FAGE FOUR THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ' It- Rev. Ike Rhinehart Conducting Revival A -revival in the East Waynes ville Community Church was be gun on. Sunday the 7th, with the Rev. Ike Rhinehart, conducting the services, which are being held at 7:30 o'clock each evening of this week. The public is cordially invited to attend the meetings. Mountain Joe The prices of apples this year kinda reminds me of the good ole days. Seems that there's too much good eating in apples for 'em to be so low. But then, I reckon it kinda evens up on other things, 'cause I was in Bur gin's Basement tuther day and they had men's heavy work shoes with composi tion soles for only $1.29. And right next to 'em they had dress shoes for us men at $1.49. Now there's a lot of work to make a pair of shoes, and a lot of wear in the kind that Burgin sells so as I was a saying, things even up in the long run. BURGIN'S Dept. Store District Welfare Group Will Meet Here Next Tues. REPRESENTATIVES FROM 21 COUNTIES WILL ATTEND; STATE OFFICIALS COMING. The Western District Welfare group will hold a conference here in the court house on Tuesday, November the 16th. Representa tives from the twenty one coun ties in the district will attend. Hosts of the occasion will be the county welfare board, composed of J. R. Boyd, Jr., chairman, C. E. Brown and H. A. Osborne. Mrs. J. Dale Stentz is the county su perintendent of welfare. The meeting will bring to Way nesville approximately two hun dred visitors including, Mrs. W. T. Bost, state commissioner of Public Welfare, Mrs. Mary O. Lin ton, president of Association of County superintendents of public welfare; Miss Lavinia Keys, reg ional representative Social Secur ity Board, and Nathan Yelton, di- l rector envision oi I'uouc assis tance, all of whom will appear on the program. The principal address will be made by Dr. Paul Ringer, of Asheville, the subject of his talk being, "A forward look in Public Welfare in North Carolina." An open forum will also fea ture the program with the direc tors of State department and county superintendents of public welfare participating. At noon luncheon will be serv ed in the banquet hall of the First Methodist Church, with E. M. Hairfield, chairman of Burke County Board of public welfare, presiding. The meeting in the court house will be open to the public, as well as the luncheon at the church, which will be served at 65 cents a plate. Methodists Held District Meeting At Waynesville PROGRAM FOR NEW CONFER ENCE YEAR OUTLINED BY MINISTERS AND LAYMEN Monthly Singing Con vention Meets Sunday The monthly Singing Conven- i: ...ill 1 I 1 J : ii i 4 I uuii win ue neiu in ine vuun House on Sunday afternoon from 1:30 to 4 o'clock. Several visiting ent and take part on the program, which gives promise of a variety of numbers. The public is invited to attend the meeting. ItsOvercoatTime and We Have Them RIGHT.. . A meeting of pastors and the district stewards of the Waynes ville district M. E. Church, South, was held in the Waynesville Methodist Church Tuesday, with the Rev. W. A. Rollins, presiding elder, in charge. A program for the new confer ence year was outlined, and plans for raising the benevolences, con ducting the Aldersgate Street campaign, and carrying on other activities of the church were dis cussed. Eleven new pastors have taken up work in this district following their appointments at the annual conference in Asheville. They are, J. G. Huggin, Jr., Waynesville; J. C. Stokes, Delwood; H. A. Le fevers, Jonathan; C. O. Newell, Fines Creek; A. P. Ratledge, Syl- va; J. J. Edwards, Murphy Cir cuit; W. J. Hackney, Hayesville; J. E. Abernathy, Franklin; H. S. Williams, Franklin cjreuit; J. C. Swain, Macon Circuit; and John B. Bennett, Brevard Circuit. Twelve objectives were listed for the year as follows: Make every member canvas in every church. Payment of finances quarterly. Half of benevolences by the mid dle of the conference year. Every charge pay the ten per cent to Children's Home. Observance of Church School Day, Golden Cross, and Layman's Day. Daily Vacation Bible Schools in every church, if possible. Standard and Cokesbury Train ing Schools whereever possible. Place new emphasis on the, Home and Foreign Missionary Program. Full cooperation in the Aiders gate Street Program. More systematic administration of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Reaching the Unreached. Fellowship of Prayyer for preachers and Church leaders. The church papers in the home HOSPITAL NEWS ADMISSIONS Mr. Akers Jones, of Lake Juna