.A various H. G the Bu Commii of weL WPt h mission directo) assistar of his? the ext' be avai ' Miss ton, D. of the Board ; be Iwt J 1 i II I III thefjie 8 .The .4p to the! cian, ters l Page 8 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Hospital News Mrs. Ed Walls, of Hazelwood, medi cal case, is resting fairly well. Miss Juanita Mills, operative case, is better. Mr. Rex Kevis, of Enka, operative case, is improving. Mr. Hobart Grasty, of Clyde, med ical case, is resting more comfortably. , Mrs. Holland Burgess, medical case, is better. Mrs. Herbert Warren, of Canton, medical case, is resting well. Mrs. Mitchell Caldwell, medical case, is better. Baby Tommy Miller, of Candler, medical case, is in a critical condition. Mrs. James. Sheffield, Jr., of Wood row, operative case, is improving. Miss Effie Piott, of Canton, opera tive case, is resting fairly well. Mr. Stephen Flemming, of Spring Creek, medical case, is better. Master Fred Hoyle, of Balsam, acci dent case, is resting fairly well. Master DeWitt Moore, of Fines Creek, operative case, is better. Miss Helen McNaull, of Canton, operative case, is improving. DISCHARGED Mrs. M. G. Stamey. Mrs. T. E. Morrow. Mr. T. E. Morrow. Mr. Frank Cogburn. Mrs. Howard Fisher. Mr. W. A. Wilson. Mr. A. D. Finey. Mrs. Walter Kathbone. Mrs. D. J. Noland. Mrs. W. W. Henson. Mrs. George McKowan. Miss Edna Stewart. Mr. Will Mann. Mr. Woodward Hill, Miss Blanche Owen. Mrs. Emanuel RattiDone. His. Hobart White. METHODIST CHURCH The regular services will be held Sunday with the pastor preaching. The sermon subject at the morning hour will be: "The Transforming Power of the Christian Faith," and in the evening, "The Safeguard oi Responsibility." "Grace Church in the Mountains" EPISCOPAL Rev. Albert New, Rector. Advent Sunday, November 28th. 10 A. M. Church school. 11 A. M. The Holy Communion and sermon on: "Advent." Everybody cordially invited. WAYNEVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Dr. Robert P. Walker, Minister. . First Sunday in Advent. Morning In sermon and song during this sea son, we think of that even when there was born in Bethlehem of Ju dea a Savior who is Christ the Lord and of that other event when He shall come again whose right it is to reign, and all nation's tribes and tongues shall proclaim Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Bible school at 9:45. Sermon at 11. Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. At this service the young people will give a play of interest to old and young alike. Let everybody attend this service. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Graham Beasley, of Clyde, announce the birth of a daugh ter on November the 11th. N OTE S From HAYWOOD Chapters F.F.A. Edited by A. I. McLean Rev. Howard V. Lane, Pastor. Firs Sunday in Advent. Morning mass at 11 a. m. Sermon, "Death" by the pastor. Benediction of the Bless ed Sacrament after the mass. Morning mass on Thanksgiving Day at 8 a. m. Instructions for the children on Saturday morning at 'J:.'i0. Morning mass in the American Le gion hall on Main street, Franklin at 8 a. m. Public lectures in the school audi torium at Maggie on Sunday after noon' at 2:;50 sharp. All are welcome. II A Z EL WOO I) PR ES 1 1 YT I : R I A N C II lit II The members of the Bethel 'chap ter of the Future Fanners of Amer ica were hosts to their dads at their fourth annual father and son banquet, which was held in the high school gymnasium Friday evening, Novem ber 1!). There were ninety-two lath ers, sons and guests present. James G. K. McClure, Jr., made the principal address. His talk was made principally