feelings and dollnesa oftea lading constipation, rtr nearly a century, Black mfttt bu helped to bring prompt, tattni relief from constipation, nauidj of men and women rely LICK-DRAUGHT GOOD LAXATTVK STATEMENT Standard Accident Insurance Company Detroit, Mich. i n.inion Ueicmber 31, 1 ;i U, .Statement 'i-le,J Amu::t of Capital pai.l up ni ''"h l.jKMSJ i)J Amount of l.e,irvr Assets Herein- Iwr 31 st of previous year .... 1 S.2.1S, 1 2 (O.S Ino onie Kr.,in I'oliryhoUlera, U.i'Si.-sas.Sj; MiiK-el loneoua 14.24T.02; Total ' 1 .. i:t.!js J. 2 ( DisburwiiirntN To 1'olirj hol.iem, .JiW,WS,t,i; Mi.-elianeou, 7,M-ls,i,si.3ii: ToUl 14,JJft.l7.7j ASSETS Value of Heal Kstate i l.JiJ7m I MortKiiKe I.narts on Real Kstate 37.4l-. Hi value of Bonds ait,! .Storks .... 1 1.4 1 7.044.1s i isn in loinp.im's Offiee I'eposiU III Trust Companies an.l Hanks not on interest Deposits ill Trust Companies ami Banks on interest I'remiunis in course of Collection Interest ami Kents due and a.'- crued Bills He.-eivalile . . All other Assets, as detailed in statement . , THE OLD HOMF TOWN! . By STANLEY f HOLO THAT POSE .' -n - t " rNOW ELMER, SNAP fc" - i THE(9 PKmjr?e-'FORC, . f VJE GET TH(?OU6H YOU - rV ' x HAVE YOUR PHCTo ALBUM f ZZ sSHO FUU- OF SNAPS OF OUR- l JTTJ'Sgr SWWW' AT LAST OLC MAM TINre HAS FCOND A WAY TO PROTECT J'Ti THAT 8 WATcUMELON HES , '',. U'.'sy'v oroaa40 for -me seldem e;.-j.-f c.tv FA.g ,,,, , L:;'4yy:' tMr - ar-" w MARRIAGES (As lUirded to Monday Noon of Thin Week) Ernest Ensley, of Gay, to Augusta Grooms, of Hazelwood. J. B. Lee, of Waynesville, to Letha Mae Early, of Hazelwood. John VVyatt to Helen Lee, botli of Waynesville. M. H. Kirkpatriok, of Clyde, to Ger. aldine Few, of Greer, S. C. Howard Hall, of Clyde, to Anna Gene Swaynim, of Waynesville. Sometimes a woman who boasts that she wouldn't marry the best man in the world winds up by marryinjr one of the sorriest. WANTED CLEAN RAGS 5c POUND The Mountaineer 4ti,7'JU.il ,44i,S71.!l. 91. '22.. 13 3,034,ti 3.o7 1 1.1,317 4ij 4o,IJS7..'iti 1.1."4,IUH.6:! T.Ual Less Assets not admitted . .t'JlMu7.3!!t.l4 . . 3o7,auii.!o 6 Chscki TABLETS F- NOSE DROPS Malaria in 3 dayt Colds first day Ileadaclie, 30 min. 'm--Worl(('4 Beit Liniment Strength During la RIDDLE LIFE la extra-Important for rang through the change of t18 needs the very owtjhment to fortify it against 0 are taking place. !a ases, Cardial has proved to many women. It in r? aPPetlt and aids diges EiZrV.more complete trans- Eto to. 1,110 hYin tiasae' j ta improved nutrtUon and l's Fix Their I Shoes.. Total adinittri) Assets . . . liabilities Unpaid Claims, .............. Kjpense, lmestu(jtioii, and Ad jtistment of Claims . .... . . . Unearned rremiums Commission, Hrokeniire, an.l other eharges due Salaries. Rents, Kipenses, Hills, Arvounts, Kees, etr., due or accrued , . Hstimated amount of Federal, State, count,' and munici pal taies All other Liabilities, as detailed in statement ..... . . . . . . . . . i(,4'. )..! 1.34 S,I.-,0 .991. r ii7,;,7().47 S.S7.71t.97 (4S.OOO.0O 4jo.041.29 l,400.iM3 02 Total amoujit of all Liabilities etcept Capital .......... $18,730.801 .53 Capital paid up 1, 450, (180. 00 Surplus over all Liabilities . 2,30!,1.10.81 Surplus as regards Policyholders .1,782. 1 9.81 Uses Cement For Ferti lizer; Hoeing Is Tough Joe Gray, of Georgetown, Ga., said hoeing was unusually difficult for his negro farm hand. Gray said the man recently mistook ' a sack or concrete tor fertilizer and mixed it with the soil. Then it rained and now the effected area resembles a sidewalk. Notice Of Sale For Taxes TOWN OF HAZELWOOD On Monday, September 13, 1937, at 12:00 Noon, at the Courthouse door in the Town of Waynesville, North Carolina, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash the land of the following property owners for taxes due on the said land the Town of Hazelwood for the year 1936. Total Liabilities . . $20,4 9:1, 1 .34 Accident. Premium Rec'd , $.