r.v- Page 4 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER THURSDAY, SEPTEMBERjg A School Children Need The BEST nr ! A AS HE SEES THE -.(: J. : 7 7 " ,' J: r t. ,.:) t ' i HUMAN SIDE 0' LIFE No, I didn't git to go to the Med- I itty razors in pertickler," I replide . . ford Re-Yoonyun , . an' in order to "never seed one what wuz safe yit," save bein axt 100 more quesehuns by members uv the tribe, I gess I mout as well state why I didn't 'tend. In the fust place Mrs. Abe got so intrusted heels over hed in that Hill Hilly Weevin' uv "hern she fergot to cook enny thing yes, sir-ee! She 'lowed as how I mout complamize by takin' 'long a watei -millyun an' a loaf o' lite bred; but I sed I'de carried out that fer the last 2 yrs. . . ontjl I node fokes wuz alreddy savin' that we never et enny thing 'cept water-millyun an' lite bred. An' I jist be-durned, if I wuz a-goin" to do it aig-in no, sir-ee! 2nd place Uncle Abe fergot to git a shave Sat. before. So, I struck out to a naybor's hous an' horrid an' ol' safe-itty, EEZY-WHISKERS I bleeve wuz the name uv-it. Now, I never cood mow my whis crs off lookin' in a glass. Sum how 1 alius git to admirin' myself, lookin' so mutch like Aberham Linkern, that before I no it I'm off on that Gettys burg speech . . an' bein' so flashy sez I. "If ye want to see whir a hawg has bin stuck, come into the kitchin an' take a look." Reezen No. : Then when I'de fine ly got the blud stopt with 'bout a ''2 page uv newspaper pasted on 1 side o' my face, I thavvt I'de slip out at the back door an' git starid (ye see, I wuz a-feerd I wuz a-goin1 to be late.) "Aint-chu a-goin' to shave but 1 side o' yore face?" It wuz Mrs. Abe aig-in, as she histed a winder an' lookt out. Well, I felt uv my face, an' shore a-nuff I'de startid off like that with 1 side o' my face clurd an't'other left in standin' timber, that wuz the sad dle side. "That looks hole lot wusser than jist takin' a water-millyun an' lile bred," she said. "Thai's a witch 'round here some whirs!" I shouted, "caze this day's be-witched an' all that I undertake, to Mr i if Boiled Cucumbers with Egg Sauce Peel cucumbers. Cut in half through center, and remove seeds. Cut into cubs, add boiling water, and cook until tender. Drain and pour over the following sauce, using one cup for about two medium-sized or large cucumbers: 1 cup milk. 2 tablespoons lard. 2 tablespoons flour. 1 egg yolk. 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Salt and pepper. ye sic I'm moast shore to nip a peece 'do. out o' my dubble chin. Enny way, I hadn't made more'n a iloz. licks that mornin' , . 1 think I'de got down whir Linkern sed they'de come to "dfddy-kate. to the'livin' ilither than the ded," when lo an' be hold I saw the bind a-runriin' down over my chin in .'! .places. It wuz t'nclc Abe I saw imw .not Linkern, an' t hi ii kin I cood feel the bind trick lin' down 'round my waste-ban' I be come alarmed. Fer the next U0 minets I wuz ingaged in konservin' what little blud 1 had left ."Well,-aint-chu a-goin' to the Med ford Re-Yoonyun, so's ye can git to cross the Mediterranean?"' hollerd Mrs. Abe "Damn the Reoonyun an' safe- I!ut J wuz de-terminod to go enny how, an' turned to git in my Ford when thai' it wuz, a flat! An' what wuz wuss still, no pump. Rememberin' how I yooce to blow up fars when I wuz a boy with my oan lung power, .the i-dee struck me that I moot put my mouth over Uv.' valve, hold tite, heave to an' inflate that darn casin'. So I got down on my all 4's to test out my "Free Air" appy rattus, .list 1 long puff an' all the air I had wuz gone! I wuz still down nil my all 4's, tryin' to deside what to do when all of a sudden sumboddy wuz a-holt uv me lil'tin' up "Sakes alive! what's the matter?" It wuz Sawyer. "I thawt-chu had (RETAIL VALUE) ijoOPSTORESj IN PRIZES In 12 Iiig Weekly Con tests. Ask Your A&P Manager About This Week's Number One Contest! SWIFT'S JEWEL 8-sh. ctfl. Fl.NE.sf ca,il!..TKI) SIIPH 10-lb. bag VIN Li) STANDARD NO. 2 CANS OMATOES 4 E 4i A .IP I'AX. r Aonie SJ ri B ANN PAGE I'I RE FRUIT PRESERVES KASI.'H.ERRY OR STRAWBERRY. 