I pAV SEPTEMBER 23, 1937 THE WAYNESVILLE MOlTNTAINEER Page S Men To Wear Pulp Group Fixes Fewer Clothes?! Unit Of Measure Girl Admits Slaying Betrayer .n. have hardly changed : Pulp manufacturers of North Caro ls ' iu radical chantre lina. caller! ton-etber hv thp Stat TW ltt:ar! U a gross exaggeration! partment of Agriculture, agreed to re- ' : jj thus in men's clothing! gard lf0 cubic feet as "the unit" fur :!leUth Century has been the: shipping wood and favored the issu ",, oversized coats and un-Jance of wood purchase tickets in trip Jrouseis to undersized coats licate in order that the farmer be '.; J trousers, according to provided with a record of the sales. "r" P.tnri;in 1Tt)ya- Mown whit drawn by the Department of Agricul- r n inil how will tnese Slaves imes "i-'ns ami .Measures l)ivi- -nnncipate themselves? 1(-,n " "e submitted to the state ;,ir( fill r n . . , ihouM be done about it: "J Agriculture lor approval offers a few suggestions: 1 before the unit measure of lt0 cubic '.d,ragon of the extreme; nd purchase-ticket requirement 'IV-J Oi : 'The reeuiiliion is o.'siirn.. rwith fm am nau no- no ' . ...... ... is ivq-w'"" . " the r.jj jtsiie to snoc'K my own s?a, fat make a very gentle sug Vc men should shear at least r fioni the length of our top . . Viovp wo must accent ... ... a.i a unit of measure in buvintr and sellinc nr'rovertlDie iact mat men . . . much clothing. I hey , . " ' , winter with half UI ust'u m 'nem sections 01 tne tuii ,,. tVi.it tn ruate Ji inesem, v.-. u. rmucom. cnici " " . n . . of the weitrhts and measures division. T-rnt-rts are warmer man one P" ' . ... said. 1IIUV we iiirii vii null-i . . i . .. i.iu: ...: u y wear lignier ciounng wuuour.: cvnosure to the elements protection of the manufacturer who will demand 100 cubic feet of wood under the agreement and also for I the protection of the farmer or seller, giving both manufacturer and seller r-. y too r warm in to the l. 4C . U i 1 ; au snear on uiai, uwirw x. .the shirt-tail," he urges, in'ff the buttons on our coat And the cuffs from our whic'i are simply collectors :, dirt, grass, and bits of paper. ..i.i.. . Li. i . . -o ,r-.i y vvitn ine aouoie-oreasteu Away with the stiff-bosomed fc;K; away with stiff straw stiff tip hats, stiff, heavy bro- L('. us remove once and for stiffness which results in stuf I:th another clip of the shears, du away with long trousers; an hour's wearunless we stand kneed and refuse to, sit down make us look as if we had sud- suceumbed to a severe case of the lower extremities. I that we should wear knick- irrs. io my mind there is noth- re i'omfnlable. Commissioner of Agriculture W". Kerr Scott assured the manufacturers I of the department of agriculture's i "desire to co-operate with the pulp manufacturing industry," but added I that he hoped "some program mav be planned to give the grower more in come.". Among the pulp manufacturers rep resented at the meeting included: K. U. Sutton, E. L. McKee and H. P. Crowell, all of the Sylva Paperboard Company, Sylva; C. B. Smith and J. H. Keener, Champion Paper and Fibre Company, Canton. 