SEPTEMBER 23, 1937 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 7 I ocal News Briefs TTft HOSTESS OF D. P r CHAPTER MEETING :tial meeting ui ulc w...... Mhe Dorcas Bell Love chapter rJ-'1'4' ...k of the American , was held on Wednesday Cm with the regent, Mrs. J. F ."rEl, i:..;.,.t rnnm was arranged i Tne n'" i ' - fll flowers. absence of Mrs. J. M. Long. ,E" chiinnan, Mrs. J. Harden :'"B.fmber of the committee re- ', the vear books were ready . :u,,ti,m. ana sunm uic 'V'w.iui.l study the colonial his "''C; rh thirteen original states, t 0- JK .. .!.. u;......;.. .... ' Ch r.. l'Uiniail, lll.-uiuaii, if- !!U'aVthe paper written by Mrs. ' giving a complete history and Hag activities in this ,.v had been permanently filed, it" rent reported that two new '1'books hiul been placed in the 'v She al?0 instructed the treas- i .. .v.... vmainin' five til Vv the collection 01 tne cnapier. Abe! Rave a report of the t'eon given by the district chair Tvil. A. Beige, of AshevlIIe, "of the plans of the district meet- l. discussed on mat occasion. i.u-ir.ition was read Irom the .ph JkPowell chapter of Hendor- ville i -the iiisincr meeting 10 uc i, the L'Sth. A letter was read Mrs. Eugene Davis, state regent, . i . . u i:..i.i.if 1 U''geil aitellli;tin.f txv uit; uiuill i'iss Quinlan was appointed isp f'!r the meeting. p P. Walker had the paper of .ifMT.oori. She traced the colonial nrr o: South Carolina irom its L. tttlement to the American Rev- Mrs. Kate .Morris reviewed -nuiwz:ne, baring the social hour following larmr.ent. Mrs. Quinlan poured. M euc-ts uf the afternoon were: Ah J lew Moore, of New York Mrs. Maria, Mitchell and Mrs. JKunrs. of Oil City, Penn. !r. anJ" Mrs. Charles Fulford, of Mi, were tne recent guests ot lattci's brother and wife, Mr. and , Hugh Jolly. . Mrs. A. F. Anderson, of Johnson Tt'iin,, is visiting her sister, k Charles F... Kay and her brother, T. Shelton. MARRIAGE OF MISS KATHRYN BARXETT AXD MR. JOHN R. HODGES ANNOUNCED Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Kathryn Bar nett and John Royal Hodges. Jr., which was solemnized on September the 18th at Raleigh. For her marriage the bride wore an ensemble of black wool crepe with a shoulder bouquet of Mrs. Hodges is the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harnett, of Pine ville, and for the pas. :ew years has spent her summers with her sister, Mrs. George Kun.e, in aynesville. She is a graduate of the Fast Carolina Teachers College, and at present is a member of the Pikeville high school faculty. Mr. Hodges is the son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Hodges, of Greenville, X. C. He is also a graduate of the Fast Carolina Teachers College. He holds a position with the R. P. Watson To bacco Company. The couple will reside at Smith-field. Mrs. W. W. Norman, of Griftin, lia , and her sister, Mrs. Perry, of Atlanta, were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Richard X. Barber. Jr. Mis. Barber accompanied her mother home and will remain in Griffin for several weeks. Miss Catherine Hill left on Friday for Winston-Salem, where she uiil resume her studies at Salem Academy. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Lee had as their guest over the week-end Mr. Bill Chandley, of Baltimore. Mrs. George Anderson, who has spent the summer at her home in Beachwood, X. J., returned to town on Friday. .-,'. '. Mrs. S. T. Xeal left during the week for Winston-Salem, where she will visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Xeal. From Winston she will go to Reidsville, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Jimmy Trotter. . Mr. Lockwood Sharp, of Canton, was the guest over the week-end of Mr, and Mrs. Carroll Bell. ; Radio's "Andv" With His Bride If ? AC Mr. and Mrs. Charles Correll Here is Charles Correll, "Andy" of the famous radio team kissed his bride, the former Alyce Mercedes McLaughlin, following their marriage in Los Angeles as he dancer. HERE and THERE liy Hilda a .uu OUTSTANDING IN THE CLOTHING FIELD Pleasing to Every Owner Made From A North Carolina (k)th. tiuiil With The I'inest Of Tailoring in i CHATHAM Patterns for men of every age and habit. Single Breasted Sport Backs Double Breasted. Clothing. . . In Which You Will Fel And Look Good. liET US S HOW YOU C E. Ray's Sons I uotuler if you were ::s much mi-l'ies--od as (tie writer liy the u.inian chi'isen liy J (i.r.ifhy Taylor, of Brooklyn, who won the .700 "pri.e of fered by tile Xew York League of Business and Professional women re cently . . . tlie prize was given for the b.'st essay on the -'woman who h;.d contributed tile most to the devel opinelit Of Ilk' I'nited Slates. 