(gCRSDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1937 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Page S Iron Duff Township Is The Home Or A Remark' able Group Of People . a ftiaraMoristire Their n"J nd Fecuuanircs um Former Citizen Youth Wins Race With Death A (BEFORE (By W C. Medford..) on puff township emDiaces that strin of hillv territory uT.h lies generally speaking, between Nathan's Creek township on the st.parated from Crabtree by 1.0 river iron uuu - te ' .. . ..,t.h, kovini t of LraDiree wiiiji P8'1 . a . it in 1K79 Look at in tormeu ----- f Havwood county and you i map " . . ill gee tnat mis iui"if vur.v , antral location; the geographical .enter It IS DeiJfTcu ujr pv.nv, . Lause of this an effort, was made me tiftv years ago to get the court Imus- located at 8 point in the upper r northern end of Iron Duff, The township gets its name from Aaron McUun,. ..oimv wttler;; but now we only have the -Purl" part left to perpetuate the name of this quaint old Scotchman . . . ' d aat is often erroneously written small "d." This all came ,bout beau of the fact that when application was made for a post ol i'e there, asking that the name be Aaron McDuff, the authorities at Washington had the name put in the directory as "Iron Duff" for some reason or other, and it has never been changed. It is said that McDuff made him Isef a log canoe on the banks of Pigeon nve somewhere about Clyde; then after launching his canoe put all his belongings in it and pushed down the river. He stopped his canoe and got out some where between the Downs branch and the Ueorge Kincher place, lie built himself a cabin about two miles westward near the eastern slope of Coleman moun ;n nr. what is now Mrs. Ella Davis's farm. Here he lived for awhile, later removing and settling on the Downs branch, what is now known as the Bud Downs place. Closely following McDuff came Tby Davis and J ace b Kyle. Davis, who lived near where E. D. Medford now lives, was one of the first re cruitinc officers of Haywood county muster militia for the Civil War Old citizens of the community used to like to tell how Uncle" Toby sold off the greater part of his land and bought himself a suit of clothes, high hat and a new gun to add dignity to his office of "Colonel."' Then there was Daniel Dotson, a bound boy of Jacob Kyle's, Dotson later becoming a lars'-e hind owner because if this connection. ' Later came Andrew Ferguson, John D. Howell, Kiley Medford, Jas. Mc Elroy, Jake Dotson, Kiley Ferguson, Jas. Crawford, Frank Davis, Samuel Chambers and Jas. Murray, most of whom have grandchildren or great prandchildren living in the township. though the cow was perfectly well and hearty at the time of the sale, sne iook sick and: aied in about ten days. On hearing of his neighbor's misfortune the farm took him an other cow "Here's you another cow," he said, arid 1 won't have a cent in pay." When asked whv hp HiH thi r. markable thing, the man replied that he had other cows, while his neighbor i 11 . . i i , nau iosi me oniy cow ne naa. Some say there has been two judg ments taken vs. Iron Duff citizens within the last 25 years, some say one . . . but two or one, as the case may be, is a remarkably clean record. Deeds in trust and mortgages are seldom given, since the people are noted for their pay-as-you-go-disposition. LAW-ABIDING The township, of course, has not been without its criminals nor its crime, some of it of a very serious nature. But most of this crime dates back decades ago, and for the ast 30 or 35 years the community has been re markablye free from crime, excepting two or three comparativey snort periods. One capital case is on record. But so far as can be ascertained there has never been a homicide committed m Iron Duff township. yv'::. young "Bill" Roosevelt, son of Elliott Roosevelt by his first marriage. On December 30 the President and First Lady will entertain about 400 young people at a dance for their youngest son, John, and his fiance, Anne Clark, of Boston. Mr. and Mi?. Franklin D. Koose- velt, Jr., also will be present althougn they will spend Christmas day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ! Eugene du Font, near Wilmington, ' On the night before Christmas Mr. Roosevelt will read Dickens' "Christ mas Carol" in accordance with the family custom. Stockings will b opened in the President's bedroom Christmas morning. Blessed is the telephone girl, who never expects the subscribers to be polite. :- ::s;.i'if:i;ife?s::'ii::;-; HOSPITALITY J. S. Davis. S. T. Brvson. Alec. Massey. Jim Murray, Lebo Medford, Jim Dotson, my father and others used to say that they never turned a traveler asking food and shelter away from their door . . if they could pos- sitively keep him. While this record has probably not been maintained, in toto, by their children and grandchildren during the intervening years, the community is nevertheless, noted for its hospitality. stricken with Infantile pralysi whll at work at Steven Point, w AZ, iHrtroer 