'X ndM jm II ill lim inn tim iwilnn ilm Myra Keeves Margaret Urennan signs of sanity. There we are adopt ing eomfoi-table attire. But elsewhere, we seem to think that when we show our Adam's apples, we are debauched. And to disclose the male ankle is considered the height of daring. While it is undeniable true that not many people really care to look at a man's Adam's apple or even his ankle, yet I insist that no sacrifice is too great ih beach, we men are showing to make in the name of comfort." Here are the two women principals In the sensational slaying of P?ul Reeves of Woodbridge. N J., who was fatally wounded by the 20-year-old schoolgirl he had betrayed. Margaret Drennan. while his wife, Myra Reeves, was at a movie When Miss Drennan visited Peeves at his home at his insistence, according to the story she U'M police, she was forced to shoot him to defend herself from an other attack f - ; i 1 '' " AS HE SEES THE HUMAN SIDE 0' LIFE GOING PLACES? With the arrival of fall, the natural trend is to travel-see things visit, and enjoy the colorful forests on the mountain sides. . . . Let us prepare your wear ing apparel for your trips -wr method of cleaning and pressing will please you CENTRAL CLEANERS MAIN STREET Howdv, fokes! Well, hit's gitten 'way long toaig the last of Sept. . . 'bout a inonth be yan Unkle Abe's ,'ird Annerversary, er what-chu-call it. An' seein' as how we didn't say enny thing 'bout it at the time, 1 reckon 1 mout say little sump'm now. LOW COACH FARES FROM WAYNESVILLE. N. C. Atlanta, (ia. .. Biingham, Ala. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . , Baltimore. Md. . ,. .... ..... ; . . . . . . . . 'nn. Mass. . . ... . . . . , . . , Malo,' . Y. .. . . ....... , . . ... . '. fhicaso, in. , ... , . , . , . ... ... ... . fiminnati. (). . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . (fU'land, (. ,. . ;. . . ... ................... flarlestoriv S. C. .. ...... ..... . '; . . .... . . . , Dptroi(, Mich. . . "alias, Tex . . .', ;.'. , . ; .'v. . . . De"ver. fob, ft- Worth, Tex. J1"1 Springs, Ark. s . ., . . . . '"dianapolis, Ind. . . . Kanas ( ity . ........ .... . . .... . '.:.-. KnoxviHe. Tenn. .. .v ... Los Angles, Calif. . ..... . : . . . . . . . . loui.sviHe. Ky. , , . . . . ........ Mobile. Ala.. ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miami. Ma. .' "" ' - ' " '"" ' ' ' "" JPhi-s Tenn iew vork, n. Y; Orleans, La. PhlIadelnhia lo prtland, Ore. . . . . . . . '.. mond, Va. .;?!; . . '. Mo..".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.... , . . . . . . J" Francisco, Calif. . . , . ..... . . . . . . . ... . : . nauiy low Coach rares to many oiner poim.s ac'h ':"ticfeeT 5 am tmnd fnr ?.f rlavs from date of sale ' u ptrniit stopovers at any and all stations enroute, .$ 4.30 . 6.25 . .40 .16.75 . 15.68 . 12.56 . 7.05 . 11.98 . 1.85 . 12.1. . 18.11 . 28.7.3 . 18.77 . 12.62 . 8.91 ,16.09 2.10 . 10. i:! . 6.60 . 9.65 .13.55 , 8.80 . 12.15 . 12.60 . 10.35 . 45.01 . 6.15 .11.05 . 40.13 . 9.01 Avoid the hazards of the Hitrh wa vs For Safety and om'r.,. T. . -. ... . - i ravel by Train. R"e J- G. Terrell, ticket agent, or write . ''V;; R. II. DeBUTTS, Assistant Gn. Passenger Agent, . Asheville, N. C. ;'.V.;., SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Bein' so modist 'bout like a 15 yeer ol' kuntry lass a-blushin' behine her fan o' kource I'm not a-Roin' to say enny thing 'bout the 5,000 (more or less) loyal reedurs an' Boosters uv this here stuff. I blush ever time I haff to menchun this 5,000 (less or more) Rooters from Hona-looly (& 'Frisco to Noo Jersey, an' from Flor idy to the borders of Quin-tooplet Land (more or less.) Then ye no, fokes, t'nkle Abe haz alius had a strick re-yard fer the trooth ... he shows that in ever let ter. So, now, modisty an trooth kom pels me to