If I WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER i. i' Along the Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park fflE 0LITICAL fRONTS FIFTY-THIRD YEAR NO 46 WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1937 $1.50 IN ADV ANCE IS COUM Candidate...? I r, ' 1 i " I Frank P. Graham Accoiilmu- to- uu'bc wu ,p!v on thi' heels of the political 'the little fellow has bitten a ibtr of would-be office seekers, but rthi-r the disease will develop, or r better judgment and persuasion (rii'inl? will serve as an antidote vtt to. be determined. Imor.f.' the latest reported to have ,n nibbled on by the political bug, laded none other than Frank Gra in, president of the University of rth Carolina. At least, that is the anion of T. M. Pridgen, political :trt for the Charlotte News, who i the following column last Sun- Presidetlt Frank Porter Graham, the University of North Carolina, a liberal democratic candidate for tuner , , . . ur. Kaiph ivicuonaiu, ly getting well in a Forsyth hos- al as a candidate for congress in tii'th district . . . L. P. McLendon, ad uf the state election board, as a adulate fur the United States sen- Vow is the season when politicians Make free rides on political kites you can hear anything. The Gra ta runiur traveled rapidly yesterday t those who heard it were inclined be dazed by its possibilities. With pnk Porter -Graham heading the nil democrats and pushed on by university influence, the impres- n was that he could go places in JO. Invariably the next question "Ones Graham want the goy- sorship?" and it was not answered. $360 Raised Here j For The Red Cross! Chairman Davis Confident That Sum Of $100 Will He Reach ed When Reports Are Made According to L. X. Davis the annu al roll call of the Red Cross has not been completed, but to date :in0 00 has been paid in on memberships. Mr. Davis states that the work, is have been much gratified over the response of the public, and the inter est manifested by the people of the great work that is being carried on both locally and nationally by the Red Cross. While the quota of 500 may not be reached, as had been hoped, Mr. Davis feels confident that there will be considerably more than $-100 turn ed in when all the workers have given their reports. The district schools have not been checked yet, one business unit re mains unworked, and one industrial plant, which together will substan tially add to the sum in hand. BER.VLS HOPE HE WILL Should he desire to make the race, his friends here were inclined to cunt it, he would be the answer the prayers of the liberals for a rfer. W hether or not the rumor is aided on something solid it Will at t be interesting to State Treas- f tharles Johnson, et al, who have fn mentioned for the 1940 candi Of much interest, too, to Candi es Lon tolger and A, H. Gwyn, out senatorial Candidate Frank W. wock's place in the feleral lower p is that Dr. Ralph McDonald may iactor. The college Professor ' Rave the democratic old. guard fits race for governor last vear was ported yesterday as rapidly recover fnrom a lung ailment in his home of Forsyth. If his health is Sciently good, friends here said, he Ma oe a candidate in that congres- race Pminfino V, mnJ ensational showing in the guberna- race. WCOCK STRONGER atonal Candidate Hancock's " in this section seemed to have 'vk Bottom and started back up general:- Conditions this week. ! 8PentS WPr thrnnn-l, (k .nnnntv . inutmg literature, showing his . ', as a state and national officer. at was taken as an indication that Pth for the fight against Keyn- ' text SDrino- Inf irviotirxj ftvMn B ., -. v i uiai, jic ...... I J'e kis share of the organized old -uengrth and was preparing to re inroads in Reynolds' liberal ;;. J report through this section ,s'W'day - .- tiiot - rk.i... t w Lndon. of the c u j iQn. - as being boomed for a Candi- -e-.nji neynoias. chers op county; 0 meet here Saturday k est C. MCracken, president of . froup, announces a meeting of the . -.vuers in ine uentrai ce C fy school auditorium on Satur- ! lllnr . .. ... oVi I ecemoer tne 4tn, ai H b An interesting program arranged for the meeting. Chas. Ray Named Chairman Of Hay wood Committee Charles E. Ray, Jr., has been ap pointed to serve as chairman of the Haywood county committee on the Governor's Hospitality committee, which has been expanded to include every county in Xoith Carolina, as a result of the appointment by Gov ernor Clyde R. Hoey of 100 county chairman, who in turn will appoint members of the county hospitality committees. Each county hospitality committee will co-operate with the Governor's Hospitality committee, which is com posed of all the members of the State Hoard of Conservation and Devel opment, in attempt iing to arouse a greater degree of interest, among the people of the state in showing real North Carolina hospitality to all who come here from other states, either as tourists or permanent, residents. As soon as the county chairmen name their hospitality