23 undergraduate football manager at Mar- -how Helmer, top. just before be was put In the Iron "( "" ST contorted with pain. and. below, hi. revived expression a. he reined a new lease on life. P FOR A (J I FT THAT WILL LAST, INVEST I IN SOMETHING FOR THE U I HOME... A ll We Buetrest French Doors, Hardwood J Enough for the history. The main purpose of this story is to tell of the characteristics of the Irim Duff people, the unique and dis tnctive place which the township occu pies, in the county if hot in the whole state, and to mention some of their Peculiarities. INDKI'ENDENCE Iron Duff is wholly a farming and Mock-raising community; there are approximately sixty farms, lew ol them very small and none very large. The tenant farmers ot the towns-hip tan be counted on the fingers ot Wie hand. They have had only one w two persons to go up as county ards, and have had fewer persons on relief per capita than any other town ship of the county. The citizens gen irally look after; their own needy it eed arises. .They pay as they go more than any Place I know of. All this, together ith a spirit ot co-operation, has made them as independent a community as m win find A vrrv rw 'he Lflitor of this paper mentions Mitorially) is the fact that the towh fhJP has its 1936 taxes paid up 100 Pr cent. PECULIARITIES And now we come to what might be called peculiar characteristics of the Iron Duff people: , First. A tendency to stick togeth er . . there is seldom a division down there, no matter what the prop osition is. Second. Averseness to insurance in all forms. If there is a single life insurance nolicv in force there we have not been able to ascertain who the holder is. And I doubt if there is any one carrying fire insurance. Third. The people of Iron Duff are slow to break with the customs of their fathers. Attend a. church service there today and on entering you will see the ladies sitting to youi vi.i-ht and the men to vour left, al- I v . most as exclusively so as tney aid ..hi years ago. PR)GKESS1VEN?:SS But with all their conservation as concerns speculation, insurance, etc., the people ol Iron Dull are generally progressive. This is especially true as regard new and progressive meth eds in farming, -i. e. once they aie convinced the method is ot practicable value. From the county agent'. office we learn that no community has co-operated better with the larm pio grams (luring the last lew yeais. Thi towrship has the distinction of hnvir.g one of the area demonstra tion pioject. thue being only eleven .vueh in the state. I his is in co-opei -ation with the federal government (T V A ) and state extension ser vice, and is called the Iron Dufl Va it ic aUn the onlv town- Lei iii'.j . ... .... .. ship to have had conducted a town ship farm tour. All the farmers ot the township are co-operating in this except lour or five. Roosevelts Plan Series Of Christ mas Festivities Christmas festivities i i-.e wniU' House this year Will come in twos two family dinners, two parties for young people and two Christmas trees, One of the dinners will be at the luncheon hour, when grandchildren of the President and Mrs. Roosevelt will attend. The other will be Christ mas night for the grown-ups. There will be a children's party December 27. Little Sara Roosevelt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James nuu.-.evelt, will share honors with her cousin, Oll A GIFT THAT WILL LAST, INVEST IN SOMETHING FOR THE HOME... We suKfrest French Doors, Hardwood Floors, Cabinets, Cupboards, New Inter ior, or a Iain( Job. , . s E E Junaluska Supply Co. JERKY LI NEK, Owner Phone 26'J-J 1-ike Junaluska s very note-worthy thing (which 'Honestly and neighborli ness ' '.ICentlv n fnrmor of thi frimtmi- ".V- S)l hie nntAkkn. CONTRIBUTION TO SOCIETY Although comparatively small m area and population, Iron Duff, never theless, has contnbuu-d quite a num ber of professional men, county offi cials, legislators, etc., as 1 allocs: One state senator. Three representatives. Two sheriffs. Three county commissiontis. One eoun-y auditor Two countv road supervisors. Five doctors of medicine. .One destist. Two druggists. One preacher. . AKo n.any public 'tK I teach r- Al- and pood i armors. .- i '. . .-.- ICheckth o) trad,n)Yr present cor KCheck the (ow Poyments RESULT. fr"' be AHEAD Wl CHEVROLET "4, ' r a e k h Decide Now... hy That next Lhnstmas you aiiu'u. '-"'v -- ij a home of your own. n g We have some desirable buiIdin-Mtcsa ell .is -ome houses that might be just what ou want. See Ts For Real -Estate, Rentals and Insurance jSj I L. N. DAVIS & CO. tV Insurance - Real Estate Rentals - PHONE 77 -: MAIN STREET :wfl ill frM team a&snii mm . en ..lAj'- ,mWijWii pmii m nil S v :,: ' . ..'X a-a mm I, ,ui Mm in ii hi i mill - ' --" - n unm imf" - " 1 On Matter D lux modolt only. CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION G.n.ra Moron Solet Corporation, DETROIT, MICHIGAN - - .ii.ifLiitti3l iM.tX&J Phone 75 EVR0LET CO. SALES AND SERVICE Waynesville, N. C- I IS.