1 LB. JAR 21c MILD AND MELLOW 97 c 55c 25 c 29c 21c Lfttuce or Beet Tops To Cook Select tender young leaf lettuce or small beet tops. Wash thoroughly. Plunge into rapidly boiling water and cook uncovered until tender. Drain. Chop, Season with salt, pepper, and butter. Garnish with hard cooked egg slices and serve hot. Apple Betty To make, put in a buttered casse role a layer of apple sauce, then a layer of cookies, stale cake, or Gra ham cracker crumbs. Repeat with apple sauce and cookies until all are used, or you have your casserole fall. Top with a generous sprinkling of sugar, either brown or granulated, bits of butter and cinnamon. Bike only until hot through. This may be turned into a refrig erator dish by using whipped cream instead of butter. Let stanJ overnight. Parsnip Saute Wash and peel parsnips. Cook in water until tender. Cut lengthwise into slices about one-half inch thick Dip in beaten egg or in milk and flour. Fry in a hot skillet wll greased with lard until brown on both sides. Roll 8 O'CLOCK Coffee SULTANA PEANUT BUTTER l ib Jar tiSLUiJX m.v.o - OLEO - A&P LApGS PULLMAN Pound 21 15 c 156 10 MEDIO! OR FINF GRITS - 6 Pounds 25c GRAPES, Red Tokay 3 lbs. lOc BANANAS, golden ripe, 5 lbs. 25c White POTATOES 10 lbs. 19c Old-Fa.-diioned Jelly (1 eggs) ;!i cup sifted flour, "t teaspoon baking powder. 1 1 teaspoon salt. 4 eggs. ::4 cup sifted sugar. 1 teaspoon vanilla. 1 cup jelly (any flavor.) Sift flour once; measure. Combine baking powder, salt and eggs in bowl. Place over smaller bowl of hot water and beat with rotary egg beater, adding sugar gradually until mixture becomes thick and light-colored. Remove bowl from hot wa ter. 'Fold in flour and vanilla, Turn into lfix 10-inch pan which has been greased, lined with paper to within Vi inch of edge, and again greased. Bake in a hot oven (400 degs. F.) 13 min utes. Quickly cut off crisp edges of cake. Turn from pan at once on cloth covered with powdered sugar. Re move paper. Spread with jelly and roll, Wrap in cloth anil cool on rack. Jellied Tomato Bouillon 1 package lemon gelatine. 1 bouillon cube. 1 pint boiling tomato juice, strained. 1 teaspoon salt, 'i teaspoon paprika. 1 teaspoon onion juice. Dissolve gelatine and boullon cube in boiling tomato juice. Add season ings. Turn into shallow pan. Chili until firm. Cut in cubes, boullon cups. Serve in CARROTS LYOXNAISE Chop a small onion vt ry fine and mix with two cups carrots cooked and tut into matchlike strips. Sea son with salt and pepper and turn into a frying pan containing enough hot butter or lard to cover the bottom. Fry until delicately brown. Garnish with parsley for serving. A New Apple Butter li apples. . Vt pound nut meats. pound seedless raisins. 1 pound brown sugar. Mix ingredients and place over fire with just enough water to keep from burning. Cook slowly for hour. Then add sugar and continue cooking until thick; pour into sterilized jars an I seal. This recipe doubled makes .'i pints of apple butter. bin pizened with carbon-oxeye, er sump'm, seein' a how ye wu. lyin' at the heels uv the ke-ar like that." Sututinie aiter 2 I wuz .redely, to travel . . . but hit wuz then too late! ONIONS 3 lbs. 10c FLOUR Iona, 24 lbs. 81c THAT DAWG STAR! Well, Mr. Coffey's dawg star must a-moved back, caze hit's not rainin' noer so mutch 0' late. Now, Mr. Kditur, Unkle Abe don't k'.nm ' to be a proffet, nor the sun o' one. altho 1 yooce to give a few blasts on the rani's horn an' paw 'round in the pulpit (I never did jump over it, imitatin' Billy Sunday like sum did.) Stilt I think I no 'bout as mutch consarnin' the sines o' the times as the average feller . . . an' that's dog-on little. ' As a boy on Dad's farm down in ol' Arn Dtiff I hunt that when a dawg jaried the house a-scratchin", he had fleze; an' when a cow-broot give her tale a switch an' tore out for the shade, pawin' an' bitin", the flies wuz a-givin' that cow-broot the Dickins. Also that when a yung sprout, com nier.ct to sprooce up, shave the fuzz-off uv his face & so fourth,' an sidlin' up to sum bashful country lass . . , that boy wuz a-fallin' in love heels over hed. Then too, when a cupple o' preechers come to our house fer supper rite then hit ment 2nd table an' the leavens fer me. I cood go on an' on, givin' samples uv theze little, pracktical lessons I larr.t, but that's a nuff. But I never did lurn 'bout the sine o' Mr. Coffey's dawg star, i. e. that the dawg star moved over 'long about the 25th o' July. O'course, I'de alius heerd that if it rained on that day, the 25th, you