TWELVE PAGES TODAY Wayne sville OUNTAINEER HE M Along the Political fR 0 N T S 11.- (e,,pim,, came thick and fast !ir CIUUOJ Icli tcwiiJJttiSii .. tr.nip of ronver- n.".'h-'tit the state, especially Lai.'1 Kuleigh. Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park FIFTY-THIRD YEAR NO. 12 WAYNESVILLE, N. t. Till RSDAY. OCTOHER 28. IVT, $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUMY Fifth Sunday j Program Plan ned By Baptists has definitely decid I:. race. At the time phatic statement, he Mi'! I IS. '11 to t!!!cl ' .,.ta This I'll Utwunaii mat ne wisne-o v.c ,fl0t.y onM be induced to become ;ijdiUe fi the Tar Heel's junior 4. Gevrriuir Hoey, said some- i . I.:. .i lynupl'nni' tnulc a ilav. and ne $(Wr else U 1 he fifth Sunday Haywood Baptist A held at the .Meadow' East Fork, Sunday, meeting nt sedation will Grove church October the be on ai.-- Mercury Drops Below Freezing For Three Days Built S. A. Citadel To Make Addr cording to announcement made by the program committee. 10 a. m. Worship, led by Rev. II. P. Hicks. 10:15 a. in. "What Right Has a Church to Expect its .Members to was not seek- Support its Services by Their I'res- do while in ollice. i ence . Rev. (). 1 . burnett. I H:45 a. m. "What Right Has a Church to Expect its .Members to Sup port it by Their Prayers?" Rrv. 1. A. Rhinehart. 11 a. in. "What Right Has a Church to Expect its Members to Support it official IM, that lie high I' ridav - staml I'.v Mi'- Morrison, mdi that In does not intend to sup Haniuik provided another candi conies nut. However, Mr. Mor wjl support the man whom he i l ,I.r...,i H Oi'Sl CTiance ui uoicae . UcVIlolds. lias ibi'i-t Rev. 1 bus. 1 I . . . l. .. i. i t . .. jmort' ealiiimaies uiai enter uil- betUT the chances of Rcv- ireuiniiit; his .ollice, it is gener- Jieveil. Hut somehow, the leading politicians have not led up tu Hancocks announce- as the man from Oxford would to: have them. The mere lact other candidates are being sought tS this pL) int. Sermon, Rev. J. Y . Rev. ae politicians think that Hancock too hasty in announcing. 1 hey that hi1 tried to take advantage :( situation, "believing that there .1 be tmlv "no candidate in the apiinst "liob": Reynolds, and the to. announce would have clear .( ami the uni ted support of the maehii.e. Right now, it would that Haiie'K'k -made the wrong With T hen' Finances' Lrwm. 11: Davis. 1:00, Dinner on the ground. 1:M p. ni. Worship. Jed by Robert daddis. 1:45 p. m. ''What Right Has a Church lo Expect it.s Members to Win Others to ( hnst ? T. I., tireeti 2:00 p. in. "What Right Has a Church to Exercise Discipline. Over Us Members ? F. II. Leatherwood. 2:15 p. m. "What Right Has a Church to Expect its Members to C o operate witli Oilier Churches in Build ing Cod's 'Kingdom'" Rev. 11. K. Masteller. Bishop's Crozier Will Be Presented Sundav Afternoon 1" or Three consecutive days, the mercury dropped below the freezing point iii Waynesville during the past w eek. The lowest recorded by file weather thermometer here is was on Sunday morning, est for the week was on last the day it began to snow . 1 he snow here over the week-end was recorded at half an inch, while it was learned yesterday that the tall was live inches in Hurricane Cap near Max Patch. Only Three Cases In .Mayor's Court .Yloiulav It did not take long to hold mayi as only three ease: These three were drunk. Mavor .1. 