The w AYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Along the POLITICAL FRONTS Penublicans occupied the center of Ae political stage during the past j. r'rom one wing entered form f Governor Alt' M. Landon, who got jloail uff his chest while in Washing . ast week, when he made a defi- " . U U ..1.1 i. nitt statement wiai ne wuuiu jiul ac- residential nomination it ,.rt tne l" jfti-ed to him by the convention. J.' rum the other wing, North Caro-jjjuj-g Charles A. Jonas, of Lincolnton, japped forth, and made a bitter at tack on the national GUP leaders, by charging tnat tne national leaders ta(j -sac ririced party growth in the south in exchange lor 'controlled' Kilts in the committee at the conven tions." Hardly had Mr. Landon settled down j his hotel room in Washington be fore President Koosevelt had invited him to visit the White House the next afternoon. Mr. Landon said in his interview: I have not had any intention of be ing a candidate in 1940 and in order that my position may be perfectly clear, 1 will not accept the nomination in the remote contingency that the Republican national convention should utter it to me" All the while that Mr. Landon was making his statements in Washington, Mr. Jonas was "raking national GOP leaders over the coals." He said in part, "the party organiation should be revitalized and nationalized, but let the rebuilding begin where the dry rot started." Continuing, he remarked: "Partic ularly successful efforts of respectable Republican leaders in the south re cruited by hundred of thousands of former Democrats in recent years to 'purge' the party leadership in thes,e rotten boroughs of the deep south have met constant opposition by east ern members of the committee." Last Saturday Governor Clyde K. Hoey celebrated his 60th birthday. The Tar Heel governor was bom in Shelby, in 1877. He started to work when he was 13, and when only seven teen, he bought a newspaper, which he published and edited until 1908. In the meantime he had studied law, and passed the bar examination. At about the same time he married Miss Bes sie Gardner, sister of O. Max Gardner. The Governor is taking his job seriously, and is doing a lot of trav eling over the state, according to re ports' from Kaleigh, which said that he had traveled over 17,000 miles in the official car to date most of it within this state. President Koosevelt continued to improve: after his infected gum was (riven adequate treatment in the White House. Alter the visits of Air. Lan don to the White House, the, former Kansas Governor said: "I was glad to see the President looking so well. He told me about his tooth and we also talked about bandages and how they were made under the NRA code. The President thought I had the best of its not having his job." . Vice President John Garner recent killed a deer "Bessie" in Penn sylvania, and invited 24 members ol 'he Senate to a venison dinner. The President did not receive an invitation, so he wrote the following letter to the vice president; "Dear Jack: "I have read in the papers that to night you and 24 members of the Senate are attending the funeral of my old friend Bessie. . . "It makes me feel so shaky when 1 think of her untimely demise that 1 do not think that I could attend the funeral service tonight even if I had been invited. . . Little disturbed was the President K Representative Clare E. Hoffman's caustic, "These presidential vacations are getting to be something of a habit times of trouble. . , He acts some thing like a small boy around the fourth of July. He sets the match to the fire cracker and then runs away." Little chance will Mr. Roosevelt hav e to dodge the festivities arrang- n for the White House Christmas! Dances, dinners, and a house filled ith his children's children will send "ubbling laughter through the man sum more accustomed to the grave tones of Administrative aids, the auve tones of gold-braided diplo ma:s. the heckling tones of an inquis itive, press. Mk- E. . McCLI RE IMPROVING - "c tunuiiion oi iir. ri. -. iv tiure, who has been confined to his ""me for the past four weeks, is re ported to be imrjroviner this week. However, Mr. McClure is not expect- lcu w be out until after Christmas Published In The County Seat of Haywood County FIFTY-THIRD YEAR NO. 49 Farmers Paid $14,000 Monthly' For Fluid Milk Greater Production Needed By Pet Dairy Products Company In Order To Mett Demands Last month, 232 Haywood tanners were paid .