-,13 Health, Premiums Rec'd.,$4l6; Losses Paid .... . . . . ...,..$ 121) Auto Liability. I'remiums Hee d., $lti,lD. Losses Paid 17,1 1.1 Liability other than auto, Premiums Heed $9,077. Losses Paid l.SlH Workmen's compensation, Premiums Kecd., $42,038, l.osse. Paid ..... 19. .100 Fidelity. Premiums Heed, $2.00.1, Losses Paid ;...'., 9,6 Surity. Premiums Paid. $29.S70, Losses Paid -1 70 Plate iflass. premium ltw'd. $1.1.1(5:, Losses Paid .................... . 699 Burglary' and theft, Premiums Rec'd. f l.slfj. Losses Paul . . ... 743 Auto property rlamaire. Premiums Rec'd. $7,734. Losses Paid ............ 3,f72 Auto collision, Premiums Rec'd. $.V26, Losses Paid .;. .... :, 607 Property damaire and collision other than auto. Premiums. Rec'd., $374, Losses Paid , 44 Totals. Premiums Rec'd, $1.1 2. 3 .12. ; Losses Paid ,......,... . . . .$54,124 Minus. President. Chas. (1 Bnwen; Seceretarv, . F. S. Brown; Treasurer, L. K. Kirk. Home Office, Detroit, Mich. Attorney for wrvice : DA S C: HONEY, In surance Commissioner, Raleia-h, S C. : Manager for N'orth Carolina, Home Office. STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA, (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT .' . Raleigh. July -i. 1937. I. DAN" C. BON'EV. Insurance Commissioner, no hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement .of the Stan dard Accident Insurance Cottioanv. 'of Detroit, Mich., filed with this Department, showing the , condition of said . Company on tlie 31st day nf December. ,1936. Witness my hand and official sell, the , day and date above written. PAN' C. HONEY. Insurance Commissicr. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE s that. Hthat are worn through, am wnm rr jj - "viiiun UU1U m. - m"co iict;a De ais- 'v,. means mat ready for our repair rRSHORpppAiD TO US Hininn Sit. a tOll-U-C E ;ohop T. niTrcr--- uuivn On Monday, October 4th, 1937, at eleven o'clock, A. M., ' at the court house door, in the town of Waynes ville, Haywood County, North Caro lina ,the undersigned Trustee will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands and premises, lying and being in the town of Waynesville, Haywood Coun ty, North Carolina. BEGINNING at a stake on the West side of an alley, corner of lot sold C. P. Patton, and runs with his line, S. 68 degs. W. 137 feet to a stake in the center of a branch; thence up the center of the branch, 100 feet to a stake; thence with the line of a lot sold Gudger Obey, N. 83 degs. 30' E. 125 feet to the edge of a street; thence with said street or alley, N. 17 degs. 30' W. 125 feet the BEGIN NING. Sale made pursuant to power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust executed by Lou Love, dated October J5, 192.1, and recorded in Book 8, at page 2, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County. This September 3rd, 1937. I. R. MORGAN, Trustee. No. 643 Sept -16-23-30. Atkins, H. B., 1 lot .... . . Albright, Frank, 1 lot . Ashworth, B. L., 1 lot Black, C, A., 1 lot, Bal. . Blalock, W. D. Estate .. Byrd, Earl, . . . , Central Investment Corp., Central Investment Corp.. Central Investment Corp.. 1 lot 1D.01 Cole, J. W., 1 lot ....... ..... 4..-S2 Compton, Pink, 1 lot 16.139 Conard, Arthur, 1 lot . . . . . Curtis, J. C, 1 lot . . . Diggs, C. C.,. 1 lot Eyles, Mrs. Gertrude . Fisher, Mrs. O. E., i lot . . Grimiball Brothers, 1 lot . . . Gramball Park, 1 lot .... Hendrix, Harriet, l lot . . . Hensley, Mrs. R. C, 1 lot . Hyatt, Harry J., 1 lot . . . Miller ,L. Arthur, 1 lot . . . Moody, H. B., 1 lot . . . . . . Moody, F. J., 1 lot ...... Morgan, J. R., 1 lot Nichols, R. L., 1 lot Ray, Roy C, 1 lot. Bal. Robinson, Richard, 1 lot , . , Scates, Robert I... 1 lot . . . Scruggs, Homer, 1 lot ..... . Underwood, Frank, 1 lot . . . Walls, George F., 1 lot Ward, George H., 1 lot . . . Welch, J. C, 1 lot Whitner, W. A., I lot Withers, E. L., 1 lot . . ... Withers, W. A. Estate, 1 lot Wyatt, John, 1 lot ......... Underwood, S. L., Estate, 1 lot 16.46 Jones, Mrs. W. D., 1 lot 7.62 Howell, Alden, Sr., . , ........ 