The Waynesville Mountaineer Along the POLITICAL FRONTS Walter Crawford will likely conic lorth anv day now, with his, formal .nnouncement that he is a candidate ior the State Senate. It is known that hi has definitely decided to make the race. He is the first to come out and make the statement that he would be a candidate for the office that comes Horn Haywood this year. There 'S considerable speculation right now as to whether or not the primai-y this year will be forerun by a hard fought campaign, or whether things will roll along smoothly until the last two weeks. Some political leaders in Haywood, and some of them are the best, admit that they are x pectiiiK 'anything to happen." It the campaign is quiet, it will be a contrast to predictions of last sum mer, when remarks were heard on every hand: "Just you wait until next election." Hut, even with this uncertainty, those who are supposed to know, continue to predict that the February term of court will bring forth the usual crop of would-be-ollice holders. And that means Monday, February ith, and the two weeks thereafter. Haywood will not be the only scene of extraordinary political activities this spring. Over in Transylvania county, eight candidates have an nounced for office and more tu come. Three are out for clerk of court, two for representative, and three for tax collector. The Times in Brevard, ear ned a big headline "Everybody An nouncing for Office." Down in McDowell county, two candidates have announced for repre sentative. Will Neiil, chairman of the North Carolina Park Commission and ti. F. lilies, present representa tive, ai'e the two candidates so far. Some persistent rumors have been making the rounds that Congressman Frank Hancock ' would soon drop out of the Senatorial race to take a 'nigh up" job in Washington. This has lKen emphatically denied by the Ox lord lawyer, saying he is going to stick to the end. Developments in Washington dur ing ' the' past1 week came thick and last. Of special interest to North Carolinians, were the actions of Sen ator Hailey on the Senate lloor. Dur ing the Senate filibuster against the onti-lynching bill, when he tossed a tok across the floor, after having "spoken his mind" regarding Seere t;,iy Ickes, ol the department of In tenor. President Roosevelt held lengthy conferences with industrial and labor leaders. The only comment coming from these conferences, was that. "closer co-operation"' was assured. Plans are going ahead to define a program out of which will 'conie method for promoting "co-operation." Sonie speculation has it that Pres ident Roosevelt would revive the NHA a rebirth of the Hluc Eagle, but without the bolt of lightning in his tlaws, and minus the piercing beak, and sharp claws. Running true to form, President Koosevelt did not hint as to his ap pointment to the Supreme Court of the member to take the place of Jus tice Sutherland, who recently retired. The name of Stanley Reed, of Ken tucky, was typed and sent to the desk of Vice President Garner. While this was taking place, fear was expressed for the life of Justice Cardozo, who is critically ill, suffer ing from a heart attack. Some New Dealers are betting that President Koosevelt before the end of the year, will have appointed six of the nine members of the Supreme ; Court. Tar Heels who attended the Jack son Day dinner in Raleigh recently, resented the way Oscar Chapman, as sistant secretary of the Interior, the Principal speaker, praised Senator Reynolds, and made no mention of Congressman Hancock nor Senator Hailey. : ;. WEATHER ARTICLES PLEASE OFFICIALS The series of articles on the weath er, written by Harry M. Hall, local weather observer, have created favor able comment, from the public as well as weather bureau . officials of the state. . - l" A. Denson, for' 