committees, a comprehensive program will be pre sented to these committees by the state committee, Which is, expected to bring about co-operation from every section of the state. Each county group will be urged to work with all organizations and persons who in any way come in contact with the travel ling public and to enlist their interest and support in making North Caro lina the "friendly state," Only 13 Claims 0 n Old Age Security Made From County Thousand of dollars are lying un claimed in the United States Treas ury because those to whom the money now due under the '-old-age' insurance provisions of the Social Security Act, have not tiled claim for the amounts due them, Graham Martin, manager of the Asheville held office of the Social Security board which serves this area said yesterday. A large number of workers Who have reached 65 since January 1, 1937, and the estates of workers or relatives of eligible workers who have died since December 31, 1936, apparently are unaware the Social Security board is making lump-sum payments now to those eligible persons who file claim, Mr. Martin said. Although actuarial experts be lieve that there are 751 persons in the 19 Western North Carolina counties covered by the Asheville held office, who would be entitled to secure lump sum payments this year, there have been only 120 Claims filed to date from this area. It was estimated that 49 claims would be hied from Haywood county. However, only 13 claims have so far been received. William Rathbone, 22, Given Burial Funeral services were held on last Tuesday the 10th, at the Methodist church at Maggie, for William Rath bone, Jr., 22, who died on the Monday before, at the Mission Hospital in Asheville. The Rev. John Finger, of Maggie, assisted by the Rev.. Ferry Sprinkle, of Emma, officiated.' bur ial was in the Henry Flott cemetery. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rathbone, of Emma, six sisters and five brothers, as fol lows: Mrs. Sam Miller, of Maggie; Tennie, Mae, Cora, and Johnny Rath bone, and Mrs. Ernest Lunsford, all of Emma, and Manuel and George Rathbone, of Maggie, and Stephen, Roy .: and Daniel Rathbone, all of Emma. "... Claims Baby Stolen r e Mrs, Helen Fablanl C . Domestic life has been rather hectic for Mrs. Helen Fabianl since she gave up her career as a show girl for marriage. She is now in court at Philadelphia seek ing to recover the 14-month-old baby whom she claims was "stol en" from her by her husband, Ray Kabiani. wrestling promoter, from whom she is separated. Haywood Man Is Waiting For Real Winter Weather There is at least one man in Haywood county who thinks that when the mercury drops to. eight degrees that it isnt winter weath er. ' It all come -about Tuesday morning, when the man, evident ly a 'prosperous farmer, walked into Burgin's Department Store, and after making several pur chases, concluded, "Well, when winter weather sets it, I'm going to buy another parr of pants." Mr. Burgin is still wondering what the man would call winter weather Union Services Will Be Held At Baptist Church Stores And Public Offices Will Close For The Day. Football Game In Afternoon. Directors For C. Of C. Have Been Nominated Annual Meeting Will lie Held December Second, And Di rectors Elected The nominating committee of the Chamber of Commerce made their report this week for the annual meet ing which will be held at the court house, Thursday night, December 2. This is the first time that the an nual meeting of the organization has been held in December. This was done in order that the newly elected officers could organize and plan their year's work before the early spring months. President. L. N Davis, announced yesterday that the following hud been nominated for members of the board of directors for the coming year: E. J. Hyatt, Ralph Prevost, L. M. Kicheson, Hen Colkitt, James Atkins, Jr. Harry Lee l.iner, L. N. Davis. V. H. Massie, Lester Hurgin, E. L. Withers, C. E. Ray, Jr.. W. Curtis Kuss, H. W. Woodward, Paul Hyatt, S. P. liny, M. I). Watkins, M. II. Howies, arid Paul Martin. From the 12 electedwill come the president. The directors elect the president at their first meeting. The Mountaineer Being Published In Own Plant Now All Machines Have Heen Recon ditioned. New Floor Placed In 'Composing Room The annual union Thanksgiving ser vice, in which all the churches of the town join, will be held at the First baptist church, at 8 o'clock on Thurs day morning. Rev. J. H. Huggin, Jr., pastor of the First Methodist church, will deliver the sermon. The choir of the Baptist church will have charge of the music. The custom of having the Thanks giving service at this early hour was initiated 8 years ago, in order that those who wish to drive some dis tance for the day might attend church before leaving town. Lester Burgin, chairman of the merchant's committee of the Cham ber of Commerce, has announced that all stores will be closed for the day. The bank, and offices at the court