$14,000 for tluid milk Used by the Waynesville plant of the Pel Dairy Products Company, according to Y. K. Woodalf, manager, A shortage of grade "A" milk in the Piedmont section of the state re sulted in an inspection being made here of health officers from that sec tion, and they found dairies here in A-l condition, and milk is now being shipped to eastern points in this state. There is no surplus milk in Haywood county. The unlimited markets are taking all that is produced, Mr. V.'ooa all said. He also said that he could use 500 more gallons right now. Besides the vast increase in the amount of fluid milk, the local plant will make about 1:12,000 pounds ot butter for 1937. $4,895 Paid Out On Civil War Pen sions This Week Veterans And Widows Of Vete rans Of War Iletween States 'Receive Semi-Annual Checks According to W. G. Byors, clerk of the court, who handles the' checks of the veterans and their wives of the War Between the States, " 4,85" was paid on Wednesday to these survivors of that historic period. The veteran roll now has only six names, as follows: AUien noweii, living in Los Angeles, Cal., A. L. Mas- sie, Daniel Levi Mathis, K. L. Under wood, of Asheville, J M. Wood, and J. B. Wyatt. Each veteran received a check for $182.50, his semi-annual gift from the state. The widows, four of whom are on the "B" list receive $50, semi-annually and the nmaining 'twenty-five are in class "A" and receive $150 twice each year. The widows in the first class are: Mrs. Addie Mehaticy, Mrs. .1. W. Blanton, Mrs. E., L Boyd, and Mrs. Mary MeFaydc n. In the second class are, Mrs. Artie R. Arlington, Mrs. M. L. Birchfield, Mis. Susie C. Bui'gin, Mrs. Klla Muse, Mrs. Susan Pless, Mrs. Mattie Plott, Mrs. Jane Robinson, Mrs. Jessie P. Rogers, Mrs. Louica J. Scott, Mrs. Margaret Smathers, Mrs. Merritt Trantham, Mrs. Sallie Trull, Mrs. Martha White. Mrs. Barthaney Cabe, Mrs. S. C. Chambers, Mrs. Cordelia Clark, Mrs. Rachel J. Clark. Mrs. Amanda Cook, Mrs. Laura Curtis, Mrs. M. C. Hoglen, Mrs. L. Y. Jollv. Mrs. Mattie Little- field, Mrs. C. E. Mann, and Mrs. N. V. Mills. I. A. McLain Is Named As County Grange Deputy Hoi-v r r'idwell. Master of North Carolina State Grange, has just an nounced the appointment of I. A. Mc Lain, Master of the Pigeon Valley Grange and teacher of vocational ag riculture in the Bethel high school, county deputy for Haywood. Mr. McLain along with thirty other county deputies--will '.attend a State Grange conference ior aepunea ... Greensboro, December 28, 29 and 30th. The purpose of this meeting is io the county Grange i . - . leaders in grange work and their du ties as county deputies. Herman Frick, State Deputy of the xww. fnrniina Granire. completed the organization, and installation ol officers Tuesday nigm., uk,l .. The members of the grange decided to hold their meetings on the first and third Monday evening of each month. The hour of the meetings was ,.i,n.H from iseven-thirty to seven o'clock. The grange will not meet next Monday evening uue to that some of the officers will be away for the Christmas holidays. The local grange has thirty-seven charter mem bers.. ...... Mr. and Mrs; Ned Moody and family- left on Monday for Bradenton, Florida., where they will spend the next three months with relatives. Mr and .Mrs. James M. Long had as their guests at the Waynesville Coun try Club during the past week, the latters sister. Mrs. R. R. Weaver, of Delmar, Md. Summer School Head Kit. It. X. (iAHHKH Dr. R. N. Garber To Head Duke Summer School Duke University To Allot $2,300 ; If Haywood Will Supplement With $200 i The board of trustees of the Juna luska .Summer School, Inc., which is affiliated with Duke University, hold a meeting on Saturday in the office ol Jack Messer, county superintendent of education. In the absence of