40 years head of the North Carolina Weather bureau, commented most favorably recently, and sent copies of the articles to the Washington office. Mr. Hall is now devoting his ar ticles to ships and their construction. Published In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance FIFTY-FOURTH YEAR NO. J. Dale Stentz Is Named Secretary Of Commerce Body Plans Are Being Worked Out On Several County-Wide Mat- i ters By Group J. Dale Stentz was re-elected seen-i tary of the Chamber of Commerce at ' a supper meeting of the directors on Monday night. Mr. Stentz has been full time sec retary for the past year, and before j becoming full time officer, had been j assistant in the office of the organi- . zation. " ; The directors discussed at length j several matters of county-wide inipor- j tance. These matters are being worked On at present, but no state-1 ment for publication was issued. j Travel President Says Hotels Need m t c To Improve Service Coleman W Ko Deris Suggests Increased Facilities, Better Service And More adequate hotel facilities, and a general improvement of what we already have, was the timely advice suggested to Rotarians here last Fri- , day by Coleman W, Roberts, presi (lent of the Carolina Motor Club, and j also president of the Charlotte Cham- j ber of Commerce. ! Mr. Roberts pointed out that in- tober first. The section that is now creased travel in this section was al- j under construction joins with High ready noted, and that in the near way 280 at Memorial Arch, at David future the present facilities would son River. not accommodate the people. "But , what we need most,'' he said, "is a1 general improvement of the hotels and boarding houses already here. Peoplo j are no longer contented to stay in j hotels where the doors won't lock, 1 where the hot water spigot runs cold water, where the bed squeaks, wheie there are no places to plug in elec tric razors, where the windows stick, and things in general uninviting." He spoke in behalf of the State Advertising committee, of which he is a member. The number of inquir ies already received is gratifying, the speaker said. "At one time North Carolina boast ed of the best roads in the country. Now, with good roads in every slate, we have got to make our highways the most beautiful in the nation," the Motor Club president said. "Beau tiful roads will bring in more travel, and fravil is the forerunner of indus trial and agricultural development in any section." "It; the next placiv every person who caters to the public should give the guests everything to make them comfortable, and should have com plete information about the country." -Mr. Roberts hit at billboards mar ring the country side, but .remarked: "Worse than a billboard, is to see a rock painted With some advertisement. To me that is nothing short of being sacreligious." Mr. Roberts pointed out that the travel tour made over .-the ''state last fall, in which some 100 travel execu tives visited all parts of the state had resulted in thousands of dollars worth of publicity. At the conclusion of the meeting, W. T. Huftyoffored the following poem, which was in line with Mr. Roberts' remarks: A lion met a tiger as they drank be side the pool, Said the tiger, "Why are you roaring . like a fool?" "That is not foolish," said the lion -r (Continued on back page) 1 Land and Building Classifications, . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '. ' ' r. ;, '.-..''...-'.. '.'.'.'."'.' '''..'''".'.' 4. . ' . ' f ' . . Z ' . . ' . c . . - T3 . ' ' - . " . . '-.'.". ..'; ':c.,'- .' - -1 ." " I- .:-,' . t TOWNSHIP : " ; t a 'o-j,-'.. -. - tS- ' " " . '' S u .'" t i 3 ' -' 5- " & i i -2 i . it .--''. .- - ' '., :'. . -'5. -" . " ' 7 . .' ' ; - 3 5 - . 5 . 52 .'. 5 ' '" c'i' si" Or. x. s -' .0.". c-.c 7. .