11. Way r's court .this week. were on the docket, charged with being iiaatvininmitiiiMrm rl ! - Trf -1 jliMii"itiiiiiH-kdaiin'haitmiHa-ja',fctol IT. ERNEST I. Rev. J, G. Huggins, ! Jr., Named Pastor JI. E. Church Here Dr. R. S. Tiiit'sdale (Jots To Mi. Holly Church, Which Is The Chinch Served H Rev. Mr. llugg'ms RKV. W, A. ROLLINS IS PRESIDING EIDER Rev. .1. d. Muggins. Jr.. o! Jit. Holly, was named as pastor ol the I'll si Methodist church here bv the annual Western North Carolina con ference of the Southern Methodist. le, wl piM ITCMHJK ('ATTAIN (ECU. T.KOWN . wi . at at th the liver the ' servnes Sal at ion ocilicatory a Sunday al'ti Armv 'it ad church which mel m Asbev week. Hr. K. S. Tniesil pastor here for th goes to the Ml. Ilollv bev. Mr. Huggins hi Mt. Holly for the past was sought al (or bv i larger charges ol th last i has been I wo years. church. s been pastor ill lour vears. Ha number ol the conference- it Young Man Forges Check To Buy Marriage License; Lands In Jail Salvation Citadel Will Be Dedicated Sunday Afternoon Haywood Hospital Is On National Accredited List .e of thi -'.latest: developments that sgruiiioreti is that Cregg Cherry, itouiii. speaker of the house dur- atlast session .of the legislature. ormer state commander of the jean LeU'ion, is being urged for Mate, flie same rumor. said that itv hiul made up his mind to run wW. withhold his announcement couple (if months. : no ulil story of an East and t has been brought up, arid ks liieiiils have seemingly 1,1 et blanket on that noint. point, out that Hancock tkev . a little west of taUivisiiiiial point. the state's Charlotte last week: cnnn. a "PIS),':. "That as the race now ;' Ik results will shape the of '"rth Carolina's politics lor St 'In vears.'-'" " ' ':0!1 this t'hoiiP-hC T: M. a,of The Charlotte News, wrote "wmg.'iijicle on' the campaign: sthtth about, this Hancock.Rey- """""l campaign makintr up ;ftt Snn,r 1,,. t j .. wolina politicians vesterdav. 'Wh made them shake.' They J state ileniocratic machine, W tam fo.- K.. 's j , a. - Hnie and Bob Reynolds 15 state polities: not U . .mi - mt new ueai win ..Hancock-Reynolds issue and "" "as all the under holds. ;1JpnnK's campaign will shape 't"e. X"nh Carolina politics . e 2o y(H1.S;. one observing forecast. - 11 LOOKS .'.'...; , Reynolds, the playboy, fi f h?' has lost some; ef his iJ".)- when he 'n Mi'nson, but Reynolds, !5m 11,0 J1' eent suppo.tM, .v'fuft' which is two for X i, "beral democratic "4 ?i Caro,itla, that which 4 .'ck Fountain, and then Wp Ralph McDonald, MConr ynalds a&ain. but on "fa on page 2) I At. 4:.'!() p. m. on Hallowe'en Sunday, October y 1st, in (J race Episcopal church, the kight .,..licejciid h. L. Gribbin, Hishop of the Diocese, will be presented a ('rozler or liishoii's statTj which is the generous gift ol I Mr. and .Mrs. l. V. Krk. In accordance with the bisho's own wish, the ('i;o.ier is made entirely of native wood, all from Jtaywood coun t ty. The new Crozier is a beautiful yet simple production of Krkraft Indus j tries of Waynesville, made under the personal supervision of Mr. Krk. In the Maltese Cross, set within the Shepherd's Crook, arc twelve different kinds of .Haywood county wood: I'op lai ash, birch, maple, cedar, pilie, cherry, oak, locust, bass, walnut, and beech. In old English lettering, Harry M. Hall, has inscribed most fittingly the name of the Diocese: - Western North Carolina, and on the reverse side, the. Latin "motto'' of the Diocese: iKmius Domini in Vert ice Montium: . I he House of the Lord on the top of the Mountains. It is a matter of reasonable pride to everv resident ol Waynesville that this most chaste and bcautitul Crozier should have been designed and con structed bv our own. native craftsmen. Everybody is invited to attend the "Croier" special service mi Sunday at 4:.10. This is the first' service of its kind cvci to Ik hi Id in tin- Diomsc At the close of the service, an offer ing will be taken tor the missionary work of the National church through out the.' world botn at home and abroad. S Al rid Clue: urgeon .'7th annual clinical emigres.