Dr. V. W. Few, chairman, J. K. Boyd was elected to serve. Dr. R. N. Garber was elected as di rector for the fourth term. James Atkins, J. K. Boyd arid Dr. Garber were elected to serve as the executive committee for the li'MS session. The county commissioners will again be asked to contribute $200 to the school. James Atkins, Jack Messer, and J.R. Boyd were appointed to make the request. In his annual report, Dr. Garber made a comparison of the statistics of the session of 1HH7 with those ol l'.tliti, showing an increase on enroll ment of twelve students, but, one less from Haywood county Hetitd that the authorities of Duke Univer sity would again make up the sum ol $2,:i00 for the summer school, provided Haywood county would make the usu al teacher-training appropriation oi $200. ; He also pledged the support of the Hoard of Missions of the Methodis-l Episcopal "church, and the Hoard ot Christian Education, which have been furnishing gratis the services of two valuable faculty members. He pre sented a tentative budget for tile session. The following make Up the Junalus ka Summer school board, a number ) whom were absent at tne. meeting on Saturday: Chas. E. Jordan, Dr.. Paul N. Garber, F. S. Aldridge, Holland Ho'lter, A. M; Proctor, 11. E. Silence, Henry R. Dwire, R. L. Flowers, Hugh J. Sloan, Dr. W. C. Johnson, Fred L. Safrord, Mrs. Ed Branson, G. C. Plott, J. R. Boyd, Mrs. Carl Medford, James Atkins, and Jack" Messer. CANDLE LIGHT SERVICE AT METHODIST SUNDAY At the candle light service, which will be held at 5 clock n Sunday afternoon at the First Methodist church, a pageant, "The Nativity," will be presented under the direction of Mrs. J. Dale Stentz. The pageant will depict the Madonna and the child, with the wise men, and be featured by many Christmas Carols. The public is ivited to attend. Varied And Interesting Articles Found In Today's Mountaineer Todays paper has so many dis tinctive articles, that special at tention is being called to them. First, two townships of the county have long articles about them. Iron Duff, and a history of their people, is discussed by a former citizen of the township. About Fines Creek, an article dealing with early history, cen tering around the War Between the States is discussed by Miss Mildred Rogers. In was Mrs. local "Here and There" a survey made and reported on by T. L. Gwyn, on what the market manufactures for Christmas gifts. Of couse, it was no more than could be expected after the re cent cold weather, than for Uncle Abe to tell of his experiences with frozen water pipes. (Some phrases were struck out by the editor so the article is safe for all the family to read.) At 77ie Eastern Entrance WAYNESVILLE, X. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1937 Two Papers Will ! 15e rublished tor Christmas Week The regular edition of The .Mountaineer will go to press next week on Tuesday afternoon. The deadline for all copy will be noon Iuesday. A special Christmas edition will be published on Thursday af ternoon. This special edition will go into the mails Thursday night, and ull subscribers will get then copies on Friday. The special Christmas issue will be in colors-front and back pages, lied and green ink will be used in outlining holiday fea tures. Greetings from individ uals and firms will be used exten sively in the issue, Several spe cial Christmas articles are being prepared for the Friday issue.. All copy for this edition will have to be in the otlice by noon Thurs day. The regular paper will be pub lished the week after Christmas as usual. Second Community Sing To Be Staged On Sunday Night Repetition Of Last Year's Pro gram Will lie Stajred At Park Theatre A community sing will be staged at the Park Theatre, by courtesy ol the manager, J, E. Massie, on Sun day evening the 10th, at 7:15 o'clock. J. Dale Stent will direct the sing ing and Mrs, Stentz will be the ac companist. This feature of the Christmas fes tivities, is being sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and the Wo man's club. Thr public is invited to ttttend and join this song service, which will last not more than an hour. District Schools Close Friday For 2-Weeks Holiday Srhool Officials Not Sponsoring Any Social Activities, Says Howies M. II. Bowles, MlieniitelVilri;t ot the Waynesville district schools, an nounces that the Christmas -vacations will begin tomorrow afternoon, Fri day the 17th, for all the schools in the district, with the reopening .