- ! aS- z .' - - o r, : '-:' - ' '-."' ' "-:'' yj 'J X Z ' g V y.f- VH . H b- . Heaverdam . . . . j21 1.030 6.04 1 $ 343.564 a. 352;? l'S4.6r,s; 4.0371$ J4.t00 X.L'MlS; 5nS .l.'.'l'li q.7i4;S ..SLTi.tllft .! .03ti.H4: Reaverdam. Colored 70) !'3 !l30i J ; I I i I H; . 0j 1,W CrttakciehPe ........ 3,32C .176 - 2.320 24- 2,76(l 3 78 1 . . 2.242 1 . 1 .('1 2 1 ; 6.5.S9 .5,922) - .r.3.2!IS 7.753 1 .67.209! 70.534 Peril .............. 1 3.1 20 1 3 1 j 10.535 1.2!(3l 24 li(l 43 .' 3Ml!. .276 33.33 675 1 3,Slir 7.66S 72.7441 S5.S04 ,-lyde . ... ... . , . 55,400 T.556 124.159 6.6lsS 2U3.6.S3! I j 743 23.35T X.9S7, 351.1!I3I 406.5:t; fra-btreo .... - .-'-'.' 50,660 j 2,6jifj 1 9,9X6 1 0.5 78 2 63. -4 1 2.8251 1 4.2 1 !' .5.4X4 S9,610 37oj 10.877 21.948 54X.533 -. '. .589.l"y3 Kast Fork '. 53, 450 1,1 141 43. 652 3.348 59. 27'!Tj293T 13,119 10,312j 95.343 . 3 7 : j 4.191 1S.090; 216,184 269.634 F'ines Creek 35,4621 2. Iron Duff . . 1 17.785 Ivy Mill 5S.450 Jonathan Creek - I 52,8801 I'Ureon 137,681 Wavnesville 1 86.427 j Waynesville. Col. 450 White Oak .118; Total County .$885,208j2S,219;l, 3 I Postal Business Showed Marked Increase In Jan. Business-, at the Waynesville posi office continued to show a gain, at U'118 business was eheckod on. ac cording to Postmaster .I.H. Howell, yesterday. On the 16th of January, the HKIh business was only slightly under that of all of January, 11)37. "If it con tinues like it has started, 19:18 will be a record-breaking year," Post master Howell said. Business last year showed an in crease of five per cent over that of VXiiS. Work Started On Highway No. 284 In Transylvania iLast stretch u n I'nder Construction. Will Be completed m October Thirty men started f work Mon day morning,..' clearing the right-of -way for Highway No. -2M on the lower end in Transylvania county, it was learned yesterday trom The Times, Brevard. Culvert and 'structure work is to begin within the next ten days, with the shovels and heavy grading due to start about the first of March. ; This it lh., I.i.l .... k., '1'i.n ,i syvania' m oi: -Highway 28-1, and1 plans call for its completion bv Oc-1 Chandler Brothers, of Noi litui, Va.. have the contract, while all lining and peg setting was in charge of (i. C. Page, local engineer i'ti Brevard.'. . The road has been surfaced on the uaywood side to Wprmgdale. Plans t;4u for grading for about live mil above this point toward the top of the mountain to join .with those sec tions already completed in Transyl vania. Inquiries From C. Of C. Indicate An Early Season Waynesville All-Stars Will Take On Varsity Team From Cul lowhee Here Tonight Th. I'liamber of Commerce is al-i-eady receiving letters oi inquiry as to board and room and I'm houses to rent for the coming season. There are also hundreds of names thai be ing sent in by the Suae 1 fepartment o! Consei'vation anil 1 eveoiO)('iit, aii i which indicates an -unusual interest in North Carolina and (specially in the western area. Letters received here in the past, few days came from Alabama, h'lori (ia, Washington, South .Carolina,' and yesterday one from as far away as Alaska, from Ninilchik, Alaska, ask ing for -information as to New Col lege, Bethel school and the Morrison Fish Hatchery, and, of course, the Smoky . Mountains National Park. "We believe that all signs point to an early season and a long one With the best crowds ever. It is up to the people of this section to get ready. Clean up, paint up, get new furnish ings, good locks for the doors, plenty of light in bed and bath rooms,, then lets brush up" on that real old South ern hospitality, said J. Dale Stent., secretary of the Chamber of Commerce.- 1 7 0 1 92,973 7, K57j 1 70,2301 3. 