say that this kolyum haint never de-zurvd all those fine kompli ments no, sir-ee! But if that's the way you reedurs, Boosters an' Hooters (5,00(1 less or more) look at it, all I've po to say is chial v he! I'nkU' Abe out an' put in the S. S. I.essin at oiiet, or nit i.n' 'iiin' pap's a-g-oin' to kwit takm' t he ' paper, also Bro. .John. I'm a ihris-eliuii, hut I'nUlc Abe hnint 'u ehi is-eliun t i.e way he cusses an' tawks about churches ail' Ite-noin nasl.uns. "Yores, In His Name, A Lh1v S. S. Tt iu her." "Now, there ye air!" sez the Ed. "what have ye (rot. to say?" "Why, you're the Docktur . . it's up to you," sez I. "I remember the time 'bout 2 yrs. ajro when ye tuck out the S. S. Lesson, also a few jokes an' cookin' re-ceits to make room fer The On-human Side . . . so, time 'bout's fare play, I reckon." AN IM YDLNT IN THK MT.NKFK OFFIS, But hit aint all bin moonlite sailin" in "Bloo He-wahyin Waters" no, sir ee! . . . seein' as how Unkle Abe haz to frit out biz stuff ever wk. an' him with 10 di-'zeezes -I. yooce to have 10, I've redoost it to h'a h re lately.) 1 remember t he. persiin what l it in froum Cove Cr., er sum.whirs down thai suinp'rii liki' tt. "I cr .Mr. Kiitur, "I kaint . -staiid it mutch longer. "Yores t rc.uly. "A I!i i 'i n ." ; "What do ye reckon this S. S. Ti ech er meens by say in' 'In Hiz Name?' axt Buster Bridvres. "Whooze name, her Kran'-pap's?" "No she meens- (lod A'mit'hty's naine. don't she, I'nkle Ahc you oiter no. bein' a prcechcr, n- sunip'm," .piit in Mrs. (Iwyn. "Yes, yes," si'Z I sorter quick like, rememberin' that I wuz a X-Sirkit liider an' yooce to jrive 'em h( II out on the t'ow I'asehur S.rkit in Jackson C'o. . "Ye see, them wcuds yooce ti be Save 25V On Your Fire Insurance We'l, t.'i- Elitur diiln't no what to niake uv that letter; so, VeOin' as how I'de paced 'round over the country a good deal, he bra wt the thirij: to mo "What-chu reckon it is he or she kaint stan' much ..l.onjrer? he axt. "Durnil if I P." . . I'm no mine reed- ur, 1 repniie. "Well, haint-cr.u never oreenieil enny thing 'bout sertiii persun down at this place not hem able to stanii it mutch longer? axt the r.ditur. "Stan' what ?" "Well, sump'm anny thing," sfrz he ... an' 'thai; we stood a-lookin at each other, b!;.:.'.:y-e;y blank! - '-..: .' ' .-, '.i "Ennyway, I think - .you'de better get in yore ke-fU' an' go down an' see 'bout if," kontin-yo,d, the Fditur.. "See 'bout what,?" I repli.le. "I' ye think I'ni a-goih" down thar in that eckshun inquirin uv everyrjody 1 meet if they no enyboiiy what's bin a-goin a round sayin' that they, 'kaint stan it mutch longer'? . No, I'll hay at the moon before .-Ml do that," sez I. "Be sides ever w hat, it wuz w hat that per sun coodn't stand mutch longer haz prob'Iy busted loote long before now ." Well, the matter Wuz drapt fer a few days an' almost fergoti-n, when Howl McCraken lade the 2nd letter 'on the Editur's desk; and hit wuz frum the same place Am Duff, Crabtree, Fines Cr., Cove Cr., er sumwhirs down in thar "Deer Mr. Editur, "I kaint stand it mutch longer, 1 meen Unkle Abe's stuff. He's a-goin' to ruin yore paper . . . fackt ia he's ! A thii.isands of itherx are doing, i I "represtnt The Northwestern Mutual , l ire Associatii.i,, of Seattle. Wash., i which has averaged payinc -'' divi- dend to Miliry holder- for .. ;ar. thouch the amount of liidcnt isn't I (.1 AKANTEKD. i SOME INTERESTINC; I A( IS ' It has been licensed in this State