to the boys, in which he told them of their opportunities and responsibilities as young farmers He commended the boys for having such fine fathers and for living in one of the most fertile valleys of the mountain section, if hot of North Carolina. Mr. McClure also spoke about the importance of developing good character. A turkey dinner with all the "fixin's" was . prepared and served by Miss Mary Emma Ferguson and her second and third year home eco nomics classes. After the invocation by Rev. Thorn as Erwin, pastor of Bethel Baptist church, the opening ceremony was given by the officers of the chapter. The boys sang the two FFA songs Burton Cathey gave the welcome ad dress. Earl Williams gave the re sponse. Fred Francis gave the F'F'A creed. Short talks were made by the fol lowing guests: Jack Messer, county superintendent; County Agent Smith wick and assistant County Agent Mitchner; J. E. Barr, head of the Land O' The Sky Mutual Canning As sociation; V. A. Browning, educa tional advisor of the Farmers Fed eration; and agricultural teachers, O'Brien, of Fines Creek and Fitz gerald, of Clyde, and W. D. Smith, of Waynesville. Lenoir York, president of the lo cal chapter, acted as toastmaster. Other officers of the chapter are: Vice president, Burton Cathey; secre- jtary, Jay Trull; treasurer, Robert Justice; reporter, Verdon Singleton, and I. A. McLam, advisor. We were distressed at the misfor tune suffered by the Waynesville Mountaineer and hope everything will be in order again at an early date. The church column has been a help to all churches and this news always makes good reading. Our church has just had a week of visitation evangelism and several persons united with the church as a result of our people following Jesus' method of carrying the gospel mes sage into the homes. Eleven persons have united with our church since fall activities got under way. At tendance vas normal on Sunday de spite the cold weather. Our church a anvajs conuorxaDie even m zero weather and no one need fear being uncomfortable in church on Sundays. The men of the church had their annual squirrel supper in connection with the November program. Nine teen men were present and we were glad to have as our guest Rev. Frank Lcatherwood, moderator of the Bap- NOTICIT GET UP NIGHTS? Flush yidneys as you would the bofwels. Make this 25c test. Use juniper oil, buchu leaves, etc., made into green tablets. Help nature eli minate waste and excess acids which may cause getting up nights, frequent desire, scanty flow; burning or back ache. Just say Bukets (25c) to any druggist Locally at The Waynesville Pharmacy. . (adv) north carolina, haywood county. in the superior court Haywood county vs. I. S. SMATHERS and wife. O. A. SMATHERS, SARAlt JANE SMATH ERS, JOHN SMATHERS, MARIETTA SMATHERS, DELIA SMATHERS, GURDIE SMATHERS, ELLA SMATH ERS, JOHN SMATHERS, EDWARD SMATHERS and LEE SMATHERS. The defendants above named, other than thoee who have been personally served with summons, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Haywood County, North Carolina, for the collection of taxes heretofore levied by the plaintiff against proper ty situate in Waynesville Township, Haywood County, North Carolina, and more articularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a poplar at Welch's and McCIure's line 12 or 15 poles above railroad and runs S. 58 W. 58 P. to a mountain oak at a branch above said railroad; thence S. 35 E. 27 P. to a dogwood on bank of branch ; thence up main cnannei or said branch 84 P. to a spruce pine on top of a shoal of said branch; thence N. 40 E, 70 to Welch's line