-; ii. l he A merican t 'ollege of placed the Haywood.. ( 'oun- n l he apiroved hospital ick emember away when we thought that when husines: picked up evervbodv would be content ed and happy. ; ty Hospital , list for HliiT. ; The Havwood Hospital has been on I the list lor a number of years, and is i rated in this year's annual publication as having a capacity of ." beds. The requirements that are . neces sary before an -institution is approved, are as follows: "1. A modern physical plant, assur ing the patient's comfort and propel. care. I "J. (.'lear delinit ion of organization, luties, responsibilities and relations in he hospital's colisfitut ion, by-laws; liles and regulat ions. ".". A carefully selected governing board with coiiipli'te supervisory im t hoi ity. " -1. A coiniictent trained, superin ti'tiden't 'responsible to the board for carrying nut its policies. . "5. Adeipiate and efficient person nel, properly organized and compe tently supervised. . "(i. Organized medical stall' of eth ical, competent physicians. "7. Adequate diagnostic and the) a petit ic facilities under Competent medical supervision. ; "8. 'Accurate and complete medic; records, readily accessible',, for i t search ami follow-up. ".i RoL'tilar gi-ourr conferences of the administrative staff and of, th medical staff for reviewing, activities and results so as to liiaintain ii' high plane of scientific efliciency. "10. A humanitarian spirit the primarv consideration is the best can. of the patient." ; ItK AMLKTT IS HKTl KK L, II. liramlett, u ho has been fined to his bed for several days, reported some better yesterday; con wa; VdTo think Clouds And Sunsets Foretell Coming Weather, Says Hall s Lncle Ahp in Jwk's column. iV Willi Vd then Perhaps you'll V'way, he presents !resting angle to the social order. By H a rrv M. Hall. Clouds, their formation, their .alti tude, and their movements are .almost the first visible signs ot a coming change in ex isting weather condi tions.; Sunrise and sun set, and the high clouds ovel head al! tell a pait if the story of what may be expected within the next few hours. The simplest illustra tion of the cause of the forming of cloud.-. 1 by watching the vapor using fiom a veil of boiling wain When this vapor comes in contact with colder air it condenses, torming a miniature cloud. Clouds ait foimtd in the atmos phere in various ways. Moist an coming in contact with colder bodies, as mountains; or through loss of heat because of evaporation, oi H. M. Hall mav be gainei wnen ing of air of different temperatures and humidities; also when a current of moisture saturated air comes in con tact' -with a colder air current also saturated., the two mix and acquire a mean temperature of the two, but only a part of the vapor in invisible form can be. retained, and a mist results. All these combinations cause the form ation of clouds, ' Generally speaking, the only differ ence between fog and clouds js one of elevation. A fog resting on moun tain or floating in ' the. upper air is called a cloud. A cloud resting on the surface of the earth .s called a fog. The diameter of the smallest via ble particles of cloud or fog has been estimated to be l-180th of an inch. When these particles through amalgi mation r"each l-80th of an inch they fall in the form of ram. Precipitation occurs when the moist air forming the clouds, the drops of which unite, be come cooled below the dewpoint. It Ii, n fnP l ll M r Ivlear Caldwell w ill exchange a .brand new marriage' license' I'or a L.iOi bend. His ptv.-ciil address is the Haywood County jail. I'liless he gt ts bis. .'f'J.lllKl bond, the license .will not be used ''until after tin- Xovelliber trim of ci ui ina! court if 'then, because lie K i i i - ... oi'iog iji'iu on a cnarge ol forgery. 'oiiiig Caldwell caine to foMii last Saturday with two 'forged checks in his .pocket; Until forg ed on Hi C. Rogers, a lumberman, now operating at Spring Creek, .Caldwell lias been 'working, fur lingers for. soinetimo. He attempted to cash the ehi cks at two places in. town when he liouglit some clothing eviiieulty bis Wedding outfit but the mer chants turned him down". As a next resort, lie decided to buy a gun, so going to Nlassie Hardware lie selected a gun and agreed to pav SC.U.'i for it lie got I ho difference of t lie $211 check in cash. A few minutes later Ire be sold the gun for a dollar, and then bought bis iuarriage license. l!y I 'bat time warning .