luska, operative case, is better. iWoodmenToHoId Social Meeting The Woodmen of the World will meet at 7:30 Friday night for a social meeting, according to Paul Smith, publicity chairman. A variety of entertainment will be provided, and each member has the privilege of bringing a guest. At a later date another social will be given for the women. I James Roosevelt ) A GGiimpe Tint ias Miss Alice Anderson, of Canton, medical case, is improving. Mrs. Winifred Hughes, of Can ton, Route 2, operative case, is. resting fairly well. Mrs. W. W. Henson, of Candler, operative case, is improving. Mr. Bob James, of Waynesville, Route 1, medical case, is better. Mrs. Ted Cole, of Canton, oper atise case, is resting more comfortably. Mis. E. E. Morrow, ol Canton operative case, is better. Styles Styles Youngr jl j Mature Men mm t -TTi AT.-"SIX- topoto Featuring; Especially Coats at $ 1 6. 95 Our Stock Is Extensive Styles Varied We Can Fit . . . And Please You Remember too CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS Miss Lois Medtord, of Canton operative case, is resting fairly well. Mrs. Howard "Fisher, of Enka operative case, is improving. Mr, J. H. Conard, of Waynes ville, Route 1, medical case, is resting more comfortably. Mrs. M. B. Robinson, oi Canton, operative case, is better. Mrs. Emanual Rathbone, of Maggie, operative case, is resting fairly well. Master Edward Morrow, of Canton, medical case, is some better.' Mr. Wiley Noland. of Clyde, Route 1, medical case, is improving. Miss Bessie Trainer, of New College, medical case, is better Mr. Barton Amster, of New Col lege, medical case, is resting more comfortably. Mr. A. W, Angel, of Clyde, med ical case, is resting fairly well. Mrs. Harriett Hathlee, of Hazel wood, medical case , is making progress. .DISCHARGED Mrs. Claud Paxton. Mr. Billy Blythe. Miss Bertie Shipman. Baby Ralph Norman. Mrs. R. V. Conley. Mrs. J. R. Gentry. Mr. Guy Queen. Mr. Malcolm Lyons. Thomas Phillips. BIRTHS , Mr. and Mrs. D. NGen try. an nounce the birth of a son on No vember the 4th. ' V ;V James Roosevelt, eldest son and secretary of the president, began his new job last week of confer ring with the heads of the inde pendent agencies and bureaus of the government. His task is to act as a 'clearing house" passing on to his father problems of pol icy and administration questions which cannot be solved except by reference to thte Chief Executive. On the occasion of the first meet ing the agency heads lunched at the White House with James Roosevelt. "How was the lunch?" a reporter asked Mr. Kennedy "All right" he replied, and then added, "I believe I could do bet ter at home." Got Wrong- Number 21 Times, Tore Up Phone In Peoria, 111., last week Ewald Peterson went into a telephone oavstation. Twentv-two times in succession, at a total cost of $1.10 he got the wrong number. Ang ered, he ripped out the phone, carried it to the street and smash ed it on the pavement. The po lice then took charge. of our people. The Rev. W. A. Barber of Mur phy, chairman of the district mis sion work, distributed books to be used in connection with the mis sionary program in the district. Dr. L, B. Abernathy, in charge of the Elkin Hospital, was present to represent the Golden Cross movement. President E. J. Col trane represented Brevard Col-legee. Fire Causes Big Damage In Plant Of Mountaineer (Continued Irom page 1) is being handled in several shops in this section. Although the staff has been handicapped this week ,and will be until the office is repaired, they have all joined in and worked un der the hardest kind of conditions. The boiler and steam pipes of course, were put out of order, and the only heat available until today has been electric heaters. The second floor was damaged by smoke, but no water was used there. The first floor did not get any of the fire. All .the fire was confined to the ceiling of the boil er room and immediate space nearby. Over half the flooring in the composing room had to be sup ported by special braces before work could be started on tearing down the machines. The building is owned by Geor ge H. Ward, of Asheville. The owner of the building and the publishers of The Mountaineer were partly covered by insurance. MRS. D. V. PHILLIPS WINS IN ELECTRICAL CONTEST Prize awards in the fifth week of the Electrical Dealers' Missing Word Contest have been announc ed. Mrs. D. V. Phillips, Route 2, Waynesville, won the District prize allocated to this part of the territory served by the Carolina Power and Light Company, Mrs. FDR Presents President With First Copy of