11.41 Smathers, R. I. Estate, 1 lot . . 5.71 To the foregoing taxes will be ad ded penalties of one-half per cent per month beginning with the Month of February, 1937, and the cost of ad vertising. Sale made pursuant to the laws of North Carolina arid by order of the Board of AWermen of the Town of Hazelwood. This the 13th day of August, 1937. G. C. SUMMERROW, Tax Collector for the Town of Hazelwood. Ni 636 Aug. 19-26 Sept. 2-9, ,. $128.69 ..; 14.14 . . . 18.00 4.80 11,20 . . . . 9.60 lot 67.92 lot 14.40 , . 5.14 25.97 , . 1.20 88.00 ,". 4.80 . 57.02 88.57 12.67 10.14 . 5.07 . 7.20 15.2 . 9.79 22.06 . 6.34 12.22 10.72 . 4.32 .1.09 35.44 31.41 54. M . 4.80 106.1H . 3.20 31.68 16.37 Florida Reporter Finds One Man Who Didn't Come to Way. (Fort Lauderdale Free-Press) Feeling our duty as a reporter rath er keenly on this particular morning we resolved to get this mans story so we boldly stepped up and braced the gentleman as follows: "Sir, pardon me if I seem inouisi tive, but there is something about you that is strangely unlike your fellows. We do not wish to pry too deeply into your past or into your personal af fairs, but we represent the FREE PRESS and we believe that our read ers would like to know about you." "You mean," said the man, "that you don't know who I am?" We were somewhat shamed by his manner of asking this. We felt abash ed that WE, a reporter, should be so ignorant; but nevertheless we were more than ever curious so we asked again: : "Sir," we said, "our negligence is, probably unpardonable but who are you?" "Why," he replied with a disgust ed look at our ignorant self, "I'm the citizen who didn't go to Waynesville, N. C, this year." 21 Kaptized In City Park Pools Of Atlanta When 21 sought membership in his Temple Baptist church, in Atlanta, Kev. George McCarthy was undis mayed by the fact that his congrega tion only had a tent and sawdust Moor. With special permission from the city park board, he trooped them to a park swimming pool and immersed them. NOTICE On September 16, 1937, at ten o'clock in the morning, proposals will be received for the heating of an addition to the Pennsyl vania Avenue School building, in Can ton, North Carolina. Proposals will be received in the office of the Super intendent of Public Instructions of Haywood County, in Waynesville, North Carolina. Plans may be re ceived from the office of Lindsey M. liudger. Architect, 52 Carter Street, Asheville, North Carolina, no deposit being required. All plans and spe cifications must be returned with the submitted bid. Consideration will be given only to the bids of Contractors who submit evidence showing that they are licen sed under the enacted laws of North Carolina to engage in the business of Plumbing and Heating required by law. No bidder may withdraw hi? bid for a period of 00 days after the opening thereof. A bidder's certified check for 5 of the bid must accompany each bid. (In lieu thereof a bidder may-- offer a certified check for 2',"c of the bid plus a bid bond of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), conditioned upon the faithful performance of the contract ami upon the payment of all persons supplying labor and furnishing mate rials for the construction of the pro ject. The Owner, the Haywood County School Board of Education, reserves the right to hold the bids for a period of 60 days from the date of the open ing thereof, or to reject any or all bids. No. 644 Sept. 9-16. WE BUY OLD GOLD Jewelry, Rings, Teeth. Crowns, etc. See