mout look out for 6 wks. Mr. Coffey sez that fokes can laff an' scoff at theze ol' sines all they pleeze, but that theze sines p' the moon an' stars wuz put here fer a purpus , . an' that fokes better be bleevin' in 'em. h' old rtlobt omona in aacl -powders, proven good for more thon two generations. Coll lor.it and rid our home of pells. In the sifter top can la tnok. il easy to vs. for ANTS ROACHES BED BUGS and all insects that crawl mm m IN S ECT I 1 0OM . MOI ,"' 1 mus Tripl. laboratory t.sf.d fo prov. it il betIM QUICKER SURER! NOTICE OF SALE More sines I've seed lately "DAG WOOD $1.75 LOAD." "MRS. OUTLAW'S IXX." An" this I saw t'other day near Marion "ED'S PLACE, ROUGH AND RUGG- 7 ED; .. 7 . 1 BUT ED'S W IFE DON'T HUGG-ED." On Monday. October 1 1th, 19117, at 11 o'clock A. M. at the court house door in the Town of Waynesville, Hay wood County, North Carolina, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following lands and premises, lying r,nd being in said Town, to-wit: BEGINNING on a white oak on the East side, of State road (now North Main Street) corner of Lots Nos. 1 and 2 and runs N. 9 dog. W. 8 'a poles to the middle of the road; thence along at center of said road N. l-" deg. E, 5 poles to a stake in the road; thence N. 4:i E. 10 2-'? poles to a stake oppo site plum corner; thence along the road N. 55 deg. E. Ki' poles to a stake in the middle of the road near ti branch opposite a large white oak; thence S. 4S deg, E. passing through the large white oak .'il'a poles along the branch to two maples on West bank of the branch; thence up the bl anch S. 47 deg. E. 17 poles to a stake near a maple in the divisional line between lots Nos. I and 2; thence with the line of Nos. 1 and 2 W. 54 poles to the BEGINNING, containing ti 5-8 acres, more or less. Sale made pursuant to the powers Conferred upon . my' by that certain deed of trust executed by Hester L. Ferguson anil husband, J, W. Fer guson, filed for registration October 3, 1928 and recorded in Book 24 at page 1(54, Record of Deeds of Trust of Haywood County, to which record reference' .is .hereby-made for all the Verms and conditions thereof. This the 10th day of September, 19:57. GEORGE H. WARD. Trustee. No. 647 Sept. 16-23-30-Oct, 7. Well, hits a strange o' worl' enny way plum strange. UNKLE ABE. . NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, HAYWOOD COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Louise Palmer King, ".- vs. - Thomas E. King. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County to obtain a divorce on the ground of two years separation; and the defendant will further take notice that he is re quired to appear by the 4th day of November, 1937i and answer or de mur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 13th day of Sept, 1937. KATE WILLIAMSON, Asst. Clerk of Superior Court, Hay wood County. No. 648 Sept. 16-23 30-Oct. 7. . FLOUR, Roll Call, 24 lbs. COFFEE gftlfa-rS LARD, 8 lb. carton 9 MACARONI, 9 oz. pk. ,4 forigp KNOX JELL, 5 flavors JJr QUAKER au'v-. LOG CABIN SYRUP 23c Aunt Jemina Pancake Flour . . . ,uf Welch TOMATO JUICE, No. 5 can 25c Welch TOMATO JUICE, No. 10 can lfc Campbell's TOMATO SOUP, :' for 25c PORK & BEANS, No. 2' can. 2 for 25c SLICED BEETS, No. 2 'lean. 2 for 25c HONEY, 5 lb. pail FRESH PRUNES, No. 2'i can . . 19c Everything For SCHOOL LUNCHES CRACKERS (OLD MEATS. MEAT SPREADS. . . RELISH SIREA1) CAKES. . . JELLIES. . . 1 ONLY FREE! lor EHJilJil MJill Ttii Mt tTTTTk I 'l l telBm,M)7I,,j OUR PRICE W 4.., 23c 2l'"r ; 19c 20c Bracelet Combin; tion All For . 7 55c SEE US FOR PRODUCE A W ORD ABOUT SAUSAGE Sausage like soup can be made of most mh thmsl and quite often is. Here as in many instances, the integrity "f .vour market is the only guarantee that you are ueftini: t he quality of meat for which you are paying!'" wtlich you are entitled and which your family .nH are entitled too. Sausage made in our markets, is prepared ,vi,h ttie greatest of care. It is truthfully represented. Prepar ed -fillers" which add bulk without nutrition, are omitted.- '.' 7-',.:-7' .7 7 While we prepare several grades of sauas have for you. both the best meat and the be-t xalue- WITH EVERY PACKAGE AT NO EXTRA Sanitation - Quality - JilHS C. E. RAY7S SONS TME FOOD STORE c I

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