for 17 vears and has never had a suit in settling claims. ' It leads all mutual fire companies in North Carolina in premiums writ- ' ten. It is 21st in net premiums written of all fire companies in the '. S., and is FIRST among all M I Tl'AI. , fire companies. - Its imliruis are (i I-AKANTEEI) 'NON-ASSESSABLE which the law ! allows it to do. i- The Home Owners Loan Corpora- . i ion. a government institution accepts its policies. ; It has nearly 7 million dollars of assets, ineludinu reserve which the ! law- requires and over 2 million Sl'K I'US. I t mm 1S4( to 1f36 of 16.1 mutual 'companies having a surplus ol as I much as S200.0fio.no NOT A SINGLE (V. HAS FAILED while 12 have retired. It has policies on many public build in us in North "Carolina and through out the country. I will be glad to give you any other information you may desire. Policies are written at same rate other rom panies use. and your DIVIDEND will reduce next payment. The Horton Insurance Agency E. C. HORTON, Mgr. j Ctnton Phone 172 or 178' Waynesville Phone 161 AGENT FOR HAYWOOD COUNTY yoozed a rite smart," sez 1; "hut now moast everbody's cut 'em out in cloodin' the preechers. 1 reckon they' ve not got the nurv, awdacity, er sump'm to yooze 'em." "Well, what daz she meen by sayin' that she an' her gran 'pap's a-goin' to quit takin' the SIt-'neer, also Bro. John?" axt Tom Bridges. "Now thar pops up 1 more Igno ramus," sez I. "Kaint-chu see, she's a-takin' a-nother paper called Bro. John', an' she's a-quilten hit, too." Then sumbody lookt around "S-s-sh!" he sed, a-pintin' toarg the Fd. in hiz den. We lookt an' thar he wuz a-studyin' awful hard ... he had hiz hed between hiz neeze, an when he duz like this we no he's a-studyin" rale hard. Then Ed. Russ riz up all at onctr sorter mad like "I'm not a-goin' to do it blessed if I do'! sez he. "I'm a-goin to put in the S. S. Lesson fer fer this chris-chun; but 1 also meen to keep I'nkle Abe in( fer all the multitude uv pore sinners an' that's that!" Maybe if we saw ourselves as others see us we still wouldn't see ourselves as we reallv are. Bruce Barton Says- "The home of the fu ture will lav all of its tiiesome routine bur den on the shoulders of cU.;ik' machines, free ing motiiers for their 1 1 a! woi'k. which is motherhood. The moth ers ,( the future will lite to a good old age and keep their youth and good looks to the end." 3 Mr. Barton Is Right--don't you think so ? The ,vui:)j.' lnuisrwivt's of today, am! t:ie older oiK.'s-1,, can rcUiiji ' I heir 1'ivshin ss, buoyancy and attractiveness many years longer than their moth ers and trraiuimot hers wire itlile to, thanks to the dni(i i -i luninatiiLo; possilnlil ics ol" electric service in the home through electric ret riejerat ion, the elec tric latie, the water heater and .other . electrical appliances. And The Cost Is Insignificant! CITY LIGHT DEPT. Q WASHES 12 LBS. OF CLOTHES... THE SANITARY HAS WAY Your clothes will be to much cleaner, whiter and more san itary it you have Eliza wash them at home in a new EASY1 Patented 3-zone Turbolator action washes clothes much more thoroughly no partly washed garments floating around at top constant, gen tle washing in top. middle and bottom of tub. Outstanding wringer safety. Precision workmanship for long life. ?P Pay only $1 a week. Phone us now to do your next week's washing free. Massie Furniture Co. PHONE 33 WAYNESVILLE, X. C.

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