Her New Book Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt ob tained from the publishers last week a copy of her new books, "This is My Story". She auto graphed the copy, one of a limit ed edition, wrote on the fly leaf, "No. 1" and presented it to the President. ARROW - I CAY SHIRTS . . . FOR DULL DAYS When Old Sol gets miserly with his cheery rays . wear one of our handsome new Arrow Shirts. We have them in the season's smartest patterns and colors. Quiet, conservative ones ,', . or bright, colorful ones that will make Mr. Sol green with envy! All our Arrow Shirts are Mitoga designed cut to fit your body. Sanforized-Shrunk, a new shirt free if one ever shrinks. Come on in the selection's fine. $1.95 Piedmont Shirts 98c up Tom Sawyer Boy's Shirts 79c and 98c . Everything in Men's Wear U 111 U 2K.B .PI r I I in Vm m m m m mm m - . ni.- HOLLYWOOD By HARBISON CARROLL Copyright, 19 Sine Features Syndicate, Inc. HOLLYWOOD Since her 1 sun stroke, Bette Da via is so tearful of another at tack that the Warner star is having smoked glass installed in her auto mobile and in the windows of the solarium at her home. Though Holly wood won't admit it, the stories c i r c u lated about Jean Harlow's fatal illness being due to a severe case of sunburn has caused many a star to take pre cautions against over-exposure. Bette Davis Those who should know say that Barbara Stanwyck is now enjoying an incognito visit to New York and will return to the coast, via the Panama canal. The star has collected a number of raps from eastern papers for the secrecy with which she has surrounded her present trip. Which looks as if there is no way for a Hollywood celebrity to please everybody. Robert Taylor was even more loudly rapped for that orgy of publicity in New York. Scott Fitzgerald's 16-year-old daughter, Scotty, leaves the film colony torn between amusement and shock. She is naively and completely frank. At a recent party she wanted to know if Loretta Young wasn't embarrassed by the compliments the men were paying the star. Meeting Win chell's daughter, Walda, she in quired if Walda also was a gossip, on account of her father. And, when Joan Crawford was showing her a scrap book, she suddenly asked if the star didn't get bored having to look at all those pictures of herself. What's going on, a gag? Judy Canova, who recently announced she was fed up with Eld gar Bergen, is now clowning around with Tommy W under, the dancer, who does part of his act with a dummy partner. Answering Your Questions! Mary Joe White, Glendale: Anita Louise seems to be more serious about Buddy Acfler than about any or ner previ monopolizing h..r ' 1 " t T CI U1Q. Edward Ww.r, ha iU End uioue sucn an ; Tlpr, Crawford th.i added and th number in her new pll nequin". So.!fr up . "Always and Aiwayg" A blaze at Buddy -new place in Hoimb, fought two nights i highest paid fire depar world. The rv. L, under,n ( lives Gertrude Niesen she discovered flames i lumber. The Nies turned out and were by Irene Dunne and ' Griff en, who live on th ine cejeos battled thrf garden nose until the ment arrived. Chatter. . . . After daughter, Buff, ReU friends say she Cameron Rogers, the I In spite of valiant! Lubitsch, Dietrich's n tt A . tt . . . T Angei , is a disappoint why does the star per wnue maKeup on her It's so noticeable. . Lupe Velez had to elii the stalls y"7Nj- in CI i 'Vi a bo "i "V K mas. ' J perta' Grace Moore pea With Barry Brennan at Lamaze. . . . The Yacht i are too lucky. They personal appearances li and will take in the woo . . Buck Jones is teacf ette Mac Donald to hani and to do some simple i tor "Girl of the Golden f And Lily Pons' phone Ml New York, runs over P A R THEATRE "LEADING MOVIE HOUSE IN ALL OF WES' NORTH CAROLINA" Program For Coming W THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 Trapped By G-Mer With Jack Holt FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12 It Happened In Hollywood Richard Dix and Fay Wray SATURDAY, NOVEiMBER 13 Blaring Sixes With Dick Foran, the singing covl)oy SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Live, Love And Real Robert Montgomery, Rosalind Russell and K''rt Bl MONDAY and TUESDAY, NOV. 13-1 Artists And Models With Jack Benney, Ida Lupino and Richard Arl WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1" Greenwich Villg Fay Wray and Richard Arlcn THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1$ The Perfect Specime With Errol Flynn and Joan Blondell Mif 'and Mrs. Gaston Rhinehart , announce the birth ol a son- on ADMISSION 10c and 25c November 7th.