-date set for January tile Mid Mr. Howies also stated that he wish ed it understood that the school offi cials were not sponsoring any social festivities whatsoever during the hol iday season, or at any other time, for the students of the whool, as had re cently been reported. Mars Hill Students Coming For Holidays Clarence Hyatt, '. K. Leatherwood, J. K. Leatherwood, and V. C. Nobeck, Jr., all of Waynesville, Mark Jones, of Canton, and J. W'. Teague, of Cove Creek, will return from Mars Hill college on Friday, December 17, for the Christmas holidays. They will return for the reopening of the ses sion January 3. Mr. Carleton K. Wcatherby will leave tomorrow for Kaison, where he will spend a week with his mother. In another discussion of the weather, Harry M. Hall has an enthusiastic article on the use of the barometer. On the grocery page, a wide variety, of local recipes are being published. These have been ar ranged and tested by Waynesville housewives. If you are interested in something good, yet different, turn to the grocery page and look over the recipes. The usual features, such as the hospital news, official weather re port, real estate transfers, cov erage of local sports, are all in their usual places this week. Next week, a similar array of interesting articles and news fea tures will be found in The Moun taineer. Besides all these features, the advertisements in today's paper, as always, carry real news. Look them over" carefully and from them make our your Christmas shopping list. of The Great Smokv Mountains National Park Eagle Scout f HI X t'OI.KITT, '. Ben Colkitt, Jr., Promoted To Eairle Scout On Tuesday 3:1 Haywood Scouts Receive Pro motions From Court Of Honor The most impressive court of honor ever held locally was .that, of Tues day night in the-court' room of the court house on the occasion of the pro motion of Beii Colkitt, Jr., to the rank of "Eagle Scout, the first tune this honor has been conferred on a Waynesville bfy, and the second one in llu. wpud county. . - William presided. Medford, county chairman, He was assisted by Scout Muster A. W. Allen, of Asheville, w ho presented the tenderfoot. -proino- t ions; m. t '.hambers,. .of Hazclwood, ; who promoted the second elass group; It. K. I .awi eiiee, of Canton, in charge) of the first class pi oniot ions ; Mr.) Fairbiot her, of ' Canton,' w ho awarded'' the Star Scout;-ami .). ('. Hrown, local scoutmaster., who in eliaigej of the promotion --o! .Leu Culkitt, to Kagle Scout. . i Thirty-tl.,1 ee m-.jii.v ol "the Hay vvo'id district received prniaotMH;.. and nii i it l badges. I ..Those wIk'i were piomoled to tenderfoot are: Haywood I'lott, Way nesville Troop V,; Kugc-ne (i'rogati. Can tun 'Troop; Alex Hickman, "Canton 'Troop 7; Thonuis - Kirkpat rick, Can ton Troop 4; Carl Painter, Jr., Canton, Troop 4; I'lffllip Moore, llazelwood Troop fi; William Crawford, Hazel wood Troup 5; Leslie Moody, Waynus villc Troop 2; Ralph Ohildcrs, ('anton Troop 4; Alden Hall, Waynesville Troop .'i; Frederick Vaughn, Waymt ville Troop 3; Charles llart.sill, Hazel wood Troop 6. Second Class: Raymond Henry, Ha zelwood Troop 7; Albert Anderson, Canton Troop 7; Neil ..Coble, Canton Troop 7; Kdgar Sheppard, Canton Troop 7; William Hammond, Canton Troop i; Alvin McKinnish, Canton Tioop 7; Logan White, Canton Troop 7; Wallace Caddis, Canton Troop7; and Billie Harrison, Canton Troop 7. First Class: Fred Taimer, Waynes ville Troop 2. Merit Badges: Carroll Powell, Can ton Troop 1; Jimmie Deas, Canton Troop 1 ; Billy Haliburton, Canton Troop 1; Joe Tate, Jr Waynesville Troop 2;Kenneth I'almer, Waynes ville Troop 2; Bobbie Lee, Waynesville Troop 2; Joe V. Davis, Waynesville Troop 2; John Ahlin, Canton Troop 7; James Hall, Canton Troop 1; T. S. Grogan, Canton Troop 1. Star: Edward McKone, Waynesville Troop 2; Billy Haliburton, Canton Troop l. and Bobby Colkitt, Waynes ville Troop 2. : .