and stake corner; thence with his line N. 36 E. 26 P. to a stake in branch: thence down the branch 31) W. 24 V& P. to a beach in said tract; thence N. 57 W, 30 P. leaving branch and run ning to top of knoll at Red Bank to mountain oak; thence N. 43 1-4 W. 36 P. to BEGINNING. EXCEPT that portion of said tract heretofore sold to I. S. Smathers fully described in deed to him to which reference Is hereby made for more particular description. Said defendants will further take notice .that they are required to ap pear at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County in the Courthouse in Waynesville on the 20th day of December, 1937 and ans wer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to .the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. " This the 15th day of November, KATE WILLIAMSON, Asst. Clerk Superior Court. NO. 678 Nov. 25. Dec. 2-9-16. tist Association of Haywood county. Mr. J. E. Lancaster, an outstanding Presbyterian layman, will conduct the morning service next Sunday. Mr. Lancaster is residing on Brown Av enue in Hazelwood and is connected with the Preston Novelty Co. Mr. Lancaster was formerly superintend ent of the Maxwell Farm School at Franklin and prior to that was a Sunday school extension worker in Asheville Presbytery. There will be a young people's rally at their meeting on Sunday night and a special service at the evening worship hour. Dec. 12 will be ob served as Universal Bible Sunday and Dec. 19, the Sunday proceeding Christ mas is Life Dedication day. Our church stands as "The Church of the Open Door" to welcome and bless all who come. O. C. LANDKUM, Pastor. MARRIAGES (As Recorded to Monday Noon of this Week) Max Randolph, of Asheville to Odella Downs, of Clyde. Richard Jones to Martha Caldwell, both of Waynesville. Gilmer C'aKle to Mairgie Ratnbone, both of Waynesille. Frank R. Meuwe, to Lethia Worley, beptn of Canton. Siney Warren, of Canton to Ks:elle Robertson, of Balfour. U'inton Caddy, to Myrtle L. Cald well both of Walne.sville. Gilmer Massie, to Eva Corner, both of Rome 1 Waynesville. John Henry Whitmire, to Yallie Coleman, both of Canton. Manson Carver, to Lueile Arrinfr nn, both of Waynesville, Jarn-s Goodson. to Edith Hampton, both of Waynesville. James Sharp to Alma Elizabeth fiunan, both of Canton. Earns $1,900 Weekly; Gets To Spend Only $1 THURSDAY. NftVFiUDr . "iUUtK 25. !) Bhulomew J In Hollywood, where actors' sala ries sometimes run in six figures, the sum of $1,100 a week is not re garded as big pay. Until last week that was the salary of Freddie Bar tholomew, 13-vear-old screen star. Miss Millicent Barthomoimew, the boy's aunt and guardian, took him out of pictures last summer, seeking a pay increase. She maintained his income was insufficient for him to live on after taxes, agents' fees and an allowance for his parents had been deducted. "Everybody has been after his money," Miss clared. Last week, however, the and the Bartholomew, , stud contract and Freddie wii, m M in which nrivota .11 wc allowance is lowed. Freddie said, "I an, t a ccr. pucitei monev myself." The judse ', "That probably is the be? of them all." ,1 Comment. 1 1 contnJ WANTED FORE.MA.N-iuNv.F for beef cattle and itpp;(.'J,4 in Buncombe county. iu" non-drinker, and a hu-ti, u l,r .tnt - in 1 onic age, experii-n. an, j inree reierences. .larn. - McClure, Fairview, X. c. (j. .V.,' Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted 127 3Ialn St. Consult DR. R. KING HARPE OPTOMETRIST WeUs Bldg. For Appointment Telephone 20 1 Canton, X. c. IS Thursday! Friday . ai 1 mi 1 : i inursaay -ft- ft. -ft VftHJ Saturday SALE en 17 nnn ADC Satiirdav , . "rf-"- " if .