-had. got ten, aroiiml that the man was siis I'icious, and when a check up-was made, the man -"started to run. He gave chase, and numbers of the sheriffs' depart inent caught him m the basement of the Kast avnesville school The young groom-to-be was given a hearing before Magistrate . 1. Atkinson luesdav afternoon. He is held under a S.dUd bond but he Was. unable to make it and remains in jail, lhe boy who bought the gun later sold it for $1, ,t WJ1S learned In tb' meantime, voting Cald "ell had a marriage license The county has another pris oner. Massie Hardware has a 'forged check. And the bride-to-be h time to wait. Iiloir;u!t Will .) una Inska Al L'.VMile leave 1J !( I rip I I Ol ike was said here vesterdav. . II. Massie. chairman ol the board ol stewards, reported that the local church bad pari all conlorenco claims this vear. Lev. iM r. Huggins is .M years of age. ii nil lias a wile and a t wovear-old daughter. Lev. . A. bulbils remains as pre siding elder of the Waynesville dis trict, 'l he pas tors named to serve in Un as I', ill t ion nliiy : o'lsl Co 'dicalory services for tiic S Army Mountain .Citadel." mi ii I I criioon at L' o'clock, (Icfobi , have been announced -bv. Ca alva Sun- T- the plain f the si ricf Hows: .'siding lor tin coining ear. il lirow ti, who is in cba i e; work of the nioinit:iiii distrii I. The dedicatory address Mill he 'de livered by Lt. Commissioner K.rn.est I. ruginire. of Atlaiua. 'oiiiiii:iinler ot tie tiombern torrllonal area. He will oe . assisted by C.l. Alfred Tyler. N- ui h t 'arolina divisional coin ma nder, I'l din t he hi adqiia rl i I s stall' o.'lice til Charlotte. Music for tire occasion will be furnished by I In- Aslicville Sal valioii Ainiy corps band,: under lire direction of Major Harry .MaeDoiiald. lhe bev. H. . Iiauconi. pastoi of the first I'.apt ist; cliuicb of Waynesville, will welcome tile visitors. Other (illicials fmin the Salval io'n Army who will be present for the ded icatioii w ill fie .Major S dney ( 'o v, ter ritorial secretary, ainl Major Vinson di i w-. lligbfill; l.'.ievai I ri ''m i d ci re bit, son ("it v, A. 'I-.. Camak; ( lyi c. c. lii'i'nei Crablree, I ( Stol i Xkvttnkkm, J. I circuit. II. S. .1. Hackliev: eld. i , , S. Smith I. .!. II !'.; c r , IJoikn.-; r.elhei. T. Hiendi'll, . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ; 1 Cant.'ii, l: re; Cullovl are An ( ,li'.; !ry- A. !'. l'hilibs; IMtwood, l-inus ( reek. .). N. .Snow.: E. Abernethy; l'rankhn Williams; Havesville, W. Highlands. W : !'. Headle; .1 till!.1 euit, l l ie I ; uska I I Mur- .lonat ban. II. I,,'eveis .1.11. ( arper: .Macon Swaini: Murpliv. . A !: pliy circuit, to be suppln Kolibinsville, ('!. . LoVitt, supply Svlva. A. I. Kalledgc: Wavnesvilb (( out limed on page -rcn) - d. Cunningham, both of A Haul A nloiorcaile luska at : I2;::i: he made up of this work t ha I Sa Ivat io.n A i in; car;; will take I' I IK'S ( reek wav 2112, tin litor of the "Wai C i . Will lea o'clock lll olh - b.ll. in 1 le 'im ainl bridge, a distance in ville beinj. near Max Funds fi lain Citadi i ii'uat e I .a be .1 una HI Sunday; t' llllel'i sled di'lio by t hi county. Tie follow to tin i n Itlile.-.. Stevenson Work ing In Naval Pow der Plant In N.J. then mi U: nppi ratcb. r I tio erect ion of t he M 1 have lieen lontlibute UIJl- I by ut hem I en itorial Salvat ion i'n-. .recognition' of lhe .splendid one in this section by Captain soni e Officers .Capture-.'