rHlRSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1937 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page 3 t :t ehind the Seen in HOLLYWOOD l L Peter Lorre rv HARBISON CARROLL i Kins Feature Syndicate, lac HOLLYWOOD How should Lotion picture stars Invest their question bothers every celebrity and has been intensified during the re cent antics of the stock market. Peter Lorre has a novel answer. For 10 years he has been buying up the screen rights of European novels and plays until now he na3 accu' mulated 13 valuable properties. It was Lorre to whom British-Gau-jnont had to come when it wanted to film Joseph Conrad's "Secret Agent ". The Hungarian actor jso' holds the rights to "The Good Soldier Schweik" and "Kaspar Hauser". Best part of it is, in every one of the stories there is a part for Lorre. Whether he is finished in "Jezebel" or not, Henry Fonda will leave for New York not later than pec. 14. Star made Warners agree to this before accepting the role. Reason Is the Fonda heir is fiue Dec. 15. ; News story of Danielle Dar rieux' arrival reported the star as bringing 47 trunks of Paris clothes. It is typical of Hollywood, however, that the actress' wardrobe In her Universal picture, "The Rage of Paris", will be entirely of studio manufacture. Recent spreads in the picture magazines in which some of Holly wood's most dignified stars were seen disporting in bathing suits has caused many a shudder among the cinema great Which may or may not be responsible for the fact that it is very hard these days to get an established actress to pose for what is known as "leg art". Among those banning the bath ing suit pictures are Jeanette Mac Donald, Wendy Barrie, Frances Langford, Fay Wray, Patricia Wilder and (since her marriage) Anne Shirley. Will Rogers would have been f8 years old Nov. 3. His bungalow Et Twentieth Century-Fox has been left unchanged by Eddie Cantor and on the anniversary, the comedian placed a bouquet of roses on the desk where Rogers wtoU many a column. Roses were Will's favorite flowers. Columnist's mail. ... Dr. J. C. Geiger, San Francisco's director of public health, takes us to task for printing that Michael Whelan's mother may have contracted measles from a fan letter. Such a thing, he says, would be Impos sible. We merely quoted Dr. C. A. Seyfarth, of the Twentieth Cen-' tury-Fox studio, who, incidentally, still sticks to the opinion. Los Angeles board of health, however, thinks it would be very unlikely. Mrs. John M. Zipp, of Tona wanda, N. Y., sends list of 98 screen stars and wants their birth places. ' We must bow out, but ' studios would supply the informa tion. Photoplay magazine lists studio affiliations of the players. Fourteen still pictures from "The White Angel" are to be Included in a health textbook now being authored by Dr. John Guy Fowlkes, professor at the University of Wisconiiln, Film was a Kay Francis vehicle in which she portrayed Florence Nightingale. Chatter. . . . Adolphe Menjou refuses to belleva that "Ine Gold wyn Follies" are finally com. plcted and has taken out a $1,500 policy with Lloyds covering the ex penses of his eastern trip in case he is called back for re takes. Policy is In effect until after the Cor n e 1 1 - P ennsyl vanla f o o t- ball game on Thanksgiving day, which the star especially wants to attend. . . . Pauline Garon reports she is writing a novel about Hollywood. . . . Wendy Barrie is in Palm Springs and so is Rudy Vallee. . . . Can't understand the objections in some quarters that the Cantor banquet was a publicity stunt. Certainly it was, and a very clean one. Everybody bad a good time and nobody was charged for the dinner. ... Bill Fields is heading for Broadway as soon as he finishes "The Big Broadcast of 1938". . . . B. P. Schulberg is still dining Aileen Pringle at the Cafe Lamaze, . , . And Director Frank Lloyd is the latest Hollywoodite to take up racing in a serious way. He's bought 70 acres of land near Topango canyon and Is building a half-mile ucactiev track for his stable. Adolphe Menjou P A. THEATRE SK "LEADING MOVIE HOUSE IN ALL OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA" THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 Rex Beach's Famous Story The Barrier With All Star Cast ' FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 Hold 'Em Navy A swell football special on Naval Academy SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Two Fisted Sheriff with Chas. Starrett and Western Cast MONDAY and TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29-30 Navy Blue And Gold with Robert Young, and Lionel Barrymore WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 Night Club Scandal with John Barrymore and Lynn Overman THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 There Goes The Groom with Ann Sothern and B. Meridith ADMISSION 10c and 23c HERE and THERE By lliltl.i War Gnyu J Sometimes I think that anniver- saries . . . and annual days of deep significance ... in these busy lives j that most of us seem to live whether : its in the rush