-on aie one of the lucky im-isohs whose name apiteai's m uus uuvfruseiiuiu, jimi, L-l.i.-rrvr nt k T T1 .... ' . ,. i.! i i ..... i.,.l.. I (OHIO ill W illi I'l im inv 01 nn-iiuiu auun nuu fti - nw-uii fiVP IT YV1( nOT.T.Al? SLrMm -v.. 1. 1 .i- voi' ii-t r'M.i, ni'i!iv THIS NALK. .Nuines arc nicked at random from the Waynesville Trade Area ami Mattered uiroiiKH VI. iook tare fully; also notice the big savings 011 Druffs. Toil I'ti'les. Home and Fam ily ileitis at SMITH'S SMITH'S PRIGS ARE THE LOWEST IN THE COUNTY $1.25 Mickey Mouse WRIST WATCH $2.79 Joe Compton (None Sold To Dealers Quantity Rights Reserved) $1.30 Alarm Clock Year Guarantee 79c Austin Jiuniei 30c Glycerin Pound Bo 25c Phillips Suppositories 17c Chocolate Cherries . . 25c Tooth Paste . 16c iHHMMcliftftWaMiHftWHIIIiiMHaniM MHHMa pjftpgiftftBftMiMMftM 35c Groves Laxative Pound Box Chocolate 50c Tooth Paste Bromo-Quinine 21c Mint Patties 25c Kolynos 29c $2.00 Large Miss Edna McKay 3-Pound Box Candies Tooth Paste S. S, S. Tonic . . . . . .$1.67 Queen Anne . . ... . .$1,49 Pepsodent 19c $1.25 Bottle 100 1-2 Lb. Old Fashioned 25c, J. R. Grasty Caroid&Bile Salts ...89c Horehound Drops ....10c Barbasol 18c 50c Mrs. Garretie Howell 1 lb. Jar Assorted Package 5 Vicks Nose Drops ...29c Hard Candy 29c Segal Blades 10c Slinical tests jpl rove relief illl 3-oz. . .23 from Itching, 7-oz. ..39 turnfrMr eraln J! 10 OZ. . , 59 rrrar i n rirnrrra DEFINITE RELIEF OR MONEY BACK THE WIIXiARD TREATMENT baa brought prompt, definite relic.f in thousands of cases of Stomach ami Ouodanal Ulcan, due to Hypw acid ity, and other forms of Stomach Dis tress due to Excess Acid. SOLO ON It DAYS TRIAL. For complete In formation, read "WUIard'a Manas of RtM." Ask for It Iras L SMITH'S DRUG STORE Remedies 25c B-C or STANBACK 14c IO. lrs. Wnltor Ma.ssip MUSTEROLE 24c J5o, J. V. ;roon VICKS VAPORUB . ... . 23c $1.00 Kxt. V. 1A O. VVAMPOLES 69c '." For IMIos PAZO .. . . . . ........... 49c IMnt Kqulbli MINERAL OIL . . ...... . 59c 30c l)r. Miles ALKA-SELTZER . . . . . . . 24c BOc California FIG SYRUP .......... .. 39c $1.25. Mrs. S. U Moody ABSORBINE, JR. . . . . . , . 89c Toilet rie "." WjpHi's SAGE & SULPHUR .. . h:u F. A. Justice GLOVERS MANGE ... SI. 00 I lair Tonic WLIDROOT $1.00 For niacklieads CALONITE .......... BOc. Mrs. W. M. Mctlfonl ITALIAN BALM ..... . 50c Hinds Honey and ALMOND CREAM .... $1.00. E. Z. McClure DRENE SHAMPOO . . . $1.00 Parkers HAIR BALSAM ...... B5c AH Tyies PONDS CREAMS s . . 49c . . 54c . .69c . .69c ..39c ..32c ..79c ..79c ..33c ASK FOR CERTAIN SAFE Mod ess aj Dozen . . 53c 1 !.. . 19c B Dozen ..... ... SI Mrs. F. T. Tranr. ALL oc Chewing Gum and Candy 3 IOC CIGARETTES jiilVtlil IEjO 2 r Carton tf if LEADING BRANDS ForZrjC of 200 .... . J1.1J) Smoking Tobacco PRINCE ALBERT t 15c -I Pound t Tins 1UC Tins 0"C Chewing Tobacco All 5C M Brands 4C 'All 10c Brands . .3 for 25c Pint Rubbing Alcohol 2 1 25c Baby Foods 5c Milk BABY BRAND v. 50c. Tom Glland PABLUM Baby Fowls CLAPPS 50c. A. Ij. Bramlet OVALTINE . . $1.20 Pound S. M. A. . . . $1.25 Meads RECOLAC ..24 c ..34c ...7c ,.29c ,.89c ,.89c ttffS. nall jars. . CI Gives oulnk ftOAtkl r:ri' - rnai causes. r" 7 , uiimuuus i rom external cauapa ' mm-Lj:::ra, iimito nme offer lasts. TRADE at SMITH'S and SAE You Are Always Welcome At SmitlV Laxatives $1.20 Dr. Caldivell SYRUP PEPSIN ... 25c Mrs. .Tim Kaatcliff EX-LAX 95c. J. B. Hill FEEN-A-MINT $1.00 Pint HALEY'S M-0 . . . 25c Uver Pills .CARTERS ...... 25c, G. W. Wright TASTY-LAX ....7!e ,...l7c .19c ....l.'c ....loC S

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