'from ISL'o to tive present time." . . . Whom would you have chosen'?'. Miss Taylor took the average American woman . ..'. ".Mrs. jono ... ... . you know her" Miss Taylor wrote, "Everybody knows her . . . you' see. her washing dishes, bak ing pies, playing bridge, 'getting her young ones olf to school . . or she may be talking to the grocer, or soothing an irate husband's frazzled nerves . . . her name is Mrs. Jories . . . and she js con stantly making her contribution, in every generation . . . to the United States.' , . .1 doubt if 1 would have been as wise in my choice as Miss Taylor . . . I am afraid. I would have been blinded by fame . . . and searched for niy selection among; the niches, of the renown . . . and that I would have forgotten that often the bravest are unsung ... . for who after all has given more to the develop--.' ..merit of America than ".Mrs. Jones?" . . . Which reminds nie that for some time I have been:. -intending to honor;, in this column a couple for whom I Cherish great admiration . . . . they are unpretentious ....... . they have never sought a place in the sun . . . yet they have made an outstanding contribu tion to this arid other communities , . they are the parents of eight highly respected children . . , they do not all live here . . . but -..wherever they call home . . . they have made desirable citizens. , . . This father and mother were not particularly burdened with material riches . ; , but they had ambition and knew the art of good management ... they educated eight children . . . most of them college graduates ... and what is more im portant they gave them the true val ues of life . . won't you step forward and join me in honoring Mr, anil -Mrs. E, P. Martin. , . V. Mrs. Walter Johnson, of Weaver- vi.lle, was the guet during the week of Miss Grace. Crocker. .'.. Mrs. C. M. Dicus has as her guest this weok her sister, Miss . Anna Lee Gibbs, of Tryon. WWW Mrs. B. V. Kuhns, of Oil City, Penn., was the guest during the week, of her cousin, Mrsy. James W. Killian. '-': Mrs. G. C. Boston has gone to Xew Bern, where she will spend the next three months with Mr. Boston, who is Focated there;. .-''.-'. '':' The following niade up a party mo toring to Greensboro for the game be tween State and Davidson on Satur day : Mrs. Josephine Coman Fergu son, Miss Alice Stringfield, Mr. Sam Mitchner, Mr. Wayne Cor poning, and Mr. Newton Cook. '.'.,.' Mrs. Caroline Ashton Hyatt, Miss Theodosia Flud, and Miss Harte Oliver attended the meeting on Tues day night of the Business and Pro fessional Women's club of Asheville. '-'. Mrs. C. E. Frazier, of Atlanta, who has of ten visited in Waynesville, and has many friends here, has arrived to spend part of the autumn season as a guest at the Hotel Lef aine. j Mot of the people in tin' room were sumnier visitors . . . a local person (in-akiug I'otiserva t ion 1 asked ir.e . , . " hat ar' you going to write about m year coliiinn t his w o k '.' " . . and the suggestions begun to come m . . . from time to tune I have .had to pass on so many unfavorable com ments . . . t hat I am happy to tell you of the following. ... A New Knglandor from the vicinity of Boston spoke of the cordiality of the townspeople . . . how persons she did not even know . . . spoke to her and made her feel so much at home on Mam Street. . , ."Now if you came to Boston'' . . well I . .judge your reception would -he. a' bit (litl'erent . . . . then she told of "Deck" iii front of the Hotel Waynesville . . . and his polite greetings .... and we will all have to agree with her that Deck si t a good example for the eii 1 1 e community . ... Briefs. . . . Mi. George Garret! in court . . . case "Garrett vs. 