house will observe the holiday. The main attraction in the after noon will be the annual football game, with Waynesville and Canton, meet ing on the local field. Crabtree Club Holds An All-Day Meeting The members of the Crabtree home demonstration club held an all day meeting on November the 19th, at the home of Mrs. Jennings McCrary. During the morning a demonstra tion on table service was given by Miss Mary Margaret Smith, the coun ty home agent. Those taking part on the program for the afternoon meeting included, Mrs. T. L. Bramlett, Mrs. Ed Walker, Mrs. Hugh Noland, and Mrs. C. M. McCracken. Instead of exchanging gifts as Is the custom at the last meeting of the year, the members made a cash do nation to be used in the cafeteria in the new school building at Crabtree. Guests for the day were Mrs. Gro ver C. Davis, Mrs. Frank Davis, and Mrs. T. L. Bramlett, of Waynesville. .;; U : -'.' .. This issue of "The Mountaineer is being published in the new imd re conditioned plant of the paper. The plant was put out of commission by a fire three weeks ago. The plant is in operation -about a week sooner, than machinists and oth er workmen first predicted:- This was accomplished only by Working sev eral crews late at night. Every ma chine in the plant has been re-conditioned, and many new parts added. A hew floor was necessary in the composing room, and all equipment had to be moved twice. The plant has been re-arranged 'throughout. I This .jssue f the paper worked a hardship on the force, as all the ma chines were still' and hard to 'oper ate after the thorough overhauling. There yet remains many kinks and minor adjustments to be made, 'but these are being made as fast as oper ations permit . During the two weeks thai the plant of the -paper was being re-con ditioned, the paper was published in the plant of The ('anion Enterprise. Many New Books Added At Library Among the new books recently added to the rental shelves of the Waynesville Public Library, that are proving popular with the readers, are "And So Victoria," "Storm Girl", "Of Mice and Men", and "Murder Goes to Press", "And so Victoria" by Vaughn Wilkins, is an outstanding best seller, of historical intrest. The period is the time of the Georges before the accession of Victoria to the throne of England. The scenes range over the world England, Wales, France, Germany, the United States, Mexico, Malta, and Egypt. All the Characters are touched with the type of individ uality that makes them life like. "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck, recently presented the library by Mrs. Ben Colkitt, is a new novel that has been much discussed. Many persons differ in their estimate of the book. It is the story of the lives of two men, who in their loneliness, cherish the slim bonds between them and the dream they share. "Storm Girl" by Joseph Lincoln, is another story of the Cape Cod territory, that the author has written about in other novels. It introduces a dramatic plot which is most original, of a girl whose life was always connected with a storm.. -: "Murder Goes to Press" by Noel . Lqpmis, is a detective story that will appeal to all lovers of this type of fiction. With headlines such as these imprinted on their foreheads in the newspaper type and serving as ghastly obituaries, one after another of the employees on the midnight shift of the "Minneapolis World" is found murdered. Solving the crime makes a wonderfully interesting 'story.; Star Gets Pelted j 1 i Gladys Swarthout When a scene In her forthcoming' movie called for the pelting cf Gladys Swarthout, screen and opera star, with tomatoes, the audience was supplied with am munition and proceeded to do their part with telling effect, as the above photo testifies. The star's husband, Frank Chapman.' was one of the marksmen, too.., Laundry To Begin Operations Here Monday Morning New Plant All Heady For I5usi ness. Says Killian. HepiesVnls Investment Of $20,000 The Waynesville Laundry will open lor business Monday morning, ac cording to J. W. killian, Owner-manager. - The final piecc-si of ..machinery were placed this Week, and (rial runs have been made on most of the equipment', and the remainder will .'he given a final check this week-end. The invest ment in I he building ami equipment is approximately IfUO.OflO. The laundry, is in a new brick and concrete building, .-.'with ample win dows. Alt the equipment, is new, in cluding ten steam presses. Mr. Killian said that 21 people would be employed to begin wilh, and others would he added later. The new plant replaces the wooden building which burned to the 'ground last Au gust, taking with it everything in the building. The new plant was built with the idea of taking care of laundry and dry cleaning for a town lour times the size of Waynesville, it was said. The plant is so arranged that all work will be "ill line." That is, it goes in at one end, and is worked from machine to machine until the wrapping counter at the other end ot the building. The arrangement will prove to be a great time-saver. The Waynesville Laundry serves not only Waynesville, Hazelwood and Lake Junaluska, but also communities as far west as Andrews and Kohbins ville. Four trucks are used to haul the laundry and dry cleaning. The building is 110 by 50 feet, with a 'Mi foot "L" on the rear. The power for turning the machin ery is derived from the large water wheel. This is the second laundry in the United States '.