CHANDLER & CO. Credit Jewelers First CIa.se Watch And Jewelery Repairing: r Waynesville, N. C. ) nourl m " SPRING SERVICE W cany a lartj ilock and con rapalr. raplac. racontUHoa old on, and actually mak now iprlnq to hhI your IndirlduaJ rqulrmata at any lira. W clock all parte. Hoadquartsr tor Mooa-SL Louis Klctrically hoot boated tooted prinj tho last word In ipriaa construction. Soo your local qaraq. I 1 MONI 160Q ' i 1 1(00 BODY 6 RADIATOR WORKS wve the Ovntt tf Acetdmrg MiviLtl N C- Talented Prisoner To Have Material Censored Ernest Booth, who has spent twenty-three years of his thirty-nine years behind prison bars for various charges, was freed last week from a California penitentiary. In prison he wrote stories, which smuggled to the outside world, gained him a literary reputa tion. One beearm the basis for a movie. Henceforth whatever he writes must first be submitted to the California Parole Board. kyeH KjAinln.il Ir Appointment Ula-M-v Fltto-I Telephone 201 V o n h u I t DR. It. KING HARPE OITOMHTHIST 12714 Main St. WellH lildjr. Canton, Pf. O. Boos as Spies A German general says -'bees can be enrolled as spies. They have strong homing Instincts and cim carry mes sages by means of varying colors painted on their backs. WANTED 100-M FEET FOUR-QUARTER BUTTERNUT Perf erably 90 Days Dry Also Butternut Logs Delivered To Our Mill CAROLINA HILL-BILLIES LAKE JUNALUSKA, N. C. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT fire insurance policies number 564 and 566 of the Atlas Assurance Company of London, England, requir ing for their validity the countersig nature of a duly authorized and li censed agent, have been lost. Since these policies have not been regularly countersigned, issued or accounted for nor any premiums received there under by this company, they will be valueless and void in the hands of whomsoever they may fall and any claim thereunder would be illegal and fraudulent.! If found they should be mailed J. F. Satterlee, Special Agent- Central Union Bldg., Columbia, S. C. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY No. 642 Sept. 9-10-23. Want s Want Ads are one cent a wrtrv for each insertion. No ad is taken for less than 25c. Ad FARMS TOR SALE HAYWOOD COUNTY, 135 acres, Kich Land, Pigeon River near Cruso. 100 acres grass and cultivation, watered by springs and branches. Orchard, 700 to H00 Irees. 2,000 bushels of apples now on trees. Two cottaRes. Large .barn. $4,000.00. TRANSYLVANIA COUNTY, 285 acres on United States Highway 61. Part river-bottom land. $4,000.00 cash. JACKSON COUNTY, near Cullowhee College 175 acres, 70 cultiva tion, 25 level. Orchard. Cottage, Barn. Spring; branch and creek water. Inquire for price on last tract and particulars about all, but state how you want to make payments. The North Carolina Agency 78 PATTON AVENUE ASHEVILLE, N. C. FOR SALE 12 milk cows, 10 calves and one fat hog, weighing 300 pounds. Also good grade Short Horns, Hertfords and Guernseys, from 2 to 8 years old. See Lee V. Rogers, Clyde, N. C, Route One. FOR RENT New apartment in home of Mrs. G. F. Boston. Call 310-W. Sept 2-9. STRAYED A white Persian cat, from 220 Church street. One grey and one bluo eye. Reward offered. Mrs. A. T. Boyd, Mrs, Rufus L. Allen, phone 8. ' LOST A PIG White, six weeks old. Reward offered. Notify Dave Cabe. FOR SALE Used Christler parts, 1929 models. Clarine Allen, resi dence above McCracken's milk dairy. " The basis of all wealth, is real estate. Many of the best and most consistent incomes are derived from the ownership of real estate of value farm lands, or city property.-.' BRING US YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS WHETHER YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL OR RENT. L. N. DAVIS & CO. Insurance Real Estate Rentals Bonds. PHONE 77 -:- MAIN STREET