'M'cKinley Filwanls . . . appearing as bis ow;n witness and his own lawyer . . . the judge both amused and patient as I 'nele (icorge presented bis ease . . . testified . . , and in general "spilled the beans'' about anyone who carne to mind . , . . much interest, in local feminine circles about the rumors going the rounds about . one uf the town's eligible bachelors . . . "they say" he is to be married next month . . . he -denies nothing and admits the same . . . . I am afraid the polit ical fever will burn itself up before election time. . . . seems a little pre vious to get "..up so much steam . , . but then I'm not a politician. . . j Banker Jim Boyd , . . Sam liushnell 'and George Ball in deep conference , . riow don't you know the conservation was worth lending an ear. ... Sorry I can't pass it on ,: , . I 'was out of bear ing . . . pr etty near last cail . ., . in case . . , you haven't seen Criele Will Shelton's dahlias. .. . Dr. and Mrs. X. F. Lancaster ror turned during the week from Rich mond, V'a., where they visited the lat ter's parents. Prior to her visit iri Richmond, Mrs; Lancaster bad spent sometime in Xew York Citv. MRS. JOHN' M. l KI.N TO UK IIOSTKSS OF IR( LK Mrs. John M.. Queen will be hostess of Circle ''Number Three of the Wo man's Missionary Society of the Meth odist church on Tuesilay afternoon at -J : 30 o'clock. All members are urged to be present. ' ..' Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Tweed, of West Asheville, spent several days during the week with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James R, Boyd, Jr. .- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Battle, of Bry son City, spent the week-end in town with relatives, . Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hopple, of St. Petersburg, who have spent the past four months here .left during the week. They have, been Coming to Waynesville for many seasons. -' Miss Rath Guddy returns today from Salem, N, J., where she has spent the past two weeks as the guest of her brother, Mr, Thomas Gaddy. '-.-'.'... Mrs. D. O. Plott has retuwied from Atlanta, where she Was a patient in the Atlanta General Hospital, fol lowing an operation. The good old days were those when most of the excess wind was used to turn windmills instead of being used over the radios. NEW OFFICERS INSTALLED AT LEGION AUXILIARY MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held on Tuesday night in the auxiliary rooms in the Legion home. Mrs. E. B. Camp, retiring pres. dent, opened the meeting and read a mes sage from the national president, Mrs. l.orena Hahn, after which Mrs. James Harden Howell, installed the new officers. Those who will serve the group for the ensuing year are as follows: Pres ident. Mrs. Hurst Burgin, first vice president, Mrs. F. B. Camp, second vice president, Mrs. Guy Massie, sec retary, Mrs. J. Colvin Brown, treas urer, Mrs. M. C. Green, chaplain, Mrs. W. T. Crawford, historian, Mrs. J. Harden Howell, and sergeant -at-arms, Miss Ida Jean Brow n. In behalf of their appreciation of her services' and splendid work for the organization. Mrs. I'amp, retiring president, was presented an auxiliary past president's pin. During the joint soc'.a' hoar hel.( with the Legion, 'Mrs. George Kunze and Mrs. .1. Colvin Brown served as hostesses. MASONS TO MEET All the Masonic lodges of Haywood county wi'.l hold a joint communica tion at the Masonic Temple here on Wednesday night, September 29th for a special educational program. The principal feature of the program will he an address by Wm. Ritchie Smith, of Raleigh, on American Citi zenship. Mr. Smith, who is Grand Secretary of the York Rite Masonic Bodies of North Carolina, is a fluent and interesting speaker and a large number of Masons from all points in the county are expected to be present to hear him. Duke Of Windsor (lives Baker Parting Present Before the Puke and Duchess of Windsor left Austria last week they called on Alfred Wiegele, the village baker who had supplied roll to the castle of Wasserleonburg. The baker had frequently played tennis with the former monarch. As a parting gift the Duke of Windsor gave Herr Wiegele a pair of cuff links. You'll Want These Debonair v PERFECT Ilk- wis shoes uifi urci supports All day lonjr! Kvery where you Ko . . .you'll like to wear these trim leather heeled sport shoes ol re verse calf, Designed over di mensional equalizer lasts. Shawl Tongue in jrray. The upper shoe in hrown. IJolh extremely smart. Just what you need to wear with your sport coal, or your coal suit. New OXFORDS OF TRI-COLOR REVERSE CALF 3 In three beau tiful shades of brown . . . or in Blue, with gar net and gun metal! Wear it first! SCHOOL SHOES -OF EVERY TYPE AND COLOR. -AT EVERY'-' PRICE AND WIUTHJ SPECIALIST IN THE FITTING OF CHILDREN C. E. RAY'S SOWS

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