089 927 1 49.970 1 3.813 UOi l,910j 115.4931 4,115j 107.555 1 2.530 178,890 5,195 127.598j 932 2,901 1 268,6471 4,S89 153.969 549 6.041 405,347T"8.173 229.725 2.042 93) 1.5531 !IL .4941 9481 231 6S8 13.25o 1 22.906 641 WAYNESVILLE. N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1938 Prize Picture: J E I ftpw, till 3 Broderick's photograph of the president ,.V,i ttiiivmytt liitei na' lonal News Service c.iiilut ol prize news photographs si'vi'ii ol llie 2.1 Kiiown who won fmir of the awalil took msclutH k-iiix-, and u.'ive It called It he host picture Land And Buildings In County Worth Over Five Million Detail Report By Township, Pic pared By W. H. McCracken, Shows Status Of County Value The total value ol the land and buildings in Haywood county is listed at .r),71!2,lt!tf), according to a detailed tabulation' prepared by V. H. Mc Cracken, tax collector and tux super- isor of the county. In the detailed report I01 each township.; which appears at the bottom of this page, it is shown that there are L'H.L'HI acies of cleared land and worth, .f !,Kji.,:il4, "Pasture land ranks high in Hay wood, with ti7,l'Wi acres, and valued at l,7al,:.'U. The total value, of all land is s( L at .t!.',Ki7,7Sil. Other details, and lor each ''townsnip, arc shown below. Hazelwood Booster Club Has Meeting The regular 'meeting of the Hazel- wood Boosters Chili, held at the city hall, was carried out in the form of a J" Round Table Conference," with all present taking an active part,. Many interesting: topics' were discussed. A committee was appointed by .Mr. Chambers, president, to co-operate with the Rotary Club in the beautifi cation ef the community. Mr. Homer Henry,., principal'.' of. the' Hazelwood school, gave a very inter esting talk, outlining the overcrowd ed condition at the Hazelwood school. This topic was discussed at length. This meeting was the second of a new series of meetings to be presented by the 15oosters Club this year.: Ka'se ball will be. the chief 'topic of dis cussion at the February meeting. and Values In Haywood County 15.310; .2i9 . 5 0 4 435) .3, 5451 1.5231 32.762 6.552 1 7,464 j 132,01 H 1.275 6.775 4.7541 6,1(181 ,64.904; . .SI j 510 4.990 5,4271 1 1 1.4S5 15 25.474 10,8471 172.438 7 1.620 460: 11 575 5.866j 2.936 .140) 1.718 25,888 ,751,934jl88.22$llS,511iSl,70S$l.o34,236jl0.9S7J112,762206,926($4,837,7&9j$5,722,995 of The Great Smokv Mountains National Park "No War Clouds" photographers sror at KoeUefeller Out .1 high in .the r in New York tluuh BrodcriiU, siiHirts. c.ii.o-r' unan. t his picture uf I'ri t: I'riM.ii'ii! It. the till . "N ever taken 11! I .11' I'iciUils '. the H rsiilvnt. Convicts Assume Role Of Firemen Colored convicts, Ik 111 .the 11a zehvood camp, assunini the !'!. of tin men, .tondi;y noon, w hen the home of P. V. Phillips 111 RalclilT I'ove, caught en tire. . The blaze was 11,-nA-t ud 011 the back porch, and the con victs, who were working noaiby on the road, under Will Medlord, went to the scene, and brought, the blaze under control. Pamage was estimated at between !ji50 and 1! is thought that the lire started from a jug of keidsetie on the back porch. .Alenibeis Of the Rr.tcftf tiiinily planned a dinner .lor the convicts for the nest di'.v, hut previous plans earned th )ii iso;k i s to an other section of t.'.c cMiiiity i 1 1 , road work. 50 Men To Occupy ! Camp At Sunburst The buildings .;.( Sunbuisi. eiccl(d, and occupied by t'omp.'.ny . .''Mfifj.-CCC camp, will reinaiii intact., and some- j thing like 50 men will Ik (ilaced tht'iej in curly spring, to -complete some j work that was started in- the JNlM men who were nvovei! jui-t before the first of the year, whi 11 tin caiep :is d..i.iohilized. This was .recently given out by U.K. Oehsmr, who is in charge of CC work in this' district."' II EN WEST BITTEN I JY A MAI) DOG lien West, of Crabtree, was bitten by a mad dog Saturday .morning at his home. . The (log was killed, and the head sent to Raleigh for examina tion. The dog snapped at another man, but did not. bite him. 5X5. 