of city existence . . . . ' or the full routine that crowds the ; daily rounds of the small towns and the rural districts . . . serve as "spir- ltuai streams in the desert" . . . for ( it we have any appreciation of the liner things of life . . . we must pause ' and consider the moaning ot me day . . . which in most cases never I change in their sentiment . . . out with maturity comes a fuller value . . it we have grown during the preceed ; ing years ... SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28 Judge Priest A re-issue of Will Rogers' Great Picture Thanksgiving is here agatn . . no matter how we plan to spend the day . . . whether in the ex citement of a football game . . . m a noisy crowd . . . whether quietly at home with only fam ily or friends . . . or take a trip to get away from things . . . we should carry in our hearts the same spirit ... that of thank fulness ... it is queer how hu man it is to dwell . . . not on the countless blessings we have . . . but rather on the things we wish for . . . and for some reason or another we are unable to aquire .... for most of us have much to inspire gratitude . . . we have only to look about us . . to realize . . how much the common things of life . . . could mean . . , if we were denied them. . . . The siu'lteriing warmth of home . . sufficient clothing . . . food . . driends . . . family , . . these simple things . . . alter all hold most of the real joys ol life .... but only when forced to do without tlum do we understand their necessity to our peace of mind and happiness . . .. and yet the spirit of the occasion '.'must gi beyond mere gratitude. . . or the day will not be a true thanksgiyinig . . . we must give expression in terms of sharing with those less fortunate . , . so look about you ... your burden may be heavy , . . but there is always something we acn do lor others . .'.-'don't become e.. grossed in your good dinner . . that you have no thought of others . . depression or not . . . ''the poor ye have with you always . . . so forget Hot that .perhaps right under your eyes may be a cold and hungry child, . Mr. Guy Chambers, president of the soil conservation association of Haywood county ... is making a special appeal to our citizens to buy from our own farmers . . , as an example ... he insists that there is entirely too much mi Ik shipped into the county .... he believes . . not only in a "Trade at Home" campaign for each con munity . . . but also as a county wide project ... he claims there i no milk any better man that pro duced here in Haywood . . , buy your milk and dairy products in Haywood and keen the money in your county, is his advice to ev ery one. ... Briefs . . . .Now that the Ked Cross roll call . . . for HKJ7 . . is over . . . . get in line for the next worthy cause . . . Tuberculosis Christmas Seals . . . At the very delightful tea given on Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. K. L. Prevost . , . the thought came . . how lucky Mrs. Prevost was in her four daughters-in-law . . . Dorothy Lane Prevost, Wilda Crawford Prevost, Adora Hojtzclaw Provost, ami Patsy Hill Prevost . . . and then on the other hand how lortunate were her four daughters (as she calls them she never speaks of them as in-laws) were in having such a Mother-in-law . . . . How would you like to have been the younig teacher in the town ship schools W ho was asked . . . "Now you aren't really telling me the world is round ... it ain't so . . . Aly mama says the Bible tells about the four cor ners of the earth and that makes it tint" . . the young teacher drew two lines . . . one through the middle ol the other . . she named one end, .North . . . one South . . . then Kant and West . . . the child seemed ubout convinced . . . then she slowly made a circle about the directions . , . and doubt clouded his eyes . . . then he came back . . ..'"Someone told me last year that there wasn't no sky" ... . and the teacher responded . . .that was correct . . . it is only space . . '. and then With milch resentment the child said . . . ".Now 1 guess you'll lie telling, me there ain't no heaven" ... . t he lesson, period was up . . .1 rather imagine to the relief of the young teacher. ... AS HE SEES THE. HUMAN SIDE 0' LIFE in ii:-i i:n i: i v 'nil: ni: I never t iimti li tuiki v, fnllics- I li'.s til ii tn t"o rti-li fer me; A faslinn Inircl, b-' hi', an'' inni.l, .As in'oml as proud ea n. 