- - Ben Colkitt, Jr., Kagle Scout, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bon Colkitt, re ceiving the highest award made by the Boy Scouts of A merka, is 1 years old and has been a member of the Waynesville Troop for five years. During this time he has served In several leadership positions in his troop. He is now junior assistant scoutmaster. For the past three years he has atended tahe summt r ses- sim ot i amn Lianiei noone. ior i.ov Scouts. IURTH ANNOI NCKMENT Mr. and Mrs. Launston Hardin, Jr., announce the birth of a daughter, Anne Lancaster Hardin, on Friday, December the 10th, at the Waynes ville1 Sanatorium. 19 i 1 I $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Sunburst CCC Camp To Be De mobilized Soon 18.) .Men Will lie Moved To Other Camps, This Was One Of 1.11 Camps Discontinued I he C t (. camp at Sunburst was one of the 13 1 camps in the country or- dcrod to be deinobili7.ed as of Decern - ber Hi. Lieutenant Louis U. Magid, Jr., commanding officer of the camp, said yesterday that he had not received orders as to where the'-1 Kit men now in the Sunburst camp would be sent. He expected to get orders this week regarding the replacement of the men. The Sunburst camp built some two and a half years ago. The men have built 7 miles of road towards the top of Tennessee Bald through Beech Gap, Five miles of the road are complete, and 2 miles practically complete. There remain two miles to the top of the mountain. The men from the Uosman camp have built about ti miles (in the olhtr side of t he mountain. Besides the road wink, the men have spent considerable time in timber work, placing tish in streams, and work in wildlife conservation. The buildings will not be torn down, yet there is little liklihood that the camp will be reoccupled. Lieutenant' Magid has been com manding officer lor the past year. Hardin bays Con gress Will Do As President Wants Sccretar y Of Congressman Weaver Is Rounding Out 20 Years Of Secretarial Service W. L. Hardin, veteran .secretary, in the office of Congressman Zebu Ion Weaver, in Washington, arrived in i town on Sunday . aiidL WU remain here ' ... 'i :i '.l.. r.-.-i .r . i i ... until the first of January when he will return to his post in the capital. Mr. Hardin is rounding out his twentieth year in his capacity as sec retary, a nd is one of the best known ollice men in the national capital. Mr. Hardin, when asked about What Congress would do intimated, "just what, the .President wants dor.,-, with ;i few variations in the original bills." When Mr. Hardin returns he will be accompanied'' by Mrs. Hardin who will remain w'ith him ''until the session closes. Mercury Climbs To Spring-Like Temperatures The mercury climbed from - the above zero last Saturday, to a spring like temperatures on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, with a minimum on Wednesday of 38. The mean average for the week was set at . '18 by Harry M. Hall, official weather observer. The complete report' for the week is as follows: Dec. Max. Mm. Free. 9 .'15 14 0 01 U snow 10 2i ti ll 27 a 12 :io 10 VI 42 21 14 mi .. a; 15 :o .' 38 Mean.'-maximum : . .38 Mean : minimum 17 Mean for the week . .: ........28 Lowest for week , : Highest for week ... 60 Snowfall in inches .... . , V inch Precipitation for week v0.0l . 1936 51 28 38 15 (50 . .0.35 55.01 ... 4!.23 Same Period Last Yi I Mean maximum : Mean miniumum . . . .. . . ... . .. Mean for wek . Lowest for week . ... .... ... . Highest for week Precipitation for week . Total 11)30 Pr.c. to Dec. IS ... Total 1937 Prec. to DeC. 15 Deficiency for ...1137- from 1930 8.78 MASSIE NAMED DIUECTOH OF THEATRE ASSOCIATION J. F. .Massie wa, unanimously elect ed as a director of the Theatre Ow ti ters Association." .of . Aoi tfi anil , fcou la ! Carolina - at fhe-r annual eonfereiice ! in Southern Pines. .. f Mr. Ma?-sie owns the Park Theatre ' here and the Lync in Syiva. He will j also operate the new theatre which is now undt r construction next to the i First National Bank here. . ' i; ...... . .A."