19.830. 354.602 390,064 6,373 I 1X2,5281 200,313 25,980 368.394 426.844 376.6561 429,536 H 53 1 13.7811 539.694 672.275 27,200 834.604; 1,021.031 I 164, 3.536J 3.986 7,477) 95, 055 104,173 :a.Htii,,tinfl-.rtir-. E I $1.50 IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY Building And Loan Reports Successful Year At Meeting Old Board Of Directors Named For Coming Year. Over $14, 000 In Profits Paid Out The board ol directors ol the Hay wood Home Kuildmg and Loan Asso ciation, were re-elected at the 19th annual meeting he id Tuesday night, after hearing the report ol the secretary-treasurer, S. II, llushnell, which showed that the association had a most satisfactory year In lfi!7. The board of directors will meet on the 21th and elect officers for the year. The report showed that $1J,;!21.58 was paid out last year 111 dividends and profits, while $4-I,Wiy.50 111 sasMnps were returned to the stockholders, making a total of ?6D,711.KI, put baisk into circulation here. Over !:iO,HI0 was M.mI tuick to th association last year in mortgages. The association humeri $4:1,900 on mortgages in 19.17. Of this amount, $.'111,000 was lor the purchase or con struction of new homes. A gain ol ,176 shares ol stock wan made wiring the year. The directors are: J. R. Boyd, K. J. Hyatt, L. M. Richeson, K. L. Prevost, C. N. Allen, W. H. Htirgin, L. M Kil lian, S. H. Ifushnell, .1. W. Ray, (). H. Shelton. Cannery Seeking 1938 Contracts Better Trues Bohr OtTered K l'n duie This Year. r0 Acres Spmaih Wanted A eai'.xpaign ha-s hern started to get contracts for tl.c coming year Jor the Haywood County .lutual (ai.iierv, it is anneu"ced tr :. r .-.::e advertising 111 today's paper. Frank' HI". Davis, nai ager of the cannery, said yrvt( ; (lav, that the I t'.iH contracts gi.arniitre twice as much for brans arid v!h. r produce as (lid the 111:57 contracts. No tomatoes wll he canned by the Haywood fi'nriety ibis year, it was pointed out. 1 .'Fifty ncr s c; .spinach are Ix-mg sought for enrly spring canning. Tin? trial experiments ol last spring were successful and th.s v i.r the acreage is being I'icrc.-i! e; to t.vKc care of the mi-1 k( t d( iiiaud. I 'etails w"!i be )ri ,: ci -pjige eight. Editor Of The" Mountaineer At Jiion lU I V HI 1 1 in I t li; !' 1 1 (lit'..,' V : .(. :;ifi. t(i tcr hi i'( 11 I ' ' t. .1 111. day for attend the celih',' of year, lor ;nrM! held at. AI(init;iiiM'( i'. ' l.;.!.ci H,li ;.t Ilth annufil the Ncrth ( i ion, .of ne is pr the r.ieet.iig wrl days, with sess ns ('liiipi'i lh!l iiii.I llulie I rnverxity .Several outnU? riding- -;p(i;;kcrs in- on t he .rigi air., ainoiie 1 hi m bt ing the publisher. .of the .Mi vv York ,'1'iines, Ioadir.g j'Klvertir.iiig cutivc 1, and editors cf the A:-:so( i;:ted Press and the I'nited pe,s. John Temple .Grave (.raves, II, one of th .South :: lvad:nj- editors, will ad di esf. the meeting on F i Vviuiig, at Duke University. IN HOSPITAL' K. 1). Ives, inanarrr (;i the shoe departmnt at C. K. Ray's Sons, is confined at the Mission Hospital, un dergoing treatment. He is reported as progressing nicely. U.S. Department of Agriculture WEATHER BUREAU WaynesviHe Cooperative Station II. M. HALL, Observer Jan. 13 14 "; ' 15 l(i 17 18 ... 19 Max Mm Prec 40 !'.;! .'18 -J.2 trace :i7 21 67 27 0.08 68 :..35 bb Ml 'trac Mean maximum . Mean minimum . Mean for week . Lowest for week : Highest for week . Precipitation for A 2 3 t 0.0 Same Period La't ear Mean maximum ... Mean minimum Mean for week Lowest for wwk Highest for week Precipitation for week Precipitation 19.58 to date Precipitation 1937 to date Gt .. 4:1 . 52 .. 28 C9 ..3.12 .1.69 ..7.43

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