- 60-Gallon Still Kov .Jinkins Arrpsl'fl A One. ..... - - r- rator Of Still On Caldwell I'ork In Calaloochee Monday afternoon .Deputies J. (: Hannah, Hob Jenkins and Lawrence Long captured a moonshine' outfit, es timated at fiO-gallon canacitv. on ildwell fork of (ataloochee- 7 he still was in operation the time, and one of the two operators. Hay Jenkins, was ' captured and brought in lo avnesville along with the still. The ofbeers were able to surprise the moonshiners by first locating the still, then lying m wait nearby until the two men arrived and commenced their operations.'. Hie S A rniy, work i Ilrowii Tile basement of the structure, which will lie used as a commiimtv Tecreaiionai cenier lor mat section, is built of stone.- while the first floor is of frame. It contains an auditorium with a seating capacity. of 2i(. located at the front ot the building, while in the read are five rooms which' will be the living quarters of the workers Captain Hrown is a native of Hav- (( ontinued on page xevrn) .Mrs. S. II. Stevenson are week for their new homo cad. .Md.. where Mr. SteV hoeii for he past, year, tile electrical division ol plant, there. is in charge of the Mr. a I'd living tliis in Indian I onson has working;' in the .Naval rower Mr. Stevenson telephone system, which is owned and operated by the government I lie Indian Head plant makes about .111,0(1(1 pounds of powder daily and lias a .rapacity of 100. (if)0 pomuN daily, lhe powder, made at the plant is in small stick, and used in lhe riavv guns. Some of the" larger guns re quire as much as J. 010 poinds in lire one shut, it was said The plant is win king full -time,, be cause (lie powder if mil ii-ol Ihk i.i be reworked every five years. Mr Stev enson said that business conditions' in and around the Maryland town Were guild. Uefore going to Maryland. Mr. Stevenson was superintendent of the town's light department, ai d also lire chief. No View In State Comparable To One From Heintooga, Says Goerch Kditor s Note 1 he following is. parr of the Sunday night radio talk made bv Carl (.oerch. over W PTK, Raleigh. Mr. doerch is editor of The State, and he visited this area last weekr that evening, I had fi the shoulder anil say: church do vou represi told each of them that Iks pat me on . Lrothcr. what it' Well, I I wasn t a del egate didn't IJeinff Sought After Tryinp; To Get Married Members of the sheriff s department are looking for Hershel Riley to serve a warrant sworn out by in-laws, when they learned that Riley was attempt ing to get a marriage license when hp ou know, Ive often said that we folks here in North Carolina don t leallv know our state, and the longer I live, the more convinced I am of thi 'hat evening fact. During the last five vears or so I ve travelled around 150.000 miles in North Carolina, and I was beginning to think I was pretty well acquainted with the siate. but 1 took a trip last week that ACAIN convinced me oi my ignorance. I believe it can be truthfully said that the more you see of North Carolina, the more there is to be seen. John IJragaw. of Washington. N. C. and I left Raleigh last Tuesday even ing. Funny thing happened1 at Asheville. John and 1 spent the night at the George Vanderbilt Hotel, and tne extern Jorfh Pnrntino Tldrl.o at lhe 'conference, and that I represent anv church, but the got kind of tiresome after a I had on a dark brown suit kind of a modest ami quiet-looking smt . . . and the next morning, 'when I got up, I put on that gray-checkered suit that I got from Thurmond Chatham up in Winston Salcm about a vear ago. It s the kind of a suit that my friends describe as a RACE HOUSE suit. Well, sir . - : -vhen I appeared downstairs in the' lobby in that suit, not a si.'.gle preach er put his hand on my shoulder, and not a solitary one of them wanted to know what church I represented- To tell the truth, they looked at me sort of suspicious-like, and kind of shied away f i )m me. "ies sir . . . it cer tainly in wonderful what a difference pending- air t 1

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