'be'. Tli.'ihkvgivin' . J ay ? yes I i-.vs. The l'-s' whirl .can le fouir A liii;, fi.it hen well baki'd, y'si-r. ' 'With Ki'avy all iiroun'. I n the hen.'n mitre 'umble. . Nor. she aim so perlite; I!ut turkey "ain't more tender, . Hiz meat is not so white, O hoy! jist smell that Haver . Comin' throo the ub'iii dure! Hit whets a feller's al'PJtlte Till he's jearnin' more an' rnote- Ter see that hen a-eomln' out. All brown, a.n' Kteaniln' ht; With dressin' fit fer enny king . An' gravy in the pot! Well, Mr. Editor, l ikon I'll haff to be nee-shiated into Foot ball in ordur to be in stile, caze ever man, boy, gal an' Sun-uv-a-gun in town is ta'kin' it . . . Whether they no ennything 'bout the game er not. I understan' thar was a lot o' bettin in town last Sat, Funny thing about this bet tin' bizness is, that if a guy wins he tells the worl', tut if he loozes noboddy is enny wi.ier. Howsumevtr, hits well anuff that this class o'loozers aint alius a belly-aiken 'bout their trubbles,; caze we've got too menny fokes gruntin' around already with ru matiz, Indigeschun & so foorth. Now, Uncle Abe yooce to no a fightin" game cock purty well well anuff to sumtimes vencher a bet; but he aint so well up on foot ball. Fact is I don't no nuff 'bout the game to no whitch side , is a-beatiri'. I churd, rooted, er what-chu call it down at Canton one day rite plum at the rong time an' the Waynesville fans lookt daggers at me "What-chu meen, Unkle Abe you aint fer the Black bares air ye?" axt a Waynesville guy. "No, I jist happend to be look in' off an' sorter got mixt up," so. I. But a iter, that I kep my mouth, shet, until I node the WuynosviUo crowd wu. yellin' then I follerd soot. So. I think I'll get coach Weath erby to give me a se-k tit lesson er 2 jist anufT to no when to yell for the Waynesvillt' Team. Then I'll prob'ly no as mutch 'bout the game as sum uv the funs 'round here. Well, I seed a good picktur t'other nite "Lost Horizon" hit wuz called. Got a hole lot out uv it, mutch as I ever got out o' the best uv sermjnts an' more than a feller wood ever git out o' theze . here 'Vangelisfick sermints so called, speshly uv the hop-skip an' jump kind. , "Call Me 'Vangelist" Thars sum places git whir theze '"Vangelists" can go 'round, hold their steem-roller meetin's, git a lot o'fokes keyed up to a hi pitch uv e-moshun an' git their munny That's mos'ly in the cot ton belts heer the foat-hills an' round the cotton mill towns. Ever whir theze fellers hold a "grate meetin' " they ginerly leeve kwite a few uv their pickturs in the hans uv the brothters an'" sisters what idolized 'em nioost, to be hung up in the livin!-room. Theze pickturs yoozly show . the "famus 'Vangelist,"; with hiz wife an' 2 er 3 kids, jist aiter he yooz ed the Hi-preshur method at Hol lertown an' sat the worl' on far, fer the 43rd time. He ecksplanes that he wuz utterly eck-zflusted at the time the picktur wuz took, caze he hadn't slop mutch in 15 nites prayin' an' worryin' so over the lost soles uv Hollertown. An' this re-mines me, Mr. Edi tur, uv a sertin yung '"Vangelist" who hell a meetin' in The Bewti ful 'bout 15 yrs; ago. Well, he fooled a lot o' folks, Unkle Abe bein' 1 o' them. He mopt uy here to the tune uv about $1600. An' he kontinude to mop up at Silvy, Bryson Sitty an' othtetr places . . ontil he got over into Jorgy, 'bout Clayton, whir he drapt hiz candy" er sump'in an' had to leeve town between suns (glory be!) No, hiz tent didn't fall down like it- dun here at Waynesville hit wuz the yung 'Vangelist hizself what had the fall! That wuz in the hey-day uv Steem-Roller 'Vangelism, 15 or 16 yrs. ago. As Unkle Abe thinks over that "grate Campane" today the only konsolashun he feels conies frum the fack that he didn't set the 'Vangelists picktur upon the mantil an' haff to soon take it down an' dump it in the gar bage can, like a few folks in Way nesville an' Hazclwood had to do. Yes, sir-ee, hits a strange ol" worl' plum dog-blastid an' urn strange! S'long, Unkle Abe. THE HOLIDAY SEASON APPROACHES . . . Be prepared, by having: all your wardrobe dry clean ed and pressed. . .this is just the beginning- of the sorial season, be well "pressed." CENTRAL CLEANERS MAIN STREET Phone 113 Go Modem ... It's Really Cheaper The progressive family (hat today is using electricity for refrigeration, for cooking, and for water heating- is not only enjoying the nianyfold advantages of these automatic home services, but they are actually saving money. They are living better, more com fortably, without the drudgery labor and worry that attend (he old metjiods they are actually IJVIN'ti I HOTTER for LESS. It costs the average family less per day than the cost of a single package of cigarettes City Light Dept. If You Plan To Build Eventually . . . Unless the prospect of building- is permanently clos ed to you, unless you have decided once and for all not to build, we invite you to consult with us regarding1 your building requirements. WE'RE PREPARED TO CONSTRUCT ANY TYPE OF IJUILDING YOUR NEEDS MAY CALL FOR ... FROM THE SMALLEST COTTAGE TO THE LARGEST RESIDENCE MR. FARMER It does not matter whether you're planning to build a new home, a new barn, a garage or. remodel -your . present ones, we would like to give you an estimate on your requirements. .There's no obligation on your :part. ,; Contracting work in residential buliding our spec ialty. We sell all kinds of building material everything in lumber. JERRY LINER, Owner Phone 263-J Lake Junaluska PRE THANKSGIVING TIIER GEORGE 7 Feting f C Limit 10 Yds. To A Customer MASSIE'S DEPT. ST0R CONTINUES THROUGH NOVEMBER Big Reductions On AH New FALL SUEDE SHOES $7;75 Vitality Shoes ....$3.99 $5. and $6 Shoes $2.98