-driven by water power. Jerry Liner had the contract to erect the modern building. " ' : ' : i . . - " " . License Tags To Go On Sale Here December First Court Adjourns Until Monday; On First Murder Case Court Started On Robinson-Heed Murder Case Tuesday; Judge Sink Presiding The County Superior Court which has been in session since .Monday ad journed on Wednesday afternoon for the Thanksgiving holidays and will resume proceedings on Monday the "9th, pending the case of State s. Kbinson am) Keed, lust murder case on the dotket. Judge J. Hoy Us Sink, of Lexington, is presiding. The vase got underway on Tuesday and continued through Vi Wednesday af ternoon. Cases disposed of during the first two days were as follows: James tireen, housebreaking, lar ceny and receiving. State prison three to five years. Vernon ll;ill, housebreaking, lar ceny and recieving. State prison three to five years. Kdgar Caldwell, forged check. State prison one to three years. Sidney Weston, assault. Slate pris on three to fen years. Defendant gave notice of appeal to the Supreme Court. lack Kedmond, assault with a deadly weapon. I ' pon pay merit of cost, judg ment continued for two years. Lee Warren, "making certain care less, malicious and slanderous .state ments with respecf to the grand jury, "Inch fads were without without fact-or tounation, and in the light of 'the-respondent's condition, the court continues the prayer for judgment for a period of . two years on condition of the respondent's good behavior." tiny Kmnierson, destroying proper ty. County jail lor five months, to be assigned to Work -on- the roads a.s pro vided by law. t ail Warren,-abandonment,- 'Pray er for judgment confined until the December-term, 1 !.'1S, on condition of the defendant's Caring lor his wife and behaving himself. Hubert Hurnett- giVmg oad check, lodgment .suspended on condition. that'' the defendant pay the costs of this action and $100.00 to Davis Mrothers Motor Company, and show 'receipt-' for same to the clerk. J. S. 1'iiillips, violation of the pro hibition law. Judgment ,,f the court is that the defendant 'pay'., a," fine of Mrs. J. S. Phillips violation of the prohibition law. Prayer for judgment continued'' for two years on good behavior. Mrs. A. L. Herren Dies In Seattle Word was receive) I here this week that Mrs. A. L. Hen-en, K2, of Seattle, Wash., a former, resident of Waynes ville, had passed away on 'November' loth. Mrs. Herren was well known here, husband being a prominent 'resident of (he county. She and her husband left for the west coast in 18K(5. She leaves her six daughters, all of the, stafi' of Washington. Ml SIC CLl'H TO HOLD MKjKTIXff The regular November meeting of (he Waynesville Music club will be held on Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Pred Martin and Mrs. Olive C-reen, as associate hostesses at the home of the former. Mrs. R. H. Stretcher will preside. The subject of study for the after noon will be "Our beginnings in Sa cred Music," with Mrs. Kvander Pres ton as the leader of the program. U.S. Department of Agriculture WEATHER. BUREAU Waynesville Cooperative Station H. M. HALL, Observer Automobile license plates will go on sale at the office of the Waynes ville Chamber of Commerce on De cember first, according to an an nouncement by J. Dale Stentz, secre tary, yesterday. This is the h'rst time that the local organization has hand led the state license tags. Mr. Stentz pointed out that rules and regulations would not permit the office taking personal checks. He also said that the white cards is sued by the state would Jbe required before the license plates could be issued. Ort and after January first, there will be put into force, a rule which requires that all titles be transferred within 15 days or a pen alty of $2 will be assessed. Nov. Max. Min. I'rec. IK 34 10 trace snow 1!) 51 17 trace snow 20 42 10 0.02 -1 24 11 trace snow 22 22 10 2-i .35 .. H 21 : - 45 '. 8 .'; (Depth of snow expressed n water content). ! .Mean maximum -. '...'. ......'.. ;.'.'; ..,:.....- Ii5 Mean minimum . ,: 12 Mean for week . , ; . .:. ... 24 Lowest for week 8 Highest for week . ..... 4. Precipitation for week . : .0.02 Same Period Last Year, 1936 Mean maximum 58 Mean minimum . .. 22 Mean for week 40 Lowest for week 16 Highest for week 61 Precipitation for week ........none Total 1936 prec. to Nov. 24 ;,......52.45 Total 1937 prec. to Nov. 24 ....... 45.94 Deficiency for 1937 from 1936 ...... 6.51 .',

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